2.2 Calculating and reinforce calculation of Helical Gear System .... Chapter 2: Design and Calculate Spur Gear System .... 3.2 Calculating and reinforce calculation of Spur Gear .... 9.
Trang 1
Class: CC01–ME3139 Instructor: LÊ THANH LONG
Nguyễn Tr n Minh Quân ầ 1952944
Trang 23) Two-stage cylindrical gear reducer
4) Flexible shaft coupling
5) Chain conveyer
• Rotates in one direction, Impact load is light, One shift is 8 hour
Trang 3Tensile force F, N 7700
Velocity of the conveyer v, m/s 0.8
Diameter of the driving pulley D, mm 9
Working day per year Kng , day 220
In the day and age, technological breakthroughs have played an important role in the development of each country Applying technology to manufacture not only increases productivity effect but also creates more safety workplaces for humans To reach our achievements in the future, we need to spend more time practicing, researching, and improving our technical skills from the beginning of our university life
Machinery Elements Project is a subject which helps mechanical students familiar with designing and calculating kinematics and dynamics of a machine This is a challenge for students to use some engineering software such as Solid-works, AutoCAD, MATLAB, etc This subject also helps students apply knowledge from previous subjects like Theory
of Machine, Machine Element, etc
With the instruction, advice and teaching of the instructor Lê Thanh Long during the period of doing this project, I can reinforce all the knowledge, approach and be taught how to use engineering software
Trang 5INDEX
Part 1: Selecting Motor and Distributing Ratio Transmission 1.1 Determine the engine
1.2 Determine the speed ratio
1.3 Characteristic table
Part 2 : Machine detail calculation Chapter 1: Design and Calculate V belt System
2.1 Input technical specification data
2.2 Calculating and reinforce calculation of Helical Gear System
2.3 Summary
Chapter 2: Design and Calculate Spur Gear System
3.1 Input technical specification data
3.2 Calculating and reinforce calculation of Spur Gear
3.3 Summary
Chapter 3: Design a V-belt transmission system
4.1 Input technical specification data
4.2 Material Selection and Type of V-belt
4.3 Calculating of V-belt system
4.4 Force calculation on V-belt
Chapter 4 Design and calculate Shaft in the system
5.1 Choose material for designing
5.2 Design and calculating Shaft I
5.3 Design and calculating Shaft II
5.4 Design and calculating shaft III
5.4.1 Determine the diameter and distance of each element on the shaft
5.4 Re-calculating Shaft and Key
Chapter 6: Design and calculate flexible coupling
Chapter 7: Design and calculate bearing in the system
7.1 Design and selecting the bearing of Shaft I
7.2 Design and selecting the bearing of Shat II
7.3 Design and selecting the bearing of shaft III
Chapter 8: Design a housing of gear box and some elements
8.1 Design a housing of a gearbox
8.2 Some engagement of some elements in the gear box
Chapter 9: Tolerance and kind of assembly selection
9.1 Tolerance of key and key way
Trang 69.2 Tolerance assembly of helical and spur gear
9.3 Tolerance assembly of bearing
9.4 Tolerance assembly of oil seal
9.5 Tolerance assembly of caps of hub
Trang 7PART1 Selecting Motor and Distributing Ratio Transmission
1.1.1 Calculating the necessary power :
Transmission efficiency :
+ we choose :
o The efficiency of belt drive : = 0.95
o The efficiency of gear drive : = 0,98
o The efficiency of shaft coupling : shaft = 0.98
o The efficiency of bearing : bearing = 0.99
= * ( gear )2 * shaft* (bearing)5
= :#0∗ #53( );.< #53#83'80∗ '83(;.=)0∗ #8
Trang 8 The angular velocity of the conveyer : KL@= 60000 M.2@ = 60000 (=∗##;;.B) ≈ 48.5 rpm
V : velocity of the conveyer
z : the number of gear teeth
t : Pitch of chain
We choose the speed ratio:
- Speed ratio of the gear reducer: = 12 (6-30)
- Speed ratio of belt drive: = 3 (3-5) The preliminary speed ratio of the system:
Usb = Ugr.Ubelt = 12.3 = 36
• The necessary angular velocity of the motor :
Ksb = KEKOP.u = 48,5 * 36 = 1746 rpm
1.1.3 Determine the motor :
♦ From the necessary power and the necessary angular velocity calculated, we choose
the standard electrical motor form the table P1.3 page 236 - Tính toán h ệthống d n ẫ
động c khí 1 (Trịnh Chất): ơ
- Condition : Pdc ≥ Pct (6,123 kW)
ndc ≈ nsb (1746 rpm )
Trang 9Type Power (kW) Angular velocity
Checking the starting condition:
- The starting moment of the electrical motor must be larger than the initially drag moment of the load:
- YY. = 1 => Y[
Y \] ≥
1 Rℎ !^K EK_^^K ^! !!^`^_ E ! Y[
Y \]= 2 1.2.Distribute the speed ratio
- Speed ratio of the primary gear pair: = 4 1
- Speed ratio of the secondary gear pair: = 3 2
1.2.2 Calculate the angular velocities on shafts:
Trang 10- Error between nIII and nlv : IB.5lIB.5
IB.5 * 100 = 0%
1.1.3 Distribute the powers on shafts:
• PIII = >mm∗ ηgear ∗ηbearing = 6.64(kW)
• PII = >m∗ ηgear ∗ηbearing = 6.84(kW)
• PI = >So2op∗ ηbelt ∗ ηbearing = 0.95 ∗ 0.99 ∗ 7.5 = 7.05
• Pchain= 6.381.2.4 Calculate torques on shafts:
1:Belt Drive design
đai nh dỏ 1 , mm
Chiều dài gi i ớhạn l, mm
bt b h y0
B 14 17 10.5 4.0 138 140-280 800-6300
Trang 12- d1 = 1,2dmin = 1,2* 140 = 168
( d min base on table 4.3 page 128- C s ơ ở thi t k máy_Nguy n H u L c ) ế ế ễ ữ ộ
- Base on the standard :
• Choose driving pully diameter d1 = 180mm
1.2 Preliminary determine Center distance (a)
• The center distance a is determine through :
2( d1+d2 ) a 0,55( d≥ ≥ 1+d2 ) + h
2(180+450) ≥ ≥ a 0.55(180+450) + 10.5
1260 ≥ ≥ a 357
• The preliminary center distance a : asb = d2 = 450 = 450
1.3 Specifically Calculate Belt Length
• Belt length : = 2 + y(V 0 3V )
' +(V0 lV ) 0
= (2 ∗ 450) + y( I5;3#B; )
' +( I5;l#B; ) 0 ( I∗I5; ) = 1930,1 vv
Trang 13( At standard we choose L= 2000) (table4.3 page 128 – c s thi t k ơ ở ế ếmáy_Nguyễn H u L c ) ữ ộ
• Check the revolution per sec of belt follow the equation :
^ = O = 5.482 = 2.74 !l#≤ }^~ = 10!l#
• The center distance a :
= C + √C4'− 8∆'With:
Cv : Coefficient about speed effect
…@= 1 − 0.05 0.01O( '− 1 = 0.9849)
Cu : Coefficient of gear ratio u
C u = 1,14 ( base on table 4.9 page 152- C s ơ ởthiết k máy_ Nguy n H u L c) ế ễ ữ ộ
CL : Coefficent taking account of belt length
…‡= +s; = +s 20002240= 0.981
Trang 14Follow Pics 4.21 page 151- C s thi t k máy_ Nguy n H u L c We ơ ở ế ế ễ ữ ộchoose L0 of Belt type B is 2240mm
CZ : Coefficent about number of belts , we choose = 0.95 (z=(2:3))
Cr : =0,9
( table 4.8 page 148- C s thi t k máy_ Nguy n H u L c ) ơ ở ế ế ễ ữ ộ
[P0] = 6 when d = 180 , L0 = 2240 and v = 5,48 m/s and is type B Belt From all the information we can easily calculate Z :
ˆ ≥ 1.44 we choose Z = 2 1.5: Specification of pulley
Based on the number of belts, we can determine the pulley width, following equation
Initial force applies on 1 belt, based on equation 4.19 [1]
†„ + Š@=13.71 × 0.89 × 2 + 33.47780 × 7.5 × 1.25
= 333.11(u) Which all the factor is calculated and described as
‹đ = 1.25 based on table 4.7 [1]
Š@= •SO'= 0.178 × 13.71'= 33.47 u based on equation 4.22 [1]
Useful force of the belt
Š2=1000>„O =# 1000 × 7.52 × 13.71= 273.5(u)
Trang 15Tension force in the tight and lack side is demonstrated, followed equation 4.14 [1]
Š#= Š;+Š2
2 = 171.16 +122.802 = 227.55 (u) Š'= Š;−Š22 = 171.16 −122.802 = 114.75 (u)
1.7 Recalculating about the lifespan of the belt transmission
The maximum stress of the belt is figured out by the equation
ŽSTU= Ž#+ Ž@+ Že# = Ž;+ 0.5Ž2+ Ž@+ Že#
With :
• +2• +Š2 Š@• +2P;_#• =333.05138 + 273.462 × 138 +33.47138+2 × 4276 × 100
ŽSTU= 8.09 (MPa) The life span of the belt
Trang 162 Design and Calculate Helical Gears System:
2.1 Calculating and reinforce calculation of Spur Gear
Determine all the kind of stress:
Base on the table 6.2 [1] we have,
Limitation of contact stress ŽšL›S;
Second torque loaded R' 0.7R u vv
Third torque loaded R) 0.9R u vv
Time interval of R# # 2315 ℎ !
Time interval of R' ' 4014 ℎ !
Time interval of R) ) 2470 ℎ !
Trang 17ŽšL›S'; = 2—‰'+ 70 = 2 × 230 + 70 = 530 –>( ) Limitation of bending stress Ž?L›S;
Ž?L›S#; = 1.8 × 245 = 441 –>( ) Ž?L›S'; = 1.8 × 230 = 414 –>( ) Allowable overload stress
Base on equation (6.10) [1] and equation (6.11) [1]
}Žš~STU= 2.8 × 450 = 1260 –>( ) }Ž?~STU#= 0.8 × 580 = 464 –>( ) }Ž?~STU'= 0.8 × 450 = 360 –>( ) Allowable contact stress, based on equation (6.1), (6.3), (6.5) and (6.7) [1]
}Žš~#= ŽšL›S#o ׋š‡#
•š# = 560 ×11.1 = 509.09 (–>) }Žš~'= ŽšL›S'o ׋š‡'2 = 530 ×11.1 = 481.82(–>)
So, when we in the calculating process we take the value of the contact stress equal:
}Žš~ = v^K Žž} š~#, }Ž š~'Ÿ = 481.82 (–>) All the factor which is used in the 2 equations above, can be calculated in the process below
•š#= •š'= 1.1 gained by the table 6.2 [1]
uš # = 30—‰#'.I= 30 × 245'.I= 16259974.4
uš¡#= 60E ∑ ,Y£
Y w¤¥/)K››
uš¡#= 60 × 1 × 582 × (1 × 2315 + 0.7( ))× 4014 + 0.9( ))× 2470) uš¡#= 191795725.4
Because of uš¡#> uš #, we conclude that lifespan factor ‹š‡#= 1 Similarity with the process above, we can obtain that:
Trang 18uš ' = 13972305.13
uš¡'= 27190604.35
So that, based on the condition uš¡'> uš ', ‹š‡'= 1
Allowable bending stress, based on equation (6.2), (6.4) and (6.8) [1]
}Ž?~#= Ž?L›S#o ׋?‡#
•?# = 441 ×
11.75 = 252(–>) }Ž?~'= Ž?L›S'o ׋?‡'•?' = 414 ×1.75 = 236.61 (–>)
All the factor which is used in the 2 equations above, can be calculated in the process below
Because of the u?¡#> u? , we conclude that lifespan factor ‹?¦#= 1
Similarity with the process above, we can obtain that:
u? = 4 × 108
u?¡'= 27190604.35
So that, based on the condition u?¡'> u? , ‹?¦'= 1
After calculating preliminary contact, bending and overload stress, we conclude all the data in the table below
Material of the Spur gear system
Element Material treatment Heat Hardness Ž˜ Ž™“ }Žš~ }Ž?~
Trang 192.1.2 Design and reinforce calculation of the Spur gear
§= ‹T( ± 1)+ }ŽR#‹š©
š~' Ψ˜T 4
§= 43 4 + 1( )+ 115744.52 × 1.124(495.45)'× 4 × 0.25= 173.78 vv( ) All the factor is selected and figure out in the process bellow
‹T= 49.5 base on table (6.5) [1]
Ψ˜T= 0.3 base on standard and table 6.6 [1]
Ψ˜V= 0.53Ψ˜T( + 1) = 0.53 × 0.3 × (4 + 1) = 0.6625 base on equation (6.16) [1]
‹š©= 1.12 is selected base on table 6.7, diagram 3 [1]
We choose the center distance base on standard SEV229-75, §= 200 mm( )
Determine the meshing parameter of the spur gears
Following equation (6.17) [1]:
vW= (0.01 ÷ 0.02 ) §= (0.01 ÷ 0.02 200 = 2 ÷ 4) ( )
We choose the normal module of spur gear vW= 3
The width of the teeth
§'= Ψ˜T§= 0.3 × 200 = 60 vv
§#= §'+ 5 = 60 + 5 = 65mm The number of teeth of the driving spur gear
2 ∗ § ∗ cos (8)
v W ∗ ( + 1) ≥ „ # ≥2 ∗ § ∗ cos (20)
v W ∗ ( + 1) 26.4 ≥ „ # ≥ 25.05
We choose „#= 26
The number of teeth of the driven spur gear
„'= „#= 4 × 26 = 104
Trang 20We choose „'= 104
We figure out the error in transmitting ratio
p¯TL=„#„'=10426= 4The error of the transmitting ratio base on the calculating ratio
° = ± − p¯TL
p¯TL ± × 100% = 0% ≪ 5% ⟹ •EEœ_
So, we recalculate the center distance and the ration transmission
§=v(„#2+ „')=3(26 + 104)2 = 195 (vv) Calculate the lead angle
µ = EE!v ∗ „22§ = 12.83 3.2.3 Reinforce calculation of strength of the spur gear
Reinforce calculation of contact stress on the system
Base on the table (6.5) [1] we choose the mechanical factor of the material
ˆ¶= 274 (–>)#/)Without adjusting design, we can conclude:
Angle profile of the tooth equals the meshing angle
‚2= ‚2§= tanl#·cos µ¸ = tantan ‚ l#¹tan 200.975 º = 20.47;
Base on the equation (6.35) [1], we obtain that angle of the tooth on the unit cylinder
µ˜= tanl#(cos‚2tan µ = tan) l#( (cos 20.47) tan 12.839 ≈ 12.052( ))
The factor of the shape of the contact area ˆš base on the equation (6.34) [1]
ˆš= +sin 2 ‚2§2 cos µ˜ = +sin 2 × 20.4712 cos(12.052)( ) = 1.7277
Trang 21°†= »1.88 − 3.2 ·„#1 +„1
'¸ cos µ = 1.88 − 3.2 ·¼ » 26 +1 104¸¼ 0.975 = 1.731
The factor of vertical meshing of the gear °©, based on equation (6.37) [1]
°©= §sin µ½vW= ¾˜T§sin µ½vW= 0.25 × 200 ×sin(12.83)3½ = 1.178 Because of the factor °©= 1.178, the factor of tooth meshing ˆ¿, based on the equation (6.36a) [1]
ˆ¿= +°†1 = +1.73 = 0.761Pitch circle of the pinion _§#
_§#= + 1 =2§ 2 × 2004 + 1 = 80(vv) Linear velocity of the pinion
60000 =½ × 80 × 58260000 = 2.44 (v/!) Because of O#= 2.44 (v/!), based on the table (6.13) [1], we choose degree of
accuracy is 9 Therefore, from the table (6.14), the factor of load uniformly
distributes ‹š†= 1.13
The factor Oš is calculated, following equation (6.42)
Oš= ŽšoO#:§ = 0.002 × 73 × 2.44 ×+200
4 = 2.52With Žš and o is the factor which can be gain in the table 6.15 and 6.16 in [1], respectively
‹š@= 1 +Oš2R§_§##‹š©‹š†∗ §= 1 +2 × 115744.52 × 1.12 × 1.13 ≈ 1.032.52 × 0.25 × 200 ∗ 80
Base on equation (6.39) [1], we gain the total load factor when we consider
contact stress ‹š.
‹š= ‹š©‹š†‹š@= 1.12 × 1.13 × 1.04 = 1.31
Trang 22From all the factor we calculating, we can estimate the contact stress in the
Žš= ˆ¶ˆšˆ¿:2R#‹š( + 1)(§ _§#' )
Žš= 274 × 1.74 × 0.77 × 2 × 115744 × 1.32 × 5.23 + 1 × 50 × 64.12À ( ) '
Žš= 380.6 After we estimate the contact stress appear on the system, we continue
calculating exactly the allowable contact stress }Žš~
Base on equation (6.1), we get
}Žš~ = }Žš~ × ˆ@× ˆÁ× ‹Uš= 495.45 × 1 × 0.95 × 1 = 470,7 (–>) With selecting all the factor is demonstrated in the process below
ˆ@= 1, because O#= 2.42 < 5 (v/!)
Manufacturing with ÃT= 1.6 Äv ⟺ ˆÁ= 0.95, based on table 5.5 [4]
‹Uš= 1
}Žš~ = 495.45
Therefore, Žš= 375.62 ≤ Ž} š~ = 470.7 So, we can conclude that we satisfy
the contact stress condition.
Reinforce calculation of bending stress on the system
From the table 6.7 and table 6.14 [1], we get: ÆO#< 2.5 v/! ⟺ ‹?†‹?©= 1.24 = 1.37The factor O? can demonstrated, following equation (6.47) [1]
O?= Ž?oO#:§ = 0.006 × 73 × 2.44 ×+2004 = 7.55
With the factor Ž? and ; can be obtain in the table 6.15 and 6.16 in [1]
So that, the factor of the kinematic load appears in meshing zone when we calculate the bending stress:
‹?@= 1 +O2R?§_§##‹?©‹?†= 1 +2 × 115744.52 × 1.24 × 1.37 = 1.087.55 × 0.25 × 200 × 80
Trang 23The factor of load when we consider bending stress
‹?= ‹?©‹?†‹?@= 1.24 × 1.37 × 1.09 = 1.85 Base on equation (6.43) [1]
⎧ Ê¿=°†1 =1.70 = 0.591
Ê© = 1 −µ140 = 1 −10.735140 = 0.92The factor of the shape of the tooth Ê?, which is depend on the equivalent tooth
„@ and the table 6.18 [1]
Æ Ê?#= 4Ê?'= 3.6
equation (6.43) [1]
For the pinion
Ž?#=2R#‹?ʧ_§#v =¿Ê©Ê?# 2 × 115744 × 1.85 × 0.59 × 0.92 × 40.25 × 200 × 80 × 3 = 74.11(–>) For the driven gear
Ž?'= Ž?#×Ê?'
Ê?#= 74.11 ×3.64 = 69.7(–>)
Determine the exactly allowable bending stress in the system
Base on the equation (6.2) [1]
}Ž?#~ = }Ž?#~ÊÁÊË‹U?= 252 × 1 × 1 × 1 = 252 –>( )
}Ž?'~ = }Ž?'~ÊÁÊË‹U?= 237.43 × 1 × 1 × 1 = 237.43 –>( )
We can obtain that:
Æ Ž?#= 57.75 –>( ) < }Ž?#~ = 252(–>)Ž?'= 51.97 –>( ) < }Ž?'~ = 237.43(–>)Therefore, we satisfy the bending stress condition
Reinforce the overload stress.
Base on [2] we obtain that the factor of overload ‹Ì2= 3.2
Trang 24Determine the maximum contact stress ŽšSTU
ŽšSTU= ŽšÀ‹Ì2= 470,7 3.2 = 841.98 –>√ ( ) < }Žš~STU= 1260(–>) Determine the maximum bending stress Ž?STU
ÍŽ?STU#= Ž?#À‹Ì2= 74.11 3.2 = 237.15 < Ž√ } ?STU#~ = 464(–>)Ž?STU'= Ž?'À‹Ì2= 66.7 3.2 = 213.43 < Ž√ } ?STU'~ = 360(–>)Therefore, we satisfy the overload stress condition
In conclusion, we successfully reinforce the strength of the Helical Gear System 2.2.4 Force calculating of the helical gear transmission system
Useful Force is determined by the equation (6.16) [2]
Š2#=_§#2R#=2 × 115744.5280 = 2893.61(u) = Š 2'
Radial Force is calculated from the equation in (6.17) [2]
Šp#= Šp'=Š2#tan ‚W§cos µ =2893.61 tan 20cos 12.839 = 1107.89 (u)
Axial force is described in the equation (6.18) [2]
ŠT#= Š2#tan µ = 2893.61 tan 12.839 = 659.46(u)
Trang 25Chapter 4: Design and Calculate Spur Gear System
Input data of the spur gear
Power transmitting > 6.84 CD
Second torque loaded R' 0.7R u vv
Third torque loaded R) 0.9R u vv
Determine all the kind of stress:
Base on the table 6.2 [1] we have,
Limitation of contact stress ŽšL›S;
Trang 26ŽšL›S#; = 2—‰#+ 70 = 2 × 245 + 70 = 560 –>( ) ŽšL›S'; = 2—‰'+ 70 = 2 × 230 + 70 = 530 –>( ) Limitation of bending stress Ž?L›S;
Ž?L›S#; = 1.8 × 245 = 441 –>( )
Ž?L›S'; = 1.8 × 230 = 414 –>( ) Allowable overload stress
Base on equation (6.10) [1] and equation (6.11) [1]
}Žš~STU= 2.8 × 450 = 1260 –>( ) }Ž?~STU#= 0.8 × 580 = 464 –>( ) }Ž?~STU'= 0.8 × 450 = 360 –>( ) Allowable contact stress, based on equation (6.1), (6.3), (6.5) and (6.7) [1]
}Žš~#= ŽšL›S#o ׋š‡#•š# = 560 ×11.1 = 509.09 (–>) }Žš~'= ŽšL›S'o ׋š‡'2 = 530 ×11.1 = 481.82(–>)
So, when we in the calculating process we take the value of the contact stress equal:
}Žš~ = v^K Žž} š~#, }Žš~'Ÿ = 481.82 (–>) All the factor which is used in the 2 equations above, can be calculated in the process below
•š#= •š'= 1.1 gained by the table 6.2 [1]
uš # = 30—‰#'.I= 30 × 245'.I= 16259974.4
uš¡#= 60E ∑ ,Y£
Y w¤¥/)K››
uš¡#= 60 × 1 × 145.5 × (1 × 2315 + 0.7( ))× 4014 + 0.9( ))× 2470) uš¡#= 47948931
Because of uš¡#> uš #, we conclude that lifespan factor ‹š‡#= 1 Similarity with the process above, we can obtain that:
Trang 27uš ' = 13972305.13
uš¡'= 15982977.12
So that, based on the condition uš¡'> uš ', ‹š‡'= 1
Allowable bending stress, based on equation (6.2), (6.4) and (6.8) [1]
}Ž?~#= Ž?L›S#o ׋?‡#
•?# = 441 ×
11.75 = 252(–>) }Ž?~'= Ž?L›S'o ׋?‡'•?' = 414 ×1.75 = 236.61 (–>)
All the factor which is used in the 2 equations above, can be calculated in the process below
Because of the u?¡#> u? , we conclude that lifespan factor ‹?¦#= 1
Similarity with the process above, we can obtain that:
u? = 4 × 108
u?¡'= 11930715.86
So that, based on the condition u?¡'> u? , ‹?¦'= 1
After calculating preliminary contact, bending and overload stress, we conclude all the data in the table below
Table : Material of the Spur gear system
Element Material treatment Heat Hardness Ž˜ Ž™“ }Žš~ }Ž?~
Trang 284.1.2 Design and reinforce calculation of the Spur gear
§= ‹T( ± 1)+ }ŽR#‹š©
š~' Ψ˜T 4
§= 49.5 3 + 1( )+ 449181.35 × 1.074(495.45)'× 3 × 0.3= 261.4 vv( ) All the factor is selected and figure out in the process bellow
‹T= 49.5 base on table (6.5) [1]
Ψ˜T= 0.3 base on standard and table 6.6 [1]
Ψ˜V= 0.53Ψ˜T( + 1) = 0.53 × 0.3 × (3.06 + 1) = 0.646 base on equation (6.16) [1]
‹š©= 1.07 is selected base on table 6.7, diagram 3 [1]
We choose the center distance base on standard SEV229-75, §= 250 mm( )
Determine the meshing parameter of the spur gears
Following equation (6.17) [1]:
vW= (0.01 ÷ 0.02 ) §= (0.01 ÷ 0.02 250 = 2.5 ÷ 5) ( )
We choose the normal module of spur gear vW= 3
The width of the teeth
§'= Ψ˜T§= 0.3 × 250 = 75 vv
§#= §'+ 5 = 75 + 5 = 80 mm The number of teeth of the driving spur gear
Trang 29So, we recalculate the center distance and the ration transmission
§=v(„#+ „')
2 =3(41 + 126)2 = 250.5 (vv) Because of the number of teeth of the driving gear „#> 30, so the center distance is assured
#=12641= 3.07
⇒ ∆ = − S× 100% = ±3.06 − 3.073.06 ± × 100% = 0.3%
So, the deviation is smaller than 5% is this ratio is accpected
4.1.3 Reinforce calculation of strength of the spur gear
Reinforce calculation of contact stress on the system
Base on the table (6.5) [1] we choose the mechanical factor of the material
ˆ¶= 274 (–>)#/)Without adjusting design, we can conclude:
Angle profile of the tooth equals the meshing angle
‚2= ‚2§= 20;
The factor of the shape of the contact area ˆš base on the equation (6.34) [1]
ˆš= +sin 2 ‚2§2 cos µ˜ = +sin 2 × 202 cos(0)( ) = 1.764
Trang 30ˆ¿= +(4 − °3 †)= +(4 − 1.70)3 = 0.861 Pitch circle of the pinion _§#
_§#= 2§ + 1 =2 × 2503.07 + 1 = 122.75(vv) Linear velocity of the pinion
O#=½_60000 =§#K# ½ × 122.75 × 145.560000 = 0.94 (v/!)
Because of O#= 0.89 (v/!), based on the table (6.13) [1], we choose degree of
accuracy is 9 Therefore, from the table (6.14), the factor of load uniformly
From all the factor we calculating, we can estimate the contact stress in the
Žš= ˆ¶ˆšˆ¿:2R#‹š( + 1)(§_§#' )
Žš= 274 × 1.764 × 0.861 × 2 × 449181.35 × 1.32 × 3 + 1 × 80 × 64.12À ( ) '
Žš= 476.92 (–>)
Trang 31After we estimate the contact stress appear on the system, we continue
calculating exactly the allowable contact stress }Žš~
Base on equation (6.1), we get
}Žš~ = }Žš~ × ˆ@× ˆÁ× ‹Uš= 481.82 × 1 × 0.95 × 1 = 457.73 (–>) With selecting all the factor is demonstrated in the process below
ˆ@= 1, because O#= 0.89 < 5 (v/!)
Manufacturing with ÃT= 1.6 Äv ⟺ ˆÁ= 0.95, based on table 5.5 [4]
‹Uš= 1
}Žš~ = 481.82
Therefore, Žš= 457.73 ≤ Ž} š~ = 457.73 So, we can conclude that we satisfy
the contact stress condition.
Reinforce calculation of bending stress on the system
From the table 6.7 and table 6.14 [1], we get: ÆO#< 0.89 v/! ⟺ ‹?†‹?©= 1.17 = 1.13The factor O? can demonstrated, following equation (6.47) [1]
O?= Ž?oO#:§
= 0.016 × 73 × 0.94 ×+2503 = 9.85With the factor Ž? and ; can be obtain in the table 6.15 and 6.16 in [1]
So that, the factor of the kinematic load appears in meshing zone when we calculate the bending stress:
‹?@= 1 +O ?§_§#
2R#‹?©‹?†= 1 +2 × 449181.35 × 1.24 × 1.37 = 1.089.85 × 0.25 × 250 × 122.75
‹?= ‹?©‹?†‹?@= 1.17 × 1.13 × 1.08 = 1.42 Base on equation (6.43) [1]
Trang 32The factor of the shape of the tooth Ê?, which is depend on the equivalent tooth
„@ and the table 6.18 [1]
ÆÊ?#= 3.7Ê?'= 3.6
equation (6.43) [1]
For the pinion
§_§#v =2 × 449181.35 × 1.42 × 0.56 × 1 × 3.70.3 × 250 × 122.75 × 3 = 96.4(–>) For the driven gear
Ž?'= Ž?#×ÊÊ?'
?#= 96.4 ×3.63.7 = 93.8(–>)
Determine the exactly allowable bending stress in the system
Base on the equation (6.2) [1]
}Ž?#~ = }Ž?#~ÊÁÊ Ë‹U?= 252 × 1 × 1 × 0.95 = 240.27 –>( ) }Ž?'~ = }Ž?'~ÊÁÊ Ë‹U?= 237.43 × 1 × 1 × 0.95 = 225.56 –>( )
We can obtain that:
ÆŽ?#= 76.43 –>( ) < }Ž?#~ = 240.27(–>)Ž?'= 74.37 –>( ) < }Ž?'~ = 225.56(–>)Therefore, we satisfy the bending stress condition
Reinforce the overload stress.
Base on [2] we obtain that the factor of overload ‹Ì2= 3.2
Determine the maximum contact stress ŽšSTU
ŽšSTU= ŽšÀ‹Ì2= 476.92 3.2 = 853.13 –>√ ( ) < }Žš~STU= 1260(–>) Determine the maximum bending stress Ž?STU
ÑŽ?STU#= Ž?#‹Ì2= 96.40 × 3.2 = 308.48 < Ž} ?STU#~ = 464(–>)
Ž?STU'= Ž?'‹Ì2= 93.8 × 3.2 = 300.14 < Ž} ?STU'~ = 360(–>)Therefore, we satisfy the overload stress condition
In conclusion, we successfully reinforce the strength of the Spur Gear System
Trang 334.2.4 Force calculating of the Spur gear
Useful force, equation 6.13[2]
Š2#= Š2'=2R#
_§#=2 × 449181.35122.75 = 7318.37(u) Radial Force, equation 6.14 [2]
Šp#= Šp'= Š2#tan ‚§= 7318.37 tan 20 = 2663.67 (u)