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Tóm tắt tiếng anh Đảng lãnh Đạo kháng chiến về kinh tế trong chống thực dân pháp từ năm 1946 Đến năm 1954

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Tiêu đề Party's leadership of the economic resistance against French colonialism from 1946 to 1954
Chuyên ngành History of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Thể loại Doctoral thesis
Định dạng
Số trang 24
Dung lượng 120 KB

Nội dung

The above context showsthat, in order to firmly protect the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam early, fromafar, not to be passive or surprised in any situation, the study summarizes theproc

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1 Reason for choosing thesis topic

Of all the factors participating in war, the economic factor alwaysplays the fundamental and decisive role Economic advantage inensuring the material needs necessary for war will create advantages inbuilding comprehensive potential, while increasing the ability tosabotage the enemy's potential Whichever side has economic advantagewill be more proactive in transforming its forces to promote the warprocess in a beneficial direction The Vietnamese people's resistancewar against French colonialism from 1946 to 1954 was no exception.However, the reality is that Vietnam entered the resistance war againstthe French colonialists in an unequal battle Vietnam's economy is inherently

a backward agricultural economy, having spent decades under the yoke ofimperialist colonial rule, so it has become ragged and desolate Meanwhile,France is a developed industrial country, with the help of the US, so it has aneconomic potential many times stronger than Vietnam Not only that, in theearly stages of the resistance war (1946-1950), although Vietnam had gainedindependence and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam had been born, inreality there was no country that had recognized it received and establisheddiplomatic relations with Vietnam In that situation, what did Vietnam doand how to build and develop the economy, ensuring human resources andresources for a successful resistance war?

Deeply grasping the views of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh'sideology, inheriting the nation's traditional experience of fightingforeign invaders, the Communist Party of Vietnam (in the period 1946-

1950 was the Indochina Communist Party, From 1951 to 1954, theVietnam Labor Party) proactively proposed a resistance path with themotto of all-people, comprehensive, long-term, relying primarily onone's own strength In the economic field, the Party advocates bothresistance and national construction, closely combining the destruction

of the French colonial economy with promoting the construction of aresistance economy Under the wise leadership of the Party, theeconomic resistance of the Vietnamese people has won great victories.Vietnam's economy matured even during the war, ensuring the need toprovide talent, material, and force for the resistance, partly improvingthe people's living standards, creating the fundamentals for theresistance later socialism Along with that, with the flexible andcreative measures of the Party, the Vietnamese army and people failedthe French colonialists' strategy of "taking war, raising war", pushingthe French economy to the point of crisis depends on US aid


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It has been 70 years since the resistance war against the Frenchcolonialists ended In the world as well as in Vietnam, there have beenmany research works related to this issue published at different levelsand scopes each other However, the Party leading the economicresistance has so far not had any monograph published from theperspective of the History of the Communist Party of Vietnam That isthe gap in Party historical science that needs to be clarified

Currently, peace, cooperation and development are major trends, butstrategic competition between major countries and local conflicts continue totake place in more complex and drastic forms The reality of recent localwars and military conflicts shows that economics has become a strategicoffensive in the confrontation between countries The above context showsthat, in order to firmly protect the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam early, fromafar, not to be passive or surprised in any situation, the study summarizes theprocess of the Party leading the resistance war on general economics, in thefight against French colonialism from 1946 to 1954 in particular, on thatbasis, drawing necessary lessons to apply to the present is also an importanttask of the science of History of the Communist Party of Vietnam

From the above reasons, I chose the topic of the Party's leadership ofthe economic resistance against French colonialism from 1946 to 1954 as

my doctoral thesis in the History of the Communist Party of Vietnam

2 Research purposes and tasks

Research purpose

Shedding light on the process of the Party leading the economicresistance against French colonialism from 1946 to 1954; Summarizingkey experiences that are valuable for reference and application in thecurrent cause of building and protecting the Fatherland

Research mission

Overview of the research situation related to the thesis topic

Clarifying the factors affecting the process of the Party leadingthe economic resistance from 1946 to 1954

Systematize, analyze and clarify the Party's economic policy and direction

in the resistance war against the French colonialists from 1946 to 1954

Comment and summarize experience from the process of the Partyleading the economic resistance against French colonialism from 1946 to 1954

3 Subject and scope of research

Research object

The Party's economic leadership activities in the resistance waragainst the French colonialists from 1946 to 1954


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Research scope

Scope of content: The thesis focuses on researching the Party's

policy and process of directing the economic resistance war on twocontents: Economic sabotage of the French colonialists and building aresistance economy

Spatial scope: Nationwide

Time scope: From December 1946 when the Party officially

launched a comprehensive, all-people resistance war against Frenchcolonialism to July 1954 when the Geneva Agreement on ending thewar and restoring peace in Indochina signed

4 Theoretical basis, practice and research methods

Theoretical basis

The thesis is based on the theoretical basis of Marxism-Leninismand Ho Chi Minh's ideology on the origin and nature of war; about therole of economics in war; on construction, development and economicstruggle during the revolutionary war

5 New contributions of the thesis

The thesis provides some new documents and systematizesdocuments about the process of the Party leading the economicresistance against French colonialism from 1946 to 1954

Contributes to objective, honest, and systematic reconstruction of theprocess of the Party leading the economic resistance against Frenchcolonialism from 1946 to 1954

Provide comments and assessments on the process of the Partyleading the economic resistance against French colonialism from 1946

to 1954; On that basis, we summarize experiences serving the currentwork of building and protecting the Fatherland

6 Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis

Theoretical meaning

The thesis contributes to affirming and clarifying the role ofeconomics in war, as well as the rules of war That is the law of the strongwinning, the weak losing; the law of the course and outcome of war


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depends on the comparison of the combined strength of the warring parties;The law of the rear is a constant factor in determining the victory of war Through summarizing the process of the Party leading the economicresistance against French colonialism from 1946 to 1954, the thesiscontributes to clarifying the correctness of the comprehensive resistancepolicy proposed by the Party; affirming the correct leadership of the Party isthe decisive factor in the victory of the Vietnamese revolution

Practical significance

The thesis contributes additional arguments to supplement anddevelop the Party's economic construction and people's war guidelines

in the new situation

The thesis is a reference document for propaganda, research, andeducation about the history of the Communist Party of Vietnam

7 Structure of the thesis

The thesis includes: Introduction, 4 chapters (8 sections),conclusion, list of author's published research works related to the thesistopic, list of references and appendices


RELATED TO THESIS TOPIC 1.1 Research situation related to thesis topic

1.1.1 Research works by foreign authors

Henri Navarre (1956), Dying Indochina Lucien Bodard (1963), TheIndochina War Francois Joyaux (1979), China and the settlement of thefirst Indochina war (Geneva 1954) Peter Macdonald (1991), General Giapthrough the two Indochina wars Pierre Quatreponit (2003), General DeGon's blindness to the war in Indochina Robert B Asprey (1975), War inthe shadows: The Guerrilla in History, volume II

1.1.2 Group of research works by domestic authors General research on the Vietnamese economy and the economic resistance front against French colonialism nationwide

Nguyen Ngoc Minh (1966), Vietnam's economy from after theAugust Revolution to the victorious resistance war 1945 - 1954.Vietnam Military History Institute (1997), Behind the Vietnam People'sWar (1945-1975) Dang Phong (2002), Economic history of Vietnam,

1945 - 2000, volume 1: 1945 - 1954 Phan Ngoc Lien - Nguyen Dinh Le(2007), "France's financial resources in the war of invasion of Vietnam(1945) - 1954) Le Van Cu (2008), "Besieging and sabotaging theenemy's economy in the resistance war against the French colonialists".Tran Dinh Duong (2009), "The Party's policy on building a resistance


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economy in 1947-1954" War Review Steering Committee under thePolitburo (2014), Summary of the resistance war against the Frenchcolonialists, victories and lessons Vietnam Military History Institute(2017), History of the resistance war against French colonialism (1945 -1954), volume VII - nature, characteristics, stature and historical lessons.Institute of Party History (2018), History of the Communist Party ofVietnam, volume 1 (1930-1954), volume 2 (1945-1954). Research on the history of economics and economic resistance fronts in regions and localities during the resistance war against French colonialism

Ngo Dang Tri (1989), Thanh-Nghe-Tinh rear in the resistancewar against the French 1946 - 1954 Military Region 3 (1998), History

of the resistance war against the French colonialists Ngo Vi Thien(2005), Rear and logistics in the Dien Bien Phu campaign Le Van Dat(2005), "Learn about the process of building a self-sufficient economy

in the South Central free zone during the resistance war against theFrench from 1945 - 1954" Ministry of Industry and Trade (2011), Briefhistory of Vietnam's Industry and Trade sector from the AugustRevolution to present (August 1945 - 2011) Steering Council forCompiling the History of the Southern Resistance War (2012), History

of the Southern Resistance War, volume 1, 1945 - 1954 Vu QuangHien (2012), The Party with the issue of farmers, agriculture and ruralareas ( 1930-1975)”, Ministry of Transport (2015), Vietnam Transport -

70 years ahead to pave the way Phan Thi Thoa (2017), The Party'sguidelines and policies on building Vietnam's finance during theresistance war against the French 1945 - 1954

1.2 The value of the scientific works reviewed and the issues the thesis focuses on

1.2.1 The value of scientific works has been reviewed for the thesis topic About documents

The research results of the works have provided the thesis topicwith many valuable documents related to the Party's economicresistance leadership activities in the years 1946 - 1954 Historicalsources used in the works All programs have clear and reliable origins About research approach and methods

Related research projects have approached the Vietnameseeconomy during the resistance war against the French colonialists from

1945 - 1954 from many different angles The diversity of approaches


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and research methods is the basis for this topic The thesis chooses anapproach and research method suitable to the perspective of the History

of the Communist Party of Vietnam About research content

Firstly, the works have affirmed the role and importance of the

economy and the economic front in the comprehensive war between

Vietnam and France from 1946 to 1954 Second, the works have clarified

the contents Basic content related to the economic guidelines and policies

of the warring parties Third, provided important information related to

economic resistance activities in each specific industry and locality (1946

-1954) Fourth, initially provide assessments, comments, and lessons

learned about the process of building, protecting, and developing theVietnamese economy from 1946 to 1954

1.2.2 Thesis research issues focus on

First, the factors affecting the Party's leadership of the economic resistance from 1946 to 1954 Second, the Party's policy and direction

of the economic resistance from 1946 to 1954 Third, First, advantages

and limitations from the process of the Party leading the economic

resistance from 1946 to 1954 Fourth, experience from the process of

the Party leading the economic resistance from 1946 to 1954

Conclusion of chapter 1

The economic resistance of the Vietnamese people led by theCommunist Party of Vietnam against French colonialism from 1946 to 1954has attracted the research attention of many scholars with many angles andresearch methods different The research results of scientific works are ofgreat value to the thesis topic in terms of materials, approach, researchmethods and research content Through an overview of research works, thethesis has drawn out issues that need to be researched, and at the same time

affirmed the thesis topic "The Party leads the economic resistance against French colonialism since 1946." to 1954" is an independent research work,

not overlapping with published scientific works

Chapter 2 DIRECTIONS AND DIRECTIONS THE PARTY'S ECONOMIC RESISTANCE (1946 - 1950) 2.1 Influential factors and the Party's economic resistance policy

2.1.1 Factors affecting the Party's leadership of the economic resistance World situation

After World War II, the system of socialist countries, the nationalliberation movement, and the struggle movement of the working class


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and working people in capitalist countries continued to grow Thoseforces attacked in many directions, weakening the system of capitalistcountries in general and the French colonialists in particular These arefavorable conditions for the Vietnamese people's economic resistanceagainst French colonialism.

However, the new world context also has many disadvantages tothe economic resistance of the Vietnamese people According toagreements between major countries, Southeast Asia is still under theinfluence of Western countries On September 23, 1945, with the support

of the British army, the French army opened fire to attack the South,opening the second invasion of Vietnam In 1949, America publiclysupported France in the war in Indochina Meanwhile, for many reasons,before 1950 no country had recognized Vietnam's independence Domestic situation

Since September 2, 1945, the Democratic Republic of Vietnamwas born The Vietnamese people have become masters of the country,determined to resist and produce The leader of the Vietnamese people

is the Communist Party of Vietnam, a Party that has been forgedthrough revolutionary upheavals and has matured The people's armedforces are constantly growing stronger, capable of fighting andprotecting the people's production and economic struggle with theenemy Those are very basic advantages for the economic resistancewar against the French of the Vietnamese people

However, waging economic resistance, Vietnam still encounteredmany difficulties The revolutionary government is young and lacking

in everything The armed forces have only just been built, equippedwith very rudimentary weapons and technology The widespread waralso caused the country to be divided, production was disrupted, andpeople's lives faced many difficulties Conspiracies and tricks of the French colonialists

On the economic front, on the one hand, the French colonialiststried to sabotage Vietnam's economy, and on the other handimplemented the policy of "taking war, raising war"

To sabotage Vietnam's economy, in resistance zones and borderingareas, the French colonialists sent troops to raid, burn crops, kill livestock,and destroy infrastructure and production facilities, occupying importanttraffic hubs They also introduced fake banknotes and luxury products intothe resistance zone to disrupt the market in free zones


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Meanwhile, to gain profits and have money to throw into the war,France sent troops to closely protect important production areas,investing to restore the colonial economy In March 1949, the Frenchestablished the Bao Dai puppet government, actively built a puppetarmy and puppet government, used the puppet army as a tool to collecttaxes, extort wealth, and wage wars of sabotage and blackmail.blockade and suffocate the resistance economy Vietnam's economic situation from after the August Revolution of 1945 to before the outbreak of the national resistance

In the first year after the August Revolution, under the leadership

of the Party, the Vietnamese army and people tried to restore thedevastated economy after the war As a result, before the nationwideresistance broke out, the famine was basically repelled, and theproduction industries gradually recovered Trade is guaranteed to besmooth, the Government is also determined to control foreign trade.Roads and traffic have been restored Regarding finance, the Statehas a certain budget source to maintain the operation of the apparatusand ensure that socio-economic activities take place normally.Vietnamese currency was born and issued throughout the country However, Vietnam's economy still faces many difficulties The scale

of the economy is very small, basically the country has just overcomefamine, there is no accumulation yet Production forces are very poor,backward, and underdeveloped Production relations have not had manyqualitative changes, and colonial and feudal remnants are still very heavy.Most of the land is still in the hands of landlords There was not muchindustry, domestic trade was still in the hands of merchants, foreign tradewas tightly blockaded by colonialists and empires Finance, currency, andtransportation infrastructure have not kept up with demand

2.1.2 The Party's economic resistance policy The purpose of resistance is economic

Including 3 purposes: First, ensuring economic strength for term resistance; Second, destroy the plots and tricks of the French colonialists in the economic field; Third, initially eliminate old

long-production relations and build new seeds of long-production relations Regarding resistance tasks in the economic field

Including 2 basic tasks: First, destroying the economy of the French colonialists Second is to build a resistance economy. About specific solutions

For the economic sabotage of the French colonialists

Carry out sabotage of economic establishments in free zones andareas controlled by the French colonialists, focusing on machinery,


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warehouses, plantations, and important transportation routes so that theFrench colonialists cannot produce or take advantage Conducting acampaign against the French colonialist's policy of robbery, making

"empty gardens" and at the same time encouraging and organizing thepeople to not pay taxes to France, not sell food to France, not buyFrench goods, economic siege of the French colonialists so that theFrench colonialists could not exploit war to feed the war

For building a resistance economy

Building a resistance economy aims at two principles:

"Resistance while building the nation and being sufficient and sufficient in all aspects"

self-Both resistance and national construction mean that on the one hand,the entire economic activity must be transformed to suit the conditions andrequirements of the resistance war On the other hand, we must moveforward to eliminate the remnants of old production relations, graduallybuild new economic production relations, and make people of all classesenthusiastically participate in economic development

Self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency in all aspects means that thepeople must solve the resistance's needs themselves, the domestic economydoes not have to depend on foreign countries, and the countryside does notdepend on the cities To build a self-sufficient economy, it is necessary topromote increased production; Increase revenue, reduce expenses, practicesavings; reorganize the tax regime to foster people's strength; Strive toconsolidate the currency and maintain commodity prices In addition, theremust be "incentive and reward" policies to encourage people to produceand at the same time strictly punish those who steal public property,speculate, smuggle, hoard, and sabotage

2.2 The Party directs the economic resistance

2.2.1 Directed the economic sabotage of the French colonialists Directed the destruction of the economic resources of the French colonialists

The nationwide resistance broke out, under the leadership of theParty, the Vietnamese army and people organized to sabotage theeconomic resources of the French colonialists in many diverse formssuch as: dismantling machinery, collapsing mines , warehouses,raiding vital economic roads, production infrastructure, key rubberplantations, organizing villages and communes to fight againstenemy raids Results, economy of the French colonialists sufferedmany losses, the plan of "using war to feed war" initially wentbankrupt However, during the direction process, sabotage was


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sometimes widespread and unplanned, affecting people's lives inareas temporarily occupied by the enemy. Directing the economic siege of the French colonialists

Along with raiding activities against the economic resources ofthe French colonialists, the Party also directed the organization ofactivities to encircle the enemy's economy Accordingly, theGovernment issued regulations prohibiting trade with France except forregulated goods Goods entering and leaving our areas and enemy areasare strictly controlled An administrative apparatus to encircle theenemy's economy was established from the Central level down to thegrassroots to maintain and organize activities to encircle the enemy'seconomy As a result, in the early stages, the economic blockade causedmany difficulties for the French colonial economy However, from 1949onwards, when the French colonialists began to control a number ofimportant economic areas along with America's economic aid to France,the economic siege of the French colonialists gradually became moredifficult ineffective background On the contrary, the strict ban on tradewith France has made the free zone economy more difficult

2.2.2 Directing the building of a resistance economy Direct the total movement of human and material resources to base areas

Immediately after the success of the August Revolution, the Partyhad instructions on building bases and planned to reserve a number ofstrategic items to prepare for possible war situations In November 1946,the general movement of human and material resources to the base areastook place under the close and urgent direction of the Party andGovernment By around March 1947, the general movement wasbasically completed In general, in the North, during the general move,nearly 2/3 of the machines in the factories were dismantled and moved tothe base area Thanks to that, we have built 57 production facilities in warzones Tens of thousands of compatriots were also evacuated to safeareas, quickly stabilizing production, ready for long-term resistance Directing the development of the agricultural sector

Agriculture is the leading front, with strategic significance for theresistance cause To develop the agricultural sector, the Party directed

to promote increased production, strengthen dykes, support farmerswith capital, technology, agricultural tools, cattle, etc Theimplementation of land policy was also carried out urgently Promotingand resolute in the policies of reducing rents, reducing income,


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temporarily granting abandoned lands of colonialists and reactionaryminions to poor farmers The organization of production has also beenreorganized, the cooperative model with the forms of labor exchange, laborunion, labor union is applied quite a lot The front against enemysabotage and protection of production also received a lot of attention Thearmy helps people harvest, protect wealth and crops, restore agriculturalproduction infrastructure, organize people to fight and break the enemy'spolicy of looting and using "war to feed war" As a result, agriculturalproduction has continuously developed, output and cultivated area havecontinuously increased over the years, basically meeting the needs of theresistance war. Direct the development of cottage, handicraft and industrial sectors

To restore and develop handicraft industries, through tax and creditpolicies, the State prioritizes essential industries serving the resistance andlimits luxury product industries The State also promulgates many policiesand measures to help people feel secure in production such as helping withraw materials, machinery, techniques, markets With the correctguidelines and policies of the Party and State, many small and handicraftindustries have gradually been restored and developed, ensuring the supply

of essential goods for the resistance war

Regarding industries, the Party and State's policy is to focus ondeveloping the defense industry and gradually building civil industry.Under the direction of the Party and directly the Ministry of NationalDefense, military engineering workshops were focused on building rightfrom the beginning of the resistance, dispersed and scattered throughout thelocalities The number of weapons produced is increasing, in addition toconventional weapons, station weapons are also produced, ensuring that thearmy can apply a variety of forms of combat

In addition to the defense industry, civil industry was also initiallybuilt, with the first priority being the mining, mechanical, and lightindustries A number of state-owned enterprises were formed Directing the development of the commercial sector

To develop trade, the Government established the Department ofSupply (May 1946), then the Department of Transportation (February1948) within the Ministry of Economy to operate as a nationalenterprise in charge of purchasing, Providing supplies and transportinggoods to soldiers and agencies In addition, the Government also usesprivate commerce as an effective measure to meet the needs of theresistance war and people's livelihood Commercial activities during


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this period were associated with the French colonial economic policy ofencirclement From the beginning of the resistance war to the end of

1948, commercial activities took place quite smoothly

However, from 1949 onwards, when the French colonialistscontrolled important economic areas and surrounded the resistanceeconomy, commercial activities were quite difficult, prices increased,and speculation increased Hoarding and smuggling are serious Directing in the financial field

During the early stages of the resistance war, to ensure normaleconomic activities and avoid manipulation of the Indochinesecurrency, the Party and Government attached great importance to theprinting and issuance of Vietnamese currency In places besieged by theFrench colonialists, the Government allowed the issuance of treasurybills or stamped control stamps on Indochina silver coins

Regarding the construction of the national budget, to adapt to theconditions of divided territories, the Party advocates establishing adecentralized financial system The Government allocates the initialbudget to localities, localities will then be self-sufficient in all aspects,the budget depends on the people's contributions through contributionfunds Taxes were also reduced at this time, only some main taxes wereretained, tax rates were also slightly reduced to nourish the people.Regarding expenses, only spend on truly necessary tasks Decentralizedfinancial policy proved quite effective in the beginning However, asthe demands of the resistance war increased, along with the difficulteconomic situation from early 1949 onwards, making the financialsituation also difficult The above situation requires new solutions forfinancial policy in particular and the economy in general Directing the transportation sector

The nationwide resistance broke out, implementing the Party'spolicy of "scorched earth resistance", soldiers and people across thecountry destroyed bridges and roads to block the advance of the Frenchcolonialists Since mid-1948, to meet the requirements of economicdevelopment in the free zone, road and bridge repair work was restoredaccording to the motto of repairing roads that we could travel on but theenemy could not Means of transport during this period were stillbasically rudimentary In wartime conditions, state-owned commercehas not yet developed, private supply transportation is still encouraged


Ngày đăng: 23/10/2024, 06:34


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