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Using digital storytelling to improve writing skills in efl classrooms perception from teachers of taipei school in ho chi minh city

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Tiêu đề Using Digital Storytelling to Improve Writing Skills in EFL Classrooms: Perception from Teachers of Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City
Tác giả Nguyễn Thị Thu Chang
Người hướng dẫn Nguyễn Thanh Long, Ph.D., Hồ Văn Hân, Ph.D.
Trường học Nguyen Tat Thanh University
Chuyên ngành English Linguistics
Thể loại Master Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2024
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh City
Định dạng
Số trang 106
Dung lượng 3,47 MB

Cấu trúc

    • 1.1. Background to the Study (12)
    • 1.2. The Statement of the Study (16)
    • 1.3. The objectives of the study (16)
    • 1.4. Research questions (17)
    • 1.5. The contribution of this study (17)
    • 2.1. The definitions (19)
    • 2.2. The benefit of Digital Storytelling (24)
    • 2.4. Review of previous studies (27)
    • 4.1. Testing scale reliability for observation questions (37)
    • 4.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis EFA (46)
    • 5.1. Conclusions (78)
      • 5.1.1. Teacher ’ s Perception (79)
      • 5.1.2. Challenges (80)
    • 5.2. Recommendations (82)
      • 5.2.1. For the School (83)
      • 5.2.2. For Teachers (83)
      • 5.2.3. For Students (84)

Nội dung



Background to the Study

Writing is one of four important skills in English that students must master Based on Yamae & Ulusoy (2016), writing is important m communicating with the world andfor self expression Writing can conveythe idea ofwhat the writer wants to say Everyone can express their ideas through writing Before havinga speech,the speaker needsto write downoutlinesandplans Writing can also help writers to write down what they want to express.

Communicate fluently with people to avoid forgetting, the writer also writes down what he has thought Writing can improve the writer's ability creative becausethewritercan write somepointand then expand it by add words Writmg can also improvevocabulary because thewriter needs words to stall writing.

In teaching writing to EFL students, teachers need to find teaching methods that attract students' interest Learning strategies are used to avoid that students feel bored in studying Richard & Renandya (2002) explain that students have difficulty writing not only in coming up with ideas but still have difficulty expressing them in words EFL students do not like to write because they have no experience, no ideas, and lack ofknowledge grammaretc In this study, they also found that some teachers are still using teacher-centered approaches in teaching writing classrooms and teachers also do not use any media in teaching writing suchas images, videos, and other things that canhelp students' writmg.

Teaching writing using new learning methods, using technology can create a good and interesting learning method Using technology-based learning can enhance students' skills Many approaches used in teachmg such as product based approaches, process-based approach and technology-based approach Product-based approach is emphasized writers focus on the product ofwriting.Process-based in this approach emphasizes the writer's focus on the writing process rather than the writing processproduct The teclmology-based approach emphasizedbytheauthors is theuseof technologywritten This research is using digitaltechnology such as digital storytelling in teaching writing.

Digital storytelling stands for digital and storytellhig Digital is used as one learning tools are being integrated due to the development of technology In particular, storytelling is the action of someone sharing or retelling a story to others Storytelling is an interesting activity used in the learning process The teachers can use some stories to attract students' attention It's called digital telling stories Digital storytelling is storytelling combined with usage technology (Smeda,et al 2014) Some researchers such as Abd Sani & Shah

(2017) and Ahmad & Yamat (2020) show that students feel more comfortable and pay attention to learning English using digital storytelling When applied to teaching English in the classroom because it will create more attractive and interesting for EFL students learning English So teaching writing using digital storytellingcanmake it possible students become moreinterested in learning to write in class.

Digital storytelling has many advantagesthatcan assist students in studyprocess Many studies have proven that digital storytelling enhances writing Digital storytelling provides an exciting learning environment inwriting skills because the narrator's voice in the story allows the audience to hear and be heard emotions Digital storytellinghelps build skillsatthesame time It helpslisteners to understand stories and solveproblems Digital Storytelling can also improve otherskills such as critical thinking Thereare usually some points such as moral values that students need to determine, It takes critical thinkingto figure it out Therefore, digital storytelling can beused to help teachers to increase efficiency in teaching writing in class Many researchers have found that digital storytelling brings many positive benefits to learners' writing skills Lim & Noor (2019) conducted a study using digital storytelling as an integrated technological approach for high schoolstudents inMalaysia.

Through tliis study, they discovered that digital storytelling helps students organizeideas, construct clear content, and use correctgrammarandvocabulary. Similarly, Duman & Gocen (2015) indicated that digital storytelling can help students use words and grammar accurately, develop writing fluency, and enhance organization Nassim (2018) suggested that through research, students canconvey story messages or moral values Digital stoiytellingcan also improve students' classroom performance Foelske (2014) explained that digital storytelling enhances student engagement and motivation in the classroom because it creates a student-centered learning environment LoBello (2015) stated thatdigital storytelling improves students' writing performance, creativity, andmotivation Overall, previousstudies have shown that digital storytelling has been effective in enhancing teaching activities Yamae and Ulusoy (2016) conducted a study on digital storytelling as a medium for third-grade students in Turkey The research results showed that digital storytelling implemented by Turkish teachers improved students' ideas, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, and writing conventions Seifeddin, Ahmed, and Ebrahim (2015) also conducted a study on the DSWP for second-year preparatory students inEgypt They found that digital storytelling helps students write well and improves critical thinking.

Based on the aforementioned studies, digital storytelling can be used to teach English writing to students This has inspired educators to use digitalstorytelling to improve middle school students' writing This initiative stems from the fact that students have been scoring low inwriting, based ondata from their English teachers This is notan experiment and error approach, as previous researchhas shown that digital storytelling can enhance students' writing skills Therefore, using digital storytelling in teaching writing to middle school students is a solution to improve their writing scores.

From the explanation above, this research aims to fill the gap among previous studies.Most researchonthe use of digitalstorytelling has focused onimproving writing skills in general, while the writer intends to improve writing skills in narrative texts specifically.

However, there are only a few studies related to digital storytelling in teaching writing in Indonesia, such as Sari (2018), which examined senior high school students' perceptions of creating digital storytelling in writing classes, and Sudarmaji, et al.(2020), which studiedteachingwriting using digital stoiytelling to improve students' visual memory and writing skills in senior high school. Unfortunately, no studies have been conducted in Aceh, particularly in writing for junior highschool level.

Therefore, thewriter expects digital storytelling to be a usefulapproach thatwill help junior high school students learn to write narrativetexts The researchwas conducted at MTsN4 Banda Aceh, chosen as a representative of all MTsN in Banda Aceh.

Digital storytelling involves combining nan'ative elements with digital multimedia, such asimages, audio, andvideo,to create engaging andinteractive stories Recognizing the potential of digital storytelling to stimulate creativity, critical thinking, and language proficiency, educators worldwide are increasingly incorporatingit mto language learning curricula.

This study was done at Taipei School inHoChiMinhCity, Vietnam It islacated in S3, TanPhu Ward, District 7,Ho Chi Minh City It was establised in 1997 for students from Preschool to Highschool Students are mainly Taiwanese and international students in Vietnam, (https://-wyvyv.tshcmc.edu.vn/)

Perception from Teachers of Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City explores the integration ofdigital storytelling as a pedagogical tool to enliance EFL writing skills Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, hosts a diverse range of educational institutions catering to students fromvarious culturalbackgrounds, includmg theTaipei School.

The Statement of the Study

This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of utilizingdigital storytelling as a pedagogical tool for enhancing writing skills in EFL classrooms at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City Specifically, the research seeks to explore the perception of teachers regarding the integration of digital storytelling, the challenges they face, and the benefits observed in the context of improving students' writing abilities At Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City, many English teaching methods are applied This includes methods for teachingwriting skills digitally This method really brings excitement to students during class.Although this method has been used for a long time in schools, the method of teaching writing skills using digital storytelling has not been researched by anyone in Taipei schools in HoChi Minh City Therefore, thisstudy will propose and improve as well as recognize limitations to help teachers improve in then- teachingmethods.

The objectives of the study

- Examining the perception of teachers at Taipei School in terms of the integration of digital storytelling into the EFL curriculum.

- Identifying the challenges faced by teachers when implementing digital storytellingfor writing skill development.

- Investigating the perceived benefitsof using digital storytelling for improving writing skills, as observed by teachers.

- Providing recommendations for optimizing the integration of digital storytelling into EFL instruction to improve writing skills effectively at Taipei schooland potentially in similar educational contexts.

Research questions

In order to fulfillthe objectives mentioned above The research questions of this study are structuredas follows.

1 Whatare theEFL teachers’perceptions about using storytelling to help students practice writingskill of English?

2 What are the challenges encountered by the EFL teachers in using digital stojytelling to help students practice writing skill of English?

The contribution of this study

The study titled "Using Digital Stojytelling to Improve Writing Skills in EFL Classrooms: Perception from Teachers of TaipeiSchool in Ho Chi Minh City" could make several significant contributions:

Fhst of all, this study focuses on native teachers and Taiwanese teachers who teach English at the Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City These teachers instruct students who are predominantly Taiwanese (80%), with the remaining students being Chinese, Korean, American, Japanese, Vietnamese, and from severalother countries This study has not yet been conducted at theTaipei School Theunique aspect of this study is that it concentrates on teachers who teach English to a diverse group of students fromvarious countries.

Educational insight: By exploring how digital storytelling impacts writmg skills, the study provides valuable insights mto innovative teaching methods It shows how integrating digital storytelling can enhance the learning experience and potentially lead to improved writing skills among EFL students.

Teacher perceptions: Understanding teachers' perceptions of digital storytelling in EFL classrooms offers practical information on the effectiveness of this method It highlights how teachers view the tool's benefits and challenges,which can guide other educators in adopting similartechniques.

Pedagogicalpractices:The study may offer evidence-based recommendations for improving pedagogical practices If digital storytelling is found effective, the study canencourage more widespreaduse of this approach in language teaching, leading tobetterwriting outcomes.

Cultural and contextual adaptation: Since the study focuses on Taipei School in

Ho Chi Minli City, it provides context-specific insights into how digital storytelling can be adapted and utilized in different cultural and educational settings which helps in understandingthe local applicability and effectivenessof such methods.

Future research directions: The findings can serve as a foundation for future research on digitalstoiytellingandother multimedia tools in language education

It may highlight areas that requữe further exploration, such as the impact on different skill levels, age groups, or cultural backgrounds.

Practical applications: By presenting concrete examples and feedback from teachers, the research can offer practical strategies for implementing digital storytelling in EFL classrooms This can help educators to effectively integrate technology into then teaching practices.

Overall, thisresearchcontributes to the field of language education by providing empirical evidence on the benefits and challenges ofusing digitalstorytelling as a toolto enhance writing skills.

The definitions

Writing is the process of transforming text that contains ideas into words and sentences Abdel-Hack (2014) explains several benefits ofwriting; a Writing gives the writer time to think about what they want to write. b It makes communication more effective. c Itpermanently records actions, thoughts, etc. d Itcancausethe readerto receive information more slowlycompared to hearing it dnectly.

Fhza (2015) suggests that writing is an activity that expresses the writer's thoughts, ideas, emotions, and opinions in the form of text From this, it is clear that the purpose of writing is for students to express then emotions, ideas, experiences, etc., through written text Ability is someone's action to do something well Therefore, writing skills are the ability to arrange sentences so that thewriter's ideas are well communicated to the reader To effectively share theirideas with readers,writers should writecoherent sentences to create a good piece ofwriting In writing, the clearer and more coherent the writer writes, the better the readers will understand the writer's intent.

According to Apriliani (2018), teaching writing involvesconveying the message about the text and its materials to students Apriliani (2018) also identifies severalgenres of text:

Academic writing: writing theses, reports, providing test answers, dissertations,etc.

Job-related writing: messages, letters/emails, announcements, advertisements, etc.

Personal texts: letters/emails, invitations, medical reports, diaries, personal journals like short stories, etc.

Atwan (2018) lists four predominant types of text Each type ofwriting has a specific purpose, such as:

Expositorywriting: In this type oftext, the writer discussesa topic ora paragraph without presenting their personalviews.

Descriptive text: In this type of text, the writer explains something in detail, whichcould be a place, an object, or a character.

Persuasivewriting: In this form, thewriting aims to persuade the reader and can include the writer's personal opinions.

Narrativewriting: In this type, the writer tells a story It could be a memorable event, a fable, etc.

Teachers need to payattention to the writing process beforestudents begin then- assignments Students should follow the writing process to write effectively Abdel-Hack & Helwa (2014) developed a five-step writing process:

1 Pre-writing: In this stage, students select an experience they want to write about based onthe topic.

2 Drafting: Students follow an outline ofthe sequence of events but focus on creating an engaging story, such as a personal narrative using "I," detailing events, and using clear descriptions to capturethe reader's attention, etc.

3 Revising: In thisstage, students review, revise, andrearrange their work.

4 Editing: Students read through theirwork to correct grammatical errors and punctuation mistakes.

5 Publishing: At this point, students publishthen work and receive feedback to improve then future writing.

The components of writing aim to evaluate how well a piece of writing is composed, detennining whetherit is good or bad A good pieceof writingshould include several key components Table 2.1 shows the components ofwriting according to Brown(2000).

Content -Topic sentence - Related idea

The purpose of grading writing is to evaluate students' writing results and understand their comprehension It can indicate how well students are progressing with their writing tasks According to Weigle (2007, p 195),

"assessment is indeed important for evaluating students' progress and achievement." In Weigle's book "Assessmg Writing" (2002, pp 112-114), there aretwo types of scoring: analytical scoring and holistic scoring.

- Holistic Scoring: In holistic scoring, criteria are not explicitly detailed It is used to supplement non-standardized assignments foreach level, and evaluators are guided to assess overallperformance.

- Analytical Scoring: This involves evaluating several criteria such as content, organization, coherence,vocabulaiy, grammar, or mechanics.

Both methods seive to provide a comprehensive understanding of a student's writing abilitiesand areas for improvement.

To evaluate students' writing, we use Jacobs' (1981) analytical scoring method.The scoring criteria are divided mto five main writing components: content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics Each component has levels ranging from veiy poor, poor, fafr, average to good, and very good to excellent.

No Aspect Score Levels ranging Criteria

1 Content 30 Very good to excellent

Average togood Poor to fair Very poor

Organization 30 Very good to excellent

Averageto good Poor to fair Verypoor

- Ideas clearly stated/supported, well- organized.

- Loosely organized but mam ideas stand out.

- No organization, insufficient to evaluate. Language in use

Average to good Poor to fair Very poor

- Effective complex in sentence structure.

- Effective yet simpleinsentence structure. -Complexity lies in the simplicity/complexity ofsentence structure.

Vocabulary 20 Very good to excellent

Averageto good Poor to fah Very poor

- Effective word/idiom choice andusage.

- Appropriate word/idiomchoice and usage.

- Occasional errors in word/idiom form, choice,and usage.

- Frequent errors inword/idiom form, choice, and usage.

- Little knowledge ofvocabulary/word/idiom form, insufficient to evaluate.

Mechanics 5 Very good to excellent

Averageto good Poor to fair Very poor

- Lack of masteryofconventions, insufficient to evaluate. The definition of Digital Stoìyteỉling

Digital storytelling is a contemporary narrativeapproach thatmerges traditional storytelling techniques with digital multimedia elements—images, audio, video,and web-based content—to craft captivatingand interactive stories.This method has gained traction across diverse fields, including education, marketing, and social activism, because of itseffectivenessin conveying intricate ideas in a clear and emotionally resonant way In education, it not only enhances engagement but also helps students develop critical thinking and creative skills by enabling them to create and share theirownmultimedianarratives This versatility makes digital storytelling a powerful tool for making complex subjects more approachable and memorable, fostering a deeper connectionwith the audience and enriching the overall learning experience.

The benefit of Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling combines the art of storytelling with avariety of multimedia elements, such as graphics, audio, video, and web publishing It provides numerous benefitsacross different fields, especially in education These benefits can be broadly categorized into several key areas: enhancing engagement, fostering creativity, improving conununication skills, and promoting deeper learning There are some research on the Benefits of Digital Storytelling.

Robin, B R (2016) studied theimpact of digital storytelling on student learning and engagement and found thatdigitalstorytelling makes lessonsmore engaging and relatable, leading to increased student participation and interest in learning activities By combining visual, auditory, and textual elements, digital storytelling captures students' attention and enhances theft overall learning experience The study findings by Smeda, N et al (2017) found that digital storytellingenhances studentmotivationand understanding ofcomplex subjects.

Itfacilitates an interactive and participatory learning environmentwhere students actively engage with the content.

Garrety, c M., & Schmidt, s J (2018) Digital storytelling as a tool for reflective learning: Reflective learning is significantly enhanced through digital storytelling, as students are encouraged to reflect on their experiences and expressthen thoughts creatively Thisprocess deepens thenunderstanding and retention of the material The benefits of digital storytelling are shown in works byYang, Y T c„ & Wu, w c (2019); Alismail, H A (2020); Sadik, A (2021); and Kim, s., & Li, X (2022).

Gonzalez, c., & Cramer, E (2023) carried out the study: “Enhancing social- emotional learning through digital storytelling” and stated that digital storytellingcanhelp develop empathy, self-awareness, and emotionalregulation by allowingstudentsto share personal stories and experiences.

Recently, a study by Smith, A E., & Johnson, R D (2024) finds that digital storytellingcan increase student engagement and improve learning outcomes in virtual classrooms by making the content more interactive and relatable Digital storytelling offers a multifaceted approach to learning and conununication It engages students, fosters creativity, improves critical thinking and conununication skills, and promotes deeper learning and social-emotional development As educational practices continue to evolve, digital storytelling stands out as a powerful tool that bridges traditional and modern pedagogical methods, preparing students forthe demands ofthe 21st century.

2.3 Digital storytelling in writing in EFL classrooms

In the EFL classroom, digital storytelling has shown significant promise in enhancing languageskills, cultural understanding, and student engagement This method not only makes learning more niteractive and engaging but also allows students to practice thenlanguage skills in acreative and meaningful context.

Alismail, H A (2020) carried out the study: “Integrating digital stoiytelling in EFL education: Impacts on student engagement and learning” This study demonstratesthat digital storytellingsignificantly increases student engagement and improves language learning outcomes It suggests practical strategies for incorporating digital storytelling into EFL curricula to maximize these benefits.

A study by Sadik, A (2021): Digital storytelling: A vehicle for technology integration and language skill development in EFL examined how digital storytelling serves as an effective method for integrating technology into EFL educationwhilepromoting essential language skills The workby Gonzalez, c.,

& Cramer, E (2023): Enhancing cultural understanding through digital storytelling in EFL classrooms explored the potential of digital storytelling to enhance cultural understanding among EFL students It shows that digital storytelling can help students appreciate and understand different cultures, promoting empathy and intercultural competence.

Recently, Smith, A E., & Johnson, R D (2024) studied digital storytelling and its impact on student engagement in online EFL learning environments and found that digital storytelling can increase student engagement and improve language learning outcomes in virtual classrooms by making the content more interactive and relatable.

Obviously, digital storytelling offers a dynamic and engaging approach to EFL education It enhances language skills, fosters cultural understanding, and promotes critical21st-century skills As educational practicescontinue to evolve, digital storytelling stands out as a powerful tool that bridges traditional and modern pedagogical methods, preparing EFL students for the demands ofthe globalized world Overall, the literature supports the efficacy of digital storytelling in enhancing writing skills and fostering a dynamic learning environment in EFL classrooms.

At Taipei Schools, there has not been any research related to learning English, especially about writing skills This study focuses on using digital storytelling techniques to improve writing skills in EFL classrooms at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City The primary objective is to investigate the perceptions of native teachers regarding the effectiveness of implementing digital storytelling techniques in enhancing students' writing skills.

The study targets nativeteachersandteachers using Englishasa second language at Taipei School These teachers play a crucial role not only in teaching students from various countries, including Taiwan, China, Vietnam, and other international locations, but also in the implementation and evaluation of new teaching methods Digital storytelling, which combines digital elements with the art of storytelling, has been applied to create a dynamic and effective learning environment, thereby helping to improve students' writing abilities hl EFL classes.

Digital storytelling offers a dynamic and engaging approach to EFL education.

It enhances language skills, fosters cultural understanding, and promotescritical 21st-century skills As educational practices continue to evolve, digital storytelling stands out as a powerful tool that bridges traditional and modern pedagogical methods, preparing EFL students forthe demands of the globalized world Overall, the literature supports the efficacy of digital storytelling in enhancing writing skills and fostering a dynamic learning enviromnent in EFL classrooms.

Review of previous studies

The integration of digital storytelling in EFL classrooms has gained significant attentionoverthe past fewyears Researchers have explored its various benefits, from enhancing student engagement to improving language proficiency This section reviews the most relevant studies conducted within the last five years, highlighting key findings and contributions to the field By examining these studies, we canbetter understand the impact and potential ofdigital storytelling in EFL education.

In recent years, the integration of digital storytelling into EFL education has emerged as a powerful approach that enhances various aspects of language learning Studies have consistently demonstrated thatdigitalstorytelling not only increases student engagement and motivation but also significantly improves academic performance and language skills For instance, Robin (2016) highlighted the positive impact of multimedia elements on student engagement, showingthat combining traditional storytelling with digital tools makes learning more interactive and enjoyable, leading to better language skills Building on this, Yang et al (2017) revealed that digital storytelling enhances academic achievement and critical thinking by allowing students to relate more deeply to the material, fostering greater understanding and retention.

Furtherresearch by Smeda et al (2018) underscored the effectiveness of digital storytelling in improving specific language skills such as vocabulary acquisition, pronunciation, and writing The immersive nature of digital storytelling encourages active participation, making language learning more effective and enjoyable Similarly, Garrety et al (2018) explored how digital storytelling promotes reflective learning, enabling students to develop greaterself-awareness and confidence in their language abilities throughpersonal expression and self- reflection.

The broader benefitsofdigital storytelling are also evident in its ability to foster essential 21st-century skills.NiemiandMultisilta (2019) emphasizedthatdigital storytelling enhances critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and conununication, preparing students for success in a globalized world Alismail

(2020) further demonstrated that integrating digital stoiytellmg into EFL curricula not only boosts student engagement but also improves learning outcomes, offering practical strategiesfor its effective implementation.

Sadik (2021) highlighted how digital storytelling facilitates technology integration in language education, helping students become proficient in using digital tools while enhancing then language skills This technological aspect complements the evolving nature of digital storytelling, as noted by Kim and Li

(2022), who reviewed its development over the past decade and predicted its continued importance in adapting to future teclmological advancements.

Additionally, Gonzalez and Cramer (2023) explored how digital storytelling enhances cultural understanding, allowing students to develop empathy and intercultural competence by engaging with diverse stories This cultural aspect is crucial foreffectiveglobalcommunication Finally, Smith and Johnson (2024) examined therole ofdigital storytellingin online EFL environments, findingthat it significantly increases student engagement and improves learningoutcomes in virtual classrooms, making the content more interactive and relatable.

Together, these studies illustrate the multifaceted benefits ofdigital stoiytelling in EFL education, demonstrating its capacityto improve engagement, academic performance, language skills, and cultural understanding As educational practices continue to evolve, digital storytelling is poised to play a central role in shaping the future of language learning, offering a dynamic and effective approach to education in an increasmglydigital world These reviews provide a comprehensive overview ofthe recent research on digital storytelling in EFL classrooms, highlighting its benefits and impact on student learning and engagement.

The integration ofdigital storytelling in teaching English inVietnam has gained considerable attention This section reviews the most relevant studies byVietnamese authors in the past five years, highlighting key findings and contributions to the field.

Digital storytelling has emerged as atransformative tool in Englishas a Foreign Language (EFL) education, demonstrating significant benefits across various educational levels and contexts Nguyen, T.T.H (2016) highlights its effectiveness at the high school level, showing that integrating multimedia elements into language instruction not only captures students’ interest but also leads to increased active participation and improved language acquisition This foundational benefit extends into higher education, as Tran, V.M (2017) reveals thatdigital storytelling enhances English conununicationskills among university students The method helps students gainconfidence inusing English in real-life conununication situations, illustrating its role in developing practical language skills.

Le,T B N (2018) further supports the efficacy of digital storytelling in university settings by showing that it significantly improves vocabulary acquisition, pronunciation, and writing skills The immersive and interactive envữonment created by digital storytelling engages students more deeply, leading to better learning outcomes Complementing this, Pham, V.H (2018) explores how digital storytelling fostersreflective learning among EFL students.

By encouraging personal expression and creativity, students are able to reflect on their learning experiences, which enhances both then language proficiency and confidence.

Beyond improving specific language skills, digital storytelling plays a crucial role in developing 21st-century skills Nguyen, V.T (2019) emphasizes that it promotes critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and conununication—skills that are essential for success in a globalized world This broader educational impact is supported by Hoang, T.H (2020), who demonstrates that digital storytelling not only boosts student engagement but also improves learning outcomes Hoang provides practical strategies forintegrating digital storytelling intoEFL curricula, underscoring its potential to enhance educational practices.

Digital storytelling also serves asan effective method forintegrating teclmology into EFL education, as discussed by Tran, T.L (2021) This approach helps students become proficient with digital tools and platforms, which is crucial in today’s tech-drivenworld Pham, T.H (2022) further elaborateson the evolution ofdigitalstorytelling over the past decade, mdicatingthat it will continueto play a vital role m language learning practices This review highlights future trends and implications, suggesting that digital storytelling will remain a key component inthe advancement ofEFL education.

In addition to its educational benefits, digital storytelling enhances cultural understanding Nguyen, V.A (2023) explores how it fosters empathy and intercultural competence by allowing students to engage with and appreciate diverse cultures This cultural dimension is essential for effective conununication in a globalized context Finally, Le, T.H (2024) examines the impact ofdigital storytelling in online EFL learning enviromnents, finding that it increases student engagement and improves learning outcomes in virtual classrooms By making content more interactive and relatable, digital storytellingaddresses the challenges of remoteeducation andenriches theonline learning experience.

Collectively, these studies highlight the multifaceted advantages of digital storytelling in EFL education From enliancing language skills and promoting critical 21st-century competencies to fostering cultural understanding and improvingonline learning experiences, digital storytellingemergesas a dynamic andeffective tool As educationalpractices continue to evolve, its role in shaping the future of language learning remains significant,reflecting its adaptability and continued relevance ina rapidly changing digital landscape.

Research by Vietnamese authors shows that digital storytelling enhances vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing skills in EFL classrooms It boosts engagement, fosters criticalthinking, creativity, andcollaboration, and promotes reflective learning and cultural understanding Additionally, it integrates technology effectively, making language learning more interactive, especially online.


This study employs a mixed-methodapproach to investigate the effectiveness of digital storytelling in improving writing skills in EFL classrooms, focusing on the perceptions of teachers at the Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City Quantitative data is collected through surveys to gather broad insights mto teachers' experiences and attitudes In addition, qualitative data is obtained through in-depth inter-views, providing deeper understanding ofthe challenges and benefits observed inthe classroom This combination of methods allows for a comprehensive analysis of the impact of digitalstorytellingonstudents' writing skillsand the overall teaching experience.

The study adopts adescriptivedesign to investigatetheperceptrons and practices of EFL teachers concerning digital storytelling This methodology is chosen to provide a comprehensive over-view of how digital storytelling is perceived and utilized in the context of teaching writing skills.

The study involved 66 teachers ( Including native speakers, Taiwanese teachers and Vietnamese teachers who are teaching English) at Taipei School in Ho Chi Mrnli City The selection of participants is based on convenience sampling, ensuring that the sample reflects the characteristics ofthe teaching staff while facilitating practical data collection.

Theprimary data collection tool is a str-uctured questionnaire designed to capture bothquantitative and qualitative data The questionnaire includes Three Groups of Questions aboutthePerception, Attitude and Frequency Teachers are all need to speak English at school, so that the survey questions have only one English version Teachers just need to tick ( a /) under the number:

The questionnaire is structured using a 5-point Likert scale, with responses ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree." This scalehelps measure the intensity ofteachers' perceptions and experiences with digital storytelling.

After receiving the result of the survey, the discussion should be shown in Chapter 4.

Perceptions of Digital Storytelling: The survey questions on the perception of teachers regarding digital storytelling in teaching English aim to understandthen- views on its effectiveness, engagement, and impact on student learning They are designed to gather insights on how teachers feel about incorporating digital storytelling into their curriculum and its potential benefits and challenges.

The Attitude: The survey questions onthe feelings of teachersregardingdigital storytelling in teaching English aim to capture their emotional responses and confidence levels when using this teaching method They seek to understand teachers' excitement, motivation, and sense of support in implementing digital storytelling in their classrooms.

The Frequency: The survey questions on the behavior ofteachers regarding digital storytellingin teaching English aim to assess howfrequently and in what ways teachers incorporate digital storytelling mto their lessons They seek to understand the practical actions teachers take, such as resource usage, collaboration, and student engagement, when using digital storytelling as a teaching tool.

Question J: What do you think about using digitalstorytelling in teaching the writing skill for your students?

Question 2: What arethe activitiesyou use to apply digital storytelling in teaching writing skills?

Question 3: What are the most significant challenges and benefits when applying digital storytelling?

The datacollection procedure involves the following steps:

Development and Testingof the Questionnaire: The questionnaire was designed based on previous studies and tailored to addressthe specific researchquestions.

A preliminary version was tested to ensure clarity and relevance.

Distribution: The questiomiane will be distributed to the 66 teachers by papers Given that the participants are English teachers, the questionnaire will be in English to ensure accuracy and consistency in responses.

Data Entry andAnalysis: Completedquestionnaừeswillbecollectedandentered mto Excel for initial processing Data will then be analyzed using SPSS 20.0 software Keyanalytical techniques include:

Cronbach's Alpha: To assess the internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaire.

Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA): To validate the content and convergent validityof the observed variables.

Qualitative Analysis: Group discussions and additional qualitative research will be conducted to supplement the quantitative findings and refine the research model.

Processing and Reporting: Data will be processed usmg SPSS, focusing on reliability analysis, factor analysis, andexploring patterns and trends in teachers' perceptions The final analysis will include statistical summaries andqualitative insights.

Expected Sample Size: The sample size is expected to be approximately 66 teachers, which is considered adequate forthe EFAanalysis, ensuringrobust and reliable results.

Ethical Considerations: The questionnaire is anonymous, and confidentiality of responses will be guaranteed to encourage honest and accurate feedback.


Testing scale reliability for observation questions

The reliability ofthe scale within the scope of the study is tested through the internalconsistency value (measuredbythe Cronbach’s alphacoefficient),if the observed variables of the scale meet the investigation test parameters This shows that the observed variables ofthe test and measurementconcept are good forthe research content.

According to Hoang, T (2009), when testing scale reliability for a factor, you should consider the total variable correlation coefficient of the observation questions If thequestions have a total variable correlation coefficient > 0.3,then Those observationquestions meet the requhements, the Cronbach’s alpha value ofa concept is usually > 0.6 in social science research, which is acceptable, a few are 0.7.

According to Hair and CTG (2014), in behavioral science research, research concepts with Cronbach alpha values > 0.6 or > 0.7 are considered to have a certain degree of agreement and reliability The total variable correlation coefficient of the observed variables ofthe concepts is usually > 0.3, then the question measures well the content it defines.

The results of testing the reliability of the scale with observed variables belonging to the three first-order unidimensional concepts are included in the reliability testing of the scale The results oftestmg thereliability of the scaleare based on the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of each concept and the total variable correlation coefficient values ofthe observedvariables.

By using the direct interview method, the author sent out 66 survey forms and collected mvalid survey forms, leaving officially 53 valid responses.

Table 4.1 Sample descriptive statistics results

Age under 32 years old li 20.8

Over7 to 10 years of wor 30 56.6 over 10 yearsof work 9 17.0

Table 4.2 Summary of Cronbach’s Alpha analysis results

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted


The results of testing the scale reliability are presented specifically for each concept as follows:

The group question of Perception factor is a scaleforthe concept consistingof7 observedvariables Theresultof the scalereliabilitytesthas a Cronbach'sAlpha coefficient value of 0.877 The total correlation coefficient of the observed variables is greater than 0.3, in the range of 0.495 - 0.898 After testing the reliability of the scale, the 7 observed variables of the scale for the concept are kept the same.

The survey question, "Digital stoiytelling significantly enhances students' engagement in English language lessons" received the highest score, supported byaCronbach's alpha of 0.898 This high alpha value indicatesexcellent internal consistencyandreliability of the responses Itreflects a strong consensus among teachers regarding the positive impact of digital storytelling on student engagement Specifically, a Cronbach's alpha of 0.898 suggests that the responses to this question are highly dependable and that teachers uniformly believe that digital storytelling effectively increases student involvement in English lessons The high rating and reliability score underscore the perceived effectiveness of digital storytellmg as a tool to make English lessons more interactiveandengaging, enhancing overall student motivation andparticipation. This finding highlights the significant role digital storytelling plays in enriching the learning experience and improving writing skills.

The survey question, "I feel confident inmy abilityto use digital storytelling as a teaching tool in my English classroom," received the lowest score, with aCronbach's alpha of 0.495 This lower alpha value indicates a weaker internal consistency and less reliability in the responses It suggests that there is considerable variability in teachers' confidence levels regarding their ability to effectively use digital storytelling intheir classrooms The low Cronbach's alpha implies that some teachers may feel confident about using this method, while others do not, reflecting a lack of uniformity in then perceptionsand experiences.

This variability points to the need for targeted professional development and support to boost teachers' confidence and proficiency in utilizing digital storytelling Addressing these gaps can enhance the effective integration of digital storytelling into teaching practices and improve overall teaching outcomes.

With the other surveyquestions with the values for ranged from 0.611 to 0.711 These values indicate moderate internal consistency in the responses to these questions.

A Cronbach's alpha between 0.611 and 0.711 suggests a reasonable level of reliability, but not as high as the ideal This range implies that while there is a general agreement among teachers about the effectiveness and impact ofdigital storytelling, there is also some variability in theữ perceptions Teachers generally view digital storytelling as beneficial, but then- confidence and experiences with its application maydiffer.

The moderate alpha values indicate that while the responses are reasonably consistent, there are differences in how teachers perceive various aspects of digital storytelling This variability could be due to differences in experience,training, or resources available to teachers It highlights the need for further investigation into specific areas where perceptions diverge and suggests that additional support or clarification might be required to ensure a more unifonn understanding and implementation of digital stoiytelling in teaching practices.

Table 4.3 Summary of Cronbach alpha analysis results

Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

The group question ofAttitude , CRONBACH’S ALPHA = 0.916

The group question of Attitude factor is a scale for the concept consisting of7 observedvariables Theresultof the scalereliabilitytesthas a Cronbach'sAlpha coefficient value of 0.916 The total correlation coefficient of the observed variables is greater than 0.3, in the range of 0.620 - 0.928 After testing the reliability of the scale, the 7 observed variables of the scale for the concept are kept the same.

In this Attitude questions group of the survey, the question "I feel excited about the possibilities that digital storytelling brings to my English lessons" received the highest Cronbach's alpha of 0.928 This exceptionally high alpha value indicates an excellent level ofinternal consistency andreliability in the teachers' responses It signifies that there is a strong and uniform agreement among teachersat Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City regarding their enthusiasm forthe potential benefits of digital storytelling in their English lessons.

The high Cronbach's alpha suggests that teachers are overwhelmingly positive about theinnovative possibilities digital storytelling offers It reflects acollective excitement and strong belief in the effectiveness of digital storytelling as a tool to enhance English insti-uction This enthusiasm is indicative of the perceived value of digital storytelling in making lessons more engaging and interactive, which can lead to unproved student motivation and learning outcomes The consensus around this question underscores the strong positive attitude teachers have toward integrating digital storytelling into then teaching practices, highlighting its significant potential to emich the educational experience and foster better writing skillsamong students.

The question "I feel supported by my school or institution in using digital storytelling as a teaching tool" received the lowest Cronbach's alpha of 0.620. This lower alpha value indicates a moderate level of internal consistency and reveals significant variability in teachers' responses regarding institutional support.

A Cronbach's alpha of 0.620 suggests that there is a notable divergence in how teachers perceive the support they receive from then school or institution for using digital storytelling Some teachers may feel adequately supported, while others may not, reflecting differences in available resources, training, or institutional commitment to digital storytelling.

Exploratory Factor Analysis EFA

After theobservedvariables have been testedfor reliability, they willbeincluded in the EFA, 21 observed variables are includedinthe exploratory factoranalysis, the purpose of exploratory factor analysis, is to once again look at testing the scale through values such as convergent validity and discriminant validity Besides it, the meaningful exploratory factor analysis helps to test the scale for concepts that actually measure those conceptswell Accordingto Nguyen, D.T

(2011), EFA helps to check whether the observed variables ofthe scale really measure well the concept it measures EFA explores whether the observed variables converge on the latent factor to which they belong Wlren analyzing exploratory factors, we need topay attention to the following points: KMOand Barlert tests, usually the KMO coefficient must reach 0.5 or more, then exploratory factor analysiswill be appropriated The total varianceextracted of the factors isusually over 50%ormore, andthe factor loading coefficients of the observed variables on the factor If it converges, it must be above 0.5 so that the observed variables truly meet the requirements when analyzing the EFA exploratoryfactor.

Table 4.5 Summary of EFA parameters

Eigenvalues coefficient > 1 2.254 > 1 Bartlett sig value 50%

The numberof observed variables to be removed 3 factors

The results of the first EFA exploratory factor analysis for the independent variables, the KMO coefficient is 0.7566 (>0.5) This KMO coefficient is relatively good, showing thatthe data is suitableforexploratoiy factor analysis.EFA, in addition, with Barlerttest value sig = 0.00 < 0.005, so at 95% confidence level we say that the data is suitable for exploratory factor analysis EFA,

Eigenvalues coefficient of factor analysis discovered with a value of 2.254 (>1) and extracted 3 factorscorresponding to 3 clusters inthethesis'sresearchmodel, this shows that the data is also suitable for EFA analysis, the total variance extracted is % (>50%) means that about 69,768% of the variation of the 3 extracted factorsis explained by these observed variables intheresearchmodel.

In this factoranalysis, there are3 factors corresponding to the followingfactors: The following observed variables converge on these tliree factors as follows:

•Factor 1 includes questions: PERI, PER2,PER3,PER4, PER5, PER6, PER7

•Factor 2 includes questions: ATT1,ATT2, ATT3, ATT4, ATT5, ATT6, ATT7

• Factor 3 includes questions: FREI, FRE2, FRE3, FRE4, FRE5, FRE6, FRE7

In this EFA analysis, the questions had a satisfactory factor loading coefficient on the factor it measured(>0.5), so the observed variableswere included for the next analysis, the results of the factorrotation matrix table, presented brieflyas below.

Table 4.6 EFA analysis factor rotation matrix

Thus, after analyzing EFA for independent variables, 21 questions belonging to

3 variables have converged on the conect factor that they measure The results of the scale's observation questions show that the concepts converge on the correct factor it measures, there are 21 questions included in the EFA analysis, the results are 21 questions that will be included for subsequent analysis due to ensuringrequirements.

4.3 Analyze the current situation of factors for survey issues

Table 4.7 Descriptive statistics of observed variables of Perception

Observed variables Medium Standard deviation

Digital storytelling significantlyenhances students' engagement in

Using digital storytelling improves students'English language skills, mcludingreading,writing, listening, and speaking 4.19 56

Digital storytelling helps students developbetter critical thinking and creativity skills 4.02 57

Incorporating digital storytelling into Englishlessons makes the learning process more enjoyable forstudents.

Digital storytelling provides an effective way to incorporate multimedii elements (such as images, audio, and video) intoEnglishteaching 4.21 53

I feel confident in myability to use digital storytellingas ateaching tool in myEnglish classroom.

The useof digital storytelling inteaching English promotes collaboration and teamwork among students 4.17 64

Figure 4.1 Descriptive statistics of observed variables of Perception

Digital storytelling is often undervalued in education for a number of key reasons First, many people are not fully aware of its benefits for critical and creative thinking Digital storytelling is notjust about creating vivid stories, but also requừes students to analyze, structure, and communicate ideas clearly Second, traditional methods are often preferred because of their familiarityand accessibility Furthermore, the implementation of digital storytelling can encounter technologyissues and resource shortages Finally, many teachers and educational administrators are still not fully trained in how to integrate this method into their teaching, leading to an underestimation of its tine effectiveness.

Digital storytelling significantly enliances students' engagement in English language lessons Digital storytelling, despite its many recognized educational benefits, is undervalued in increasing student engagement in Englishlessons for a numberof reasons First, many teachers and schoolshave not fullyunderstood and adopted new teclmologies, leading to ineffective implementation Second, integrating digital tools into lesson plans requires significant time and effort, which many teachers may not have Third, a lack of training and technical support can leave teachers feeling less confident in using new technologies. Additionally, not all students have access to technology devices or stable internet, leading to inequities inthe application ofthis method Another reason is the lack of assessment of the actual effectiveness of digital storytelling on learning outcomes, leaving many educational administrators skeptical about its value Finally, there may be resistance from traditionalists who believethatthese technologies arejust a temporarytrendandnotnecessaryfor long-term language development These factors contribute to the decline in the acceptance and widespread application of digital storytelling in English language teaching.

Incorporating digital storytelling mto English lessons can make learning more enjoyable for students, but the low score of4.15 reflects a number ofnotable reasons First, a lack of training and guidance for teachers on how to use new technologies can lead to ineffective adoption, reducing the appeal of lessons Second, the cost of investmg inthe equipment and software required for digital storytelling can be a financial burden for many schools and families, leadingto uneven implementation Third, not all students have access to teclmology or a stable internet connection, which creates inequities in the learning experience Additionally, some studentsmay not be familiar with new learning methods and find it difficult to adapt Finally, the lack of data and research demonstrating specifically the effectiveness of digital storytelling in improving learning outcomesmayundermine educators’ confidence in the approach These factors combined may explain the low ratings for the use of digital storytelling in English language education.

Confidence hl the ability to use digital storytelling as a teaching tool in theEnglish classroom is ratedquite well with a score of 4.17 thanks to severalmain reasons First of all, digital storytelling technology offers the ability to create more vivid and engaging lessons, making it easier for students to connect with the content and maintain their attention Furthermore, this method supports personalization oflearning, allowing teachers to tailor contentto each student’s needs and interests The high interactivity and game elements in digital storytelling also help students feel more interested and reduce stress during the learning process Inparticular, digital tools provide many forms of multimedia, such as video, audio and images, enriching the learning experience Ultimately, with the right preparation and training, teachers can leverage this tecluiology to create effective learning activities and more accurately assess learning progress, thereby increasing their confidence inusing this tool in the classroom.

Confidence in the ability to use digital storytelling as a teaching tool in the English classroom is rated quite well with ascore of 4.17 thanks to severalmain reasons First of all, digital storytelling technology offers the ability to create more vivid and engaging lessons, making it easier for students to comiect with the content and maintain then- attention Furthermore, this method supports personalization of learning, allowing teachers to tailor content to each student's needs and interests The high interactivity and game elements hl digital storytelling also help students feel more interested and reduce stress during the learningprocess In particular, digital tools provide

Using digital storytelling improves students’ English skills, including reading,writing, listening and speaking, and is rated second with a score of 4.19 for several important reasons First, digital storytelling provides multimedia resources such as videos, audio and images, which help students improve then- listening skills and understand intonation and context in communication.Second,participating in storytellingprojects encourages studentsto write creatively and organize their ideas, thereby improving then writing skills Third, listening to and creating digital stories requữes students to pay attention to details and sentence structure, which helps them improve their reading comprehension and textanalysis Finally,the interactivity indigital storytelling activities encourages students to practice speaking and communicating in a dynamic enviromnent, improving their confidence and fluency in using English These factors combined make digital storytelling a powerful tool in the comprehensive development ofstudents' language skills.

Digital stoiytelling was rated highest with a score of 4.21 asan effectiveway to incorporate multimedia elements into English language teaching This method integrates images, audio and video, helping to make lessons more vivid and engaging Images help students clearly visualize the content and context ofthe story, while audio and video provide real-life examples of pronunciation and intonation Combining these elements not only creates a multi-sensory learning experience but also supports long-term understanding and retention of information In addition, the richnessof multimediamakes it easier for students to access grammar and vocabulary concepts m real-life situations, improving their ability to apply knowledge in practice At the same time, digital elements also provide opportunities for students to engage in interactive activities and receive immediate feedback, thereby improving engagement and motivation.The harmonious combination of images, sounds andvideos in digitalstorytelling not only enrichesthe learning experience butalso facilitatesthe development of comprehensive language skills.

Table 4.8 Agreement rate of survey issues for Perception factor

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

Digital storytelling significantlyenhances students' engagement in Englishlanguage lessons.

Using digital storytelling improves students'

Englishlanguage skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Digital storytelling helps students develop bettercritical thinking and creativity skills 0.00% 0.00% 15.10% 67.90% 17.00%

Incoi-porating digital storytelling into English lessons makes the learning process more enjoyable forstudents.

Digital storytelling provides an effective way t( mcorporate multimedia elements (suchas imag audio, and video into English teaching).

I feelconfidentm myability to use digital storytelling as a teaching tool in my English classroom.

The useof digital storytelling in teaching Engli promotescollaboration and teamworkamong students.

Table 4.9 Descriptive statistics of observed variables of Attitude

Observed variables Medium Standard deviation

I feelexcited about the possibilities that digital storytelling brings tomy English lessons.

I feel that digital storytelling makes myteachingmore effective and impactful.

I feelconfident in my abilityto createand implementdigital stories inmy Englishcurriculum.

Ifeelthat digital storytellingallows me to better connect with mystudents.

Ifeelthat using digital storytelling helps me address diverse learning styles in my classroom

Ifeel supported by my school or institution in using digital storytelling as a teaching tool.

Ifeel that the time and effort requhed to create digital stories are justified by the benefits they bring to my Englishteaching.

4.30 70 teaching more digital stories in better connect effective and impactful. storytelling makes my my English curriculum. create and implement storytelling allows me to with my students. required to create digital stories are possibilities that digital storytelling brings to my

English lessons. or institution in using digital storytelling as storytelling helps me address diverse learning styles in my classroom a teaching tool, justified by the benefits they bring to my English teaching.

Figure 4.2 Descriptive statistics of observed variables of Perception



Based on the study findings, it can be concluded that the use of the digital storytellmg method has brought many positive effects The application ofdigital storytelling in teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City has received predominantly positive feedback from teachers This researchhighlights several key benefits observedbythe educators involved.

Firstly, digital storytelling has been identified as a highly engaging teaching method that actively involves students in the learning process Teachers have noted that the interactive nature of digital tools captures students' attention more effectively than traditional methods This increased engagement is crucial for maintaining student interest and motivation, which are essential for language acquisition and skill development.

Secondly, the incorporation of multimedia elements in storytelling has been particularlyeffective in enhancing students' creativity and critical thinking skills. Teachers observed that students are more inclined to explore and express then ideaswhen they can use a variety ofdigital media, such as images, videos, and audio This multimedia approach not only makes learning more enjoyable but also helps students grasp complex writmg concepts more easily by providing visual and auditorycontext.

Moreover, digital storytelling has proven to be a powerful tool in improving students' narrative skills and fluency in English The process of creating and sharing digital stories requires students to organize their thoughts, develop coherent narratives, and practice then writing skills in a meaningful context.Teachers have found thatthis method encourages students to be more expressive and confident hltheiruse of English.

With a limited researchperiod but based onteaching experience at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City, the authors have found that using digital storytelling methods has brought many positive effects.

The use of digital storytelling in teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City has garnered a predominantly positive perception from teachers This research highlights several key benefits as obsei-ved bythe educatorsinvolved.

Firstly, digital storytelling has been identified as a highly engaging teaching method that actively involves students in the learning process Teachers have noted that the interactive nature of digital tools captures students' attention more effectively than traditional methods This increased engagement is crucial in maintaining student interest and motivation, which are essential for language acquisition and skill development.

Secondly, the incorporation of multimedia elements in storytelling has been particularlyeffective inenhancing students' creativity and critical thinking skills. Teachers observed that students are more inclined to explore and express their ideaswhen they can use a variety ofdigital media, such as images, videos, and audio This multimedia approach not only makes learning more enjoyable but also helps students grasp complex writing concepts more easily by providing visual and auditorycontext.

Moreover, digital storytelling has proven to be a powerful tool in improving students' narrative skills and fluency in English The process of creating and sharing digital stories requires students to organize their thoughts, develop coherent narratives, and practice their writing skills in a meaningful context.Teachers have found thatthis method encourages students to be more expressive and confident intheir use ofEnglish.

Anothersignificant observationis the positive impact on students' writing skills. Teachers reported that the visual and interactive elements ofdigital storytelling help reinforce learning by providing immediate and tangible feedback This feedback loop is instrumental in helping students refine then writing skills, as they can see the dừect results of then efforts and makenecessaryadjustments.

In conclusion, the adoption ofdigital storytelling in EFL classrooms at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City has been met with enthusiasm and approval from teachers The method's ability to engage students, foster creativity, and enhance writing skills through an interactive and multimedia approachmakes it a valuable addition to the teaching strategies for improving English proficiency The positive outcomes observed inthis research suggest that digital storytelling is an effectivepedagogical tool that can significantly benefit EFL learners.

While digital storytelling offers numerous benefits in teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City, teachers also face several challenges.

Firstly, the integration of digital storytelling into the curriculum requứes significanttuneand effort forpreparation Teachers need to be proficient in using various digital tools and platforms, which often necessitates additional training and professional development This canbeparticularly demanding for educators who are less tech-sawy or have limited access toresources.

Secondly, there is the challenge of ensuring equitable access to technology for all students Not all students may have the necessary devices or stable internet connectivity at home, which can create disparities in learning opportunities and outcomes Teachers must find ways to accommodate these differences,potentially byproviding additional support or alternative resources.

Moreover, managing a classroom where digital storytelling is used can be complex Teachers must balance the creative aspects of digital storytelling with theneed to cover essential writing skills and curriculum standards.Ensuring that students remain focused and do not become overly distracted by the multimedia elements is another concern.

Lastly, assessing digital storytelling projects can be subjective and time consuming Teachers need clear rubricsandcriteria to evaluate both thetechnical and linguistic aspects ofstudents' work, which canadd to their workload.

In conclusion, wliiledigital storytelling is a powerful tool for enhancing writing skills in EFL classrooms, it presents several challenges that teachers must navigate to effectively implementit.

While digital storytelling is apowerful tool for enliancing writing skills in EFL classrooms at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City, it also presents several challenges for students.

Firstly, the varying levels oftechnological proficiency among students can create a significant barrier Some students may straggle with using digital tools and platforms, which can hinder then ability to fully participate in storytelling projects This technological learning curve can be frustrating and may detract fromtheir focus on improving writing skills.

Secondly,access to technology is not uniform among all students Those without reliable internet access or personal devices at home may find it challenging to keep up with digital storytelling assignments This digital divide can lead to unequal learning opportunities and outcomes.


To effectively utilize digital storytelling for improving writing skills in EFL classrooms at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City, teachers should consider the following reconnnendations:

* Provide Training and Support: Offer professional development for teachers to enhancetheir proficiency with digital tools and storytelling techniques Regular workshops and access to technical support can help address any technological challenges.

’ Ensure Equitable Access: Implement measures to ensure all students have access to necessary teclmology This could include providing school-based resources, loanerdevices, or establishing partnerships to improve home internet access.

• Develop Clear Guidelines: Create detailed rubrics and criteria for assessing digitalstorytelling projects This will help maintain abalance between creativity and the developmentof writing skills.

• Encourage Collaboration:Promote group projects to leverage peer support, allowing students to learn fromeach other’s strengths and technologicalskills.

• Integrate Curriculum Standards: Align digital storytelling activities with curriculum goals to ensure that essential writingskills are covered while keeping students engaged.

The school should invest in upgrading teclmological resources and provide training programs for teachers to become proficient in usmg digital storytelling tools Establishing a dedicated support team for technical issues and creating a repository of digital storytelling resources can also help alleviate some ofthe challenges faced by teachers Additionally, the school could incorporate digital storytelling into the curriculum more systematically, ensuring that both teachers and students have clearguidelines and support.

To effectively utilize digital storytelling for improving writing skills in EFL classrooms at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City, teachers should consider the followingrecommendations:

• Professional Development: Regularly provide training sessions to enliance teachers'proficiency with digital tools andstorytellingtechniques This will help educators stay updated with the latest teclmological advancements and teaching methodologies.

• Equitable Technology Access: Ensure all studentshave access to the necessary digital resources This could include providing devices, improving internet access, and settingup school-based computer labs.

* Clear Assessment Criteria: Develop detailed rubrics for evaluating digital storytelling projects This ensures a balanced focus on both creative expression and writing skill development.

" Collaborative Learning: Encourage group projects to leverage peer learning Collaboration can help students with varying levels of technological skills support each other.

* Curriculum Integration: Align digital storytelling activities with curriculum goals to ensure essential writing skills are effectively taught while keeping students engaged and motivated.

• Student-Centered Approach: Tailor digital storytelling projects to student interests and experiences to make learning more relevant and engaging This approach can increase studentmotivation and investment in then work.

* Continuous Feedback: Provide ongoing feedback throughout the digital storytelling process Constructive feedbackhelps studentsrefine then work and understand their strengths and areas for improvement.

* Parental Involvement: Engage parents by informing them about digital storytelling projects and encouraging their support at home Parental involvement can provideadditionalmotivationand resources for students.

To maximize the benefits of digital storytelling for improving writing skills, students at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City should consider the following recommendations:

• Familiarize with Technology: Take the initiative to learn and practice using digital tools and platforms Familiarity withthese technologies will enhance the quality of digital storytelling projects andmake the process more enjoyable.

’ Engage in Planning: Invest time inplanning and organizing your digital story before starting Create an outline, storyboard, or script to ensure a coherent and well-structured narrative.

" Leverage Multimedia Creatively: Use multimedia elements—such as images,audio, andvideo to enrich your storytelling Ensure these elements complement and enhance yourwritten content rather than distract from it.

" Seek Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from peers and teachers during the storytelling process ConsUuctive criticism can help you improve your writing and storytellingskills.

*Reviseand Edit:Allocate time for revising andeditingyourdigital story Focus on refining both the writing and multimedia components to create a polished final product.

• Balance Creativity and Structure: While creativity is important, ensure your digital story maintains a clear structure and logical flow Strive for a balance between creative expression and effective communication of ideas.

* Practice Tune Management: Manage yourtime effectively to avoid last-minute rushes Breakthe project intomanageable tasks and set deadlmes for each stage ofthe digital storytelling process.

* Collaborate with Peers: Engage in collaborative projects where possible Working with classmates can provide new perspectives, ideas, and technical skills that enhance the quality of yourdigital storytelling.

This survey research explores EFL teachers' perceptions of using digital storytelling to enhance writing skills at Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh Cityand identifies the challenges theyface.

1 Teachers' Perceptions: The findings reveal that EFL teachers view digital storytelling as a highly effective method for improving students' writing skills Teachers appreciate the interactive and engagmg nature of digital storytelling, which actively involves students in the learning process They liighlight that integrating multimedia elements—such as images,audio, and video—makes the writing lessons more dynamic and accessible, fostering students' creativity and critical thinking Teachers also note that digital storytelling helps students develop coherent narratives and express themselves more fluently in English, aligningwell with curriculumgoalsand enhancing overall language acquisition.

2 Challenges Encountered: Despite its benefits, teachers face several challenges when implementing digital storytelling Teclmological proficiency among both teachers and students varies, which can hinder effective use of digital tools Additionally, ensuring equitable access to technology remains a significant issue, as not allstudents may havethe necessary resources or reliable internet at home Managing the balance between creative elements and writing skill development can be complex, requiring careful planning and clear assessment criteria Teachers also report that providing consistent and constructive feedbackon digital storytellingprojects can be time-consuming.

In conclusion, while digital storytelling is widely regarded as a valuable tool for teaching English writing skills, addressing these challenges is essential for maximizing its effectiveness and ensuring all students benefit equally from this innovative approach.

This study has certain limitations that should be addressed in future research Firstly, the duration of the study is relatively short, with only five months allocated forthe entireresearchprocess Secondly, theresearch is confined to a single institution, Taipei School in Ho Chi Minh City, which may limit the generalizabilityof the findings Thirdly, the sample size is not large, consisting ofonly 66 teachers, which may not fully represent the diverse perspectives and experiences of educators in similar contexts Lastly, the study focuses exclusively on teachers, leaving outthe perceptions and experiences of students,which could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of digital stoiytelling on writmg skills Hope that the future research should consider longer study durations, larger and more diverse samples, and include bothteachersand students and also in Vietnamschools to provide amore holistic view ofthe effectiveness of digital storytelling in EFL classrooms.

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The following questionnaire is used to explore Using digital storytelling to improve EFL writing skills: Perception from EFL teachers at Taipei School, HoChi Minli City This questionnaire is anonymous and guarantees the confidentiality of the data collected Thank you foryou cooperation.

Please tick the box thatcorresponds to your perceptions of using digital storytelling to improve your students’ writing skill.

5 - Strongly agree Allthe teachers speakEnglish, so the survey papers are designed by English.

The group question of Perception 1 2 3 4 5

Digital storytelling significantly enhances students' engagement in English language lessons.

Using digital stoiytelling improves students' English language skills, includingreadmg,writing, listening, and speaking.

Digital storytelling helps students develop better critical thinking and creativity skills.

Incorporating digital storytelling into English lessons makes the learning process more enjoyable for students.

Digital storytelling provides an effective way to incorporate multimedia elements(such as images,audio, and video) into English teaching.

I feel confident in my ability to use digital storytelling as a teaching tool in myEnglish classroom.

The use of digital storytelling in teaching English promotes collaboration and teamwork among students.

The group question of Attitude 1 2 3 4 5

I feel excited about the possibilities that digital storytelling brings to my Englishlessons.

I feel that digital storytelling makes my teaching more effective and impactful.

I feel confident in my ability to create and implement digital stories inmy Englishcurriculum.

I feel that digital storytellmg allows me to better connect with my students.

I feel that using digital storytelling helps me address diverse learning styles inmy classroom

I feel supported by my school or institution in using digital storytellingas a teaching tool.

I feel that the time and effort requhed to create digital stories arejustified bythe benefits theybringto myEnglish teaching.

The group question of Frequency 1 2 3 4 5

I regularly incorporate digital storytelling into my English lessons.

I actively seek out new digital storytelling resources and tools to enhance my teaching.

I allocate specific time during my lessons for students to createthen own digital stories.

I use digital storytelling to assess my students' comprehension and language skills.

I collaborate with other teachers to develop and share digital storytelling projects.

I encourage students to use digital storytelling as a method to presenttheir assigmnents and projects.

I participate in professional development opportunities to improvemy skills in digital storytelling

Case Processing Summary a Listwisedeletion based on all

Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Mear Variance Std DeviatioiN ofItems

Cumulative Percent Valid under 32years old 11 20.8 20.8 20.8

0 a Listwise deletion based on all variables inthe procedure.

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Mean Variance Std Deviation N of Items

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Under or equal to

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Over 7 to 10years of work 30 56.6 56.6 73.0 over 10years of work 9 17.0 17.0

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy .756 Bartlett's Test ofSphericity Approx Chi-Square 1027.304 df 210

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums ofSquared

Total % ofVariance Cumulative % Total % of

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a Rotation converged in5 iterations.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser

Ngày đăng: 10/11/2024, 19:58