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Tiêu đề Improving the Working Capacity of Political Officers on Surface Ship Brigades in the Vietnam People's Navy
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Accordingly, the quality and working capacity ofthe ship political officers team directly affect the quality of Political andParty affairs; the results of the implementation of the ship'

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1 Reasons for choosing a thesis topic

The sea and islands are a sacred part of the Fatherland ofVietnam Firmly protecting the independence and sovereignty of thenational border at sea is the responsibility of the whole Party, thewhole people and the entire army, of which the Vietnam People'sNavy is the core, key and regular force With the attention of theParty, the State, the Army and the Navy is the core, key and regularforce With the attention of the Party, the State, the Army and theVietnam People's Navy are increasingly developing and growing inthe direction of "revolution, regular, elite and modern", constantlyimproving the synergy, qualifications, combat readiness and combatstrength, making an important contribution to firmly protecting thesovereignty of the sea, islands, continental shelves and exclusiveeconomic zones of the Fatherland in all situations

Surface ship brigades, The Naval Service are on the payroll ofVietnam People’s Navy regions, which are the core and key forces inperforming the tasks of patrolling, transporting, combat readiness andcombat of Vietnam People’s Navy regions In order for surface shipbrigades and Vietnam People’s Navy to successfully complete theirtasks, it is necessary to implement many contents and measures, inwhich, taking care of building a ship political officers team with goodquality and capacity is a particularly important issue

The ship political officers team in surface ship brigades andVietnam People’s Navy is the person in charge of politics, in charge ofPolitical and Party affairs on board, meeting conditions and standards,being elected or appointed as secretaries of party committees andorganizations on board Accordingly, the quality and working capacity ofthe ship political officers team directly affect the quality of Political andParty affairs; the results of the implementation of the ship's tasks, building

a comprehensively strong and “exemplary and typical” ship, building aclean and strong party organization on the ship

Over the years, Party committees, organizations, commandingofficers, and functional agencies at all levels have regularly paid

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attention to leading, directing, fostering and improving the workcapacity of the ship's political officers team However, due to manyobjective and subjective reasons, the working capacity of the ship thepolitical staffin surface ship brigades and the Vietnam People’s Navycurrently has limitations compared to the assigned positions, roles,responsibilities and tasks A part of Chinese politicians is still limited

in leadership capacity; there are also embarrassments in conducting anumber of activities of Political and Party affairs on the ship; theability to command and manage troops in building regularity andtraining discipline still has certain limitations, there is a differencecompared to the ship commander The results of completing the tasks

of a part of the ship's political officers are not high

Currently, the task of protecting the sovereignty and sea andislands of the Fatherland takes place in the context of complicateddevelopments in the world and the region, the situation in the SouthChina Sea always has potential risks leading to military conflicts andcausing instability in the region After nearly 40 years of renewingour country's position and strength and prestige in the internationalarena, it has been constantly raised, creating important premises forcarrying out the task of building and defending the Fatherland.However, in addition to great advantages and opportunities, ourcountry's revolution still faces many difficulties and challenges,hostile forces are trying to fight against it with the strategy of

“peaceful development”, combined with riots and subversion,promoting “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” in the cadres.Party members The deterioration of political ideology and lifestyleethics of a large number of cadres and Party members has not beenfully reversed, the downside of the market economy, negativities andsocial evils are directly affecting the ideology, sentiment andconfidence of cadres soldiers on Navy ships

Therefore, more than anything, it is necessary to improve theworking capacity of the ship's political officers, contribute toimproving the quality of Political and Party affairs, improve the level

of combat readiness and combat strength, and successfully complete

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all assigned tasks With that meaning, the doctoral student chose the

topic: "Improving the working capacity of the political officers team

at the surface ship brigades of the Naval Service at the current" as a

doctoral thesis in Party building and state government

2 Objectives and tasks of the study

Purpose of the study

To study and clarify basic theoretical and practical issues onthe work capacity and improve the working capacity of the politicalcontingent, in order to propose solutions to improve Improving theworking capacity of the political officers team at the surface shipbrigades of the Naval Service at the current

at the surface ship brigades of the Naval Service at the current

Properly assess the current status of the working capacity ofthe ship's officers political team, generalize the issues posed toimprove the working capacity of the ship's political officers team atthe surface ship brigades and the Naval Service

Identify requirements and propose solutions to improve theworking capacity of ship's political officers team at the surface shipbrigades and the Naval Service

3 Subjects and scope of research

Object of study: Work capacity of ship's political officers

team at the surface ship brigades, the Naval Service

Scope of study:

The thesis focuses on researching basic theoretical andpractical issues of work capacity and improving the work capacity ofship's political officers team at the surface ship brigades and theNaval Service

Conduct research, survey, and field investigation to serve the thesis

in surface ship brigades of Navy regions and The Naval Service

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Materials, data, surveys and surveys used in the thesis aremainly limited from 2015 to now; valuable solutions to be applied to

2035 and the following years

4 Theoretical, practical basis and research methods

Theoretical and practical basis

Theoretical basis of the topic

The system of views of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi MinhThought, the lines and viewpoints of the Communist Party ofVietnam, the directives and resolutions of the Central MilitaryCommission, the Ministry of National Defense, the statutes andregulations of the General Department of Politics of the VietnamPeople's Army on Party building, building the revolutionary armedforces, building a strong Army in terms of politics, cadres, cadrework, political commissars and political officers in the Army

Theoretical basis of the topic

The actual activities of the ship's political officers team at thesurface ship brigades of The Naval Service, the building of the shippolitical officers team, the improvement of the working capacity of theship political staff in the Marine Corps, the Vietnam People’s Navy; thesummary reports of the Vietnam People’s Navy, Vietnam People’sNavy Regions, the Marine Corps, Vietnam People’s Navy Statistics,survey results and survey results of the author in the process of fieldsurveys at The surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

Research Methodology

On the basis of the methodology of Marxism-Leninism, thetopic uses a synthesis of research methods of specialized andinterdisciplinary science; in which the following methods arefocused: Analysis and synthesis; logic and history; statistics andcomparison, investigation and survey; summarize the practice

5 New contributions of the thesis

Develop and clarify the connotation of the concept of capacityand the concept of improving the Work capacity of ship's politicalofficers team at The surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

Outline the problems posed to improve the working capacity of ship'sPolitical Officers Team at The surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

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Propose feasible contents and measures in solutions to improvethe working capacity of ship's political officers team at The surfaceship brigades, the Naval Service

6 Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis

The research results of the thesis contribute to clarifying thebasic theoretical and practical issues of the Work capacity of ship'spolitical officers team at The surface ship brigades, The NavalService; provide more scientific arguments for Party committees andorganizations in Work capacity of ship's political officers team at Thesurface ship brigades, The Naval Service can apply it to determinepolicies and solutions to improve the working capacity of Workcapacity of ship's political officers team at The surface ship brigades,The Naval Service at the current and in the following years

The thesis can be used as a reference in studying, researchingand teaching the subject of Political and Party affairs in militaryacademies and schools

7 Structure of the thesis

The thesis is structured including: Introduction, 4 chapters (9sections), conclusion, list of works published by the author related tothe thesis topic, list of references and appendices


1.1 Overseas research works related to the thesis topic

1.1.1 Research works on cadres, cadre work, building cadres and improving the quality of cadres in the political system

N.A Petrovitchev (1983), Party Building; Chu Chi Hoa (2010), Renewing the work of party building in rural areas; Hoang Van Ho (2014), Scientific Governance; Nhiem Ngan Than (2016), Discovering and using talents; Ho Thanh Quoc (2016), Tao as an official; The Organizing Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (2022), strict and comprehensive Party governance, achievements and experiences in the organization and construction of the Communist Party of China since the 18th Congress

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1.1.2 Research works on cadres and cadre work; training, fostering and improving the quality

of political cadres in the armed forces

A A Gresco (1978), The Armed Forces of the Soviet State;A.M Ioblev (1979), Activities of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the field of training military cadres; E Ph Sullimov (1980), Scientific Leadership in Soviet Forces; M.N Timothy (1982), Single-headed regime in the Soviet armed forces; A Ph Sram-trenco (1983), Psychological Problems in Army Commanders; Zhang Ziyi (1986), Textbook on Political and Party affairs in the Academy and School of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in the Renovation Period; Bun Tan Chan Ha Ly Ma (2016), Fostering the working capacity of the cadres of strategic agencies of the General Department of Politics of the Lao People's Army today.

1.2 Scientific works in the country related to thesis topics

1.2.1 Research works on cadres, cadre work, building cadres and improving the quality of cadres in the political system

Tran Thi Anh Dao (2010), Ideological work and the issue of training cadres to do ideological work; Cao Van Thong - Vu Trong Lam (2020), Renovating and improving the quality of cadres and cadre work

in the new period; Ngo Thanh Can (2020), Training and fostering to improve the capacity to perform public duties for cadres, civil servants and public employees; Nguyen Thi Hong Hai (2020), Recruitment of civil servants based on competence on a number of theoretical and practical issues; Nguyen Minh Tuan (2021), Party building in terms of

organization and cadres; Hoang Dang Quang (2022), Training and fostering cadres capable of working in the international environment;

Dang Xuan Hoan (2022), Materials for fostering leaders and managers

at the district level and equivalent; Dang Khac Anh (2022), Fostering

materials for leaders and managers at the division level and equivalent.

1.2.2 Research works on political cadres, political commissars and politicians; training, fostering and improving the capacity of the contingent of political commissars and politicians in the Vietnam People's Army

Chu Huy Man (editor, 2006), Political commissar in the Vietnam People's Army; Le Duy Chuong, Bui Quang Cuong (Co-

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Editor, 2012), V.I.Lenin's Viewpoint, Ho Chi Minh's Thought on Political Commissars and Politicians; Nguyen Phu Trong (2015),

"The Party Committee of the Army continues to innovate stronglyand comprehensively, promoting democracy, collective wisdom and

high responsibility"; Can Xuan Hung (2015), Improving the capacity

of Party building of the current team of secretaries of the Central Party Committee and Air Defense Brigade; Nguyen Van Bao (2016), Training of political cadres at the detachment level in the light of the resolution of the 12th Congress of the Party; Luong Cuong (2017),

"Building a strong contingent of Army cadres, meeting therequirements of tasks in the new situation"; Hoang Manh Hung (2017),

Improving the quality of the political contingent in the infantry divisions of the Vietnam People's Army today; Pham Quoc Trung (Editor, 2018), Improving the quality of conducting Political and Party affairs of current detachment-level political cadres; Pham Van Hao (2021), Improving the quality of CT and CT in combat training tasks

in ship brigades of Vietnam People’s Navytoday; Nguyen Van Ky (Editor, 2022), Improving the political commanding capacity of company politicians in the Vietnam People's Army; Bui Quang Cuong

(2022), "Building a contingent of Army cadres capable of working inthe international environment"; Mai Van Chinh (2024), "Continue toinnovate organizational and cadre work to meet the requirements ofbuilding and correcting the Party and political system"

1.3 The value of the summarized scientific works and the thesis issues focused on research

1.3.1 The value of the summarized scientific works for the thesis topic

First, theoretical value: A number of scientific works abroad

have clarified the basic theoretical contents discussing theconstruction of the Communist Party; about cadres, cadre work,building cadres, improving the quality of cadres in the Partyapparatus, The State, mass organizations, socio-politicalorganizations; in the people's armed forces, in the Army A number

of scientific works in the country have studied and clarified thetheoretical contents of building a contingent of political commissars

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and politicians; improve the quality of the contingent of politicalcommissars and politicians; fostering political, moral and lifestylequalities; fostering work capacity, Political and Party affairs capacityfor political cadres, political commissars and politicians in the Army,including Vietnam People’s Navy The theoretical issues of theabove-reviewed works are valuable sources and documents ofprofound theoretical significance for the thesis topic, helping doctoralstudents to inherit and apply in researching the theoretical issues ofthe thesis bring high efficiency.

Secondly, practical value: A number of scientific works

abroad and at home have assessed the current situation, identifiedrequirements and solutions for cadre work, built a contingent ofcadres, improved the quality of cadres in the Party's leadershipapparatus, the State apparatus, socio-political organizations, in thePeople's Armed Forces and the People's Army The works haveprovided a systematic, quite rich and comprehensive source of materialsand data, of profound practical value, helping doctoral students to inheritand apply to assess the current status of the work capacity of ship juniorcommissarsin surface ship brigades, Vietnam People’s Navy, at thesame time, also orients and prompts doctoral students to identifyrequirements and propose feasible solutions to the thesis topic

1.3.2 Thesis issues focused on research

Firstly, an overview of the organization, payroll, functions

and tasks of Vietnam People’s Navy, Vietnam People’s Navy Regionand surface ship brigades Focus on clarifying ship juniorcommissarsand ship junior commissars in surface ship brigades andNavy Branches Characteristics of surface ship brigades, Navy;characteristics, responsibilities, tasks, working relationships,requirements for qualities, capabilities, methods and working styles

of ship junior commissars in surface ship brigades and navalbranches Clarify the concepts, roles and characteristics of ship juniorcommissarsin surface ship brigades and Navy branches; about thespecific working conditions and environment of Vietnam People’sNavy, clarify each unique characteristic of each political object of thecompany, squadron (battalion) and regiment-level ship politicians

Secondly, to explain and clarify the connotation of the concept

of work capacity, constituent factors, manifestations, paths of

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formation and criteria for evaluating the work capacity of ship juniorcommissars in surface ship brigades and Vietnam People’s Navy,clarify the connotation of the concept of improving work capacityand issues of principle to improve capacity the work of the ship's thepolitical staffin the surface ship brigades, Vietnam People’s Navy.

Thirdly, to assess the current status of the working capacity of

ship junior commissars in surface ship brigades and Vietnam People’sNavy, to clarify the advantages, limitations and causes of the advantagesand limitations of the working capacity of ship junior commissars insurface ship brigades, Vietnam People’s Navy and the issues posed toimprove the working capacity of the ship the political staffin the surfaceship brigades and Vietnam People’s Navy in the coming time

Fourthly, to analyze the factors affecting the improvement of

the working capacity of the ship political contingent in surface shipbrigades and Vietnam People’s Navy; to propose requirements andsolutions to improve the working capacity of the ship politicalcontingent in surface ship brigades, Vietnam People’s Navy

Chapter 1 Conclusion

Overseas and domestic research works related to the thesis topichave mentioned quite systematic, comprehensive, and rich theoreticaland practical issues on cadres, cadre work, cadre building, improving thequality of cadres in the Party's leading agencies, etc State agencies,socio-political organizations, the armed forces, the Army The results

of research work abroad and domestically are valuable sources ofmaterials and documents, which have profound theoretical and practicalvalue for the thesis topic, helping doctoral students to inherit, apply anddevelop in the process of implementing the thesis topic

Each scientific work has a defined research object and scope,with its own research purpose and task Therefore, although there is acertain interference in terms of research objects and contents, so farthere has been no work abroad and in the country that has studied theissue systematically, comprehensively and in-depth in a systematicway: “Improving ship junior commissars’ working capacity insurface ship brigades of Vietnam People’s Navy currently” from the

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scientific perspective of Party Building and State Government.Therefore, the thesis topic is an independent research work, whichhas urgent theoretical and practical significance.




2.1 Surface ship brigades and ship's political officers team

at the surface ship brigades, The Naval Service.

2.1.1 Overview of The Naval Service and surface ship brigades Overview of The Naval Service

* Functions of The Naval Service

The Naval Service was established on May 7, 1955, afternearly 70 years of combat construction and growth, The NavalService has been well trained and grown stronger in all aspects.Vietnam People's Navy is a Combat Service, a technical Service with

a modern payroll organization, weapons and technical equipment,with the function of being the core force in the cause of protectingthe sovereignty of the sea and islands of the Fatherland In recentyears, the Vietnam People's Navy has been one of the top prioritymilitary branches, creating all favorable conditions for developmentand modernization in the direction of "lean, compact and strong",with a full range of components and combat forces: Surface Ship;submarine; naval air force; coastal artillery - missiles; Marine Navy -Naval Commando - Island Defense Force In addition, there are alsoauxiliary units such as information, radar, electronic warfare,engineering and chemical units

* Tasks of The Naval Service

* Payroll organization of The Naval Service

* Organization and payroll of the Naval Regions

* Party Committee of The Naval Service

* Party Committee of the Naval Region

Trang 11 Overview of surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

Surface ship brigades and The Naval Service are tactical corps andgrassroots units affiliated to the regions of the The Naval Service,consisting of a number of large surface ships (destroyers, escorts) or anumber of squadrons of small surface ships of the same or different types(missile boats, artillery ships, transport ships); capable of operatingindependently or in the combat formation of superiors to perform tacticaland operational tasks; is the main mobile standing force, the core force ofthe Region, The Naval Service in protecting the sovereignty of the sea,islands and continental shelf of the Fatherland and other tasks

* Organization of payrolls of surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

* Party organization in surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

* Mass organizations and military personnel councils in surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

* Functions and tasks of surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

Function: It is the main military force of the Vietnam People's

Navy in the people's war at sea It can independently fight orcooperate with combat forces and armies, ready to defeat all enemyair, sea, and land attacks, from the tactical level to the operationallevel Coordinate with units of the Naval Region, firmly protectVietnam's national sovereignty at sea, strictly manage and control theseas, airspace, waters, islands, continental shelves and DK1 rigs ofthe Fatherland, ready to mobilize combat forces according to missionrequirements; participate in rescue, rescue, prevention and control ofnatural disasters and disasters at sea, conduct people's mobilizationwork and perform the function of "working army"

Tasks: Surface ship brigades are tasked with managing and

protecting the sovereignty of airspace, waters and waters from QuangNinh to the southwestern waters of Ca Mau and Kien Giang cape; 02Truong Sa and Paracel islands, 12 floating islands, 9 sunken islands, 33stationing points, Phu Quy island and DK1 rig house waters Surface ship

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brigades and Vietnam People’s Navy have the following main tasks:

* The role of surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

First, the core force in offensive operations, defense, and support to

protect the sovereignty of the sea and islands of the Fatherland

Secondly, the force directly performs the tasks of patrolling and

protecting islands, shores, naval military bases, national projects and works

Third, the force is ready to perform tasks of foreign defense

and civil logistics, search and rescue, drills, and anti-piracy

Fourthly, the force directly participates in building the people's

position, people's security, developing the marine economy, serving as asolid fulcrum for fishermen to reach out to sea and cling to the sea

2.1.2 Ship's political officers team at surface ship brigades, The Naval Service Concepts, responsibilities, tasks, working relationships, requirements for qualities, capabilities, methods and working styles of Ship's political officers team

at surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

* Concept of Ship's political officers team at surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

Ship's political officers team at surface ship brigades, TheNaval Service are the persons in charge of politics and areresponsible to their superiors and party committees for all Politicaland Party affairs on the ship, together with the captain responsible forall activities of the ship, and at the same time being the superiors ofthe military personnel under their authority; being the mainresponsible person in the political orientation for all activities in theunit in accordance with the Party's line and viewpoint, policies andlaws of the State, resolutions, directives and orders of superiors andresolutions of Party committees and cells

* Responsibilities of Ship's political officers team at surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

* Duties of Ship's political officers team at surface ship

brigades, The Naval Service

* Working relationship of Ship's political officers team at

surface ship brigades, The Naval Service

* Requirements for the qualities, competencies, methods and

Ngày đăng: 29/10/2024, 05:27


