As a result, businesses will identify efficient tactics for advertising on social networking platforms based on data evaluating short and long content consumption behavior.. Understandin
1/ Why do we choose this topic for our research 3
2/ The objective of our research 3
2/ Samples of our reasearch 3
3/ Scope of our research 3
1/ Execution Procedure 3
2/ Research Methods 3
3/ Statistical Scales 3
1/ Some basic concepts 3
a Definition of Statistics 3
b Statistics Methods 3
i Descriptive statistics 3
ii Inferential satistics 3
c Scale of Measurements 3
i Nominal Scale 3
ii Ordinal Scale 3
iii Interval Scale 3
iv Ratio Scale 3
2/ Other Concepts 3
a Definition of “Consume” 3
b Definition of “Short Content” 3
c Definition of “Long Content” 3
d Definition of “Promotion” 3
With the rise of internet and smartphone penetration in Vietnam, social media has been increasingly prevalent in the daily live of the majority of Vietnamese people during the past few years Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and others have grown to resemble a mini-society that not only reflects every facet of reality but also has the power to influence it greatly A Google survey reports that 97% of Vietnamese consumers use tablets and smartphones for information searches This is considered an ideal condition for social networks to appear and quickly become common in Vietnam Social networks are regarded as one of the most significant Internet applications that have emerged along with the Internet, particularly for young people in both urban and rural locations nowadays
Born and raised in the digital age, Generation Z easily navigates social networking platforms During the COVID-19 pandemic, young people's social media habits have changed significantly and those changes continue in their lives today According to a study by Kantar, Vietnamese users between the ages of 18 and 24 spend an average of 4 hours a day using social networks, an increase of 1 hour compared to before the pandemic However, what is more surprising is that the consumption of short content has increased significantly The coverage of short videos is truly unexpected when, according to Backlinko statistics, in early 2022, TikTok reached more than 1 billion users, while according to DemandSage, Instagram Reels has also exceeded 2 billion users to date During the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference, Google Vice President Prabhakar Raghavan revealed a surprising statistic Google's latest survey shows that nearly 40% of Gen Z prefer TikTok or Instagram to Google for information searches Young people today still need to consume long content, but this trend is gradually decreasing This consumption of long and short content has a dramatic impact on the company's product advertising strategy to consumers
In today's competitive market, an advertising campaign is essential for businesses As a result, businesses will identify efficient tactics for advertising on social networking platforms based on data evaluating short and long content consumption behavior Understanding the psychology of businesses, we wish to contribute our small part to clarify this complex issue, and the topic we want to address is "Research on the impact of content consumption on social media platforms on how businesses develop promotion strategies" to research the consumption behavior of long and short content among young people, as well as from there offer the most effective advertising platforms to businesses in the current market
Because this is our first time doing research, our knowledge and experience are still limited, so mistakes are unavoidable We look forward to receiving comments, suggestions, and evaluations from instructors and friends to help
us complete this research We also confirm that all results and data in the
Trang 4research article are true and evaluate the objective issues mentioned in the topic
1/ Why do we choose this topic
The landscape of social media is rapidly evolving, with short-form content like TikTok videos and Instagram Reels taking center stage and captivating the attention of university students, particularly Gen Z This research dives deep into this captivating new trend, exploring how short-form content has risen to dominance and consumes a significant portion of students' daily time We will not only track clicks and swipe patterns, but also analyze their dwell time and engagement levels to understand what truly captivates them Beyond the short-form craze, however, long-form content like blog posts and in-depth articles still hold value for students seeking deeper information and knowledge This research will also examine how students balance their consumption of both short and long-form content, providing insights into their attention spans and preferences
Our research isn't just about counting clicks; it's about building bridges between brands and university students in this digital jungle of endless scrolling By decoding how students engage with different content types, from fleeting memes to in-depth articles, we empower brands to craft targeted ads that resonate across formats Imagine ads that capture their attention with a witty meme, then spark genuine interest with an insightful article This understanding fosters meaningful connections and builds lasting relationships, paving the way for impactful communication that truly speaks
to the generation defining the digital age
2/ The objective of our research
By understanding what makes students stop, stare and how long they would spend on each kind of contents on the social media, we would like to give suggestions that help brands:
Speak their language: Craft promotions that click with their studies and spark real conversations
Earn their trust: Forget algorithms! We find the things that truly grab their attention and build trust deeper than any hashtag
Navigate the shifting landscape: In this social media jungle, where platforms rise and fall like trends, we give brands a compass to connect with the students who really matter
Trang 53/ Samples of our research
University students who are currently living and studying in Ho Chi Minh City, and especially UEH students
4/ Scope of our research
Sample size: 238 students
Geopraphic size: Ho Chi Minh city
Survey method: Online
Survey platform: Google Form
Survey dates: Nov 28 – Dec 12, 2023
Phase 1: Planning Research
Focused topic: Compare short content consumption with long content
consumption on social media platforms
Focused sample: University students who are living and studying in Ho Chi Minh City
Content outline: *as listed above*
Research methods: Applying a variety of effective statistical methods with
flexibility to achieve highest precision possible to analyze collected data from the survey
Content distribution: *as listed above*
Phase 2: Collecting Data
Survey’s objectives: Collect data on short and long content consumption on social media platforms of university students
Questionnaire: Reality of content consumption, Social media platforms,
Frequency of consumption, Rate of helpfulness to consumers
Survey tool: Google form
Designing the survey form: Tailoring questions to best serve established
objectives of the research, Arranging in a climbing order of specification
Distributing the survey form: To social media connections, secondary
connections, acquaintances, non-acquaintances, via communication platforms
Collecting data from survey’s answers: by categorizing answers into multiple
Choosing the
focused topic
Choosing the
focused sample
Establishing content outline
Determining research methods
Distributing content for execution
Establishing the
Selecting the survey tool
Designing the survey form
Distributing the survey form to the sample
Collectign data from survey's answers
Trang 6relevant sets of data with respect to research’s objectives
Phase 3: Summarize and Analize Data
Summarizing answers: Merging related data from the survey form’s answers into different group mixes to clarify and elaborate on the specified scope of the research
Analyzing data: Matching chained answers to comprehensively and cohesively deduce consumption patterns among the chosen sample
Phase 4: Report on Results from the Research
Expanding references: Obtaining supporting information and proficient
opinions on the similar topic from credible sources
Generating conclusions: Producing a concise accurate summary of the present reality of long and short content consumption
Generating recommendations: Suggesting potential changes to adjust the
current picture of consumption, Ways to promote each distinct type of
Generating Conclusions
Generating Recommendations
1/ Sampling method
In the field of statistics, a sampling method is a perfect procedure for selecting
a subset of individuals from a focused population to derive an estimate of the desired characteristic data of the whole population with the highest possible consistency with that population There exists a fixed set of elements crucial to establish a productive sampling process:
Sampling method: There are two main types of sampling method:
within the population, allowing strong statistical inferences about the entire population to be made by distributing equal chances of being included in the sample to each member of the said group
based on a variety of criteria, notably convenience, to collect data with ease
Sample size: The number of individuals to take part in the survey, being selected in accordance with prerequisite characteristics A larger sample can yield relatively more precise data with respect to the population
In our particular research, we have chosen the convenience sampling to approach the largest possible sample in the dispensed time budget for this
preliminary stage This has its pros and cons, which work in both of the opposite directions by raising and lowering the risk of sampling bias The sample size we have reached at the concluding time of the survey is 238, entailing 238 answers from university students
2/ Statistical method
Statistical method is a proficient system of consecutive methods that consists of collecting and organizing data, summarizing and analyzing information, then finally synthesizing and making decisions based on the knowledge obtained from those preceding stages to create value Thus, this includes aggregating, calculating to conclusively present data in a fashion that provides guidance for prediction, theorizing, and decision-making in a collective of various fields An accurate statistical analysis can advocate more confident conclusions, such as promoting confidence in investments, inducing businesses in related fields to expand spendings
on products or on advertising
In this research of ours, the prime objective is to collect and analyze the content consumption behaviors of university students on social media platforms nowadays to deduce patterns in a credible manner that informs major businesses in this industry to attract more
Objectives Description Numerica
l Order
Types of Variables
Levels of Measuremen t
Method of Analysi s Personal
n of the
Have you
ever used
social media?
Since what
Numerical (quantitative )
Which social
media have
you used?
Bar graph Which social
media do you
content on?
How much
time per day
do you spend
on electronic
Numerical (quantitative )
How much
time per day
do you spend
on content
Numerical (quantitative )
How helpful
is the content
consumed to
Do you
prefer short
or long
Why do you
have such
Trang 9media do you
short content
How much
time per day
do you spend
on short
Numerical (quantitative )
Rate the time
of short
graph Rate the
of short
Bar graph
Which social
platform do
you often
long content
How much
time per day
do you spend
on long
Numerical (quantitative
Rate the time
of long
Bar graph Rate the
of long
1 Some basic concepts
a Definition of Statistics
Statistics is defined as the art and science of collecting, analyzing, presenting, and interpreting data Particularly in
business and economics, the information provided by collecting, analyzing, presenting, and interpreting data gives managers and decision makers a better understanding of the business and economic environment and thus enables them to make more informed and better decisions
b Statistical Methods
i Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics are brief informational coefficients that summarize a given data set, which can be either a representation of the entire population or a sample of a population Descriptive statistics are broken down into measures of central tendency and measures of variability (spread)
Measures of central tendency include the mean, median, and mode, while measures of variability include standard deviation, variance, minimum and maximum variables, kurtosis, and skewness
ii Inferential Statistics
Making estimates about populations (for example, the mean SAT score of all 11th graders in the US)
Testing hypotheses to draw conclusions about populations (for example, the relationship between SAT scores and family income)
c Scales of Measurement
a Nominal scale
Nominal scale is the simplest scale, where variables are categorized
or named
Data used in this scale are qualitative and do not have order or ranking
Example: gender (male, female), eye color, etc
b Ordinal scale
In this scale, variables are also categorized or named However, data
in ordinal scale can be ordered or ranked
The differences between values or ranks are not uniform and meaningful
This scale is often used to measure attitudes, opinions, views, perceptions, and preferences
Example: Customer satisfaction rating (very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied)
Trang 11c Interval scale
On the interval scale, variables are categorized and ordered, the intervals between values are consistent and meaningful, but there is
no true zero point
Addition and subtraction can be performed, but multiplication and division do not make sense while using this scale
Example: Temperature measured in Celsius or Fahrenheit
d Ratio scale
The ratio scale has all the properties of the interval scale, but it also has a true zero point
All arithmetic operations are available in this scale, including multiplication and division
Example: height, weight, age, income, etc
2 Other concepts
a Definition of “content consumption”
"Content consumption" typically refers to the act of engaging with and utilizing various forms of digital or media content It involves the active process of accessing, viewing, reading, or interacting with content such as articles, videos, music, podcasts, social media posts,
or any other information or entertainment available through digital platforms or traditional media Content consumption can occur across various mediums and channels, reflecting how individuals access and absorb information or entertainment in today's digital age
b Definition of “short content”
"Short content" refers to information, media, or material that is concise, compact, or brief in its presentation It typically delivers its message or information succinctly and quickly, aiming to convey key points or ideas in a condensed format Short content can come
in various forms, such as short articles, brief videos, concise summaries, or abbreviated versions of longer content pieces Its purpose is often to provide quick access to information, cater to shorter attention spans, or deliver content that can be consumed rapidly without requiring a significant time investment
c Definition of “long content”
"Long content" refers to information, media, or material that is comprehensive, in-depth, or extensive in its presentation It typically encompasses detailed and thorough coverage of a topic, providing comprehensive information, analysis, or storytelling that delves deeply into subject matter Long content often includes lengthy