They are process is believed 0 allow learners © organically form their own conceptual ‘understandings rather than solely relying on perspectives from experts or writen with peers, advoca
Nguyễn Thị Thúy Hằng
Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh — 2023
Chuyên ngành: Lý luận và phương pháp dạy học bộ môn Tiếng Anh
Mã số: 8140111
Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - 2023
Trang 31.1, Background to the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
2.2.2 Characteristics of Collaborative learning
2.3 Collaborative Learning Design for Personalized Learning
2.3.1 The Sequential Collaboration I (Purposeful
2.3.2 The Sequential Collaboration II (Round Horse)
2.3.3 Parallel Collaborative I (Pick-Think-Pair-Share)
2.3.4 We-Mind (Pick-Think-Pair-Share) II
2.4 Appraising Collaborative Learning Process
Trang 4
Learning 18 2.4.2 Collaborative learning approach through each person's ability
2.5 Collaborative learning in students’ reading English skill
3.2 Research site and participant:
3.2.1 General introduction of Due Tri High School
3.6 Data analysis procedures
Trang 5Appendix I: Results of 12B1 in each test
Appendix 2: Results of 12B2 in each tes!
Appendix 3: Pre-test
Appendix 4: Progress test
Appendix 5: Post-tes!
Appendix 6: Interview question
Appendix 7: Collaborative Learning Interview Transcript Appendix 8: Collaborative Leaning Survey
Trang 6The concept of collaborative learning has been applied in various contexts across multiple disciplines, but there remains no universally agreed upon definition
Although researchers have not come to a consensus on precisely what collaborative Collaborative learning can be described as an instructional method where students work I j I finish tasks or build
Within this collaborative environment, learners face both social and emotional also prompted to clearly articulate, justify and debate their own perspectives This understandings rather than solely relying on perspectives from experts or written with peers, advocate for their own ideas, consider diverse beliefs from others, conducted an experimental study applying collaborative learning to two classes of 12B1 to find the difference in exam results for class 12B2 that did not apply this method The author performs the Kolmogorov-Smimov and Shapiro-Wilk test to between the two classes, Besides, the author also conducted interviews with teachers the test scores of class 12B1 are higher than those of class 12B2 Therefore, it can be affirmed that collaborative learning has a positive effect on students’ reading skills,
Trang 7I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of the individuals who helped me
in various ways throughout the several months that this project took to complete This thesis is unlikely to be entirely complete without their assistance
I'd like to start by expressing my gratitude to my instructor and thesis advisor,
Dr Le Hoang Dung, for his suggestions, unwavering support, and tolerance while I
addition to useful recommendations for the writing
Second, I want I would like to convey my appreciation to the Ho Chi Minh City University of Education's Postgraduate Department and all of the instructors for their
assistance with my thesis, Also, I would like to extend my profound gratitude to the
professors, associate professors, and physicians who have provided me with advice
Thirdly, | am thankful for the support from Due Tri high school, where I have been teaching for more than eight years for giving me the consent to conduct the
crucial requirement for me to finish the thesis
Furthermore, it is important for me to acknowledge my wonderful students for their devoting time from their demanding classes to take part in the study's activities, Above all, I wish to recognize the efforts of my family, particularly to my
parents and sister Your encouragement - both physical and mental - was the finest stimulus for me to move forward and finish the study as planned.
Trang 81 affirm that the full body of work and conclusions presented herein are entirely
of my own design, implementation and analysis Any instances where the creative or
intellectual contributions of other scholars guided my research have been duly noted
Trang 9By signing below, I affirm that I am the sole author of the research contained within this document and that it has not been entered into any other qualification
independently and any guidance received from other academics has been referenced accordingly
Trang 10
Collaborative learning
Trang 11: Normality test of pretest dat
: Paired sample statistics of pretest data
: Tests of Normality of progress test data
Demographic of the experimental group
Demographic of the control group
Study samples
Descriptive statistic of pretest data
Descriptive statistic of progress test results
Paired sample statistics of progress test data
Test of Normality of final test data
Descriptive statistic of post test data
Paired sample statistics of post test data
Paired samples statistics between pretest and post test results of
Trang 12Demographic information of the experimental group
Demographic information of the control group
Histograms for normality testing of pretest data in experimental class
Histograms for normality testing of pretest data in control class
Histograms for normality testing of Progress test in experimental class (12B1)
Histograms for normality testing of Progress test in control class
Trang 131.1 Background to the study
Collaborative learning can be defined as an instructional model whereby
students work in small groups to jointly address problems, carry out assignments, or
develop some type of output Within this shared learning environment, students
experience both social and emotional challenges as they consider diverse viewpoints
from their peers They are also prompted to clearly communicate, justify and debate
to organically build their own frameworks of understanding rather than relying only
debate with peers, students take ownership of constructing knowledge rather than
language learning, collaborative learning has been shown to positively impact
discuss meanings and interpretations, and solve comprehension questions, it helps
scaffold their understanding and expose them to different perspectives and
activities have the opportunity to develop and strengthen their verbal language
abilities in addition to other crucial skills This is in addition to the benefits of group work for all students,
Because English is spoken by such a large segment of the population, learning itis an urgent need, IL is spreading throughout several important industries, including
not only because it is necessary for studying all subjects, but also because being able
sense of self a talent that leads to great delight, pleasure, and full filament To ensure
that every student in the classroom participates in the learning process, teachers in
English-speaking classrooms must provide accommodations for group work for
in the combined activities have the possibility to develop and strengthen their verbal
Trang 14work is essential It also serves as a powerful tool for promoting dialogue among
projects provide English language learners the chance to engage, mingle, and communicate in verbal and nonverbal ways (Ali et al, 2015) Working in groups promotes classroom engagement, which is crucial for English language learners as they study and acquire the language, English language
expressions and listen to peers speak English at their level when they are included in
considerably longer than a year or two for many English language learners, they
study indicates that 21st century learning frameworks emphasize personalized
a core deviation involves shifting away from teacher-centered, direct instruction
towards more indirectly facilitated, dynamically customized pedagogies that foster
self-guided development The author found this transition prioritizes nurturing each
student's own learning progression over traditional information transmission from paradigms could hold valuable insight for optimizing learning environments according to current educational needs and contexts
The goal of this study is to demonstrate how collaborative learning, as a teaching
strategy, helps readers and students to advance their reading abilities in classrooms
for English language leamers, The research intends to address issues that instructors
been noted that the majority of secondary school teachers appear to disregard the
value of collaborative learning as a method for instructing English language learners
When teaching reading comprehension abilities, in particular, the collaborative
Trang 15might enhance language acquisition and reading skill development, Additionally,
educate students and instructors how to collaborate, develop and assess group projects, and define teachers’ responsibilities when it comes to group work
1.2 Statement of the problem
Reading has become an indispensable skill to function in today’s society and
it has been so essential that it is an important part of everyday survival Based on my
review of the literature, scholars have used the term “effective learning” to refer to
instructional approaches that actively engage students in driving their own
information or mimicking the behaviors of others, these techniques aim (o cultivate
each child's capacity for self-directed learning over time Generally speaking,
conducive to learning However, research indicates the precise roles assumed by
instructors vary widely across cultures, societies, and levels of formal schooling
Effectively implementing learner-centered paradigms likely depends on contextual
consideration of local normative practices and stakeholder needs Further examination of these sociocultural influences could provide useful insight for both
policymakers and practitioners The fact has shown that students in grade 12 when
comprehension part Even university students can't have a better prospect At the
Minh City: Current situation and solutions’ ' held in 2017, shocking data on English
learning standards of National University of Ho Chi Minh City was also announced
standard under the English language VNU - ETP certificate While reading
especially to study and work; students in high schools nowadays tend to not know
how to read in the right way and also, lack the motivation to practice the reading
Trang 16happening to students at Duc Tri school for a long time
Facing this matter and the requirements of renewing training objectives, the teaching method itself cannot be the same as before but it must also be changed to
with listening — copying, reađing ~ copying teachers’ words in the notebooks During creating conditions and situations for students to express their thoughts and opinions practicing, field trip, etc
One of the best ways to foster a setting in which professors, students, and the surrounding teaching and learning environment interact is to divide classrooms into
research on a variety of topics, discussion, and verbal expression This method has
many benefits, including igniting students’ interest in learning, preventing passive
learning, assisting students in becoming more self-assured and brave in
fostering greater group cohesion As a result, research on collaborative learning
English-language courses, This study is essential because it can not only contribute
to the education method for high school students in Vietnam but also in the long-term for other grades of learners in the future
1.3 Objectives of the study
In the context of high school, many teachers still believe that only individual
work will lead to students” achievement and group work not only takes time but also
* motivation to However i
this prejudice wrong, From the background and the statement of problem in Due Tri
students’ reading skill in an English as Foreign language classroom at Due Tri high
school, After analyzing the result of the research, the author tends to give some
Trang 17and in reading skill in particular
1.4 Research questions
Research question:
How does collaborative learning impact students’ reading skill in an EPL class
at Duc Tri high school?
‘The four hypothesis studied in the thesis is as follows:
Hypothesis 1 (H1): There is a difference in academic performance in the pre
test between the experimental class (12B1) and the control class (12B2) in case of applying collaborative learning
Hypothesis 2 (H2): There is a statistically significant difference in academic performance in the progress test between the experimental class and the control class
in case of applying collaborative learning
Hypothesis 3 (H3): There is a statistically significant difference in academic performance in the final test between the experimental class and the control class in
case of applying collaborative learning
Hypothesis 4 (H4)-: There is a statistically significant difference in academic
performance in the final test and pretest in the experimental class in case of applying collaborative leaming
1.5 Scope of the study
Scope of content: The research was based on knowledge of personal learning
and collaborative learning in particular in an EFL class at Duc Tri high school, Thus,
the scope of this research focuses on this type of studying in the English class at Duc Tri high school Moreover, this study also concentrates on analysis of impact of
collaborative learning’s elements to students’ performance
Scope of space: Because this study is conducted within a class in Due Tri high school only, thus the scope of the study is within an EFL class of Due Tri High School The participants for the research survey are students in this class
Trang 18to May 2021 In which, the process of researching and developing the topic lasted for
4 months After that, the author used a period of 5 weeks to monitor and evaluate the
enough data and background theory, the author conducted the analysis of the results,
answered the research questions as well as completed the entire product in the
remaining time
1.6 Significance of the study
This research project seeks to gain a deeper understanding of how collaborative learning methodologies can be actualized successfully to enhance English language learners’ reading skills Specifically, this work will conduct a targeted analysis of current empirical studies and theoretical frameworks relating to:
* Improve teaching practices: The study seeks to identify good practices and recommendations for EFL teachers on how to design and implement collaborative
reading activities that maximize learning outcomes The findings could inform EFL
learning approaches
+ Enhance student learning: By investigating the impact of collaborative
of collaborative reading tasks in EFL classrooms, The results could help educators language development and reading comprehension
+ Advocate for collaborative learning: The study adds to the body of research demonstrating the positive impact of collaborative learning on foreign language teachers to adopt group work and collaborative techniques in their classrooms + Inform policy: At the school or district level, the findings could provide justification for policies that support collaborative learning approaches “and
Trang 19collaborative learning elements
+ Transferabil ty: Though focused on an EFL context, the study's methodology
and recommendations may be relevant for other subject areas and educational levels seeking to promote collaborative learning among students The overall significance lies in potentially demonstrating how collaborative reading activities, when designed and implemented well, can help improve English
language proficiency and academic performance
1.7 Research structure
This study is presented with 5 chapters as below:
This chapter will provide an overview of the study, including the background
and context, statement of the problem, research objectives, research questions, scope and limitations of the study, and significance of the study,
This chapter will review relevant literature on collaborative learning, its impact
‘on reading skills development, and best practices for implementing collaborative
will also be presented,
‘This chapter will review relevant literature on collaborative learning, its impact
on reading skills development, and best practices for implementing collaborative
will also be presented,
This chapter will present the results of the data analysi ncluding statistical
will be presented in tables and figures Qualitative data from observations and
interviews will also be analyzed and reported.
Trang 20From the analysis and research results in chapter 3, the author will bring out some findings and discuss the results in this chapter First, the author will confirm the
between this research and previous research Then, all of the research questions will
be answered and present some implications for Duc Tri High school and other
education organizations Subsequently, according to the findings, some
performance will be provided
This chapter will build upon the preceding data analysis by presenting key takeaways and discussing findings To begin, the results will be situated within the
similarities and differences between current and past empirical research will be
highlighted Each guiding research question formulated at the study's outset will then
be directly f collected and analyzed data
Particular consideration will be given to practical implications for Duc Tri high
recommendations and strategic suggestions for continued progress will be delineated
useful insights that can inform ongoing, evidence-based decision-making to enhance
corresponding outcomes
Trang 212.1 Personalized Learning
2.1.1 Defini
Based on my review of the recent literature, personalized learning aims to
accommodate students’ distinct needs, interests and capabilities (Abdelaziz, 2020)
Instead of imposing a uniform approach, this model affords flexibility so individuals
privileges self-directed exploration over rigid strictures, focusing on tailoring
academics to each learner's cultural experiences and motivations (Abdelaziz, 2020)
Rather than a “one-size-fits-all” paradigm, personalized learning offers varied pathways —for example, internship opportunities that blend career exposure with
their potential, personalization holds promise as a dynamic means to promote self-
multiple modalities also appears instrumental in building collaborative online communities suited to diverse participant needs (Tu & Corry, 2003)
could offer useful guidance to educators, Particular attention to considerations like
technology integration, resource allocation, and assessment design seem warranted
a learner-driven model responsive to student diversity holds potential to positively impact engagement and outcomes
2.1.2 Benefits of Personalized Learning
strategies tailored to individual students’ needs, learning styles, and modes of content
delivery This enables learners to maximize their growth into self-directed life-long
students through customized multi-modal activities and resources supporting creativity and personal development (Zheng, 2018)
Trang 22set goals and direct projects matching their interests and preferences (Bray &
McClaskey 2016) While personalization necessitates planning for diverse
capabilities that demands significant instructor effort, benefits include stronger
student ownership over dynamic learning processes promoting both academic skills
and soft skills (Bray & McClaskey, 2016)
Bray and McClaskey (2016) also note personalized structures afford learners
independence through self-paced learning anytime, anywhere with autonomy over content selection This self-directed approach leads to improved self-regulation as
leamers’ design customized objectives (Zimmerman, 2002) Access on demand to McClaskey, 2016) Overall, a differentiated, learner-centered framework holds
promise for nurturing academic achievement as well as translatable competencies in
collaboration and leadership Of course, successful implementation warrants
consideration of supporting needs like technology access across varied community seltings,
2.2 Collaborative learning
2.2.1 Definition
Current literature highlights collaborative learning as an instructional approach where students work jointly to solve problems, finish projects/tasks, and
create end products or services (Noh & Yusuf, 2018) This modality enhances critical
thinking and social interactions among learners through shared information,
For collaborative activities to run smoothly, clear direction and scope
management are important (Maruping & Magni, 2015) Roles within collaborative
Trang 23beyond individual capacities (Michaelsen, 2008)
Moreover, evidence suggests collaborative workforce dynamics boost
employee engagement, productivity and motivation (Tapscott & Williams, 2011)
Allowing employees to exchange sand expand perspectives through collaboration fosters synergy exceeding individual efforts, effectively driving impacting both learning outcomes and real-world application when structured across contexts could offer valuable insight into optimizing concurrent knowledge acquisition and skill development
2.2.2 Characteristics of Collaborative learning
Upon reviewing relevant literature on the topic, collaborative learning appears
to describe an instructional setting where two or more individuals construct
combined cognitive skills, information and perspectives contributed through interacting groups engaged in learning tasks (Zhang et al., 2015) Specifically, key attributes of collaborative learning environments emphasized across studies include: knowledge co-creation facilitated by interpersonal dynamic joint responsibility in learning that enhances all participants’ growing mastery; and encouraging educational framework (Abdelaziz, 2018)
An important distinction is made between simple brainstorming and deeper collaborative “brain writing” requiring discussion and feedback among leamer partnerships or circles for knowledge to truly be built communally rather than lated (Abdelaziz, 2018) Overall, thi h
show promise for optimizing the learning process when leamers are mutually
Trang 24relationship-building over time However, more nuanced exploration of effective
guidance on actualization
2.3 Collaborative Learning Design for Personalized Learning Existing scholarship establishes collaborative learning as an instructional
experiences to augment comprehension (Abdelaziz, 2018) Collaborative designs
as technology-mediated eLearning models incorporating asynchronous participation
from geographically diverse locations (Abdelaziz, 2018)
According to Abdelaziz (2018), collaborative learning implementations exhibit
four defining qualities that subsequent analysis will aim to elucidate: joint
interactions - Participants exchange perspectives to expand individual outlooks;
situated learning - Contextual application foster deeper learning transfer Delineating these core facets in greater detail can offer practical guidance for practitioners seeking to optimize collaborative pedagogies Importantly, varying
consideration to ensure collaborative designs maximize cognitive and social benefits
crucial to fully realize collaborative learning's potential
2.3.1 The Sequential Collaboration I (Purposeful)
‘The literature discusses four primary approaches to collaborative learning
design, Sequential collaboration involves dividing tasks into subcomponents and
distributing work among group members, with the outcome reliant on sharing experiences, leveraging diverse skills, and providing feedback (Chiu, 2008), Implemented well, collaborative projects allow students to participate fully while independently contributing to a combined final product or cooperatively
Trang 25assessments should shape differentiated support to promote equitable opportunities for all learners (Datnow & Park, 2019),
Higher education reforms over 30 years ago necessitated a paradigm shift from
traditional teacher-centric to learner-centered models (Michaelsen, 2008)
Collaborating appears to boost cognition, knowledge-retention and understanding
‘over individual work (Michaelsen, 2008), Sharing information and jointly
(Michaelsen, 2008)
In college, collaboration replaces passive lecture/note-taking with engaged
discussion and participation (Michaelsen, 2008) Effective collaborative teachers
facilitate emerging intellectual experiences rather than solely disseminating facts
cultivating a shared mission alongside flexibility for personalized implementation
aligned with student needs (Datnow & Park, 2019; Fullan & Quinn, 2016) Thus,
collaborative capacity (Datnow & Park, 2019)
Overall, more nuanced empirical study of collaborative design elements,
implementation challenges and structural support strategies could offer significant
equitable environments conducive to collaborative processes appears vital as well,
2.3.2 The Sequential Collaboration IT (Round Horse)
‘The literature describes an approach referred to as sequential collaboration
type II or the round robin technique In this model, the first learner provides initial
Each additional participant can augment but not alter the contributions of preceding final output (Mitnik et al., 2009)
This approach fosters active sharing of diverse perspectives and experiences through interdependent collaboration (Mitnik et al., 2009) Leamers necessarily rely
on one another's combined strengths, knowledge and input, thus developing mutual
Trang 26take advantage of this approach (Brake, 2007) By bringing employees together in
(Brake, 2007) Such environments stimulate self-guided leaning and upgrading of
Overall, flexibility and expanded learning afforded by collaborative work appear
invaluable for both students and professionals
2.3.3 Parallel Collaborative I (Pick-Think-Pair-Share)
Task design plays an important role in collaborative learning The reviewed literature examines several key approaches
With the PTPS method, outputs are collective as responsibilities are shared
between partnerships (Cheng, 2017) Careful task sequencing aligned to prerequisite
This study divided curriculum topics and organized them relationally, then formulated sequential tasks adhering to structured guidelines (Cheng, 2017)
strategy was devised (Cheng, 2017)
Effective collaborative tasks consider multiple factors, Active learning
der, s
transfer (Michaelsen, 2008), Interactive exercises foster imaginative, engaging
environments where constructivism and inquiry flourish (Michaelsen, 2008) Think-Pair-Share activities allow students to review, practice and apply knowledge - benefiting learning while providing formative evaluation (Michaelsen,
2008), Tasks contain individual and group elements (Cheng, 2017) For individuals,
Trang 27difficulty matches ability/goals; groups focus on goal achievement, with members assisting peers (Cheng, 2017),
Overall, this research underscores the importance of judicious task architecture
for optimizing collaborative interactions, knowledge-construction processes and
resulting learning outcomes Purposeful design appears key to realizing this
approach’s full potential
2.3.4 We-Mind (Pick-Think-Pair-Share) IT
‘This paper explores strategies for an effective collaborative learning system based on requirements and application needs Three aspects are analyzed:
A primary task is recommending suitable consultation objects to improve
Iearning efficiency without blind help-seeking The system first checks a student's
it searches other groups, and finally adds the teacher
Determining student roles is also important Collaborative patterns can blend partnership, cooperation and role-playing to facilitate common goal achievement via
“cooperator" roles based on comprehensive quality vectors to structure grouping communication and coordination responsibilities
Lastly, rev
finish early, new tasks configure to objectives; testing and tracking progress dictates 1g study tasks ensures goals are met appropriately, If terms may
task generation: and cach completion triggers subsequent knowledge exposure Overall, strategically optimizing recommendation supports, clearly defining
participant roles, and dynamically adjusting tasks appears integral to collaborative
learning system success Future research could explore interface designs, activity
sequencing, analytics for adaptive personalization and other implementation factors
informed by pedagogical theory and empirical data Continual evaluation and
refinement also seems prudent as technologies and needs evolve over time
Trang 28Upon reviewing the relevant literature, it is evident that assessment serves to gauge acquisition of information and abilities developed throughout the educational
personalized frameworks: assessment as learning, for learning, and in learning (Bray and MeClaskey, 2015)
Research indicates the initial model facilitates self-reflection and adjustments
(Carless, Gordon and Liu, 2006) For example, collaborative learners providing peer
higher-order comprehension (Carless, Gordon and Liu, 2006) Going forward, further nuanced analysis of precise techniques, contextualizing
factors and feedback mechanisms shaping tailored assessments could offer valuable
practical guidance Optimization may also require investigating interface designs,
diverse learners where they are, Overall, strategically incorporating multiple
assessment modalities appears integral to cultivating self-directed, lifelong students
‘empowered to demonstrably demonstrate continually developing mastery
‘The second category of assessment referenced in my literature review entails
formative evaluation to track learners’ growth over time For instance, instructors may
use these periodic checks to decide when students are prepared to delve more deeply
into a concept or if remediation is warranted (Carless, Gordon & Liu, 2006)
‘The final assessment type occurs at the culmination of a unit or full course
Here, summative assessment determines whether learners have accomplished stated
outcomes based on collected work (Daugherty, 2010)
For the purposes of this study, a proposed portfolio constitutes a summative
assessment examined to gauge personalized lesson goal achievement A portfolio
(Basken, 2008)
Notably, portfolios offer versatility for an array of stakeholders, including:
Icarers for self-reflection; instructors for instructional revisions; candidates for job
Trang 29(Basken, 2008)
Moving forward, further exploring specific portfolio components, formats, scoring rubrics and alignment to standards could significantly aid educators in
actualized implementation seeking to genuinely empower self-directed students
Continuous evaluation and refinement also seems prudent Proper evaluation of collaborative learning experiences necessitates clarity around several key dimensions Specifically, Hunter (2006) emphasizes the
and assessment methodology—in addition to how such evaluations stand to further
the learning process itself
Merely focusing on outcome achievement presents limitations, potentially
encouraging learner engagement only as it relates to result attainment (Hunter, 2006),
Alternatively, assessing the learning process prompts involvement with pedagogies,
activities and competencies more conducive not just to success, but also cultivating
sound, self-sustaining learning habits (Hunter, 2006), Naturally, this approach necessitates assigning significant weight to self-evaluation (Hunter, 2006)
As Hunter (2006) notes, taking an active role in assessment completes the
learning cycle’s full potential impact When excluded from this vital phase, learners
and how collaboration itself can be optimized moving forward Overall, thoughtfully
designed, multi-dimensional assessments centered on continual growth and
reflection, versus simplistic outcomes alone, appear most impactful for optimizing collaborative contexts according to this prominent perspective
learning methodology reinforcement through “mental tools” designed to facilitate
thinking abilities allows learners to strategically select optimal solutions tailored to
contextual variables (Kozulin, 2007).
Trang 30personally evolving methodological repertoires can enact intentional, goal-directed
studying (Kozulin, 2007) For learning to proliferate most effectively, useful
strategies must disseminate communally (Kozulin, 2007) Team-oriented, interpersonal dynamics at times provide uniquely impactful avenues for cultivating ever-advancing comprehension (Kozulin, 2007) Overall,
problem-solvers capable of driving their own scholarship forward Future research
design, curriculum curation, educative interactions and targeted support adaptations
strategy generalizability and cultural relevance considerations 2.4.1 Theoretical framework of personal learning to support Collaborative Learning
Marquis (2017) published a study indicating that constructivism is a framework that shapes the information flow process to analyze new useful data The
view Such use and analysis of information helps learners to have their own way in
the learning process rather than applying a purely theoretical basis Knowledge
basis of previously absorbed knowledge Thus, learning and acquiring knowledge is
communicating information, This method also stimulates thinking ability to find
more optimal ways of application and storage The ability to think creatively is further
most effective ways of receiving information for each individual The learning
process is made more selective in terms of knowledge and practical application so
that the knowledge can be used competently (Bray and McClaskey, 2015)
Furthermore, many other researchers measure learning in terms of a broader
Trang 31(2007) believes that learning methods should be reinforced by mental tools; to
promote the thinking process based on personal critical ability and from there, come
up with appropriate and positive measures to complete the work contents Critical
certain situations Since then, learners are not merely receiving and storing
knowledge They can use methods and methods developed by themselves to carry out
within the learning community Sometimes, teamwork and interpersonal interactions are the answer to ever more effective learning
‘The interactive process plays a role not only in promoting the exchange of
effective learning methods and teamwork Kozulin (2007) The interaction process
also promotes the cognitive potential of each person through the recording of
first is a time of interaction with other individuals, the second is the ability to self-
acquire knowledge through one's own skills and qualifications The interactive process fosters exchange in order to develop individual views on the subject of exchange Collaborative participants will receive assessment of learning methods or
from others and improve their own knowledge base Thus, the interaction process
differences in knowledge level and thinking ability always occur between members
However, acknowledging the judgments and opinions of others is just one of many
drive this personalized perception, such as from teachers, parents, technology and
knowledge from books Kozulin (2007), In fact individual learning often receives
guidance from their instructors in a personalized environment Learners can choose
to develop their own knowledge based on their own efforts or receive guidance from
Trang 32
have certain effects on the process of absorbing knowledge of learners Culatta (2013) based on their individual characteristics; such as personal preferences, daily habits or and passions related to the field in which they are studying; then the cognitive ability and thinking level are much higher than those who have no interest in this field of study Daily habits help learners perceive knowledge indirectly in the unconscious Knowledge can be quickly recalled when faced with particular circumstances Meanwhile, religion and belief promote self-directed learning rather than a compulsion from oneself or external forces Therefore, the development of a
curriculum tailored to the individual characters s of cách learner is a key factor in
‘ensuring the quality of teaching
‘There are wo factors that drive individual learning: motivational stimulation
and engagement Collaboration between the individuals involved promotes easier
each other in solving problems they face (Lank E., 2006) Teamwork stimulates the
reasoning and critical processes of each participant, stimulating the development of many cognitive aspects
2.4.2 Collaborative learning approach through each person's ability
of knowledge recognition, Very little of the easy recognition of knowledge stems
‘own judgment, Learners should take the method that is most suitable rather than the
should be personalized to their needs and abilities rather than from the expectations
time periods: conventional instruction, individual awareness, and collaborative Iearning (Pane J F., 2015)
Trang 33Stage one begins with the teacher's usual instruction to a group of learners,
‘This stage can be considered as the universalization of education for all learners with
thinking or knowledge acquisition in a personalized form Learners can freely choose
‘Communicating learning content and providing assessments to improve learning are
phase when there are many contributions from each member of the learning
o their ds and goals, ization in learning does not require a chi the teaching content or the content of the teacher's lecture Personalizing learning is the easiest way from teacher to learner
Each one has their own learning methods that work best for them The process
of personalized learning motivates each person to find the most effective ways of learning and promote their acquisition skills Sometimes the process requires the route that suits their knowledge needs based on their own experiences and
or internal variations The learning process is a process that promotes the self- discipline and intelligence of each person in different directions (Pane J F., 2015) This method is especially effective for organizations with complex human resource management structures when their jobs are highly specialized Each operating while still following the overall goals of the organization Personalization
expression of individual personalities and behaviours These factors motivate
Trang 34themselves, Environmental factors sometimes have an unconscious influence on this
process Therefore, there are many factors affecting a person's ability to develop
knowledge, not limited to personalized learning; but also from the time-honored skills
they have acquired through practice or other theoretical paradigms 1.5 Collaborative learning in students’ reading English skill Collaborative learning has been recognized by many experts and educators English sometimes represents a big challenge for many countries where English is
not the local language In Vietnam, local education in many areas has universalized
English education right from primary school to students In fact, the efficiency
recorded at many schools is not high because th
Key challenges include: educational materials, |S a new subject in recent years, tructor expertise, and
communication environments (Hong Thi Nguyen, Heather Fehring and Wendy
class carried out separate reading comprehension among members, Each class
different ways of learning Then, each class will answer ten questions related to
collaborative learning method has brought better results, Not just limited to reading
comprehension, students in the collaborative learning class worked on expanding the
problem for discussion among class members
Trang 35process: Class Discussions and Brainstorming For group discussion in class, the
students in h had their anal: i Ề the reading Although there was disagreement, this method helped students understand the content of the lesson and find ways to deepen their understanding of the issues involved, This process requires cach member of the group to think,
‘come up with appropriate solutions Brainstorming is done relatively quickly because
students to take measures to memorize the problem quickly Brainstorming promotes
easier memori, ‘tion when it is based on the core problems of the text 2.6 Previous studies
Arliani, Arrin and Irma (2019) studied the change in reading skills of 36 7th
grade students in Cimahi, Spain using Collaborative learning The results of data
score of students ranged from 64.81 - 75.56 In the learning process, the use of Collaborative learning methods makes learners try harder, express their point of view
speaking With this method, students can exchange and discuss the lesson
comfortably If there are new words in the lesson, they can ask and discuss with their
suggested by Arliani, Arrin and Irma (2019), English teachers need to always practice
and develop reading skills because this is a prerequisite for improving the ability to
English, so teachers need (o choose appropriate and close topics for discussion in
collaborative learning to make it more vibrant and well
Tankersley and Cuevas, (2019) investigated the effect of specific Collaborative learning methods on reading comprehension, motivation, and attitude
elementary school in Georgia Research shows that both Collaborative learning and
Trang 36jigsaw methods produce good results for students’ English reading ability
effects of jigsaw puzzles fade away while Collaborative learning is still stored and
maintained in the student's brain To show the effectiveness of the Collaborative
learning method the author compared this method with several other learning
as in many other subject areas By studying specific methods of Collaborative
effective and what Collaborative learning can be method with great potential for student learning
According to Tinzmann et al, (1990), Collaborative classroom is constituted
by three characteristics; the first is the relationship between the teacher and the
students, the second is the teaching method of the teacher, and the third is the
characteristics of the class For the traditional learning method, the teacher plays the
Trang 37different Teachers are responsible for setting goals, designing lessons, and assessing
students based on what students learn from the teacher In contrast, in a Collaborative
‘each student will be guided according to the unique characteristics of that student or
to learn Through instruction, teachers can help students learn more, even beyond the
framework of the teacher's knowledge Students learn from each other, so every
student has an equal opportunity to learn In traditional classrooms, there will be
discrimination between students because the teacher's assessment is one-way, not each student can make his or her own contribution based on his or her strengths and
interests without discrimination, Cooperation can make a group stronger many times,
creating opportunities for students to learn from each other, weak-studying students
can learn from good students, sometimes it is because of weak-studying students,
good students find the answer to their lesson The diversity of team members in terms
of experience and knowledge will play an active role in the process of learning English as a second language (Vygotsky, 1978)
2.8 Summary
This chapter reviewed the relevant literature on collaborative learning and its
impact on reading skills development Collaborative learning was defined as an
complete tasks, or achieve a common goal Various characteristics and benefits of collaborative learning were highlighted, including improved critical thinking, problem-solving and communication skills
Regarding the impact of collaborative learning on reading skills, the literature suggested that collaborative reading activities motivate students and scaffold their
Trang 38from different approaches and perspectives However, teachers face issues with
implementing group work in secondary school classrooms and tend to rely on individual seatwork,
The conceptual framework presented in this chapter illustrated how different elements of collaborative learning design, including purposeful, round horse and framework also showed how the theoretical perspectives of socio-constructivism,
learning as an effective instructional method
In summary, the review of previous studies indicated positive impacts of
collaborative learning on students’ English reading skills However, more research is
effectiveness of collaborative learning strategies and identify good practices for implementing collaborative reading activities The current study aims to address this gap in the literature through its research objectives and hypotheses
This chapter will provide an overview of the research methods and contents,
Research subjects will be carried out in two groups with the same initial learning
conditions, However, at a later stage, one class will adopt a collaborative learning
group will be taught in completely separate settings for six weeks and fully adhere to
tests and discussions, The results obtained will be used to evaluate the practical significance of the collaborative learning method,
This study seeks to conduct a multidimensional assessment involving both quantitative and qualitative analytic techniques Quant ve data will be compiled
‘on a weekly basis to track student performance metrics over time Additionally,
participants will complete an evaluative exercise at the conclusion of the term to
gauge outcomes Concurrently, qualitative methods will also be employed
Specifically, this research aims to gather rich, descriptive information pertaining to
performance indications will be inventoried to draw a well-rounded understanding of
underlying mechanisms and nuances that numbers alone may not reveal By
assessment design intends to develop a validating, reliable analysis of the
Th d-method: h strives for i Í
ideally suited to optimizing future implementations of this pedagogical model across diverse instructional contexts
This chapter includes the following six sections below: The first part is Research design: a description of the researcher's subjective framework of research techniques and methods to suit the research needs and the
specifics of the research data
‘The second part is the Research site: the study was conducted at Duc Tri high school, Research focuses on two classes, 12B1 and 12B2
Trang 40from students in two classes 12B1 and 12B2 of Duc Tri High School during the study
providing essential and comprehensive information related to the research problem
by the researcher's determination to analyze the factors relevant to the study's
‘The fourth part is Research instruments: include data analysis and descriptive
statistics, In which, the core tool to perform the evaluation is the descriptive statistical method
The fifth part is Data collection procedures which involved the direct collection
of primary data, which served as the main source of research information This
process aimed to gather and identify the necessary data for conducting quantitative
students who participated in the study were required to undergo periodic testing, as
well as an interview survey, assessment analysis, and problem perception,
contributing to the overall data collection process,
The sixth part is Data analysis procedures: visualize and digitize the collected
data, thereby providing analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the applied learning
directly interferes with the teaching process of students at Duc Tri school In
particular, the study focused on only two classes in this school rather than all classes
in the school to minimize the impact on the balance of learning methods of all
evaluating the success of Collaborative learning methods Two classes are randomly