Thisstudy aims to explore students’ attitudes toward the use of Edtech Apps as well as theirperceptions of the effectiveness of Edtech Apps in the context of Dinh Tien Hoang HighSchool..
Background to the study
For decades, one of the most popular ideas in students’ attitudes towards their learning process literature is the idea that uses some motivational factors like games and technology-based approaches so as to master their knowledge and features learners’ autonomous collaborations in the process of their use of educational technologies The methods for teaching and learning English have changed significantly as a result of the express development of ICT (Mazman & Uslue, 2010) Mobile learning programs have been carried out in schools to foster students’ five core competences (collaboration, communication, complex problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity) in Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand (Binsaleh & Binsaleh, 2013; Looiet al., 2010) According to Stepp-Greany (2002), students’ motivation can be raised by modern technologies equipped in the classroom Wang and Hannafin (2005) reports that language students with attractive and genuine correspondence components can foster their language abilities in the classroom He further proceeds to say that utilizing computers and innovative hardware gives students the feeling of opportunity and support Technology may help students experience the real world, and they can be motivated easily Zengin (2007) indicates that the technological classroom has become crucial nowadays because students are more excited about lessons via multimedia. Donahoe et al (2019) underline the significance of having an initiating methodology for every class so the student has a chance to acquire an interest in the subject in a pleasant and interactive way By employing Edtech Apps (Educational technology applications) in an activating strategy, teachers can bring students into their exercises by using devices that students are familiar with and possibly enthusiastic about.
Perceiving the above trend, teachers and students need to be more encouraged to use technology in language learning and teaching in the 4.0 revolution era Most Edtech Apps provide a more flexible learning environment that can accommodate individual needs and preferences and are seen as a method for adopting individualized instruction in the classroom Since learning that is enjoyable seems to be more effective, EdtechApps must play a crucial part in the teaching and learning of English (Lepper &
Cordova, 1992) Indeed, as can be seen, today, the role of using Apps to encourage student collaboration and creativity is highly emphasized in most English teaching curriculum Kearsley and Shneiderman (1998) express that the usage of email, online conferencing, and video conferencing considerably increases the quantity and comfort of communication as well as the accessibility of information Thanks to technology, students may learn in a setting that encourages the kind of collaboration and communication needed to assist dedication The demand for transference conventional teaching and learning activities has become a pressing necessity during the Corona crisis To have a transformable impact, e-learning and digital online education have been strengthened (Renzet al., 2020).
As mentioned above, recent dominant trends in applying Edtech Apps in teaching and learning English have led to a proliferation of studies that highlight the integral role of technological knowledge in the EFL field both in the world and in Vietnam In the Vietnamese context, in alignment with improving the quality of English language teaching, the installation of computers in all of the nation's schools has been funded, and educators are urged to use technology in their instruction rather than rely on customary practice (Peeraer & Tran, 2012) EFL learners can manage the interaction of their own learning and gain access to a wealth of helpful internet resources, study software, and online dictionaries by using technology to learn the English language more effectively and quickly Students will in general, have uplifting perspectives towards modern technologies and think that technologies make them capable of learning EFL and EFL acquisition Recent studies show that using technology brings many benefits to the teaching and learning process For instance, in the study of Le and Vo (2014), applications, the Internet, and other technologies are widely employed in all facets of society, especially in the field of education According to this report,teachers are excited about ICT learning, and it affects the students’ perceptions.Teachers want to create a friendly and creative educational culture, and technology is considered one of the most effective methods In addition, Tran (2015) states that teachers should use instructional strategies that encourage students to actively learn and practice English Moreover, teachers must be taught and practice applications to increase students' motivation or engage them in a social media interaction, learn and use ICT It is also seen that using technology in the classroom should be suitable to facilitate students’ learning.
Turning now to the current context of using Edtech Apps in teaching and learningEnglish at Dinh Tien Hoang High School, it is from the author’s observation and experience that teachers are found to be skillful and willing to exploit these modern tools to stimulate students’ motivation and attitudes towards learning a foreign language, especially in the time of pandemic Virus corona outbreak Because mobile devices can supply rapid access to knowledge, they may also be able to support permanent learning The researcher’s school has the Internet installed and equipped with Whiteboard, which is convenient for teachers and students to apply games and activities through Apps during the lesson However, the frequency and effectiveness of using Edtech Apps in English teaching are seen differently among teachers A small number of teachers are supposed to be much successful in this kind of activity In contrast, the majority of teachers are observed to give lectures only, and they would like to follow the traditional teaching methods In comparison, the use of Edtech Apps among students has become popular as many of them have their smartphone, laptop or tablets Modern technology has played a crucial part in the life of students and is increasingly used at our school as well as their homes The vast majority of students are found to be willing to study actively by shifting from the traditional approach to the new one As the result of the above-mentioned problems, which leads to the inevitable mobile learning among students at Dinh Tien Hoang high school, which is becoming more prevalent in revolution 4.0 and particularly effective in promoting active learning and giving feedback at once This current study set out to investigate learners’ views towards the use of Edtech Apps at Dinh Tien Hoang High School, and the impact and effectiveness of Edtech Apps in learning English.
Statement of the problem
English has become an international language It is the reason why students from primary education to secondary education have to learn English as a core subject in the national curriculum In this digital era, most students concentrate on smartphones, and they have high expectations of the teachers who will provide blended learning, which combines online learning materials using technology with conventional methods, especially in English.
Dinh Tien Hoang High School is equipped with technology-based facilities such as internet system, interactive whiteboard, etc Besides, the school has two additional exercises educated by local educators to assist students with fostering their talking and listening abilities in the early evening Obviously, students have numerous opportunities to upgrade their English learning Nonetheless, students are found to experience significant hardships in actuality First and foremost, they have a low-level of English capability, and they may not deal with any obstructions without help from anyone else, particularly how to comprehend the two sets of the parallel curricula which are being utilized in instructing at Dinh Tien Hoang High School Many students show that they are teacher-dependent learners and they need support from their teachers Secondly, students must endure the monotonous, traditional ways of teaching in a regular class setting Sometimes, students get the materials by listening to the explanation and doing translations from the teachers Some learn when being forced to learn, and they have relatively low motivation in ELL, so they cannot accomplish their learning tasks as required.
Although allowing students to use Edtech Apps in an activating strategy in the classroom has been increasingly more and more common as technology advances and turns out to be more universal, many students just use their phones to look up the meaning of new words or for interpretation on Google Many students may use Apps to practice the lesson more at home, but some students like playing games, and have trouble using their mobile phone due to the small screen and hard to operate devices.
In reality, how easy or difficult it is to utilize the technology has a big impact on the willingness of learners to participate in classroom activities Before the time of theCovid-19 epidemic, the application of IT (Information Technology) in content innovation and teaching methods had been expanded, disseminated, and directed by schools to improve the effectiveness of lectures However, there are still contrasts between teachers in this work The Covid-19 pandemic has altered the way how many individuals obtain and impart education, and it has temporarily forced many universities, institutions and schools to remain closed to avoid the spread of this pandemic In order to prevent the spread of the Covid -19, online learning has been implemented in a focused, continuous manner since April 2020 Following the practice of social distancing, The Ministry of Education let students learn online through applications such as Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, Nearpod, Padlet, or Quizizz, which can successfully be used as an alternative for face-to-face classes This type of learning environment can build the learning potential of the students, and it is a good solution for students to continue studying without going to school Students can acquire new abilities at any time and anywhere However, some teachers and students are still stuck in applying new methods because they have many difficulties when working on these EdTech Apps to know how to start using it, how to decrease distractions, how to sharpen students’ skills via EdTech and it requires some investment for planning another exercise Moreover, small group of students are still learning passively and get distracted in learning when they use Edtech Apps. Furthermore, the use of Edtech Apps for a long time may prevent students from real communication with others as they lack social contact and face-to-face interaction. Besides, the time limitation of class, and the school facilities for teaching English are also needed to take into consideration The lack of time, the mixed-level student population, the large class sizes, the outdated and inadequate teaching materials, and the genuine motivational environment are some additional major issues that may make it difficult for teachers and students to use Edtech Apps in real teaching context atDinh Tien Hoang High School With a forty-five-minute period and an average of forty-five kids in each class, it is impossible to avoid the inefficiency of using technology in the classroom.
Aims and objectives of the study
This study aims at exploring the EFL Students’ attitudes towards the use of EdTechApps for English language learning at the context of Dinh Tien Hoang High School inVung Tau The specific objectives are as follows:
+ To examine EFL Students’ perceptions of the use of EdTech Apps in learning English at the context of Dinh Tien Hoang High School;
+ To find out EFL Students’ attitudes towards the use of EdTech Apps for English language learning at the context of Dinh Tien Hoang High School
Research questions
In order to achieve its aim, the study will be conducted to respond to the following questions:
1) How do EFL students perceive the use of EdTech Apps for English language learning at Dinh Tien Hoang High School?
2) What are the EFL students’ attitudes towards the use of EdTech Apps for English language learning at Dinh Tien Hoang High School?
Scope of the study
This study was carried out at Dinh Tien Hoang High School, Vung Tau City, Ba Ria Vung Tau Province Participants were 122 students from grade 10 to grade 12 at Dinh Tien Hoang High School Students were conveniently chosen The mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) was applied to gain the results The researcher employed a questionnaire and semi-structured interview to collect the data In terms of data analysis, Google Forms was used to get students’ answers and then the researcher used SPSS to analyze the data.
Nowadays, technology is widely used in the teaching and study of the English language, and this led to a substantial innovation in Vietnam education Technology is increasingly being incorporated into classroom instruction to enahnce learners’ motivation and learning context Students have additional opportunities to master their learning process via the use of current technology Instead of getting knowledge passively from teacher with conventional method, they may take more responsibility for their leaning and they are more active in their lesson with the help of the EdtechApps However, a little research about the use of Edtech Apps has been available at our school This study is significant because it provides profound understandings on the use of Edtech Apps, the challenges that teachers and students may encounter when implementing it as well as how it affects students’ attitudes It will help to investigate the perceptions of students about the effectiveness when they implement Edtech Apps in their learning.
This study has been implemented in an effort to discover the impact of Edtech Apps, specifically Nearpod, Quizizz and Padlet, in English language acquisition among EFL students at Dinh Tien Hoang High School and investigate the perceptions of students towards the use of Edtech Apps in their education It is believed that this study gives contributions to people involved in pedagogical fields, both theoretically and practically, as well as English teaching and learning.
With respect to the theoretical contribution, the study's findings are anticipated to enhance theoretical evidence and research on the use of Edtech Apps as a technological tool for learning English In addition, the findings of the study will also be beneficial for English educational researchers who are interested in the adoption of online platforms to learn more Apps usage for language instruction.
Regarding practical contribution, it will educate teachers on how to use Edtech Apps in the classroom It may be a viable option for an English teaching technique to develop students' knowledge and skills From the results of the questionnaire as well
Definitions of the Terms
To provide a specific perspective on the issues addressed, several terms must be specified for the purpose of this report.
EdTech Apps refers to hardware and software designed to upgrade teacher-led learning in classrooms and improve students' education outcomes (Cook and Ellaway, 2015) In the context of the study, the term EdTech Apps refers to applications designed for language learning such as Nearpod, Quizizz, and Padlet. EFL students refer to students who are learning English as a foreign language at Dinh Tien Hoang high school, Vung Tau City.
Motivation: Motivation in language learning is defined as a mix of effort that includes both a desire to attain the goal and positive attitudes toward learning the language (Gardner, 1985)
Attitude is identified as the way one thinks or behaves towards someone or something (Oxford Learner’s Dictionary) In this study, attitudes refer to the behavior and actions to the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning among EFL students at Dinh Tien Hoang High School
Perception is an idea, a belief, or an image students have as a result of how they perceive or comprehend something (Learners’ Perception Models, David et al.,1989) In this study, perceptions refer to the point of view of the use of EdtechApps in English language learning among EFL students at Dinh Tien Hoang HighSchool
Organization of the study
This current research is organized as follows into five chapters:
As for chapter 1, the introduction of the research, including background to the study, statement of the problem, aims and objectives of the study, research questions, scope of the study, the significance of the study and definitions of key terms are discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 2 deals with the review of the literature, which involves attitudes towards the use of technology in English language teaching and learning, definitions of attitudes,components of attitudes, students’ perception about the effectiveness of the use ofEdtech Apps, review of previous studies and research gaps.
Chapter 3 presents the research methodology utilized in this research, which includes research setting, research design, sampling procedures, research instruments, data collection and analysis procedures, validity and reliability, and ethical considerations. Chapter 4 presents the results of the collected data from both questionnaire and semi-structured interview Analysis and discussions are included in this chapter.
Chapter 5 presents the conclusions, pedagogical implications, limitations, and suggestions for further research.
This chapter presents a comprehensive literature review relevant to the present study.The first section is concerned with the discussion of the relationship between the integration of technology and the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning.The second section presents students’ attitudes toward the use of Edtech Apps,including definitions of attitudes, the components of attitudes, and attitude models from considerable researchers worldwide The third part involves students’ perceptions
The use of EdTech Apps in English language learning
There are many relevant definitions of Edtech Apps Goodyear and Retalis (2010) defined Edtech as instructional activities that used technology to increase the effectiveness, efficiency, or enjoyment of learning Another definition of Edtech came from Cook and Ellaway (2015) is that Edtech can be characterized as the use of technological processes and resources to support and direct educational activities. According to the Australian Society of Educational technology, the development of frameworks, strategies, design applications and materials to enhance human learning is referred to as educational technology.
Considering all the above-mentioned points of view, Edtech Apps in this current study are NearPod, Quizizz, and Padlet All Edtech Apps enable students to access online courses, especially during the outbreak of Corona virus pandemic; NearPod, Quizizz and Padlet help students engage into classroom activities by providing them with many opportunities to play games, give feedback and practice lessons; they also allow students to discuss with teachers and interact with the subject matter as well as the opinions expressed by their peers, which enhances the learning process overall.
Scholars have identified the characteristics of TELL, especially Edtech Apps, inEnglish language learning According to Lutsch (1999), TELL is characteristically able to enhance students’ creativity and motivation by offering them many forms of feedback, fixing errors, conducting experiments and playing with language Due to TELL's ability to teach the same content repeatedly without getting bored and its ability to provide students with non-judgemental feedback, students reported that they felt terrific after using the computer.
Chou et al (2012) insist that the majority of ‘Edtech Apps’ are thought of as instruments for implementing differentiated instruction in the classroom Utilizing student-centred activities and apps that align with the curriculum to promote student collaboration and creativity would create a student-centred, socially interactive classroom - all crucial 21st-century skills.
Cook and Ellaway (2015) mention that with Edtech, the educator is supplemented with a powerful tool that they can use both synchronously in the classroom and asynchronously outside to better assist student learning Teachers can employ Edtech integration in the school to involve students in the subject matter, encourage deeper learning, observe and monitor students’ progress and provide timely feedback by incorporating formative or cumulative assessments Outside of the classroom, students may get texts, audio, photos, animations, streaming videos, and other materials to provide content and foster deeper learning Thus, based on their individual needs, students can practice, create and self-evaluate at their own pace, which makes Edtech a vital tool for personalized learning Moreover, through various tools like online discussion forums, interactive platforms, and virtual classrooms, Edtech also makes collaborative learning possible.
Likewise, Luong et al (2022) state that when we compare the conventional form of teaching (face-to-face learning) with online education accompanied by the help ofInternet and Edtech Apps, there are some advantages we can mention as follows:Firstly, using Edtech Apps in teaching and learning is very convenient For students,Edtech Apps provide increased flexibility and access to learning experiences by allowing students to work independently and at their place online Students can use them many times and anywhere throughout the lecture or teacher’s presentation at low cost or cost-free Many Apps, which are designed with colorful visual pictures, and music and are easy to play, have functions scoring the test and helping teachers give feedback to students so they can recognize their learning progress.
Secondly, educational technology assists in learning important subjects increases students’ interest, and helps in understanding the scope of various subjects studied. With the spread of teaching software such as Padlet, Nearpod, Quizizz, etc., students can be stimulated to share learning content, share feelings or join in games, which makes lessons more enjoyable Also, teachers may easily edit their content with the help of Edetch Apps Learners may customize their experiences to match their personal learning goals since they can manage the content, learning process, learning speed, time, etc E-technologies allow for the widespread distribution of digital content to numerous users together, anytime and anywhere, without carrying heavy textbooks or notebooks.
Thirdly, educational technology boosts learners’ interaction with their teacher and their peers before, during, and after class In online group, students could cooperate with their partners to discuss and consult in a variety of ways, including giving direct answers, making comments, working on assignments or presentations, and doing projects.
In general, Apps are typically free to use in classes with the basic accounts Teachers and students that pay for operators can access the professional account for schools. The popularity of apps has proliferated throughout the world and is now seen as an essential tool to enhance students’ motivation in class and has a significant impact on the learning process with positive attitudes In the context of the present study, the term “Apps” refers to applications designed like Nearpod, Quizizz and Padlet The completely free version for schools is the subject of this study.
In the era of digitization, teaching and learning activities can be supported by a variety of learning aids, each of which has distinct purposes and roles that help to increase student engagement in the classroom.
According to Donahoe et al (2019), Nearpod is essential to support student engagement and incorporate technology in the classroom A free website called Nearpod transforms common presentations like PowerPoint into more engaging ones. Besides, there are drawing features and quizzes available on the Nearpod To start Nearpod, people can sign up for free at and log in with email account Then, they can join or create teams, classes, and add members Students can sketch, take a quiz, interact with 3D models, participate in a discussion board, and the list goes on when the lecturer creates new slides from their presentation Moreover, students can visit the website on their smart devices and enter the code provided after the teacher makes the Nearpod lesson live The free version and the paid version are both available.
Schoen (2007) stated that Nearpod is seen as a professional research instrument that teachers are capable of using to monitor and analyze individual practices with the goal of enriching the teaching process Buttrey (2021) studied the use of Nearpod as an innovative method for teachers and pre-service teachers in K-12 to present information as well as boost engagement and comprehension in the classroom Moreover, Wang and Chia (2020) expressed the benefits of Nearpod that it is accessible, user-friendly, and supportive Nearpod can be used for relating to video conferencing devices to effectively connect with students in a simultaneous online class It supplies information on how a lesson can be established, including how a lesson will be capable according to an understudy's viewpoint.
Padlet is a collaborative tool where posts, files, videos, or embedded links can be pinned on a wall Many scholars have claimed that English instruction and learning in schools in Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam have used Padlet (Churchill et al., 2018; Ngo, 2016) To operate a Padlet, teachers first sign up with for an account Second, they must log in, choose a template, and raise questions After that, students will be invited to share their ideas on this unlimited wall Students’ responses can be seen as well as those of other students Some functions include voice recording, file posting, and connection to other websites When creating lesson plans, giving assignments to students, or taking notes, Padlet is employed Teamwork and group projects are available A Padlet wall can be embedded in a blog post or website, shared via social media (Facebook, Twitter), exported to a file, or converted into a QR code Previous research demonstrates that utilizing Padlet increases students' motivation to learn (England, 2017; Kimura, 2018) This inspiration allows students to interact and participate in class activities According to Ellis (2015), Padlet offers opportunities for students to interact with the subject matter and opinions shared by their peers, which lowers the obstacles students encounter while speaking with lecturers and improves the overall learning experience Additionally, Padlet is beneficial for brainstorming exercises (Kimura, 2018) With all that being said, Padlet is a practical tool that can be utilized in both traditional and non-traditional teaching and learning situations.
Quizizz, a free web-based formative assessment tool accessible at, provides learners with many special features through game setting and questions. Quizziz is considered an easy tool to use and provides data for teachers to assist teachers in getting students involved in classroom activities and evaluate students’ understanding with a fun review Quizizz uses a multiple-choice quiz format that restricts learning to facts and recollection Quizizz allows teachers to alter the settings based on their needs or intentions, and it can significantly boost student engagement and organize valuable data on students (Reid, 2016) Students can sign up for a free account with their name, or join in the quiz designed by the teacher accompanied by a 6-digit code to access the quiz Memes, avatars, themes, music, and leader boards are available on this platform to make studying fun and exciting There was a 30-second loading period for each question Students sitting near one another will not get the same question simultaneously, with questions and answers jumbled Students may be permitted to complete their homework once or more to improve their performance compared to themselves Also, students have the option of seeing the right response at the end of the entire quiz or after each question As a result, there may be greater advantages to give students Quizizz assignments According to Rajendran et al., (2019), the quizzes can be used to formatively evaluate each student's understanding and tailor their instruction accordingly Individuals' progress can be monitored over time, and learners will be inspired to study more by making their tests As soon as students have access to the software online, they can build their questions depending on their interests and needs, set the time, and play it for many students, providing a social, entertaining, and game-like learning environment Quizizz is an effective tool in the classroom for assessing student involvement Teachers can promise that all students will be actively participating because their responses are displayed on the large screen's real-time players table (Doug, 2015).
To sum up, there is no doubt that online teaching is an unavoidable trend in contemporary teaching, particularly in the time of the fourth industrial revolution in technology Not only is it a temporary solution of schools during the Covid -19 pandemic, but in any case, its outstanding benefits relating to face-to-face teaching. The Edtech Apps employed in this study at Dinh Tien Hoang High School include Padlet, Nearpod, and Quizizz since they can all be used for online and face-to-face learning inside and outside classroom Three Edtech Applications are free, easy to use, helpful, and user-friendly These can be advantageous to take online examinations, gather students’ feedback, and create a more flexible learning environment that can take into account different learning styles and needs Additionally, they increase students’ participation in class and improve peer-to-peer interactions.
2.2.4 Effectiveness of the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning in the World and Vietnam
Students’ attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps in learning English
Many researchers have carried out a wide range of studies on learners’ attitudes toward the use of technology to gain success in their language learning The results demonstrate that to succeed in learning a second language; there is a necessary combination of positive attitudes and motivation (Gardner, 1985) Oxford Learner’sDictionary defines attitude as how people think or feel about something or behave toward someone or something According to Gardner (1980), attitudes are "the sum total of a man’s instincts and feelings, prejudice or bias, preconceived notions, fears,threats, and convictions about any specified topic" (p.267) Attitudes are the way one feels or acts, a dynamic mental state that includes emotions, beliefs, and the ability to behave in other ways Attitude influences the ability of a student to learn but is not linked to abilities Attitude may reflect positive or negative views towards a person, something, or an event; these views may be contradictory at times Learners have beliefs about language learning, teaching, learning tasks, etc Such views are referred to as behaviors of the learners In many ways, they affect learning and quite often decide their learning progress For instance, a student who lacks inadequate computer literacy abilities may have unfavorable opinions about using technology in the classroom or participating in e-learning language programs Therefore, attitudes influence the amount and level of encouragement of a learner Gardner (1980) stated that “individual motivation to learn a second language is controlled by his attitudes towards the other group in particular or by his orientation to learning itself” (p.7). Students’ attitudes play an essential part in determining their language learning success Attitude is the students' perceptions, understandings, beliefs, or experiences of learning English as a foreign language According to The Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching (2002, p.297), “the attitudes which speakers of different languages or language varieties have towards each other’s languages or to their own language Expressions of positive or negative feelings towards a language may reflect impressions of linguistic difficulty or simplicity, ease or difficulty of learning, degree of importance, elegance, social status, etc Attitudes towards a language may also show what people feel about the speakers of that language Language attitudes may have an effect on second language or foreign language learning The measurement of language attitudes provides information which is useful in language teaching and language learning.” Eagly and Chaiken (1993) suggested that attitude is a psychological arrangement demonstrated by contrasting a specific person with varying degrees of advantage or disadvantage Individuals have some forms of attitudes, but since each attitude is a psychological reality, they are all undetectable Attitudes are, therefore, subjective and hard to quantify; They are personal qualities Tran (2018) maintains that in order to speed up the autonomy of learners, there must be a combination of learners’ positive attitudes and a supportive learning environment.
The concept of language learning attitude is used as the main theory of this study as the researcher will base on its models to develop the questionnaire for survey and interviews
Wenden (1991) divides attitude into three categories: cognitive, affective, and behavioral According to McGroarty (1996), attitude is classified into three interrelated components: cognitive, affective and behavioral components; it involves beliefs, emotional reactions and behavioral tendencies related to the object of the attitudes.
Figure 2.4: Learners’ Attitude Model (Solomonet al 2010)
Solomonet al., (2010) state that an attitude is made up of three parts: affect, behavior, and cognition; this concept is known as the ABC model Each element is succinctly explained:
Affectis known as the way a customer feels an attitude object This element is focused on how we feel about an object: our feelings, sentiments, moods and emotions.
Behaviour refers to a person’s intentions to do something in terms of an attitude object
Cognitionrefers to the beliefs a customer has regarding an attitude object.
Cognitive Aspect of Attitude includes the language learners' perceptions of their
Cognitive Affective Behavioral comprehension and knowledge that they receive in the process of language learning In other words, the cognitive component is the combination of the experiences of attitude objects and the information in different courses, which are called information and perceptions as Schiffman and Kanuk (2004) defined The four stages of cognitive attitude in language acquisition are producing new knowledge, checking new knowledge, applying new knowledge in various contexts, and linking the new knowledge with the prior knowledge The cognitive component of TELL handles students’ perceptions about the usefulness and ease of use while utilizing mobile devices to learn English as well as their perceptions about the trouble they face when using technological devices to learn English.
According to Feng and Chen (2009), the process of learning is an emotional one that involves a wide range of emotions There are various emotional activities which students and teachers can join in to achieve several emotional outcomes Choy and Troudi (2006) presented that attitude can assist the learners in expressing whether they like or dislike particular objects or environmental circumstances The idea that an EFL learner's inner thoughts and emotions have an impact on their opinions and attitudes toward the target language is widely acknowledged The emotional part of the TELL is concerned with the feelings that students have while using technology-based learning resources, such as enjoyment, excitement, and worry.
The behavioral component of attitude is concerned with how one acts and responds in specific circumstances In fact, successful language learning makes it easier for students to identify with the language's native speakers and acquire or adopt specific habits that are typical of the target language group Kara (2009) showed that positive attitudes caused positive behaviors toward courses of study The more strive to learn the students are, the more eager students are observed to deal with problems, develop practical knowledge and abilities, and to engage themselves emotionally The behavioral component of TELL offers information about the student’s decision to continue using technology for learning in the future.
Students’ perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps in learning English
According to the Oxford learner dictionary, perception is defined as “an idea, a belief or an image students have as a result of how you see or understand something.”
Qiong (2017) stated that perception is known as the set of processes in drawing on the general climate, the method involved with understanding the significance of the upgrade while detecting the item, occasions, or connection between side effects which are then handled by brain process To sum up, students’ perception can be thought of as students’ interpretation of their experiences and their point of view toward something that comes up in the learning process.
Parr (1999) asserts that student perceptions of learning settings have an impact on technology integration and how learning technologies are used More specifically, it is thought that student opinions influenced how much technology was utilized, how it was used, and teacher and student expectations for learning According to Marzano (1992), learners who do not have positive attitudes and perceptions have few opportunities of learning proficiently Perception in learning brings about changes in broadening knowledge as a result of experience, which can be achieved by looking, listening, touching, and walking Thus, perception includes the actions of the perceiver and the knowledge of information expanded.
Davis (1989) devised a scale that learners’ perceptions comprise two cognitive beliefs; learners’ perception of the usefulness of an object, which is the degree to which technology improves one’s skill or result on a task and the perception of the ease of use as shown inFigure 2.5.
Figure 2.5: Learners’ Perception Model (Davidet al.,1989)
2.4.2 The perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning According to Learners’ Perception Models, perception refers to the ability to become aware of using Edtech apps in English language learning through practice, memory, expectation and achievement, and this includes the perception of the role of the TELL tool and learner perception of the individual TELL tool's usefulness (benefit from using TELL tool).
The TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), proposed by Davis (1989, 1993), is an applied model of attitude (Figure 2.6) in which a person's intention to use technology is impacted by their judgments of the usefulness and ease of use The perception of ease of use of a technology is determined by how little effort is required to utilize it, while the perception of the usefulness of a technology is measured by how much it can be used to improve task performance.
Figure 2.6: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (adapted from Davis, 1989)
As proposed by the TAM model, the use of IT tools among users vigorously relies upon their perceived usefulness It is suggested that perceived ease of use has a strong impact on certain components like perceived usefulness, behavioral attitude, intention and actual use Perceived ease is an essential factor influencing user acceptance and usage behavior of information technologies (Davis, 1989, Mathieson, 1991,Venkatesh & Davis, 2000) Because of the use of active collaborative learning and engagement, the development of technology utilization models is increasing (Davis,1989) Bradyet al (2010) have announced that the use of social media among students has expanded In social media, students have used a wide range of applications to satisfy their command of entertainment and learning Digital technologies play an essential role in the success of teaching and learning Learning tools are important to enhance students’ participation and motivate them to learn (Ahmed et al., 2016). Crump (1995) believes that the primary components of motivation are excitement, interest, keenness, and enthusiasm for learning In addition, Williams and Burden (1997) notes that motivation might consist of cognitive and emotional arousal, which results in a deliberate decision to act and triggers a period of persistent mental and physical effort to accomplish a predetermined goal Rifai (2010) shows that motivation and aim to learn any language are fundamental concerns to stimulate students’ spirit in learning language Those who approach a task with motivation want to understand the context presented to make it their implication.
In conclusion, no none can turn a blind eye to the importance of technology in schools.
In the 21st century, with the development of advanced technology, the needs and expectations of learners are rather different and technology-oriented The TELL tools make learning English practical, adaptable, enjoyable, beneficial, effective, satisfying, and collaborative (Barker et al., 2005) The experience of learning with technology is more enjoyable for the students.
Inside the Vietnamese setting, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) (2008) put incredible emphasis on the change of education through implementing of ICT applications at any degree of schooling At the end of 2016, the MOET proposed concentrating on online and learning technology for language learning TELL tools improve and foster better insights for understudies towards English language learning.Students these days are profoundly associated with technology devices and use them to look for data to help their learning Therefore, it is important to use technology tools often in English to improve students' growth opportunities.
Conceptual framework
It should be noted that in this research, the two new components are comprised of: (1) Attitude towards the use of Edtech Apps: Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral; (2) Perception of the effectiveness of Edtech Apps: Usefulness, Ease of use and Motivation The attitude towards the TELL framework in this study adapted from the works of Wenden (1991), McGroarty (1996), Egly and Chaiken (1998), Van den Berg et al (2006), and Solomon et al (2010) The perception framework is adapted from the TAM model, suggested by David (1989), Venkatesh and Davis (2000) and Rifai(2010) The conceptual framework of these two components of the use of Edtech Apps,which has been developed and employed in the current study, is shown inFigure 2.7.
Previous studies
Prior studies have indicated that different aspects of technology in relation to English language learning have been studied Rifai (2010) carried out research to explore students’ attitudes, motivations and difficulties engaging in learning the English language and the factors influencing their motivation to learn it The study has shown that motivation and aim to learn any language are essential issues in designing curriculum materials and teaching strategies to stimulate students’ spirit in learning language Many students lack interest in what they have learned, and obviously they get the lesson in a passive way just because they have to finish assignments designed by the teacher to pass the exams but not as a desire to broaden their knowledge or boost their skills Whereas others who approach a task with motivation think about what information they gain and want to understand the context presented to make it their own implication Monerah (2014) conducted a study to examine college ESL students' attitudes toward classroom-based technology There were fifty students
Learner’s attitude towards the use of Edtech Apps (Solomon et al.
Cognitive (Solomon et al, 2010) The use of Edtech Apps in English language learning
Affective (Solomon et al, 2010) Learner’s perception of the use of Edtech Apps
Behavioral (Solomon et al, 2010) taking part in answering the questions This study indicated that participants’ attitudes were generally positive towards the use of technology in the classroom, and they believed that technology was an effective tool to improve the learning process in the school and help them increase their knowledge and skills in English In addition, Kalanzadeh et al (2014) explored the impact of using technology on Iranian EFL students’ motivation The participants were a group of 60 Iranian EFL university students The researcher used questionnaire to gather data Findings revealed that Iranian EFL university students had a positive attitude towards the use of technology in their English classes It was also found that there was a relationship between learning English and using technology in EFL classrooms Izadpanah and Alavi (2016) investigated the use of technology by high school students and their attitude toward technology use in their English learning process 638 Iranian high school EFL students were answering the questionnaires The findings showed that participants had a positive attitude towards using technology to study English language skills and improve their vocabulary and grammar Also, they generally reported that computer makes learning English more attractive, and they feel confident using computer technology in the classroom Moreover, Sabadoet al., (2021) stated that technology is crucial in supporting and enhancing teachers and learners during their teaching and learning process and is integrated into many schools The research was conducted to explore college professors’ perception towards the intention to use Edtech applications in their teaching with the model TAM as the conceptual framework Participants were asked to answer questionnaires, and the finding showed the relationship between teachers’ perceptions and their intention toward the use of educational apps as instructional materials.
Delacruz (2014) carried out research to explore students' perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of Nearpod during guided reading instruction The nine fourth-grade students and one student teacher in a suburban elementary school in theSoutheastern United States who were chosen to participate in the interviews, work samples (quiz results, drawings, poll results) from the Nearpod app, and an interview with the student teacher The study showed that this approach is detected as a benefit for the students to gain their independent work Students are motivated when using this app because the Nearpod application is able to engage students and enhance their learning progress.
In addition, Abdullah et al., (2022) implemented a study to explore the utilization of Nearpod in an elementary school and its effect on enhancing students learning motivation when learning online Participants were 51 students and three teachers in a private elementary school in Malang, Indonesia taking part in the study for one week. Data was collected through observation sheets, logbooks, and interview and analyzed by a technique of qualitative experimental design The findings revealed that students’ learning interests, engagement, and attention increase because they can reach a better score in competitive classroom activities with gamification in Nearpod The results of the study suggested that teachers could use Nearpod as an alternative method to enhance motivation and keep up with students’ interests in learning Moreover, the use of gamification to support inspiration among students in learning activities is exceptionally empowering.
Srisakonwat (2022) conducted a study to investigate the impact of using Nearpod to enhance students’ vocabulary knowledge and their satisfaction with learning vocabulary via the Nearpod application The participants were three students at Sansai Withayakhom School in Chiang Mai province The study was conducted by quantitative research, and the researcher used instruments including vocabulary lessons via the Nearpod application, a vocabulary knowledge test, and a Satisfaction questionnaire The findings suggested that vocabulary lessons via the Nearpod application bring many effects, and students have good perceptions of Nearpod when using it to learn vocabulary.
Armijos and Salvador (2021) did research with the aim to facilitate the experience of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) by utilizing the Nearpod application to direct developmental evaluations simultaneously and decide its impact on understudies' grammatical competence There were 46 students from 2 classes at anEcuadorian public university joining the study Participants had to practice pre-tests,post-tests and a survey to show their attitudes toward the acceptance of the App The results stated that students perceived the app with a high rate for both categories, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
Another researcher, Hakami (2020) had a look at the promotion of active learning by applying Nearpod The current study consisted of 74 students at Sharoura College of Science and Arts, Najran University They needed to bring their own learning devices to a classroom where the Nearpod is incorporated with a video-conference learning system, which is regraded as a distance learning system, to provide lectures and answer a series of open-ended questions about the experiences Generally, students demonstrated an increase in the degree of interaction in the classroom and in the level of comprehension of the material.
Hani (2021) carried out research that determined the effectiveness of the application of Quizizz as an interactive self-assessment in teaching reading and finding out students’ responses to using Quizizz as an interactive self-assessment to learn reading There were 324 eleventh-grade students and one English teacher of SMK Muhammadiyah Kramat participating in the research Data was collected through questionnaires, observations, and interviews Observations were carried out in 2 meetings From the results of data processing, it was found that the application of Quizizz gets a positive response from students, and it is essential to apply an assessment method that is not boring for students.
Rajendran et al (2019) said that through the usage of their own quizzes, students can utilize Quizizz to track their progress over time and be motivated to study more They conducted the study to explore secondary-level learners’ motivation and perception in learning English using the Quizvaganza game The study consisted of forty pupils who joined the Quizvaganza game divided into three specific skills related to similar topics. Learners were to have mastered three talents after each day's instruction The author used questionnaires which consisted of 14 items, and semi-structured interview with three chosen students to collect the data The results of the study assert that students increased their excitement when they used Quizizz.
Zainuddin et al (2020) studied the students’ perceptions of the use of Socrative,Quizizz, and iSpring Learn LMS Participants were ninety four students from the ages of 15 to 16 who had to fill out the survey questionnaire Post-questionnaire surveys and personal interviews showed that the three apps were effective in evaluating students’ learning performance Students perceived that Quizizz has a positive effect on all types of learning engagement and motivation in class, as a result, Quizizz improves learning performance through friendly competition Students showed that they felt fun and enjoyable when joining in the activities.
Zainuddin et al., (2020) did research on using Padlet for e-learning and presented the activities of engaging and motivating students in active learning Quantitative approach was used with a semi-structured questionnaire to collect data from 39 postgraduate students Their participation was assessed through motivation, active learning, cooperation, learning opportunity, usefulness, ease of use, and satisfaction. The findings of the study have revealed that students' participation in class activities is significantly improved through active learning through Padlet.
In the Vietnam context, recent studies show that technology brings many benefits to the teaching and learning process Published in 2014, the study by Nguyen (Hue University of Education) addressed that overall students in Vietnam have a strong motivation to learn to meet course requirements and to achieve good results This means that in the Vietnamese context, students handle any assignments in order to pass the exams with flying colors and win a place at a university They make a real effort to have a good job in the future.
In the study of Le and Vo (2014), applications, the Internet, and other technologies have been widely used in all facets of society, particularly in the field of education. This study indicates that teachers’ enthusiasm about ICT and their friendly, effective environment affect the student’s perception.
Tri and Nguyen (2014) attempted to examine 149 English majors’ use of ICT in English language learning at a university The findings show that participants expressed favorable opinions on using ICT in English language learning and would like to use it more frequently in classroom activities.
Tran (2015) issues that teachers should use instructional strategies that encourage learners to learn and practice English-language skills actively Moreover, teachers should learn and use ICT applications to boost student motivation or engage with them on social media It is also evident that technology use in the classroom must be appropriate and efficient to support students' learning.
Research gaps
English language learning plays a vital role in our national curriculum set by the government as well as in the socialization and modernization period The development of English teaching curricula has received a lot of attention due to the adoption of the learner-centered approach in Vietnam and the ongoing rise in international contacts in a variety of fields Moreover, to enhance students’ attitudes towards their language learning, teachers should raise awareness of effective factors during their classroom interaction and design a course that can best serve learners' interests and needs, which is an obstacle for many instructors There are a great deal of studies about motivation and attitudes toward English language teaching and learning and different researchers have different ideas about the impacts of the technology-based approach in SLA.However, few studies concerned with the attitudes towards using EdTech Apps in students’ language learning have been conducted in the educational context at DinhTien Hoang High school, Ba Ria Vung Tau province Therefore, this study is implemented with the aim of revealing some impacts of using technology in English teaching and learning for the EFL students at Dinh Tien Hoang High School The study is descriptive and tries to understand the importance of online learning during crisis and pandemics such as Covid-19.
The chapter reviewed the related literature It was comprised of the theoretical background and the review of previous studies The theoretical background was divided into three sections including the use of Edtech Apps, students’ attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps, and the perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps inEnglish language learning Then, the chapter indicated the conceptual framework.Next, the review of previous studies which made a contribution to the study was presented, and the study ended with the research gap.
The chapter presents the research methodology used in this review to address the previous research questions This section begins with an introduction, followed by research design, research setting, sample and sampling procedures, research instruments, data collection, data analysis procedures, validity and reliability, and summary.
The ultimate goal of this study is to explore the EFL students’ attitudes towards and perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps for English language learning in the context of Dinh Tien Hoang High School in Vung Tau.
The research questions are the following:
1 How do EFL students perceive the use of Edtech Apps for English language learning at Dinh Tien Hoang High School?
2 What are the EFL students’ attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps forEnglish language learning at Dinh Tien Hoang High School?
Research design
The study is a survey research design in a case study The researcher used the mixed-methods technique, including qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate students’ perceptions and attitudes toward the use of Edtech Apps in their English learning progress.
In view of the method design, it is realized that the mixed strategies approach has brought an enormous benefit Creswell (2004), for example, states: “A mixed method is the combination of qualitative and quantitative method which provides a more complete understanding of a research problem than either approach alone” (p.32).Additionally, Pardede (2018) expresses that "the mixed method can address both of the'what' (quantitative and subjective) questions and 'how' or 'why' (subjective) questions.This empowers the scientists to grasp the various understandings of a specific peculiarity" (p.232) Subsequently, it was determined that using the mixed method design consisting of quantitative and qualitative methods combined in this study is the best method to conduct this investigation First and foremost, the researcher acquired and analyzed quantitative data It was then the most common way of collecting and analyzing the qualitative data The second step not just supported and elaborated on the quantitative outcomes yet, in addition, worked with the scientist to see the different translations of the exploring issues One more reason for utilizing this mixed method was that while the quantitative information and their succeeding examination yielded a principal comprehension of the examination, the subjective information offered top to bottom investigation of the members' perspectives which relate to the interviews. Samples were selected conveniently on behalf of more than one thousand students from grade 10 to grade 12 at Dinh Tien Hoang High School Students answered questionnaire and interviews Data was collected by Google form and analyzed by SPSS software.
The sequential explanatory design model created by Creswell (2009) has been adapted for the data collection process in this study, as shown in Figure 3.1 below:
Figure 3.1: Sequential explanatory design (Creswell, 2009)
Research site
This study was conducted at Dinh Tien Hoang High School, which is one of five state schools in Vung Tau city, BRVT province Dinh Tien Hoang High School has achieved good results in the English subject in the General Certificate of SecondaryExaminations with 4th rank record in Ba Ria Vung Tau Province because English teachers have good English level proficiency and students are given supportive environmental factors, including parents, teachers, modern facilities, etc There are whiteboards and Internet connectivity in every classroom Additionally, administrators see the value of integrating technology into the classroom and are prepared to hire native speakers to help students develop their communication abilities In the academic year 2021-2022, the total number of learners is 2019, including three grades 10,11 and
12, with 48 classes Students must learn English as a compulsory subject to meet the requirement for the GCSE after they finish high school, and they must have five lessons per week, according to Education Department of BRVT province. Unfortunately, the outbreak of Covid-19 resulted in a change in the design of classrooms at all grade levels Consequently, innovative applications of technology, which could be used in both the face-to-face class and online forms, were required as a result of social distancing techniques and many available Apps, such as Nearpod, Quizizz and Padlet, etc were considered as an alternative way to present information, increase students’ engagement and assess their learning progress and outcomes. Besides many online platforms such as Google Meet and Microsoft Teams provide tools to transmit and present teachers’ lectures and knowledge; teachers also instruct students how to sign up for free, join Apps to do tests, play games, present learning content or practice grammar exercises at home Students were provided links or code by teacher and were given feedback or explanation after finishing the assignment or test In brief, during the Covid - 19 onset, students are accustomed to learning and taking tests via media and such Edtech Apps.
Sample and sampling procedures
In this study, the researcher conveniently selected 122 samples from grade 10, 11, and
12 at Dinh Tien Hoang High School who are taking English as a compulsory subject as a graduation requirement These chosen students were in terms of students’ level English proficiency and variety of levels to have an overview Purposive sampling, according to Malhotra and Birks (2006), is the best option for exploratory research designs since it is favorable, inexpensive, and time-efficient The students' willingness to respond to the questionnaire will play a role in this study's effectiveness (Bernard &
As can be seen in the Table 3.1, which arrests some general information of participants, including gender, grade, English level, and year of study This general information is discussed in detail below:
Gender: The number of male students is 36, accounting for 29.5 % of the study’s sample and 86 students are females (70.5%) Obviously, the number of female students is larger than that of male pupils, showing a gender disparity.
Grade: Regarding the grade, the participants in this study were high school students from grade 10 to grade 12 The number of participants in grade 10 was 71(58.2 %), 12 of the students were in grade 11 (9.8 %), and the rest was 39 students(32 %) who were in grade 12 Students in grade 10 were the highest, while students in grade 11 were the lowest.
English level: The majority of participants (72.1%) were Intermediate, 20.5% were Elementary, Beginner accounted for 4.1% ,and 3.3% were Advanced.
Year(s) of studying English:49.2 % of participants (60) have learned English for a period of 5 - 7 years, compared to about 41% (50) more than 7 years, and a very small portion (9.8%) of students (12) have studied English less than 5 years.
Table 3.2: Participant’s general perceptions about Edtech Apps
Technology-based devices to learn
The participants’ general perceptions about Edtech Apps in Table 3.2 showed 3 main items, including Edtech Apps Used by DTH students, technology-based devices to learn English, and the purpose of using Edtech Apps.
Edtech Apps Used by DTH students: The vast majority of participants have used Quizizz, with a frequency of 108, making up 38.7% The percentage of participants using Azota was 25.8% Padlet ranked third with a frequency of 49, making up of 17.6% Quizlet with a frequency of 33 made up of 11.8% Nearpod’s use got the smallest percentage with 6.1%.
Technology-based devices to learn English: Computers/laptops, smartphones, Tablets and Tivi were used to learn English The majority part of participants own a smart phone, computer, laptop and a small number of participants share technology-based devices with their siblings In particular, the first preference was computers or ,with the number of 84 participants, accounting for 42.0% Along with computers, a lot of the participants preferred Tablets, with the number of 94 accounting for 47.0% The third preference was smartphones with the number of 20 participants, accounting for 10.0% The preference of Tivi had 2 participants, accounting for 1.0% The preference of using Tablets was the highest.
Purpose of using Edtech Apps: Participants used Edtech Apps for learning English, classifying into six main groups The first group belonged to Do exam/test was the highest number with 98 students, accounting for 24.0% The second one was of Do homework with frequency of 90, accounting for 22.1% The third one was ofReview lesson with frequency of 86, accounting for 21.1% 79 participants (19.4%) used Edtech Apps to learn online Only 41 participants (10.0%) of the samples usedEdtech Apps to play game The last group belonged to Presentation, which had only 14 students (3.4%) and was the lowest one.
Figure 3.2: Frequency of using Edtech Apps Frequency of using Edtech Apps was shown in Figure 3.2: Using Edtech Apps was divided into 3 groups: Nearpod, Quizizz and Padlet with four main cohorts, including Daily, A few times a week, A few times a month and Never The results found that 3 (2.4%) of the participants used Quizizz daily, while 1 (0.8%) of participants used Padlet daily and 2 (1.7%) participants used Nearpod daily Obviously, Daily was the lowest cohort 9 (7.3%) of the participants reported that they used Nearpod a few times a week, while 53 (43.4%) of the participants used Quizizz a few times a week and 28(23.0%) of the participants used Padlet a few times a week The third cohort was of a few times a month with a frequency of 29, accounting for 23.8% of the participants used Nearpod while 60 participants (49.2%) used Quizizz, and 49 (40.2%) of participants used Padlet The last cohort belonged to Never 82 (67.2 %) participants answered that they never used Nearpod to learn English while 6 (5.0%) participants never used Quizizz, and 44 participants never used Padlet, accounting for 36.0%.
Research instruments
This study followed a mix-method approach by using questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, which were designed on purpose to collect feedback about participants’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps in their learning English at home.
With the view to collecting the quantitative data regarding students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning, the researcher developed a questionnaire based on the literature review, the conceptual framework, and the research purposes The questionnaire was designed and distributed to 122 students In terms of the questionnaire’s design, the researcher adopted and adapted the questionnaire from Tran and Duong’s (2021) study, which features three main parts. The first part (Part A) consists of 4 items asking for participants’ background information, namely Gender, Grade, English level, and Year(s) of studying English, and 4 questions about Edtech Apps Used by DTH students, Technology-based devices, Frequency and Purpose of using Edtech Apps The second part (Part B) with 20 items using a five-point Likert scale (‘5’ for Strongly Agree, ‘4’ for Agree, ‘3’ for Neutral,
‘2’ for Disagree and ‘1’ for Strongly Disagree) exploring about participants’ perceptions about the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning Below are the details of the questionnaire of perceptions: questions 1 to 10 are used to ask about perceptions of using Edtech Apps in terms of Usefulness The questions from 11 to 15 are about Ease of Use Questions 16 to 20 focus on perceptions of Motivation The third part (Part C) with 18 items asking for students’ attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps (5-point Likert scale: Strongly disagree to Strongly agree), focused on three components of attitudes (1) Cognitive (Question 1 to Question 7), (2) Affective (Question 8 to Question 13) and (3) Behavioral (Question 14 to Question 18).
The study's objectives were stated in the questionnaire's introductory section, which also included a thank-you note to encourage respondents The survey was first created in English before being translated into Vietnamese so that the respondent would not have any difficulty understanding the questions Students had 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire Closed-ended questions were used as they have some benefits, including cost savings, ease of processing and testing, according to Simmons (2001). The data from the questionnaires was analyzed by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows The total Cronbach’s Alpha of this questionnaire (n8) was 974, which demonstrated that the questionnaire's reliability statistics were extremely high.
The semi-structured interviews were employed to examine students’ responses and cross-check the questionnaires' data Zorn (2010) states that semi-structured is considered the most useful interview format for carrying out qualitative research because the interviewees have a right to talk freely about whatever is coming up, and they can stop the interview at any time The interview added to the reliability of the study Fifteen students were chosen to join in the interview In this stage, an interviewer was expected to ask open-ended questions, and students were explained the purpose of the interview clearly These inquiries enabled the researcher to delve more deeply into the students' experiences Those questions enabled the researcher to look into the deeper experiences of the students The semi-structured interview was designed based on the research objectives; there were Part A asked about interviewees’ personal information, and Part B with five questions regarding the attitudes and opinions of students about using Edtech Apps in learning English The interview was expected to last 15 minutes in the classroom during the breaks The responses of the interviewees were recorded as suggested by Creswell (2012) Additionally, the interview questions were translated into Vietnamese Vietnamese responses from the students were gathered by the researcher, who afterward translated them into English.
In order to determine whether the questions were clear and efficient at obtaining the required data, a pilot interview was also conducted.
Data was collected from April to July of the school year 2021-2022 In the follow-up phase of the study, the researchers utilized the SPSS version 20 to test Cronbach’s alpha to determine whether the data was reliable or not.
Data collection procedure
After conducting a pilot study, the questions in the questionnaire and interview were modified The pilot questionnaire let the researcher implement some meaningful item analysis and make some necessary changes After that, the main study was conducted at Dinh Tien Hoang High School, Ba Ria Vung Tau Province 122 students participated in the survey The required time to finish the questionnaire was approximately 15 minutes The close-ended questions are convenient for the process of coding a numeric value and analyzing data statistically, as noted by Creswell (2009).
122 duplicates of the questionnaire were finally collected back for the check of validity and reliability To increase the reliability of measure, the process of designing the questionnaire was carefully prepared Prior to commencing the survey in students,the questionnaire was designed in English version and then translated into Vietnamese.After the data from questionnaires had been roughly processed, fifteen students from three grades were chosen at random for the semi-structured interviews The interview lasted 15 minutes The language used for interviews was Vietnamese; all interviews were audio-recorded for later transcription Each interviewee was coded as S1, S2 toS15 Just for the record, the participants’ voice was clear and secure In the stage, the researcher expected to be given their own responses that the previous researchers did not consider.
Data analysis procedure
This mixed methods design generates both qualitative and quantitative data With respect to the data analysis, the quantitative data generated from 38 questionnaires was analyzed by SPSS software version 20 in terms of means, standard deviation and frequency The meaning of the interval mean scores is interpreted as:
Meanwhile, qualitative data was collected and analyzed from semi-structured interview questions The codes S1, S2 to S15 were the interviewees Regarding the qualitative data analysis, firstly, the information was recorded and taken notes throughout the interview, then it would be transferred into written texts with the full version of the interviews to conduct qualitative content analysis process Secondly the researcher informed the results of the study and explained its meaning that revealed what perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps.
Validity and Reliability
Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was used to determine the validity and reliability of the student questionnaire After then, descriptive statistics were used to examine how Edtech Apps were used in the study of English These statistics included frequencies, means, standard deviations, and percentages According to George and Mallery (2003), Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients were measured as follows:
-Ranging from 0.900 or above: excellent
Table 3.3: Cronbach’s Alpha of the questionnaire items The students’ perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps
The students’ attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
Cronbach's Alpha of the questionnaire items
Table 3.3 illustrates the results obtained from the SPSS The Cronbach’s Alpha is at 974, which means the questionnaire's reliability was very high and the reliability of the questionnaire was reliable.
Chapter 3 has introduced the research methodology which was used to conduct this study Firstly, an introduction was presented The second part was the research design.
122 samples of the study were analyzed in detail with information about using EdtechApps (Nearpod, Quizizz and Padlet) in English language learning The participants came from grade 10, 11 and 12 in 2021 - 2022 academic year at Dinh Tien HoangHigh School, Vung Tau City Besides, the researcher chose fifteen students to interview to collect in-depth information Then, the research instruments,consisting of the questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, were employed The two following parts of this chapter gave detailed information on the data collection procedures and data analysis procedures The chapter also reported that the validity and reliability of the study was in turn presented in the last part.
The chapter presents the major findings from the survey, which were analyzed by the mixed methods, and the discussions of data collected from the questionnaire and semi-structured interview at Dinh Tien Hoang High School It reports on the data analysis regarding the main issue, namely the perceptions and attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps (Nearpod, Quizizz, and Padlet) in English language learning among EFL students at Dinh Tien Hoang High School The study focuses on the components of the perceptions and the components of attitudes toward the use of Edtech Apps in learning English In regarding to the perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps included three perceptive elements: Usefulness, Ease of Use, and Motivation In regarding to the attitude towards the use of Edtech Apps included three components: Cognitive,Affective, and Behavioral Then, it emphasizes the discussions of the research findings
4.2.1 Students’ perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning
Table 4.1: Perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning
No Perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps
Note: M: mean; SD: Standard deviationTable 4.1reported that the participants expressed positive perceptions of using EdtechApps in learning English, including usefulness, ease of use, and motivation The total mean score of students' perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps was rather high(M=3.62; SD=.68) Obviously, the participants’ responses to Ease of Use (M=3.74;
SD=.83) were the highest components in the three perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps components, following the students’ responses to Motivation (M=3.58; SD=.74) and Usefulness (M=3.58; SD=.70)
Table 4.2: Participants’ perceptions of using Edtech Apps in terms of Usefulness
PU1 My English learning outcomes are improved after I use Edtech Apps 3.42 78
PU2 Edtech Apps enhance my English knowledge 3.58 89
PU3 Edtech Apps enhance my English skills 3.70 81
PU4 Edtech Apps helps me to finish my assignments quickly 3.70 99
PU5 Edtech Apps help me to expand social interactions with my teacher 3.34 1.04
PU6 Edtech Apps help me to expand social interactions with my classmates 3.31 1.03
PU7 Edtech Apps make my learning easier 3.64 92
PU8 Edtech Apps make my learning more flexible 3.68 88
PU9 I can practice my English freely by using Edtech
PU10 I can practice my English autonomously by using
Note: M: mean; SD: Standard deviation
As can be seen from Table 4.2, the total mean score of Usefulness is relatively high (M=3.58; SD=.70), which means that students’ perceptions toward using Edetch Apps in terms of Usefulness are positive “[They] can practice [their] English freely by usingEdtech Apps” is the highest (item PU9: M=3.89; SD=.96) They agreed that “EdtechApps helps [them] to finish [their] assignments quickly” (item PU4: M=3.70;
SD=0.99) “[They] can practice [their] English autonomously by using Edtech Apps” (item PU10: M=3.75; SD=.94) “Edtech Apps make [their] learning easier (item PU7: M= 3.64; SD=.92) “Edtech Apps make [their] learning more flexible” (item PU8: M=3.68; SD=.88), “Edtech Apps enhance [their] English knowledge” (item PU2: M=3.58; SD=.89), “Edtech Apps enhance [their] English skills” (item PU3: M=3.70; SD=.81) “[Their] English learning outcomes are improved after [they] use Edtech Apps (item PU1: M=3.42; SD=.78), “Edtech Apps help [them] to expand social interactions with [their] teacher (item PU5: M=3.34; SD=1.04), and “Edtech Apps help [them] to expand social interactions with [their] classmates (item PU6: M=3.31; SD=1.03).
In addition, all interviewees mentioned that Edtech Apps were really useful in learning English They shared as follows:
…Nearpod helps me practice all the skills, and when I submit the assignments, the teacher can cover it…(S1)
…A wonderful resource for keeping track of class updates is Padlet You can keep track of the subjects of recent and prospective class assignments as well as their due dates by using it in the classroom.…(S5)
…There is nothing better than being able to learn English with Edtech Apps in a contemporary, efficient, and correct manner They are quicker, and more affordable, and I can learn at my own pace without having to pay for English storybooks that are already available on the app.…(S5)
… Quizizz benefits a lot of things from helping teachers to engage students to compete with each other; students can also understand more before or after they finish a lesson through a friendly quiz game…(S3)
…They are practical apps that support students in their online learning and can raise the standard of upcoming courses On Quizizz, multiple choice questions and flashcards assist students in familiarizing themselves with material, retaining it, and testing their factual knowledge With Padlet, you can create an online post-it board or ideas that you can share with any student or teacher you want Furthermore, all your reports and essays will be saved immediately by Padlet so that you easily open and learn whenever you want…(S9)
Table 4.3: Participants’ perceptions of using Edtech Apps in terms of Ease of Use
PE1 I find Edtech Apps easy to use 3.84 99
PE2 Edtech Apps are easy to download on many devices 3.86 95 PE3 Edtech Apps are easy to install on many devices 3.86 95 PE4 I don't get any difficulty in using Edtech Apps 3.43 1.07
PE5 I can use Edtech Apps to test my English language level easily 3.73 87
Note: M: mean; SD: Standard deviation With regard to Perceptions of Ease of Use, the results in Table 4.3 indicate that the participants agreed that Edtech Apps are easy to use “Edtech Apps are easy to download on many devices” (item PE2: M=3.86; SD=.95), “Edtech Apps are easy to install on many devices” (item PE3: M=3.86; SD=.95), “[they] find Edtech Apps easy to use” (item PE1: M=3.84; SD=.99), “[they] can use Edtech Apps to test [their] English language level easily” (item PE5: M=3.73; SD=.87) and “[they] don't get any difficulty in using Edtech Apps” (item PE4: M=3.43; SD=1.07) In general, the mean scores of participants’ Ease of Use perceptions towards using Edtech Apps are relatively high (M=3.74; SD=.83), which means students find them easy to use Since the SD for every item in this category is rather high, the responses to the questions were dispersed.
Furthermore, most interviewees expressed their positive perceptions towards Edtech Apps They stated:
…I think Edtech Apps are easy to join, have no fees, and easy to use interface You can get your results… (S2)
… As online examinations are frequently assessed and recorded automatically,
Edtech Apps can also significantly speed up grading and data collection The students are able to review their responses immediately rather than having to wait for a teacher to grade each….(S9)
…I think TELL tools are very useful… (S3)
…On the good side, Apps can change the usual way of teaching, and they are easy to use… (S8)
Table 4.4: Participants’ perceptions of using Edtech Apps in terms of Motivation
PM1 Edtech Apps motivate me to learn English because they are enjoyable 3.48 93
PM2 I am interested in learning English by using Edtech
PM3 Edtech Apps enable me to practice better by playing games 3.88 89
PM4 I can work harder whenever I use Edtech Apps to study 3.39 88
PM5 I feel great after using Edtech Apps because they provide many forms of non-judgemental feedback 3.66 91
Note: M: mean; SD: Standard deviation With regard to motivation towards using Edtech Apps, the results inTable 4.4address that the participants agreed that the use of Edtech Apps motivated them to learn.
“Edtech Apps enable [them] to practice better by playing games” (item PM3: M=3.88;SD=.88), and “[They] feel great after using Edtech Apps because they provide many forms of non-judgemental feedback” (item PM5: M=3.66; SD=.91), “[They] are interested in learning English by using Edtech Apps” (item PM2: M=3.49; SD=.86),and “Edtech Apps motivate [them] to learn English because they are enjoyable” (itemPM1: M=3.48; SD=.93), and “[They] can work harder whenever [they] use Edtech
Apps to study” (item PM4: M=3.39; SD=.88) In general, the mean scores of participants’ motivation perceptions towards using Edtech Apps are fairly high (M=3.58; SD=.74), which means they increased their motivation.
Furthermore, most interviewees expressed their positive perceptions towards Edtech Apps They mentioned that Edtech Apps helped them motivate and learn themselves. They mentioned that:
…Quizizz, Padlet, and Nearpod look very eye-catching with the color schemes, and funk or EDM music in the background creates a comfortable atmosphere and makes the lessons more intriguing for us students…(S3)
… My teachers can inspire children to be creative by using Padlet By posting them on the Padlet wall, we will also have the ability to share essays or reports with other classmates Additionally, Quizizz enables students to learn from nearly anywhere, any time A good number of the materials on the site come from thousands of teachers around the globe and can be creatively applied to any subject or grade level… (S9)
…When using Edtech Apps, we will be more active in learning and acquiring additional knowledge from the outside Edtech Apps help me increase my motivation…(S7)
… I feel that using Edtech Apps is effective because they motivate me to learn English because they can entertain and help me to broaden my English knowledge …(S10) 4.2.2 Students’ attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning
Table 4.5: Attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning
No Attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps
Note: M: mean; SD: Standard deviation
The results inTable 4.5 shows that the total mean score of students' attitudes towards using Edtech Apps was rather high (M=3.66; SD=.65) That is, students had positive attitudes towards applying Edtech Apps for their learning English Furthermore, students’ cognitive, affective, and behavioral attitudes were comparatively high. Despite having fairly high means, the participant’s responses to each component were not the same Students’ affective attitudes (M=3.79; SD=.74) were the highest component, followed by behavioral attitudes (M=3.67; SD=.72) In comparison with the other two components, cognitive attitudes had the lowest mean score (M=3.53; SD=.69)
Table 4.6: Participants’ cognitive attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps
Note: M: mean; SD: Standard deviation
C1 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to enrich my vocabulary 3.77 78
C2 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to improve my English grammar 3.58 78
C3 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to exchange English knowledge in Speaking class 3.48 91
C4 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to improve my listening skills 3.46 93
C5 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to improve my writing skills 3.45 93
C6 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to pronounce correctly 3.39 93
C7 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to improve my reading skills 3.60 87
In the section, the findings from the data analysis were examined to explain the background of the theory, methodology, and the findings were connected with different research as well as contributions to the research.
The finding of the study showed that the participants had positive perceptions using of Edtech Apps in English language learning, including the perceptions of Usefulness,Ease of Use and Motivation There are many reasons for this finding Firstly, all of the participants possessed technology-based devices (e.g., smartphone, tablets, desktop computers, laptop computers) for different purposes of use So they find using technology convenient in English language learning Secondly, students have been using Edtech Apps during 2021-2022 academic year because of lockdown period and the spread of Covid-19 pandemic It is clear that the participants got used to using suchApps in their learning in general and English language learning in particular Thirdly,
Nearpod, Quizizz and Padlet are available and accessible to students Students can use them anytime and anywhere to improve their learning process.
Regarding to the perceptions of Usefulness of the use of Edtech Apps, the total mean score (M=3.58; SD=.70) was high Thus, the participants perceived the use of Edtech Apss effectively All interviewees agreed that Edtech Apps could be used to improve of all four language skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading as well as pronunciation and grammar The findings were partially supported by the previous research carried out by Davis (1989), Venkatesh and Davis (2000), Cavus and Ibrahim (2008), Wang and Smith (2013), Hani (2021), Kukulska-Hulme (2015); Rahimi and Soleymani (2015), Wu (2015), Cavus (2016), Klimova (2020), Nguyen (2021), and Srisakonwat (2022).
Additionally, it was evident that the participants’ responses to Ease of Use (M=3.74; SD=.83) were one of the highest components in the three perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps in learning English Similarly, previous research in the study showed that students regarded technology as useful, enjoyable, stress-free, interesting, and attractive on their learning process (Wang & Chia, 2020; Armijos & Salvador, 2021).
In terms of learner motivation, students positively stated that Edtech Apps motivated them and they felt confident using Edtech Apps in playing games or doing tests (M=3.58; SD=.74) Overall, it was found that students perceived Edtech Apps as having a positive impact on all types of learning engagement and motivation in class. They felt that Edtech Apps enhanced learning performance through friendly competition The present finding seemed to be consistent with Lutsch (1999), Rifai (2010), Delacruz (2014), Ellis (2015), Ahmed et al (2016), England (2017), Kimura (2018), Rajendran,et al., (2019), Zainuddin et al.(2020), Sabado (2021), Abdullah et al.(2022).
Another major finding is that in general, students had positive attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps (M=3.66; SD=.65) Students gained an understanding of the benefits of Edtech Apps such as Quizizz, Padlet and Nearpod, which resulted in an increase in their preference for using Edtech Apps in English language learning Among three components of attitudes, students were found to express their highest positive affective attitudes towards Edtech Apps (M=3.79; SD=.74) Students of the study reported that learning English lessons through Edtech Apps makes the lessons more exciting and attractive With respect to cognitive attitudes, students were also found to have positive cognitive attitudes towards Edtech Apps (M=3.53; SD=.69) This finding can indicate that students were aware of the importance of Edtech Apps, and they believed that technology could support them in enhancing their English language skills A vast number of students said that learning English with Edtech Apps helps them enrich their vocabulary, and improve their grammar and their reading skills Similarly, their behavioral attitudes toward Edtech Apps are positive The findings were aligned with Monerah (2014), Kalanzadeh et al (2014), Izadpanah and Alavi (2016), Tran and Duong (2021) In terms of Behavioral, students felt Edtech Apps useful for their learning so they intended to continue to use it in the future (M=3.67; SD=.72) as Kara (2009) stated that “Positive attitudes lead to the exhibition of positive behaviors toward courses of study, with participants absorbing themselves in courses and striving to learn more Such students are also observed to be more eager to solve problems, to acquire the information and skills useful for daily life and to engage themselves emotionally.”
However, study participants admitted that they had certain issues when using apps For instance, while Internet access has significantly advanced in recent years, maintaining a steady connection is still a major problem As a result, learning progression for students is frequently disrupted Due to the lack of face-to-face interactions in online classes, students reported feeling lonely and spending more time online playing games or using other apps than they were supposed to be in class Additionally, the SD in the category of ease of use is relatively high, indicating that the responses to the questions were scattering The fact that some students chose numbers at random and were not focused on their responses could be a potential reason for this outcome.
In summary, this chapter aimed to explore and evaluate the data gathered from the questionnaire and semi-structured interview Firstly, it reported the findings from the qualitative and quantitative data analysis to figure out students’ perceptions through using Edtech Apps (Nearpod, Quizizz and Padlet) at Dinh Tien Hoang High school. The results were collected from the perceptions and attitude towards the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning among EFL students at Dinh Tien Hoang High School Afterward, each component of perceptions and attitudes was analyzed separately The general data was debated after the results of each perceptions and attitudes were collected With regard to the participants' perceptions and attitudes toward the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning, the qualitative and quantitative data were added incidentally in the same line with the participants Then the point of view of the interviewees was collected, the discussion of them was analyzed, and they were compared with the previous studies The findings revealed that students understood and valued using educational technology applications for learning These findings were aligned with many theories and other researchers, who demonstrated that positive perceptions through the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning The study was successful as if it was able to identify Dinh Tien Hoang students who had positive perceptions towards the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning.
Moreover, at Dinh Tien Hoang High School there have been no studies implemented about the perceptions and attitudes toward the use of Edtech Apps for English language learning The present study filled the gap in the research by finding out the perceptions and attitudes towards the use of Edtech Apps such as Nearpod, Quizizz and Padlet among EFL students in English language learning Therefore, the research highlighted the contributions and recommendations.
This chapter is divided into five sections, the first section presents the introduction, the second section provides the conclusions of this study, the third section highlights the pedagogical implications of the research, the next one is the limitations of the research,and lastly, the recommendation is mentioned for further research.
In summary, the goal of this paper was to assess students’ perceptions and attitudes toward the use of educational applications of Nearpod, Quizizz and Padlet at DinhTien Hoang High School in English language learning The results of the study have brought out a better understanding of how EFL students think about the use ofNearpod, Quizizz and Padlet to improve their learning English process It can be seen from the data that students had positive perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps In respect of the perceptions of Usefulness, the students agreed that Edtech Apps helped them improve the main four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, and sub-skills: pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary as well as do tests or further exercises Relating to Ease of Use, the students reported that Edtech Apps helped them feel convenient, more confident, reduce stress, and use easily and quickly anytime and anywhere Therefore, they were enjoyable to engage in learning activities and improving skills as well as interest in practice exercises In terms of motivation, the students agreed that Edtech Apps improved them to formulate their positive learning habits and motivated them Regarding to Attitude towards the use of Edtech Apps, in terms of Cognitive, students of the study revealed that Edtech Apps help to enhance their English knowledge and skills They can enrich their vocabulary as well as better their grammar and reading better In terms of Affective, English lessons throughEdtech Apps are so interesting that they feel confident in learning English and doing tests Edtech Apps make the lesson less-stress and enjoyable with careful instructions from the teacher Also, regarding Behavioral, students generally reported that they intended to continue learning English with Edtech Apps, and they would like to take part in games that their teachers create with Edtech Apps.
Overall, the integration of the Edtech Apps benefited the students in improving their learning in their perceptions After using Edtech Apps in English learning process, a wide range of benefits of Edtech Apps such as their being useful, interesting,enjoyable, fun, convenient, user-friendly may be recognized As a result, their English acquisition may become more efficient, and they would have positive attitudes towards using Edtech Students express their desire to keep using Edtech Apps in learningEnglish In other words, they may have more English learning passion and motivation,and this could lead to the more frequent utilization of Edtech Apps in EFL.
Pedagogical implications
As far as the findings of the study, there are many implications as follows:
5.3.1 Implications for the administrators of Dinh Tien Hoang High School
Firstly, technology-supported hardware, software, net access, teaching aids and sound recording devices should be equipped in the classrooms Naturally, the tools would aid the students in paying closer attention to their lectures.
Secondly, the school needs to encourage additional study in this area to find more innovative and effective ways to teach and learn English using Edtech Apps.
Thirdly, the school should encourage teachers and students to apply more Edtech Apps in current teaching and learning in the class to make full use of the benefits of Edtech Apps.
5.3.2 Implications for the teachers of Dinh Tien Hoang High School
Firstly, teachers should be given training courses on technology applications in learning with latest technology updates so that they can control classroom activities and instruct them in different situations The English teachers should help the students fully understand the usefulness and effectiveness of English learning through Edtech Apps so that they can have positive perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps and they would like to use more in the future.
Secondly, English speaking clubs relating to the use of Edtech Apps should be organized English environment should be created The teachers must raise students’ awareness of the usefulness and effectiveness of Edtech Apps in English language learning For example, the teacher may encourage their students to find out further exercises to do at home Students can be introduced to several e-websites, and internet resources as well as shared links for practicing with foreigners, and native speakers; besides, being guided to create their web pages as notebooks to store English knowledge After that, the teachers should give feedback and explanations to have the positive English language learning strategic perceptions and English learning habits of using Edtech Apps.
Thirdly, the teachers ought to express their concerns on the issues that encountered during the classes As many students used Wi-Fi and 3G connections for video chats, the quality of their conversation was hampered by the instability of their Internet connections.
Fourthly, it is imperative that teachers take students’ physical interactions into consideration Other forms of communication between teachers, students and peers should be carried out to draw students’ attention to the lesson and reduce the sense of isolation.
Finally, students can be easily distracted by social media and games online, so teachers should make the lesson more interactive and interesting to keep students concentrating on the task.
5.3.3 Implications for the students of Dinh Tien Hoang High School
Firstly, students should attend training courses on technology applications in learning. They can know how to control their time plan for their use of Edtech Apps and how to use Apps correctly and responsibly to make full use of the benefits of Apps in learning autonomously Edtech Apps can assist students get ready for their goals and outcomes with "B1" certificates as well as future careers if they are used appropriately and sensibly.
Secondly, students should take responsibility for their learning and seek out teachers' assistance right away if they are having any problems.
The study has achieved its goal, which is to explore Dinh Tien Hoang students’ perceptions and attitudes toward the use of technological tools in English language learning However, the study has some restrictions, as mentioned as follows:
The first limitation of this study derives from convenience sampling and the small size of the data was used for analysis With the number of 122 students accounted for only a small proportion of the total students in the school, the data are not large enough. Therefore, the results of this study may not represent the whole activities of teaching and learning at Dinh Tien Hoang High School Next, the study was conducted in the 2nd second year and during the time for exams of students when they returned to school for face-to-face learning and distance online learning through Apps lost their popularity If EFL high school students had more time to use Edtech Apps, they would have a more in-depth understanding of how to use technology to enhance learning outcomes Due to COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown period, the researcher had to collect data from Google Forms, so it may affect the information analyzed, and the SD of some fields were quite high This study only focused on investigating the use ofNearpod, Quizizz and Padlet It is, therefore, hoped that other available Apps, such asKahoot, Quizlet, etc., should be examined.
Recommendations for the further research
Some recommendations are drawn, as follows Firstly, the researcher strongly suggests that further studies considering the experiments for other kinds of Apps such asKahoot, Quizlet, etc should be carried out to generalize the findings of this research and to compare the results of different studies about the use of Edtech Apps in general.Secondly, it is vital that the more the full views be turned up if there are more researchers excited about this topic As previously mentioned, the current study only included a small number of participants Thus, further studies with the same focus need to undertake, and it should be conducted on many more participants at Dinh TienHoang High School or other schools in Vung Tau City Thirdly, students need instruction on creating a schedule for Edtech Apps appropriately and autonomously,especially in the technological era of English language learning In fact, with the development of ICT, there are many Apps that learners can use to boost their learning progress.
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My name is Nguyen Thi Hong Dung I am conducting a study about “Attitudes towards and perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning among EFL students at Dinh Tien Hoang High School” Please kindly spare some time to fill out this questionnaire Your answers will greatly contribute to my study by providing me with the data I need to effectively investigate the research topic Your personal information will be confidentially and anonymously treated Thank you for your cooperation.
English level: Beginner Elementary Intermediate Advanced How long have you been using English:
Less than five years five to seven years More than seven years What kinds of Edtech Apps do you often use to learn English? (You can select more than one)
Azota Quizizz Padlet Quizlet Nearpod
On what devices do you use Edtech Apps at home? ( Nearpod, Quizizz, Padlet)? (You can select more than one)
What do you often use Edtech Apps (Nearpod, Quizizz, Padlet) for? (You can select more than one)
How frequently do you use Edtech Apps (Nearpod, Quizizz, Padlet) for improving your knowledge and skills in learning English at home?
Edtech Apps Daily A few times a week
Please rate how much you think these statements are true about you by putting a cross .
(1) Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neutral (4) Agree (5) Strongly agree
1 My English learning outcomes improve after I use Edtech
2 Edtech Apps enhance my English knowledge
3 Edtech Apps enhance my English skills
4 Edtech Apps helps me to finish my assignments quickly
6 Edtech Apps help me to expand social interactions with my classmates.
7 Edtech Apps make my learning easier
8 Edtech Apps make my learning more flexible
9 I can practice my English freely by using Edtech Apps
10 I can practice my English autonomously by using Edtech Apps
11 I find Edtech Apps easy to use
12 Edtech Apps are easy to download on many devices
13 Edtech Apps are easy to install on many devices
14 I don’t get any difficulty in using Edtech Apps
15 I can use Edtech Apps to test my English language level easily
16 Edtech Apps motivate me to learn English because they are enjoyable
17 I am interested in learning English by using Edtech Apps
18 Edtech Apps enable me to practice better by playing games.
Please rate how much you think these statements are true about you by putting a cross .
(1) Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Neutral (4) Agree (5) Strongly agree
1 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to enrich my vocabulary
2 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to improve my English grammar
3 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to exchange English knowledge in Speaking class
4 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to improve my listening skills
5 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to improve my writing skills
6 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to pronounce correctly
7 Learning English with Edtech Apps helps me to improve my reading skills
8 I enjoy learning English with Edtech Apps because they are easy to use
20 I feel great after using Edtech Apps because they provide many forms of non-judgemental feedback.
10 I feel more relaxed to engage classroom activities when teachers use Edtech Apps
11 I feel confident in learning English with Edtech Apps
12 Using Edtech Apps to test my English language is less stressful
13 I feel more confident doing tests with Edtech Apps
14 I would like to continue learning English with Edtech Apps
15 I would like to interact with my classmates more by Edtech Apps
16 I would like to introduce Edtech Apps to my friends
17 I would like my teacher to use more Edtech Apps in the class
18 I would like to take part in games that teacher creates with Edtech Apps
Các bạn học sinh thân mến,
Tôi tên là Nguyễn Thị Hồng Dung Tôi đang thực hiện một nghiên cứu về
“Thái độ và nhận thức của học sinh Trung học về việc sử dụng các phần mềm công nghệ giáo dục (Edtech Apps) trong việc học tiếng Anh tại Trường THPT Đinh Tiên Hoàng” Hãy vui lòng dành ít thời gian hoàn thành bảng Câu hỏi. Câu trả lời của bạn sẽ đóng góp rất nhiều vào việc nghiên cứu của tôi bằng cách cung cấp cho tôi dữ liệu tôi cần để điều tra hiệu quả chủ đề nghiên cứu. Thông tin cá nhân của bạn sẽ được giữ ẩn danh và bí mật.
Cảm ơn vì sự hợp tác của bạn.
Bắt đầu Sơ cấp Trung cấp Nâng cao
Bạn đã học Tiếng Anh trong bao lâu:
Dưới 5 năm Từ 5 năm đến 7 năm Hơn 7 năm
Bạn thường sử dụng Edtech Apps nào để học tiếng Anh? (Bạn có thể chọn nhiều hơn một)
Azota Quizizz Padlet Quizlet Nearpod
Bạn sử dụng Edtech Apps ( Nearpod, Quizizz, Padlet) trên những thiết bị nào? (Bạn có thể chọn nhiều hơn một)
Máy tính xách tay hoặc máy tính để bàn
Bạn thường sử dụng Edtech Apps (Nearpod, Quizizz, Padlet) để làm gì? (Bạn có thể chọn nhiều hơn một)
Làm bài tập về nhà
Tần suất sử dụng Edtech Apps (Nearpod, Quizizz, Padlet) để cải thiện kiến thức và kĩ năng trong việc học tiếng Anh như thế nào?
Edtech Apps Hàng ngày Một vài lần một tuần
Một vài lần một tháng
Vui lòng chọn xem bạn thực sự không đồng ý (1), không đồng ý (2)trung lập (3), đồng ý (4), hoàn toàn đồng ý (5)với các nhận định sau:
1 Kết quả việc học tiếng Anh của tôi cải thiện sau khi tôi sử dụng Edtech Apps.
2 Edtech Apps làm tăng kiến thức tiếng Anh của tôi.
3 Edtech Apps làm tăng kĩ năng tiếng Anh của tôi.
4 Edtech Apps giúp tôi hoàn thành bài tập một cách nhanh chóng.
6 Edtech Apps giúp tôi mở rộng giao tiếp xã hội với bạn cùng lớp.
7 Edtech Apps làm cho việc học của tôi dễ dàng hơn.
8 Edtech Apps làm cho việc học của tôi linh hoạt hơn.
9 Tôi có thể luyện tập tiếng Anh một cách tự do bằng cách sử dụng Edtech Apps.
10 Tôi có thể luyện tập tiếng Anh một cách tự chủ bằng cách sử dụng Edtech Apps.
11 Tôi nhận thấy Edtech Apps dễ sử dụng.
12 Edtech Apps dễ dàng tải xuống trên nhiều thiết bị.
13 Edtech Apps dễ dàng cài đặt trên nhiều thiết bị.
14 Tôi không gặp bất cứ khó khăn nào khi sử dụng Edtech Apps.
15 Tôi có thể sử dụng Edtech Apps để kiểm tra trình độ tiếng Anh của mình một cách dễ dàng. Động lực
16 Edtech Apps thúc đẩy tôi học tiếng Anh bởi vì chúng rất thú vị.
17 Tôi thấy vui khi học tiếng Anh có sử dụng Edtech Apps
18 Edtech Apps giúp tôi luyện tập tốt hơn bằng cách chơi các trò chơi.
Vui lòng chọn xem bạn thực sự không đồng ý (1), không đồng ý (2)trung lập (3), đồng ý (4),hoàn toàn đồng ý(5)với các nhận định sau:
1 Học tiếng Anh với Edtech Apps giúp tôi mở rộng vốn từ vựng của mình.
2 Học tiếng Anh với Edtech Apps giúp tôi cải thiện ngữ pháp tiếng Anh của mình.
3 Học tiếng Anh với Edtech Apps giúp tôi trao đổi kiến thức tiếng Anh trong các tiết học Nói.
4 Học tiếng Anh với Edtech Apps giúp tôi cải thiện kĩ năng nghe của mình.
5 Học tiếng Anh với Edtech Apps giúp tôi cải thiện kĩ năng viết của mình.
6 Học tiếng Anh với Edtech Apps giúp tôi phát âm một cách chính xác.
7 Học tiếng Anh với Edtech Apps giúp tôi cải thiện kĩ năng đọc hiểu của mình.
8 Tôi thích học tiếng Anh với Edtech Apps bởi vì chúng dễ dàng sử dụng.
9 Tôi thích học tiếng Anh với Edtech Apps bởi vì chúng tiện lợi.
20 Tôi cảm thấy tuyệt vời khi sử dụng Edtech Apps bởi vì chúng cung cấp nhiều dạng phản hồi không có
11 Tôi cảm thấy tự tin khi học tiếng Anh với Edtech Apps.
12 Sử dụng Edtech Apps để kiểm tra tiếng Anh ít gây ra căng thẳng.
13 Tôi cảm thấy tự tin khi làm các bài kiểm tra với Edtech Apps
14 Tôi muốn tiếp tục học tiếng Anh với Edtech Apps.
15 Tôi muốn tương tác với bạn cùng lớp hơn với Edtech Apps
16 Tôi muốn giới thiệu Edtech Apps với các bạn.
17 Tôi muốn giáo viên sử dụng Edtech Apps nhiều hơn trong lớp
18 Tôi muốn tham gia vào các trò chơi giáo viên tạo ra với Edtech Apps.
Guidelines for Interview (ENGLISH) Date:
My name is Nguyen Thi Hong Dung I am conducting a study about “Attitudes towards and perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning among EFL students at Dinh Tien Hoang High School”.
Thank you for your participation This interview is expected to last for about 15 minutes You will answer some questions and you may wish to stop the interview at any time.
The purpose of this interview is to understand EFL learners’ attitudes towards and perceptions of the use of Edtech Apps in English language learning With your permission, the interview will be audio-recorded All your information you share with me is confidentially and anonymously treated.
If there are no further questions, let’s get started.
How long have you been learning English:
1 Have you ever used any kinds of Edtech Apps ? What are they?
2 What are your favourite Edtech Apps? Why do you like them?
3 How often do you use Edtech Apps for your English learning?
4 What advantages and disadvantages do you see in
5 Do you think Edtech Apps (Nearpod, Padlet, Quizizz) are effective for improving your English learning? Please give specific reasons to support your ideas.
Tôi tên là Nguyễn Thị Hồng Dung Tôi đang thực hiện một nghiên cứu về “Thái độ và nhận thức của học sinh Trung học về việc sử dụng các phần mềm công nghệ giáo dục (Edtech Apps) trong việc học tiếng Anh tại Trường THPT Đinh Tiên Hoàng.”