The number of test session: 3 sessions The number of panelists in 1 session: 10 panelists PART II: SAMPLE PREPARATION Use: Coke 330mL can 2 types of samples no significant difference in
Trang 1
Lesson 1: Discrimination test-Experiment
Group 2 - Class CC01
Date: 19/12/2021
Lecturer : Nguyễn Quốc Cường
Date: 19/12/2021
Lecturer : Nguyén Quốc Cường
List of Members:
1 Bui Thién Dat 1852310
2 Tran Hién 1752195
3 Pham Ngoc Quang
4 D6 Thanh Nhan 1852626
5 Nguyễn Thị Minh Thu 1752523
7 Huỳnh Nguyễn Hồng Hạnh 1711135
Trang 3MUC LUC
NĐìn nhi inaidđđ ,ÔỎ 3
Mr eee eee cece eee eee eee ceee cece ceeeceeeceseeseeseeeeeseseessusesesesesetetess 3
DQ ME ne ha Q22 2222121212121 21 2122122221222 22222222 22222 2222222222 2222 6 4
3 Sfp xp vi tri clG moi they Aue ee eee cece cece eee eee cece cease cece sees eee eee 5
4 Hướng dẫn người đánh giá mẫu Q2 22 22 2 2 DĐ ĐT TH TH TH TH HD HDD DĐ cọ 6
5 Quan sat va bao dam các tiêu chí thử mẫu C2221 2121511512121 2 SE ĐE DĐ DĐ n TT TT 222222 6
b Xử lý tình huống phátsinh 22 2 2U eee eece eect cue cee sees teeceeteetuesseeseasensnensenseseiieis 6
i Trước quả trình thử mẫu 2 2 22 2 2n HD HT HT TT TT n n HT TH TH 6
INNWì oi tá ướớ"" 6
II No c8 08 on eeeeecreteseneetensneseussesecuetesersstersstererisecnisesenteenntssess 7
Trang 4
Subject: Effect of storage temperature on the sweetness of soda
1 Situation (experiment purpose)
- Today, customers have a lot of choices when deciding to buy a certain product Because in the market today, there are many similar products offered by different companies Therefore, if you
do not capture what customers think about your company's products, you will lose Take the
business opportunity, market share to the hands of one of your rival companies Your
competitors will overcome and enlist the love of your customers for you
Therefore, Pepsi company conducts periodical survey of product quality in the market Specifically, how does the sweetness of the product change when consumers use the product at different temperatures (room temperature and refrigerated product)
Surveys play an important role in product development and quality control processes providing useful information on consumer perceptions
2 Select the test
Choose the 2AFC test: Since this test helps to determine the different samples in sweetness,
evaluate the difference in sweetness between the two samples under the influence of
temperature (normal temperature and cold storage)
- The test is relatively easy to perform and less expensive For reliable results
3 Select panelists
Recruitment of panelists: students in Bach Khoa University
+ Number of panelists: 30 people
+ Method: post on Facebook groups, register via Google form and finally confirmed by messenger or cellphone
Criteria of panelist:
- Untrained
- Have already used soft drink
- No dental diseases or problems
- No diabetes
Question in Google form:
- Name, age, sex, facebook link, cellphone number
- Do you have any dental diseases or problems?
Trang 5The number of test session: 3 sessions
The number of panelists in 1 session: 10 panelists
Use: Coke (330mL) can
2 types of samples (no significant difference in volume)
Sample at room temperature (25-30°C): 30mL/sample
Sample at refrigerator temperature (2-4°C) heat up: 30mL/sample
1 Container: paper cups (90ml), | time use, similar in color > 60 sample cups (90ml)
-Sample at room temperature for 30 testers: 30 x 30 = 900ml, each shift 300mL
=> 1 can/shift => 3 cans total
-Sample at refrigerator temperature for 30 testers: 30 x 30 = 900ml, each shift 300mL => 1 can/shift
=> 3 cans total
-Total: 3 room temperature cans, 3 refrigerator temperature cans
+ The presentation template needs to follow a uniform sequence, not affected by surrounding environmental factors
+ Before presenting, it is necessary to check the external factors of the sample (color, smell, etc are normal, there is no difference due to errors in preservation)
+ Always have a certain number of samples in reserve to use if necessary
+ Conditions: all testers have used and are familiar with the use of Pepsi soft drinks (no allergies) + The person trying to use the sample for the first time will drink filtered water to clear the taste, then conduct the second sample test
2 Sample coding:
-All sample must be coding
-Randomly coding the sample with 3 digits number (use excel)
-No divulge the information of the sample for tester
Trang 6Table 1: Sample coding
Amount of sample to be prepared
The technician prepares a sufficient amount of sample (including backup and storage for:
-60 samples of A on test 1 (including 50 test samples and 10 reserve samples), divided into 5 test
batches, each time 30 minutes apart
-60 samples of B in test 2 (including 50 test samples and 10 reserve samples), divided into 5 test
batches, 30 min apart each time
How to prepare
- Put the glass on the table, slowly pour the soft drink from the bottle into the glass, without any wires coming out When weighing only 25 ml, then stop Note: Must use the same type of paper cups of the same color and size so that the testers cannot distinguish the difference
Trang 7- Samples in cups, placed in the center of the tray, with evaluation sheets
- Sample symbols with random 3-digit numbers, not related to special symbols, national and
local numbers (113, 114, 115 )
- About 5-10 minutes before the test, the sample will be removed from the storage room at the same time (for samples at room temperature) and 2-3 minutes for samples in the refrigerator, take it away measure, then put it in a glass, stick a piece of paper with the number of symbols on
it Then the sample will be placed in a tray in the sample chamber and then pushed out to the test chamber for the participants to sample
1 Choose panelist, arrange time
- Subjects: people who often use Pepsi carbonated soft drinks on the market, untrained testers and
conducted a selective survey
- Contact testers via phone number, email to arrange an appropriate time
- The expected number of people is 30, divided into 5 small groups and scheduled at different times to avoid too many people trying to come at the same time The sensory experiment was conducted in one
session, each test lasted 45 minutes, including 30 minutes of experimentation and 15 minutes of
- The number of technicians will be 7 people
2 Waiting room
- When the assessor arrives, it is necessary to invite to waiting positions and briefly introduce the sensory evaluation session, to avoid the case that the assessor is not welcomed or goes directly into the testing room
- Time: the supervisor needs to pay attention to minimize the waiting time of the members, but in
some cases, this is unavoidable To make waiting more comfortable, this area should have some
newspapers or magazines
- In each experiment, when the number of testers arrives 20 minutes before entering the sensory room, the instructor will disseminate and explain to the testers the content of the test session, instruct the use of equipment in the room, read instructions before entering the sensory room
Trang 8- After answering the tester's questions, this task should be finished before 5 minutes before entering the laboratory so that the tester can have a comfortable mood
3 Arrangement of seating position for samples
- When guiding sample testers, it is necessary to choose the aisles and locations to avoid distracting the people next to them as much as possible
- Perform thorough cleaning of the sample test area before and after each test to create the most ideal environment for sample testing
4 Sample Reviewer Guide
- The supervisor should prepare the sample test equipment, arrange the samples (present the
samples according to a single procedure, avoid confusing the tester) and arrange the equipment properly
- Immediately after the tester completes need to guide them to the evaluation room
- Then hand out the feeling sheet and give brief instructions again on the evaluation criteria, how
to write sample code and how to score explicitly before the evaluator starts the assessment
5 Observe and ensure sample testing criteria:
a For the observer:
- It is necessary to have a general understanding of the properties and characteristics of the Pepsi carbonated soft drink sample to be tested
- Tools, samples and equipment should be re-examined prior to commencing sensing It is necessary to observe the sample testing process clearly (maybe thanks to the help of devices such as cameras, camcorders .)
- Find out and prepare enough people to observe the sample testing process accordingly to promptly improvise and promptly respond to incidents Create a friendly and comfortable atmosphere during the sample testing process, avoiding pressure and stress affecting the quality of the whole process
- Prepare medical professionals to respond to incidents that occur during sample testing
1 Before sample testing:
- Take a close look at the number of people who come to participate in the sample testing process, observers and prepare a surplus of samples to prevent errors from occurring
Trang 9- Make a cut (with compensation), or use an extra backup sample in case there is an error in the number of participants
- During the re-inspection of samples, if errors are detected (samples are damaged during storage), postpone the sample testing session and conduct a thorough review and re-examination of the samples
If there is a mistake in terms of equipment, facilities, etc., postpone the sample test to re-check
11 During sample testing:
- If the tester feels uncomfortable, shows signs of allergy or poisoning, immediately take medical measures in time and contact medical authorities
- If the sample presented does not guarantee the uniformity, change another sample accordingly
- Record signs of damage to samples, packaging and errors during storage
111 Post-sensory work:
- Collect the evaluation card and the technician will gather the testers each time to thank the testers for participating and give a small gift
- Immediately after the tester finished sensing, the technician asked the tester to stay and clean
1 Screening questionaire
Sensory experiment on soda Sensory experiment on fresh water will be held on dd/mm/yyyy at XXX laboratory at [h1;h2]
Name of SUrVEYOT! 200 ccc eee cee cee tee tee tee bene tee eas
Are you sure to attend the sensory session listed above?
LI Yes L] No
Is the location of the sensing session listed above convenient for you?
Is the timing of the sensing session listed above convenient for you?
LI Yes L] No
Why do you want to participate in the sensory experiment?
Are you allergic to any ingredients in any soft drinks?
Do you often dink soft drinks? Ifyes, what brand do you use?
How often do you use soft drinks per month?
Are you satisfied with the sweetness of the product you are using?
What makes you satisfied/unsatisfied with that product?
Another idea
Trang 11The instruction sheet is placed on the table of each test chamber, next to the answer sheet
Sensory Analysis Lab
Welcome to today's sensory review!
For the most accurate assessment results, the testers are required to strictly follow the following instructions: Step 1: First, please fill in your personal information on the answer sheet (do not fill in the answer)
Step 2: When you are ready, press the button to call the technician that has been arranged on the table After that, you will receive 1 tray with 2 soft drinks and 1 large glass of water Taste 2 cups of these soft drinks from left to right Note, need to taste with filtered water before tasting each soft drink sample Step 3: Once you've tasted it, complete the scorecard For the answer, circle the pattern that you find sweeter Then press the button a second time for the technician to collect the ticket and leave
Thank you for taking the time to participate in today's sensing session!
3 Answer sheet
Circle the sweeter sample : 134205
Trang 12
2-AFC Test Property: sweetness Date: / 12/2021
Presentation Received Answer
Trang 13Use water in transparent plastic cup
Use liquid as water to clean all the remaining soft drinks after each try Water is odorless and tasteless, so it will not affect the taste of the following sample
Add 50mL/plastic cup => need at least 1.5 L of water
The procedure officially begin at 13:00 This time period is past lunchtime so the panelist already have time to digest meal which not cause the feeling of being too full or too hungry to affect the evaluation At the same time, the experimental group also had enough time to prepare sample and experiment
Set the maximum time per shift: 15 minutes Time to try and evaluate depends on the tester (but no more than 15 minutes)
Check in panelist
- 5 minutes before the time of beginning experiment shift, check the attendance of 10 people of the shift who have registered to participate in sensory assessment according to the list
- Ensure that all participants in the shift are present and on time at least before 5 minutes
- Take off the shoes, send the private stuff (eg backpack) to the bodyguard
- Guide the panelists to their positions
Prepare available tissue, water (as palate cleanser), instruction sheet, answer sheet, pen in each booth
At the same time, prepare the samples (enough for | session):
-Coding the samples
-Filling the coke into the container quickly and precisely
-Putting the containers on the tray as right order
Read clearly the instruction sheet and guide the panelists to fill in the answer sheet
Clarify all questions from the panelists (if any)
Distribute the samples to the panelists:
Each one receive two samples according to the order
Fill more water into their cups whenever it is almost empty Do it silently to avoid distraction
Collect answer sheets and check whether it is valid or not
Panelists leaving the room: Thank you for testing and giving gifts
Cleaning up the testing area, disposing the waste
Resetting up the booths for the next shift