Flow processing image t0 text.... In the thesis, I develope a mobile application that allows take the picture of a house ownership certificate, then sent for a service to extract the nec
NGO HUU ANH - 15520020
The Assessment Committee is established under the Decision
¬— by Rector of the University of Information Technology
1 Assoc Prof., Dr Do Phuc - Chairman
2 Dr Nguyen Thanh Binh - Secretary
3 Dr Do Trong Hop - Member
Trang 4First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to lecturers in the Information
System Department specifically, and all lecturers who taught me at UIT and other
universities in general You have been supporting me since the first day I joined
UIT Your support has prepared me with the necessary knowledge and experiences
to be confident in my graduation thesis
Also, I want to thank and really appreciate the help from my outstanding thesis
advisor, Dr Quan Thanh Tho, who has supported and facilitated me to have the
ability to complete my graduation thesis As a lecturer, he was always trying to
express his knowledge to me in the simplest way to understand, as an instructor, he
kept me motivated on my thesis, urging me to complete the thesis on time My
completion of the thesis today has a huge contribution from his support
Finally, during the process of making my graduation thesis, I might make some
mistakes Therefore, hopefully, I can receive the understanding from you, the
advisor, and the lecturers in UIT
Again, I would like to express my gratitude to say THANK YOU
Ho Chi Minh City, January 1, 2021
Ngô Hữu Anh
Trang 5Chapter 2 Theories and technologieS UuSe€C - - «5x nen em nem 2
2.1 Theory of certificate DFOC€SSITE S2 Sc 5.2 x2 +t St SE 111121111 rkre 2
2.1.1 OCR PTOC€SSINE Ánh TT HT HT HT HT TH HH re 2 2.1.2 Checking cCertIfiCaf© «ch HT HT HH HT nh HH 4
2.2 Technologies us€C - 6k xxx 111v v1 TT 1101 ng nh He gry 6
3.5 Database design
Chapter 4 System implementation - - - SH vn 15
VÀ con
4.1.1 Connect application to Firebase = "
4.1.2 Build Authentication UI oe eee
Trang 64.1.3 Set up Database and Back-end
4.2 Upload and processing 1ITAÿ6 - + +3 1v TT ngư
Chapter 6 Conclusion - - Ăn Họ Họ vn 24
2 N99 0): 242n "c9 24
REEFERENCES 4E uvs/2o (TT nna vo ăễnnErreocDTÊÖ-oncKvssseereeennnnersrsrennnnnnnnersse 25
APPENDICES S-n cm eee 26
cs Le
Figure 2.1 Flow processing image t0 text cccsssssescesessessesceeeeeeseeseeseeseeeseeseeseeseeeeseeaeeaeeaes 3 Figure 2.2 RGB color 1mage ccccceeecsesessesseseeeecseeesceeesesescesceesscscecesceeeacseaeaeeesseeeeacseeeaeeeees 4 Figure 2.3 Image after processing with identifiable bounding boxes - - 5
Figure 3.1 System architecture OV€TVICW St HT T TT HT TH TT HT TH TT Hư 8
Figure 3.2 Use-case diagram describes the functions of the mobile application 10 Figure 3.3 Sequence diagram describes the processing image function - ‹ 11
Figure 3.4 The section is designed to authenticate aCCOUII eeeeeseeeeeeeeeeaeeees 12
Figure 3.5 Choose image to upload and process IÍ ¿5< 6 5+ 2t S£+E+Esk+trekeereereeree 13
Figure 3.6 Image management function for USETS 00.0 cece eeteeeeseeeeeeeeeeseeeeaeeeeeeseeetaeeees 13
Figure 3.7 User management function for ađim11 - -ó- 5 + + + + *+*£*xE+eEeeeeeekeeeeereerexse 14 Figure 3.8 Database S{TUCfUTC Q2 2.120 911 11121111111 111 011 11H ng TH Hàn TT Hàng Ty 14 Figure 4.1 Database management with pøgAdmI1 c5 5< 6S + *E++vEskerekrereereeree 16 Figure 4.2 Connecting firebase storage in front-end 5 <6 5+ + S£+x+EsxeEseeereeseeerse 17
Figure 4.3 The images be stored on Storage Service cece + S222 St kEEkrkrrrrkre 17 Figure 4.4 The image is being processed and result after proCessing -.- ‹ «s«s 18
Figure 4.5 The image data of all users on the database - 5 5s + +++x++x+s+xeereersxss 19 Figure 4.6 The user interface is built to display the information - 55 +55 <++ 19
Figure 4.7 User data on the đdataaSe -ó- óc vn HH ng ng ngàn ưy 20
Figure 4.8 UL is built to display info of all IS€TS 5< 5652 S£++Eserseeereereerse 20
Figure 5.1 Specifications Of SVSf€TT G5 TH TH HH HT HH Hư 21
Table 3-1 Detailed system components
Table 5-1 Table Test Cases
Trang 9In the thesis, I develope a mobile application that allows take the picture of a house
ownership certificate, then sent for a service to extract the necessary information,the
service AT will attempt to extract the coordinates and information collected will be
stored on database
Trang 10Chapter |
1.1 Overview
In the 4.0 era, it is essential that organizations, companies, or the government are
trying to transfer digital copies of papers, especially house ownership certificates
Therefore, we must have a tool to support the transformation that is very
necessary Besides, mobile devices have become popular, along with the 5.0
network infrastructure developing in Vietnam and around the world So, in the
thesis I will build a mobile application which allows taking the picture of the
house ownership certificate, processing, extracting the necessary information and
storing them
1.2 Objective and Scope
- Apply Flutter technology to develop a mobile application that can allow take a
picture of a house ownership certificate then contact a service to analyze and
show specific information
- Finally, I build the information management
1.3 Expected results
- This application will work well on Android OS
- This application performs the main functions:
1 Get the information which you need from taking the picture of a house
ownership certificate
2 Store and retrieve information when I need it
Trang 11Chapter 2
Theories and technologies used
2.1 Theory of certificate processing
2.1.1 OCR processing
Purposes: fastly converting an image to text and correcting the mistake results
extracted from the image-to-text stage
This is method of OCR processing:
- Tesseract Model:training Google Tesseract pre-train model with 50
Vietnamese fonts
- Pre-processing:using "imgtxtenh" [1] library to preprocess an image.The
function of 1mgtxtenh' is to clean/enhance noisy scanned text images
- Image segmentation:splitting an image into many rows of text.Inheriting the
result of CRAFT model and G-DBSCAN(clustering algorithm)
OCR processing flow:
- Preprocess on the entire original image with imgtxtenh to filter out noise and
- Initialize parameters for craft model
- Using the craft pretrain model to predict the position of words in the image
after filtering the noise, rotate the image if necessary
- Group words in rows with G-DBSCAN
- Separate each data row, pre-process and use the tesseract model to convert
each line of images into text
Trang 12i Get the word
mode bounding boxes
Gathering points DBScan each Convert each central Com Puang contal
to cluster point point to an object point panos of word g
For each cluster :
Save images have output text
found,create a bounding box
bounding box 4
Figure 2.1 Flow processing image to text
Trang 132.1.2 Checking certificate
1 Executing X_Y_localization(ListTest) function has input as ListText that obtained
from the ocr processing stage,function has function of handling text and output are 2
lists that are containing elements which are suspected to be x, y
2 Executing norm_X_Y (list_x, list_y) function has input as two lists that are
processed in step 1, and output are values of two lists in float
3 Executing get_X_Y (float_list_x, float_list_y) function has input as two
normalized lists in step2: float_listX, float_listY.Output is a pair of reasonable values
4 Finally, executing the conversion function to Lat,Long coordinates, with input is a
pair of reasonable values x, y in step3
Specifically, for example with a photo of certificate as follow:
3 | 121ni2s.76 | so1279.22
4 | ais | s9128AL
s | 121117694 | sos40.36 6
121116844 | §91M%/63
TV Những thay đổi sau khi cắp giẤy chứng nhận
ï dung thay đổi và cơ sở pháp lý ae ewe vi TẢ quan |
Figure 2.2 RGB color image
Trang 14After preprocessing we get the image:
- ListText content is: ['saa hhac sha edn voy aay\n\x0c', '\xOc', BANG LAET
KE ‘POA DO GOC RANH\n\x0c’, 1x0c', Xx0c', XxÓc', '\xOc', ¥(m)\n\x0c',
\xOc', 'b201144.76\n\x0c', '$91 309.05\n\x0c', \x0c', '1249031.57\n\x0c',
'S91288.63\n\x0c', \xOc', '1210125.76\n\x0c'", '§91279.22\n\x0c'", \x0c',
'1290138.72\n\x0c'", 'S9TTTRARn\x0c', Xx0c!, '1211176.908\n\x0c'",
'$91340.3%6\n\x0c', '\xOc', '(21916844\n\x0c', '$91348.45\n\x0c', '\xOc', '1211 1444.76\n\x0c', '$91309.05\n\x0c', 'thay ddi sau khi ciip gify
chirng\n\xOc’, '\xOc', 'TV Nban\n\n£Z\n\x0c', 'Xac nhan cua co quan\n\x0c',
Nói dung thay doi va co so phap ly\n\xÓc', 'cé tham\n\xOc’, 'quyén\n\x0c']
- The two lists containing the positioning of the suspected X and Y values are:
Trang 152.2 Technologies used
2.2.1 Flutter
Flutter [2] is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google It is
used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, and the web
from a single codebase
With Flutter everything you see on the screen is called a widget A widget can
define a structural element, like a button or menu, a stylistic element, like a font or
color scheme, and even an aspect of layout, like padding Flutter can be efficient
about determining which parts of your UI have changed This lets you make changes
to your apps data and leaf Flutter to efficiently rebuild the application Flutter code
was written by Dart programming language
2.2.2 NodeJS
Node.js [3] is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end, JavaScript runtime
environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser Node.js lets
developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side -scripting
running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is
sent to the user's web browser Consequently, Node.js represents a "JavaScript
everywhere" paradigm, unifying web-application development around a single
programming language, rather than different languages for server-side and client-side
2.2.3 Firebase
Firebase [4] is a Backend-as-a-Service (Baas) It provides developers with a
variety of tools and services such as Authentication, Firebase storage, Database real
time to help them develop quality app and grow their users It is built on Google’s
Trang 162.2.4 PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL [5] is a free and open-source relational database management system
(RDBMS) emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance It was developed at
the University of California, Berkeley
It is designed to handle a range of workloads, from single machines to data
warehouses or Web services with many concurrent users It is the default database
for macOS Server and is also available for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and
Trang 17Figure 3.1 System architecture overview
Trang 183.1.1 System components
Here are details of the components within the system architecture Includes the
technology adopted by me and the component's intended use
- The technology: Firebase
- Authenticate via email / password or anonymous
- Technology used: Flutter, deployed on Android platform
Backend system:
- The technology is Nodejs
- Connect with the database to manage user information
Backend AI:
- The technology is Python
- Processing image and return coordinates
Firebase storage:
- The technology is Firebase
- Use for saving images
Postgres Database:
- Asa database to manage user information
- Management information: name, id, link image from Firebase
and coordinates
- Send the image link to service for processing and get the result
- Save the image link and extract coordinates to the database
- Send the user information to the database (id, name)
- View list of users (admin)
- View the user archives (image, coordinates)
- Delete user (admin)
- Delete information image by the user
- Update information of image by the user
Table 3-1 Detailed system components
Trang 193.2 Use Case diagram
Mobile application to process house ownership certificate
Trang 20These are the flows of the application, the purpose of which present the idea and
facilitate the development process They help the viewer visualize exactly what the
product looks like
Trang 21Lets choose image
Figure 3.4 The section is designed to authenticate account.
Trang 22Lets choose image
Lets choose image
Processing AI please wait !!
Figure 3.5 Choose image to upload and process it.
09:52 AM
Figure 3.6 Image management function for users.
Trang 230352 AM
0452 AM @
Cao Van Lam
Sign Out Tran Tuan Nam
Dinh Nam Tien
Figure 3.7 User management function for admin
Trang 24Chapter 4
System implementation
4.1 Authentication
4.1.1 Connect application to Firebase
To use services such as authentication or storage which are required for the
project, the application needs to connect to Firebase In this section, the
application needs to use the firebase authentication service to perform user
authentication.Set up database and back-end
4.1.2 Build Authentication UI
This is a part of user interface that I built by Flutter Right side is sign in screen
and left side is sign up screen
Sign In Create New Account
Forgot Password?
Create New Account
Haye an Account? Sign In
Trang 254.1.3 Set up Database and Back-end
As mentioned in the system architecture, I need a database to store user
information, although Firebase Authentication service can be used to manage the
account of users like a database, however, to facilitate the management of data
related to the user such as link of the image, coordinates, So I chose PostgreSQL
to build a database for storing all of that data.
To get data from the database and bring it to the user interface, I use NodeJS to
build a server
[Admin Filey Object» Tools» Helpy i
Browser © EfW Q Dashboard Properties SQL Statistics Dependencies Dependents § sysdb/postgres 8publicusers/sysd < > 2@
> @ catalogs si =nx z av wy malay RRR wim © ap le ey ss ci
> ÍF; Event Triggers avid |e N
> extensions
uery Editor Query History Scratch Pad x
> Foreign Tables 3 7 AGoAfo2kzdVPgoyrzBKizmexUt33 Lucas Moura 1
> (Functions 4 11 CHHqGjz3laDKqQzhm1lSbltD3 HaryWinks 1
> [BiMaterialized Views 5 4 cPmuo9xIglgrRkBEhZ0IOhMFSC/2—_ HugoLioris 1
> ()Procedures 6 10 czcvPSTYvubVoI991CKS10qpF53 Jose Mourinho 1
> 1.3Sequences 7 6 GSLDRSAWZPTIeIPJZIMHLEC7rw1 Son Heung Min 1
v fETables (8) 8 14 khDI6Q0LaySƒHBL625Cqbr9jg2 _Davinson Sanchez 1
> role
> Bui
10 8 NŒ80P4S02Đ6gZEzB7I3LHdLg2 Steven Bergwin 1
> Eluses | MzE8JTaLdg mĩ
> Mager Futian n 2 Ppyb|3fPYTyqEhf9nwVJcAtYEH2 Eric Dier 1
> iTypes 2 12 VHOKSsprCVOKDPAPEJuohalVeNx1 Serge Aurier 1
> [views 1B 3 XSHBDINNSSRLEMtsiszZzzscipGm1 Harry Kane 1
> 4 Login/Group Roles 1 9 _Yfj7insf9hCJ6vzh4THDICckSƯ2 Matt Doherty 1
> a Tablespaces Pac
Figure 4.1 Database management with pgAdmin
This is pgAdmin that is PostgreSQL database management tool that provides
many features such as SQL Query or backup.