1.1Definition of dangerous goods “Dangerous goods are articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment and which are shown in the
Operator’s responsibilitiesThird party’s liabilityProvide capable staff for handling of dangerous goods;
− Provide appropriate and well maintained equipment for the storage and handling of dangerous goods;
− Store and handle the dangerous goods in separated areas if needed.
Carrier’s Liability− Acceptance or verification that the shipment of dangerous goods has been properly prepared;
− Provision of capable staff and appropriate equipment for transport and handling of the goods;
− Provision of the appropriate marks, signs to the vehicles, and documents;
− Storage, loading and unloading of the shipments;
− Inspection of the shipment during handling, for any leaks or damage;
− Reporting of any accidents/incidents, and corresponding emergency procedures;
− Training of all employees that may come into contact with dangerous goods;
Risk managementRisk management includes defining the human factors in the infrastructure, policies and procedures) and their potential consequences.
Learning ObjectivesAfter learning this chapter , the learners are able to:
- Recognize practical dangerous goods Regulations - Well- apply dangerous goods regulations in accordance with transport mode
About Dangerous Goods- Transport of dangerous goods needs to be regulated in order to prevent, as far as possible, accidents to persons or property and damage to the environment, the means of transport employed or to other goods
- Different regulations in every country and for different modes of transport, international trade in chemicals and dangerous products would be seriously impeded, if not made impossible and unsafe
- Dangerous goods are also subject to other kinds of regulations, e.g work safety regulations, consumer
In order to ensure consistency between all these regulatory systems, the United Nations has developed mechanisms for the harmonization of hazard classification criteria and hazard communication tools (GHS) as well as for transport conditions for all modes for transport (TDG).
UN- MODEL REGULATIONS- Developed by the United Nations Economic and Social Council's Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
- Prepared by the United Nations Economic and Social Council’s (ECOSOC) Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (CETDG),
- Published in 1956 Because of the colour of the cover, the publication is known also in business as “Orange book”.
- The UN Model Regulations provide a uniform set of safety procedures covering consignment and transport issues such as classification, identification, packing, marking and labelling, documentation, security and training.
- addressed to governments and to the international organisations concerned with safety in the transport of dg.
- Aim: to present a basic scheme of provisions that will allow the uniform development of national and international regulations governing the various modes for transport
Scope− The Model Regulations covers amongst other aspects:
− principles of classification and definition of classes;
− listing of the principal dangerous goods;
StructureThe UN Model Regulations consists of seven parts, two
appendices and an alphabetical index of substances andPacking and tank provisions 5 Consignment procedurescontainers (IBCs), large packaging, portable tanks, multiple-element gas containers
(MEGCs) and bulk containers 7 Provisions concerning transport operations
Dangerous goods list and limited quantities exceptionsAppendix A – List of generic and N.O.S proper shipping names Appendix B – Glossary of terms
Alphabetical index of substances and articles
REGULATIONSR EGULATIONSTechnical Instructions for the Safe of Dangerous Goods by AirRegulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material by IAEA
Technical Instructions for the Safe of Dangerous Goods by Air
MORE RESTRICTtransport of DG by airIATA DGR are recognized by ICAO as the field document for the transport of DG by air
files with ICAO and IATAICAO IATAas the field document for the transport of DG by air
Some States and Operators use their right to be more restrictive than the ICAO Technical Instructions The variations are files with ICAO and IATA
STATESDGR - APPLICABILITYUnlessDG in 2.6 ExceptedAN INTRODUCTION TO THE IMDG CODEThis provides a brief overview of the provisions for shipping dangerous goods by sea, as contained in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code.
• The IMDG Code, 2018 Edition (inc Amendment 39-18) comes into force on 1 January 2020 for two years and may be applied voluntarily as from 1 January 2019.
• The IMDG Code, 2016 Edition Amendment 38- 16 came into force on 1 January 2018 for two years.
• The IMDG Code Supplement, 2018 Edition renders obsolete the previous 2014 edition.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO)The IMO is a United Nations specialised agency which has developed international legislation dealing with two key issues for the maritime industry:
− The safety of life at sea
− Prevention of pollution from ships
- The key objectives are to: facilitate the free movement of dangerous goods
The International Maritime Organization (IMO)
- The IMDG Code is produced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO)-
- These are published in the UN ‘Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods’, known as the
‘Model Regulations’ because the document provides a framework of rules for the safe transport of dangerous goods by all modes – air, road and rail as well as sea.
SYSTEMThe purpose of the IMDG Code’s classification system is:
- To distinguish - To identify the dangers
- To ensure that these goods to be transported safely without risk to persons or property.
- The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code relates to the safe carriage of dangerous
PRINCIPLES OF THE IMDG CODE− The IMDG Code is based on an internationally agreed system:
− hazard warning labels and other identifying marks
− emergency response advice for dangerous goods
The International Maritime Organization (IMO)
− The IMO has developed two international conventions to address these issues:
− The SOLAS Convention (covering safety of life at sea)
− The MARPOL Convention (covering pollution prevention)
− To supplement the principles laid down in the SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions, the IMO developed the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code.
− The IMDG code contains detailed technical specifications to enable dangerous goods to be transported safely by sea.
− The IMDG Code became mandatory for adoption by
− The IMDG Code is updated every two years to take account of:
− New technology and methods of working
− Safety concerns which arise as a result of experience.
− Each version of the Code is given an Amendment number to signify how many times it has been updated
This number appears at the bottom of each page together with the year of the Amendment.
IMDG CODE REQUIREMENTLAYOUT OF THE IMDG CODEProvisions for the construction and testing of pressurereceptacles, aerosol dispensers, small receptacles containing gas (gas cartridges) and fuel cell cartridges containing liquefied flammable gas
Dangerous Goods List (DGL), SpecialProvisions Limited and Excepted Quantities Exceptions
Appendix A: List of Generic and N.O.S.
(Not Otherwise Specified) Proper Shipping Names
The supplement contains the following texts related to the Code- Emergency Response Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods
- Medical First Aid Guide - Reporting Procedures
- IMO/ILO/ECE Guidelines for Packing Cargo Transport Units
- Safe Use of Pesticides in Ships, Cargo Holds and CTUs (Cargo Transport Units)- International Code for the Carriage of
DANGEROUS GOODS BY ROADThe European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of DG by RoadCONTENTS− The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) was done at Geneva on 30 September 1957
− it entered into force on 29 January 1968
− The Agreement itself was amended by the Protocol amending article 14 (3) done at New York on 21 August 1975, which entered into force on 19 April 1985.
− The Agreement itself is short and simple
− Other dangerous goods may be carried internationally in road vehicles subject to compliance with:
− The conditions laid down in Annex A for the goods in question, their packaging and labelling; and
− The conditions laid down in Annex B for the construction, equipment and operation of the vehicle carrying the goods in question.
Annexes A and B have been regularly amended and updated since the entry into force of ADR Consequently to the amendments for entry into force on 1 January 2011, a revised consolidated version has been published as document ECE/TRANS/215, Vol I and II
Dangerous goods list, special provisions and exemptions related to limited and excepted quantities
Requirements for the construction and testing of packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), large packagings and tanks
Provisions concerning the conditions of carriage, loading, unloading and handling
Annex A: General provisions and provisions concerning dangerous articles and substances
Annex B: Provisions concerning transport equipment and transport operations
Requirements for vehicle crews, equipment, operation and documentation
Requirements concerning the construction and approval of vehicles
RID LAYOUTDangerous goods list,special provisions and exemptions related to DG packed in limited quantities
Packing and tankRequirements for the construction and testing ofList is divided into 20 columns11: on the left page - Column 12-20: On the right pageThe European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
INLAND WATERWAY TRANSPORTObjectiveThe learner should understand what the European agreement governing dangerous goods in Inland waterway transport is, its effective status and its application in general
- The ECE Inland Transport Committee produces the
European Provisions Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterway (ADN)and the Central Rhine Commission produces the
Regulations for the Carriage of Dangerous Substances on the Rhine (ADNR)The dangerous goods list, special provisions and exemptions related to Dangerous goods packedRequirements for the Construction and testing of packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBC), large packagings, tanks andInland waterway in the Rhine RiverCountries it flows through or borders
Austria, Germany, France and the Netherlands
– Table A: list of dangerous goods in UN numerical order
The DG list consists of 13 columns and for carriage of DG in dry cargo ships
– Table B: list of dangerous goods in alphabet orderThe unknown UN number can find through table B, the alphabet index
National legislations ObjectiveThe learner should understand what EN 12798 is about, and that apart from international agreement, national legislations form an important part of regulations in relations to dangerous goods transport
– EN 12798 (supplement to ISO 9000 series) – National legislations
EN 12798 is the European standard
– Specifies quality management system requirements,
Application of EN 12798: range of transport related services in compliance with this European
Key components include– Explosion and fire safety precautions– Transport safety of hazardous substances– Training of employees
INLAND WATERWAYSDANGEROUS GOODS CLASSIFICATION4.1 FlammableLiable to spontaneou4.3 Dangerous5.1 OxidizerCorrosive substancesEXPLOSIVE & ARTICLESis normally forbidden for carried by airSubstances and articles which have a mass explosion hazard This means that entire loadwould be affected virtually instantaneously, e.g blasting explosives, gunpowder, etc and articles containing these e.g grenades and artillery shells
Substances and articles which have a projection hazard but not a mass explosion hazard, e.gSubstances and articles which have a fire hazard and either a minor blast hazard or a minorprojection hazard or both, but not a mass explosion hazard.
Substances and articles which present no significant hazard Division 1.5 - Very insensitive substances which have a mass explosion hazardGASESDivision 2.1 – Flammable gases, e.g LPG, Acetylene
Non flammable, non-toxic gases, e.gUN 1017 CHLORINE,FLAMMABLE LIQUIDSFlammable liquids have a characteristic known as the flashpoint which is the lowest temperature at which the vapor coming off a flammable liquid can be ignited by a naked flame.
Packing Groups mean levels of danger, includingPackaging Group I Substances presenting high dangerPackaging Group II Substances presenting medium dangerPackaging Group III Substances presenting low danger
UN 1203 GASOLINE, 3, II 1294 TOLUENE, 3, II UN 3065 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, 3, IIIFLAMMABLE SOLIDS• Solids which, under conditions encountered in transport, are readily combustible
• Solids which, under conditions encountered in transport, may cause or contribute to fire through
UN 1944 MATCHES,SUBSTANCES LIABLE TO SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION• Pyrophoric Substances spontaneously ignite within 5 minutes of coming into contact with air, e.g white phosphorus and yellow phosphorus
• Self-heating substances only auto-ignite when stored for long periods of time (hours or days) in large amounts (kilograms), e.g
Carbon powder, charcoal and some vegetable fibers
UN 1363 COPRA, 4.2, III UN 1381 PHOSPHORUS, WHITEUN 1402 CALCIUM CARBIDE, 4.3, IIOXIDIZING SUBSTANCESThis class contains substances which, may not be combustible themselves but which may, generally by providing oxygen, cause or contribute to the combustion of other material.
UN 3105 ORGANIC PEROXIDETOXIC SUBSTANCESINFECTIOUS SUBSTANCESUN 3332 RADIOACTIVEUN 1830 SULPHURICsubstance mark▪ GHS labels only apply to hazardous chemicals (i.e, chemical substances or mixtures meeting GHS hazard classification criteria Dangerous goods labels not only apply to hazardous chemicals on dangerous goods list or meeting dangerous goods classification criteria, but also apply to articles (i.e, lithium batteries, airbags) belonging to dangerous goods.
▪ All hazardous chemicals require GHS labels, but not all hazardous chemicals (i.e, chemicals with only chronic health hazards) require dangerous goods labels There are some correlations between GHS hazard categories and dangerous goods categories More info can be found below.
▪ Correlations between TDG and GHS
• GHS uses 9 red diamond-shaped pictograms to represent various kinds of chemical hazards
IDENTIFYING DANGEROUS GOODSAll dangerous goods are uniquely identified for transport by UN Numbers and Proper Shipping Names (PSNs) In the example below we can that
‘Kerosene’ is classified as a flammable liquid (class 3); ‘KEROSENE’ is the recognised PSN; the UN Number for it is UN 1223
All dangerous goods are uniquely identified for transport by UN Numbers and Proper Shipping Names (PSNs) In the example below we can that
‘Kerosene’ is classified as a flammable liquid (class 3); ‘KEROSENE’ is the recognised PSN; the UN Number for it is UN 1223
All dangerous goods are uniquely identified for transport by UN Numbers and Proper Shipping Names (PSNs) In the example below we can that
‘Kerosene’ is classified as a flammable liquid (class 3); ‘KEROSENE’ is the recognised PSN; the UN Number for it is UN 1223
The following components of the PSN have been ignorednumerals Ex: 2- Bromopentane the single letters a-,b-, N-,…
E x: N- Butylaniline, n- Butylamine the prefix alpha-, beta-, meta-
Ex: 5-tert- Butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m- xylene the term n.o.s,
HOW TO USE LIST 4.2NameHazadPax and cargo aircraft Cargo a/ccod ePax and cargo aircraft Cargo a/c
PI MaxPI Max net qty/pk g
PI Max net qty/pkg
DichloromethaneEthyltrichlorosilane3CforbiddenIDENTIFICATIONIATA DGRUN No Proper Shipping Name Class or division
0004 AMMONIUM PICRATE dry or wetted with less than 10% water, by mass
0005 CARTRIDGES FOR WEAPONS with bursting charge
0006 CARTRIDGES FOR WEAPONS with bursting charge
0007 CARTRIDGES FOR WEAPONS with bursting charge 1.2F - - - None P130 - - -
0009 AMMUNITION, INCENDIARY with or without burster, expelling charge or propelling charge
0010 AMMUNITION, INCENDIARY with or without burster, expelling charge or propelling charge
DANGEROUS GOODS LIST- IMDGPortable tanks and bulk containers
EMS Stowage and segregation Properties and observations UN
Category 10 "Away from" explosives containing chlorates or perchlorates.
"Away from" lead and its compounds.
See glossary of terms in appendix B for
"CARTRIDGES FOR WEAPONS with bursting charge (1 )".
See glossary of terms in appendix B for
"CARTRIDGES FOR WEAPONS with bursting charge (2)".
See glossary of terms in appendix B for
"CARTRIDGES FOR WEAPONS with bursting charge (1 )".
See glossary of terms in appendix B for
"AMMUNITION, INCENDIARY with or without burster, expelling charge or propelling charge".
See glossary of terms in appendix B for
Packing InstRequirements on packaging of dangerous goods is one of the mostimportant prevetive safety measures within the regulations for safety transport of DG 2 Packing is shipper’s responsibilities
PACKAGING⏤ Packaging manufactures: must apply design and testing requirements
⏤ Shipper/ consignee: make sure of proper package and marks for transport
⏤ Freight forwarder and carrier: verify that correct packaging is used
- The cargo agent or the operator’s DG staff must ensure that the shipper has used the appropriate packing instructions and packaging.
- Types of packing - Construction and testing of Packaging - UN test and test report
- UN packaging mark - Sub-paragraph - Any external contamination on packagings must be removed prior to packages being placed in transport
General requirements (5.0.2)TYPES OF PACKAGING– Large packaging – Pressure receptacles – Unit load devices (ULDs) – Over-packs
LIMITED QUANTITY (DGR 2.7)are met;- Column H,J , L– The quantity limit of inner packaging– More restrictive packing group is required
COMBINATION PACKAGINGInner Packaging Net qty per inner
Total net quantity per package
OUTER PACKAGINGSOther metal Stee l Alum inum
Plastic Steel Alumi num wood Ply woo d
Inner Packaging Net qty per inner
Total net quantity per package
Plastic Steel Alumi num wood Ply woo d
Plastic Steel Alumi num wood Ply woo d
SINGLE PACKAGINGWhat is the Proper Shipping NameIsocyanate?What is the hazard class / division andcompatibility group for FUSE, safety?
Methyldichlorosilane have? The purpose of marking & labeling :
- Indicate that the packaging - Provide safe handling and stowage information;
- Indicate the nature of hazard(s)
The cargo agent, freight forwarder and operators’ acceptance staff must check and make sure the corrections
THE SHIPPER MUST– Check that the required marking in correct locations ; meet the quality and specification requirements of the regulations
– Ensure the specification markings are as specified.
– Remove or obliterate any irrelevant marking
– Ensure all required marking have been applied when presenting to the operator
TYPES OF MARKING: 2 types- the use of a particular packaging
- meet the Requirement for Packaging Use
Markings (7.1.5) - identify the design or specification of a packaging
- meet the Requirement for UN specification packaging Markings (6.0.4 to 6.0.7)
UN SPECIFICATION MARKINGUN Code for Fiberboard Box (4G) and variable inner- container material and configuration (V)
Packing Group tested and max gross mass (kg) Last two digits of the vear of manufacture
- Packaging manufactures: must apply design and testing requirements
- Shipper/ consignee: make sure of proper package and marks for transport
- Freight forwarder and carrier: verify that correct packaging is used
- The cargo agent or the operator’s DG staff must ensure that the shipper has used the appropriate packing instructions and packaging.
PACKING REQUIREMENTSRequirements on packaging ofis one of the most
important preventive safetyPacking is shipper’s- Types of packing - Construction and testing of Packaging - UN test and test report
- UN packaging mark - Sub-paragraph
- Any external contamination on packagings must be removed prior to packages being placed in transport
General requirementsPackaging test requirementsWhen packing the article(s) or substances, the shipper has to ensure that:
- Column H,J , L – The quantity limit of inner packaging – More restrictive packing group is required
A PACKAGEUN specification Packaging– Single packaging are not permitted
– Packing group I is not permitted.
– The gross weight of limited quantity
not exceed 30 kgs– Note any special provisions which may apply to the packing of item – Note to the maximum net quantity or maximum gross mass for each package;
The purpose of marking & labeling :
- Provide safe handling and stowage
information;- Indicate the nature of hazard(s)
The cargo agent, freight forwarder and operators’ acceptance staff must check and
make sure the correctionsGENERAL MARKINGSUBSTANCE, CATEGORY B”SPECIAL MARKINGDo not drop- handle with care”SUBSTANCE, CATEGORY B”In case all markings required by for all DG in the overpack are not clearly
visible, the overpack must be markedMARKING FOR OVERPACKAn overpack is an enclosure used by a single shipper to contain one ormore packages and to form one handling unit for convenience of handling and stowage Dangerous goods packages contained in the overpack must be properly packed, marked, labelled and in proper condition as required by the Regulations An Aircraff Unit Load Device is not an overpack See DGR, Appendix A for definitions.
✓ An identification mark is required on each overpack when the consignment contains two or more overpacks
✓ Where an overpack contains of more than one
UN number, the total quantity of DG should be shown by the UN number.
Specification packaging Markings Apply whenever UN specification packaging are used
Ex: Limited quantity packaging Marking
ACETIC ANHYDRIDE, UN 1715Incomex Saigon 15 Hoang Van Thu st., Phu Nhuan Dist., Hochiminh City VIETNAM
Cassidy Chemical PLC 8 Old Kent Road London E.C.1 England
IMDG CODE LABELSThe operator is responsible only for replacing labels which become detached or unidentifiable during transport
▪ The shipper is responsible for labeling a package or overpack containing dangerous goods (DGR 7.2.1)
▪ There are 2 types of labels :
▪ Required for most of the DG in all classes
Some articles and substances required subsidiary risk label as well as primary hazard label
LABELINGHandling LabelsThe labels in various rectangular shapes give information relating to handling and stowage of DG
HANDLING LABELS ( CONT ’ D )– Check that the required marking in correct locations ; meet the quality and specification requirements of the regulations
– Ensure the specification markings are as specified.
– Remove or obliterate any irrelevant marking
– Ensure all required marking have been applied when presenting to the operator
SPECIFICATION PACKAGING MARKINGUN SPECIFICATION MARKINGSAn overpack is an enclosureused by a single shipper to contain one or more packages and to form one handling unit for convenience of handling and stowage
Dangerous goods packages contained in the overpack must be properly packed, marked, labelled and in proper condition as required by the Regulations
✓ An identification mark is required on each overpack when the consignment contains two or more overpacks
✓ Where an overpack contains of more than one UN number, the total quantity of DG should be shown by the UN number.
In case all markings required by for all DG in the overpack are
not clearly visible, the overpackThe operator is responsible only for replacing labels which become detached or unidentifiable during transport
▪ The shipper is responsible for labeling a package or overpack containing dangerous goods (DGR 7.1.1)
▪ There are 2 types of labels :
HAZARD LABELS Required for most of the DG in all classes
Some articles and substances required subsidiary risk label as well as primary hazard label
LABELLINGThe labels in various rectangular shapes give information relating to handling and stowage of DG
MARKING & LABELLINGMARKING & LABELLING excepted quantity packageINTERNATIONAL KEMLER CODEKemler plate contains the UN number (bottom) and numerical hazard code (top)
LABELS AND PLACARD- ADR– Table C: list of dangerous goods accepted for carriage in tank vessels in UN numerical order
Consists of 20 columns and for carriage of DG in tank vessels in UN numerical order
HANDLING REQUIREMENTSEMERGENCY RESPONSESerious incidents and accidents 2 Undeclared and Mis- declared dangerous goodsmust be reported without delay to the appropriate authorities of the State of operator or of the State where this occurred emergency services.
classamp; contact with other cargo C G Explosives (accept onFire and minor blast hazard and/ or minor propulsive hazard
- Notify deparment Guard against fire 1.4B
Fire but no other significant hazards
Haz ardDangerous goods classFlammable gas Non- flammable gas Cryogenic liquid
Ignite when leaking High pressure cyclinder busting Sub -cooling
- Notify deparment Guard against fire - Evacuate goods- ventilate area -Keep away ≥ 25 m Toxic gas (acceptable on
High pressure cyclinder busting and toxic inhalation
3 Flammable liquid Give off flammable vapour - Notify department
Guard against fire Do NOT use water under any circumstances 4.1
Combustible contribute to fireIgnite in contact with air
DG EMERGENCY RESPONSE CHARTHazard class/ div Dangerous goods class
contact with other cargoIgnites combustible on contact React violently with other substance
Notify deparmentGuard against fire
Do NOT use watercat 2Radiation hazards and harm ful to health
8 Corrosive Hazardous to skin and metal -Notify deparment
Hazard class/ div Dangerous goods class
amp; contact with other cargo▪ Carbon dioxide solid (Dry ice)
Evolves small quantities of flammable gas
Causes sub-cooling/ suffocation Hazard not cover by other class
Airport authorities and operators must have established emergency procedures that incorporate provisions for the handling of spills of dangerous goods or other unidentified substances
The general emergency procedures to be followed comprise the following
Identify the substances involved by reference the documentation (DGD) or package markings
Isolate the package by removing the other packages or property.
Isolate the area and advise emergency services as per local procedures.
PROCEDURES FOR GROUND STAFFBAGGAGE HANDLINGIf the contaminating substance is found or suspected to be a substance classified asTRAINING REQUIREMENTTRAINING REQUIREMENTS− Recurrent training must be taken
− The training is required in accordance with table 1.5 A
− There are 3 elements of the training:
– Function or job specific training
− Who to be trained? a) be trained in the contents of dangerous goods requirements commensurate with their responsibilities.
− Employees shall be trained in accordance with b) before has not yet been provided, under the direct supervision of a trained person b) Individual such as those who classify dangerous good, pack; mark and label; prepare transport documents for dangerous goods; offer or accept for transport; carry or handle dangerous goods in transport;
− mark or placard or load or unload packages of dangerous goods into or from transport vehicles,
− but packaging or freight containers; or are otherwise directly involved in the transport of dangerous goods as determined by the
What to be trained?− General awareness/ familiarization training: a) Each person shall be trained in order to be familiar with the general provisions of dangerous goods transport requirements; b) Such training shall include a description of the classes
of dangerous goods; labelling, marking, placarding and packaging, segregation and compatibility requirements;a description of the purpose and content of the dangerous goods transport document; and a description of available emergency response
Safety trainingCommensurate with the risk of exposure in the event of a release and the function performed, each person shall be
trained ina) Methods and procedures for accidents avoidance, b) Available emergency response information and how to use it; c) classes of dangerous goods and how to prevent exposure to those hazards, d) Immediate procedures
− The training require by 1.3.2 shall be provided or verified upon employment in a position involving dangerous goods transport
− and shall be periodically supplemented with retraining as deemed appropriate by the competent authority.
as a minimumGeneral philosophy x x xStorage and loading procedures xa: Staff of Designated Postal Operators involved in accepting mail containing dangerous goods b : Staff of Designated Postal Operators involved in processing mail (other than dangerous goods) c: Staff of Designated Postal Operators involved in handling, storage and loading of mail
These TRAINING REQUIREMENTS highlight the need for all shore- based personnel involved in the shipment of dangerous goods to receive training commensurate with their responsibilities The IMDG Code defines shore-based personnel as those who:
Classify dangerous goods and identify PSNs 2 Pack dangerous goods3 Mark, label or placard dangerous goods4 Load/ unload CTUs (Cgo Transport Unit)5 Prepare transport documents for dangerous goods6 Offer dangerous goods for transport
Enforce, survey or inspect for compliance with applicable rules− In the 2002 edition of the IMDG Code, training was introduced for the first time
− The IMO Member Governments recognised that the safe transport of dangerous goods by sea is dependent upon the appreciation, by all persons involved, of the risks involved and on a detailed understanding of the IMDG Code requirements.
− The CHAPTER 5 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS became mandatory with Amendment 34-08.
DANGEROUS GOODS SAFE ADVISER (DGSA)A Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA) is a person certified to provide advice to undertakings whose activities include the consignment, carriage, or the related packing, loading, filling or unloading of dangerous goods, to monitor compliance with legal requirements and to ensure the preparation of an annual report
Who needs to appoint a DGSA?▪ Undertakings involved in the consignment or carriage of dangerous goods by road, and related activities, must appoint a vocationally qualified safety adviser or advisers
▪ A DGSA’s function is to advise you on health, safety and environmental matters in connection with the carriage of dangerous goods.
▪ The undertakings affected are those:
▪ Who consign dangerous goods for carriage which may include the packing, filling or loading the means of transport;
▪ Who are operators of road vehicles used for the carriage of dangerous goods;
▪ Who load/unload dangerous goods in transit to their final destination (including temporary storage), such as freight forwarders or warehouses - this category also covers undertakings at ports and airports that
DGSA service s▪ Persons or companies involved in the consignment or transport of dangerous goods who require the services of a DGSA who may be in a position to refer them to a qualified DGSA.
▪ Persons holding a current DGSA certificate from any Member State of the European Community may act for an undertaking in any other Member State for those classes of dangerous goods and transport modes covered by their certificate.
▪ The Health and Safety Authority does not publish a list of qualified Dangerous Goods Safety Advisers.
DOCUMENTATIONSHIPPER’S DANGEROUS GOODS DECLARATION 2 AIR WAYBILLFIATA SDT – Dangerous goods declaration If the freight forwarder is engaged in the carriage of dangerous goods, he must have a detailed classification of dangerous goods drawn up in accordance with the rules governing the carriage of dangerous goods by different means of transport.