The textbooks published by the Korean Language Institute are classified into three parts: ‘Yonsei Korean 1' and ‘Yonsei Korean 2’ for beginners, ‘Yonsei Korean 3' and ‘Yonsei Korean 4' f
Trang 2S2| š=re}
+ AN] SSO] oleh ogee 1-1
+ AM] SHO} Lo} z oS eolsh 1-2
+ GIN] SIRO} Bote lolshSspola 24
+ AA] BESO} (Gola clopa Stops) 2.2
+ P!A| êt>10| (4e1g,91el3l2s7elt) 4-1
: 8A| BIO] SOs 21
Trang 4Copyright © 2018 by Yonsei University Press
All rights reserved
Trang 5The textbooks published by the Korean Language Institute are classified into three parts: ‘Yonsei Korean 1' and ‘Yonsei Korean 2’ for beginners, ‘Yonsei Korean 3' and ‘Yonsei Korean 4' for intermediates, and finally 'Yonsei Korean 5' and
"Yonsei Korean 6' for advanced learners Fach book is aimed towards developing required communicative functions based
on the leameis' level of ability in Korean This set of ‘Yonsei Korean’ is an integrated collection of various tasks and activities, as well as focused practice of vocabulary and grammar These activities enhance all of the four communicative skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing The topics and situations discussed in the textbooks will enable learners to perform a wide range of communicative functions using the Korean language
We strongly believe Yonsei Korea’ ta be a valuable tool for all potential leamers hoping to master the Korean language,
as well as for students currently enrolled in the Korean Language Institute of Yonsei University Language Research and
Education Center
Yonsei University Language Research and Education Center
Korean Language Institute Compilation Committee
Trang 6
‘aa aso} 1 =afie|£a 9) 5e) 524ãtr) s|E 949 rgel 2H8813 8419 Rel hs} aS TR
12Je| '73l£ 2) 2|) SH Be] SS ads Lol Be z|2lzl9zwl, YfalE 23 3tel 4Ises† |3], ga, 114], s|S:
ANS A soy THE USS Teal Lo} lal AA Tels aly He BSel ase Bes Bee] BA)
Uf BES 0] 0= 7 Holy CRE O19} EA, se SS SaaS VES eon] ‘o] Ble lie 325] te GELS Se] eS te đe} gì 7M 214219) c2 £ 30625 stSlt} #4} ES spo] Sat aa US S# zIn|r 2| 4079| d8 £ 212059] ' S271 SEP sIelc ö|Eie-s, 2132919] co] nại #zre] #sHŠ ”Pd7| 3 wshe 4c re,
Fa aS, BE, PF ey BE, ol Se, A A, HS, 71 Ake] NTS 23) Se Fale] dlfdslE WE Ae, A De) SS BE sh Pee oes Ha Hes AAA
Ae Sale So] Faalek @ eS 7's EM, AS Aisle
BE USS 2 z8] Z24|s} tra 7# 4)8246|a dìw249] dlsi 22313 212451513) ssle|ie| die| ae] CHS} AS
2|‡ES.z 7Hg5] 481L} lan] 38/ĐTC SE22Ì9l 3Ø $ 3+2J5La) 4e] wa, 2E] se Ts aL E]E 61s] #⁄4,2719| đets T295151
oe {hae giá #29} 84 22153
SPARS Sp Sol ANAL be 71S VRE Res 2p Pele} Dy 4 AApsiseeul 4) 213] 323$ 9o]
aL POM, WY), S71, 71,2712) YASS Ss) alps] es als] HS Wels} S71] SS SA) Pata
Z:391n}2M rEolc d3 0942) Be Bae asst,
#8N:21215] #12] 2190E0] 2927181519) ØslE 2105] 4i'08E ow Hon) alae I+ ghe ale has shoal) 5Sjr†, 27] 2l] 319) vJø] 22k} 2105] 2128 0S] s|E: E 2l] AA ASA SE
2f9lelx†E24 Fea] CHE OS 7h oz Belagor| BEA AAld BS WA AV,
Trang 7‘There are 8 main characters in 'Yonsai Korean 1' The dialogues are based on the every lives of these characters, The content of each unit is presented in the ‘Contents Map’ This table shows the title, vocabulary, grammar, task, and culture so that students have comprehensive grasp of what is to be studied The last lesson of each unit is called ‘Let's Review’, where the vocabulary, grammar and function of each unit is reexamined ‘Let's read together is the section on pronunciation practice The most difficult pronunciation of a sentence from the dialogue will be practiced here In the ‘Culture’ section, ane or two topics related to
each unit are presanted, Korean culture fram the view point of a foreigner is explained under the title ‘Korean as James Sees It!
Fach lesson is arranged in the following otcer ttle, objectives, illustration and introduction, dialogue, vocabulary, grammar, task, grammar natas and dialogue translation
‘The title of each unit is a noun that is related to the content, The title of each lesson is a topic sentence from the dialogue
‘The objectives of each unit introduce the communicative functions, grammar, and vocabulary which are to be studied
in the introduction, pictures to halp leamers understand the topic are presented along with simple questions, This serves to promote interest and motivation in the topic and functions of each unit
For ‘Dialogues’ we attempted ta choose the most typical and representative situation related to the topic of the unit From unit 1 ta Unit 8, dialogues are composed of 4 short sentences with just two questions and answers From unit 4, on dialogues are composed of six sentences with three questions and answers,
In the ‘Vocabulary’ section, additional vocabulary related to the topic and function of each unit is provided New words from the task are listed separately below the task Vocabulary covered in ‘Yonsei Korean 1' total about 995 words
In the ‘Grammar’ section, the core grammar of the unit is presented, One or two grammatical pattems are presented along with simple exercises Explanation of the pattems is presented in ‘Grammar Notes
The Task’ section is composed of activities adequate for each lesscn's communicative objectives Two related task actvities are presented for each lesson Functions of speaking, listening, reading, and writing are combined for that purpose However, we focused move on speaking and listening skills, as this books is designed for beginners
English translation of the dialogues and grammar notes are presented at the end of each lesson
Korean cultural information is presented at the end of each unit The character James, a foreigner in Korea, gives a simple explanation of Korean culture In cases when actual practice is possible, simple classroom activities are attached We encourage
leamers to make comparisons with their home culture and to talk about personal experiences
The ‘Index’ presents a list of vocabulary according to the eo°2"™ alphabet order, and includes the location of wards by unit and by
Trang 8
mal#! ¡ii
UWS T44 vii Sãolg_xvi ZlImt_ At
Al2m|_ t9} 4l
Xlam_ 7}Z3† 3l
FAT ĐÁ] sessssesse
Jl5n|_ 5# AW#t àào coi 7| XI£/xel
Hee i Bes? iv L8 =4 vi
Trang 9Lesson 1_ Greetings EBA SAA vd ep an Aine prensa nena mnceglalt dapat ua
Lesson 2_ §chool and House -: -.
Lesson 3_ Friends and I0ul0)ÀKƯƯM.K Ả
ESSBff 11L FHẨsansmedsiiadiseanacrtgeeodieionniobkttetSigV0NHI0I30000034/06E
Lesson 5_ Daily Routines - . -c 2c
Listening Transcript /Index
Introduction_v Contents Map_x
LESSON 7 THAÍNG 22221 6n tá 4 gác H201 104 101116141 6c s04 056
Lesson 8_ Telephones terete
Lesson 9_ Weather and Seasons Lesson 10_ Holidays and School Vacation -
Listening Transcript /index
Trang 10- '##el e]rlsl 31⁄4 2 tài 91s 4w 8 BIA BAL 9 a a (al : Yttel S5 Sài
| 211 2lr|S]-l2I? BA oIE
—_ ZEEAHlE Ehld eer =U eyo Catch
‹ = na [PHẾ #8, &ml 0| =a
pen [ee 7% ariel day + 1 Ge \
“|, PAE SL AGA ao] Way sy] [asst 2 : 2 ola} ogni}
2381 dt Aygo} 77] Cae vn -$#?t8?,
¬¬ - BA Bey, ot Bel 5.5931
aie 71% 82 3 oy pas gel7] SA og ea
Ale # 292? ^lz! #7] 4 3, Alt 7121, O12
Trang 11Fo} BALA 2a 247) AB Bel O18] |
Trang 12
Topic’ {Title Task Vocabulary Grammar and Patterns [Culture
Nice to meet you Action Verb 1
Is this a textbook? Names of objects Places to go
Names of eassroom KIẾP
# Is there a map, also? liixex TmoluitevotbÏ pest
Where is the bank? ee lê ocation words The location and spect
|Where do you live? Names of places Koea
I'm looking at my Action Verb 2 (-3+
family pictures =) Titles for
Titles for family mem
|Family ‘The air is fresh and it's Đế ae =1 ‘ajoomma
| | qulanthors escriptive verb 2 [ae auntie and
He studies economics ‘ing < es Dj “ajussi(uncle)
| “ _ jatcollege đriends _ | Meiers 1 ae a
going ‘to a restaurant Peart Restaurants — each kia 'BBIE
What kind of food do Talking about Kinds of food, Taste |-2] tk, Be, = Bar manners:
04 | Food you like? favorite foods \
\I'd like to have Bulgogi lotta food ‘Names ofFood =4, -#~ Generosity
‘Could | get some : Counting units for |S “2AlAl2, 7-8: of Koreans
| water, lease? Ordering food Fogel Number 2 AL, S727"
| What time is itnow? [Talking about time |Number3,Time ZƑ2l,=9}9- 4e?
| + ‘Talking about date Date, Days of the and ‘s}4=
| a {tak q -2|82, ON]
| (Daly What's the date today? tiệt, eek 12.2, als 3
| get up at 7:30 aie Action Verb3 |Sf, XE[~ZPAl|-” Counting
h ar Tế ith fingers What did you do with Talking in past bon ering
| your friends? tense (action verb) LH độ | ae, net
Trang 13
go to buy something Goi ng shopping Places for shopping 28] 7c, aI}/9}
mm =A|WF, —-2(Nounmodifier),| Reading
06 Sonning expensive _|ity and size of things E an ss + untae
How much are these? Asking for prices Counting units ~°] Eh, Counting unit Birthday
Could you give me a Tà ==.=
Hìathui, alesse [Bargaining Gifts tai ni lạ) =
Excuse me, but may | ask é Ic Location and lee :
|for directions, please? rections B
It takes about 40 1 ‘Transportation
minutes by subway i ti ’ methods
Words for using
telephone numbers
Mincheol, Jung? i l'Il give you a call if I'm late T May | speak to Wei, please?
like the winter when |
(apa in go ski = | ; - oe : flowers of :
4 a little cloudy ễ „ Korea
armer than today
|Peaple are working out |
Trang 14is known for it's scientific and systematic features
To produce a syllable, consonant and vowel should be combined together, as follows:
Ci wad oe wỊ W( "+ + oy 2
Phonetically, there are monophthongs and diphthongs in Korean vowels For monophthongs, the lips and tongue
do not mave while articulating s sound, regardless of how long a speaker pronounces it Monophthongs vary in
the position (front/back and high/low ) of the tongue and the degree to which the mooth is opened, There are 10
monophthongs: +, 1,2, 7, —, |, H, i), |, ~1 Diphthongs are vowels in which there is a change in
sound during pronunciation, such as [wa] There are 11 diphthongs: |, 2, 2, 7, H a), 3), AL, a 4
Position of tongue Front Mid Back
Trang 15
Consonants differ in the position and way of producing the sound
~~ —~~ Place of articulation bilabial Se tongue-tip alveo-palatal velar | |
Manner of articulation -—~-—_ | alveolar Ji
21 The stroke of a vowel is ‘|’ or ` - ` The order ofwriting is from top to bottom, and from left to right
When @ vowel has a vertical stroke ( | ) the consonant is placed to its left When a vowel has a horizontal stroke (—), the consonant is placed on top When the first sound is a vowel, the consonant = (5| 5 ›, whtich is silent, is placed on the left side or above the vowel
Trang 17
2.3 Besides the previous 10 basic vowels, there are 11 more vowels
2.4 Letters are also categorized into three groups according to aspiration (i.e., the burst of air when the stop closure is
released) and articulatory strength: simple, aspirated, and tensed
Trang 18
2.6 Every consonant can be placed in the final-syllable position However, there are only 7 sounds for final consonants:
vs, 4, © The other consonants change into one of these 7 sounds in the final position
2.6 It is possible to have two consonants in the final-syllable position There are two ways of pronouncing these
consonants : pronouncement of the first consonant and pronouncement of the second consonant
Pronouncing the first consonant: 1
Trang 19
Be ade oo] 7|7} 82t} #lel ae Sad 2.0.24} BAO} Sa uh ej}
ALAS) Biya} 215t HAS] Ut Bist
S3 08g18 i3 9142] 219) SE 8g a aia (dal Ba)
0[E|0le| sỹ #Ez/E!89| 0i2† 8 BMS] xt aE FIDIAS zlolo) oS 21 Mole] aa Se
x | 4
Trang 21
SĨ 88)! oe
Peg ee Pe Am
ee DU, Bee easel) Si | ete tHei ĐỊB
SÀI ee
ee eta
6 stores
> ARIAT} tia Pao
bác sai ise il
Trang 22
BOL} HlOl7} Of SA] 0|0t2|štL|?‡?
Trang 25
Ô AI Al0I ©lAã #l#rE +7I84JAIS
Trang 26Rie I'm Rie
Wei I'm Wei
01 9JL|t‡
‘O|C}’ is attached to the end of a noun to make the noun function like a verb It
is used to express the identity or state of a subject, or to designate an object
‘Q|LIC}’ is used to politely speak to the listener
Al as This is my desk
291L|t†, lam a student
+ ø[ e‡o|z} 3| #sInd This child is my daughter
«of7]7} 22) Be This is my house
- 1È 9|^g]L|tị, That person is a doctor
2 2/=
This particle is used with a noun to denote the topic or theme of a sentence
When the noun ends in a consonant, use ‘—©’, When the noun ends in a
Trang 27XI1nl ©IAC
Itis also used to express comparison or emphasis
BAS a7} BUC AL 717} 4HSU cH My sister's tall {'m short
+ 7] #sHä|d|d†, AJ4k£ Ale}spych | like meat (But) ! don’t like fish
It can be attached to most case particles, except for subject and object particles which drops in case when this topic particle is used :
When did you go to the library?
You can't smoke here
» êm v]el|2|g9- 4 a, Don't let my parents know about it
Trang 28
CD2: 04~05
vol ok Ue ARES?
we ue Ue, eel na
oo oh }a, aE ale Auch,
Trang 32
Dialogue Rie Where (which country) are you from?
Jemes I'm American Are you Chinese?
rie No, I'm not I'm Japanese
James — Oh, really?
0 $]+]7†?
It is the interrogative form of ˆ@JL|F†” A question mark is used at
the end
-6lgtol o|~- t†ẽ† “l#†9Ju|?7†2 — Which country is this person from?
Ae] FE ALLA? Is it two o'clock now?
© of7|7} ABW 7}? Is it Shinchon here?
+o} ae see ale] ay? Whose book is this?
my ie) 7H? What's the date today?
Trang 38
/zziI X|@l^: nịz|oL 1= rỊs†239|L|2I?
n‡z|o‡: Ul, AE rỊ#H49JL|rt, / 0-19, Xl= 7|XF4LIH
Trang 39i
Are you an office worker?
No, I’m not an office worker
Then, are you a student?
Yes, I'm a college student
019} /7} oc
Itis used with a noun It is the negation of ‘O|C}’ When the noun ends in a
consonant, use ‘O| OFLC} , When the noun ends in a vowel, use ‘7} O[LIC}’
I'm not Japanese
Mr Johnson isn't a doctor
This isn't a text book
Miss Linda isn't a teacher
My mother isn't a Korean