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Tiêu đề Report on Practical Training Course
Tác giả Phạm Thị Phương Quỳnh
Người hướng dẫn Nguyen Thien Thong
Trường học Hue University College of Foreign Language University
Chuyên ngành English
Thể loại Report
Năm xuất bản 2021
Thành phố Hue
Định dạng
Số trang 31
Dung lượng 2,48 MB

Nội dung


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INSTRUCTOR: Nguyen Thien Thong STUDENT: Phạm Thị Phương QuỳnhCLASS: English K15I


HUE/ 00-00- 2021

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1 Trainee:2 Class:3 Practical training place:4 Duration of the practical training course:5 Period of practical training course: 6 Supervisor:

7 Introduction of Asia International Foreign Languages Limited CompanyII REPORT ON PRACTICAL TRAINING COURSE

1 Provided works:2 The diary of practice:3 Finished works:

5 Gained experiences.6 self- assessment

a) strong points:b) Weak points:c) Suggesting about the practical training course.APPENDIX

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Firstly, I would like to send my faithful thanks to the enthusiastic teaching ofall teachers at Hue University College of Foreign Languages, especially teachers atEnglish Department

Furthermore, I would like to send my appreciations to Kenttt investment anddevelopment limited Liability CPMPANY for giving me the chance to work incompany with the favorable conditions to help me completed the graduationinternship time

I am sincerely thankful to the director Mr Nguyen Thien Thong who wasabsolutely interested and enthusiastic guide for me about earning the skills and theways to solve the problems during internship time All of valuable lessons that Ihave learned from my practice supervisor that documents really help me to completemy internship well

I also thank to the company’s staffs who has worked with me in almost thetime of training course so that I could complete my work well

Lastly, I would like to thank all of my friends that they always support me toovertake my difficulties

Student Pham Thi Phuong Quynh

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I, GENERAL INFORMATION1, Trainee: Pham Thi Phuong Quynh2, Class: K15I English (Philology), Department of English, Hue University College ofForeign Languages

3, Practice Site: Kenttt investment and development limited Liability CPMPANY

2021.5, Internship period: 80 periods (75 periods, 1period = 50minutes)6, Supervisor: Mr Nguyen Thien Thong

7, Introduction of Kenttt investment and development limited Liability CPMPANY- Address: B40 Kim Liên, phường Vỹ Dạ, thành phố Huế

- Office telephone: 077 827 1234- E-mail: kenttt.ltdcompany@gmail.com- Organizational Structure:

- Manager Office.- Sales Department.- Reception Department.- Teachers and teaching assistants

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- Formation, Function and Mission of Kenttt investment and development limitedLiability CPMPANY

 Formation - English is one of the most indispensable language in modern life, is the keyto the success Therefore, the Kenttt investment and development limited LiabilityCPMPANY has found with the aim at training and development Kenttt investmentand development limited Liability CPMPANY has been found On September 9, 2010.Today, the company has got great success and played at a reliable center of theworkers, students, staffs all over the country

- The company has a team of professional teachers and plenty of experiencesthat the rich acknowledge bring to the student with the best academic quality.Teachers understand that needs of each student is dedicated to helping students forachieving learning goals

- Classrooms are equipped with modern equipment which is designed standards,such as: Air-condition, TV, cassette and many other essential devices All ofclassrooms are installed with equipments in the way of science Besides, theclassrooms are decorated with vivid images on a variety of topics

 FunctionKenttt investment and development limited Liability CPMPANY with the functionis training skills to the students from primary levels to the high levels More,university students who need to improve their English language skills beforebeginning academic coursework for job applications

Moreover, individuals who are seeking a quality background at Vietnam andpeople who want to improve their English skills Such students can apply directly tostudy the TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, KET, PET…

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The programs of training includes courses from beginning to advanced levels,provides instruction in English grammar, reading, writing, speaking, and listening,and special content-based courses, class provides the equivalent of 18-20 hours ofinstruction per week.

 Mission- The mission of Kenttt investment and development limited Liability CPMPANYis goals towards the development of students in the perception of ability, arts andentertainment With the belief the development of students are to learn, to know andto apply on the real life To gain the goals, the company has given some points as:

- Encourage the personal development, social skills, and academic students.- To develop the learning skills which make the value of life

- Encourage the student’s achievement.- Develop creative skills and the awareness of student - Encourage students to perceive and to act as a responsibly routine, it is not onlyfor oneself and friends, but also it is for the society around them

- Promoting the healthy thinking, self-confidence, self-awareness, encouragementrespect and love all the people

- The evaluation of academic progress to students and the creation some festivalsfor students per year


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 Translation:

- During five weeks in company, I have mission to translate some documents into Vietnamese such as books, magazines, contracts, reports Also, I have opportunities to translate the documents from Vietnamese into English.And then, All of the things I have done, I should send my results to the director Mr Thong for correcting them exactly

 Teaching assistant- I often support the main teachers to manage the classroom, prepare lesson

plan and games for the class Occasionally, I also participate in teaching thechildren class I also attend to the training of the company and my personalidea that it is completely a good opportunity to improve my listening andinterpreting skills simultaneously communicate many kinds of people frommany social classes

 Other activities:- The manager usually teach me how to translate from English into

Vietnamese, Vietnamese into English, he shows me the ways to use vocabulary in circumstance of the context

2 The diary of practice:

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The 1st

weekFrom /8

to / /2021

- On Monday morning, visit and get information aboutthe ways of organizing activities of the company; getinformation about the operation, main duties of anofficer, employee at practice site

- The days after Monday:Hear the reports from manager and find the ways tosolve the important problems

- Complete the construction of professional practiceplan

The 2ndweekFrom 21/7


- Also, continue practicing learning, looking for andmaking assistant to the manager Asking for theexperiences from members in company, and gettinginformation about the operation, main duties of anofficer, employee at practice site

- English- Vietnamese translation: Learn to play Piano– part1 and part 2

- Reading books - Making an interaction to the members of companyThe 3nd

weekFrom 28/7


- Take part in a meeting of officers, get informationabout the projects in next month - August, contributethe personal opinions to the director, Join in the groupworks, listen the standpoints of the expert foreignlanguage and take notes the main purpose

- English-Vietnamese translation: Learn to play Piano – Three PartsEducation in United States- Watching movie: “How to Train Your Dragon” with

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English subtitles.The 4th

weekFrom 04/08


- Working as an official member, be friendly withmembers in company, meeting the partner, groupworks, earning experiences from the real exercises.Presenting the viewpoints to the manager

- Vietnamese - English translation: “Thánh Địa Mỹ Sơn, Hội An”

The finalweekFrom 11/08


- Complete all practice contents.- Practice summation

- review the documents and complete the report

3 Finished works:After five practical weeks in Kenttt investment and development limited LiabilityCPMPANY, I feel my professional knowledge is completely improved than before.My English writing, listening, reading and speaking skills become more fluent andmake few mistakes Indeed, English and Vietnamese vocabulary stocks are reallyincreasing The speeds of speaking and my vocabulary are better From practice, myEnglish skills of translation and interpretation through real works are absolutely as

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well as instructor of supervisor such as, the way of word choice, how to take note theimportant points, and how to remember main ideas.

that I have learnt in university and I also apply all of my theories on papers into realsituations Furthermore, I feel be more confident to make communication with othermembers This practical time is a great chance to expand my vision for improving thelanguage skills and the resume work, collecting experiences

 My happiness is working with experts in the field careers that I have pursuedfor many years in college In order to be better in understanding and be moreclear in the nature of the work

 So far, I have a good looking about my future, be open minded with thebeautiful knowledge in society, I know where I am, How much I learnexperiences

 I can learn and get familiar with the environment, the effective work method,learn how to manage

 For more one months practice at the company, I have translated manydocuments and interpreted many conversations And I realized that my Englishhas improved a lot, not only in words but also in grammar

Unfinished works.- There are a lot of famous books, valuable contracts, materials in company but

I have no time to read all of them.- Sometimes, I feel not confident to complete the assigned work.Gained experiences

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- Thanks to members in Kenttt investment and development limited Liability

CPMPANY, the creation of conditions of the instructor, I have received a lot ofexperience: teamwork skills, communication skills, professional behaviors andtranslation skill

- Today, the teamwork is very important to develop the skills, really, anyonecan transfer their personal opinions to others The teamwork helps me to getmore experiences from my co-workers, in group works, we contribute thedifferent ideas to build the topic clearly

- Communication skills: At work, there will be moments you catch difficultsituations or disadvantage in many respects, this time, the ability ofcommunication will keep you find the confidence, moreover, because of beingsupport and help from others you will be self-confident Communication skillsare important to the success of each person

- Professional behaviors: in addition to the work on time, the corporate wearofficial uniform Do not talk on the phone, or text during working hours No chattingduring work, all actions must be quick

- Through the translation of the text in the center, I have learned a numberof translation experience:

+ Meaning translation not word translation.+ Depending on the intelligence and understanding of your - this is obviouslyuseful when you translate a difficult text

+ Tonal language plays a very important role in professional translation.+ To have a good translation should invest a lot of time

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+ The text organization of a national can be confusing for people in othercountries.

+ Analyze the author's style of writing before translate a text, an article, etc.This is really a practical experience in a disciplinal and scientific workingenvironment Internship period has helped me to gain a lot of practical experience,work skills, communicate with colleagues and superiors, diplomatic skills and lifeskills These things will help me more confident and success in my future job andlife

- I understand the more I try to learn and to practice from my mistakes, the more successful I will get from my effort

1 self- assessmenta) strong points:During my practical training course, I realized that I had several strong points asfollow:

- I always try my best to complete all task that instructor required- I was more confident in communication after having conversation with

some foreigners- I also had the awareness and attitude toward my practice- I had the awareness of looking for necessary information for my work.- I listened and followed everything given by my instructor

- Self-confident and friendly with other people in the company.b) Weak points:

Because translation and interpretation are difficult fields I makes somemistakes To some extent, my English professional knowledge is not perfect.So, besides some above advantages I also have some difficulties during thepractical training course

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- Firstly, before going to the company I had read as much as possible

information about the company but I could not keep up with information.- Secondly, at the first time I came to the company I was not confident

enough to make friend with other members of the company- Thirdly, sometimes I was very tired and could not complete my task

quickly.- Finally, I had made some mistakes when I interpret and translate about

pronunciation as well as grammar.c) Suggesting about the practical training course

To sum up, after a month of training course, I have got so many usefulexperiences and interesting memories I also learnt and drawn out somesoft skills which could help me achieve success in life Everything sogood, but I have some things which need to be improved

 For the practice site.- I hope the center create conditions for us - the trainees have more opportunitiesto communicate with foreigners

- We are looking forward the management interested in the desire to work andcooperate with everyone of company in the near future

 For Hue University College of Foreign Languages - I hope Hue University College of Foreign Languages will facilitate, support andinterested in the difficulties of us in the internship period

- After graduation, we also hope Hue University College of Foreign Languageswill have the attention about jobs for newly graduated students like us

 For the student next courses.- Please study hard in school in order to improve knowledge, preparing for thefuture

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- The practice sites always welcome to you, just filed casual profile as soon asyou are a student, you will have the opportunity to earn money and get many practicalexperiences So, when you graduated, your job will be much easier.

HUẾ ngày 25 tháng 09 năm 2021

Người viết báo cáo Phạm Thị Phương Quỳnh

II NHẬN XÉT ĐÁNH GIÁ KẾT QUẢ CỦA KHOA (Khoa nhận xét và cho điểm, thang điểm tối đa là 30 điểm)

Huế, ngày tháng .năm

cho điểm

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Phụ Lục

I English-Vietnamese translation

I.1 Learn To Play Piano

Ngày đăng: 24/09/2024, 16:10
