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[LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ] classroom management, motivation and academic performance: the perspective of students in business english classes at Ba Ria - Vung Tau University

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Ba Ria – Vung Tau, September 2023

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Major: MTESOL Code: 8140111



Ba Ria – Vung Tau, September 2023

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I hereby declare that all information and content provided in this thesis is accurate and presented in a truthful and objective manner I have not copied or used any content from other sources without proper citation All reference materials have been listed fully and accurately I declare that this thesis is a product of my own effort and has complied with the regulations and procedures for conducting scientific research

Signature of Student: Full Name of Student:NGUYEN THI PHUONG ANH

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In the process of conducting this thesis, I have received many valuable support and assistance I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those who have supported me during the time I worked on this thesis

Firstly, I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr Nguyen Xuan Hong, my supervisor, who has guided and encouraged me throughout my research journey, helping me to overcome difficulties and complete my thesis successfully I am incredibly grateful for the valuable knowledge and experience that he has imparted to me

I would also like to thank the faculty members from the Faculty of Foreign Languages – Social Science, the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Human Resource Development, who have provided favorable conditions for me to complete my thesis

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my family, friends, and loved ones who have always supported and encouraged me throughout my academic and research journey

I hope that this thesis will contribute benefits to improving knowledge and practice in the field of education

Thank you very much!

Signature of Student:

Full Name of Student: NGUYEN THI PHUONG ANH

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2.2.1 Teacher behavioral control 11

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2.2.2 Teacher care 12

2.2.3 The roles of teacher care and behavioral control in classroom management 12




2.5.1 Some previous studies 14

2.5.2 Evaluation of previous studies 21


2.6.1 Classroom management and academic performance 25

2.6.2 Classroom management and motivation to learn 26

2.6.3 Motivation to learn and academic performance 27

2.6.4 The mediating role of motivation to learn between classroom management and academic performance 27

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4.2.1 Testing the reliability of the components using Cronbach's alpha coefficient 39

4.2.2 Testing the convergent and discriminant validity of the components in the model 41

4.2.3 Testing the Discriminant validity Fornel Lacker criterison 42


4.3.1 Direct effect testing 43

4.3.2 Indirect effect testing 45

5.2.1 Managerial implications of teacher behavioral control 50

5.2.2 Managerial implications of teacher care 53

5.2.3 Managerial implications of Motivation to learn 57




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Table 2 1 Compilation of previous studies 21

Table 3.1 Items of teacher behavioral control 33

Table 3.2 Items of teacher care 34

Table 3.3 Items of motivation to learn 35

Table 3.4 Items of academic performance in Business English 36

Table 4.1 Characteristics of the study sample 39

Table 4.2 Construct reliability and validity 39

Table 4.3 Outer loadings 41

Table 4.4 Discriminant validity Fornel Lacker criterison 42

Table 4.5 Path coefficients 44

Table 4.6 Indirect path coefficients 45

Table 5.1 Descriptive statistics of teacher behavioral control 50

Table 5 2 Descriptive statistics of teacher care 53

Table 5 3 Descriptive statistics motivation to learn 57

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Figure 2.1 Conceptual model 15

Figure 2.2 Research model 15

Figure 2.3 Proposed research model 28

Figure 3.1 Research process 31

Figure 4.1 PLS-SEM results 44

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This study applied self-determination theory to understand the roles of teacher’s behavioral control and care in student learning outcomes The research explored the relationship between components of classroom management and academic performance via the mediating role of motivation to learn of students in Business English classes at Ba Ria - Vung Tau University By applying qualitative research combined with quantitative research (mixed method), this research tested the relationship between classroom management (teacher behavioral control, teacher care), motivation to learn and academic performance The research results indicated that teacher behavioral control and teacher care have positive relationships with motivation to learn and academic performance; motivation to learn is positively related to academic performance In addition, motivation to learn plays a partial mediator role between classroom management and academic performance Finally, the study proposed some implications for administrators and teachers in improving classroom management to increase the motivation to learn and the academic performance of students in Business English classes at Ba Ria - Vung Tau University

Keywords: Classroom management, motivation to learn, academic performance

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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reasons for choosing the topic

Classroom management is an essential factor in creating motivation and improving learning outcomes for students Managing a classroom effectively can create a positive learning environment and meet students' learning needs in various ways Firstly, classroom management can minimize distractions and help students focus on learning Marzano et al (2003) stated that effective classroom management can significantly reduce disruptions in teaching and learning, increase concentration and achieve better learning outcomes Secondly, classroom management can also help create a safe and comfortable learning environment

creating a positive learning environment, encouraging interaction between students and teachers, boosting students' confidence, and reducing their stress Thirdly, classroom management can motivate students in their learning tasks Wang and

active student engagement, enhance their interest and motivation to learn

Therefore, it can be concluded that classroom management is a vital factor in creating motivation and increasing academic performance for students By supporting a safe, comfortable, and positive learning environment, classroom management can increase concentration and motivate students to learn better

From the student's point of view, academic performance is one of the key criteria for finding good job opportunities after graduation Many businesses evaluate students' abilities, attitudes and skills based on their academic performances Students with good academic results often have a better sense of learning, such as attending classes fully and having higher self-discipline than others

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Several researchers have discovered the factors that influence academic performance The academic performance of students is influenced by factors such as Facebook usage and socialization (Ainin et al., 2015) Ainin et al (2015)

proposed that high Facebook usage, social acceptance, and acculturation have a positive effect on academic performance Nie and Lau (2009) stated that teacher care and behavioral control in classroom management are positively related to student engagement Care is a significant positive predictor of satisfaction with school On the other hand, Martin and Baldwin (1993) classified teacher's classroom management into three categories: interventionist, noninterventionist and interactionist Djigic and Stojiljkovic (2011), based on the classification of Martin

management styles, satisfaction with classroom climate, and student’s school achievement The findings showed that teachers and students are the most satisfied with the classroom climate which is created by teacher-interactionist Students’ achievements were at their highest when the teachers practiced interactionist style and at their lowest when the teachers were interventionists Sun (2021) proposed that teacher caring behavior and teacher praise affect students’ engagement in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classrooms LePine et al (2004) have shown the relationship between challenge, hindrance stress and academic performance via the mediating role of exhaustion and motivation to learn

The above review shows that student’s academic performance is explained by many factors such as Facebook usage and socialization (Ainin et al., 2015); care and behavioral control in classroom management (Nie & Lau, 2009); teachers’ classroom management styles (Djigic & Stojiljkovic, 2011) However, there are limited studies examining the relationship between classroom management and academic performance via the mediating role of motivation to learn of students The higher the students' motivation, the greater their academic performance (LePine et

academic performance has not been widely tested

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Ba Ria - Vung Tau University (BVU) is a private university located in Ba Ria - Vung Tau province The university was founded in 2006 with specialized departments, including Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, and Faculty of Foreign Languages – Social Science BVU offers various training programs, including undergraduate programs in different majors, as well as postgraduate programs The university has a modern and positive learning environment with well-equipped laboratories and facilities In addition, there are many extracurricular activities and student clubs available for students to participate in and develop their personal skills BVU has also contributed significantly to the local community and economy by providing research and training services to local organizations and businesses

The Faculty of Foreign Languages – Social Science at BVU provides English language training programs and other training programs The faculty has a qualified and experienced team of teachers who regularly update their knowledge in their field However, according to some student evaluations, the Faculty of Foreign Languages – Social Science still faces some issues related to classroom management, student motivation, and academic results In terms of classroom management, some students believe that it cannot create an effective and positive learning environment for students, leading to many students feeling bored and uninterested in the learning process Regarding student motivation and academic results, some students in the Faculty of Foreign Languages – Social Science have low motivation, resulting in unsatisfactory academic performance For example, for students of Business English classes at BVU, academic results are not high, with average scores ranging from 5.5 to 8.5 with a standard deviation of 3 (Report of the Department of Education, 2022-2023) Students in this major often work part-time on weekends since BVU is located in the center of Vung Tau city, where there are many job opportunities for students Therefore, student learning outcome is often influenced by many factors, such as part-time jobs or individual learning attitudes In summary, although the Faculty of Foreign Languages – Social Science at BVU

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has many advantages in terms of faculty and training programs, there is a need to continue improving issues related to classroom management, student motivation, and academic performance to meet the needs of students and the community

The results of the interview with three Business English students at BVU are as follows:

S1: “In my opinion, classroom management is a crucial factor in ensuring a

positive learning environment for students at BVU Proper classroom management can help teachers minimize classroom problems and conflicts, enhance student focus, and create a safe and comfortable learning environment.”

S2: “Motivation to learn is crucial in ensuring that students achieve good academic results and personal development Teachers need to employ teaching methods that are dynamic and engaging to deliver knowledge effectively Additionally, encouraging students to participate in extracurricular activities is important to provide opportunities for students to display their talents and develop soft skills.”

S3: “The academic performance of students at BVU is influenced by various factors, including time management, focus, and dedication to learning To achieve good academic results, students need to have a clear study plan, set goals, and focus on completing their academic tasks In addition, teachers play a significant role in providing accurate and fair assessment methods to evaluate students' learning effectiveness.”

Based on personal interview results, it is evident that classroom management, motivation to learn, and academic performance are all crucial factors in ensuring a positive learning environment and achieving good academic results for students at BVU Teachers need to have effective teaching plans and methods to support students in achieving their learning goals

Furthermore, the author conducted a quick interview to have the opinions of two teachers and the results are presented as follows:

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T1: “Teacher care refers to the concern and support that teachers provide to

students during the learning process When teachers show care towards their students and create an environment where students feel loved and supported, it can increase students' motivation to learn Additionally, when teachers show care towards their students, students tend to increase their focus and diligence in their studies, which can contribute to improving their academic performance.”

T2: “Teacher behavioral control refers to the control of student behavior in

the classroom If the teacher applies rules and monitors student behavior fairly and effectively, students tend to be more focused and achieve better academic results However, if the teacher applies too much behavior control, students may feel restricted and lack motivation to learn.”

In summary, both teacher care and teacher behavioral control have impacts on students' motivation to learn and academic performance Teachers need to apply appropriate teaching methods and regulations to ensure care and support for students, while also implementing fair and effective behavioral control When demonstrated correctly, teacher care and teacher behavioral control can contribute to enhancing students' motivation to learn and academic performance

Based on the theoretical and practical aspects and in order to address the research gaps above, the author decided to conduct research to examine the relationship between classroom management, motivation to learn, and academic performance of students in Business English classes at BVU

1.2 Aims of the study

1.2.1 General objective of the study

The study is conducted to test the relationship between classroom management, motivation to learn and academic performance of students in Business English classes at BVU From the test results, the study proposes implications for improving teacher’s classroom management to increase the motivation and academic performance of students

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1.2.2 Specific objectives of the study

In order to achieve the general objective, the study needs to get the following specific objectives:

1 Identify the measurement components of classroom management in Business English classes at BVU

2 Determine the relationship between classroom management and academic performance through the mediating role of motivation to learn of students in Business English classes at BVU

3 Suggest some implications to improve classroom management to increase the motivation and academic performance of students in Business English classes at BVU

Question 3: What should administrators and teachers do to improve classroom management to increase students’ motivation and academic performance in Business English classes at BVU?

1.4 Site and subjects for the research

The Faculty of Foreign Languages – Social Science of BVU is the research space In this study, we use the convenience sampling method Therefore, this research space is chosen due to the convenience of surveying research data

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The survey subjects are students majoring in Business English at the Faculty of Foreign Languages – Social Science and have studied Business English classes The characteristics of the survey subjects are classified according to gender and year of study In this study, the assessment of classroom management, motivation to learn and academic performance is mainly based on students’ perspectives

1.5 Theoretical and practical significance of the study

1.5.1 Theoretical significance

The study examines the relationship between the components of classroom management (teacher care and teacher behavioral control), motivation to learn and academic performance, which has not been extensively tested in previous studies

Moreover, the study also shows the mechanism and the intermediary role of motivation to learn between teacher care, teacher behavioral control in classroom management, and academic performance

It also serves as a reference for further research related to the study’s topic 1.5.2 Practical significance

The study on classroom management, learning motivation, and academic performance has practical significance for teachers, students, and administrators of the Faculty of Foreign Languages – Social Science and BVU

This study helps teachers improve their classroom management skills, ensuring a positive and effective learning environment for students Additionally, this study helps teachers better understand students’ learning motivation and determine effective ways to promote motivation in their teaching process Thus, it can help teachers improve their teaching methods and enhance the quality of education

This study helps students understand the importance of a good learning environment and motivation during their learning process The results of this study support students in gaining a better learning experience and achieving better

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academic results Additionally, it helps students understand how to manage their time and create motivation for themselves to achieve their learning goals

For administrators of the Faculty of Foreign Languages – Social Science and BVU, this study helps them make reasonable strategic decisions in managing and improving the quality of education in classes The results of this study can help administrators better understand students’ learning needs and provide solutions to enhance classroom management and students’ learning motivation

Chapter 2: Literature review and research model

This chapter provides an overview of the relevant literature related to the research topic and presents a research model to address the research questions

Chapter 3: Methodology

This chapter proposes the research methodology used, including data collection methods, data analysis methods, and the tools used

Chapter 4: Results and Discussions

This chapter presents and discusses the research results First, research figures, charts, and data tables are analyzed and presented according to the research model Then, the results of the research are discussed in detail

Chapter 5: Conclusion and managerial implications

In this chapter, the author summarizes research findings, draws conclusions, evaluates the significance of the research, and proposes future research directions

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Additionally, the author discusses the implications and applications of the research for practice

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This study adopts a self-determination perspective to examine classroom management and highlights several benefits of this approach Firstly, it resolves empirical and conceptual confusion surrounding the control construct in classroom management literature by clarifying the differences between behavioral control and external control Furthermore, it provides a reasonable explanation for why behavioral control does not undermine an individual’s sense of autonomy, as previously suggested by (Deci, 2008) Secondly, the self-determination theory offers a psychological explanation for the positive effects of teacher care on students’ needs satisfaction Lastly, self-determination theory emphasizes the significance of expanding classroom management’s traditional function (i.e., the reduction of misbehavior) to include other crucial indicators of effectiveness, such as engagement and psychological well-being This theoretical lens allows

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researchers and teachers to view classroom management from an adaptive motivational and positive psychology perspective

2.2 Classroom management and its components

Classroom management encompasses the creation of a secure and stimulating learning environment through the teacher's personality, abilities, and professional conduct, which encompasses all of their professional roles, as well as the processes and outcomes that occur within a group of students Numerous studies have explored the various factors that influence students' academic achievement

Wang et al (1993) pointed out that, among 228 variables, classroom management has the most direct impact on students’ achievements

Classroom management involves many aspects, including the control of the classroom's layout, activities, materials, and labor as well as the management of students' behavior This concept is connected to a variety of teacher-led activities in the classroom, including setting up the physical environment, defining and implementing rules, monitoring student behavior, dealing with disruptive behavior, encouraging student ownership of their learning, and designing lessons to help students focus on their tasks (Watkins & Wagner, 2000)

2.2.1 Teacher behavioral control

The definition and operationalization of teacher control involve their efforts to prevent, decrease, and remedy misbehavior while promoting positive behavior This operationalization pertains to behavioral control rather than external control since it seeks to regulate student behavior through rules and expectations to establish a well-organized environment Behavioral control is associated with adherence to social norms and expectations In the educational psychology and self-determination literature, a contextual variable closely related to the concept of behavioral control is structure, which pertains to information about expectations, guidelines, contingencies, or limitations that exist and function within a given social setting (Deci, 2008) The term “behavioral control” is frequently used in classroom

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management contexts Deci (2008) claimed that given how they are described in self-determination theory, behavioral control is more similar to the notion of structure than the concept of external control because both behavioral control and structure are concerned with establishing consistent rules and expectations

2.2.2 Teacher care

Teachers’ care, warmth, support, and involvement are highlighted in the classroom management (Jones & Jones, 2004), developmental (Steinberg et al., 1995) and educational psychology literature (Furrer & Skinner, 2003) The meanings and measures of these concepts often overlap with others For example,

Diamond et al (2005) defined teacher care as the child’s perceived care, warmth, understanding, and affection Chang (2003) used the term teacher warmth to refer to the qualities of a teacher who cares about, listens to, likes, respects, and understands his/her students Midgley et al (1989) defined teacher support as students’ perceptions of their teachers’ care, friendliness, and fairness Self-determination theorists used the term involvement to refer to teachers’ interest in, emotional support for, and affection toward their students (Skinner & Belmont, 1993) From the self-determination perspective, teacher involvement leads to positive student outcomes because it satisfies students’ basic needs for relatedness (Deci & Ryan, 2000)

2.2.3 The roles of teacher care and behavioral control in classroom management In the classroom management literature, there is increasing consensus among researchers that teacher care and behavioral control are not mutually conflicting practices Hence, it is advisable to blend care and behavioral control in classroom management (Darling-Hammond et al., 1996) The idea of blending care and behavioral control is based on the assumption that care and behavioral control have specific pathways in relation to different student outcomes, which are vital concerns in classroom management

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2.3 Motivation to learn

Motivation to learn has been defined as the direction, intensity, and persistence of learning-directed behavior and has been found to be positively related to academic performance in a recent meta-analysis (Colquitt et al., 2000)

The motivation to learn is the power or drive to study, explore, discover and solve problems during the learning process (Deci & Ryan, 2000) Learning motivation is a combination of internal and external factors, including desire, curiosity, confidence, attention, positive feedback, sense of control, and pride in learning (Schunk & Zimmerman, 1997) Learning motivation is defined as the combination of two factors: the value of learning and the hope for success (Pintrich, 2003)

Anderman and Anderman (2020) have pointed out that learning motivation in students can be improved through training programs for teachers and students on how to create a more positive and motivational learning environment Assor et al

independence and autonomy for students Reeve and Jang (2006) have demonstrated that factors such as social support, sense of control, and empathy can affect students' learning motivation

2.4 Academic performance

Academic performance usually appears in research in education and educational psychology Two main approaches offer different visions of academic performance Approaching a specific goal is the most common method to assess academic performance, but avoiding adverse outcomes offers an alternative (Valle et al., 2009) Academic performance is the progress of students or learners in the process of learning, evaluated through tests, assignments, projects, or other quantitative criteria This definition is widely used in education systems worldwide, where academic performance is assessed and measured by quantitative criteria

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Elliot and Dweck (2005) have defined academic performance as a process of developing the abilities and skills of students or learners, evaluated based on achievements in academic fields or extracurricular activities In the study of Eccles

goals, including both quantitative and qualitative academic achievements, as well as soft skills developed in the process of learning

2.5 Previous related research

2.5.1 Some previous studies

In a study conducted by LePine et al (2004) involving 696 learners, it was observed that stress resulting from challenges in the learning environment is positively associated with learning performance, while stress resulting from hindrances in the learning environment has a negative relationship with learning performance The study also found evidence suggesting that these stress-learning performance relationships are partially mediated by exhaustion and motivation to learn Both types of stress are positively linked to exhaustion, which in turn is negatively associated with learning performance Hindrance stress is negatively related to motivation to learn, while challenge stress is positively related to motivation to learn Furthermore, motivation to learn is positively associated with learning performance Some possible implications for theory and practice were also discussed in the study

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Figure 2.1 Conceptual model

Source: LePine et al (2004)

Ainin et al (2015) examined the impact of Facebook usage on students' academic performance In addition, they also analyzed whether socialization influences Facebook usage Empirical data was collected from 1,165 Malaysian university students using a questionnaire survey It was found that the construct socially accepts influences of Facebook usage, while acculturation does not have any meaningful relationship with usage The results also illustrated that there is a positive relationship between students' academic performance and Facebook usage, i.e., the higher the usage, the better they perceived and performed

Figure 2.2 Research model

Source: Ainin et al (2015)

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George et al (2017) carried out a study to investigate effective classroom management and students’ academic performance in secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area The survey design was adopted for the study In the population of 2,044 senior secondary students, a sample of 200 students was selected from 5 public secondary schools in 4 clans within the study area A self-developed questionnaire was used to elicit data from respondents The result of this study concluded that students in the public secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area differ significantly in terms of academic performance based on verbal instruction, corporal punishment, instructional supervision, and delegation of authority to learners It recommended that teachers should be skilled in classroom management so as to influence students’ academic performance positively

teachers' management proficiency and students' academic performance in social studies at the junior secondary school level in Lagos state The study utilized a self-developed questionnaire and randomly selected 100 respondents, including both students and teachers, as the study population The findings indicated that the teacher's level of experience is a crucial determinant of students' academic performance Furthermore, well-managed classes are more likely to perform better than poorly managed ones because students may lack concentration in the latter As a result, the study recommended regular workshops and seminars for teachers to enhance their management proficiency

3,196 students in grade 9 from 117 classes in Singapore to examine the differential associations of classroom management practices, such as care and behavioral control, with students' engagement, misbehavior, and satisfaction with school The results indicated that both care and behavioral control are positively related to student engagement Behavioral control is also a significant negative predictor of classroom misbehavior, while care is a significant positive predictor of satisfaction

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with school These findings highlighted the significance of combining care and behavioral control to attain multiple objectives of classroom management

procedures in enhancing students' learning Classroom management involves organizing and directing classes to achieve specific objectives, and it is the teacher's responsibility to maintain a positive learning environment in the classroom A well-managed classroom provides a conducive environment for effective teaching and learning The primary objective of this quantitative study was to explore the relationship between classroom management strategies and students' academic performance The survey method was used to collect data from a sample of 370 teachers selected from all male and female public colleges in Lahore A five-point Likert scale was used to collect data The study's major finding revealed a positive relationship between teachers' classroom management strategies and students' academic performance Another finding indicated a positive relationship between the teaching methods used and students' achievement

management, including class control and classroom discipline, and academic performance among secondary school students in Ekiti State, Nigeria The study population included all 87,336 secondary school students and 7,538 teachers in 203 secondary schools in the state The sample for the study comprised 720 students selected from 24 public secondary schools The study findings revealed that the levels of classroom management and students' academic performance in secondary schools in Ekiti State are moderate The results also indicated a significant positive relationship between classroom management and students' academic performance Specifically, class control and classroom discipline were found to be positively related to students' academic performance The study recommended that routine inspection of teachers for effective teaching and learning should be encouraged, and appropriate class control measures should be adopted by teachers in secondary schools to enhance students' academic performance

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Sunday-Piaro (2018) conducted a study to investigate how classroom management influences students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Rivers State The study findings revealed a significant and strong positive association between classroom discipline, effective teaching, the use of classroom reward systems, and students' academic performance Additionally, the study found a significant and moderate relationship between the delegation of authority in the classroom and students' academic performance The results suggested that effective classroom management strongly and positively impacts students' academic performance in Rivers State Based on the findings, the study recommended that teachers should prioritize classroom discipline and strive to introduce innovative ideas to motivate learning Schools should also prioritize the development of effective teaching and address teaching challenges to positively influence students' capacity and academic performance

performance and motivation to learn of Grade 7 Physics students at Bukidnon State University - Secondary School Laboratory during the 2015-2016 school year The study findings revealed that the posttest scores of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group, with the former achieving a very satisfactory result compared to the latter's satisfactory result However, there is no significant difference in the academic performance between the Grade 7 students who are taught using reality pedagogy and those who are not Nevertheless, there is an improvement in the academic performance of both the control and experimental groups, regardless of the intervention The study also showed that the control and experimental groups were moderately motivated to learn Physics

management strategies used by junior high school teachers on the academic performance of students in the Ashanti Akim North District The study used a descriptive survey design, and students' academic performance was measured using test scores in English Language, Integrated Science, Mathematics, and Social

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Studies The study findings revealed that students and teachers identify good relationships and reinforcement as the most commonly used classroom management strategies The study also found a significant positive relationship between reinforcement and antecedent as classroom management strategies and students' academic performance However, good relationships and punishment as classroom management strategies are not positively related to students' academic performance The study recommended that teachers should frequently use reinforcement and antecedent strategies in their classrooms, as they play a dual role in managing behavior and predicting the academic performance of students Building good relationships as a classroom management strategy should be used with caution, as it could be misinterpreted or abused and lead to low academic performance The use of punishment as a classroom management strategy should be avoided, as it hinders students' academic performance

Wu et al (2020) conducted a nationwide survey to gain a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between medical students' motivation, self-efficacy, learning engagement, and academic performance, taking into account their demographic factors and sociocultural environments The survey collected data from 1930 medical students in China and explored the relationships between various studying variables The study findings revealed that medical students in KUCs have significantly higher intrinsic motivation, better academic performance, and lower extrinsic motivation than those in NKUCs Interestingly, male students report higher intrinsic motivation but lower academic performance than female students The total effect of intrinsic motivation on academic performance was found to be larger than that of extrinsic motivation The study also found significant indirect effects of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on academic performance through learning engagement Moreover, intrinsic and extrinsic motivations predict self-efficacy, but the direct effect of self-efficacy on academic performance is not significant The study provided a holistic understanding of students' motivation types in relation to academic performance, which can be useful for developing

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effective interventions and counseling methods for promoting medical students' motivation levels and improving their academic performance

The effects of instructors' classroom management on students' motivation for learning and academic achievement in Kwara State were investigated by Adedigba

their classrooms, the study population consisted of all primary teachers and students in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State According to the study, teachers should implement effective classroom management techniques to inspire students to learn for better academic performance The study suggested that classes on leadership and classroom management should be included in the curricula for teacher preparation and that in-service teachers should be encouraged to undergo frequent retraining

In order to ascertain the classroom management strategies used by teachers and the significance of these strategies in encouraging students to learn English,

the perceptions of teachers and learners Additionally, they tried to figure out how these strategies affect students' motivation to learn English as well as their academic performance An interview and questionnaires were used as data collection tools in the research's mixed-method approach Three hundred ninety-eight students were engaged in filling out the questionnaires and participating in the interviews with 14 English teachers The results showed that teachers manage their classes in a variety of ways, but each grade has a dominating approach The results also demonstrated that each type of classroom management affects students' motivation to learn English in a variety of ways and to varying degrees Surprisingly, the authoritative approach shows the strongest positive impact on students' academic achievement and motivation to study English These findings led to some management implications for the classroom that place emphasis on using the authoritative style and minimizing some of the drawbacks of the other varieties

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2.5.2 Evaluation of previous studies

Table 2 1 Compilation of previous studies

Authors Survey subjects/ research space/

Methodology Prefix Mediation variables

Dependent variables

LePine et al (2004)

696 students enrolled in an

introductory management course at a large

southeastern university

AMOS-SEM using


Individual differences, challenge stress, hindrance stress

Motivation to learn, exhaustion

Learning performance

Ainin et al (2015)

Empirical data was collected from 1165 Malaysian university students using a questionnaire survey

Regression Socialization (social acceptance, acculturation)

Facebook usage intensity

students' academic performance

George et al (2017)

200 students selected from 5 public schools in Uyo Local Government Area,

Pearson Product Moment (PPM) Correlation Coefficient; chi-square (X2) analysis

verbal instruction, corporal punishment, instructional supervision, delegation of authority to learners


Titus and Adu (2017)

One hundred (100)

respondents comprising of students

Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC)

experience of the teacher; effectively managed by teachers

academic performance

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and teachers Nie and

Lau (2009)

3196 Grade 9 students from 117 classes in Singapore

hierarchical linear modeling

Teacher care, behavioral control in classroom management

Engagement, Misbehavior, Satisfaction With School Ahmad et

al (2017)

A sample of 370 teachers was selected from all male and female public colleges of Lahore

Different test Mean, t-test and Pearson-r were applied to analyze the data

teachers’ classroom management strategies; teaching methods


Omodan et al (2018)

720 students selected from 24 public secondary schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria

multi-stage sampling procedure

classroom management, routine inspection of teachers for effective teaching and learning

academic performance

Piaro (2018)

Sunday-Public Secondary Schools in Rivers State

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient(r)

classroom management

academic performance

Ramirez (2018)

Grade 7 Physics students, Bukidnon State

University – Secondary School Laboratory for the school year 2015-2016

the one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and t-test

Grade 7 students taught by Reality Pedagogy and of the students not using Reality Pedagogy


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al (2021) and 297 Junior High School

standard deviation, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) and Multiple Regression

teachers identified good relationship and

reinforcement as the mostly used

classroom management strategies

academic performance

Wu et al (2020)

1930 medical students in China

structural equation model (SEM) analysis

intrinsic or extrinsic motivation

learning engagement, self-efficacy

academic performance

Adedigba and Sulaiman (2020)

250 teachers and all pupils in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State

descriptive statistics, linear regression, t-test, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

classroom management

pupils’ motivation for learning

academic achievement

Tran Thi Thuong and Nguyen Thi Hong Thu (2021)

14 English teachers were asked to be interviewed and 398 students

mixed-method one in which an interview and questionnaires are the

instruments to collect data

style of classroom management exerted

students' English learning motivation

academic achievement

Source: Author’s own work

Based on the literature review, it is evident that the research topic on classroom management, motivation to learn, and academic performance has received considerable attention from previous studies Some of the findings from the previous research are summarized as follows:

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The first finding is that the relationship between classroom management and academic learning has been evaluated in previous studies, which have shown a positive relationship between them For example, effective classroom management has been found to have a significant impact on academic performance in public secondary schools in River State (Sunday-Piaro, 2018); there is a positive relationship between teachers’ classroom management strategies and the performance or achievement of the students (Ahmad et al., 2017) Some typical studies related to the relationship between classroom management and academic learning are George et al (2017), Omodan et al (2018), Owusu et al (2021),

The second finding is that classroom management has an impact on students' motivation to learn For example, Tran Thi Thuong and Nguyen Thi Hong Thu (2021) found out that each classroom management style exerts an impact with different levels and dimensions on students’ English learning motivation; Adedigba and Sulaiman (2020) showed that there is a significant influence of classroom management styles on pupils motivation for learning

The third finding is related to the role of motivation to learn in academic performance Some typical studies in this regard are LePine et al (2004), Tran Thi

influence on students’ English learning motivation and academic achievement Wu et al (2020) showed that the total effect of intrinsic motivation on academic performance is larger than that of extrinsic motivation

Finally, some data analysis methods that have been used in previous research include the one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and t-test (Ramirez, 2018), Pearson correlation analysis (Sunday-Piaro, 2018), and structural equation model (SEM) (LePine et al., 2004; Nie & Lau, 2009; Wu et al., 2020)

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Research gap: The three research concepts of classroom management,

motivation to learn, and academic performance have been extensively studied in previous research However, previous studies have not clearly established the relationship between classroom management, motivation to learn, and academic performance of students in the context of Business English classes Therefore, our study aims to fill this gap and provide new insights into the relationship between these factors in the context of Business English classes at BVU This study is conducted with the aim of contributing to and filling the research gap that previous studies have not addressed as follows:

Firstly, this study inherits the two components of classroom management, including teacher care and behavioral control, from the study of Nie and Lau

to learn and the academic performance of learners

Secondly, this study contributes by examining the mediating role of motivation to learn through classroom management and academic performance The role of motivation to learn has yet to be widely tested in previous studies

Finally, in this study, the author uses the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method to examine the relationships among classroom management, motivation to learn, and academic performance This data analysis method allows testing with a small sample size and a complex research model

2.6 Research model and hypotheses

2.6.1 Classroom management and academic performance

Some prior studies used behavioral outcomes as criteria for the effectiveness of classroom management and tried to understand how teachers bring about engagement and limit misbehavior (Emmer & Stough, 2003) The choice of these criteria is reasonable; however, in light of the broadened view of classroom management, another important goal of classroom management is to create

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student’s motivation to learn In line with this perspective, academic performance is chosen as a criterion of effectiveness If teachers show more care to their students, their students are more motivated with their teachers, whereas teacher control is not found to be related to students’ motivation These results are not unexpected From the self-determination perspective, teacher care emphasizes responding to students’ needs for relatedness, which is expected to enhance their motivation and academic performance Classroom management has been highlighted across numerous research studies as a major variable that affects students’ academic performance (Marzona, 2008) According to Bassey (2012), the wider view of classroom management shows increased engagement, reduction in inappropriate and disruptive behaviors, promotion of student responsibility for academic work, and improved academic performance of students Analyses of the past 50 years of classroom management research identified classroom management as the most important factor, even above students’ aptitude, affecting students’ learning and academic performance (Wang, 2009) Therefore, the hypotheses H1 and H2 of this study are proposed:

H1: Teacher behavioral control is positively related to academic performance of students in Business English classes at BVU

H2: Teacher care is positively related to academic performance of students in Business English classes at BVU

2.6.2 Classroom management and motivation to learn

Margaret (2014) observed that pupils’ academic achievement and attitude towards learning can be greatly determined by the teachers’ classroom management Teachers are expected to be able to apply strategies that will encourage pupils to learn regardless of the major constraints of inadequate physical facilities and teachers’ work environment (Bukola & Alonge, 2011) Açıkgöz (2005) and

a positive influence on students’ intrinsic motivation Classroom management styles

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which enable such favorable ambience also strengthen the intrinsic motivation of students (Tran Thi Thuong & Nguyen Thi Hong Thu, 2021) Therefore, the following hypotheses H3 and H4 are proposed:

H3: Teacher behavioral control is positively related to motivation to learn of students in Business English classes at BVU

H4: Teacher care is positively related to motivation to learn of students in Business English classes at BVU

2.6.3 Motivation to learn and academic performance

Motivation to learn has been found to be positively related to learning performance in a recent meta-analysis (Colquitt et al., 2000) According to Tran Thi Thuong and Nguyen Thi Hong Thu (2021), once learners are well aware of their goal to learn a language or desire to achieve success in learning because of some inside or outside sources, the learning process can easily occur As a result, sooner or later, motivated learners will fulfill their dream of success Motivation to learn will be positively related to learning performance (LePine et al., 2004) Therefore,

the hypothesis H5 is proposed:

H5: Motivation to learn is positively related to academic performance of students in Business English classes at BVU

2.6.4 The mediating role of motivation to learn between classroom management and academic performance

Motivation to learn is a psychological construct that reflects an individual's drive and willingness to engage in learning activities Teacher behavioral control and teacher care are two important teacher behaviors that can affect students' motivation to learn Teacher behavioral control refers to the extent to which a teacher uses specific behaviors to regulate student behavior, while teacher care refers to the extent to which a teacher shows concern and support for students' well-being

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Many studies have shown that both teacher behavioral control and teacher care are positively related to students' motivation to learn (Furrer & Skinner, 2003;

Roeser et al., 1996) For example, a study by Furrer and Skinner (2003) found that students who perceived their teachers as more controlling and caring reported higher levels of motivation to learn Similarly, Roeser et al (1996) found that students who perceived their teachers as more supportive and caring were more likely to be motivated to learn Academic performance is the outcome of learning activities and is also related to students' motivation to learn Students who are more motivated to learn are more likely to engage in learning activities, which can lead to better academic performance

In summary, motivation to learn is a mediator between teacher behavioral control, teacher care, and academic performance since it reflects the extent to which students are driven and willing to engage in learning activities, and it is positively related to teacher behavioral control and teacher care as well as academic performance

Figure 2.3 Proposed research model

Source: Author’s own work

Teacher behavioral

H2 H4


Ngày đăng: 18/08/2024, 14:47