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Problem-Solving Skills Subject Introduction To Economic Mathematics.pdf

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Faculty of Economic Mathematics


Introduction to Economic Mathematics

Instructors:Trần Việt Thắng

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Members: Group 2

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1 The Problem? 4

1.1 What is the Problem Solving? 4

1.2 Why was the problem not resolved? 4

1.3 The importance of problem solving skills: 6

2 Problem-solving skills 6

3 Steps to solve a problem 7

4 Problem solving strategies 7

step 1: Accept the work 8

step 2: Identify and analyze the problem 8

step 3: Set the target 8

step 4: Solution evaluation 9

step 5: Choose the best solutions 9

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1 The Problem?

Concept: “Problems are described as uncertain or confusing situations, something that is difficult to control and disrupt the normal progression often, a puzzle or a mystery, a quest the case is difficult to enforce.”

► The problem can also be seen as the gap between REALITY and our EXPECTATIONS in the future

1.1 What is the Problem Solving?

- Problem solving is the process of understanding, identifying, and finding solutions to a difficult, problematic, or challenging situation we are facing This is a creative process and requires thinking, analytical ability and patience

→ This process can take place in many areas of life, from work, study, family to socialand environmental issues Problem solving requires patience, flexibility and creativity to achieve the best results

1.2 Why was the problem not resolved?

- We often tend to solve problems ineffectively because it is very difficult. Many subjective and objective reasons:

 There is no method that can only solve the problem randomly:

+ Human psychology tends to suggest a random solution based on experience, and sometimes this solution is not suitable for complex problems

Example: Your child has a stomachache, the root cause is anxiety about the exam

According to experience, if you give digestive medicine, the medicine will not be effective

 Existing and ineffective

 Lack of commitment in solving problems: We often have a disdainful attitude and ignore small, personal problems No motivation, find reasons to delay the resolution Only when the problem has serious consequences will people pay attention; and usually we have to deal with it urgently We barely have enough timeright now Easy to make hasty, impulsive decisions to solve problems

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 Not being able to see the connection between small parts is a problem: In short we see that the problem has been solved, but in the long run we will see that problem not really resolved at the root

 Lack of knowledge and techniques for the problem-solving process,

misunderstanding of the problem or using the wrong method in a certain problem are also factors that affect the results

 Insufficient or inaccurate information: Without sufficient information, it is almost difficult for us to come up with appropriate solutions

 Inability to analyze creatively

 Beside that, there are various other factors that can contribute to this dilemma, suchas passive and helpless mindset, personal circumstances, external influences, psychological barriers, or lack of resources

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1.3 The importance of problem solving skills:

- Problem solving skills are especially important in work and life Therefore, effective problem solving is also a requirement of today’s employers The importance of problem solving skills includes:

 Identify challenges and opportunities  Be calm in the face of difficulties  Flexibly find solutions

 Choose the most suitable solution

 The necessity of problem solving skills in self-study activities Clearly understandthe problem, find many different solutions, compare and choose the best solution, then implement and evaluate the results This skill helps us overcome difficulties and achieve our goals confidently and effectively.

2 Problem-solving skills.

Analysis: This skill helps you understand the problem and its causes, and evaluate the possible solutions You can use research, logic, and critical thinking to analyze the situation and find the best course of action.

Communication: This skill helps you convey your ideas and information clearly and effectively to others who are involved in the problem-solving process You can use verbal, written, and non-verbal communication to express your thoughts, listen to feedback, and collaborate with others.

Emotional intelligence: This skill helps you manage your emotions and empathize with others who are affected by the problem You can use self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, social skills, and empathy to deal with stress, conflict, and uncertainty in a positive and constructive way.

Resilience: This skill helps you cope with challenges and setbacks, and learn from yourmistakes You can use optimism, perseverance, flexibility, and adaptability to overcome obstacles, recover from failures, and improve your performance.

Creativity: This skill helps you generate new and original ideas for solving problems You can use imagination, brainstorming, divergent thinking, and experimentation to explore different possibilities and find innovative solutions.

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Adaptability: This skill helps you adjust to changing situations and expectations You can use openness, curiosity, and willingness to learn to embrace change, accept feedback, and modify your solutions as needed.

Teamwork: This skill helps you work effectively with others who have different perspectives and skills You can use cooperation, coordination, communication, and conflict resolution to build trust, share responsibilities, and achieve common goals.

3 Steps to solve a problem

Steps to solve a problem:

 Define the problem clearly and precisely What is the situation, issue or challenge that you are facing? What are the goals, objectives or outcomes that you want to achieve?

 Analyze the problem and its causes Why does the problem exist? What are the factors or variables that contribute to the problem? How does the problem affect you or others?

 Generate possible solutions and alternatives What are some ways to address the problem or improve the situation? How feasible, effective and desirable are each ofthese options? What are the pros and cons of each solution?

 Evaluate and select the best solution Based on your analysis and criteria, which solution is most likely to solve the problem and meet your goals? How will you implement the solution and measure its results? What are the potential risks or challenges of the solution?

 Review and reflect on the outcome Did the solution work as expected? Did it solvethe problem or achieve the desired outcome? What did you learn from the process and the outcome? How can you apply this learning to future problems?

4 Problem solving strategies.

Problem solving is a process, and most strategies will provide the stages that help you solve the problem more effectively

 A popular method that is easy to remember and use in most cases is IDEAL.

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 Identify the problem.

 Define the context of the problem. Explore possible solutions. Act on the best solution. Look back and learn.

The IDEAL is the basic method and people can develop more strategies from it in different cases.

→ Example:

 One of the processes about problem solving in work.step 1: Accept the work.

step 2: Identify and analyze the problem.

 Use 4W1H to have an overview and find the origin of the problem. For example:

 What are the requirements of the boss?  How difficult or easy is the job?

 Where can we find the resources to do this job? …

step 3: Set the target.

 Help us go the right direction.

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 Ask yourself: “What do we try our best for?”

step 4: Solution evaluation.

 When finding the origin of the problem, brainstorm how many solutions and then based on the data, what the solution can we choose?

step 5: Choose the best solutions.

 People should choose the solution that is possible to perform. Ask:

 How can we do that?

 To what extent will they satisfy our targets? What is the cost for applying each solution? Which solution is better?

step 6: Perform.

step 7: Result evaluation.

► The 7 stages we have just listed are distributed by a method called KOALA. K: Knowledge.

 O: Objectives. A: Alternatives. L: Look ahead.

 A: Action.

5 Applications.

Problem-solving skills are crucial in various aspects of life, including work, relationshipbuilding, and decision-making They help identify the problem's source and find effectivesolutions Related skills include active listening, analysis, research, creativity,communication, reliability, and teamwork These skills are essential in every career andmay require technical knowledge specific to the industry People solve problems andmake decisions daily, whether at home, work, or outside Life is a series of problems thatrequire daily solutions.

Problem 1: (Why) Tại sao sinh viên Việt Nam (Who,where) hiện nay (when) ngại chiasẻ về vấn đề bản thân (how)?

→ Using a Ishikawa diagram (combined with 5 whys) to identify the systemic causes ofthe problem.

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Problem Solution 1: More participation in academic activities as well as socialactivities, presentations, public speeches At the same time, if you can join thecommunication skills class, find the right person to be more open.

Problem 2: When working in a group, we often have many different ideas and solutionsto a problem So how to find the most effective solution to that problem?

→ Using Brainstorming: The brainstorming method is used to come up with manycreative solutions to a problem, working by generating problem-focused ideas, for manyfields of education, business, advertising, management, etc…

→ To implement the brainstorming method, it is necessary to agree on how to do it in thegroup For large groups of people, this regulation must be even clearer and requirecompliance, such as:

 01 person (may or may not be the group leader) controls and may need 01 person toact as secretary to record every member's ideas.

 No member has the right to demand, hinder or refuse to give an idea related to theproblem the whole group is solving.

 No member is allowed to evaluate, praise/criticize, criticize, add or subtract anotherperson's opinion

 All opinions are recorded clearly, completely and within a set time.

 After that, the whole group will eliminate duplicate answers and ideas or narrow andlocalize them Evaluate together to eliminate inappropriate ideas and choose better,more feasible ideas This is the stage of group criticism.

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→ The brainstorming method helps the group develop many ideas, especially new,strange ideas or combine many thoughts to come up with more effective solutions.

Problem 3: Setting SMART goals in the sales department

Goal: Increase sales for product A in the third quarter of this year.

 Specific: Increase sales of product A.

 Measurable: Increase sales from 100 orders/month to 150 orders/month.

 Achievable: Based on the growth trend in the previous quarter, the target ofincreasing 50 orders/month is feasible.

 Relevant: This is a goal related to increasing sales of product A. Time-bound: Achieve the goal in the third quarter of this year.

Here are some more examples of how problem-solving skills can be used in reality:

 A software engineer who encounters a bug in their code can use problem-solving skills to debug the code, test it, and fix it.

 A customer service representative who receives a complaint from a client can use problem-solving skills to listen to the client, understand their issue, offer a solution,and follow up with them.

 A project manager who faces a delay in their project can use problem-solving skillsto assess the situation, communicate with the stakeholders, adjust the timeline, and allocate the resources.

 A teacher who notices that some students are struggling with a lesson can use problem-solving skills to identify the gaps in their knowledge, provide extra support, and modify their teaching methods.

 A doctor who diagnoses a patient with a rare disease can use problem-solving skillsto research the condition, consult with experts, prescribe the best treatment, and monitor the patient's progress.

 A marketer who launches a new campaign can use problem-solving skills to define the target audience, design the strategy, measure the results, and optimize the campaign.

 A chef who runs out of an ingredient can use problem-solving skills to substitute another ingredient, adjust the recipe, taste the dish, and serve it.

 A journalist who investigates a story can use problem-solving skills to gather the facts, verify the sources, write the article, and edit it.

 Personal Finances: Problem-solving skills are valuable when managing personal finances This could include creating a budget, finding ways to save money, or developing a plan to pay off debts By analyzing the situation and exploring different options, individuals can make informed decisions to improve their

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quickly find an alternative route to reach your destination on time Similarly, if youface a household problem, like a leaky faucet, you can use problem-solving skills to identify the cause and fix it.

 Decision-making: Problem-solving skills play a significant role in decision-makingprocesses Whether it's choosing a career path, making important life choices, or evaluating different options, the ability to analyze the situation, consider alternatives, and make informed decisions is crucial.

6 Tips to improve your problem-solving skills.

Practice solving different kinds of problems, such as puzzles, riddles, games, or case studies

 For example, you can try solving crossword puzzles, Sudoku, chess, or online quizzes.

Learn from others who have good problem-solving skills, such as mentors, colleagues, or experts

 For example, you can read books or articles by successful problem-solvers, watch TED talks or documentaries, or attend workshops or seminars.

Reflect on your own problem-solving process, and identify your strengths and weaknesses.

 For example, you can keep a journal or a log of the problems you solved, the stepsyou took, the challenges you faced, and the outcomes you achieved.

Seek feedback from others who can help you improve your problem-solving skills, such as supervisors, peers, or clients.

 For example, you can ask for constructive criticism, suggestions, or advice on howto solve problems more effectively or efficiently.

Keep a positive attitude and a growth mindset when facing problems, and view them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Problem-solving skills are essential for any professional who wants to succeed in their field

 For example, you can embrace challenges, learn from failures, celebrate successes, and seek new experiences.

Ngày đăng: 15/07/2024, 17:48