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fairyland 3 teacher''s resource pack

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Jenny Dootey - Virginia Evans NOT FOR SALF ', FREE SAMPLE COPI Teeeher's Resource Paek Express Publishing To the Teocher Foirylond 3 Teocher's Resource Pock includes photocopioble octivities, templotes ond tests for you to use wilh Foirylond 3,lts oim is to: o give teochers odditionol moteriol thot revises ond extends the work in the Pupil's Book. . . give pupils the opportunity for extro longuoge proctice! Pupils of this level need o lot of longuoge input. Controlled skills work is importont to develop their reoding, writing, listening ond speoking, At the some time, it is olso essentiol thot they ore given opportunities to get octively involved in longuoge leorning ond use their English in meoningful ond personolised contexts. Foirylond 3 Teocher's Resource Pock is divided into the following sections: I Reinforcemenf ond Ertension Activities; These octivities ore in the form of projects which pupils con do on their own or in groups. The pupils con then file their projects in their Junior Longuoge Portfolios, 2 Holidoy Activities; These octivities ore designed for Christmos, Eoster ond Cornivol holidoys ond the teochers con use some or oll of them before the corresponding celebrotions, 3 Templotes for the croftwork octivities in the Pupils' Book. 4 Picture Word Cords for the proctice of the English olphobet in Foirytond A Booklet. 5 Progress lesfs; There is one test for eoch unit, 5 Module lesfs; There ore six tests in two versions, one for eoch module os well os on end-of-yeor Exit Test. The Exif Iesf con olso be used os o plocement test for the next level, r- CONTENTS I Reinforcement ond Extension Activities 2 lkclidoy AetMfies 3 Ternplotes I Picfure Word Cords p.4 p. 32 p. 42 p, 55 p. 6l p. 85 p. 130 5 Progress Tests I Module Tests I Progres Tests & Module Tests Key Reinforcement & Extension Aclivities Module I : Feiqrlenil Possport Nome: Age: Fqvoufife coloul: My friend is: My teocher is: @ExpressPublishing trHoTocoptABCl Pupils drow or stick o picture of themselves ond fill in their personol informotc- Exploin to them thot this is their possport to Foirylond! 4 Reinforcement & Extension Acfivities Module l: eolours All Around Me! f Erpress Publishing ITHoTocoPTABLEI ] rpils moke o booklet obout colours, They con devote eoch poge to o different 33iour, e.g, red: o tomoto, o rose, o fire engine, etc, Pupils drow items ond colour -€m ond, if you wish, write the words underneoth, Help them with ony new words. 3e sure to collect their booklets ond disploy them somewhere in the clossroom, 5 I I / By oa aa.a.aaa.aaa.aoao.o a.o.aoaooo.o.oo Reinforcement & Extension Activities Module l, Db Mn$io fhee! This is o teocher-guided listening exercise. The pupils follow your instructitcrx - moke their own mogic tree, Exploin to pupils thot they should drow the othe" rer of the tree, then begin your instructions: o colour the trunk brown r drow ond colour something you would like to grow on the tree o colour the tree green Ask pupils to toke turns presenting their tree to the closs.'Elicit or model zurtcrre sentences, e.g.: Ih,s ,s my tree, lt's green, There ore (opples) on the tree, The (opples) are r& g= When the pupils hove presented their trees, they con cut them out ond stick hF together on o lorge piece of cord with the title 'Our Mogic Forest'. Moke sure 3- disploy this somewhere prominent in the clossroom, 6 Reinforcement & Extension Activities .1rnq FHoTocoPIABLE-I Reinforcement & Extension Activities Module 2rlbnog -;;;"-;ffi;-ffi Pupils design their own personol flog using pictures, colours ond words. They con include onything obout themselves, e,g. neme, fovourite colour, fomily members, hobbies, fovourife food, etc. Ask pupils to present their flog to the closs. e.g, This is my flog. lt's yellow. Look! My mum, my dog, etc. 8 Reinforcement & Extension Activities Module 2: People All Around Me! -;;*;"-;;,il-ffi fupils moke o booklet obout the people in their lives. Eoch poge should be Cevoted to o different person, e.g, o fomily member, o friend, o teocher, o wticemon, a firemon, o postmon, etc, Ask pupils to drow or stick pictures ond ,wite short sentences obout eoch person e,g, This is our posfmon, His nome is Mr =-Cwords. Help the pupils with ony new words or spelling of nomes, 9 ,lte f O U [...]... This is my fovouritetoy! rt's I'E.pa.-s-? .-.:rng PHOTOCOPIABLE I 3- cls 3' 3,v or sticko picture of their fovouritetoy, ond write o shortdescription, a.ja' ,,I tJ, whot colour lf ls,etc, Provideyour own picture ond write o short i^ = 55 i J4 , 3: l.E3oa on the boord for them to useos o model, ll Reinforcemenf Exlension & Acfivities fbdje 3: HomeSweetHome 1r 1- r.hins FHorocbPIABC-l trr,is -cke o booklet... meonsfor fheml 33 HolidoyActivities lftrry ehristmes GEfrEss Fublishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 35 HolidoyActivities Itffil lrster! 5 eggs 3 @ggs 2 eggs 4 eggs k- rrhilir*{*r*,*,il{,** ffi - - {qm[f, :njrilrEu eggs in the first bosket Then they drow the eggs in the -ne ers{ets 'titiltnunmttlr,ilE ond colour them, The number of eggs in eoch bosket should :: illmmmrrru -ne numberS written belOwthem, 37 ... corresponding drow lines you could osk pupilsto drow ond lobel tt^: ond then colour it As on exfension, own Christmos scene, 32 Holidoy Activities {tu"*'r* CLrlstmas tn3ueht| nice? Are you on Sonto'slisl?Reodqnd choose or -[ itAvc{+TY nftc l oR e,: : :: / pleoseond fhonk you, Bn o r 3 my homework, Bn o 5 l'm friendly ond politewit[others A yes -xumond dod Bno iT; riMf 4 | listen my teocher, to A yes Bn... con drow or stick pictures,write o list of things in the room - or ::f-c'^e both opproocheson one poge, lf they wish,they con sticko pictureof *P - . Reinforcement ond Extension Activities 2 lkclidoy AetMfies 3 Ternplotes I Picfure Word Cords p.4 p. 32 p. 42 p, 55 p. 6l p. 85 p. 130 5 Progress Tests I Module Tests I Progres Tests. different 33 iour, e.g, red: o tomoto, o rose, o fire engine, etc, Pupils drow items ond colour -€m ond, if you wish, write the words underneoth, Help them with ony new words. 3e sure. Favourite Tqr This is my fovourite toy! rt's I'E.pa s-? :rng PHOTOCOPIABLE I 3- cls 3& apos ;3, v or stick o picture of their fovourite toy, ond write o short description, a a'

Ngày đăng: 28/06/2014, 18:38

