Nguyen Thuy Ngoc Tran Dinh Hoang Giang Le Thi Thuy Linh Nguyen Thi Truc Huyen Duong Hong Quan SS130229 SS130069 SS130022 SS130178 SS130061 SS130103 Bachelor of Business Administration
Trang 1Supervisors Mr Tran Dinh Thanh (M.B.A)
Ms Tran Ngoc Minh Nhu (M.A.)
Nguyen Thuy Ngoc Tran Dinh Hoang Giang
Le Thi Thuy Linh Nguyen Thi Truc Huyen Duong Hong Quan
SS130229 SS130069 SS130022 SS130178 SS130061 SS130103
Bachelor of Business Administration Thesis
Research on factors that impact to university admission decision of students Ho Chi Minh City in (Case study in FPT University, Hoa Sen University
and Van Lang University)
Ho Chi Minh, April 2021
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The research team would like to express our special thanks of greatest gratitude to our team supervisors, Mr Tran Dinh Thanh and Ms Tran Ngoc Minh Nhu This is no doubt that the Graduation Thesis hardly completed successfully without valuable suggestions and directions from Mr Thanh and Ms Nhu The research team would like to express deep gratitude to useful advice, detailed guidance and great support the supervisors have given
us during the re arch time se
Moreover, the team would like to thanks all the lecturers at FPT University for giving the team with sincere feedbacks which help us to limit the faults of the research We also would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to them for all the knowledge, care, and advise they have given us during the time we have studied in FPT University The research team would like to send the special thanks to Mr Le Binh Trung, FPT University’s admissions department, Hoa Sen University’s admissions department, Van Lang University’s admissions department for all the information and advises that they have given us when we collect data The authors also would like to thank all the friends and family members who helped us a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame
Besides, the research team would like to sincerely thank all the people who gave the team their valuable time and support to the completion of the study
Finally, the team would like to offer our special thanks to each other to be together during the research time The coordination, cooperation and persistence of all members play a vital role in completing the paper successfully
Once again, the research team would like to would like to show our greatest appreciation to everyone that be our side in the journey of conducting this research
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The role of Education nowadays is crucial for the development of people as well as the society Due to the fact that the job market is extremely competitive and skilled employees are in high demand, high degrees are required for a
wide range of careers University education will help students succeed in today's workforce and establish an enjoyable career of their choice
However, not all students are given adequate guidance on career development so they have been facing many difficulties inn their career choices and professional development Furthermore, with over 200 universities in Vietnam, it is truly a fierce competition among them in attracting good students In this research, the authors will find out, examine, and analyze four factors, which are Student characteristics, University characteristics, Communication efforts of the university, and Significant people, influence the University admission of students from three private Universities, FPT University, Hoa Sen University and Van Lang University
The outcome of the research is the result of analytical process of more than 900 questionnaires which are gathered via offline and online survey Moreover, the data will be process via Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to analyze the effect of four factors
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1.1 Reasons of This Research 1
1.1.1 The increase of universities and colleges 1
1.1.2 The change of new students in Viet Nam 1
1.1.3 Information about the FPT, Hoa Sen, and Van Lang University 1
1.2 Significance of the Research 3
1.2.1 Practical problems 3
1.2.2 Theoretical problems 3
1.3 Research Objectives 3
1.4 Research Questions 4
1.5 Research Scopes 4
1.5.1 Location 4
1.5.2 Time 4
1.6 Methodology 5
1.7 Data Overview 5
1.8 Summary 5
1.9 Thesis Outline 6
2.1 The Concepts, Characteristics, and Benefits of Higher Education 7
2.1.1 The concept of higher education 7
2.1.2 University education’s characteristics 7
2.1.3 The benefits of university studies 7
2.2 Theoretical Framework and Research Papers on the University Admission Decision Topic 8
2.3 Dependent and Independent Variables 12
2.3.1 Dependent variables 12
2.3.2 Independent variables 13
2.3.3 Demographic variables 17
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2.5 Hypotheses Development 19
2.6 Summary 19
3.1 Research Process 20
3.2 Research Approach 22
3.3 Data Collection Methods 23
3.3.1 Secondary data 23
3.3.2 Primary data 23
3.4 Measurement Scale and Questionnaire 23
3.4.1 Construct measurement 23
3.4.2 Questionnaire 24
3.4.3 Questionnaire design 24
3.5 Sampling Design 25
3.5.1 Sampling techniques 25
3.5.2 Sample size 25
3.6 Data Analysis Methods 25
3.6.1 Descriptive statistics 26
3.6.2 Reliability analysis 26
3.6.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 26
3.6.4 Correlation analysis 27
3.6.5 Regression analysis 28
3.6.6 Demographic analysis 29
3.6.7 Pilot test 30
3.7 Limitation 31
3.8 Summary 32
4.1 Data Preparation 33
4.2 Responses and Missing Values 33
4.3 Data Descriptive 33
4.3.1 Student characteristics (STU) 33
4.3.2 University Characteristics (UNI) 34
4.3.3 Communication efforts of the university (COM) 34
4.3.4 Significant People (PEO) 35
4.3.5 University admission decision of students (ADM) 35
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4.4.1 FPT University data descriptive 35
4.4.2 Reliability test - Verify Cronbach’s Alpha 38
4.4.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 41
4.4.4 Correlation and regression analysis 42
4.4.5 Discriminant analysis and demographic variables 45
4.5 Hoa Sen University Data Analysis 54
4.5.1 Hoa Sen data descriptive 54
4.5.2 Reliability test - Verify Cronbach’s Alpha 57
4.5.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 60
4.5.4 Correlation and regression analysis 62
4.5.5 Discriminant Analysis and Demographic Variables 65
4.6 Van Lang University Data Analysis 71
4.6.1 Van Lang data descriptive 71
4.6.2 Reliability test - Verify Cronbach’s Alpha 74
4.6.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 77
4.6.4 Correlation and regression analysis 79
4.6.5 Discriminant analysis and demographic variables 82
4.7 Result Findings 87
4.8 Summary 89
5.1 Research Finding 90
5.2 Recommendations 91
5.3 Research Limitations and Future Research 93
5.4 Conclusion 94
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Table 1-1 The number of universities in Vietnam from 2013 to 2019 1
Table 1-2 The number of universities in Ho Chi Minh City in 2015 and 2020 1
Table 1-3 The number of new students in Viet Nam from 2013 to 2019 1
Table 1-4 Research Time 4
Table 2-1 Hypothesis table of Demographic variables 18
Table 3- 1 Cronbach’s Alpha (Pilot test) 30
Table 3-2 KMO and Barlett’s Test (Pilot Test) 30
Table 3-3 Rotated Component Matrix (Pilot Test) 31
Table 4-1 Collection Data Result 33
Table 4-2 Frequency of Gender at FPT University 36
Table 4-3 Frequency of Region at FPT University 36
Table 4-4 Frequency of Living Area at FPT University 36
Table 4-5 Frequency of Literacy at FPT University 36
Table 4-6 Frequency of Admission Form at FPT University 37
Table 4-7 Frequency of Finance Aid at FPT University 37
Table 4-8 Frequency of University Choice at FPT University 37
Table 4-9 Frequency of Time Choice at FPT Univers ity 37
Table 4-10 Frequency of Major at FPT University 38
Table 4-11 Regression analysis result of FPT university 44
Table 4-12 Frequency of Gender at Hoa Sen University 54
Table 4-13 Frequency of Region at Hoa Sen University 54
Table 4-14 Frequency of Living Area at Hoa Sen Universi ty 54
Table 4-15 Frequency of Literacy at Hoa Sen University 55
Table 4-16 Frequency of Admission Method at Hoa Sen University 55
Table 4-17 Frequency of Finance Aid at Hoa Sen University 55
Table 4-18 Frequency of University Choice at Hoa Sen University 56
Table 4-19 Frequency of Time Choice at Hoa Sen University 56
Table 4-20 Frequency of Major at Hoa Sen University 56
Table 4-21 Regression analysis result of Hoa Sen university 64
Table 4-22 Frequency of Gender at Van Lang University 71
Table 4-23 Frequency of Region at Van Lang University 72
Table 4-24 Frequency of Living Area at Van Lang University 72
Table 4-25 Frequency of Literacy at Van Lang University 72
Table 4-26 Frequency of Admission Method at Van Lang University 73
Table 4-27 Frequency of Finance Aid at Van Lang University 73
Table 4-28 Frequency of University Choice at Van Lang University 73
Table 4-29 Frequency of Time Choice at Van Lang University 74
Table 4-30 Frequency of Major at Van Lang University 74
Table 4-31 Regression analysis result of Van Lang univesity 81
Table 4-32 Hypotheses Evaluation 87
Table 4-33 The assessment of students on factors influencing the admission decision at FPT University 87
Table 4-34 The assessment of students on factors influencing the admission decision at Hoa Sen University 88
Table 4-35 The assessment of students on factors influencing the admission decision at Van Lang University 88
Table 4-36 Satisfaction ratio for admission decision at three universities 88
Table 5-1 The statistical difference in admission decision among demographic elements in three universities 91
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Figure 2-1 A model of student college choice 9
Figure 2-2 A model of “Factors impact the decision of choosing Bachelor program at Banking Academy of Vietnam” 10
Figure 2- 3 A model of “Factors influencing on Students’ choice to Ho Chi Minh City Open University” 11
Figure 2- 4 A model of “Factors influencing the university choice decisions of high school students” 12
Figure 2- 5 A model of “Factors associated with university choice of high school students in Vietnam” 12
Figure 2-6 The research framework 19
Figure 3-1 Research process 20
Figure 4-1 Correlation relationships between independent variables and dependent variable 43
Figure 4-2 Correlation relationships between independent variables and dependent variable 63
Figure 4-3 Correlation relationships between independent variables and dependent variable 80
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1.1 Reasons o This Research f
1.1.1 The increase of universities in Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh city
Education plays a huge role in modern life People need a good education to be able to compete with foreign laborers as well as machines According to statistics from (Ministry
of Education and Training, 2015) in 2013, Vietnam had 214 universities After only 7 years, the number of universities has increased to 237 schools (Ministry of Education and Training, 2016, Ministry of Education and Training, 2017, Ministry of Education and Training, 2019, Ministry of Education and Training, 2020)
Table 1-1 The number of universities in Vietnam from 2013 to 2019
Source: Ministry of Education and Training
The number of universities has been increasing year by year Specifically, there were 44 universities in Ho Chi Minh City in 2015 and increased to 55 schools in 2019
Table 1-2 The number of universities in Ho Chi Minh City in 2015 and 2020
Source: (Tuyen sinh so, 2020)
1.1.2 The change of new students in Viet Nam
The Ministry of Education and Training (Education and Training) has renewed its enrollment method for universities and allowed schools to autonomously develop enrollment options since 2015 Viet Nam had 496,895 new students in the university and college system in 2013 (Ministry of Education and Training, 2015, Ministry of Education and Training, 2016) By 2019, the number of new students in the total tertiary training scale was 437,156 students (Ministry of Education and Training, 2019)
Table 1-3 The number of new students in Viet Nam from 2013 to 2019
Source: Ministry of Education and Training
1.1.3 Information about the FPT, Hoa Sen, and Van Lang University
The government decisions and labor market changes affect differently on universities The information below provides a status understanding of three universities:
FPT University
Overview of the University FPT University was established in 2006 This is the first
university in Vietnam established by an enterprise with 100% investment capital from FPT Corporation Currently, FPT University has 4 establishments operating across the
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global competitiveness for numerous learners, contributing to expanding the country's
intellectual property."
Majors There are three main sectors with 10 majors at the FPT University system, for
example Information Technology, Business Administration and Language
Number of New Students Starting at 1100 new students in 2016, the number of new
students in FPT University increased significantly to reach 2847 students in 2020
Career Opportunities According to the publication on the official website of FPT
University (, 2021), there are 100% of students sought by employers, of which 10% of alumni work abroad, 9.8% of alumni hold leadership and management
positions, and 5% of students have their own company
Quality Measurement FPT University is the:
- First Vietnamese university to achieve the 3-star standard of the QS International Education Organization (Quacquarelli Symonds), UK
- Top 40 of Business Administration Training Universities in Vietnam (webometrics)
- Excellent Information Technology Training University in Asia by ASOCIO Award
Hoa Sen University
Overview of the University Hoa Sen School was established in 1991 Hoa Sen University
has the mission of training learners who have extensive knowledge, have a desire to conquer, have the necessary professional experience to start a business, and can assert
themselves ways to express differences and excel
Majors Hoa Sen University has 6 sectors including economics - administration, tourism,
information technology, design - arts, social, law, sciences - languages
Number of New Students The number of students in Hoa Sen University has increased
from 1650 in 2016 to 3300 in 2020
Career Opportunities According to the latest statistics, the percentage of graduates of
Hoa Sen University having a job right before the graduation ceremony (January 2020) is very high, (Information Management, Communication Technology Administration and Applied Mathematics sectors accounted for 100%)
Van Lang University
Overview of the University Van Lang is established in 1995 Van Lang University has 3
campuses and 1 dormitory in Ho Chi Minh city And the mission of Van Lang University
is: “Educating people that bring inspirational impact to society”
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including design, business administration, and film theater
Career Opportunities Van Lang conducted a job survey in August 2019 of 1,947
graduates in 2018 showing In general, 93% of VLU students have a job right after
Quality Measurement Van Lang University has been ranked at 45 positions by
Webometric In May 2018, Van Lang University was recognized as having passed the accreditation of higher education institutions (Vanlanguni, 2018)
1.2 Significance of the Research
1.2.1 Practical problems
Nowadays, the global market requires a high human resource capability due to the globalization transformation in business The demand for trained human resources accounts for 82,88% In particular, the labor demand in university qualification or higher accounts for 20%, the demands for college and intermediate level accounts for 21.8% and 28.7%, respectively (Ministry of Education and Training, 2020)
In the competitive labor market, there were 91,200 foreigners worked in Vietnam in July,
2019 and this number increased to 94,000 by March 2020 (Ministry of Labor Invalids and Social Affairs, 2019) forecasted the foreign applicants demand will continue to increase at over 20% each year
In terms of enrolling activities, universities try to attract more and more students in today’s competitive education world Regarding to Decision 37/2013/QĐ-TTg on adjusting the network planning of universities and colleges, by 2020, the country will have 460 universities and colleges, including 224 universities and 236 colleges In fact, the number of universities has exceeded the target of Decision 37, which sets out 12 universities in 2020 Additionally, schools will implement the autonomy mechanism under Decree No 99/2019/ND-CP Thus, the entrance activities are challenging work for the universities In order to help universities to satisfy needs of students, understanding factors which affect students' decision is important
1.3 Research Objectives
The authors established the following objectives for the study:
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- Identify and measure the factors that impact the university admission decision of students in Ho Chi Minh City (particularly taking evidences from three private universities in HCMC including FPT University, Hoa Sen University, Van Lang University)
- Measure and assess the extent of the impact of these factors on the decision of enrolling among the above three private universities
- Identify and compare the statistical differences of demographic elements in admission decisions at three universities
- Propose valuable recommendations for the university's entrance activities
- How do these factors impact the university admission decision?
- What are the statistical differences in admission decision among demographic components?
- What should FPT university do to improve the productivity of the entrance activities?
1.5 Research Scopes
The research team selected a group of freshmen from universities to support this research Those respondents of this research could be collected because of their accessibility The target for the survey is 900 respondents from students in three universities
1.5.1 Location
According to the research objectives, the authors focus on collect data from three main universities which include:
• FPT University - Ho Chi Minh Campus: Thu Duc city
• Hoa Sen University District 12, District 10 :
• Van Lang University Binh Thanh district :
1.5.2 Time
In general, the time to research the thesis was between January 11 , 2021, and April 21 , th st
2021 It would be broken into some periods while the questionnaire would be designed and adjusted from January 11 , 2021 to January 26 , 2021 th th
Table 1-4 Research Time
Preliminary Survey
Quantitative (Questionnaire)
Jan 15 Jan 18 th– th FPTU Official Survey Jan 27 Feb 25 th– th 03 universities Back-up Period Feb 26 - Mar 10 th th
Source: Authors