Project Gutenberg's The Raising and Careof Guinea Pigs, by A.. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or onl
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of Guinea Pigs, by A C Smith
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Title: The Raising and Care of Guinea Pigs
A complete guide to the breeding, feeding, housing,
exhibiting and marketing of cavies
Author: A C Smith
Release Date: April 30, 2010 [EBook
Language: English
Produced by Irma Spehar and the Online Distributed
Proofreading Team at (This file was
produced from images generously made available by The
Internet Archive/American Libraries.)
The Raising and Care
Trang 4Guinea Pigs
Trang 5A Complete Guide to the
Breeding Feeding, Housing, Exhibiting
and Marketing of Cavies
Trang 6Copyright 1915
The Guinea Pig or Cavy belongs to therabbit family and is a native of SouthAmerica Why they are called GuineaPigs, no one seems to know, unless theirshape suggests a small pig and the nameGuinea is a corruption of Guiana, acountry in South America In size, shapeand texture of fur they resemble a squirrel
or rabbit They have large bodies, shortlegs, small feet, no tails and a wide range
of colors A full grown Cavy weighsbetween two and three pounds, which
Trang 13weight it attains at about 18 months of age.The males are usually larger than thefemales.
When white people first visited theAndean region of South America theyfound the Cavy domesticated and living inthe houses of the Indians, by whom theywere used for food They were introducedinto Europe in the 16th Century and sincethat time have spread all over the world
In South America there are still severalspecies of wild Cavies These are hunted
as game and are considered a greatdelicacy
Cavies are wholly vegetarian in diet,eating about the same things as a rabbit.They are very easily tamed, are veryhealthy and hardy, are not noisy, are clean
Trang 14in their habits, and have no offensiveodor There is probably no animal in theworld that is easier to handle They easilyadapt themselves to conditions and seem
to do equally as well in city or country, inlarge or small quarters and a few of themtogether do as well as a large number ofthem
They are practically free from thediseases and epidemics that make theraising of poultry and rabbits so uncertain.Some of them get sick and die, of course,but it is usually due to some local cause or
to the fact that they have been neglected orimproperly fed or housed, but contagiousdiseases such as will often wipe outwhole flocks of poultry or a pen of rabbitsare unknown among Cavies
Trang 15All of these things make the raising ofGuinea Pigs a very pleasant as well as avery profitable occupation.
Trang 17The Peruvian has long silken hair andmay be called the aristocrat of Cavydom.They are raised principally by fanciersand for general purposes are no morevaluable than the short haired ones, arenot as hardy and are more trouble tohandle as their coat needs carefulattention
Trang 18This, like the Peruvian, is also a fancybreed It has longer hair than the short-haired, and it stands out in curious little
Trang 19rosettes These are more hardy than thePeruvian and are more common.
The Kind to Raise.
If you expect to raise Cavies forcommercial purposes the English is thekind that should pay you best They areeasier to take care of than the long-hairedvarieties For laboratories, experimentalpurposes, etc., it is the smooth-hairedCavy that is in most demand If you are aGuinea Pig fancier or are raising them forpet purposes it is merely a matter of tasteand choice The long-haired ones areusually more expensive and sell for more,
as they are scarcer and are generally soldfor pet and fancy purposes It is usuallywell to have a few Abyssinian among your
Trang 20stock if you are raising many, as manypeople prefer them for pets.
There are three main uses to whichGuinea Pigs are put, as food, as pets andfor experimental purposes in laboratoryand medical research By far the largestdemand is in the last named field
Scientific Uses.
There is possibly no animal so welladapted for scientific experiments as theGuinea Pig In the testing and analyzing ofserums and antitoxins and for
Trang 22experimental purposes generally thedemand is enormous, thousands andthousands of them being used every year.Many of the large hospitals andlaboratories have been compelled toestablish breeding pens of their own inorder to be sure of a constant supply Thedemand here is steadily increasing andmany more would be used if they could beobtained at a reasonable price A UnitedStates Bulletin says, “Guinea Pigs sell atvarious prices dependant on supply anddemand The average price for severalyears has been about 75c, but laboratoriesnow report that suitable stock is short andthat they have been paying from $1.00 to
$1.50 for their supply of animals.” Forthese purposes they are used all the wayfrom nine weeks to six months or more old
Trang 23or when they weigh from 9 ounces and up.The cost of rearing them to this age is verylittle and a good profit is thereforeassured the raiser.
As Pets.
The demand for Guinea Pigs as pets isvery large They are so widely used in themedical field that the pet stores have ahard time keeping enough on hand tosupply the local demand for pets They arevery interesting and perfectly harmlesslittle animals They do not bite or scratchand young children can play with them.They are not as common as the ordinarypet, and being more of a novelty, attractmore attention When sold as pets theyusually bring more than when sold to the
Trang 24hospitals and raisers are assured of a verylarge demand for this purpose In Englandand Europe the Guinea Pig is more widelyraised than in America and there are morefanciers who show and exhibit themextensively They are becoming morepopular in this country and are beingexhibited more and more in Pet StockShows A good show animal is worth allthe way from $10 to $100 As a hobby theraising of Guinea Pigs is most interestingand instructive as there are so manyexperiments that can be made in thebreeding.
As Food.
For food purposes Guinea Pigs areadmirable, although not many are eaten in
Trang 25this country at the present time However,many of the newspapers and magazineshave run articles suggesting that they beraised for this purpose and there is really
no reason why they should not be TheUnited States Government indorses them
as food animals and advises that they beused in this connection In a few years wewill possibly see Guinea Pigs sold in thestores as rabbits and poultry are now.Certainly no animal could be cleaner andbeing a vegetarian exclusively, its flesh is
of the best They can be prepared just as arabbit or squirrel In soups, stews, pies, orroasted, broiled or baked the young Cavy
is equal to any other animal For thispurpose the animal should be about one-half grown
The feeding of Guinea Pigs is a verysimple matter Their main food is goodhay or dried grass This should be beforethem all the time, as they will not eat toomuch of it Be sure, however, that it is notmusty or mouldy
In addition to hay, they should have atleast once a day, a feeding of green food.This is essential in keeping them frombecoming constipated By green food wemean such things as lawn clippings, greenclover, spinach, green corn stalks, lettuce,
Trang 28celery tops, plantain, dandelion, grasses,etc., which is, of course, very plentiful inthe summer In the winter when you cannotget these, carrots, beets, apples, cabbage,mangle beets, yellow turnips, etc., willtake their place.
The grains such as oats, wheat, corn,bran, chops, etc., should be fed them, as itmakes flesh and gives them strength Oats
is probably the best of them all Stalebread is also good, but it should not begreasy or mouldy A good plan is to feed
in the morning hay and grain or a bran orchops mash instead of the grain At noonsome green stuff or roots and at night hay.Give them all the hay they can eat Keep itbefore them all of the time, but only feed
as much green stuff as they can clear up in
Trang 29a few hours They are also not apt toovereat grain, which should be fed in anearthen or wooden vessel If you feed onlytwice a day, give them the green food inthe morning with the hay Guinea Pigsdrink but little water when eating greenfood, but they should have a vessel offresh water in the hutch or pen everymorning It is also well to keep a piece ofrock salt in each hutch.
In the spring or summer you can feedmore green stuff than in the winter, in fact,
we have raised them in the summer on anexclusive green food diet by moving thehutches from place to place on the lawn.But in the winter and fall, when greens arescarce and they are not used to them, asudden over-feeding might result in severe
Trang 30loss Avoid a sudden change of diet.
In the spring and summer there is butlittle food to buy for them Even the cityraiser, by saving his own and hisneighbors’ lawn clippings, can be wellsupplied By curing these clippings a goodgrade of hay is obtained A little grain,especially for the pregnant mothers, is allthat need be bought
Bread and milk is a good fleshproducer and should be fed any weakones, also nursing mothers In the winter itshould be warmed
The feeding of Cavies, you see, is avery simple matter, even for a city man.The commission houses every day throwaway enough lettuce, cabbage, celery, etc.,
Trang 31to feed a large number Stale bread canalways be bought very cheaply from thebakeries On the farm nothing whateverneed be bought at any time.
be avoided Of course, meat or greasy
Trang 32food must not be fed.
Guinea Pigs do not require either large
or elaborate quarters and the average man
or boy can easily prepare a suitable placefor them There are two methods ofhousing usually used, namely, hutches andpens
Among breeders generally the hutchmethod is preferred They occupy lessroom, are easier to keep warm in the
Trang 34winter, and are easier handled Weillustrate several types Fig 1 and Fig 2are the kind used by the U S Department
of Agriculture in the Bureau of AnimalIndustry They are about 20 inches wide,3½ feet deep and 18 inches high Theywill accommodate a male and three orfour females and young ones until weaned
Trang 35Front and Rear Views of Government Type of Hutch.The door covers nearly the whole front
and is made of wire netting In the back is
a screened opening for ventilation Each
hutch should have a shelf about four
inches high in the back as they like to get
on and under it These hutches are made to
stack one on another to utilize small space
and are kept indoors
Fig 3 shows a type of hutch that can be
built against the side of the wall It is not
best to have the wall of the house serve as
the back of the hutch, it might be too cold
These can be built in tiers of three, each
tier about 18 inches or two feet high The
size of each hutch can vary, depending on
the number of Guinea Pigs you have The
entire front should be of wire with large
Trang 36doors so as to allow ventilation and to beeasily cleaned In the winter a small boxcan be put in each one for sleepingquarters and this box kept full of straw.
Some breeders prefer pens and the pensystem does have some advantages In thefirst place, it gives the animals moreroom, has to be cleaned out less frequentlyand is more economical
If you have a suitable place for makingpens it will be all right to use them Ofcourse, it is harder to protect them fromcats, rats and dogs in pens, and it is alsoharder to keep them warm in winter Insummer the pens are really to be
Trang 37preferred If you have space in a barn,wood shed, attic, basement or any placethat is protected from wind and rain andcats, rats and dogs, you can easily fix up aplace for them A place six by ten feetwill accommodate from 30 to 50 GuineaPigs Your space should be divided intoseveral different pens with 12 to 18 inchboard or wire netting Guinea Pigs do notburrow, so a board floor is not necessary.The floor should be covered with litter ofsome sort Saw dust is good for a bottomlayer Hay or straw can be put on the sawdust In the winter, if the place is notheated, boxes with a small hole for them
to run in and out of and which should befilled with hay or straw, should besupplied for sleeping quarters
Trang 38Heat in the winter is not considerednecessary by many very successfulbreeders, but we think it best they shouldhave some protection, especially in verybitter weather, and the warmer you cankeep them the better They thrive betterwhen the temperature does not fall belowfreezing If given well protected, tightquarters with plenty of bedding they willget by all right without heat However, thefemales that are about to litter should bekept in a warm place, as the little oneswill freeze if the weather is very cold.After they get about a month old, you can,during a warm spell, move them out withthe others One of the most successfulbreeders in the West, whose stock bringsfancy prices, opposes artificial heat andsays they are better without it Other
Trang 39breeders use oil stoves in the severeweather and some of the largest Caviarieshave elaborate heating arrangements.
Out Door Hutches.
In the summer you can build a pen ofwire netting for them to run in with a smalltight box for sleeping quarters andprotection from storm Use small meshchicken wire for the sides The top can be
of netting or boards The size of the penwill of course depend on how manyCavies you have These pens can bemoved from place to place on the lawn,giving them good green grass Very littleother food then will be required
General Instructions.
Trang 40Give your stock all the room you canspare Do not see how little room you canuse, if you have room to waste Be surethat they have ventilation, even in thewinter Animals, like humans, need freshair See that your hutches are kept cleanand dry Do not let your Cavies get wet.There is no need to build expensive andelaborate hutches, especially at the start.When you get a larger herd you can decide
on some uniform style of hutch or pen andmake them all alike This makes them easy
to handle and enlarge Local conditionsand circumstances will determine howyou will keep your Cavies