This study aims to enhance understanding and usage of Wh-questions by analyzing their structural and semantic features in English and comparing them with their Vietnamese equivalents as
Rationale of the study
It is undoubted that communication is at the heart of our everyday life The purpose of verbal communication is to establish and maintain our relationship with other people, to express our feeling, attitudes and judgements, and to understand what other people think Conversation also enables us to take role on asking and answering questions to achieve communicational goals
Wh-questions, one of the most important English sentence patterns of speech, play such a crucial role in English speakers’ communications It is also one of the interrogative sentences in English Learning and understanding Wh-questions enable learners to understand more about this special structure, thus enhancing the ability of language users to translate Wh-questions into Vietnamese and vice versa Although WH-questions represent multi-functionality and a diversity of meaning, during the four years of studying at Phenikaa University, I myself realize that a majority of students do not obtain the relatively understanding of the use and the usefulness of this question type They are not able to to use it properly, which results in the failure in communication in certain situation All those afore-said reasons have created the motivation for me to carry out the current topic on English Wh-questions in “An Ideal Husband” with Reference to Vietnamese Equivalents
I hope that this research can serve as a contribution to bilingual studies especially ones related to language comparison or translation, thus leading to learners’ proper comprehension and usage of Wh- questions.
Aims and objectives of the study
The study aims to provide a deeper understanding of the structural and semantic characteristics of English Wh-questions and their Vietnamese equivalents, facilitating better comprehension and utilization of this question type in everyday communication
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To give a better understanding of the structural and semantic characteristics of English Wh-questions and basic knowledge of other types of questions, the objectives of the study include: a Finding out the structural and semantic characteristics of English Wh-questions; b Identifying the similarities and differences between Wh-question in English and their equivalents in Vietnamese in “An Ideal Husband”.
Research questions
i What are the structural characteristics of English Wh-questions? ii What are the semantic characteristics of English Wh-questions? iii What are the similarities and differences between English Wh-questions and their Vietnamese equivalents in “An Ideal Husband”?
Scope of the study
This study is limited within the area of Englsh Wh-questions with reference to Vietnamese equivalents in “An Ideal Husband” especially of the structural and semantic features of this type of questions The data collected for the study are chosen from the bilingual novel “An Ideal Husband” The analysis not only demonsstrates the similarities and differences of Wh-questions in English and Vietnamese but also finds out the mistakes in question form and meaning of the two languages
“An ideal husband” is one of the most serious social comedies published by Oscar Wilde It contains bold political tinges, ironically and pessimistically looking at the current political background To facilitate a thorough comparison of Wh-questions between English and Vietnamese, the Vietnamese translation titled
"Một người chồng lý tưởng" by Hoang Nguyen, published by World Publisher in
1998, was chosen for this study.
Methods of the study
The study mainly exploits the descriptive and contrastive methods The descriptive is employed to analyze forms, contents and other features of Wh-questions Likewwise, the contrastive is used to contrast the similarities and differences of English Wh-questions and their Vietnamese equivalents
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Significance of the study
The research for English Wh-questions and Vietnamese equivalents is to determine the basic specific type of the syntax and pragmatic The results of the research will be referenced and used for learning English languge effectively Accordingly, the graduation paper will show the ability to combine words from questions of both languages on level of the relationship between forms and meanings It also, therefore, helps seeking some appropriate solutions to the problems of learning English Wh-questions.
Structure of the study
The Graduation paper consists of three parts:
Part one is the Introduction: It includes the rationale for choosing the topic, the aims, scope, research questions and design of the study
Part two is the Development which includes 3 chapters;
Chapter 1: Literature review This chapter provides theoretical foundations for the study, including definition and classification of question, and an in-depth analysis of the syntactic and semantic characteristics of English wh-questions
Chapter 2: Methodology This chapter details the research methods and approaches used in the study It describes the procedure used in collecting data and also explains the analytical techniques employed to compare and contrast the structural and semantic features of Wh-questions in both languages
Chater 3: Findings and discussion This chapter presents the findings of the study, focusing on the description of the Vietnamese equivalent expressions of Wh- questions found in the translated version of "An Ideal Husband" by Oscar Wilde Then, it discusses the similarities and differences between the two languages in terms of Wh-questions
Part three is the Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the key findings of the study and suggestions for further study Copies for internal use only in Phenikaa University
Wh-question is a focal point of many linguistics studies Wh-questions play a boundless role in everyday conversations to seek information, and to ask about time, people, ownership, reason, or places The study titled "The Acquisition of
WH Question by EFL Students' Learning English as a Foreign Language" [1] by Ellen Andriyani examines the development of Wh-questions in English among junior and senior high school students The research highlights patterns and progress in students' learning of Wh-questions in English There are also many studies comparing English questions with those in learners' native languages.
"Comparative and Contrastive Studies of Information Structure" [2] by Edward Gửbbel and Carsten Breul includes detailed discussions on the syntactic and pragmatic aspects of questions in English and Frech, including Wh-questions It explores how different languages handle the structure and function of these questions, providing valuable insights into cross-linguistic variations and commonalities in information structure The article "Yes-no Questions and Wh- questions in English and Albanian Spoken Discourse: Focus on Political Debates" [3] examines the use of Yes-No and Wh-questions in English and Albanian during political debates It highlights differences and similarities in how these questions are employed to influence discourse, emphasizing their role in argumentative strategies and speaker interaction
In Vietnamese, Nguyen Dang Suu [4] conducted a study of English question in contrast with Vietnamese ones In detail, the author figured out the features of questions in both English and Vietnamese to have a clear understanding about ways to form a questions and their equivalent meaning in the two languages Then, the author studied and compared the pragmatic-semantic structure Le Dong [5] carried out a study on the view of semantic and pragmatic and provided some theoretical background about questions and their common characteristics based on different aspects, in which Wh-question is mentioned
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However, the number of comparative studies which investigate the similarities and differences in terms of Wh-questions between English and Vietnamese are limited As a result, the current study is carried out with the aim to compare and contrast Wh-questions in English and Vietnamese equivalent expressions in a translated version of a very famous novel “An ideal husband” by Oscar Wilde
1.2 Overview of questions in English
According to David Crystal in his book "A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics", a question is a term used in classifying sentence functions, typically employed to elicit information or a response, and defined variously on grammatical, semantic, or sociolinguistic grounds [6, p.400]
Ho Le, a Vietnamese linguist, defines a question as "a sentence that uses either interrogative words or interrogative intonation to raise an issue that the speaker is unclear about or needs to clarify, either on the part of the speaker, the listener, or both." [7, p8]
Hoang Trong Phien [8] states in his book “Vietnamese Grammar: sentence” that question is a kind of sentence used to classify sentences toward reality A statement is of true category; however, a question is of possible
In summary, questions are typically aimed at generating interaction and eliciting a response from the listener, thereby resolving ambiguity or providing necessary information
There are many different points of view about classifying English questions
In “A University Course in English Grammar” [4, p32-37], Angela Downing and Philip Locke state that a question is a sentence with an interrogative structure, consisting of three types: Polar questions (Yes/No questions and tag questions), Non-polar questions (Wh-questions), Alternative questions
The authors of the book "A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language" (1985) classify English questions into 3 main types: Yes-No questions, Wh- question and Alternative questions [4, p39-41]
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This study classifies questions into four types: Yes-No questions, Alternative questions, Wh-questions, and Tag questions Further details on these types will be discussed in the next section, with a particular focus on Wh-questions, examining both structural and semantic features
According to Richard Nordquist, Ph.D in English at Armstrong Atlantic State University [9], a Yes-No question is an interrogative construction that expects an answer of "yes" or "no" (cited in Grammar and Composition) [8] These questions are used to check information or ask for confirmation They present opposite choices, distinguishing between affirmative and negative responses This type of question uses a rising intonation at the end of the sentence or starts with a falling intonation, then rises at the end
• Do you like coffee↗? “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t”
• Can you speak English↗? “Yes, I can” or “No, I can’t”
• Are you a worker↗? “Yes, I am” or “No, I am not”
• Had he come back home↗? “Yes, he had” or “No, he hadn’t”
John Eastwood [4, p39] discusses these in detail in his book "Oxford Guide to English Grammar" He explains that these questions are used to confirm information and typically require a "yes" or "no" answer, reflecting the expected agreement or disagreement with the statement made For example, "You’re coming, aren’t you?" or "You didn’t go, did you?"
In general, there is a rule for constructing tag questions: the form of the tag is always the opposite of the declarative clause
No Declarative clause Question tag Example
1 Affirmation Negation It’s your birthday, isn’t it?
2 Negation Affirmation It isn’t your birthday, is it?
Table 1.1: Structure of tag-question Answering a tag questions: If the answer is “no”, the state/ action is not true If the answer is “yes”, the state/ action is not true For example:
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• It is hot today, isn’t it? Yes, it is
• She is a journalist, isn’t she? No, she isn’t
In terms of intonation, it plays a pivotal role in the semantic features that show the speaker’s attitude to their questions Intonation can indicate whether the speaker is genuinely asking for information, seeking confirmation, or expressing surprise or disbelief There are two ways to express intonation
• Rising intonation at the end of a question typically signals that the speaker is asking for information
• Falling intonation can suggest that the speaker is confident or expects agreement
Alternative question, as its name suggests, includes at least two options connected by the conjunction "or" [4, p35] The question ask the listener to choose one of the two or more possibilities that the speaker has presented in order to answer The intonation typically rises before the conjunction "or" and falls afterward
• Do you like coffee ↗or tea ↘? - I like tea, please
• Which is your favorite color, yellow ↗or red ↘? - I like red better
Alternative questions can be wh-questions:
• Which do you prefer, with or without salt?
• Which is best, to water the plant every day or just once a week?
• When you are interrupted in the beginning or middle of a speech?
This chapter outlines the procedures in the study It also states how the data for the study are collected and instruments are used to collect the data and the format for the analysis of the collected data
The research design for this study is descriptive and contrastive The subject of the study is the bilingual story “An Ideal Husband” The study is conducted with reference to diverse reliable sources such as dictionaries, encyclopedia, reference books at the library and on some websites in which English Wh-questions and their Vietnamese equivalents are used
The author uses English as source language and Vietnamese as target language to make comparison in the study to identify all the Wh-questions for analysis
This study is conducted under the descriptive and contrastive methods with a wide range of sources from printed publications, books and journal Data collection for English Wh-questions as examples to analyze in the study are chosen from a lot of English and Vietnamese grammar books, bilingual story “An Ideal Husband” Descriptive method is used to describe all the characteristics of Wh-questions for the study It is also used to demonstrate the characteristics of English Wh-questions and their Vietnamese equivalents in terms of structure and semantics
Contrastive method refers to the systematic study of a pair of languages with a view to identifying their structural and semantic similarities and differences Historically, it has been used to establish language genealogies During this study, the method aims at finding out the similarities and differences in terms of structures and semantics of WH-questions betwween the two languages The data to contrast was applied to English Wh-questions and their Vietnamese equivalents taken from the bilingual story “An Ideal Husband.”
In order to elicit well-founded data to make reliable conclusions, a survey and test are formulated with the help of the Wh-questions from the bilingual story “An Ideal Husband” The questions are collected in English and Vietnamese The
Copies for internal use only in Phenikaa University process of analysis of structures, semantics and discourse functions takes weeks because functions and contexts are so complex
Having finished the collection of data, examples are then qualitatively described, analyzed and illustrated in terms of structural and semantic features At the same time, they are compared with their Vietnamese equivalents under a process of statistical analysis to give answer to the objectives of the study
With the aim of achieving the set goal of the study, the main methods exploited in the study are the descriptive and contrastive The descriptive method is used to give complete and evident descriptions of both structural and semantic features of the English Wh-questions and their Vietnamese equivalents The contrastive method is used to identify similarities and differences of the Wh-questions between the two languages Other techniques such as analytical and statistical are also used to support the main methods in the study
The analysis of Wh-questions in English and Vietnamese selected for the study are in the form of written texts in the source provided They are analyzed in terms of structural and semantic features and then they must be taken into comparison and contrast so that the similarities and differences of Wh-questions between English and Vietnamese will be brought out The study has to look for answers to the following questions: i What are the structural characteristics of English Wh-questions? ii What are the semantic characteristics of English Wh-questions? iii What are the similarities and differences between English Wh-questions and their Vietnamese equivalents in “An Ideal Husband”?
This chapter is to describe the methodology of the study It also gives clear explanation of sample selection, description of procedure used in collecting data and explains the statistical procedures employed to analyzed the data Apart from major methods, some supporting techniques used in the study have been presented
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Vietnamese wh-questions often include question words like “ai, gì, nào, đâu, sao ” These words are placed in appropriate positions in the sentence depending on the speaker Below are the uses and some examples of interrogative pronouns used in Vietnamese wh-questions [10, p26-29] a) Used to ask about people and things, functioning as either the subject or the object Example:
• Ai đang đến kia? (Ai-subject)
• Anh đến chơi với ai tối hôm qua? (Ai-object)
• Chuyện gì xảy ra ở đây vậy? (Chuyện gì-subject)
• Anh đã gây ra chuyện gì? (Chuyện gì-object) b) Used to ask about the manner, nature, and characteristics of things: often combined with "gì" and "nào"
- "Gì" indicates the specific name of an individual thing or the type of objects Example:
• Bạn nuôi con gì vậy?
- “Nào” asks for information to identify or distinguish an object from a specific group Example:
• Anh cho đứa nào đi du học, con Lan hay thằng Hùng? c) "Mấy" and "bao nhiêu" are used to ask about quantity "Mấy" typically refers to quantities from one to ten, while "bao nhiêu" is used for larger quantities Example:
• Năm nay cháu lên mấy?
• Bác năm nay bao nhiêu tuổi rồi ạ? d) "Bao giờ," "lúc nào," "hồi nào" are used to ask about time When “bao giờ” comes before a verb, it indicates the future tense, but when it comes after a verb, it indicates the past tense Example:
• Anh về bao giờ? (indicate the past tense)
• Bao giờ anh về? (indicate the future tense) e) "Sao," "vì sao," "tại sao" ask about reasons, determining the cause of an event Example:
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• Sao anh lại đánh nó?
• Tại sao con lại bỏ cơm? f) "Đâu," "ở đâu," "chỗ nào," "đi đâu" ask about location or movement, typically placed at the end of a question Example:
• Hôm nay cô ấy ngồi chỗ nào nhỉ?
• Tôi biết đi đâu bây giờ?
3.2 The features of English wh-question and their Vietnamese equivalents
3.2.1 Wh-questions asking about things and action
"What" in English and "cái gì" in Vietnamese are interrogative words used to ask about things or the objects of actions
“What” can be placed in two position, as the subject or as the object of the sentence
In Vietnamese, "what" can be translated as "cái gì," "chuyện gì," "điều gì," etc., depending on the context
“What” is the subject Example:
• What can be done? (IH, p112)
Có thể làm gì được bây giờ?
• What is the matter with the family? (IH, p256)
Gia đình này có chuyện gì thế?
Unlike the position of "what" in English, interrogative words in Vietnamese can appear at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a question
“What” is the object Example:
• What did your man talk about? (IH, p24)
Thế còn người đàn ông dẫn bà vào thì nói chuyện về gì ?
• What do you know about my married life? (IH, p206) Ông có biết gì về đời sống vợ chồng của tôi không đã?
• What do you want then, Mrs Cheveley? (IH, p200)
Vậy thì bà cần gì , bà sêvêly?
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In English, when “what” serves as the object in the sentence, the equivalent interrogative words in Vietnamese often stand in the middle or at the end of a question
In terms of semantics, "what" in English often has the equivalent meaning of "cái gì" in Vietnamese in specific contexts However, there are some cases where "what" is translated to indicate a reason in Vietnamese, meaning "sao," "tại sao," or "làm sao."
• And now tell me, what makes you leave your brilliant Vienna for our gloomy London? (IH, p38)
Bây giờ, xin bà cho biết vì sao bà từ giã Viên chói lọi của bà để tới Luân Đôn u ám của chúng tôi?
• What is your objection to the hour? (IH, p172)
Anh không muốn nói chuyện bây giờ là vì sao ?
• Wonder what Lady Chiltern has got to say to me? (IH, p170)
Tại sao lại là Sinton phu nhân viết thư cho mình?
When asking about the manner of an action, "what" is sometimes translated into
Vietnamese as "thế nào" or "như thế nào." Example:
• What is your price for it? (IH, p200)
Bà đòi giá như thế nào ?
• What would those morden psychological novelists, of whom we hear so much, say to such a theory like that? (IH, p36)
Thế những nhà viết tiểu thuyết tâm lý thời nay, mà ta nghe thấy nói tới luôn, có ý kiến về lý thuyết này như thế nào ?
To conclude, regardless of the role "what" plays in a question, this interrogative word always appears at the beginning of the sentence In Vietnamese questions, however, it can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of the sentence, depending on the speaker's phrasing
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3.2.2 Wh-questions asking about alternatives
"What" is also used as part of a noun phrase in questions, functioning as a determiner Example:
• What gain would you get? (IH, p90)
Làm vậy thì anh được lợi gì nào?
• And what prizes did you get, Mrs Cheveley? (IH, p34)
Còn bà, thưa bà Sê-vê-ly, bà được thưởng về gì ?
"Which" is also used to ask about a specific choice in specific contexts In Vietnamese, interrogative particle “nào” often stands after the noun phrase to ask the equivalent of "which" in English Example:
• Which book do you want?
Anh muốn cuốn sách nào ?
• Which is Goring? Beautiful idiot or the other thing? (IH, p28)
Thế Goring thuộc loại nào ? loại ngu ngốc xinh đẹp hay loại kia?
3.2.3 Wh-questions asking about reason
The interrogative word "Why" in English questions corresponds to "vì sao," "tại sao," or "làm sao" in Vietnamese questions Similarly, "For what reason" or "For which" can be translated to "vì lí do gì" or "vì lí do nào" in Vietnamese They are used at the beginning of questions in both languages to ask about the reason for an action or event Example:
• Why do you ask? (IH, p46)
Tại sao ông lại hỏi tôi điều đó?
• Why did you wish to meet my husband, Mrs Chevely? (IH, p78)
Bà Sê-vê-ly, vì sao bà lại muốn gặp nhà tôi?
Besides the interrogative "why" in English, the expression "what for" is sometimes used to inquire about the reason or purpose of an action Example:
• What did she come here for? (IH, p84)
Bà ta lại đây có việc gì vậy?
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3.2.4 Wh-questions asking about location or direction of movement
The interrogative word "where" in English stands at the beginning of a question and is used to ask about the direction of movement, location, or place where an action or event occurs Its Vietnamese equivalents, "đâu," "ở đâu," "chỗ nào," and
"đi đâu," typically appear at the end of the sentence a) Asking about location: primarily positioned at the end of the sentence in Vietnamese questions Example:
Anh ấy đang ở đâu? b) Asking about movement: In English, "where" can also be used to ask about the direction of movement, meaning "đi đâu" in Vietnamese, when used with motion verbs or the verb "be" in some cases with accompanying particles (như thế, ư, chứ, đấy, etc.) Example:
Anh vừa đi đâu đấy?
In Vietnamese, there are also interrogative phrases like "đi đếch đâu" and "đi quái đâu" used in questions to express the speaker's anger Their English equivalents are "where the devil," "where the dickens," or "where the hell" Example:
• Where the hell have you gone?
Mày đi quái đâu vậy?
3.2.5 Wh-questions asking about time
The interrogative pronouns "When" and "What time" in English correspond to "khi nào," "bao giờ," and "vào lúc nào" in Vietnamese In English, they always appear at the beginning of a question, while in Vietnamese, they can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of the question Example:
• When could I have told her? (IH, p98)
• Phipps, when did this letter arrive? (IH, p170)
Anh Phíp, thư này tới lúc nào ?
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Particularly, “what time”, “at what time” are used to ask for more specific times in English, and can be translated as “mấy giờ” or “vào lúc mấy giờ” in Vietnamese Example:
• What time do you go to school every day?
Hàng ngày bạn đi học lúc mấy giờ ?
Futhermore, in Vietnamese, when the interrogative words "bao giờ" or "khi nào" are placed at the beginning of a sentence, they ask about the time for an action that has not yet occurred To convey this meaning in English, the verb is used in the future tense Conversely, if "bao giờ," "khi nào," or "hồi nào" are placed at the end of the question, the meaning shifts to inquire about an action or event that has already happened in the past Example:
When will you come back?
When did you come back?
In otherwords, In English, "when" remains at the beginning of the sentence without changing the question's meaning Conversely, in Vietnamese, shifting "bao giờ,"
"khi nào," or "hồi nào" to the end of the sentence changes the question's meaning
3.2.6 Wh-questions asking about person
The interrogative word “who” in English and “ai” in Vietnamese are used to ask about person They can function as the subject or object in both languages a) Functioning as a subject: In this role, the interrogative words "who" in English and "ai" in Vietnamese occupy equivalent positions Example:
• Who could have advised you to do such a foolish thing? (IH, p64)
Ai có thể khuyên bà làm một việc dại dột đến như vậy?
Ai đã kể cho bà nhà?
• Who brought Mrs.Cheveley here? (IH, p46)
Ai đưa bà Sêvely lại đây?
In Vietnamese, during communication, the interrogative word "ai" may be positioned at the end of the question Example:
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• Who is the teacher for this class?
Thầy giáo dạy lớp này là ai?
To express the speaker's attitude, some Vietnamese interrogative words, such as
"đứa nào," "kẻ nào," "thằng nào," and "thằng cha nào," can be used to show anger or contempt towards the person being mentioned in the question These are similar to "who" in English Example:
• Who the hell are you?
Mày là thằng nào ? b) Functioning as the object:
Through a thorough analysis and description of the structural and semantic features of wh-questions in English, the paper gives learners a deeper understanding of how to form and use these questions effectively Moreover, comparing and contrasting the structural and semantic features of this type of question in English and its Vietnamese equivalents taken from the story "An Ideal Husband" help to identify the similarities and differences of wh-questions in both languages
Firstly, both English and Vietnamese languages have their own set of interrogative words to ask about different aspects, such as identity, manner, reason, time, place, etc For example, in English, the wh-words (who, what, when, where, why, which, how) are used to form wh-questions, while in Vietnamese, the equivalent words are often composed of particles like ai (who), cái gì (what), khi nào (when), ở đâu (where), tại sao (why), cái nào (which), và như thế nào (how)
On the otherhand, English and Vietnamese wh-questions share many differences The first difference accounts for the position of wh-words, in English, question words are usually placed at the beginning of the question However, in Vietnamese, they can be positioned at the beginning, end, or middle of a sentence Changing the position of the question word can sometimes alter the meaning of the question There are some differences in the use of interrogative words in the two languages related to time and means of transportation And finally, Vietnamese frequently uses particles like "nhỉ, hả, sao, ư, ạ…" at the end of questions to express the speaker's relationship with the listener or their attitude English, in contrast, relies more on intonation and stress for this purpose
This study has emphasized the importance of understanding the differences in question structures and usage between English and Vietnamese For learners, recognizing these distinctions is crucial for achieving proficiency and accuracy in both languages This research provides valuable resources and insights that can enhance bilingual studies, particularly in language comparison and translation
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Firstly, understanding the use of wh-questions is essential for achieving proficiency in English
Secondly, for learners, knowing how to ask questions effectively in different communicative contexts is essential They should be aware of the differences between Vietnamese and English questions and employ various strategies for question asking
Thirdly, teachers must be well-trained in questioning techniques and thoroughly prepared for their lessons The questions for each lesson should be carefully designed in advance to enhance the learning experience
There should be further research on common mistakes in translating WH-questions from English to Vietnamese
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[1] Andriyani, E., Prof Dr Endang Fauziati, M.H and Muamaroh, Ph.D (1970) The acquisition of WH Question by EFL students’ learning English as a foreign language, UMS ETD-db Available at: (Accessed: 25 July 2024)
[2] Gửbbel, E and Breul, C (1970) Comparative and Contrastive Studies of Information Structure, Torrossa Available at: (Accessed: 25 July 2024)
[3] Bylykbashi, H., “Yes-no questions and wh-questions in English and Albanian spoken discourse: Focus on political debates”, World Journal of English Language, 13(8), p 412, 2023 doi:10.5430/wjel.v13n8p412
[4] Nguyen Dang Suu, Đặc điểm của câu hỏi tiếng Anh đối chiếu với tiếng
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[5] Le Dong, Ngữ nghĩa-ngữ dụng câu hỏi chính danh, Luận án PTS khoa học Ngữ văn, Hà Nội, 1996
[6] Crytal, David, A dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, sixth edition, Blackwell Publishers, 2008
[7] Ho Le, “Tìm hiểu nội dung câu hỏi và cách thức thể hiện hỏi trong tiếng Việt hiện đại”, Tạp chí Ngôn ngữ số 2, 1976
[8] Hoang Trong Phien, Ngữ pháp tiếng Việt - câu, Nxb Đại học và Trung học chuyên nghiệp, 1980
[9] Nordquist, R.,“The yes-no question in English”, 2021 Available at: (Accessed: 05 May 2024)
[10]“Intonation”, (No date) Available at:
[11] Bylykbashi, H., “Yes-no questions and wh-questions in English and Albanian spoken discourse: Focus on political debates”, World Journal of English
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[12] “Questions: Wh- questions”, (No date) Available at: questions (Accessed: 30 June 2024)
[13] Greenbaum, S & Quirk, R., A university of grammar London:
[14] Đinh Thị Ánh Tuyết, “Phân tích đối chiếu chuyển dịch câu hỏi chính danh Anh-Việt về mặt cấu trúc-ngữ nghĩa”, luận văn thạc sĩ ngôn ngữ học, Đại học quốc gia Hà Nội - Trường đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, 2010
[15] “Questions: Echo and checking questions”, (No date) Available at: and-checking-questions (Accessed: 30 June 2024)
[16] “Wh questions”, 2022 Available at: (Accessed:
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No Wh-question Page Vietnamese translation Page
1 What did your man talk about? 24 Thế còn người đàn ông dẫn bà vào thì nói chuyện về gì? 25
2 Why do you call Lord
Tại sao Huân tước lại gọi Nam tước Gô-rinh là người vô dụng?
3 How can you say such a thing? 26 Sao Huân tước lại có thể nói như vậy? 27
4 Into what? 28 Phát triển thành cái gì? 29
5 Which is Goring? 28 Thế thì Gô-rinh thuộc loại nào? 29
6 Dear Duchless, and how is the Duke? 30 Thưa Quận chúa, Quận công thế nào ạ? 31
7 How do you manage it? 30 Bà làm thế nào mà được như vậy? 31
But who is this charming person you have been kind enough to bring to us?
32 Nhưng con người đáng yêu mà bà mang đến đây cho chúng tôi là ai?
9 And what prizes did you get, Mrs Cheveley? 34 Còn bà, thưa bà Sê-vê-ly, bà được thưởng về gì? 35
What would those morden psychological novelists, of whom we hear so much, say to such a theory like that?
36 Thế những nhà viết tiểu thuyết tâm lý thời nay, mà ta nghe thấy nói tới luôn, có ý kiến về lý thuyết này như thế nào?
And now tell me, what makes you leave your brilliant Vienna for our gloomy London?
38 Bây giờ, xin bà cho biết vì sao bà từ giã Viên chói lọi của bà để tới Luân Đôn u ám của chúng tôi?
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12 Which do you find it? 40 Thế còn bà cho nó là thế nào? 41
13 Why do you ask? 46 Tại sao ông lại hỏi tôi điều đó? 47
14 Who brought Mrs.Cheveley here? 46 Ai đưa bà Sêvely lại đây? 47
15 What sort of a woman is she? 48 Thế bà ta là loại đàn bà như thế nào? 49
16 What else is there to live for, father? 50 Vậy theo ba, còn mục đích nào khác để sống? 51
Lord Goring says - what did you say, Lord Goring, about
56 Nam tước Gô-rinh đã bảo rằng à Nam tước Gô-rinh nói gì về bà Sê-vê-ly nhỉ?
18 Why are you talking about
Mrs Cheveley? 56 Tại sao các vị lại bàn tán về bà Sê-vê-ly? 57
19 How could I? 58 Làm sao tôi nói chuyện với cô cả buổi được? 59
Who could have advised you to do such a foolish thing?
Ai có thể khuyên bà làm một việc dại dột đến như vậy?
22 What do you mean? 68 Bà định nói gì? 69
23 What letter? 68 Bức thư nào? 69
25 My dear Sir Robert, what then? 70 Thưa ngài Rô-bớt, thì sao à? 71
26 And what is the result? 72 Và kết quả là gì? 73
And after all, Sir Robert, why should you sacrifice your entire future rather
72 Thưa ngài Rô-bớt, tại sao ngài lại nỡ hy sinh cả tương lai của ngài chứ không chịu
Copies for internal use only in Phenikaa University than deal diplomatically with your enemy? thỏa thuận về ngoại giao với kẻ địch của ngài?
28 Why did you wish to meet my husband, Mrs Chevely? 78 Bà Sê-vê-ly, vì sao bà lại muốn gặp nhà tôi? 79
29 Between whom? 80 Giữa ai với ai? 80
30 What is this? 82 Cái gì thế? 83
31 What are you doing? 82 Ông làm gì vậy? 83
32 What did she come here for? 84 Bà ta lại đây có việc gì vậy? 85
33 Why do you let her influence you? 86 Tại sao anh lại để cho bà ta tác động tới anh? 87
34 Who told you I intended to do so? 86 Ai bảo em rằng anh định ủng hộ? 87
What did she mean by boasting that she had got you to lend your support, your name, to a thing I have heard you describe as the most dishonest and fraudulent scheme there has ever been in political life?
Mà tại sao bà ta lại huyênh hoang rằng bà ta đã tranh thủ được việc đem tên anh ra ủng hộ một chuyện mà em đã từng nghe anh miêu tả như một kế hoạch bịp bợm ghê gớm nhất trong đời sống chính trị?
36 What gain would you get? 90 Làm vậy thì anh được lợi gì nào? 91
38 Why do you ask me such a question? 90 Tại sao em lại hỏi anh câu đó? 91
39 Why do you not answering it? 90 Tại sao anh không trả lời em? 91
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Robert, why do you talk so differently tonight from the way I have always heard you talk?
90 Anh Rô-bớt, tại sao tối nay anh nói không giống như mọi khi chút nào?
41 Why are you change? 90 Tại sao anh lại thay đổi như thế? 91
42 Why should it be? 90 Tại sao lại là cần thiết? 91
43 What is it, then? 92 Vậy thì là gì? 93
44 That's what? 92 Để mà sao? 93
45 What else is there to do? 94 Làm sao khác được! 95
But why did you say those dreadful things, things so unlike your real self?
94 Nhưng vừa rồi anh chẳng nói những chuyện ghê gớm, những chuyện không phải là anh đó sao?
47 When could I have told her? 98 Lúc nào mà nói? 99
48 When? 100 Nói vào lúc nào? 101
49 When we were engaged? 100 Lúc chúng tôi đính hôn với nhau đấy ư? 101
50 And, after all, whom did I wrong by what I did? 100 Nói cho cùng, tôi làm như vậy đã thiệt cho ai? 101
51 But what first make you think of doing such a thing? 104 Cái gì lúc đầu đã xui khiến ông làm như vậy? 105
52 Robert, how could you have sold yourself for money? 104 Ông Rô-bớt, làm sao mà trước đây ông lại có thể tự bán mình đi để lấy tiền?
53 But how did he do? 106 Nhưng ông ta đã làm như thế nào? 107
54 But tell me defenitely, how did the Baron finally finally 108
Nhưng ông xin nói cho tôi rõ làm thế nào mà kết cục ông Bá tước lại thuyết phục
Copies for internal use only in Phenikaa University persuade you to - well, to do what you did? được ông làm cái điều mà ông đã làm?
55 But what is to be done? 112 Nhưng làm gì bây giờ? 113
56 What can be done? 112 Có thể làm gì được bây giờ? 113
57 Why was it broken off? 114 Sao về sau lại không thành? 115
58 How can I defend myself against her? 114 Tại sao tôi có thể tự bảo vệ mình chống lại bà ta được? 115
59 But how? 116 Nhưng bằng cách nào? 117
60 Why do you say that? 119 Tại sao ông nói thế? 120
61 What sort of work? 122 Việc gì kia? 122
62 Why do you look at me so strangely, Lord Goring? 126
Tại sao ông lại nhìn tôi một cách kì cục như vậy, Nam tước Gô-rinh?
63 What will the other dandies say? 128 Ông bi quan như vậy, các vị quý tộc đài các sẽ nghĩ gì? 129
64 What do you mean by a foolish letter? 128 Một bức thư ngớ ngẩn nghĩa là sao? 129
65 And who is the most ornamental? 132 Thế còn ai là người trang trí đẹp nhất cho Luân Đôn? 133
66 What has poor Mr Trafford done this time? 134 Lúc này không hiểu ông
Tơ-rat-fot đã làm gì rồi 135
67 And what is Lord Goring? 140 Thế còn Nam tước Gô-rinh? 141
68 What sort of a brooch was it that you lost, Mrs Chevely? 142 Thưa bà Sê-vê-ly, bà mất cái trâm như nào? 143
69 What has my husband to do with you? 158 Chồng tôi không liên quan gì đến bà 159
70 How dare you class my husband with yourself? 158 Sao bà có thể xếp chồng tôi cùng hạng với bà? 159
71 How dare you threaten him or me? 158 Sao bà dám dọa tôi và chồng tôi? 159
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It is when we are wounded by our own hands, or by the hands of others, that love should come to cure us else what use is love at all?
Chính lúc chúng ta bị bàn tay của chính mình làm cho bị thương, hoặc bàn tay của người khác làm cho bị thương, là lúc tình yêu phải tới để chữa cho chúng ta, nếu không thì tình yêu còn có tác dụng gì?
73 Why do you place us on monstrous pedestals? 162
Tại sao lại cứ đặt các anh lên trên những bệ cao vời vợi?
74 Why can't you women love us, faults and all? 162
Tại sao đàn bà lại không thể yêu đàn ông các anh với tất cả lỗi lầm của người đàn ông?
75 Wonder what Lady Chiltern has got to say to me? 170 Tại sao lại là Sinton phu nhân viết thư cho mình? 171
76 Wonder what Gertrude is writing to him about? 170 Xem nào, Gotorut viết gì cho ông ta đây? 171
77 Phipps, when did this letter arrive? 170 Anh Phíp, thư này tới lúc nào? 171
78 What is your objection to the hour? 172 Anh không muốn nói chuyện bây giờ là vì sao? 173
79 Which is the most comfortable chair? 172 Đâu là cái ghế ngồi dễ chịu nhất? 173
80 Oh, why will parents always appear at the wrong time? 172 Ô, tại sao ba mẹ lại cứ tới không đúng lúc nhỉ? 173
81 Why don't you imitate him? 174 Tại sao anh không lấy ông ta làm gương? 175
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82 Why don't you take him for your model? 174 Tại sao anh không lấy ông ta làm gương? 175
83 Why did you tell me there was no draught, sir? 176 Tại sao anh lại nói với tôi là không có gió lùa? 177
84 What name, Madam? 180 Thưa bà, xin bà cho biết quý danh? 181
85 Who on earth writes to him on pink paper? 182
Ai mà lại viết thư cho ông ta bằng giấy màu hồng thế này?
86 Who told her? 186 Ai đã kể cho bà nhà? 187
87 How? 186 Làm sao mà đoán được? 187
88 Why should she not forgive? 192 Tại sao bà lại không tha thứ? 193
89 What is that? 194 Gì đấy? 195
If there is no one there, why should I not look in that room?
Nếu có một người nào thật thì tại sao tôi lại không được sang xem?
What explaination have you to give me for the presence of that woman here?
196 Ông giải thích làm sao sự có mặt của người đàn bà kia trong buồng này?
92 What reason can you have for refusing me? 196 Vì sao ông từ chối không cho tôi sang xem? 197
93 What have I to do with her intrigues with you? 198
Tôi có liên quan gì tới những mưu mô của mụ đó với ông?
94 May I ask what you were doing in my drawing-room? 198 Xin lỗi bà, bà làm gì trong phòng khách của tôi? 199
95 What is your price for it? 200 Bà đòi giá như thế nào? 201
96 What do you want then,
Mrs Cheveley? 200 Vậy thì bà cần gì, bà sêvely? 201
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97 Why don't you call me
Laura? 200 Tại sao ông không gọi tôi là
98 How did you guess that? 200 Ông thử đoán xem điều kiện gì? 201
99 What do you know about my married life? 206 Ông có biết gì về đời sống vợ chồng của tôi không đã? 207
101 Why do you put it on as a bracelet? 212 Tại sao ông lại đeo nó vào cổ tay tôi như vòng đeo tay? 213
102 When did you see it last? 212 Lần trước là bao giờ? 213
103 How do you know? 212 Tại sao ông biết? 213
104 What are you going to do? 216 Bây giờ ông định làm gì đây? 217
106 What does it say? 226 Thế bài báo đó nói gì? 227
107 What should it say, sir? 226 Còn nói gì nữa? 227
108 Why don't you try to do something useful in life? 228 Tại sao anh không thử làm một cái gì có ích cho đời? 229
109 Why don't you propose to that pretty Miss Chiltern? 228
Tại sao anh không ngỏ lời đề nghị với cô Sin-tơn xinh đẹp kia?
110 How do you do, Lord
Caversham? 230 Huân tước Ca-vơ-sam có mạnh khỏe không ạ? 231
What conceited ass has been impertinent enough to dare to propose to you before I had proposed to you
Con lừa từ đắc nào láo xược đến mức dám đề nghị với cô trước tôi?
112 Well, what use is it to her? 242 Sao, bức thư đó có ích gì cho mụ ta? 243
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113 But what construction could she put on it? 242 Nhưng chế biến thế nào được? 243
114 Why should she not have it? 242 Tại sao mụ ta lại cần bức thư đó? 243
115 Who is that? 242 Ai đó? 243
116 At what hour did this happen? 244 Lúc xẩy ra chuyện là mấy giờ? 245
117 Why don't you tell me what to do? 244 Tại sao ông không khuyên tôi nên làm như thế nào? 245
118 But how can I do that? 244 Nhưng tôi phải làm thế nào bây giờ? 245
Oh! You have saved his life; what have you done with mine?
246 ối, ông đã cứu đời anh ấy, bây giờ đời tôi, ông nghĩ sao?
120 Who is with him today? 246 Thế thì ai làm việc với ông nhà hôm nay? 247
121 How do I know? 246 Tôi biết thế nào được? 247
122 Why did you not add you love me? 248 Thế sao em không viết thêm là em yêu anh? 249
123 How did Arthur destroy my letter? 250
Làm thế nào mà ông Acto hủy được bức thư của anh đi
124 What is the matter with the family? 256 Gia đình này có chuyện gì thế? 257
125 What, sir? 258 Anh nói gì thế? 259
126 What about, sir? 258 Nói chuyện về gì? 259
Lady Chiltern, why are you playing Mrs Cheveley's cards?
Sin-tơn phu nhân, tại sao bè lại chơi con bài của bà Sê- vê-ly?
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