Introduction to BPMN có: ¢ Business Process Model and Notation ¢ Object Management Group standard ¢ More and more popular ¢ 500+ pages specification ¢ Many symbols 100+ ¢ Do | really
Trang 1Introduction to BPMN có:
¢ Business Process Model and Notation
¢ Object Management Group standard
¢ More and more popular
¢ 500+ pages specification
¢ Many symbols (100+) ¢ Do | really need to learn it?
Trang 3Introduction to BPMN có:
What do we want to know about the
¢ When does It start?
¢ What are the process steps?
¢ How does it end?
Trang 4
Introduction to BPMN
Trang 5
Introduction to BPMN có:
Trang 8
¢ Easy to use ¢ Familiar
¢ Lots of tools
¢ ISO standard ¢ Diagram interchange
¢ Business-IT alignment
¢ Support for automation
¢ Extensions
Trang 9BPM Analysis, Opinion and Insight \ " |
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The State of
BPMN is developed by the Object Management Group (OMG) which also manages the highly popular Unified Modeling Business Process Language (UML) and Model Driven Architecture (MDA) In July 2013, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) — adopted BPMN and published it as ISO/IEC 19510:2013 which is identical to version 2.0.1 of the OMG a
Trang 10Learn more
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Table of Contents
Welcome to the BPMN Model Interchange Working Welcome Interchange Working Group to the BPMN Model
Group (BPMN MIWG) Wiki (BPMN MIWG) Wiki Purpose
Guiding Principles Outputs Requirements of Participation and
How to Join
Web Meetings
BPMN MIWG Repository Resources & Publications
Alternative Implementation Sub-
BPMN MIWG by &http:/ is licensed under a @# Creative Commons Group
Capability DEMO BPM EE
2015 Model Interchange Capability DEMO
The purpose of the BPMN MIWG is to support, facilitate, and promote the interchange of BPMN Models
Trang 11What if the process is nota
Trang 12What if the process is nota sequence?
Trang 13There can be only one có:
Trang 14
What if the process is nota sequence?
Trang 15Different endings có:
Trang 16
What if the process is nota sequence?
t —K
Trang 17
Trang 18
What if the process is nota sequence?
Pattern 2: | want it all (Parallel Gateway)
+ —E - >i Parallel Gateway
Trang 19Parallel Gateway có:
Trang 20
What if the process is nota sequence?
Trang 21Inclusive Gateway có:
Trang 22
Worth a thousand words
start event types
Event Event Start Event
E.g Order E.g.2days before’ E.g stock level
Trang 24
Worth a thousand words
Trang 25
Why do we use Icons to show types?
Trang 26Who does what
Trang 27Who does what
and lanes
Trang 28Who does what
Trang 29Who does what
Trang 30Who does what
Trang 31
Who does what
Common errors
: = Order received | Š +f |
e A
1 ö
Trang 32
What about the data?
Data Objects and Data Stores
° — ie Data Data Store
2 ` Association E.g IT system
Trang 33Any comments2
of object(s)
Shows additional info
Trang 34
Prepare an User task - work done
Trang 35Task types
Additional task types
Receive task Send task
Waiting fora Sending message
message from to external outside participant
Trang 37
Task types
Additional task types
Automated on Calling business
process engine rules engine
Trang 39Business Rule)
Trang 41
BPMN diagram -— step by step
Process background info (goal etc.)
Participants (+level of detail needed)
1) 2)
3) Happy path 4) More details (types, resources, .)
=) 6)
Sub-processes (where needed)
Trang 42
DEMO — Wire transfer process
Trang 43
BPMN diagram — Wire transfer
Process background info (goal etc.)
Participants (+level of detail needed)
1) 2)
3) Happy path 4) More details (types, resources, .)
=) 6)
Sub-processes (where needed)
Trang 44Case study có:
Simple process inspired by one of my students
Try solving on your own before you watch
example solution in the next video
message or question and | will give you
Trang 45Case study có:
Customer sends order to company A Order needs to be entered to CRM system and checked by operations and if something is
missing/wrong operations ask internal call
center to contact the customer and correct the
order When order is OK, it is sent to fulfillment
for company B (vendor)
Vendor sends the product to the customer
Trang 46
BPMN diagram -— step by step
Process background info (goal etc.)
Participants (+level of detail needed)
1) 2)
3) Happy path 4) Resources (documents, IT systems, .)
5) 6)
Sub-processes (where needed)
Trang 47Case study có:
Customer sends order to company A Order needs to be entered to CRM system and checked by operations and if something is
missing/wrong operations ask internal call
center to contact the customer and correct the
order When order is OK, it is sent to fulfillment
for company B (vendor)
Vendor sends the product to the customer
Trang 50
Events Rocket External Orbit
boosters tank dropped reached dropped
Intermediate Events
Trang 51Back to business
Trang 52
Trang 54BPM
Trang 56the process
Trang 58
Throwing and Catching
Either sends a signal (broadcast) or waits for tt
Trang 62
Only Catching
Shows that our process
needs to wait till some condition is met
Trang 63
Trang 64More Intermediate Events có:
Trang 66Boundary Intermediate Events
Order Confirmation Confirmation Order
received link sent received á completed
Customer cancelled
> + Doc ume! nt i 5 —*>
Order cancellation documented
Trang 67Case study 2 có:
The Customer calls the support center (Front Office) and reports an issue about underperforming service or faulty equipment or software
Source: BPSim Implementer’s Guide v2.0
Trang 68Case study 2 có:
The Front Office collects information from the Customer and tries to provide a solution directly to the Customer on the other end of the line, otherwise they inform the Customer the issue Is going to be escalated to technical experts and they will be contacted again soon
When the Front Office receives the solution from the technical experts, they contact the customer and try to close the issue; otherwise they inform the Customer that the issue is going to be further escalated
Trang 69
Case study 2
When the issue is escalated to the 1st Level Technical Support Agent, the agent tries to provide a solution to the Front Office; otherwise they request further
assistance from the 2nd Level Technical Support Agent and forward the solution to the Front Office when a
solution has been provided
Trang 71
Case study 2
When the Supplier receives a request from the 2nd Level Technical Support Agent they provide a solution to the reported issue
Trang 72
Case study 2
1) Keep calm and 2) Identify performers (pools) 3) Model the processes
4) Add message flows
Trang 73Hemoras
Trang 74Boundary Intermediate Events
Message Timer Condiional Escalation Signal Compensation Error Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate —_ Intermediate
Event Event Event Event Event Event Event
Trang 75oder § When their ,parent” is active
Trang 76
odessa) additional tokens
Trang 77
What happens when customer
Order processing » Ship order _
Trang 78
Why do we need boundary BPM
=Ì —<>— đá | —>®
Customer Order cancelled? completed
Order cancellation documented
Handling different results of Sub-Processes Possibility to handle special cases when activity is still
being executed
Trang 80Boundary Event Time có:
Trang 83
Trang 84
Boundary Event Error có:
Only Interrupting
Trang 85
Plus some for technical scenarios
Trang 86BPMN modelling with
ADONIS:CE ESS IPIFBSSES ina Bus Lộ ĐI nnss l]innnam © Download | BPMN 2.0 | Webinars and tutorials | Support | Partners | Contactus | Legal |
Free BPM Tool FER UMMIET MOTE terhiqU B VP i grams irom Unitied Modeling La In MY ‘itn
ai Att 1000): business proces SUEDE
100% free Isrn TH usats an STS Iuniiil
and much more
We take BPMN one step further, extending it with business scenarios like simulation, risk managment, KPI
monitoring and more
Y 100% free tool (also for business use) Y All the features you need for professional business process management
So easy to use that even BPM newbies will love it
Trang 87BPMN modelling with
Trang 89
scenario by Siddhartha:
| would want to know how can the company send a message to the customer about Order cancellation
and how can it be fitted into the customer's sequence flow or is it
necessary to fit it into the customer's sequence flow Would
the message be an Intermediate event or another Start event which would have a separate End event?
Trang 90data)
Trang 91
Time will cole
Trang 92
Intermediate Event (Message)
Event (Sigr
First event to happen
determines path selection
Trang 93Timer
Conditional Multiple
Trang 94
Event based Gateways có:
Trang 95
Trang 96
Repeating Activities
Using gateways
Trang 97Repeating Activities
Using loops
Agreement Contract achieved signed
Meet and negotiate
the details until the contract is signed
Trang 98
Loops and Multi-Instance Activities
Trang 99Loops and Multi-Instance Activities
ee Activity is performed predefined number of times Before we start executing It we Know this number
Trang 100Nobel Prize process (source: BPMN by Example)
Trang 101How to use BPMN organization-wide?
Question from student (thanks Terje!)
How would you proceed to analyse improvement opportunities across more than 30 organizational units? Visio flowcharts are available for all of them individually, but there is a need for: 1) doing more holistic analysis, showing interlinks between the units,
2) keeping track of all improvement opportunities and their status
Do you have any advise on methodology/software for this sort of work?
Trang 105How do | pick one?
Trang 106
it depends :)
Trang 107What is your goal?
2 Tu:
% Mở
ie —
Trang 108
Many categories
¢ Diagramming tools ¢ CASE (Software Engineering) tools
¢ BPMS (Process Automation) tools ¢ Business Process Analysis tools
Trang 109
n1 LA Ton
Trang 110Diagramming tools có:
¢ Very easy to use
¢ Great for producing nice looking drawings
¢ Usually many diagram types available
Trang 112CASE tools có:
¢ For business analysts and software
¢ Great for making specifications, generating
code (and reverse engineering}
Trang 113
a —
Trang 114BPMS tools có:
¢ For teams preparing process-based
¢ Great for automating processes in a quick
and agile way
¢ BPMN extended with technical attributes,
Trang 115BPA tools
Trang 116BPA tools
¢ Both for business and IT
¢ Great for building shared understanding,
improving processes, planning Digital
¢ BPMN (possible interchange with
CASE/BPMS tools) and additional model
Trang 118
How to manage change BPM
Example using ADONIS
(httos:// ¢ Process architecture
Trang 119Unpredictable workflows
Inspired by William B :
Trang 120
(structured, predictable)
Trang 121Unpredictability có:
¢ Clear structure vs knowledge work
(unstructured and evolving work)
¢ E.g insurance, healthcare, legal,
¢ Total freedom vs sharing best practices
Trang 123Processes Activities
Trang 124New standard
wo aS
Trang 125CMMN elements có:
[Examine Patientin Office S—=«Y AA
bet | Biden es 1 Source: Field Guide to Shareable
Do you have a headache? Perform I Do you have any problems with your vision? — Abdominal Perform ' kh
sets ae eae pm | Clinical Pathways BPMN, CMMN
Do you have any nausea or vomiting? ' " 5
Blocking [Fw | _ _ t — pressure [complete] =
Event Listener Entry p
| _— Ô, veda Process
1 Exam Data [complete] Exam Data —
Trang 126
Case Plan Model m
¢ Unlike
pools in
BPMN not optional
Trang 128criterion (shallow
Trang 129Entry criterion (sentry)ụ
[Examine Paton in Offoe © OR
¢ Connector
(dash dot dot)
Trang 131Blocking = BPM
Tasks have different
icons ¢ Process,
Decision Tasks look
Trang 133ấxi
Ask Screening Questions [complete]
( “ˆ \ —.-.-— mM [complete]
Record Results and Notes
Trang 136Perform Perform Heart |
hl Abdominal Exam | Exam
Vital Signs and |
occur] / Perform Addition Perform Lung | Test Extremities |
est for Physical Exam |
2 Years since last
Physical © — _ _ ⁄⁄ User
Linked to
Trang 138
i ,—':'— — - Information ° i Attached
I : |
i | i — `
: Attach Base Information : vid, i tc» : I : i Process Claims Review : : g l : Documents i
l Create Clams [7~**™*° Ị a al 8 H ' 1
Notification ¡ i '
ee ae oe ee Ắ" - Create Ị ' a a me Claim :
h Request i i 2 =“=—=m—=m== " I - Missing ' 1 ' Yee ee oo @ an - 1 1 ' Documents ụ Create ! ! + ' ' ' Lett etter : i
Trang 139Or reate claims notification
—>(3—> Process claims -_>
Trang 140
Next steps - readingsem
Field Guide to Shareable Clinical
Trang 141Next steps - readinqPM
introductions to CMMN and DMN Seal
processes in your company.
Trang 142Next steps - tools có: