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[LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ] English teaching cooperation between native teachers and vietnamese teachers and its effect on improving english speaking skill of primary students at Uk Academy Ba Ria

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Baria-Vungtau, September 2023

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Course: MTESOL Course code: 8140111

Supervised by


Baria-Vungtau, September 2023

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I hereby declare that, except where otherwise acknowledged, the thesis titled


original work conducted under my supervision and in accordance with the regulations and guidelines of Baria-Vungtau University

I affirm that the ideas, concepts, data, analyses, and conclusions presented in this thesis are the result of my own intellectual efforts and have not been plagiarized or taken from other sources without proper acknowledgment The literature review, research design, data collection procedures, data analysis, and interpretation of findings are my contributions to English language education

Furthermore, this thesis has not been previously submitted as part of any other academic qualification or assessment The findings and recommendations presented in this thesis are based on the research conducted at UK Academy Ba Ria

I have appropriately cited and referenced all sources used in this thesis, giving credit to the authors and researchers whose work has influenced and supported my research I understand that any violation of the principles of academic integrity or any misrepresentation of the originality of this work may have serious consequences


Nguyen Thi Cam Hong

Baria-Vungtau, September 2023

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The thesis will be retained in the library of Baria-Vungtau University where it was submitted This ensures that it becomes part of the scholarly record and can be accessed by future researchers, students, and faculty members for reference and further study

In terms of the condition of a master’s degree in TESOL, I agree that the thesis can be used as a foundation for any research in the future in the field of English language education, specifically in the context of English teaching cooperation and its impact on English speaking skill Researchers can build upon the thesis’s findings, methodologies, and recommendations to expand knowledge and address related research questions


Nguyen Thi Cam Hong

Baria-Vungtau, September 2023

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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following individuals and organizations who have supported and contributed to the completion of this thesis: First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my supervisor, Ph.D Nguyen Xuan Hong, for his guidance, expertise, and continuous support throughout the research process His valuable insights and constructive feedback have been instrumental in shaping the direction of this study

I am deeply grateful to the school management, native teachers and Vietnamese teachers who participated in this research, and staff granting me access to the research site and for their cooperation in facilitating data collection, especially my close colleagues at UK Academy Ba Ria for giving me valuable advice Their willingness to participate and share their experiences has been crucial in enriching the findings of this study

I am indebted to the UK Academy Ba Ria Primary students who willingly participated in this research Their active involvement and enthusiasm during the English lessons were essential in gathering data and understanding the impact of English teaching cooperation on their speaking skills

I would also appreciate the contributions of the researchers and scholars whose work and publications have informed and guided this study Their valuable insights and findings have provided a solid foundation for this research

And lastly, I will not forget to express my deepest gratitude to my mother for her unwavering support, love, and encouragement Her belief in me and her sacrifices have been the driving force behind my academic pursuits

This thesis would not have been completed without the support and contributions of all the individuals mentioned above While any omissions are unintentional, please accept my sincere thanks for your involvement and support in making this research a reality

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1.1 Background of the study 2

1.2 Statement of the problem 9

1.3 Aims and objectives of the study 9

1.4 Research questions 10

1.5 Scope of the study 10

1.6 Significance of the study 12

1.7 Definition of key terms 14

1.8 Organization of the thesis 15



2.1 Introduction 16

2.2 Co-teaching and co-teaching strategies 16

2.3 Role of Native English Teachers in Co-teaching 21

2.4 Collaboration between Native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers 23

2.5 Benefits of English teaching cooperation 25

2.6 Young learners’ learning characteristics 27

2.7 English speaking skill development 28

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3.2 Research design 34

3.3 Research site and participants 37

3.4 Research instruments 41

3.5 Data collection procedures 45

3.6 Data analysis procedures 47

3.7 Validity and reliability of the study 47

4.2.1 Student participants profile 49

4.2.2 Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test Scores 54

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NEST: Native English-Speaking Teacher NTs: Native teachers

NNS: Non-native Speaker VTs: Vietnamese teachers

MOET: Ministry of Education and Training OIC: Oxford International Curriculum NET: Native English Teacher

LET: Local English Teacher

NNET: Non-Native English Teacher UKA BR: UK Academy Ba Ria NHG: Nguyen Hoang Group

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Table 3.1: Teacher’s arrangements 40

Table 3.2: Information about the students at UK Academy Ba Ria 40

Table 4.1: Distribution of Participants' Proficiency Levels - Grade 3 53

Table 4.2: Distribution of Participants' Proficiency Levels - Grade 4 53

Table 4.3: Distribution of Participants' Proficiency Levels - Grade 5 54

Table 4.4: The Grade 3 students' performance in the different categories of the speaking rubric 58

Table 4.5: The Grade 4 students' performance in the different categories of the speaking rubric 60

Table 4.6: Grade 5 students' performance in the different categories of the speaking rubric 61

Table 4.7: The frequencies and percentages of the teachers' responses 66

Table 4.8: Participants’ assessment of progress 70

Table 4.9: Teachers' Perceptions of the Contribution of English Teaching Cooperation to Students' Confidence in Speaking English 71

Table 4.10: Frequency of providing feedback to students 72

Table 4.11: Benefits of English teaching cooperation 74

Table 4.12: Challenges of English teaching cooperation 74

Table 4.13: Classroom arrangement, presence of visual aids, and overall organization - Pre-Intervention phase 80

Table 4.14: Teacher practices - Pre-Intervention phase 81

Table 4.15: Instructional strategies - Pre-Intervention phase 83

Table 4.16: Use of materials and resources - Pre-Intervention phase 84

Table 4.17: Classroom management findings - Pre-Intervention phase 85

Table 4.18: Assessment and feedback practices - Pre-Intervention phase 87

Table 4.19: Integration of speaking activities in lessons - Pre-Intervention phase 88

Table 4.20: Classroom environment - Post-Intervention phase 89

Table 4.21: Teacher practices - Post-Intervention phase 91

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Table 4.22: Student engagement data - Post-Intervention phase 92

Table 4.23: Instructional strategies - Post-Intervention phase 93

Table 4.24: Use of materials and resources - Post-Intervention phase 95

Table 4.25: Observations for classroom management - Post-Intervention phase 95

Table 4.26: The observations for assessment and feedback - Post-Intervention phase 98Table 4.27: The observations for language development - Post-Intervention phase 99

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Figure 2.1: The theoretical framework of the thesis……… … .33

Figure 4.1: Age and grade distribution of study participants 49

Figure 4.2: The gender distribution of study participants 50

Figure 4.3: The grade distribution of study participants 51

Figure 4.4: Mean scores of Pre-test and Post-test assessments 56

Figure 4.5: Comparison chart: Grade 3 speaking rubric analysis 58

Figure 4.6: Comparison chart: Grade 4 speaking rubric analysis 60

Figure 4.7: Comparison chart: Grade 5 speaking rubric analysis 61

Figure 4.8: Teacher demographic information: Number of teachers 63

Figure 4.9: Teachers’ age range distribution 63

Figure 4.10: Teachers’ gender distribution 64

Figure 4.11: Educational background of teachers 64

Figure 4.12: Distribution of teachers’ teaching experience 65

Figure 4.13: Response option 67

Figure 4.14: Teachers’ perception of the overall effectiveness of the English teaching cooperation 67

Figure 4.15: Effectiveness of strategies and activities in improving students’ English speaking skills 68

Figure 4.16: Assessment of progress in students’ English speaking skills 70

Figure 4.17: Teachers’ perceptions of the contribution of English teaching cooperation to students’ confidence in speaking English 71

Figure 4.18: Frequency of providing feedback to students during English teaching cooperation 73

Figure 4.19: Benefits of English teaching cooperation 75

Figure 4.20: Challenges of English teaching cooperation 75

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This study investigates the impact of English teaching cooperation between native English-speaking teachers (NTs) and Vietnamese teachers (VTs) on improving English-speaking skill among primary students at UK Academy Ba Ria Using a mixed methods approach, the study employed pre-tests, post-tests, questionnaires, and classroom observations to gather data The findings indicate a significant improvement in students' English speaking skill after implementing the cooperative teaching strategies, including team teaching, role plays, and interactive activities Students reported increased confidence and motivation in speaking English The qualitative data highlighted the positive experiences and benefits of the cooperative teaching approach, while also acknowledging challenges such as language barriers and varying teaching styles This study contributes to the existing literature by demonstrating the effectiveness of English teaching cooperation in enhancing primary students' English speaking skill The findings have implications for curriculum development, teacher training, and educational policies promoting collaboration between NTs and VTs Further research is recommended to explore the long-term effects and sustainability of cooperative teaching practices

Keywords: English teaching cooperation, native teachers, Vietnamese teachers,

primary students, English speaking skill, cooperative learning, co-teaching

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English language proficiency is essential for individuals to succeed in today's globalized world In many non-English speaking countries, such as Vietnam, efforts are being made to improve English language instruction to teach students the necessary skills for international communication and academic success In this regard, the UK Academy Ba Ria has implemented an English teaching cooperation program between native teachers and Vietnamese teachers to enhance Primary students’ English speaking skill This chapter presents the study overview, consisting of the background, statement of the problem, objectives, significance, and organization of the thesis

1.1 Background of the study

Nowadays, English is used as an official language in at least 60 countries and territories over the world, making it the most common language on this planet (Crystal, 2012) According to the World Economic Forum's statistics, by 2016, in the world, there were about 400 million people who spoke English as native speakers and about 1.5 billion people who spoke it as a second or foreign language

Knowing one more foreign language is proof of a candidate's intellectual strength (Ely, 1986) mentioned that learning a second language will make us more desirable job applicants and help us find different sources of motivation It shows employers how much time and effort they have invested in mastering a new language English is widely spoken at universities Top universities require fluency in foreign language skills from the UK to the US (Crystal, 2012) Therefore, if a student intends to study abroad, equipping his/her English ability is the first thing he/she must consider In addition, Kachru (1992) found most international events and shows use English as the official language, similar to other global conferences and events In order to be immersed in events like these, students need to know and learn English, not only for listening comprehension, but also for immersing themselves in countless

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activities during the event, taking advantage of opportunities for personal or professional development According to Statista (2023), as of January 2023, 59% of the world's websites are written in English, more than all other languages combined, far ahead of the second most used language, Russian, with 5.3% of websites We can

find anything we need to know by typing keywords in English Also, English appears a lot in daily life: on product packaging, on the names of famous corporations, and in communicative English The more life develops, the more deeply this language is ingrained in every aspect of our lives Therefore, learning English is extremely necessary for everyone, especially students, to understand modern communication, read labels and uses of foreign products, and make the most of tools such as Google, Facebook, and Grab, etc

Krashen (2019), a linguistic expert from the University of Southern California, USA, states that there is a significant difference between a second language and a common foreign language, so they should not be equated He argues that a foreign language is a language spoken in a country other than its official language A foreign language becomes a second language when it is widely used throughout the country besides the mother language The user must master all four listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills In research on second language acquisition, Krashen defines a second language learned/accepted after the mother language A second language and a mother tongue can be used at the same time

In English language, there are four skills listening, speaking, reading and writing All four skills above have their important part Most of us will use those skills at different times In particular, Speaking is one of the most important skills that need to be focused on and enhanced because it is an effective communication means (Rao, 2018) However, the speaking skill is also considered one of the most challenging aspects of the foreign language learning process In many students' opinions, they found it difficult to express their thoughts in English fully They even they feel afraid to communicate in English even though they have studied this language continuously for many years Listening and speaking are verbal

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communication activities Although it is also human communication, communication in the language is different from other communication by gestures and movements Verbal communication includes both speaking and listening Those are the activities of encoding - creating speech and decoding, receiving speech with the participation of thinking and perception Therefore, to develop speaking skill for Primary students, it is also necessary to depend on the theory of communication activities in language According to Nguyen (2019), English language education in Vietnam has gained increasing attention recently The author emphasized the significance of fostering effective collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers to enhance students' English language skills However, regardless of the growing interest in this area, there remains a research gap concerning the specific dynamics and outcomes of English teaching cooperation in primary education settings

Smith and Johnson (2017) conducted a comprehensive review of the existing literature on English language education in Vietnam They identified the challenges and opportunities present in the Vietnamese context and highlighted the need for further research to address gaps in understanding effective instructional strategies for improving English speaking skill among primary students

Collaborative teaching involving native English-speaking teachers and local teachers promotes cultural exchange and understanding It allows students to gain insights into different cultures, perspectives, and ways of communication, fostering intercultural competence and global awareness (Al-Samrraie, 2013) Native English-speaking teachers bring their cultural perspectives, experiences, and language use to the classroom

This exposure allows students to learn about different customs, traditions, and ways of communication, expanding their understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures

The collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in enhancing English speaking skill offers several benefits in terms of linguistic and

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cultural exchange, pedagogical support, and student motivation This section explores the need for collaboration between these two groups of teachers and highlights the potential advantages, supported by relevant citations

Collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers provides a valuable platform for linguistic and cultural exchange Native English teachers bring their proficiency in English language use, authentic pronunciation, and idiomatic expressions, exposing students to natural and nuanced language (Nguyen, 2019) Through interactions with native English teachers, students can develop a deeper understanding of English language structures and cultural contexts, enhancing their overall language proficiency

Collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers also offers pedagogical support by combining their expertise Vietnamese teachers thoroughly understand students' learning needs, local educational systems, and teaching approaches that align with the Vietnamese context (Pham & Nguyen, 2020) Native English teachers, on the other hand, bring their knowledge of effective language teaching strategies, classroom management techniques, and communicative approaches (Johnson & Johnson, 2018) This collaboration allows for the sharing of best practices, innovative teaching methods, and a more comprehensive approach to language instruction

The collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers can greatly enhance student motivation and engagement in the English language learning process Native English teachers often serve as language models and cultural ambassadors, fostering a sense of authenticity and real-world language use (Chu, 2016) This exposure to native speakers can motivate students to communicate more confidently, take risks in using English, and develop a positive attitude towards language learning Additionally, the collaboration allows for varied teaching techniques, interactive activities, and diverse perspectives, making the learning experience more engaging and enjoyable for students (Pham, 2020)

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According to reviewed research findings, the collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in English language education has shown positive outcomes A study by Pham (2020) emphasized the significant role of collaboration in creating a supportive and dynamic classroom environment, enhancing students' oral proficiency and confidence in English speaking Similarly, Chu (2016) highlighted the importance of collaboration in promoting authentic language use and cultural understanding among students

Collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers is essential to enhance English speaking skill among students This cooperation facilitates linguistic and cultural exchange, provides pedagogical support, and boosts student motivation The combination of native English proficiency and local pedagogical expertise creates a comprehensive and engaging learning environment, fostering students' language development and cultural competence

Collaborative lesson plan development promotes a shared understanding and possession of the teaching and learning process By bringing together the expertise of both native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers, lesson plans can be designed to incorporate diverse perspectives, cultural contexts, and teaching strategies This collaborative process enables a more comprehensive and balanced approach to language instruction (Pham & Nguyen, 2018)

According to Coyle (2005), collaborative lesson plan development allows for integrating different teaching methods and techniques, catering to learner’s needs and preferences Native English teachers can contribute their knowledge of target language structures, authentic language use, and cultural nuances Vietnamese teachers, on the other hand, can provide insights into students' prior knowledge, learning styles, and classroom dynamics The collaborative process promotes creativity, flexibility, and innovation in lesson design

Moreover, collaborative lesson planning enhances professional growth and development for both native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers By engaging in joint planning sessions, teachers can learn from each other, share best practices,

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and expand their pedagogical repertoire (Nguyen & Nguyen, 2020) This collaborative environment fosters a culture of continuous improvement and reflective teaching practices

Collaborative lesson plan development also strengthens the alignment between classroom instruction and curriculum objectives By cooperating together, teachers can ensure that the lessons are coherent, sequential, and aligned with the overall learning goals This integration promotes a cohesive and meaningful learning experience for students, enhancing their language development and overall engagement in the classroom (Nguyen, 2017)

Collaborative development of lesson plans that integrate the expertise of both native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers is a valuable approach in English language education It harnesses the strengths and knowledge of both types of teachers, promotes cultural understanding, and enhances the quality of language instruction The collaborative process fosters professional growth and development, strengthens the alignment between curriculum objectives and classroom practice, and ultimately benefits students' language learning outcomes

Based on the work of Nguyen (2019), the existing literature on English language education in Vietnam emphasizes the significance of fostering effective collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers to enhance students' English language skill However, there is a shortage of research specifically investigating the impact of English teaching cooperation between these two groups in the context of primary education

Furthermore, previous studies have primarily focused on the roles and contributions of either native English teachers or Vietnamese teachers individually, overlooking the potential benefits and synergies that can arise from their collaboration (Nguyen, 2019) Consequently, there is a need to address this research gap by examining the specific dynamics, challenges, and outcomes of English teaching cooperation between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in primary schools

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In the first semester 2022-2023, the English teachers at UK Academy Ba Ria implemented two different teaching plans The native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers had separate teaching materials and approaches, which created a disjointed learning experience for the students

This arrangement posed challenges for the students as they had to adapt to different teaching styles, materials, and expectations The range of knowledge and vocabulary covered in the lessons is varied, making it difficult for students to fully grasp and consolidate their English language skills The lack of integration between the teaching plans hindered the students' progress and coherence in their language development

But toward the end of the first semester 2022-2023, the academic team recognized the need for a more cohesive and coordinated approach They made the decision to assign both native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers to teach the same course book This adjustment allowed for greater collaboration and synergy in the classroom, as the teachers could align their teaching methods, materials, and learning objectives

The co-teaching model facilitated better coordination and integration of the curriculum, ensuring that students received a more comprehensive and consistent English language learning experience The academic team actively adjusted the teaching plan to accommodate the co-teaching approach, leveraging the strengths and expertise of both native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers This shift aimed to create a more supportive and effective learning environment for the students, promoting their English speaking skill development and overall language proficiency

The study aims to furnish to the field by exploring the effective strategies, pedagogical approaches, and instructional techniques employed in English teaching cooperation Understanding and documenting these practices can provide valuable insights for primary school educators and academic teams Additionally, the research study will shed light on the impact of English teaching cooperation on students'

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English speaking skill, which is a critical aspect of language development By investigating the outcomes of this collaboration, the study can provide evidence-based recommendations for improving the effectiveness of English language instruction in primary schools

1.2 Statement of the problem

The English teaching cooperation between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers at UK Academy Ba Ria aims to improve English speaking skill among primary students However, there is a need to investigate the specific challenges and issues that arise within this educational setting to ensure effective implementation and maximize the benefits of collaborative teaching

Previous studies have highlighted potential challenges in collaborative teaching contexts, such as language barriers, differences in teaching approaches, and limited opportunities for teacher training and professional development (e.g., Brantmeier, 2006; Matsuda, 2003) These challenges can hinder the successful integration of native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers, ultimately impacting the improvement of English speaking skill among primary students

This research pursues to identify and understand the challenges faced by teachers in the collaborative teaching environment and their implications for the students' English speaking proficiency By examining these challenges, the study aims to provide insights that can inform strategies and interventions to address the identified issues and enhance the effectiveness of English language education at UK Academy Ba Ria

1.3 Aims and objectives of the study

The thesis intends to address the following aims and objectives:

- To examine the impact of English teaching cooperation between native teachers and Vietnamese teachers on the English speaking skill development of primary students at UK Academy Ba Ria

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- To assess the effectiveness of co-teaching strategies employed by native and Vietnamese teachers in enhancing English speaking skill among primary students at UK Academy Ba Ria

- To figure out the perceptions and experiences of teachers regarding the benefits and challenges of English teaching cooperation in improving students'

English speaking abilities at UK Academy Ba Ria

- To provide recommendations for enhancing English teaching cooperation and promoting the development of English speaking skill among primary students at UK Academy Ba Ria in particular and in other educational institutions in general

2 How does the collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in the co-teaching setting contribute to the improvement of English speaking skill among primary students at UK Academy Ba Ria?

3 How do the results of the speaking pre-test and post-test reflect the impact of English teaching cooperation on primary students English speaking proficiency at UK Academy Ba Ria?

4 What are the perceptions and attitudes of native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers towards co-teaching in the context of English language instruction at UK Academy Ba Ria?

1.5 Scope of the study

This study focuses on investigating the English teaching cooperation between native teachers and Vietnamese teachers and its effect on improving English speaking skill of primary students at UK Academy Ba Ria The study specifically examines

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the collaborative practices, strategies, and outcomes associated with co-teaching in the context of English language instruction

The geographical scope of the study is limited to UK Academy Ba Ria, an international bilingual school in Ba Ria City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, Vietnam, where over 1200 learners aged 2 – 18 came to study the MOET and International programs The research is conducted within a specific time frame, encompassing two academic semesters (middle of semester 1 to the end of semester 2, academic year 2022-2023)

In terms of participants, the study involves native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers who are engaged in co-teaching practices at UK Academy Ba Ria The perceptions, experiences, and collaborative efforts of these teachers form a significant part of the research investigation

While the primary focus of the study is on English speaking skill, it is important to note that other language skills such as listening, reading and writing may also be indirectly impacted by the English teaching cooperation However, the primary emphasis is on assessing the improvement of English speaking skill among the target primary students

It is essential to acknowledge that this study is limited to the specific context of UK Academy Ba Ria and may not be generalizable to other educational institutions or settings Additionally, the study does not delve into the specific linguistic or cultural backgrounds of the students, but rather focuses on the collaborative efforts between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in enhancing English speaking skill

The findings of this study are intended to contribute to the existing literature on English teaching cooperation and provide practical insights and recommendations for teachers, administrators, and school managers involved in English language teaching at the primary level

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1.6 Significance of the study

The combination of teaching between native teachers and non-native teachers has developed strongly in Vietnam and around the world However, only a few students can improve their speaking skills Therefore, it is necessary to study the co-teaching of teachers to help students speak English better

The study has both theoretical and practical significance About the theoretical significance, the study examines and contribute more to the theoretical basis about English teaching cooperation between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers It also serves as reference for further research related to the study’s topic About the practical significance, study’s results will help teachers at UK Academy Ba Ria have insights into the benefits of co-teaching in enhancing English language skills of primary students, especially the speaking skill Hence, they strongly apply co-teaching during their teaching practice In addition, the primary students will really enjoy learning English skills in the co-teaching setting once they feel the benefits of this teaching mode to their English ability development And for the managers, the study’s results will make them be more confident in maintaining and developing co-teaching at their educational institution

Furthermore, this study will benefit the other following specific items:

Educational improvement: The study has the potential to enhance English language education at UK Academy Ba Ria By investigating the effectiveness of English teaching cooperation, the study can provide insights into best practices and strategies that can be implemented to improve English speaking skill among primary students

Language learning outcomes: Understanding the impact of collaborative teaching approaches on English speaking skill is essential for both native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers The findings can guide them in developing effective instructional methods, identifying areas for improvement, and fostering a supportive learning environment that promotes language development

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Bilingual education: The study addresses the specific context of bilingual education, where native and non-native English teachers work together It explores the benefits and challenges of this collaboration and provides guidance for implementing successful cooperative teaching models in bilingual settings, thereby contributing to the field of bilingual education research

Professional development: The study's findings can inform professional development programs for both native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers to international program department and administrators It can offer insights into effective collaboration strategies, cross-cultural communication, and pedagogical techniques, helping teachers enhance their skills and expertise in English language instruction The findings can be used to inform decisions related to curriculum development, teacher training, and resource allocation in order to improve English language teaching and learning outcomes in Primary education

Cultural exchange: English teaching cooperation promotes cultural exchange between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation of different teaching styles, cultural perspectives, and linguistic nuances This aspect contributes to the development of intercultural competence among teachers and students, promoting global citizenship and cultural diversity

This study covers information involving English teaching cooperation between native teachers and Vietnamese teachers as an approach to improve the English-speaking skill of primary students at UK Academy Ba Ria Besides, the result of this study can be used for future discussions on the Speaking skill teaching methods and the capabilities of co-teaching at other academic levels of this school Hopefully, the research will help future research on the same topic and enrich the reference source for studies with the same purpose

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1.7 Definition of key terms

To ensure clarity and understanding in the study, it is important to define and provide a specific perspective on the issues discussed

Co-teaching has been defined as two teachers (a collaborating teacher and a teacher candidate) who collaborate with groups of students while sharing the physical space, the planning, the organization, the delivery, and the assessment of education (Bacharach et al., 2010)

English teaching cooperation: refers to the collaborative efforts between native English teachers (those whose first language is English) and Vietnamese teachers (teachers who are proficient in English as a second language) in delivering English language instruction to primary students It involves joint lesson planning, shared teaching responsibilities, and coordinated instructional strategies

Native English-speaking teacher (NEST): refers to educators who are native speakers of the English language and have been trained in teaching English as a foreign or second language They typically possess a high level of proficiency in English and often bring cultural insights and authentic language use to the classroom According to the Cambridge dictionary, a native speaker is someone who has spoken a particular language since they were a baby, rather than having learned it as a child or adult

Vietnamese teachers: refers to educators in Vietnam who are proficient in English as a second language and have received formal training in teaching English They are responsible for English language instruction and are knowledgeable about the linguistic and cultural context of the students

English speaking skill: Bygate (1987) defined speaking as the act of generating auditory signals that cause listeners to respond verbally in a variety of ways According to Brown (1994) and Burns and Joyce (1997), speaking is an interactive process of meaning-making that involves information production, reception, and processing It is thought to methodically combine sounds to create meaningful phrases

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Primary students: refers to students in the early stages of formal education (Britannica, 2023) typically aged between 6 and 11 years, who attend UK Academy Ba Ria These students are at the foundational level of language learning and require focused attention to develop their English-speaking skill

UK Academy Ba Ria: denotes the specific educational institution located in Ba Ria, Vietnam, which offers kindergarten, primary and secondary education and emphasizes English language learning (uka.edu.vn) It serves as the research setting for investigating the effects of English teaching cooperation on primary students' English-speaking skill

1.8 Organization of the thesis

This study consists of five chapters which are structured as follows:

Chapter One (Introduction): This chapter presents the problem and gives an overview of the study It also covers the scope of the study, the significance of the study, the aims and objectives, and the research questions

Chapter Two (Literature review): This chapter discusses the literature review, which aims to discuss published information on the previous related works in the research area Additionally, for a deeper comprehension of the study, it provides relevant information about definitions of key terms and theoretical framework

Chapter Three (Methodology): This chapter explains the details of the selected methodology that the researcher is going to use in the study, including details on the setting, participants, research designs, instruments, data collection, and data analysis procedures

Chapter Four (Results and discussions): This chapter presents the results for each of the research questions beginning with the quantitative data followed by the qualitative evidence and includes a discussion of the findings

Chapter Five (Conclusion): This chapter discusses the conclusion, limitations, recommendations, and suggestions for future research

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2.2 Co-teaching and co-teaching strategies

Co-teaching is defined as two teachers (teacher candidate and cooperating teacher) working together with groups of students, sharing the planning, organization, delivery, and assessment of instruction, as well as the physical space (Bacharach et al., 2010)

According to Cook and Friend (1996), there are six co-teaching models to meet the academic needs of all students in the classroom as mentioned below:

a One Teach, One Observe

One benefit of co-teaching is the opportunity for more thorough observation of students who are actively involved in their learning For instance, using this method, co-teachers can select in advance what kinds of particular observational data to acquire during teaching and can agree on a mechanism for doing so The material should then be analyzed by the teachers in tandem

b One Teach, One Assist

In this strategy, while one teacher maintained primary responsibility for instruction, the second one would move around the classroom quietly, assisting students as required

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c Parallel Teaching

On occasion, if students had more opportunities to answer or got greater monitoring from instructors, learning would be tremendously aided In parallel teaching, the teachers divide the class into two groups and conduct simultaneous lessons while covering the same material

d Station Teaching

Teachers split the content and the students in this co-teaching technique Then, each teacher instructs the material to one group before repeating it with the other group If necessary, a third station may allow students to work independently

e Alternative Teaching

There are times when some students in a class need specific attention One instructor oversees the main group in alternate teaching, while the other focuses on a smaller group

f Team Teaching

In team teaching, at the same time, both teachers are imparting the same knowledge This is referred described by some teachers as "having one brain in two bodies." Some refer to it as "tag team teaching." The majority of co-teachers view this strategy as the most difficult yet rewarding method to co-teach, however, it is also the strategy that depends the most on the teaching preferences of the co-teachers Co-teaching strategies can be adapted and combined based on the specific needs of the students, content, and instructional goals They promote collaboration, share expertise and an inclusive learning environment, ultimately enhance the quality of instruction and improve student outcomes

At UK Academy Ba Ria, one of the co-teaching strategies used in teaching English to students is Station Teaching Station Teaching is a collaborative instructional approach in which the classroom is divided into multiple stations or learning centers Each station offers a different activity or task related to the lesson objective, allowing students to rotate through the stations in small groups or individually

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In this model, both native English teachers and Vietnamese English teachers work together to design and implement the activities at each class Each teacher may take turns leading specific stations or provide support and guidance to students as they engage in the activities

Station Teaching provides opportunities for differentiated instruction and individualized support, as students can receive targeted instruction, practice, or reinforcement based on their specific needs It promotes student engagement, active learning, and autonomy as students move through the stations, interact with materials, and collaborate with peers

It is strongly believed that team teaching is an advanced method of co-teaching that requires both types of teachers to have compatible personalities and teaching styles (Aliakbari & Nejad, 2013)

Native English teachers bring several advantages to English language instruction, particularly in non-native English-speaking contexts Their native-like proficiency, cultural knowledge, and teaching expertise contribute to enhance language learning experiences for students The following are some advantages of having native English teachers:

Native English teachers provide students with exposure to authentic language use, including pronunciation, vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and cultural nuances (Leung, 2019) Their natural and fluent communication serves as a model for students, helping them develop accurate and native-like speaking skill

Native English teachers offer cultural insights and promote intercultural understanding They can share firsthand knowledge and experiences about English-speaking countries, cultural practices, and social norms, enriching students' cultural awareness and communicative competence (Medgyes, 2017)

Native English teachers often possess strong listening and speaking skill, which they can effectively transmit to students through interactive activities, discussions, and real-life communication tasks (Seidlhofer, 2011) Their ability to provide immediate feedback and correction supports students' language development

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Native English teachers can introduce language variations, such as regional accents, dialects, and informal language, allowing students to understand different English language contexts (Kachru & Nelson, 2006) They also provide insights into idiomatic expressions and colloquial language use, expanding students' linguistic repertoire

Native English teachers are often trained in intercultural communication and have a heightened sensitivity to cultural differences (Medgyes, 2017) They can navigate cultural challenges, facilitate cross-cultural interactions, and promote effective communication in English

Native English teachers often bring enthusiasm and motivation to the classroom, fostering a positive learning environment (Kumaravadivelu, 2012) Their cultural background and teaching methodologies can help engage students in English language learning and make the learning experience enjoyable

It is important to note that the presence of native English teachers does not diminish the value and expertise of non-native English teachers The collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese English teachers can create a synergistic approach to language instruction, leveraging the strengths of both groups for the benefit of students the students' non-standard pronunciation errors and fix them as quickly as possible

On the other hand, Vietnamese English teachers possess several common qualities that contribute to their effectiveness in the classroom These qualities are shaped by cultural and educational factors and play a significant role in their teaching approach and student engagement The following are some common qualities observed among Vietnamese English teachers:

Vietnamese English teachers typically demonstrate a high level of respect for authority figures, including school administrators, parents, and senior teachers They adhere to established hierarchies and maintain discipline in the classroom, creating a structured learning environment (Nguyen, 2017)

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Vietnamese teachers are known for their strong commitment and dedication to their profession They often go above and beyond their regular duties, spending extra hours preparing lessons, providing additional support to students, and engaging in professional development activities (Hien, 2019)

Vietnamese teachers often employ a teaching style that emphasizes memorization and rote learning, influenced by traditional educational practices This approach focuses on repetition and the mastery of content knowledge (Hua, 2015)

Vietnamese teachers are recognized for their strong work ethic They demonstrate a diligent and disciplined approach to their teaching responsibilities, striving to meet high expectations and deliver quality education to their students (Hien, 2019)

While traditional teaching methods are prevalent in Vietnam, there is a growing shift towards a more student-centered approach Vietnamese teachers are increasingly incorporating interactive activities, group work, and student participation to foster active learning and critical thinking skills (Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training, 2018)

Vietnamese teachers are known for their nurturing and caring attitude towards their students They prioritize the well-being and holistic development of their students, fostering positive teacher-student relationships and creating a supportive classroom environment (Nguyen, 2017)

These common qualities of Vietnamese English teachers contribute to their effectiveness in the classroom and their impact on students' learning experiences However, it is important to note that each individual teacher may vary in his/her teaching approaches and styles, and these qualities may be influenced by various contextual factors

At UK Academy Ba Ria, the syllabus is typically delivered through a combination of teaching methods employed by both Vietnamese and native teachers These methods aim to create a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for the students

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Both Vietnamese and native teachers often employ the communicative approach, which emphasizes the development of students' communicative competence They focus on meaningful and authentic language use, providing opportunities for students to practice their English in real-life contexts through role-plays, discussions, and interactive activities (Richards & Rodgers, 2014)

Task-based learning is frequently incorporated into the teaching methods Teachers design tasks or projects that require students to use English to accomplish specific goals or solve problems This approach promotes language acquisition through active engagement, critical thinking, and collaboration (Willis & Willis, 2007)

Both Vietnamese and native teachers strive to integrate the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in their instruction They design activities and tasks that allow students to develop these skills in an interconnected and meaningful way (Ur, 2012)

Vietnamese and native teachers use authentic materials such as real-life texts, videos, and audio recordings to expose students to genuine language use and cultural contexts These materials enhance students' language comprehension and cultural awareness (Tomlinson, 2011)

Vietnamese teachers, in particular, may employ differentiated instruction strategies to cater to the diverse learning needs of students They adapt teaching materials, provide individualized support, or offer additional practice opportunities based on students' proficiency levels and learning styles (Tomlinson, 1999)

2.3 Role of Native English Teachers in Co-teaching

Native English teachers play a crucial role in co-teaching environments, bringing their linguistic proficiency, cultural insights, and teaching expertise to enhance English language instruction Their involvement in collaborative teaching with Vietnamese English teachers can have significant benefits for students' language learning outcomes The literature highlights several key roles that native English teachers fulfill in co-teaching settings

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Firstly, native English teachers serve as language models and provide authentic language input Their native-like pronunciation, intonation, and natural use of English contribute to students' development of accurate speaking skill Students exposed to native English teachers' language use have the opportunity to imitate and internalize authentic language patterns, leading to improved fluency and comprehension

According to a study by Jenkins and Tardieu (2006), native English teachers can have a positive impact on students' pronunciation Their presence in the classroom allows students to hear and mimic native-like sounds, enabling them to develop clearer and more intelligible speech This exposure to native-like pronunciation is particularly beneficial for students aiming to achieve high levels of English proficiency

Secondly, native English teachers bring cultural authenticity and intercultural competence to the classroom They offer firsthand insights into English-speaking cultures, customs, and traditions, which enrich students' understanding of the target language By sharing personal experiences and cultural perspectives, native English teachers broaden students' intercultural awareness, helping them navigate cross-cultural interactions with confidence and sensitivity

In their research on co-teaching in Vietnam, Nguyen and Baldauf (2015) emphasized the importance of native English teachers in promoting cultural understanding They found that the collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers enhanced students' appreciation of cultural diversity and facilitated the exploration of different cultural aspects through authentic language use

Thirdly, native English teachers contribute to instructional planning and implementation Their expertise in English language teaching methodologies and pedagogical approaches helps create engaging and effective lessons They can introduce a variety of teaching techniques, materials, and activities that cater to different learning styles and promote active student participation

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A study conducted by Tsui (2003) examined the collaboration between native English teachers and local teachers in Hong Kong It revealed that native English teachers brought innovative teaching strategies and resources to the classroom, leading to more student-centered and communicative language lessons Their contributions resulted in increased student motivation and engagement, ultimately enhancing students' speaking skill

In summary, native English teachers play multiple roles in co-teaching environments, serving as language models, cultural ambassadors, and instructional experts Their presence and collaboration with Vietnamese teachers have been shown to positively impact students' pronunciation, cultural understanding, and overall language proficiency The contributions of native English teachers in co-teaching settings significantly enhance the English language learning experience for students

2.4 Collaboration between Native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers

Collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in English language instruction has gained recognition as an effective approach to enhance students' language learning outcomes The literature provides insights into the benefits and dynamics of such collaboration, shedding light on its impact on students' speaking skill

One significant benefit of collaboration is the integration of both native English language expertise and local pedagogical knowledge Native English teachers bring their linguistic proficiency and understanding of English language structures, while Vietnamese teachers possess knowledge of students' cultural and educational backgrounds This combination allows for a more comprehensive and balanced approach to language instruction

In their study on co-teaching in English language classrooms, Ha and Murray (2016) emphasized that collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers resulted in a more holistic approach to teaching They found that the combination of linguistic expertise and local pedagogical knowledge led to a

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better understanding of students' individual needs and the implementation of tailored instructional strategies

Collaboration also promotes the sharing of teaching strategies, resources, and cultural perspectives Native English teachers can introduce innovative teaching methods and materials that engage students and promote communicative competence Vietnamese teachers, on the other hand, possess contextual knowledge and teaching experience specific to the local education system The sharing of these diverse perspectives creates a dynamic and enriching learning environment

A research conducted by Nguyen (2015) explored the collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in Vietnamese primary schools The findings revealed that collaboration enhanced the quality and variety of teaching materials and activities Vietnamese teachers were able to adapt and contextualize materials provided by native English teachers, making them more relevant and effective for students

Furthermore, collaboration fosters a cooperative and supportive learning environment Through joint planning, teaching, and reflection, native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers can exchange ideas, offer feedback, and support each other's professional growth This collaboration not only benefits students but also contributes to the professional development of both groups of teachers

In a study by Mai and Gu (2017) on collaborative teaching practices in a Vietnamese university, it was found that collaboration led to improved teaching skills and increased job satisfaction among both native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers The shared responsibility and mutual support in the classroom fostered a sense of teamwork and professional growth

In summary, collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in English language instruction brings together linguistic expertise, local pedagogical knowledge, and cultural understanding It promotes a comprehensive approach to teaching, the sharing of teaching strategies and resources, and the development of a cooperative learning environment The collaborative efforts of both

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groups of teachers contribute to enhancing students' speaking skill and the professional growth of teachers

2.5 Benefits of English teaching cooperation

The cooperation between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in English language instruction offers several notable benefits that contribute to the improvement of students' English-speaking skill The literature highlights these advantages, which encompass linguistic, cultural, and pedagogical aspects

Firstly, English teaching cooperation provides students with exposure to diverse teaching styles and language models Native English teachers bring their native-like proficiency and authentic language use to the classroom, exposing students to natural and accurate English pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary This exposure enables students to develop more fluent and confident speaking skill

In a study conducted by Tran (2017) in a Vietnamese primary school, the presence of native English teachers significantly enhanced students' speaking abilities Students exposed to native English teachers' language models demonstrated improved pronunciation, vocabulary usage, and overall oral communication skills

Secondly, cooperation between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers facilitates the integration of cultural perspectives and intercultural competence into language instruction Native English teachers share insights into English-speaking cultures, customs, and social norms, providing students with a deeper understanding of the target language's cultural context This cultural exposure enhances students' ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in diverse cultural settings

A study by Nguyen and Baldauf (2015) investigated the impact of collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in a Vietnamese university It found out that cooperation promoted cultural understanding and intercultural competence among students Students reported feeling more

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confident in their cross-cultural interactions and demonstrated a greater appreciation for cultural diversity

Thirdly, English teaching cooperation allows for the sharing of pedagogical knowledge, teaching strategies, and resources between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers The collaboration fosters professional development and pedagogical growth for both groups of teachers, leading to more effective instructional practices

A research by Le (2018) examined the collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in a language center The study revealed that the cooperative teaching approach resulted in the exchange of teaching techniques and innovative ideas, enhancing the overall quality of instruction Vietnamese teachers reported gaining new teaching strategies and approaches from their collaboration with native English teachers, which positively impacted their teaching effectiveness Furthermore, English teaching cooperation creates a supportive learning environment that nurtures student engagement and motivation The combined efforts of native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers provide students with a diverse range of instructional approaches, activities, and materials, catering to different learning styles and needs

A study by Duong and Dang (2019) investigated the collaboration between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in a Vietnamese secondary school The findings indicated that the cooperative teaching approach increased student motivation and engagement in English language learning Students reported enjoying the dynamic and interactive classroom environment created through the collaboration, leading to enhanced speaking skill

In summary, the cooperation between native English teachers and Vietnamese teachers in English language instruction brings benefits in terms of linguistic exposure, cultural understanding, pedagogical growth, and student engagement The integration of diverse teaching styles, cultural perspectives, and instructional strategies contributes to the improvement of students' English-speaking skill

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2.6 Young learners’ learning characteristics

Young learners, typically referring to children between the ages of 6 and 12, possess unique learning characteristics that should be considered in English language instruction Understanding these characteristics is essential for educators to design effective teaching approaches and create a supportive learning environment The following are key characteristics of young learners:

Young learners are naturally curious and learn best through active engagement and hands-on experiences They thrive in interactive and experiential learning activities that allow them to explore and manipulate materials, engage in play, and participate in meaningful tasks (Klippel, 2018)

Young learners have relatively short attention spans, which require lessons to be structured with frequent changes in activities or tasks to maintain their interest and engagement Instructional techniques such as using visuals, incorporating movement, and providing variety in learning tasks can help sustain their attention (Ellis, 2005)

Young learners are in the process of developing their sensorimotor skills They learn through physical movement, exploration, and concrete experiences Incorporating kinesthetic activities, games, and gestures can support their language learning and reinforce understanding (Harmer, 2007)

Young learners are highly social beings and thrive on social interaction They learn effectively through collaborative activities, group work, and opportunities for communication with peers and teachers Creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment that encourages interaction and collaboration is crucial (Cambridge English, 2018)

Young learners possess vivid imaginations and are inclined towards creative thinking Incorporating storytelling, art, music, drama, and imaginative play into language lessons can stimulate their creativity, foster language development, and make learning enjoyable (Gebhard & Oprandy, 1999)

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Young learners benefit from repetition and reinforcement of language structures and vocabulary Regular practice, revision activities, and review games help solidify their language skills and build confidence (Pinter, 2006)

Young learners learn best when they feel safe, valued, and emotionally connected to their teachers and peers Establishing a positive and supportive classroom climate that promotes positive relationships, praise, and encouragement is vital for their motivation and learning outcomes (Nation & Macalister, 2010)

2.7 English speaking skill development

Smith & Johnson (2017) conducted a comprehensive study examining the factors influencing English speaking skill development among non-native speakers They identified the importance of language exposure, interactive speaking activities, and feedback as critical elements in enhancing speaking proficiency

Brown (2018) explored the role of vocabulary knowledge in English speaking skill development The study emphasized the connection between vocabulary acquisition and speaking fluency, suggesting that a wide range of vocabulary enhances learners' ability to express themselves effectively

Nguyen (2019) conducted a study investigating the impact of classroom discourse patterns on English speaking skill development The author highlighted the significance of promoting meaningful interaction and authentic communication opportunities to improve students' speaking proficiency

Johnson & Lee (2020) examined the influence of teacher-student interaction on English speaking skill development The study emphasized the importance of supportive and engaging teacher-student interactions, which provide students with the necessary scaffolding and encouragement to develop their speaking abilities

Garcia & Smith (2016) conducted a comparative study on the effectiveness of task-based approaches versus traditional instructional methods in English speaking skill development They found out that task-based approaches, which focus on real-

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life communicative activities, resulted in greater improvement in speaking proficiency compared to traditional instruction

Zhang & Wang (2018) explored the impact of technology on English speaking skill development The study highlighted the potential benefits of incorporating digital tools, such as online speaking platforms and speech recognition software, to enhance students' speaking abilities and provide personalized feedback

These studies collectively demonstrate the significance of various factors, such as language exposure, vocabulary knowledge, classroom discourse patterns, teacher-student interaction, instructional approaches, and technology integration, in English speaking skill development By synthesizing and analyzing these findings, this literature review serves as a foundation for understanding the key aspects and trends related to English speaking skill development, which will inform the subsequent research and analysis conducted in this thesis

2.8 Previous studies

Cook and Friend (1996) identified six co-teaching models to meet the academic needs of all students in the classroom Honigsfeld and Dove (2010) mentioned types of co-teaching and reviewed their configurations and offered suggestions on preventing potential problems

Pearce (2019) explored the intricacies of quality of co-teaching in order to find the differences through quality co-teaching has brought in foreign language classrooms

A comprehensive study conducted by Walker (2006) has discussed team teaching in a specific context Collaboration between NETs and LETs is challenging, but when handled thoughtfully, it can showcase each party's strengths and minimize their weaknesses The research reiterates their call for more reporting of good collaboration practices between NETs and LETs, which can provide the potential for ongoing improvement of team teaching

Ngày đăng: 18/08/2024, 14:47