Our research was conducted on students in Hanoi University HANU to figure out their habit in doing exercise or playing sport as well as suggest some possible recommendations.. We all hop
Vu Thi Thuy Thao
Nguyen Cam Nhung Nguyen Thi Dung Pham Thi Hanh Tran Thanh Ha
Tutorial: Tut 2 AC
: 1404010098 : 1404010056 : 1404010102 : 1404010086 : 1404010027 : 1304010025 : 1404010036 : 1404010116
Trang 2Nguyen Ha Trang
TABLE OF CONTENTS ADSTFACE on mm n mm HH HH eee seen BH i I IntrOdUCtON ‹ - con cm nọ mm n mu nH BH HH mm SH mm 1 Whee eee eee eee eee eee eee Research methodology
1 1.Population sampIÌ© «eo cuc nn mm nu nn mm mm mm 1 2.Questionnaire e©SÏQH «nh 1 3.SaImpIG SÏZ© can n mm n HH HH BH HH 2 4.Sampling method and data collection - - - 2 a Sampling method «cm nen mm 2 b Data COIIeCtÏON cm mm nu nh 3 5.Data DpFOC©SSÏNQ - - acc cm nn nến mm nu nn nu mm mm 3 6.Level Of SĨQnÏTÏiCaDCe cm nn nu nn mm n 3 III.Descriptive results and findingQS - - -.-.- «se 3 IV Hypothesis testÏnd - co cm mm nh mm nh nh m 8 1.Research QU€StÏONS - cm mm mm 8 2.ASSUmpÏOD - cm mm HH nnn HH HH HH 9 3.Data analÌVSÌS con mm n mm n ni HH BH mm 11 4.Hypothesis testing prOCedUrF© - «nen 11 V EValUatÏO' - con n mm n nnn HH HH BH SH HH BH 13 1.LimitatÏO' - co con nọ nọ n mm n HH HH HH HH BH 13 2.ImpliCatÏON - co cm mm mm nnn n nn mn nn H n nn H m H m 14 VI COnCIUSÏOn acc cm mm eee eens 15 VII RecommendatiOnS con cm n mm nh 15 Appendices
ADpDendix à - «on n nh HH HH BH SH HH BH 17 Appendix B - «on cm nn mm nn nu nn mm nh HH HH HH BH 19 ADppendix C - cm nn mm HH BH HH BH BI 21 Appendix D «on nen mm nn ni HH HH HH BH 22
Trang 4ABSTRACT Doing exercise has long been considered as a đispensable part in process of improving health which contributes to high-qualified physical and mental life of human beings Be aware of its importance to human especially students, we want to take into account the matter of doing exercise, playing sport and other related issues by implementing a research based on theories about statistics and its application Our research was conducted on students in Hanoi University (HANU) to figure out their habit in doing exercise or playing sport as well as suggest some possible recommendations We all hope that this research will make HANU students change their point of view about doing exercise and help teachers of physical education subject find out the way to encourage their students to spend more time on playing sports.
Trang 6I1 Introduction Entering the university campus, it can be seen that there are a large number of Hanoi University students taking part in different kinds of sport such as football, volleyball, basketball and “da cau” (another name is jianzi, a sport is derived from China and played by kicking a shuttlecock) Doing exercise and playing sports play an important role in creating quality of both physical and mental lives which are extremely vital for everyone particularly for university students As for HANU students, they are studying in stressful environment which requires them to have a good health and positive to overcome every single difficulty in study processffi hence, it is really essential for them to take part in one of sport activities to improve their health and relax their mind to get rid of negative thoughts Despite of benefits of doing exercise, there are still some students not doing exercise and playing sports for some reasons Thus, to have a better look about this matter, a project about HANU students’ habit of playing sports has been carried out Through this research, we wish to discover some interesting information about students’ favorite sports, the amount of time that they spend on playing sports, barriers preventing them from participating physical activities and impact of physical education course on that habit along with several suggestions To complete this project, a step-by-step process from designing, delivering, collecting, analyzing to reporting data was accomplished based on the application of theories in Statistics subject Precisely, theories that we use in our researcher are Descriptive Statistic (utilizing numerical and graphical methods to summarize the information and to present it in the form of graphs with SPSS software) and Inferential Statistics (using z-test for population proportion to test the hypotheses)
Il Research methodology 1.Population and sample
Trang 7Since the purpose of our project is studying HANU student's habit of playing sports, a population that we choose to make a research is all of now HANU students Of all HANU students, a random sample of 100 students is selected to carry out the project
2.Questionnaire design This project is carried out based on data collected by delivering questionnaire In this questionnaire, participants’ personal information (ID, name and email) is specified to
provide reliable data and there are totally 7 multiple-choice questions to get the whole picture about the amount of time students spend on playing sports accompanied by frequency, their attitude toward playing sports as well as impact of physical education class on this habit
Precisely, the first question was raised to discover about the sports that HANU students love to join in After that, students were asked about how often they played sports during a week with three options In the third one, 5 options about different interval of time were offered to indicate how much time students spend on taking part in sport activities or doing exercise Moreover, a variety of reasons answering for two questions about “the reason why student do and do not do exercise” were respectively given in the fourth and the fifth question The two last question were designed to get information about whether the students involved attended the class about theory of physical education or not and to make comparison between their doing exercise and playing sports before and after that course
3.Sample size After considering some factors that may affect our research outcomes such as the population size of all HANU students, unexpected results and the kind of test we were going to use, we determine to take a random sample size of 100 students in Hanoi
Trang 8University (nfil00) Because of the large number of Hanoi University students, we come to agreement that the sample size of 100 students is large enough to achieve the goal of our project
4.Sampling method and data collection a.Sampling method
A sample size of 100 HANU students was randomly selected However, there are many students asked have not studied physical education theory yet, for example FSD students, so we delivered the questionnaire to a greater proportion of 150 people to eliminate the answers which were not filled fully According to the statistical data of this survey, we took indiscriminately 100 and figured out 73 female students and 27 male ones Therefore, the method we applied for our statistics project was random sampling distribution of proportion
b Data collection The data used for this project was collected by using the traditional method of delivering questionnaires and collecting them on the spot
150 questionnaire papers were distributed in one day On Monday 7" December 2015, in the short break, 8 members in our group came to some classes to deliver questionnaires and collect directly Some participants completed questionnaire unenthusiastically for some reasons and there were also some students who did not fill their personal information (email, department, ID)
The randomly collection of the 100 respondents is presented in Appendix D and the table of organized data is provided at the end of the report in Appendix A and B
5 Data processing
Trang 9As soon as the delivery of the questionnaire had been finished, we assign task to each individual to record and classify the necessary statistics Each group member counts by hand the number of option or the proportion of frequency data in each of question, and then we gather all answers and calculate the percentage of each answer appearing in a question
6.Level of significance In our research project, the significance level of 0.05 is chosen III Descriptive results and findings
The first question was introduced to determine the sports that HANU students are fond of
What are you favorite sports? oO Swimming c Ping Pong c Basketball Gc Football Oo Shuttlecock kicking o Badminton co Others
Figure 1: The favorite sports of students in Hanoi University
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10
Trang 10Of 100 HANU students who were questioned: “What are your favorite sports?” approximately 45% of them chose badminton Swimming as well as basketball ranked the second and third position, at 27% and 22% It is noticeable point that only one- tenth respondents were big fan of football which is called “King sport”
To clarify the level of time which students play sports per week, we gave the second question: “How often do you play sports per week?”
o Usually Figure 2: Frequency in playing sports of students
As can be seen from this chart, the majority of students in Hanoi University asserted that they sometimes play sports every week By contrast, the proportion of students usually play sport and doing nothing have the same number (10%)
Question 3 is conducted to estimate the rate in which Hanoi University students spend on sports activities every day
Question 3: How much time do you spend on playing sports? Figure 3: The amount of time spent on playing sports per
day Never 29 From 15 minutes to 30 47
Trang 11
minutes From 30 minutes to 45 15 minutes
From 40 minutes to 60 6 minutes
More than 1 hour 3
In this table above, the majority of students who choose the option “from 15 minutes to 30 minutes” as their answer, making up 47% of HANU students Besides, the proportion of students having no time for playing sports which constitutes approximately one-third of all the students (29%) as opposed to just only 15% of students doing exercise for 30 minutes to 45 minutes) Furthermore, a tiny percentage of the learners in Hanoi University (6%) stated that 40 minutes to 60 minutes is the amount of time they spend on sports activities, followed by 3% of those who revealed that they usually play sports for more than 1 hour
In order to look into individuals’ desire about achievement of playing sports, the forth was presented:
Question 4: In your opinion, what are the reasons to play sports? 1 Improve quality of health L1 Keep fit
CJ Entertain and relax after class 1 Make friends After the data was assembled, we brought out the following chart to visualize the results:
Figure 4: Reasons for playing sports and doing exercise
Trang 1250 40 30 20 10
In the question 5, four major reasons that prevent HANU students from playing sports and doing exercise regularly are discussed
Question 5: In your opinion, what prevents you from playing sports? OC Laziness
DO) Problem about health (sickness, inborn diseases)
L] Lack of money to buy sport instruments
Trang 13DO Lack of awareness about the importance of playing sport Figure 5: The reasons prevent students from playing sports
oe S
From the bar chart, it can be clearly seen that the biggest barrier preventing students from playing sports is laziness This is highlighted by the fact that more than three- fourths of the students involved (78%) confirmed that they cannot play sports or do
exercise because of Besides, some students have other reasons They encountered a
few health problems such as sickness or inborn diseases as well as lack of money to purchase the necessary equipment or lack of awareness about the importance of sports which make up approximately equal proportion (around 12%) There is only 1% of the total 100 people asked claimed that they do not have time to enjoy sports due to part time job
We did designed the question 6 and 7 to discover students’ changes in students’ way of thinking about habit of doing exercise to improve health after the theory of physical
Trang 14L] No change L] Spend more time on playing sports L] Playing sports in appropriate way Figure 6: Intended for students' exercise habifs after taking in the course about theory of physical education
45% 40% 35% 30% 25% m No change
m Spend more time on play- 20% ing sports
Playing sports in appro-
10% 5% 0%
After analyzing the data, we figured out that there are 70% of students having attended this course In the number of students studied physical theory, some students want to improve their playing sports habit by spending more time on that activity, accounting for 28% and 37% of them have willingness to establish an appropriate way to do exercise One interesting point is that there are up to 42% of the respondents decided not to change attitude toward sports
IV Hypothesis testing 1 Research questions With a general view to check Hanoi University students’ playing sports habit, our group designs this following question to identify the evidence serving for testing:
“2 How often do you play sport per week?”
Al: Never
Trang 15A2: Sometime A3: Usually
“3 How much time do you spend on playing sports?” Al: Never
A2: From 15 to 30 minutes A3: From 30 to 45 minutes A4: From 45 to 60 minutes AS: More than an hour Based on the questionnaire designed and the data collected, we decided to use the method of testing the population proportion: sampling method Specially, the parameter of interest is the population proportion p, the estimator of this parameter is the sample proportion p
Firstly, we test A3 in question 2 to determine whether more than 30% students choose “usually”, means that they usually play sport
And secondly, we test A2 in question 3 to determine whether more than 20% students choose “From 15 to 30 minutes” they spend on playing sports every day
2 Assumption ¢ Population follows binominal distribution ( variable is the number of student “usually” play sports in the random sample of 100 students)
© The sample proportion p is approximately normally distributed, with mean p = 0.201 in the first case, p = 0.2 in the second case and the large sample size n = 100, we
have: Case 1:
p*n=0.201 *100=20.1(45)
We have nx|1—p]=100*|1—0.201]=79.9(¿5)
Therefore, the sampling distribution of sample distribution is approximately normal
Trang 16Figure 7: Sampling distribution of sample proportion for question 2