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Tiêu đề Managing Education of Skills to Respond to Climate Change and Prevent Natural Disasters for Students in Ethnic Boarding Schools in the Provinces of the Northern Midland and Mountainous Region
Tác giả Do Thi Nguyen Tieu
Người hướng dẫn Assoc. Prof. Ngo Quang Son, Assoc. Prof. Hoang Thanh Thuy
Trường học Hanoi National University of Education
Chuyên ngành Educational Management
Thể loại Doctoral Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2024
Thành phố Hanoi
Định dạng
Số trang 28
Dung lượng 468,5 KB

Nội dung

Do Thi Nguyen Tieu 2022, Management of life skills education to respond to climate change, natural disaster prevention and sustainable community development in ethnic minority boarding s

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1 Assoc Prof Ngo Quang Son

2 Assoc Prof Hoang Thanh Thuy

Reviewer 1: Assoc Prof Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen

Reviewer 2: Assoc Prof Trinh Thanh Hai

Reviewer 3: Assoc Prof Vu Thi Mai Huong

The thesis will be defended at the Committee

of University-Level Thesis Defense of Hanoi National University of Education at …

The thesis can be found in: National Library of Hanoi or Library of Hanoi

National University of Education

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1 Ngo Quang Son, Vu Thi Thanh Minh, Do Thi Nguyen Tieu, Phan Thi Mai Tram,

Nguyen Ngoc Duc, Khau Van Bich, Tran Van Thuan, Nguyen The Vinh (2021),Managing and developing a model of life skills education for disaster prevention andresponse to climate change in ethnic minority boarding secondary schools in thenortheastern provinces, Vietnam; the situation sets out and proposes management

measures, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Innovation in

Teacher Training with the theme: “Training teachers and educational managers forethnic minority, mountainous and disadvantaged areas", University of Education, ThaiNguyen University

2 Do Thi Nguyen Tieu (2022), Management of life skills education to respond to

climate change, natural disaster prevention and sustainable community development

in ethnic minority boarding schools in the provinces Northeast - Current situation and

issues that need to be resolved, Journal of Ethnic Minorities Reseach, Volume 11,

Issue 4, November 2022 (page 76-page 83)

3 Do Thi Nguyen Tieu (2024), Management of education skills to respond to climate

change and prevent natural disasters for students in secondary school Journal of Education Management, Volume 16, Number 3, March 2024, page 49-55.

4 Do Thi Nguyen Tieu, Ngo Quang Son, Hoang Thanh Thuy (2024), Current status of

educational management in skills to cope with climate change and prevent naturaldisasters for ethnic minority students in ethnic boarding Secondary school in the

Northern mountainous provinces Journal of Education, Volume 24 (Special issue

6), June 2024, pages 249-255

5 Do Thi Nguyen Tieu (2024), Management of education skills to respond to climate

change and prevent natural disasters for ethnic minority students through clubactivities at ethnic minority boarding schools basic education in the northern

mountainous provinces Vietnam Journal of Educational Sciences, Volume 20,

number 7, pages 65-72

6 Do Thi Nguyen Tieu, Ngo Quang Son, Hoang Thanh Thuy (2024), Survey of factors

affecting educational management of skills to cope with climate change and preventnatural disasters for ethnic minority students at the ethnic boarding secondary school

in the Northern mountainous region Journal of Education Volume 24 (Special

issue 7), June 2024, pages 272-279

7 Do Thi Nguyen Tieu (2024), Testing management measure for educating climate

change response and disaster prevention skills for Ethnic minority students in boarding ethnic minority lower secondary schools in the Northern mountainous

semi-region, Vietnam Journal of Educational Sciences, Volume 20, number 9, pages


8 Do Thi Nguyen Tieu, (2024), Some researches on education management of skills to

respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students, Journal of Education.

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1 Reasons for choosing the topic

1.1 Currently, climate change is a global problem Climate change, which leads to theincrease in Earth's temperature, is the most serious challenge and a major threat thathumanity faces in the 21st century Climate change has also caused sea levels to rise,increased natural disasters with more severe variations in space, time, frequency ofoccurrence, more unusual developments, and unprecedented levels of risk worldwide, such

as storms, heavy rains, floods, landslides, abnormal heat waves, droughts, earthquakes,tornadoes, tsunamis, etc Children around the world are the most vulnerable group to theharmful impacts of extreme weather events and natural disasters caused by climate changebecause their bodies and immune systems are still developing, making them less able tocope with harsh weather conditions Recognizing the dangers posed by climate change, theUnited Nations has taken practical actions early on, calling for global cooperation torespond to climate change

According to assessments by reputable international research organizations, Vietnam

is one of the countries most severely affected by climate change, particularly by rising sealevels and the consequences of natural disasters caused by climate change According to areport by the National Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention at the National OnlineConference on Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue in 2024, held on May 10, 2024,there were 1,964 natural disasters nationwide in 2023, including heavy rains causinglandslides, flash floods, and widespread flooding The natural disasters in 2023 resulted in1,129 deaths and missing persons, with economic losses estimated at over 9,324 billionVND These figures emphasize the importance of educating middle school students onclimate change adaptation and disaster response skills These skills will help them adapt toclimate change, handle situations when natural disasters occur, and apply knowledge inpractice to adapt to climate change and respond to natural disasters This also fosters a sense

of responsibility among students, demonstrated by their specific actions Therefore,educating students on climate change adaptation and disaster response skills is not onlycrucial for human development in the future but also significant for the sustainable long-term development of each nation

Given the above situation, since the 2011-2012 school year, the Ministry of Educationand Training has introduced climate change education in schools to provide students withknowledge and skills to response to climate change and prevent natural disasters Currently,students can be educated on these skills through various methods, such as integrating theminto subject teaching, experiential activities, and education within families and communities.Furthermore, in the context of the 4.0 scientific revolution, the modern scientific andtechnological revolution, and the increasingly strong development of the knowledgeeconomy, along with the trend of international integration in a more connected andglobalized world, each individual needs to have the ability to understand and interact withinthat world In other words, each individual must accumulate knowledge and develop skillsfrom their school years to ensure a comprehensive development of knowledge, skills,attitudes, and competencies to become a citizen meeting the criteria of a global citizen One

of the criteria for a global citizen is to have an attitude and awareness of important globalissues such as climate change, social equality, human rights, and sustainable development.However, current practices show that the effectiveness of this educational activity has notbeen clearly evaluated and recognized, remaining formal and sporadic, without becoming aprocess that forms behaviors and habits for students in responding to climate change andnatural disasters In schools, the effectiveness of climate change education, particularly the

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education of climate change adaptation and disaster response skills for students, isdetermined by the impact of management measures This shows that one of the reasons forthe above results is the lack of attention to the implementation of educational managementactivities, as well as a shortage of resources Therefore, research on managing the education

of climate change adaptation and disaster response skills in various types of schools is anecessary and practical issue

In the Northern midland and mountainous regions of Vietnam, in recent years,climate change has made the natural conditions there more severe, such as prolonged coldspells in winter, drought, and frequent natural disasters like storms, hail, floods, flash floods,and landslides, causing environmental degradation and destruction, and damaging livingconditions, leading to significant property and human losses These phenomena have causednumerous difficulties and obstacles for students' daily life and learning, as well as the livingand production activities of local residents Climate change affects the poor and ethnicminorities the most due to limited access to information and scientific and technicalknowledge Climate change also greatly impacts middle school students, especially ethnicminority middle school students, because they lack knowledge and experience in copingwith climate change and disasters, and their personalities are not yet stable, making itdifficult for them to control their emotions, potentially leading to psychological impactswhen faced with difficulties caused by climate change and natural disasters Therefore, it isessential to proactively train and cultivate skills for students to adapt to climate change andrespond to natural disasters to reduce the risks and impacts of climate change on students.This will contribute to sustainable socio-economic development, given that climate changeand natural disasters are global issues For ethnic minority boarding middle schools, wherethe majority of students are ethnic minorities, a group particularly vulnerable to the impacts

of climate change and natural disasters, there needs to be appropriate management measurestailored to regional and school characteristics to improve the quality of education on theseskills for students However, there are currently not many studies on managing this activity.The management of educational activities to develop climate change adaptation and disasterresponse skills for students in ethnic minority boarding middle schools still faces challenges,from training teachers to carry out the tasks to guiding goal-setting, organizing curriculumcontent development, and managing assessment processes that do not yet meet theeducational needs of students in adapting to climate change and responding to disasters in thepresent and future Thus, research on managing the education of climate change adaptationand disaster response skills for students in ethnic minority boarding middle schools in thenorthern midland and mountainous provinces is more important and urgent than ever

1.2 Not only the practical education of climate change adaptation and disaster response skills butalso the management of education in these skills in schools currently faces many shortcomings.First, there is the issue of teacher training Since the nationwide training sessions organized by theMinistry of Education and Training in the 2011-2012 school year, teachers have hardly receivedany training on integrating climate change education into teaching or organizing educationalactivities to equip students with climate change adaptation and disaster response skills Schoolshave implemented the Ministry of Education and Training's plans for disaster prevention andclimate change response, but they have not conducted evaluations or drawn lessons to make futureimplementations more effective Secondly, the development of curriculum content based on theintegrated guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education and Training, tailored to thecharacteristics of students and schools, and adapted to the specific impacts of climate change andnatural disasters in the local area, has not been clearly defined Thirdly, the organization ofassessments to evaluate students' skill levels has not been given proper attention, and the direction

of activities remains formal and superficial School leadership has not effectively communicated toparents, party secretaries, village heads, and local youth union officials the importance of educating

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students on climate change adaptation and disaster response skills, leading to a lack of closecoordination with schools to enhance the effectiveness of these activities.

Fourthly, the use of diverse educational forms and assessment methods for educational outcomesremains limited To address some of these shortcomings and limitations, it is essential to researchthe management of education on climate change adaptation and disaster response skills in schools.This highlights once again the importance of scientifically managing educational activities onclimate change adaptation and disaster response skills in schools, in accordance with practicalrealities, to enhance the effectiveness of education and improve students' levels of skills in adapting

to climate change and responding to natural disasters This is a critical issue not only for Vietnambut for many countries around the world

1.3.There have been some studies on managing the education of skills to cope withpsychological stress and many studies on managing life skills education However, there is still agap in research on educating students on climate change respond and prevent natural disaster skills,

as well as managing the education of these skills for students As the impacts of extreme weatherevents and changes in living environments occur frequently and are no less dangerous than naturaldisasters, each student needs to have both disaster response skills and climate change adaptationskills to learn and develop safely, both psychologically and physically, while also meeting thedemands of the globalized context This reality requires further clarification of the theoretical andpractical foundations for managing the education of climate change adaptation and disaster responseskills for students and the proposal of management measures for educating these skills to meet theneeds of the current period

From the facts presented above, the author chose the research topic: "Managing education

of skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students in ethnic boarding schools in the provinces of the northern midland mountainous region" The author

semi-hopes that when carrying out the topic, she will be able to explore more deeply some theoreticalissues to illuminate practical activities in schools regarding this work

2 Research purposes

Based on theoretical and practical research, propose measures to manage education onclimate change response skills and natural disaster prevention for students in accordance withthe characteristics of climate change and natural disasters in the midlands and mountainousareas of the North; Suitable for the characteristics of students in ethnic boarding schools,especially ethnic minority students, to improve the quality of education activities on climatechange response skills and natural disaster prevention At the same time, contribute toimproving the quality of comprehensive education in ethnic boarding secondary schools,realizing the goal of sustainable development in the field of education in ethnic minority andmountainous areas

3 Objects and subjects of research

3.1 Objects of research: Educational activities for skills to cope with climate change and

disaster prevention for ethnic minority students at secondary school for ethnic minorities

3.2 Subjects of research: Managing education of skills to response to climate change and

disaster prevention for students in Ethnic Minority semi- Boarding Secondary Schools in theprovinces of the Northern Midland and Mountainous region

4 Scientific hypothesis: The education on skills to respond to climate change and disaster

prevention for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding secondary schools currently facesseveral shortcomingsdue to various reasons, including management-related issues If we proposeand manage according to functions for each component of climate change adaptation and disasterprevention education activities, it will enhance the quality of these educational activities, improvethe climate change response and disaster prevention skills of students at ethnic minority boardingsecondary schools, and thus contribute to improving the quality of education in these schools inthe provinces of the northern midland and mountainous region at present

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5 Research mission

- Overview of research projects related to life skills education, skills to respond to climatechange and disaster prevention, management of life skills education and management ofeducation of skills to respond to climate change and disaster prevention for students.Systematize the theoretical basis for education on skills to respond to climate change anddisaster prevention, and manage education of skills to respond to climate change and disasterprevention for students in secondary schools

- Survey, analyze and evaluate the current state of students' skills, education andmanagement of skills to respond to climate change and disaster prevention for students atsecondary ethnic minority schools in the Northern mountainous provinces

- Build a system of educational management measures for skills to respond to climatechange and disaster prevention for ethnic minority students at the Northern MountainousSecondary School for Ethnic Minorities Test the urgency and feasibility of managementmeasures and test 01 proposed management measure

6 Limited scope of research

6.1 Limit research content: Research skills to respond to climate change and disaster prevention

such as life skills, necessary skills in global citizenship education, education for sustainabledevelopment Managing education on skills to respond to climate change and disaster prevention

at secondary schools for ethnic minorities in the provinces of the Northern midland andmountainous region

6.2 Limit management subjects: School management subjects include: Principal, Vice

Principal, professional team leader, Youth Union secretary, Team leader, teachers The mainsubject is the principal of secondary schools for ethnic minorities

6.3 Limit research area: Middle School for Ethnic Minorities Boarding School; Primary &

secondary schools in 6 provinces: Ha Giang, Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Thai Nguyen, Hoa Binh, BacGiang in the provinces of the northern midland and mountainous region

7 Research approaches and methods

7.1 Approach: Approach to the educational process; Access to management functions; Access

to participation; Access to capacity; Access to experience-based education; Interdisciplinaryscientific approach

7.2 Specific research methods

7.2.1 Theoretical research methods group:

Systematize documents to build a theoretical basis for the thesis

7.2.2 Practical research methods group

Practical observation method; Questionnaire survey method; In-depth interview method;Professional solution; Methods of researching products of pedagogical activities;

7.2.3 Group of statistical methods, data processing using mathematical formulas (Ecxel, SPSS)

7.2.4 Testing method

7.2.5 Pedagogical experimental methods

8 New contributions of the thesis

- Build a theoretical basis for educational management of skills to respond to climatechange and self-destruction skills for students at secondary schools The thesis is a referencedocument for managers and teachers in education, educational management of skills to respond

to climate change, and self-improvement skills for students in secondary schools

- Discover the strengths and limitations, the causes of the limitations of educationalmanagement of skills to respond to climate change and disaster prevention for ethnic minoritystudents at ethnic minority secondary schools in the Northern mountainous provinces

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- Propose and confirm the effectiveness of educational management measures to respond

to climate change and disaster prevention for ethnic minority students to ensure urgency andfeasibility in secondary schools for ethnic minorities in the Northern mountainous provinces

9 Defense arguments

- Argument 1: Educating skills to respond to climate change and disaster prevention for

ethnic minority students at secondary schools is urgent to meet the need to respond to thecomplex situation of climate change and natural disasters in the mountainous provinces of theNorth North as well as on a global scale Currently, in schools educating students on skills tocope with climate change and disaster prevention, there are still some inadequacies such as: theform of education is not diverse, mainly integrated in teaching a number of subjects, through anumber of youth activities topics.; Regarding the lack of harmony in content between providingknowledge and forming and training skills for students, between education on skills to respond

to climate change and education on self-improvement skills, teachers still have difficulty indeveloping testing criteria , evaluate students' skills

- Argument 2: Managing education on skills to respond to climate change and

self-discipline for ethnic minority students at secondary schools for ethnic minorities still hasinadequacies in the following stages: Organizing training for teachers in awareness and skillseducation capacity respond to climate change and natural development; Direct the determination ofgoals appropriate to the characteristics of students and the school's team; Develop program contentappropriate to students' characteristics and ever-changing needs to respond to climate change anddisaster prevention; Organize education on skills to respond to climate change and disasterprevention in the direction of coordinating educational forces in the local community; Managetesting and assessment activities and use test results to evaluate students' skills Theaforementioned shortcomings have limited the effectiveness of education in equippingstudents with skills to cope with climate change and prevent natural disasters

- Argument 3: Managing education on skills to respond to climate change and disaster

prevention by approaching management functions to each element of the educational processwill solve inadequacies in education and management of education on adaptive skills Dealingwith climate change and self-improvement for ethnic minority students at the current SecondarySchool for Ethnic Minorities as stated in thesis 1 and thesis

10 Structure of the thesis

In addition to the introduction, conclusions and recommendations, the list of references,appendices, and the thesis are presented in 3 chapters:

Chapter 1: Theoretical basis for management and education of skills to respond to

climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority boarding schools

Chapter 2: Practical basis for education management of skills to respond to climate

change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding secondaryschools in the provinces Northern and midland mountainous region

Chapter 3: Measures to manage education of skills to respond to climate change and

prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority boarding schools in the provincesNorthern and midland mountainous regions


1.1.1 Research on life skills education, skills to respond to climate change and prevent

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natural disasters for students

1.1.2 Research on life skills education management and skills education management to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for high school students

1.1.3 Summarize the overall results of researching the problem and determine the research content of the thesis

- There are many works by organizations and individuals researching life skills educationfor subjects, on coping skills education There are many studies by scientists on core issues ofclimate change such as causes, impacts, measures to limit and adapt to climate change, and the

role of climate change education; Research on natural disasters and prevent natural disasters;

Research on the effects of climate change and natural disasters on subjects in regions withdifferent economic and social conditions

- There have been many scientific research projects on life skills educational managementfor students at school levels; Research projects on skills education management and life skillseducation follow many approaches such as functional approach, process approach, systemapproach, community-based approach, CIPO approach However, there is still space forresearch projects on educational management of skills to respond to climate change and disasterprevention for students, especially research on educational management of skills to respond toclimate change and disaster prevention for ethnic minority students in rural areas NorthernMountainous Secondary School for Ethnic Minorities From the reality drawn after generalresearch, the author has found a research gap on educational management of skills to respond toclimate change and disaster prevention according to the coordinated process approach,functional approach, participation approach and Determine the research tasks of the thesis:

- Research and systematize the theoretical basis of education, management of educationskills to cope with climate change and self-destruction for ethnic minority students at secondaryethnic Minority secondary School

- Survey, analyze, and evaluate the current state of education, management of educationskills to respond to climate change and physical education for ethnic minority students at ethnicminority secondary schools in the Northern mountainous region

- Building a system of measures to manage education of skills to respond to climatechange and disaster prevention for ethnic minority students at the Northern MountainousSecondary School for Ethnic Minorities

1.2 Secondary ethnic minority semi-boarding schools and students at secondary ethnic minority semi-boarding schools

1.2.1 Secondary ethnic minority Semi-boarding schools Functions and Duties of an Ethnic Minority Semi-Boarding Secondary School Missions and activities of secondary school for ethnic minorities

In addition to organizing educational activities according to the provisions of the Charter ofsecondary schools, high schools and schools with many levels of education, the school also carriesout the following specific educational activities: (1)Educating students on topics ethnic policies andpolicies of the Party and State; cultural identity and fine traditions of ethnic groups; Life skills andenvironmental protection; (2) Educating workers to clean schools and classrooms, improvingstudents' eating, living, and learning conditions; (3)Organize cultural, artistic, physical training andsports activities; sightseeing, festivals, ethnic, cultural exchanges to contribute to preserving andpromoting the cultural identities of ethnic groups; (4) Organizing collective cooking for boardingstudents to ensure hygiene and food safety Products; health care for students [17]

1.2.2 Students in middle school

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Students at secondary schools: This group includes students aged 11-15 This is a

special age period in child development, marking the transition from childhood toadulthood During this stage, there is distinctive development in all areas: physical,intellectual, psychological, personality, emotional, and moral

* Students at ethnic minority in semi-boarding secondary schools

Ethnic minority students exhibit a high level of solidarity and connection, frequentlycommunicating in their native language, and are friendly and open in interactions.Thesestudents take great pride in their cultural identity and are committed to preserving andpromoting their traditional ethnic culture Each student brings unique cultural traits to school,creating a multicultural environment in ethnic minority boarding schools For some ethnicminority students, learning Vietnamese as the primary language of instruction can bechallenging and impact their learning process Living away from and being separated fromtheir families can affect their family relationships and connection to their ethnic traditions.They need to adjust to the new environment, becoming more independent and proactive intheir studies and daily life This situation fosters stronger bonds with teachers and peers,making support from teachers and friends essential

1.3 Skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters of secondary school students

1.3.1 Concept

* Skills to respond to climate change: Climate change response skills are the ability to apply

knowledge about climate change when performing behaviors in real life to mitigate climatechange and adapt to climate change

* Natural disaster prevention skills: Disaster prevention skills are the ability to apply

knowledge and experience about natural disasters, natural disaster risks, and how to handleemergency situations caused by natural disasters in specific situations, suitable to escape dangerand reduce natural disaster risks before, during and after natural disasters

* The relationship between climate change response skills and disaster prevention skills

1.3.2 Types of skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters of secondary school students The role of climate change response and disaster prevention skills for students in ethnic minority boarding secondary schools Legal and practical basis for proposing climate change response and disaster prevention skills Some skills to cope with climate change of middle school students: 6 skills Some natural disaster prevention skills of secondary school students: 10 skills

1.4 Educating skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at secondary boarding schools for ethnic minorities

1.4.1 Concept: Educating skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters: Based

on the analysis of the above concepts, the author proposes the concept of educating skills to respond

to climate change and disaster prevention for students as an interactive process Targeted, based activities, using educational methods through organizing students to participate in differentforms of education to form students with skills to meet their needs to respond to climate change anddisaster prevention Current and future students contribute to forming students' personalities

content-1.4.2 Principles of educating skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding schools in secondary schools

1.4.3 Elements of education on skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding schools in secondary schools The goal of educating skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters

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for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding schools is a secondary school

Students know the manifestations and consequences of some types of natural disastersand have knowledge about climate change; Have basic skills and apply skills to respond toclimate change and natural disaster prevention in real life through specific behaviors; Have acorrect view of the human role in climate change and disaster prevention, thereby contributing

to the development of student personality. Content of education on skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority boarding schools in secondary schools

Educating knowledge about climate change, consequences and causes of climatechange, especially human-caused causes such as greenhouse gas emissions, causing globalwarming , measures to limit and respond to climate change, developments of climate change;Educate knowledge about natural disasters, types of natural disasters, how natural disasters such

as floods, storms, landslides, flash floods, floods, and droughts affect life, the environment, andrisks Natural disasters often occur locally Ways to deal with natural disasters includepreparations before the occurrence, safety measures during the occurrence and ways toovercome the consequences after the disaster; Measures to respond to climate change Methods of educating skills to cope with climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding schools in secondary schools

Game method; Group discussion method; Problem solving methods; Role play method;Forum method; Storytelling method; Practical method - simulation Forms of educating skills to cope with climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority boarding schools in secondary schools

The thesis presents 5 forms of education for skills to respond to climate change anddisaster prevention: During regular hours; Through the Youth Council; Through club activities;Educational activities in the family and in the community Means of educating skills to cope with climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding schools in secondary schools Testing and evaluating the results of educating skills to cope with climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding schools in secondary schools. Forces participating in educating skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding schools in secondary schools

1.5 Managing education of skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding schools in secondary schools

1.5.1 Concept: Managing education on climate change response skills and disaster prevention

is the purposeful and oriented impact of the principal and other school management entities oneducation activities on climate change response skills and disaster prevention through planning,organizing, directing, and checking each element of the educational process to achieve the seteducational goals and improve the level of climate change response skills and disasterprevention for students

1.5.2 Content of education management skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding schools in secondary schools Managing the implementation of the goal of educating skills to cope with climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding schools in secondary schools

Including the following tasks: (1) Research guiding documents of educational

management levels on educating skills to respond to climate change and disaster prevention forstudents; Organize surveys and evaluate the current state of students' skills (2) Establish a

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steering committee for life skills education, education for skills to respond to climate changeand disaster prevention, and determine the specific tasks of each department (3) Make a planfor educating skills to respond to climate change and natural disaster prevention for the school,including a monthly plan (4) Organize the development of goals and content of coordinationbetween subjects to create unified action in education (5) Develop criteria to evaluate goalimplementation for each subject Identify content and assessment tools Identify forcesparticipating in the assessment and organize inspection and assessment activities (6) Summaryand assessment of goal implementation Use assessment results to implement next activities. Managing the implementation of educational content on skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding schools in secondary schools

Including the following tasks: (1) Establish a group to compile educational content (2)

Planning to manage and implement the content of education on skills to respond to climatechange and disaster prevention (3) Directing the development of educational content (4)Organize and implement educational content on skills to respond to climate change and naturaldisaster prevention (5) Check the implementation of program content, detect inappropriatecontent to adjust in the next implementation Managing and using methods and forms of organizing education on skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority boarding schools

in secondary schools

Tasks include: (1) Develop a management plan using methods and forms of educational

organization consistent with the agreed educational content (2) Organize training on the use ofselected methods and ways of organizing educational activities for educational forces Integrateplans to use methods and forms in educational content and programs (3) Direct educationalforces to carry out education on skills to respond to climate change and disaster prevention forstudents according to agreed methods and forms (4) Check the implementation of educationalmethods and forms by teachers and educational forces (5) Summarize and evaluate theeffectiveness of using educational methods and forms after each activity, periodically Managing means of educating skills to cope with climate change and prevent naturaldisasters for ethnic minority students at ethnic minority boarding schools in secondary schools

Tasks include: (1) Update and research guiding documents on management and use of

public facilities and assets, instructions on purchasing, arranging, arranging, and preservingteaching equipment and facilities, education Survey the current state of facilities, teaching andeducational facilities, and school equipment periodically and annually, and survey whenunusual problems occur due to natural disasters or incidents (2) Develop investment plans,purchase and repair equipment (3) Organize the exploitation and use of educational equipmentand facilities Arrangement of equipment, teaching aids and types according to documents ofthe Department of Education and Training The exploitation, use, preservation and maintenance

of equipment and teaching aids are in accordance with the school's internal rules, workingregulations and educational plans (4) Direct the media management department to comply withthe guiding documents on the management of educational equipment (5) Organize testingactivities: Check effectiveness of use through organizing educational activities Specialized andunscheduled inspections Check the arrangement, arrangement, storage and maintenance ofequipment (6) Detect unsafe equipment to have a repair and maintenance plan Managing testing and evaluating the results of educational activities in skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority boarding schools in secondary schools

Tasks include: (1) Directing research on guiding documents on innovation in testing and

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evaluation of educational management levels Determine evaluation criteria (2) Planning forassessment and testing: Determine objectives and content of assessment; Determine the time tocarry out inspection and evaluation activities; Determine the roles of forces participating ininspection and assessment (3) Organize inspection and evaluation of the results of educationalactivities (4) Direct inspection of progress in implementing educational plans (5) Detect errorsand non-conformities when performing inspection and evaluation Adjust inspection andevaluation plans The principal directs the participating forces to evaluate, analyze, and comparethe results and levels of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of students compared to the set goals,drawing conclusions at the time of the survey (6) Direct the use of assessment results inimplementing subsequent activities. Managing and coordinating forces involved in educating skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority boarding schools in secondary schools

Include the following contents: (1) Coordination planning: Mobilizing human resources,facilities, and finance from educational forces to organize educational activities (2) Organizingcoordination: Connecting educational forces in the community in organizing educationalactivities; Promoting the strengths of educational forces in the stages of organizing educationalactivities (3) Directing coordination work: Propagating and exchanging so that educationalforces are clearly aware of their roles and responsibilities, duties of individuals andorganizations in participating in implementing the school's educational plan (4) Check theeffectiveness of the coordination process

1.5.3 Decentralization in educational management of skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority semi-boarding schools in secondary schools

1.6 Factors affecting educational management of skills to respond

to climate change and prevent natural disasters for students at ethnic minority boarding schools in secondary schools

1.6.1 Factors belonging to students: Psychological and physiological characteristics of

students' age; The level of self-awareness and activeness of students participating in educationalactivities; Students' ability to self-study and self-educate In this, the level of studentengagement plays a role in promoting the use of educational methods and the development

of programs that enhance students' abilities

1.6.2 Factors belonging to the school: Management capacity of the principal; Capacity to

manage professional activities of the vice principal, professional team leaders, Union secretary,and Team President; The capacity of teachers to organize educational activities; Facilityconditions serve the school's educational activities.In this group of factors, there are elementsrelated to the management entities such as: the principal’s management competence; thevice principals' ability to manage professional activities, heads of academic departments, thesecretary of the Youth Union, and the head of the Team, which greatly influenceeducational activities Management entities with strong management skills will effectivelyorganize and direct educational activities on climate change adaptation and disasterprevention in a scientific manner, suitable for teachers, students, as well as educationalforces in the community, while considering the school's physical conditions This will helpimprove the quality of these skill-based educational activities for students The factorsrelated to the objects of management include the teachers’ ability to organize educationalactivities and the school's physical conditions

1.6.3 Factors belonging to students' families: Practical knowledge of responding to climate

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change and disaster prevention of students' parents; The level of participation of parents ineducational activities with the school; Economic conditions of students' families, methods ofeducating children of students' families.This is a factor related to the objects of management,influencing management activities, setting requirements, and creating opportunities for theimplementation of management measures These factors promote management practices thatalign with the educational needs of parents.

1.6.4 Social factors: Social and cultural environment where students live; Legal basis for

education on life skills, skills to respond to climate change and disaster prevention; The level ofparticipation of educational forces in student education with schools; Awareness of local leadersand educational forces about the importance and role of each element in the School-Family-Society relationship; Connection of local leaders with a number of international organizations

interested in educating the young generation These factors influence the development of

educational plans and strategies by management entities, helping them identify advantages,challenges, opportunities, and threats to choose appropriate management methods

Conclusion of Chapter 1

Based on the research objectives, the author determined that it was necessary to provide acomprehensive overview of research on the topic in two main areas to establish the theoreticalfoundation for the thesis Through the study, analysis, and systematic review of both domestic andinternational literature in these two areas, a general assessment was made to identify gaps that requirefurther research in managing the education of climate change response skills and self-disciplineprevention for students By analyzing the concepts of skills, education, and management as defined byboth domestic and foreign scholars in connection with the issue of climate change response skillseducation and self-discipline prevention, the author clarified the core conceptual tools of the thesis

Based on these constructed conceptual tools and using an educational process approach, thethesis has developed objectives, content, methods, forms, means, and evaluation criteria, and identifiedthe forces involved in educating climate change response skills and self-discipline prevention forsecondary school students Specifically, it has identified the content of managing climate changeresponse skills education and self-discipline prevention in ethnic minority boarding secondary schools,employing management functions for each element of the educational process: managing theimplementation of objectives and content, managing the use of methods, forms, and means of education,evaluating educational outcomes, and managing the forces that coordinate with the school in studenteducation The management of climate change response skills education and self-discipline prevention

is influenced by numerous objective and subjective factors, such as school conditions, geographicalconditions, and local culture Regarding the factors affecting the management of climate changeresponse skills education and self-discipline prevention, the thesis identifies four groups of factors: thoserelated to students, those related to the school, those related to students' families, and those related tosociety Building a solid theoretical framework as presented provides an important foundation fororganizing the assessment of the current state of education and educational management, serving as abasis for proposing management measures for climate change response skills education and self-discipline prevention in ethnic minority boarding secondary schools


2.1.1 International experience in managing education skills to respond to climate change and prevent natural disasters

2.1.2 Draw lessons for Vietnam on education and management of education in climate

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2024, 14:44


