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Deficiency in Problem-Solving Abilities among
Huflit University Students
Student: Pham Thién Kim Student ID: 20DH713020 Major: English Language Studies Area of Expertise: Interpretation - Translation Advisor: M.A Võ Trọng Phúc
Ho Chi Minh City, May 2023
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Problem-solving skills are very important in both student life and employment They
help students solve problems related to education, life, and society, while employees may
face many daily work-related issues This study aims to understand students' awareness of the importance and benefits of these skills and proposes some solutions to improve the shortage
of skills training in HUFLIT
To evaluate students’ awareness of problem-solving skills, a questionnaire combining quantitative and qualitative methods was distributed online to students studying at the university They were asked to answer questions about their problem-solving abilities and their needs for additional skills traming programs The results showed that the majority of students had average problem-solving skills and most of them expressed a need to participate
in training courses to enhance their personal skills Developing and honing these skills can help students and employees become effective and successful in their careers
Trang 3Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
The advent of the fourth industrial revolution is accompanied by rapid changes in advanced technology, and the rapidly increasing complexity of global challenges This innovation revolution has brought us a new wave of innovation and automation, changing the way we live, interact and work with each other As technology continues to grow more modem, individuals with strong problem-solving skills become more important than ever Artificial intelligences and machines are gradually replacing humans to solve problems in life In addition, the 4.0 era also brings a change in the way we work and collaborate Remote working and digital communication are becoming increasingly popular, creating new challenges for problem solving in virtual environments
In that context, problem-solving skills are essential for each individual to succeed and develop in the 4.0 era The ability to identify and solve complex problems, think critically and creatively, and collaborate effectively in virtual environments are increasingly becoming valuable skills in today's rapidly changing world now
1.2 Rationale
The requirements of employers are increasing and businesses require their candidates to have extensive professional knowledge as well as life skills, especially problem-solving skills This skill is very important to get the job done quickly and efficiently However, we are experiencing a shortage of problem-solving skills training for students in college Most students do not have the full knowledge and understanding of this skill and how to apply it in life The purpose of this research paper is to locate training gaps and student needs
Trang 41.3 Statement of purpose
This research will help readers realize the importance of problem solving skills and the difficulties that students face when they approach and develop this skill The shortage of soft skills will be a big barrier for students when they face job opportunities at large enterprises where soft skills are highly demanded Through this study, it is hoped that students will find a way to practice their skills and become experts in this skills
1.4 Scopes of research
The study focuses on studying the skill situation of HUFLIT students and offers solutions
to help students improve their skills at university A questionnaire combining quantitative and qualitative methods was sent to students of different disciplines and courses The survey lasted 1 week and received 20 responses
1.5 Organization
This research paper includes 5 main parts:
Chapter I: Introduction gives some background to the study, the reason and purpose of this thesis, a brief explanation of the survey, and the organization of this study
Chapter II: Literature Review, including 3 sections: The importance of problem-solving skills in academic and professional settings - Social and environmental implications of problem- solving skills - Developing problem-solving skills
Chapter III: Methodology includes the approach to the survey, the process of data collection, and the analysis method to find the answer to research questions
Chapter IV: Results show statistics from the survey and some discussions of the results Chapter V: Conclusion summarizes the answer to research questions, gives
recommendations for further study, and explains the contribution of the research to
students of HUFLIT
Trang 5Chapter 2: Liturature review
Due to a variety of factors, business environment is becoming more complex, uncertain and competitive All types of organizations consider human resources are their main asset, play
an important role in the organization performance Therefore, candidates have higher
expectations for expertise and skills, especially problem solving skills Employers rate problem- solving skills so highly because the core ingredients are relevant to virtually any job role (Lewis Ashman, 2019)
"Problem-solving skills are like powerful tools that can be used in any situation With them, you can confidently tackle any challenge and find creative solutions Every problem has the potential for a solution, and it's up to you to discover and nurture it." - Brian Tracy Most students in HUFLIT receive only in-depth professional training related to their field
of study, without any training in soft skills, including problem-solving skills This is an issue of paramount concern since individuals who lack the capacity to effectively solve problems may devise inadequate solutions that fail to resolve the underlying issue or even exacerbate it further Employees with exceptional problem-solving ability will carefully analyse the problem, identify
a range of potential solutions, and correctly identify the most effective of the available solutions
to remedy the situation (Ben Schwencke, 2023)
The research primarily concentrates on offering a valuable understanding of the advantages of the skills and give students the necessary methods to enhance and use them proficiently
2.1 The importance of problem-solving skills in academic and professional settings 2.1.1 Problem-solving skills are essential for academic success
Effective problem-solving skills are vital for undergraduate students as they prepare for their future careers and academic challenges A blog by J.K Garcia (2021) supposed that problem solving skills are also of extreme importance in the academic setting because they are an
Trang 6inalienable part of one’s studies, effective work, and life Your teachers, tutors, professors,
instructors will often give you problem-solving assignments as means of building up your life and academic competencies
2.1.2 Problem-solving skills in professional settings
In professional settings, problem-solving skills are critical for decision making, troubleshooting, innovation, and collaboration Individuals with strong problem-solving skills are able to analyze complex problems, identify the root cause, and develop effective solutions They are also able to
work collaboratively with colleagues, share ideas, and find innovative solutions to challenges,
making them highly valued in their organizations The Collins English dictionary defines it as: the act or process of finding solutions to problems, especially by using a scientific or analytical approach It is a vital everyday skill that you will need to have for your personal and professional life An article published in ICAEW found that Employers like to see good problem solving skills because it also helps to show them you have a range of other competencies such as logic,
creativity, resilience, imagination, lateral thinking and determination; It is a vital skills for your
professional and personal life
2.2 Social and environmental implications of problem-solving skills
Developing problem-solving skills can have significant social, environmental, economic, and
ethical implications It enables individuals to solve complex issues, address environmental
challenges, succeed in the workplace, and make informed ethical decisions By enhancing our problem-solving abilities, we can contribute to a more sustainable, just, and prosperous society Within all countries and economies, problem-solving results vary greatly between schools: differences in problemsolving performance between schools are as large as differences in mathematics performance, indicating that schools have an important role to play in building these skills Several high-performing countries, such as Singapore, have recognised the importance of schools in developing problem-solving skills and have prioritised problem-solving
Trang 7skills throughout the curriculum (OECD (2014), “Implications of the problem: solving assessment for policy and practice’, in PISA 2012 Results: Creative Problem Solving (Volume V): Students' Skills in Tackling Real-Life Problems, OECD Publishing, Paris.)
2.3 Developing problem-solving skills
Developing problem-solving skills is an essential aspect of personal and professional growth To develop these skills, individuals can define the problem clearly, break it down into smaller parts,
gather information, generate alternative solutions, evaluate each solution, choose the best
solution, implement it, and reflect on the process By following these steps, individuals can become more effective at solving complex problems and contribute to social, environmental, economic, and ethical progress According to Bella Hamilton: The ability to solve problems is highly important and should be a significant part of educational training Higher-level Thinking Skills Schools curriculums often include the development of higher-level thinking skills, processes that require more mental effort than simple memory and recall For example, many social studies guides denote decision making and problem solving (higher-level thinking skills)
as key skills (Riecken and Miller 1990), which students use to solve problems Higher-level thinking skills are sometimes known as higher-order thinking skills or productive thinking skills 2.4 Conclusion
Problem-solving skills are crucial for success in both academic and professional settings They help individuals think critically, come up with innovative solutions, and address complex issues The cultivation of problem-solving skills requires access to education and resources, and it is therefore important for individuals and societies to prioritize their development in order to achieve their full potential By honing their problem-solving skills, individuals can navigate challenges with greater ease and contribute to a more prosperous and equitable society
Trang 8Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Approach and participants
Problem-solving skills are crucial for success in both academic and professional settings However, there is growing concern among educators and employers that many university students lack these essential skills To better understand this issue, a survey was conducted to explore the gap among HUFLIT’s students and the suitable method to develop problem solving skills The purpose of the survey is to collect data and evaluate the students’ comprehension and capacity to solve problems, as well as factors that can contribute to improving skills
The approach of this survey involved administering a quantitative questionnaire to a representative sample of university students from different disciplines and levels of study In this particular study, the individuals who participated as subjects were exclusively limited to a group of undergraduate students who were currently enrolled at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology (HUFLIT) These students, who were represented a diverse group of individuals with varying backgrounds, and academic disciplines Despite their differences, all these students shared a common goal of contributing to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields through their participation in this research endeavor
3.2 Data collection method
3.2.1 Technique
The electronic survey was a researcher-generated instrument, which blended a quantitative
component in the form of 23 fixed response items
The internet survey was a generated instrument, which blended a quantitative component in the form of 9 fixed response items, which have 6 multiple choice question, 1
Trang 9question that was measureed on a 5 points scale, and 2 question that collect opinions The survey aims to gather information about the specific types of problem-solving skills that students are interested in and requisite The survey was conducted online through the internet, which means that it could be accessed by anyone who had a computer or smartphone and an internet connection The survey was likely hosted on a survey platform that allowed participants to complete the survey remotely
3.2.2 Procedure
The survey was administered over a period of three days in order to gather responses The survey was designed as a self-administered instrument that participants could complete independently without the presence of a researcher As a generated instrument, the survey had been pretested or piloted with a small group of participants before it was distributed to the larger sample The survey have been distributed through email, social media (Facebook, Zalo) Participants would have been directed to the survey website or platform where they could complete the survey at their convenience The data collected from the survey have been analyzed using statistical software and techniques to identify trends and patterns in the data 3.3 Data analysis method
3.3.1 Data preparation
After collecting the survey data, the first step is to clean and prepare the data for analysis This involves checking for missing data, outliers, and errors, and correcting or removing them The data will then be coded, entered a statistical software program, and checked for accuracy The statistical software utilized in the analysis of survey data is sourced from Google and is seamlessly integrated with the survey form The integration of these tools enables the efficient and accurate collection, organization, and analysis of large data sets The use of Google's statistical software also provides a range of powerful features
and functionalities
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3.3.2 Objective
The study will analyze the survey based on statistics to get an overview of the status
of students' problem-solving skills Analyze differences between groups of students by major
or academic year Descriptive statistics such as mean must be calculated to summarize data and identify trends of answers The results of these analyzes will help make specific judgments about the state of university students’ problem-solving skills, as well as provide solutions and recommendations to improve this situation
Evaluate and justify methodological choices
Overall, the methodology chosen for investigating the problem of university students’ lack of problem-solving skills is appropriate and justifiable It allows for the collection of empirical data from a large sample of participants and utilizes established data analysis techniques to draw reliable and valid conclusions from the data
The choice of data analysis techniques is descriptive statistics also appropriate and justifiable Descriptive statistics provide a summary of the data, allowing researchers to identify trends and patterns
The choice of a quantitative survey methodology to investigate the problem of university students! lack of problem-solving skills is appropriate and justified The
methodology involves collecting data from a large sample of students using a standardized survey instrument, which allows for the collection of empirical data that can be analyzed using statistical techniques
Results and Discussion
The preceding section outlined the techniques employed in the survey for gathering statistical information and suggestions This section presents the findings and deliberation of the outcomes using pie charts and bar graphs that were designed to demonstrate the results of data collection The charts will illustrate the percentage of answers received by the researcher
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The study comprised 8 questions which were divided into three sections to comprehend the students' viewpoints regarding problem-solving abilities Those sections are:
1 The overall view of students regarding the significance of problem-solving skills
2 The evaluation of problem-solving aptitude among HUFLIT students
3 The educational necessities and problem-solving expertise training of HUFLIT students 4.1 The overall view of students regarding the significance of problem-solving skills 4.1.1 The importance of possessing problem-solving skills in life
The survey was conducted among a group of 20 students, with the majority of them specializing in business English and translation and interpretation The purpose of the survey was to gather information about the students’ views on the importance of problem-solving skills
in their lives The findings revealed that all of the respondents agreed that problem-solving
skills are significant in student life, with a 100% agreement rate
This indicates a strong consensus among the students that developing effective problem-solving skills is crucial for success, both in academic and professional settings
Trang 12h trial and error in ife situations
The location or technique utilized for obtaining and developing problem-solving skills
Figure 1:Acquisition and Application of Problem-Solving Skills
According to the survey results, the majority of participants (60%) reported learning and practicing problem-solving skills through trial and error in real-life situations 20% of the participants stated that they acquired these skills through formal education and training, while the remaining 20% relied on reading books and online resources to develop their problem- solving abilities These findings indicate that real-life experience may be the most effective way
to gain problem-solving skills, though formal education and self-study can also be beneficial Discussion
The results of the survey on problem-solving skills reveal an interesting insight into how individuals learn and develop these skills It appears that the majority of people (60%) learn problem-solving skills through trial and error in real-life situations This finding aligns with the idea that experience is a powerful teacher, and that encountering and solving problems
in the real world can provide valuable lessons that cannot be replicated in a classroom or through reading However, it's worth noting that 20% of the participants stated that they learned problem-solving skills through formal education and training This suggests that structured learning environments can also be effective in helping people develop problem-solving skills
In a formal educational setting, students may be exposed to a wide range of problems and be given the opportunity to practice solving them with guidance and support from teachers and