Instructor guides: Dr Nguyen Thi Huong Lan
Student: Lai Anh Son
Class: QH2020E - Economie CLC1
Student code: 20051149
System: HQ Program
Instructor guides: Dr Nguyen Thi Huong Lan
Lecturer reviews:
Student: Lai Anh Son
Class: QH2020E - Economic CLC1
Student code: 20051149
System: HQ Program
Ha Noi, 2023
Trang 3thanks to Dr Nguyen Thi Huong Lan with her care and dedicated guidance Not only
an excellent instructor, Dr Nguyen Thi Huong Lan is also a valuable source of
encouragement and creativity for me Your support has helped me develop my
knowledge and research skills significantly.
I also want to express my gratitude to my family and friends, who have always
stood by my side throughout this time Their moral support and encouragement were
a great source of encouragement during the process of researching and writing my
that my teachers will contribute their opinions to help me improve my writing.
I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has accompanied and supported
Trang 4Huong Lan The data and figures in the graduation thesis have clear origins and have
been collected from official sources The results and information in the graduation
thesis are completely honest and reflect my own research I take full responsibility ifany problems arise related to the content of the thesis
Ha Noi, 2023
Student Lai Anh Son
Trang 5LIST OF ACROINY/MS -e<e<csce++eeEtettettstteettttsrttrasrrsrrarrtsrrarasrre 9EIST OF FIGURES wessssssossssssssossssssssosessssssosssssossossoesoasossoesossosessssssosscsssososesessosooeseess, 11LIST OF TABLES wessesssessessessvesssesvesssssvessssssesssessessesssesnsssessesasessessnessesanessesseesseenessee 12INTRODUCTION.
1 The need of the Suj€CẨ St HH rưy 13
2 Study overview 142.1 Research situation on the legal nature of cryptocurrency 152.2 Research status on legal vulnerabilities of cryptocurrencies 162.3 Research status on Bitcọn 55c 172.4 Research situation on the current status of legal frameworks for
cryptocurrencies in Vietnam .ccccccccesesseesesseesesseesesseesessesseesseeseesies 182.5 Research on the current status of the cryptocurrency legal frameworkfor foreign COUNTIES cecceseessecstessesseessesseesseeseessesseessessessssesesseaseeseesies 192.6 Research Gaps nhai L
3 Research purposes and tasks - cà Sn nen 213.1 Research Purposes - nhe L3.2 Research missi0ns - c2 Ï
4 Research questions 22
5 Object and scope of the Stud y cccccesesesesseseseeesseseseeneseseseesesesesseneseen Dl5.1 Research Subjects cccccccssessecsiessesseessesseesssessesseeseesssssesssesesseaseesessies 225.2 Scope Of researrChh - cà Ho
6 Research Methods
6.1 Data collection methods
6.1.1 Collection of secondary data
Trang 66.2.2 Comparison
6.2.3 Descriptive statistics
7 Structure of the thesis
1.1 General concept of crypf0CUFT€ICY 5c 55 55ccccsseeeererrrrerree 281.1.1 Blockchain and CTDfOCHIF€HCV 5S SnStketeEkrekrkerrkerree 281.1.2 Factors affecting cryptocurrency fradiHg - 291.1.3 Classification of cryptOCUrrencteS - 5S eetees ee teeeeseeneneees 34
TET F.2 COm = TORR ssssssssvsssscsssssssssszsssessssascesesssssszsssssssszssssssssssssssssessesssssesses 341.1.4 Characteristics of GFJDÍOCHFF€HCÏES 5c 3Ô1,1,4, LUCOCHEPQILAQHOT ¡¡v: ¡550 520553553513103501515514641431631014034359355151513553565131035538 351.1.4.2 ANONYMUtY nan Ầ 37 Globosify rror! Bookmark not defined. Digitizing MONEY 5S Street,1.2 Time of appearance and history up to now, some outstanding
€CTYDOCUFT€TICV - SĐT HH HH HH HH ngư 391.2.1 Process of formation and deVeÏODHI€HI - 555 5<5c+c+c - 9)1.2.2 Some prominent cryptocurrencies fØJ - - 555555 41 Some Vietnamese CryptOCurrenCieS - 5S ecsecrevererrvee 44CHAPTER 2: CURRENT STATUS OF LEGALIZATION OF
2.1 Overview of legalization of crypto around the world 45
Trang 72.2.1 Developed country The US Europe
P88 n6 .ố 642.2.2 Developing COIHHfFÏ€S Set 6822.21 CHING 68
2,2,2, LMOUGRG ‹ :2::.:55:55250555152555515)5353031135531)1342135115753413531151515912311955550151153Ef 2
3.1 Market situation and legalization of crypto in Vietnam
3.1.1 Overview of the cryptocurrency market in Vietnam 84
3.1.2 Current status of cryptocurrency regulation in Vietnam 89
3.2 The urgency for creating a legal and management framework for
CH Yt Hah ViệtfiAHH ///2.02//002002.262660662 066000 96CHAPTER 4: LESSONS FOR VIETNAM ©es©ce<ceecesseeeeeesrs 100
4.1 Current socio-economic context in Vietnam - 100
4.1.1 International economic iHf€gFdfÌ0H - cesses LOO4.1.1.1 Period 2001 - 2006 -2- +©5+55+5++cs+escxsrsrrerrerxrrrrer 1004.1.1.2 The period after joining the WTO to the pr€S€HI -. - 1014.1.2 Infrastructure and ƒäcilifies - 555cc 1034.1.2.1 Electronic payment infrastructure «S5 S+ec+ererertexerereeeee 103 Internet infrastructure
4.2 Lessons on legalization for crypto in Vietnam - -55-5+ 1104.2.1 For the State cọ cằcSằ sec LO
Trang 9Acronyms Meanings
AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Agreement
AKFTA ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement
AML Anti-Money Laundering
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
BSA Bank Secrecy Act
BTA Bilateral Trade Agreement
CPSS Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems
CPTPP Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific
CTFC Commodity Futures Trading Commission
DAO Decentralized Autonomous Organization
DLT Digital Ledger Technology
EEA European Economic Area
EU European Union
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
Trang 10FinCEN Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
FSA Financial Services Agency
GFSC Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
ICO Initial Coin Offering
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMO Initial Miner Offerings
KYC Know Your Customer
MiFID Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
NIFA National Internet Finance Association of China
PBOC People’s Bank of China
PSA Payment Services Act
QR Quick Response
SAFT Simple Agreement for Future Tokens
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
VFA Virtual Financials Assets Act
WTO World Trade Organization
Figure 1.1: The history of formation and operation of BitcOin 40
Figure 1.2: Chart showing Bitcoin's dominance in total cryptocurrency market
capital over the period from 2014 to 2023 - :cscc+ccrerseerrereeerrree.e AZ Figure 1.3: Price chart of SHIB through the years from 2021 to present 43
Figure 2.1: Map showing cryptocurrency regulations in countries around the world
including financial LAWS - +: + tt té 21.11 rrrerrree 45
Figure 3.1: Price of Bitcoin skyrocket in the period of March 2020 to April 2021 86Figure 3.2: Major events affecting the world Crypto industry in 2022 87
Figure 4.1: Number of mobile phone users with Internet connection in Vietnam
(MAILIONS) oes 104
Figure 4.2: Chart showing the number of Internet users in Vietnam in the period
ftom 2013 - 2023 scsscssssssossesssssscsssesseassssssessssscsssessoassesssessesezsseassesssasnsssssssesssassestsese LOD
Table 1: Opion of EXpTS€ - St tt 2 E12 rrerererrree2
Trang 131 The need of the subject
The explosion of the 4.0 Scientific and Technological Revolution taking place
globally has created many outstanding achievements for all humanity One of themost groundbreaking inventions in the field of technology combined with finance is
cryptocurrency, also known as Crypto Currency Crypto is a type of digital asset on
the Blockchain platform that acts as a currency for online payments or storage andinvestment
The most popular currency in the world today is Bitcoin, which is the currency
with the largest market capitalization As of September 20, 2023, the price of 1Bitcoin is equivalent to 27,000 USD (about 658 million VND) with the highest priceever reaching 69,000 USD at the end of 2021 Cryptocurrency is considered superior
in reducing inflation developed during the economic crisis, convenient and fast
transaction methods, technology trading platforms that can connect everywhere.
Therefore, cryptocurrencies are increasingly accepted by many countries as a type ofcurrency Currency may be allowed to circulate and be used in payments and
However, along with that strength, cryptocurrencies still have manyshortcomings, especially in management and legalization Countries need to have
new sanctions and policies to manage cryptocurrencies because of their
characteristics Therefore, not all countries in the world accept and legalize the use
of cryptocurrency Some countries around the world such as the US, Japan, EU have
policies and sanctions to legalize Crypto and vice versa, there are countries that have
completely banned these market activities, typically China
Trang 14Based on the practice and legal risks of Crypto, Crypto is the currency of the future, an inevitable trend in the process of change and development of money
through many studies and comments of experts economist Therefore, building a
legal framework to legalize and manage the potential market is extremely necessary for countries around the world in general and Vietnam in particular.
In Vietnam, up to now it can be said that cryptocurrency is currently a new
trend of the economy The rate of cryptocurrency adoption and transaction
capitalization in Vietnam is increasing, combined with the country's digital economyorientation, cryptocurrencies have become more popular than ever However,
participating in cryptocurrency transactions in Vietnam still has many shortcomings
in terms of law as well as the legal framework in general For the above reasons, thetopic "Current status of Cryptocurrency legalization in the world and lessons for
Vietnam" is necessary to research the situation of legalization of the Cryptocurrency
market in the world to draw lessons and apply them applied to the Vietnamese legalframework in legalization
2 Study overview
In the current context of international economic integration, accompanied by
the emergence of cryptocurrencies and their impact on daily life, there have beenmany research projects both in Vietnam and Vietnam and internationally are carried
out to clarify the characteristics, uses and harms that this type of money can cause In
addition, the legal issue of cryptocurrency has also been researched by many people
to better understand the risks and create experience for countries in legalizing it.
Trang 152.1 Research situation on the legal nature of cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency in the world today has only appeared and existed for 15 years,
it can be said that this type of money is still too new compared to other forms of
money that have existed for thousands of years Therefore, this is one of the issuesthat need to be researched An article by Do Giang Nam and Dao Trong Khoi in 2021
called: “Further Discourses on the Legal Nature of “Cryptocurrency” Under
Comparative Property Law” gave us an overview of the legal nature of
cryptocurrency under Comparative Property Law Author proposed that
"cryptocurrency" should be considered a "non-traditional" asset - a crypto-asset
created using a combination of blockchain technology and cryptographic techniques
to ensure authenticity in asserting the rights and interests of a legal entity
Cryptocurrencies cannot be considered money, commodities or securities but must
be included in a separate asset category
The legal nature of cryptocurrencies for the United States was clarified by Jin
Enyi and Ngoc Le in their study in 2017 The authors concluded that regulation of
licensing for cryptocurrency mining and trading activities at an international level isnecessary Customers need to be identified when buying and selling cryptocurrencies,
and introducing a special verification procedure for Bitcoin users will prevent the
misuse of cryptocurrencies for money laundering and financing of terrorism Theresults of the analysis led to the introduction of a definition and highlighting the main
characteristics and functions of cryptocurrencies It has been proven that
cryptocurrency is a new type of electronic currency stored in computer memory, thecryptocurrency value is managed through a technical device Cryptocurrency is a new
means of payment and does not require access to a deposit account.
It can be seen that research articles all believe that cryptocurrency is not
considered a type of money or commodity but must be considered a special type of
Trang 16asset and countries around the world need to build and update legal frameworks your reason to be able to absorb this type of "money".
2.2 Research status on legal vulnerabilities of cryptocurrencies
A major problem currently causing many people to lose faith in
cryptocurrencies is the problem of related crimes Activities such as money
laundering and fraud have been and are quite obvious problems Research by Trozze,
A., Kamps, J., Akartuna in January 2022 has given us a better understanding of thesecrimes The authors tell us that the majority of scams can be considered cyber -
enabled (instead of cyber - dependent) Another finding is that there is still a lack of
consistency (or lack of existence) of definitions of the different types of fraudidentified in the literature
Research: “IS BITCOIN THAT POISON? CRYPTOCURRENCY, CRIME, AND COUNTERFEITING (CCC)” by Eric Engle, 2016 researched the dangers of
cryptocurrencies in general and Bitcoin in particular The author concluded that
cryptocurrency is a threat to U.S and international security as well as investor savings and the markets themselves by undermining investor confidence He has also suggested the best way to regulate the US market is to use all legal measures available
to the US to make cryptocurrencies illegal, subject to asset confiscation and
increased transaction costs for cryptocurrency transactions through the SEC
One aspect that many people are interested in related to the legal issues of
cryptocurrency is money laundering and this is made quite clear by Duong Huu Thinh
in his research article in 2019 The author talks about the level of legal risk when
dealing with cryptocurrency and money laundering models for this currency and how the state can provide solutions to respond to the risk An outstanding solution is the
application of KYC to cryptocurrency transactions
Trang 172.3 Research status on Bitcoin
Bitcoin is the most prominent cryptocurrency, and there have been many
essays, articles and general studies about this Bitcoin The study "Bitcoin Management in the Digital World Era of Vietnam" by Tran Tu Uyen in 2020 showed
us the current situation of Bitcoin in Vietnam This study has explained Bitcoin
through aspects of risks, benefits as well as its influence on the world's political
economy as well as in Vietnam In addition, the author also spoke clearly aboutBitcoin management in Vietnam and proposed solutions to perfect Bitcoin
management in Vietnam Regarding the historical aspect of formation, there are also
many research articles on this issue both abroad and in Vietnam The study
given us a clear understanding of the formation process of this currency in particular
and the entire cryptocurrency industry in general A similar article in 2022: "AHistory of Bitcoin" by Usman W.Chohan also gave us specific information about the
history of Bitcoin's formation through the periods from its inception to the present.
its whole future
The book “Beyond Bitcoin” by Hanna Halaburda, Miklos Sarvary, Guillaume
Haeringer gave us a very specific view of Bitcoin and related fields Book provides
insightful and up-to-date analysis of the economic dynamics related to Bitcoin andother cryptocurrencies It provides an in-depth, rigorous analysis of what could be
effectively decentralized and how this decentralization would work The book is also
fully updated on cryptocurrency and new chapters on smart contracts and enterprise
Trang 182.4 Research situation on the current status of legal frameworks for
eryptocurrencies in Vietnam
There have been quite a few research articles in Vietnam on the field of
cryptocurrency A study quite close to this research is an article in the VietnamAcademy of Social Sciences by Tran Van Bien and Nguyen Minh Anh in 2020, which
provided assessments on the level of meeting requirements adjustments to our
country's laws on cryptocurrency issues and from there, propose a number ofrecommendations to guide the development and improvement of appropriate laws
This article has contributed a lot to my research by pointing out the existing laws on cryptocurrencies in Vietnam and it has evaluated the good and bad aspects of the
current laws Have This can be said to be one of the articles that clearly analyzes the
cryptocurrency legal framework in Vietnam and provides objective assessments in
this issue
Many countries in the SEA region itself have legalized cryptocurrencies such
as Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines In the above countries, cryptocurrencies
are legal to be a payment, transaction and holding tool, but for Vietnam,cryptocurrencies are only allowed to be held and traded Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung's
research article, Nguyen Thi My Hanh, 2019 gave us an overview of the legal status
of cryptocurrencies in France, Thailand and Vietnam Regarding Vietnam, the twoauthors have clarified understand Vietnam's current legal framework by posing two
questions: "The first is whether according to current Vietnamese law,
cryptocurrencies are considered goods or not that can be traded." and collect taxesfor those transactions? Second is whether cryptocurrency is considered a means of
payment?” Through the results of analysis and clarification, the two authors
concluded that cryptocurrencies can and should be considered goods in civil
Trang 19transactions and cryptocurrencies can be traded as securities similar to the Thai model.
2.5 Research on the current status of the cryptocurrency legal framework forforeign countries
There are also many research articles in Vietnam about international
experiences when legalizing cryptocurrencies Research by Cao Thi Thuy Trang and
Nguyen Khanh Tin in 2020 has given us a quite specific view of the policies of the
EU, UK, US, China and Thailand in the legal management of cryptocurrencies From
there, the article compared the legal and policy framework with Vietnam to be able
to make suggestions and recommendations for Vietnamese law on this issue
The legalization of cryptocurrency currencies has happened in quite a few
countries, and according to a report by the US Library of Congress in 2018 on the
legal status of Bitcoin in several countries around the world, opinions can be divided.countries regarding the legality of crypto currency into 3 main groups: Recognize
crypto currency as a means of payment, recognize cryptocurrency as a special asset but not a means of payment and Do not recognize cryptocurrency and Prohibit all types of transactions related to cryptocurrency.
In Russia, cryptocurrencies are quite popular and are traded quite a lot Russia
is a very active country in seeking to clarify the status of Bitcoin and introduce
technology regulations to develop the economy according to this trend (Anna
Zharova, Ian Floyd, 2018) Although very positive, Russia is still quite concernedabout whether cryptocurrency can develop strongly or not in the face of widespread
hostility from traditional banking institutions.
When legalizing cryptocurrencies, national governments need to determinefactors that can predict their legal status Mikhail Stolbov, Maria Shchepeleva
Trang 20explored this very well in their 2020 research paper They took a sample of 134 countries both legal and illegal to use cryptocurrency and ran the model to produce
the results Factors such as values of voices, accountability index, capturing
governance quality, will increase the circulation capacity of cryptocurrency, while factors such as enhanced access to electricity, conductive to intense cryptocurrency
mining will decrease the circulation capacity of cryptocurrency
When talking about countries using cryptocurrency, we have to mention
China China is the largest country and the most important market for mining,investment and research And to achieve this, China has a fairly solid legal framework
and most recently the "Cryptography Law of the People's Republic of China" has
demonstrated this Research by John Riley, 2021 delves into the history of China'scryptocurrency laws starting from 2014 to 2021 These laws are expected to continue
to shape the development of the global cryptocurrency market.
Thailand is a rather special case in the legalization of cryptocurrencies, when
in March 2022 it banned the use of cryptocurrencies as a payment method, but did
not affect trading and investment activities private However, cryptocurrency
investment and trading in Thailand shows no signs of slowing down Therefore, asolid and stable legal framework is what Thailand lacks Rattapol Barracks, Tanpat
Kraiwanit, 2023 opined that Thailand needs to establish a comprehensive plan and
roadmap with policymakers, regulators, investors, the Bank of Thailand (BOT), thegovernment and especially the Thai Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
cooperated This will combine and build a sustainable growth orientation, especially
in the financial and technology sectors
There are also many topics related to cryptocurrency such as investment, exchange and other aspects, but because of the scope of the research, I would like to
ask permission not to mention those topics
Trang 212.6 Research Gaps
There have been quite a few research topics on the legal issues of
cryptocurrency as mentioned in the section above These topics have outlined the current situation of cryptocurrency in terms of transactions, purpose of use and how
it is being used in Vietnam (Tran Van Bien, Nguyen Minh Anh, 2020; Phan Dang
Hai, Nguyen Phuong Thao, 2022; ) In addition, in the world there are also many
topics related to cryptocurrencies and their legal issues applicable to each respectivecountry such as China, Russia, Ukraine, America, However, legalization is a
missing issue in research on cryptocurrencies and especially in Vietnam when research often focuses on strengthening Vietnam's policy of making it stricter and
- Clarifying the status of legalization of cryptocurrencies in prominent
countries in this field in the world
- Clarifying the status of legalization of cryptocurrencies in Vietnam
through the process of forming laws, through announcements of the
Government and responsible agencies
Trang 22- State the current status of infrastructure including electronic payment infrastructure and Internet infrastructure in Vietnam
- Offering lessons for Vietnam in legalizing cryptocurrencies and lessons
for companies in the sector and participants in this market.
4 Research questions
With the rapid development of cryptocurrencies in recent years, the
legalization of cryptocurrencies has become a prominent issue Therefore, thisresearch article will answer these questions:
- What is the current status of cryptocurrency legalization in the world?
- What is the current status of cryptocurrency legalization in Vietnam?
- What solutions can Vietnam come up with to perfect the legal
framework for cryptocurrencies?"
5 Object and scope of the study
5.1 Research subjects
The research object of this topic is cryptocurrencies and the legalization of
cryptocurrencies in countries
5.2 Scope of research
The research scope of the topic is limited to the following two aspects:
- Space: The topic is an overview of the nature of cryptocurrency and the
status of its legalization in countries around the world From there, we
provide lessons on legalization for Vietnam.
Trang 23- Time: The topic focuses on researching the cryptocurrency market and the status of its legalization worldwide in the period from 2018 to 2023.
6 Research Methods
6.1 Data collection methods
6.1.1 Collection of secondary data
The secondary data used in the study are taken from previous research articlesrelated to this field Research articles are collected from Internet sources such as
Google Scholar, Springer, Emerald, ScienceDirect and other information sources.
In addition, electronic data such as capital, price, trading volume will be takenfrom CoinMarketCap and some leading exchanges such as Binance, OKX,Crypto.com, etc
6.1.2 Collection of primary data
This research article will collect primary data through the method of consultingexperts Because this is a relatively new issue and needs the opinions of people with
deep expertise, gathering the opinions of experts will be necessary to get reasonable
opinions and ideas and the most logical Experts' opinions will be collected through
a questionnaire with questions related to the issue of cryptocurrency legalization in
Vietnam The questionnaires are as follow:
Table 1: Opinions of Expertise
Experts Surveyed Mr Nguyen Hoang Quan - Deputy Head of Professional
Department of the crypto community: TradingtoliveEw
Trang 24Mr Luan Nguyen - One of the Admins of the Crypto
community: TradingtoliveEw
Mr Nguyen Thanh Khuyen - Active in the Blockchainfield since 2013
Mr Le Manh Hung Cuong - Participated in
cryptocurrency trading since 2015 and was a member of
the Coin 98 team
Survey Time From September 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023
Location and Method
of Survey
Survey via text message or phone call
Survey content 1 Do you see the issue of legalizing Vietnamese
cryptocurrency as an urgent issue?
2 Do you trade or work related to the cryptocurrencyfield?
3 How do you see the status of cryptocurrency use in
4 How do you feel about Vietnam's current situation regarding the legal framework, facilities, and market?
5 What is the reasonable and appropriate point of
Vietnam in legalizing Vietnamese cryptocurrency for
6 How do you feel if cryptocurrencies are legalized and
freely traded?
Trang 257 What elements do you feel need to be improved in the legal framework to be able to do this?
8 What elements do you feel need to be improved infacilities and infrastructure to make this happen?
9 In your opinion, what do those involved in
cryptocurrency trading need to prepare to adapt to the
- Mr Luan Nguyen answers questions 4 and 7:
Vietnam's current situation still has many shortcomings
in the cryptocurrency market or maybe the public is not aware of it because there is no publicity He also believes
that Vietnam needs to improve the penalty factor for
fraudulent acts related to this market.
- Mr Nguyen Thanh Khuyen answers questions 5,6 and
8: The reasonable and appropriate point of Vietnam is that
Vietnam is following the world's trend In addition, he also said that if cryptocurrency in Vietnam is legalized
and becomes free, it will be a pretty good thing, opening
up more comfortable and transparent transactions He
also gave an opinion that Vietnam's current laws on
Trang 26electronics are quite loose and the government needs to
improve the legal framework by applying transaction
ownership laws
- | Mr Le Manh Hung Cuong answered questions 3,4,8:
He said that the current use of cryptocurrency in Vietnam
is only a small part and the reason for this is the lack of a
legal framework protect Regarding question 4, he
believes that part of the current situation of Vietnamesecryptocurrencies is that the gloomy economy makes
people look to investment channels to earn additional
income but the lack of a legal framework to protect
security causes many frauds to occur He also has a recommendation for the state for infrastructure and facilities, which are Vietnam's own Apps and need to be
linked with banks to facilitate transactions
6.2 Data information processing methods
6.2.1 Analysis and synthesis
In this research article, analysis and synthesis methods will be used so we can
go deeper into the legalization of cryptocurrency in Vietnam The research articles
collected and referenced will be analyzed and then synthesized to summarize the
main ideas and important arguments to achieve the purpose of this research article, which is: "Analyze and present provide appropriate lessons for Vietnam in the issue
of legalizing cryptocurrencies through sanctions and policies in the near future."
Trang 276.2.2 Comparison
The comparative method will be used quite a lot in the research Countries will
be compared with each other countries such as China and the US in terms of facilities, current economic situation, legal framework for cryptocurrencies, etc to be able to
find similarities as well as differences between countries These comparisons can
found in Chapter 2 and 3 Comparisons in time frame will also be used to Describe
the development in stages in a certain country or a cryptocurrency From there, wecan draw lessons and learn from experience to come up with the most optimal
solution for legalizing cryptocurrency in Vietnam.
6.2.3 Descriptive statistics
Collected data related to cryptocurrencies such as transaction volume in
countries around the world will be processed through descriptive statistical methods Because the data is quite simple and easy to process, this research only uses Excel to
handle basic operations
7 Structure of the thesis
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the thesis is divided into 4
chapters as follows:
e Chapter 1: Theoretical Foundations
® Chapter 2: Current status of legalization of crypto in the world
® Chapter 3: Current status of legalization of crypto in Vietnam
e Chapter 4: Lessons for Vietnam.
1.1 General concept of cryptocurrency
1.1.1 Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
Blockchain is a groundbreaking technology, used to store and transmit data in
a secure and decentralized manner It works by linking data into blocks and then
concatenating them into a data series The great strength of blockchain is itsdecentralization, without the need for centralized control from any organization or
individual Instead, the data is stored on a network of computers around the world,
contributing to its agnosticism and security Each block on the blockchain containsinformation as well as a hash of the previous block and a hash of the data within it
This creates security and the ability to easily verify data Any change in the data will
change the hash code, leading to detection of errors or fraud
Blockchain is also famous for its transparency, as data is usually public and
can be inspected by anyone This helps prevent fraud and creates trust in transactions.
In addition, blockchain technology also supports the use of smart contracts, programsthat automate transactions based on predetermined conditions With its diversity of
applications, blockchain is not only a tool in the monetary sector, but is also widely
used in many other fields such as supply chain management, medical datamanagement, elections, digital asset management, and many other fields Blockchain
marks an important step forward in the way we manage and transact data and assets
in the digital age
Blockchain is the platform that creates cryptocurrencies as all cryptocurrencies
are built on respective blockchain systems.
Trang 29Cryptocurrency has many definitions According to the definition of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), electronic convenience is stored value or prepaid
product, in which information about the customer's available funds or value is stored
on an electronic device owned by the customer.
ECB is the abbreviation for European Central Bank The ECB is the central
bank responsible for the monetary policy of European Union member states that use
the Euro currency The ECB also has its own definition of cryptocurrency:
cryptocurrency is monetary value stored on an electronic device commonly used toperform payment transactions for other organizations to issue
A study by the Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences defined
cryptocurrency as money or money-equivalent assets stored, managed and exchanged
on digital electronic device systems, and especially via the Internet
As we can see, the definitions have certain things in common: Bitcoin is money
and is stored on an electronic device, and it can be used as an asset, or a means of
payment, exchange.
1.1.2 Factors affecting cryptocurrency trading
Cryptocurrency trading is influenced by a variety of factors, and these factors
can have a significant impact on the prices and volatility of cryptocurrencies Here
are some of the key factors that affect cryptocurrency trading:
e Market Sentiment: The influence of market sentiment on cryptocurrency
trading cannot be overstated Cryptocurrency markets are highly speculative,and emotions often drive trading decisions Positive news, such as a prominent
company announcing support for a particular cryptocurrency or a regulatory
body endorsing the technology, can spark optimism among investors, leading
to increased demand and higher prices Conversely, negative news, like a
Trang 30security breach or a regulatory crackdown, can lead to fear and panic selling, causing rapid price declines Understanding market sentiment and
distinguishing between short-term fluctuations and long-term trends is
essential for traders.
Regulation: Regulatory developments have a significant impact on
cryptocurrency trading Governments around the world are continuallyshaping the regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies Regulations can range
from fully embracing cryptocurrencies and providing a legal framework for
their use to banning or heavily restricting their use The uncertainty around
regulations can lead to volatility in cryptocurrency markets For instance, a
country's decision to embrace cryptocurrencies can lead to a surge in tradingactivity, while regulatory crackdowns can have the opposite effect Traders
and investors must stay updated on regulatory changes to anticipate their
potential impacts
Adoption and Use Cases: The adoption of cryptocurrencies for real-world use
cases is a fundamental driver of their value As cryptocurrencies find practical
applications, such as cross-border remittances, online purchases, and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, their demand and utility increase This,
in turn, affects trading activity For example, the rise of decentralized
applications (dApps) on blockchain platforms can lead to increased demand for the native tokens used within those applications Traders often monitor
trends in adoption and use cases to gauge the potential future value of acryptocurrency.
Market Liquidity: Liquidity plays a critical role in determining the ease with
which traders can enter and exit positions without significantly affecting theprice High liquidity cryptocurrencies tend to have more stable prices and
Trang 31narrower bid-ask spreads, making them attractive to traders In contrast, liquidity cryptocurrencies are more susceptible to price manipulation, as large
low-trades can cause substantial price swings Market liquidity can be influenced
by factors such as trading volume, the number of participants, and the presence
of market makers Traders often prefer to engage in markets with high liquidity
to reduce the risk of slippage and adverse price movements
Market Capitalization: Market capitalization, calculated by multiplying the
price of a cryptocurrency by its total circulating supply, is a widely used metric
to assess a cryptocurrency's size and relative importance in the market
Cryptocurrencies with high market capitalization, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, are often considered more stable and established Their large user base and
extensive trading volumes make them less prone to extreme price fluctuations
On the other hand, smaller cryptocurrencies, often referred to as "altcoins," may exhibit greater price volatility due to their lower market capitalization.
Traders frequently consider market capitalization when assessing the risk and
potential rewards associated with a particular cryptocurrency.
Technology and Development: The technological aspects of a cryptocurrency
play a crucial role in its trading dynamics The underlying blockchaintechnology, consensus algorithm, and development updates can significantly
impact the perception of a cryptocurrency Technological advancements, such
as the implementation of layer 2 solutions to improve scalability or enhanced
privacy features, can attract interest and investment Conversely, security
vulnerabilities or technical issues can lead to a loss of confidence and
decreased trading activity
Security and Hacks: The security of cryptocurrency exchanges and theunderlying blockchain networks is paramount High-profile security breaches
Trang 32and hacks have had a severe impact on the cryptocurrency market Investors and traders are wary of platforms with a history of security vulnerabilities A
successful attack can result in substantial financial losses and erode trust in the
cryptocurrency space, leading to a temporary or even prolonged decrease in trading activity.
Macroeconomic Factors: Broader economic conditions and geopolitical eventscan have ripple effects in the cryptocurrency market Cryptocurrencies are
often seen as a hedge against economic instability, inflation, and currency
devaluation During times of economic uncertainty or currency crises, some
individuals and institutions turn to cryptocurrencies as a store of value.
Economic indicators, monetary policies, and global geopolitical tensions caninfluence investor sentiment and trading volumes
Market Speculation: Cryptocurrency markets are characterized by a significant
degree of speculation Traders often engage in speculative activities based on
short-term price movements and market sentiment Speculation can lead toprice bubbles and rapid price fluctuations, which can be exacerbated by
leverage trading and the fear of missing out (FOMO) Speculative trading
strategies can amplify market volatility
Media Coverage: Media outlets and social platforms can play a pivotal role inshaping public perception and sentiment towards cryptocurrencies Positive
news stories, endorsements from influential figures, and bullish forecasts can
trigger buying frenzies, while negative headlines or regulatory concerns canprompt panic selling The 24/7 news cycle and the speed at which information
spreads on social media can lead to rapid and often exaggerated market
Trang 33e Market Manipulation: Market manipulation is a concern in the cryptocurrency
space Techniques like pump-and-dump schemes, where the price of a
cryptocurrency is artificially inflated through coordinated efforts and then soldoff for profit, can lead to significant price fluctuations Cryptocurrency
markets are relatively young and less regulated compared to traditional
financial markets, making them susceptible to manipulation
e Halving Events: Some cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, have programmed
supply reduction events known as halving These events reduce the rate at
which new coins are created, impacting the supply-demand dynamics of thecryptocurrency Halving events can influence the price of a cryptocurrency as
investors speculate on their potential impact.
e Competing Technologies: The cryptocurrency space is highly competitive,
with thousands of cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects vying for attentionand investment Competition and innovation in technology can divert interest
and capital from one cryptocurrency to another New projects with
groundbreaking features or use cases can disrupt the status quo and affect thetrading landscape
It's essential for cryptocurrency traders and investors to stay informed about
these factors and conduct thorough research before participating in the market, as thecryptocurrency space is known for its high volatility and risk Additionally, risk
management and a long-term perspective can help mitigate the impact of short-term
market fluctuations
Trang 341.1.3 Classification of cryptocurrencies Bitcoin - Altcoin
Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency to appear in the world and it was invented
by an anonymous individual or organization using the name Satoshi Nakamoto as
open source software in 2009 And Satoshi himself said: “Bitcoin: A peer to peerElectronic Cash System”, meaning Bitcoin can be exchanged directly using devices
with an Internet connection without going through any intermediary financial
Altcoin is an abbreviation for "Bitcoin Alternative" or all coins other than
Bitcoin and "replacing" Bitcoin Altcoins are electronic currencies that were born
after Bitcoin and they are mostly encrypted from Bitcoin and each has a different
purpose These Altcoins are all technologically inspired by Bitcoin's blockchain but use a different blockchain than Bitcoin's loop.
In the early 2010s, the number of Altcoin is small, just over 100 different
codes, but after the formation of Ethereum in 2015 and its popularity in 2017, the number of Altcoin market has increased rapidly The reason for this is that Ethereum
(ETH) has made it easier than ever for projects to create their own cryptocurrency
As of October this year, there are currently nearly 9 thousand different Altcoin codes being traded. Coin - Token
Coin is a kind of cryptocurrency originating from its own blockchain Coins
all exist on their own blockchain network: BTC operates on Bitcoin's blockchain,ETH is used in ETH's blockchain, XMR exists on the Monero blockchain, Coins
have similar features to money: They can be replaced, divided, exchanged, and
limited in supply, so they are often used as payment in transactions
Trang 35Token differs from Coins in that they do not have their own blockchain platform but they depend on other blockchain platforms to operate ETH is the most
popular platform for Token creation because of its Smart Contract feature, tokens
created on the ETH blockchain are often called ERC20 tokens and a good example is the stablecoin Tether (USDT) with its large trading volume 3rd in crypto The
intended use of Tokens is also different from coins: Gives owners access to project
functions such as Basic Attention Token (BAT); Represents an investment in a certain project (ICO), but buyers of this token will hardly be guaranteed because there
is no supervision by regulatory agencies and no KYC
1.1.4 Characteristics of cryptocurrencies Decentralization and Globosity
This is a characteristic that makes Crypto special User transaction activitieswill not need to go through a certain server but only through a certain distribution
network This decentralization aims to reduce the trust traders need to have with each
other while also preventing the ability to exercise power or control over each other inways that degrade the functioning of the network
Famous cryptocurrencies such as BTC and ETH demonstrate their
decentralization by having their systems supported by networks of independentcomputer “nodes” that reach consensus through algorithms such as Proof of Work
(PoW) to process and record all transactions.
Not relying on a central authority creates a sizable advantage over a centralizedorganization in handling incidents For a centralized system, just one failure of the
management entity will cause the entire organization to be disabled, and for a
decentralized system, it will continue to operate even if there is an error in the system.system because they are different subjects
Trang 36However, a major drawback in the decentralized system is that there is no unified vision and the division of responsibilities is not clear, so organizational
efficiency may decrease compared to Centralized And in fact in 2020, the Bitcoin
network consumed a whopping 70+ terawatt hours of electricity despite only achieving a performance of 4 to 7 transactions per second.
Due to its independent nature, Crypto is not controlled by any country
Cryptocurrencies were designed to be decentralized, meaning central authority does not control them Therefore, Crypto can be traded anywhere in the world, and is
considered a non-national currency These people, especially those in developing
countries, who do not have access to conventional financial institutions, now enjoy
greater financial independence and empowerment Along with this, people all overthe world will have the opportunity to invest in Crypto, especially long-standing and
fundamental coins like BTC and ETH.
Another characteristic is Crypto's transaction speed Because Crypto does notinvolve any third party, their transaction costs will be smaller, thereby increasing the
volume of transactions Because there are no geographical barriers to Crypto, this
makes for fast and easy transactions for corporations in all parts of the world
In theory, Crypto can be traded anywhere, however Crypto trading in some
countries may be illegal or have limited functionality The country with the second
largest economy in the world, China is one of 9 countries in the world that has an
"absolute" ban on Crypto In addition, in countries such as Russia, Canada, and Saudi
Arabia, Crypto is legal but trading it through banks is prohibited In Vietnam, trading
and holding is legal, but using Crypto as a payment tool is illegal According to theprovisions in Clause 6, Article 27 of Decree 96 in 2014, actions such as issuing,
providing and using illegal means of payment (Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies)
will be severely punished administratively from 150 million to 200 million VND
Trang 371.1.4.2 Anonymity
Everyone who participates in crypto transactions does not need to provide
personal information, this is a feature of Blockchain platforms This is Crypto’s
double-edged nature
Anonymous transactions will bring both quite clear benefits and harms For
cryptocurrency advocates, this anonymity creates a more equitable market Trading
activities will be recorded publicly on the Blockchain, which will allow traders to
judge others based on their trading proficiency, not their identity or CV.
However, anonymity offers a very convenient means of violating the law The
intractability of Crypto makes it a means of payment and transactions for criminalorganizations A typical example is the case of the website "Dark Scandals" in the
Netherlands This is a website that posts illegal content such as rape and pedophilia
and the price to view this content is 200 Euro in crypto and to avoid being tracked by
the authorities, this money is transferred Exchange across more than 50 different exchanges The website's owner, Michael Mohammad, earned more than 115,000
Euros through this action and was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being
denounced by a victim The payments were difficult to detect by being made through cryptocurrency and across multiple exchanges, and it took the cooperation of
exchanges like Binance to help find Michael
Another problem that also comes with anonymity is the problem of money laundering in cryptocurrencies In the history of cryptocurrency, the Bitfinex
exchange's money laundering case when the founding couple hacked 120,000 BTC,
or nearly a billion dollars The couple Ilya Lichtenstein and Heather Morgan
Trang 38successfully laundered 25,000 BTC before being arrested and the remaining BTC was seized by the US Department of Justice.
Anonymity can be said to be the most characteristic feature of Crypto It both
brings benefits and creates vulnerabilities for criminals to take advantage of and harm traders through Scam. Digitizing money
Crypto is a special type of asset as it is completely digitized on the Internet and
its transaction activities are only carried out on the Internet network Investors and
traders cannot directly hold and use it like regular cash Not only currencies but also products traded on the Blockchain platform are completely digitized similar to
A quite special product related to Crypto is Non-Fungible Token, also known
as NFT As its name suggests, NFTs are non-fungible and represent a unique asset.
NFTs can be images, videos, sounds, and other forms that turn into a digitized asset
on a certain Blockchain, and this makes NFTs original and easy to verify ownership
What has made NFT quite popular in recent years is its uses NFTs can be both
collectible like a painting, and can also be an investment asset and a utility tool
integrated into the game Evidence for collection can be clearly seen in the series of NFTs named Bored Ape Yacht Club, NFT number #8817 has been traded for more
than 3.4 million USD and a series of NFTs of the same set are also for sale for millions
of dollars In addition, the most expensive NFT in the world - "The Merge" is worth
up to 91.8 million dollars, on par with the most expensive paintings in the world
Trang 391.2 Time of appearance and history up to now, some outstanding
1.2.1 Process of formation and development
To talk about the origin of Crypto, we must first mention the formation of
Blockchain technology Blockchain was invented 32 years ago in 1991 by Stuart Haber and W Scott Stornetta However, the history of Blockchain really became
relevant thanks to a character who created Bitcoin in 2008 named Satoshi Nakamoto
Many people still mistakenly believe that Blockchain and Bitcoin are the same and just have different names However, that is not the case because Blockchain is
the underlying technology that powers applications and Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency
Bitcoin is the first application of Blockchain technology, which makes many people
misunderstand two things During the 5-year period from 2008 to 2013, the price of
Bitcoin continued to increase and the transaction volume also increased, the price and number of transactions increased thousands of times during this period.
The next big event in the history of formation and development of Crypto, we
must mention the formation of the second largest company named Ethereum (ETH) Vitalik Buterin created Ethereum as a new public Blockchain in 2013 with many
additional functions compared to Bitcoin and the main highlight is the ability to
become a platform for developing other decentralized applications Ethereum officially launched in 2015 and quickly grew to become one of the largest
applications of blockchain technology thanks to ETH's ability to create a trueecosystem.
Starting from 2017, we began to enter the phase of Blockchain applications.
The first famous is probably EOS.IO, launched in 2017 EOS is different from other
types of Blockchain in that its mission is to try to simulate the properties of real
Trang 40computers including Central Processing Unit and Graphics Processing Unit Its main purpose is to encourage the deployment of decentralized applications through an
autonomous decentralized company
Publication of an essay ——> Publication of "Bitcoin: ——y =a Creation of "genesis
presenting an idea of ‘A Peer-to-Peer Electronic block" of BTC
digital currency Cash System" manifesto
1998 A 2008 œs=¬ 2009
2010 20011 _¬5 2013
B rst commercial Bitcoin price reaches nl fl Big fluctuations in price transaction using B it's first noticeable of BTC after which
| it’s demise
03/2017 08.2017 11.2021
B ) Price of 1 BTC PBTC network is BTC reaches new
surpasses the price divided into Bitcoin 8 ATH of 60.000 USD.
of one ounce of gold and Bitcoin Cash
Figure 1.1: The history of formation and operation of Bitcoin
In recent years, new projects have mainly focused on solving the shortcomings
of Bitcoin and Ethereum combined with providing features that take advantage of
Blockchain's capabilities NEO, is billed as an open source platform and the first blockchain to launch in China Although China has banned cryptocurrencies, NEO
remains active when it comes to Blockchain innovation, and is considered the “ETH”
of China In addition, blockchain-related applications are also making waves around
the world We can mention Web 3.0 - The Internet is decentralized, not centralized