Air pollution is increasing and the amount of fine dust in the air is increasing due tohuman activities affecting nature.. It has an in-depth analysis of the status, causes, and conseque
< Evaluating problems of PM 2.5 for the current status of air pollution
Trang 2Evaluating problems of PM 2.5 for the current status of air pollution in the world
Nguyễn Thụy Yến My HCM City University of Foreign Languages – Information Technology
June 2022
Trang 3
Assess the situation based on available research and problem analysis
1 Review of Important Findings
1.1 Effecting the natural survival of the Earth 16
1.2 Harm to plants and animals:
161.3 Harm to humans:
Trang 5Air pollution is increasing and the amount of fine dust in the air is increasing due tohuman activities affecting nature This study will provide development data andunpredictable effects of fine dust PM 2.5 on Earth's survival It has an in-depth analysis
of the status, causes, and consequences that fine dust causes to humans The results showthat the concentration of PM 2.5 in the air is increasing rapidly in different countries Thisreduces the average life expectancy of people and complications of respiratory diseases.And the study also found that areas with air pollution have a higher tendency to contractand die from Covid-19 Finally, solutions aimed at preventing and minimizing statepollution are not suggested
In today's global world, environmental pollution issues are always hot issues worthy of attention Because it is related to human life and the existence of the Earth.Especially in the era of social and industrial development, the problem of air pollution isbecoming more and more serious Air pollutants also contribute directly to climatechange through changes in the energy balance of the planet by several gaseous pollutants,particularly ozone and particulate matter Accumulating evidence links fine particulatematter (PM2.5) with premature mortality, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disease.However, less is known about the effects of PM2.5 on neurological disorders Theygreatly affect humans through long-term PM2.5 exposure to the development ofParkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease and related dementia
-In all, a report by IQAir, a company that monitors global air quality, shows thatannual average air pollution levels in every country - and 97% of cities - exceed airquality recommendations gases of the World Health Organization (WHO) (World AirQuality Report, 2018) According to WHO "Of the more than 3000 cities included, 64%exceeded the annual exposure guidelines for fine particulate matter, also known asPM2.5 100% of cities were measured in the Middle East and Africa exceeded thisguideline, while 99% of cities in South Asia, 95% of cities in Southeast Asia, and 89% ofcities in East Asia also exceeded this target, because many regions lacked up-to-dateinformation on Public air quality and for this reason are not covered in this report, thetotal number of cities exceeding the WHO PM2.4 threshold is expected to be the highest.Asia dominates the top 100 highest average PM2.5 levels (2018), with cities in India,China, Pakistan, and Bangladesh making up the top 50 Severe global air qualitydeterioration is responsible for 7 million premature deaths, widespread crop failures, andloss of biodiversity across Europe, North America, and East Asia (2019)
Evaluating problems of PM 2.5 for the current status of air pollution in the world
The term " PM 2.5" is a mixture of solid or liquid compounds floating in the air, thecompounds in dust are also known collectively as Particulate Matter - PM symbol Inparticular, dust particles are microscopic (microns), PM2.5 is fine dust with a diameter offewer than 2.5 microns PM2.5 fine dust appearing in the air originates from naturalcauses and man-made causes Due to forest fires or the change of seasons, or also due tohuman causes such as transportation, daily life, and production activities
Since 2015, "The IQAir AirVisual app and website have provided a centralizedplatform for global and hyper-local air quality information in real-time Throughaggregating and validating real-time data from governments and monitors operated byindividuals and organizations The 2018 World Air Quality Report presents PM2.5 airquality data as aggregated through the IQAir AirVisual platform 2018 The data included
is a subset of the information provided through the platform, including only PM2.5measured from ground-based stations with high data availability" This reportaccompanies an extended online interactive display of the world's most polluted cities,which allows further exploration of air quality across different regions and subregions in
2018 Air pollution is the greatest environmental risk to health today, estimated tocontribute to 7 million premature deaths 1 every year Polluted air presents the world's4th leading contributing cause of early deaths, and cancer, and burdens the globaleconomy with an estimated (cost of $225 billion (USD)) Numerous cities within theMiddle East region also rank highly, with Kuwait City, Dubai, and Manama all exceedingthe WHO guideline by over 500% At a country level, weighted by population,Bangladesh emerges as the most polluted country on average, closely followed byPakistan and India, with Middle Eastern countries, Afghanistan and Mongolia also withinthe top 10 Southeast Asia's most polluted cities during 2018 were the capitals Jakarta andHanoi, with some Thai cities also ranking highly in this region Public awareness of localpollution levels in these countries has grown considerably during 2018, as well as inSouth Korea and Pakistan Public engagement with air pollution also increased in theUnited States and Canada, particularly during the severe wildfires which punctuated part
of the region's generally low PM2.5 levels during August and November
Recently, the World Economic Forum has just posted a warning about airpollution harmful to human health in the context of the disease caused by the COVID-19virus According to Dr Maria Neira – Director of Public Health and Environment at theWorld Health Organization – people who are exposed to or live in an environment withpoor air quality are at high risk of getting COVID-19 better than others The researchersalso show that the mortality rate from COVID-19 is high in countries with high airpollution The cause is thought to be because when breathing in toxic air, the immune
Trang 8system will be compromised and increasing the risk of chronic diseases These diseasesinclude the respiratory tract, such as lung cancer, pneumonia, asthma, and bronchitis.More importantly, COVID-19 is a respiratory disease A growing body of scientificevidence links a weakened immune system caused by air pollution to the growing threatposed by COVID-19 Dr "We now know that harmful particles like this PM 2.5 get toour lungs and from there into our bloodstream, and to our cardiovascular system," saysNeira This can cause conditions like heart disease, neurological disorders, stroke, andproblems with the reproductive system." The World Health Organization has declared apublic health emergency due to air pollution Indeed, air pollution causes about 7 millionpremature deaths each year globally and leaves unpredictable sequelae in humans Butthanks the measures to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic are a combination of lockdown,social distancing, disconnection, and family isolation The governments of various SouthAsian countries have implemented embargoes, including the inactivation of all businessesand assemblers, and limited access to the outside world concerning the products' essentialcommodities This has had a notable positive impact on reducing air pollution levelsworldwide Experts have estimated a significant improvement in air quality and asignificant reduction in the concentration of various harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide(SO 2), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O 3), and variousenvironmental parameters along with others such as aerosols, temperature and particulatematter (PM 2.5).
Real-time public air quality information is essential not only to empower citizens torespond to current conditions and protect human health but also to be fundamental inraising awareness public awareness and promote long-term action against air pollution.More surveillance is needed in many parts of the world that do not have this information.The report focuses on PM2.5 as a proxy measure of air pollution PM2.5 refers
to particulate matter (particles in the surrounding air) that are up to 2.5 microns in sizeand have a wide range of chemical sources and compositions PM2.5 is considered bymany to be the most health-affecting pollutant of all commonly measured air pollutants.Because of its small size, PM2.5 can penetrate deeply into the human respiratory systemand from there to the entire body, causing a range of short- and long-term health effects.Particulate matter is also the group of pollutants that affect most people globally Theglobal map provides an overview of average PM2.5 exposure, estimated bycountry/region in 2018 Estimates are calculated from city data available as a sample.area and then calculated by population The countries and regions in gray have noavailable or limited PM2.5 data for 2018 The Capital Cities Ranking compares averageannual PM2.5 values from available capitals over the year in the data set of this report.Countries from Asia and the Middle East make up most of the top spots in the region'scapital city rankings, with the value of Delhi and Dhaka both more than 50% higher thanthe third-ranked capital Kabul Only 9 of the 62 regional capitals included here had an
Trang 9average annual PM2.5 level in the WHO air quality guidelines of 10µg/m³ This studyshows us that air pollution is becoming more and more serious We urgently need to takemeasures to stop the amount of air pollution and improve it.
1 Methods
The tools used in this study are survey forms on google To investigate the attitudes
of college students and the effects of air pollution on each individual, a shortquestionnaire was performed at the beginning and end of the experiment
The survey asked students to give a response by answering questions about status,causes, and ways to improve interpersonal skills based on students' concerns about thisskill
2 Participants:
100 students from Huflit (between the ages of 18 and 24) took part in this survey.All 100 students will be contacted using their university email accounts for up to 2months Student questions include 9 closed-ended questions designed in English (seeAppendix) Students will spend 2 to 5 minutes answering all the questions on the survey
3 Data Collection Intruments:
I know This is a fine dust
particle in solid or liquid
form floating in the air
1 Do you know PM 2.5 fine dust?
Do you concerned about today's PM 2.5 fine dust pollution?
Trang 11the air today has increased to 87.4 % It can be seen that the level of anxiety andunderstanding of PM 2.5 fine dust among students is very high The number of studentswho are interested but do not clearly understand the causes or consequences of PM 2.5fine dust also accounts for 10.6% It is also shown in Table 1 that 15.2% of students haveheard about fine dust but did not learn about it Besides, there are still a few people who
do not know about fine dust because they think it is not harmful, accounting for 8.2% ofTable 1 Therefore, through the chart, we can see that the number of students who do notcare about fine dust has a low rate of only 2% Thereby, it shows that the concern about
PM 2.5 fine dust is very high, but there is no deep understanding of their origin, causes,and consequences
What do you think is the main cause of air pollution?
Human activities Transportation Agricultural and industrial
production activities
Natural causes
The chart above shows students' opinions on the main causes of air pollution andthe increase in PM 2.5 fine dust in the air Most of the comments accounted for a highrate of 47.7%, all of you chose the main factor as human activities Human activities havechanged nature such as cutting down trees, burning forests for farming, building houses,bridges, roads, etc This has narrowed the forest area, making Global warming increaserapidly Besides, the students also said that traffic accounts for 27.8% which is the cause
of the high amount of smoke and dust in the air Some of you said that the main reasoncomes from agricultural and industrial activities (16.2%) Because of agriculturalactivities: abuse of pesticides, use of toxic chemicals that cause soil erosion, and water
Trang 12pollution In addition, industrial activities, especially in developing countries, industrialplants have released a large number of toxic substances into the air, causing acid rain todestroy vegetation, leading to reduced oxygen for the Earth The lowest proportion in thetable is natural causes with 8.3%, which is also considered a common cause of fine dust
in volcanically active countries and countries with high rates of forest fires high,countries and territories bordering deserts, deserts have been encroached by sandstorms,encroached upon, and become desertified
R es p i r a t o r y d i s ea s e s ( r h i n i ti s , p n eu m o n i a , ) A ff e c t s t h e d ev e l o p m e n t o f y o u n g
c h i l d r e n a n d f e t u s e s ( P r em at u r e b i r t h ,
l o w b i r t h w ei g h t , g r o w t h r e t a r d a ti o n , … 0.00%
How does PM 2.5 fine dust affect human health?
Trang 135 According to you, which country has the highest level of PM 2.5 fine dust? Refer to the report table: most-polluted-countries
is Dubai, accounting for 2% Through the questionnaire, we can see that air pollution isquite high in developing countries This shows you that the development of society must
go hand in hand with environmental protection - protecting the environment is protectingyour own life
3.1 Survey results: Here are the students' opinions on self-answered questions.
What are the consequences that people face when air pollution is increasing?
- It increases the risk of respiratory infections, and not having fresh air to breathe is aconsequence to think about when air pollution is constantly increasing Second, peoplewill get lung problems (such as lung cancer or the like)
- Air pollution causes many diseases, and the earth is getting warmer
- Acts on the central nervous system, increasing the risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson'sdisease, autism, or irritability