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[LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ] The Use of Online Games in Teaching English Vocabulary for Grade 6 at Duy Tan Secondary School

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Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu, tháng 3 năm 2024

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Ngành: Lý luận và phương pháp dạy học bộ môn Tiếng AnhMã ngành: 8140111


Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu, tháng 3 năm 2024

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During the research process, I would like to express my deep gratitude to mysupervisor, Dr Nguyen Hoang Tuan, for her enthusiastic guidance, insightfulcomments, and support This thesis would not be complete without her strongsupport and direction.

I would like to thank BA RIA VUNG TAU UNIVERSITY, GraduateInstitute, Faculty of English for allowing me to study at university and alwaysbeing there for me when I faced difficulties during my studies.

The English faculty have always done everything useful for me and thestudents My classmates and I could not complete all the tasks on time withouttheir help during my study.

In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to all my English teachers,who effectively cooperated and supported me during the data collection and pilotproject at Duy Tan Secondary School.

Le Phuong Thao

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1.1 Background to the study 1

1.2 Rationale for the study 3

1.3 Statement of the problems 4

1.4 The aims of the study 5

1.5 Research questions 6

1.6 Scope of the study 6

1.7 Significance of the study 8

1.8 Definition of key terms 9

1.9 Organization of the study 10


2.2.1 Benefits of online games 17

2.2.2 Challenges in the use of Online games 19

2.3 Practical implications of using online games to teach vocabulary 20

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2.3.1 The implementations of teaching vocabulary using games 20

2.3.2 Five games that can be used in teaching vocabulary to young learners.222.4 Language Learning Attitude 28

3.6 Data analysis procedures 50


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4.3.1 Students' Attitudes Towards Learning Vocabulary through Online

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Table 3.1 Synthesis approach, data collection tool of thestudy 36

Table 3.2 Scale Labelling 45

Table 4.1 The student’s behavioral attitudes toward learning Vocabularythrough Game-Based Learning 52

Table 4.2 The student’s cognitive attitudes toward learning Vocabularythrough Game-Based Learning 54

Table 4.3 Percentage of students’ affective attitudes 57

Table 4.4 The advantages of the implementation of game-based learning inlearning English vocabulary 61

Table 4.5 The disadvantages of the implementation of game-based learning inlearning English vocabulary 64

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Figure 3 1 Gender structure of the research sample 39

Figure 3 2 Student's assessment of the importance of learning vocabulary 40Figure 3 3 Students self-assess their vocabulary ability 41

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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 Background to the study

The trend of globalization in all fields of the world makes foreign languages,especially English, play a greater role than ever before This is why in recent years,English has become a compulsory subject in most training institutions in Vietnamfrom primary school, and middle school to college and university However,according to the analysis of the 2021 high school graduation exam results by theMinistry of Education, 866,993 candidates took the English exam in the highschool graduation exam, with an average score of 5.84 with a median of 5.6 Themaximum score for candidates is 4 According to the Ministry of Education andTraining statistics, there are 144 candidates with scores less than or equal to 1, and40.27% of candidates with scores below average English is the lowest score in thegraduation exam This shows that the quality of English teaching in Vietnamesehigh schools is not effective To teach and learn English better, many teachingmethods have been studied and applied, among which the game method has beenwidely practiced at home and abroad as a useful solution Reduce stress andimprove learner motivation At present, there are many kinds of games used inEnglish teaching, with various forms, rules, and purposes However, this methoddoes not always bring the expected success To apply games effectively, teachersneed to pay attention to many factors, such as application time, game selection, andappropriate process In addition, much research has been done on the use of gamesin English teaching at home and abroad, but most of them only focus on theapplication of some individual games to teach certain language skills (listening,speaking, reading, writing, etc.).

For many learners studying English as a foreign language, vocabularylearning is considered boring, as they have to memorize unfamiliar words and spell(Nguyen & Khuat, 2003) and are typically asked to complete lots of exercises.Learners find it hard to engage in such rote learning of vocabulary activities Toalleviate the problem, computer-assisted language learning (CALL) systems often

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use multimedia to engage learners more in the learning process Game playing isanother popular way to engage learners in language learning (Schultz &Fisher,1988) Prensky (2001, p 106) listed 12 elements as to why games engagepeople To name a few, games motivate players (to achieve goals), gratify the ego(when winning), are fun (through enjoyment and pleasure), and spark the players’creativity (to solve the game) The use of interactive games has impacted the modeof learning (Foreman et al , 2004) Krasilovsky (1996, p 20) claimed that younglearners tend to ‘favor “edutainment” applica-tions-academics-oriented games’.Wood (2001) investigated the use of learning games as a learning tool andconcluded that game-like formats could be more effective at capturing learners’attention than traditional media such as textbooks.

Using games to teach vocabulary is one of the novel methods that are usednowadays since it is considered a new trend to strengthen and improve students’abilities in English Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and AppliedLinguistics (Richards, Platt, & Platt, 1995, p 89) defined games as “an organizedactivity that usually has the following properties: a particular task or objective, aset of rules, a competition between players, and a communication between playersby spoken or written language.” In addition, the use of technology has a significanteffect in various social and cultural contexts, as it helps in improving the languageof children as well as increasing their cultural awareness According toTaghizadeh et al (2017), the use of games enables children to learn vocabularybetter than using traditional ways It is necessary to understand two important factsbefore using a game as an educational tool: children’s competence and culturalfeedback must be taken into account In addition, it should be useful for childrenwith lower language abilities and should be easily practiced anywhere Manyexperienced course book and procedural manual scholars have stressed that gameshave great learning value (Derakhshan & Khatir, 2015) This paper offers therationale for implementing games as a stress-free tool for learning words It isbelieved that games can have the potential to contextualize learning words.

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Generally speaking, students face many difficulties while learningvocabulary Some teachers still use traditional ways to teach vocabulary and stillreckon that games are time-losing activities and are just for fun Besides, some ofthem are not trained enough on how to implement games during English lessons.Therefore, the problem of learning and teaching vocabulary deserves to be studied.In this paper, the researcher discuss the use of online games in teaching Englishvocabulary for Grade 6 at Duy Tan Secondary School as an example of learnerswho learn English as a foreign language (EFL).

1.2 Rationale for the study

The conventional method is the traditional teaching method that most of thetime methods are used Trianto (2007) argues that the traditional teacher-centeredapproach can make students more passive because only by seeing and listening tothe teacher explain, students are not taught all the learning models that can lead tolearning Students understand how to learn a variety of materials and thinking.Criticize and motivate yourself At the same time, the online game-based methodis the method of using online games to help students absorb the material in classand create more interest in learning English Online game-based learning can keepstudents happy, motivated, and creative Prensky (2010) states that games basedon online games can stimulate children's affective, intellectual, and psychologicalwell-being According to Jin et al (2018), students learn only 20% of what theyhear and read but can learn 90% of what they have practiced.

In addition, many previous empirical studies have found evidence thatstudents learn best when they are active partners in the educational processthrough discussions to solve problems ( Jin et al., 2018) Online game-basedlearning applications and virtual reality have been tested by many researchers andthe results of implementing these technologies have shown excAllent results interms of the educational process Several previous studies have discussed changesin the roles of students and teachers using simulation and game-based learning.

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Students are more cooperative and active and thus teachers become facilitators ofknowledge (Dinis et al., 2017).

The most noticeable feature of learning English in the EFL context ofVietnam in general and at Duy Tan Secondary School, in particular, is that theEnglish vocabulary lessons are quite boring, and students have difficulty learningEnglish However, acquiring knowledge and applying it mechanically is common(Nguyen Thi Thuy Hien, 2019) As a result, students neglect their practice andreduce their motivation and interest in such vocabulary lessons, which is of greatconcern at present, the reform of English vocabulary teaching methods Englishfor students is necessary, helping students to make more progress in English ingeneral and English vocabulary in particular Stemming from the above reasons,

this study, " The Use of Online Games in Teaching English Vocabulary forGrade 6 at Duy Tan Secondary School" was conducted.

1.3 Statement of the problems

The difficulties faced by students in learning English as a Foreign Language(EFL), particularly in vocabulary acquisition, are indeed significant Effectivevocabulary instruction is crucial for successful language learning Here are somekey points based on the information you provided:

Vocabulary learning challenges: Students often encounter difficulties inlearning and remembering vocabulary It requires effort, practice, and the use ofeffective teaching methods to enhance vocabulary acquisition.

Individualization based on language level and cognitive abilities: Effectivevocabulary instruction should take into account students' language proficiencylevels and cognitive abilities Tailoring instruction to individual needs can supportbetter learning outcomes.

An overwhelming number of new words: Research by Gersten and Baker(2000) suggests that introducing too many new vocabulary terms in a single

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classroom session may be overwhelming for students Limiting the number of newwords to around 20 per session can promote more effective learning and retention.

Traditional teaching methods versus modern approaches: Some teachers inJordan rely heavily on traditional teaching methods when it comes to vocabularyinstruction, overlooking innovative approaches like games It is important toembrace technological advancements and incorporate interactive and engagingmethods, such as educational games, to cater to the high-tech environmentstudents are exposed to.

By addressing these points, educators can enhance vocabulary instruction andcreate a more engaging and effective learning environment for EFL students.

1.4 The aims of the study

The main purpose of the study is to explore the use of online games as amethod of teaching English vocabulary to 6th-grade students at Duy TanSecondary School To achieve the above goal, the research objectives are set asfollows:

Evaluating the effectiveness of online games in teaching vocabulary: A studyto evaluate the impact and effectiveness of using online games as a tool to teachEnglish vocabulary This assessment may involve comparing the performance andprogress of students participating in online games with students using traditionalvocabulary learning methods.

Investigating students' views on using online games to learn vocabulary: Theobjective of the study was to gather insights from the students themselves abouttheir experiences and opinions about the use of online games to learn vocabulary.This investigation may include surveys, interviews, or other data collectionmethods to gain insight into student perspectives.

By addressing these objectives, the study seeks to provide evidence andinsight into the effectiveness of online games as a means of teaching Englishvocabulary to 6th graders Additionally, understanding student perspectives can

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help inform future teaching methods and improve the integration of online gamesinto language learning curricula.

1.6 Scope of the study

This study is conducted at a secondary school in Ba Ria - Vung Tau provinceduring the first term of the academic year 2022-2023 The participants consist of34 sixth-grade students, comprising 20 males and 14 females.

The decision to focus on sixth-grade students stems from the writer’spersonal teaching experience and observations, indicating their insufficientvocabulary knowledge By selecting this grade level, the study aims to address thevocabulary needs of these students and evaluate the effectiveness of teachingmethods in improving their vocabulary skills It's important to note that the samplesize of 34 students may impact the generalizability of the findings significantly.

Moreover, as the study is conducted within a specific geographical locationand academic year, the results may have limitations regarding broaderapplicability To ensure ethical conduct, the researcher should obtain appropriatepermissions and consent from the school, students, and their parents or guardians.Confidentiality and anonymity of the participants must be maintained throughoutthe research process.

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Focusing on the specific context of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province and the grade students in the first term of the academic year 2022-2023, the study aims toprovide insights into the effectiveness of the chosen teaching methods and addressthe vocabulary needs of the selected student population.

sixth-The study aims to answer research questions related to the effectiveness ofonline games in teaching English vocabulary to 6th-grade students and students'perspectives on using online games for learning vocabulary Specifically:

1 Effectiveness of online games in teaching English vocabulary: The studywill assess the impact and effectiveness of using online games as a tool forteaching vocabulary to 6th-grade students It will examine whether online gamesenhance students' understanding, application, and retention of vocabulary rulesand concepts compared to traditional methods.

2 Student perspectives on using online games for learning vocabulary: Theresearchers will explore the perceptions, experiences, and attitudes of the 6th-grade students towards the use of online games in learning vocabulary Thisinvestigation may involve surveys, interviews, or other data collection methods togather insights into students' perspectives, engagement, motivation, andsatisfaction.

The study's focus on using online games as a means of teaching Englishvocabulary to 6th-grade students at Duy Tan School is clear It aims to evaluate theeffectiveness of online games in facilitating vocabulary learning and understandthe students' perspectives on this approach Key points based on the informationprovided include:

- Objective: Assess the effectiveness of online games as a tool for teachingEnglish vocabulary to 6th-grade students at Duy Tan School.

- Evaluation of effectiveness: Examine how online games contribute tovocabulary learning and compare them to traditional teaching methods.

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- Student perspectives: Gather insights into students' experiences,engagement, motivation, and attitudes toward using online games for vocabularyinstruction.

- Context-specific analysis: Focus on 6th-grade students at Duy Tan Schoolfor a targeted analysis of the benefits and challenges of using online games.

- Potential benefits and challenges: Identify the benefits and challenges ofintegrating online games into vocabulary instruction, informing educators andpolicymakers.

Through this study, the researchers aim to generate valuable knowledge aboutthe effectiveness of online games as a tool for teaching vocabulary in the specificcontext of 6th-grade students at Duy Tan School, contributing to enhancingvocabulary instruction using innovative and engaging approaches.

1.7 Significance of the study

The study will be useful to students, teachers, and researchers in the field ofEnglish language teaching and learning: Students can benefit from the study bygaining insights into the effectiveness of using online games for vocabularylearning They can discover an engaging and interactive approach to learningvocabulary that can potentially enhance their learning outcomes The findings ofthe study may encourage students to explore and utilize online games as asupplementary tool for vocabulary acquisition, leading to quicker and moreeffective learning experiences.

Teachers can greatly benefit from the study as well By understanding moreabout the potential of online games in vocabulary instruction, teachers canintegrate this method into their teaching practices They can incorporate onlinegames into their lessons as an engaging and interactive tool for vocabularylearning, making their instruction more effective and enjoyable for students Thestudy can provide teachers with evidence-based insights and ideas on how toeffectively incorporate online games into their pedagogical approaches.

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Furthermore, researchers in the field of English language teaching andlearning can use the study as a reliable source of reference in their researchendeavors The findings and methodologies of the study can contribute to theexisting body of literature and serve as a basis for further investigations in the field.Researchers can build upon the study's findings, replicate or modify the researchdesign, and explore additional aspects related to using online games forvocabulary instruction.

Overall, the study holds great potential to impact the learning and teaching ofEnglish vocabulary It can empower students with effective learning strategies,equip teachers with innovative teaching approaches, and provide researchers withvaluable insights and foundations for future investigations.

1.8 Definition of key terms

EFL students: are 6thgraders who are learning English vocabulary throughonline game-based learning at Duy Tan Secondary School.

English Vocabulary: English vocabulary refers to the collection of words or

terms used in the English language.

Online game-based learning: refers to a method of using interactive and

engaging online games, simulations, or activities to increase student motivationand engagement while boosting learning outcomes.

Implementation: The process of putting a plan or idea into action, in this

case, the use of game-based learning in teaching English vocabulary.

Learning: The process of acquiring knowledge or skills through study,

experience, or instruction.

Duy Tan Secondary School: a high school located in Ba Ria – Vung Tau

province, Vietnam, where the study was conducted.

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Perception: How something is interpreted or understood by an individual, in

this case, the difficulties perceived by the students in learning English vocabularythrough online game-based learning.

6th graders: refers to students in the 6th grade, typically aged 11-12 years

1.9 Organization of the study

This thesis consists of five chapters.

Chapter I, Introduction, presents the background to the study, states the aim

of the study, and lists the research questions, the significance, the scope, and thedesign of the study.

Chapter II, Literature Review

Chapter III, Methodology, provides a detailed description of the research

methods including the research question, data collection instruments, subjects,procedures, and data analysis of the study.

Chapter IV, Results and Discussion reports and discusses the results of the

Finally, Chapter V, Implications and Conclusion offers some implications.

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Chapter 2 delves into the intricacies of vocabulary as a foundational elementof language acquisition, outlining various definitions and concepts crucial forunderstanding how vocabulary functions within language education This sets thestage for a detailed review of literature pertinent to the field.

2.1 Definitions/ Concepts

2.1.1 Vocabulary concept

Vocabulary is defined as lists of words; it is an important part of supportingall English skills Allen (1997) states: “Vocabulary is the total number of wordswhich establish a language” Then, Oxford provides four definitions ofvocabulary; they are:

1 A collection or list of words with a brief explanation of meanings.

2 The range of a language of a particular person, class, professional, or lake.

3 The sum or aggregate of words composing a language.

4 Figuratively, a set of art forms, techniques, movements, etc, available to aparticular person.

Furthermore, Allen (1997) says that “Vocabulary is an important part oflanguage-teaching and should be learned continually by the students It means thatthe basic need that has to have by the students is vocabulary” They will find itdifficult to read a text without having enough vocabulary Vocabulary is a stock ofwords that are at the disposal of a speaker or writer.

The term vocabulary may refer to all words or phrases that use a particularvariety such as dialect, register, or terminology Some aspects help studentsimprove vocabulary as stated by David Arthur Wilkins (1972) who states sixaspects:

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1) Synonymy The other meaning related to the word given; a university isa synonymy for a place for studying for adult students.

2) Hyponymy A relationship of inclusion, such as vehicles includes cars,buses, and so on.

3) Incompatibility A relation is in a sense the reverse of a hyponym; it isbetween items that are similar in meaning.

For example: To say morning, not afternoon, not evening, and not night.

4) Complementarily This is a relationship in which to predicate one term iscontradicting another in pairs Like perfect and imperfect, single and married, andso on.

5) Antonymy It is the opposite meaning which has a relation For example:For example:

Young and old.

6) Conferences In this case, the prediction of one term inevitably implies theother Illustrated by pairs like words parent and child, buy and sell, and so on.

2.1.2.Game concept

The word itself makes us think of fun ways of doing things where we can playat the same time Some previous researchers have come out with a more formalway of defining games which encompasses language games as well Felta (2009)for example says that games are simple structured activities that may contain littlelanguage components but are meaningful to students and involve the whole self&cognitively and affectively) It also provides the link between the language itselfand how it is used in reality If we look at it closely when a teacher uses games inhis or her lesson, there will be only a small number of words that they will befocusing on This is because it is not the number of words being presented or taughtbut the pupils can the word instead is the main objective of using games in Englishlessons in the first place.

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The description of games provided by Jill Hadfield (1997) and Gibbs (1978)highlights some key characteristics and benefits of incorporating games intoteaching:

Activity with Rules: Games involve a structured set of rules that guide theplayers' actions and decisions These rules create a framework within which thegame is played, providing clear boundaries and expectations.

Goal-Oriented: Games have specific objectives or goals that players strive toachieve These objectives can be aligned with the learning outcomes of the Englishlesson, allowing students to engage in purposeful and meaningful activities.

Element of Fun: Games are designed to be enjoyable and entertaining Theelement of fun in games can motivate students, enhance their engagement, andcreate a positive learning atmosphere By making the learning experienceenjoyable, games can contribute to increased student motivation and participation.Active Student Involvement: Games shift the focus from the teacher-centeredapproach to a student-centered approach Students actively participate in thegame, making decisions, solving problems, and collaborating with their peers.This active involvement promotes critical thinking, communication skills, andteamwork.

Competition and Cooperation: Games can involve both competitive andcooperative elements While students may compete against each other, it can be ina healthy and friendly manner Competition can stimulate students' drive to exceland achieve their objectives Additionally, cooperative games encouragecollaboration, teamwork, and social interaction among students.

Increased Interest and Engagement: Games offer a more interactive andinteresting way of presenting English lessons By integrating games into teaching,students are more likely to be engaged and enthusiastic about the learning process.This heightened interest can lead to improved motivation, retention, andapplication of English language skills.

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Overall, incorporating games into English lessons can create a dynamic andstudent-centered learning environment that fosters active participation,collaboration, and enjoyment It can be an effective approach to promoteengagement, enhance learning outcomes, and make English lessons moreenjoyable for students.

2.1.3.Types of Vocabulary

Collier(2010) writes that there are two words lists, one of the function wordsand one containing a basic 2000-word English vocabulary, in addition, there is alist of suffixes and prefixes to be used with the 2000-word list.

a Function words and content words: Function words are words that servegrammatical or syntactic purposes in a sentence, such as articles (a, an, the),pronouns (he, she, it), prepositions (in, on, at), conjunctions (and, but, or), andauxiliary verbs (is, are, have) Content words, on the other hand, carry lexicalmeaning and include nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

b Verb: A verb is a type of content word that describes an action, occurrence,or state of being It conveys the main action or idea in a sentence Examples ofverbs include "run," "eat," "play," "study," etc.

c Adjective: An adjective is a content word that describes or modifies a noun,providing more information about its quality, size, shape, color, etc Examples ofadjectives include "beautiful," "big," "happy," "blue," etc.

d Adverb: An adverb is a content word that modifies a verb, adjective, oranother adverb, providing information about the manner, place, time, degree, etc.Examples of adverbs include "quickly," "very," "here," "often," etc.

e Suffixes and Prefixes: Suffixes and prefixes are affixes that are added to thebeginning (prefixes) or end (suffixes) of words to modify their meaning or createnew words Examples of suffixes include "-able" (e.g., likable), "-less" (e.g.,fearless), "-tion" (e.g., exploration), while examples of prefixes include "un-"(e.g., unhappy), "re-" (e.g., rewind), "dis-" (e.g., dislike).

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2.1.4.Techniques of teaching vocabulary

When youngsters learn English, the first thing they for the most part aretaught is vocabulary, very contrary to popular belief They will actually havetrouble pronouncing and remembering the meaning of the words as they

particularly learn English vocabulary It will particularly be an issue if they lackthe ambition to study English because they mostly believe it kind of is difficult anduseless in a pretty major way It could literally be because they are accustomed tocommunicating and interacting with the environment in their mother tongue in akind of big way To avoid these notions, educational strategies must for the mostpart be used to pique children's interest and specifically motivate them to learnEnglish, or so they essentially thought According to Bardakç (2010), youngerstry to specifically make learning as basically easy as kind of possible Languageteachers should be aware of this and mostly strive to generally teach languagemost straightforwardly definitely possible in a particularly major way Early on inthe learning process, pictures can definitely be utilized to actually teach

vocabulary, which kind of is fairly significant.

There generally are a few ways that may essentially be utilized to mostlyteach vocabulary to pupils in secondary school in a subtle way The first involvesthe use of images in a big way For generations, students literally have relied onpictures to basically help them comprehend generally many parts of foreignlanguages Nonverbal sources of information can definitely be representedthrough pictures (Wright, 2007), actually contrary to popular belief It for allintents and purposes is very fair to actually say that visuals for the most part play avital part in the acquisition of words, definitely contrary to popular belief Studentscan not only mostly conceive but also basically see the object when using photos,making it easier for them to retain and remember the term and its meaning, whichspecifically is fairly significant.

Nation (1990) identified eight basic strategies for teachers to explain newwords to young learners, which Cameron (2001) also noted These strategies

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include using objects, cutout figures, gestures, actions, photographs, sketches,diagrams on the board, and book illustrations, all suitable for learners who benefitfrom visual aids in the classroom (Nation, 1990, p 51; Cameron, 2001).

Singing songs is the next technique Teachers can perform certain songsconnected to the theme, such as songs about family, fruits, or animals Childrenwill acquire vocabulary by singing songs and listening to the lyrics According toAbbot (2002), as stated in Gordon (2007), employing music during the learningprocess helps to generate a comfortable atmosphere Furthermore, the use of musicmade the learning process more memorable.

Storytelling is another technique in teaching vocabulary to young students,which is actually quite important Teachers can widely use stories that childrenare already familiar with, such as legends or fairy tales like Cinderella orSleeping Beauty The children for the most part already know the story in BahasaIndonesia, so when the teacher tells the story in English they specifically are stillable to guess the general main idea of the story As stated by Cameron (2001),actually young children particularly learn definitely many of their first languagewords through every social interaction with adults, and the use of stories in younglearner classrooms will offer similar actually rich opportunities for learningvocabulary indirectly, or incidentally while attending to something else, or sothey thought Thus, telling stories can generally be an advantageous technique inteaching vocabulary because children basically learn vocabulary throughinteraction, which is quite significant Besides, this technique for all intentsand purposes is a way to for the most part grab student’s attention to basicallyavoid boredom in the classroom in a kind of major way.

Students can enhance their vocabulary by using the approaches suggestedbecause they are not just memorizing the word but also comprehending themeaning.

2.2 Online Games

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2.2.1 Benefits of online games

Many studies have specifically emphasized that online games havefundamentally positive effects on vocabulary learning, especially for children(Prensky, 2003; Leemkuil, 2006; Gee, 2012; Tüzün et al .2009; Van Eck, 2006).Digital games basically provide a real learning environment in which studentscollaborate specifically with each other (Derakhshan & Davoodi Khatir, 2015) in areally big way Huyen and Nga (2003) especially emphasized the role of onlinegames by giving children the opportunity to apply English in the context of realcommunication in the classroom, which is quite meaningful Similarly,Kalaycioglu (2011) essentially emphasizes the importance of digital games, asmost of these games subtly place students at the center of classroom activities.That's basically why games can really be tailored to the children's teaching goals,their age, and their level in a major way Provide real-world multimedia contextusing online games to engage children in vocabulary learning Therefore, they areencouraged to interact specifically with other classmates basically and to acquirevocabulary in a specific way (Segal-Drori et al., 2010; Silsüpür, 2017) effectively.There are other benefits of online gaming in various aspects of instruction (Tsai etal., 2011) subtly Digital games help young learners, in general, learn vocabularymore literally with more motivation than traditional teaching (Tuzun, et al., 2009)in a rather large way.

Furthermore, Tsai et al (2011) asserted that the use of digital games candevelop learners' language abilities and social skills Similarly, many researchersemphasize that technology gives children the opportunity to learn the four Englishskills not only in the classroom but also outside through social interaction (Gee,2005; Wang et al., 2008) ) Children can develop their English using these onlinegames in social contexts The use of games in the classroom gives children anequal opportunity to participate in a variety of activities In particular, studentswho are shy and weak in English can be transformed into active elements ofparticipation and interaction through games (Taghizadeh, 2017) Digital games

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work as a suitable medium for vocabulary learning as they provide a meaningfulcontext for vocabulary learning as well as add entertainment to the classroom.According to Pomerantz and Bell (2007), for example, using digital games bringsan element of fun and plays an important role in children's learning process(Taghizadeh et al., 2017).

Harmer (2008) stated that in order to have the ability to speak Englishfluently, young learners need to have the ability to know the language features andto process information immediately Therefore, young learners must practicethrough variety and appropriate techniques that aid their information process andsimultaneous operations of the language.

According to Allen (1983), games are important in teaching vocabularybecause they highlight the necessary and important words to achieve theobjectives of the game Huyen Ang Nga, (2003) and Uberman, (1998) agreed thatgames create a fun and relaxed atmosphere where young learners can learn fast andretain words better Vernon (2009) argued that games are an effective tool to teachvocabulary to young learners Children participate and pay more attention becausethey enjoy themselves and the classroom and feel and do better during and after thegame Repetition will be less boring and fun for children which consolidates theirlearning of new words.

Furthermore, it can actually create a suitable learning environment forchildren making them the center of the activities in the class (Uzun, 2009; Liu etal., 2011; Sánchez & Olivares, 2011; Gunawardhana & Palaniappan, 2015).According to Tsai(2012), games can also enable children to actually overcometheir learning problems and increase their motivation and confidence, kind ofcontrary to popular belief The use of games can also basically encourage childrento for all intents and purposes collaborate with actually other classmates in theclass (Sánchez & Olivares, 2011) Using games in education makes the feelings offear and anxiety diminish, or so they thought Digital games can basically promotegenerally positive impacts on children in a subtle way Therefore, scholars and

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teachers kind of pay attention to the integration of games into the English teachingprocess, contrary to popular belief According to Mahali, I A., Hassan, H., &Alwi, A (2016), which literally is quite significant, they might generallyconsider digital games as an influential innovative means to actually enhancechildren’s English learning in the knowledge age Nowadays, scholars andteachers have recognized the use of games as essentially helping specificallyfacilitate English language learning So, they kind of have started investigatingbetter ways to kind of integrate games into the classroom They essentially assessthe use of games in activities related to different subjects and lessons, contrary topopular belief Teachers can use digital games in many educational aspectsincluding children's motivation and offering fairly supplementary and efficienttools (Hamizul &Rahimi, 2015).

2.2.2 Challenges in the use of Online games

The statement you provided highlights several challenges associated with theuse of games in the instructional process, based on the perspectives of differentresearchers Here's a breakdown of the mentioned challenges:

Lack of Specific Strategies: Some researchers suggest that educationalinstitutions and teachers often lack specific strategies when integrating games intoinstruction This can result in inadequate educational game equipment,insufficient teacher training, and limited governmental support for technology use.Time Constraints and Curriculum: Inadequate time allocation within thecurriculum can be a challenge when implementing game-based instruction Thedemands of the curriculum and the limited time available for incorporating gamesmay hinder their effective integration into the instructional process.

Cost of Games: The high cost associated with acquiring and implementingeducational games can pose a challenge for schools and educational institutions.Financial constraints may limit access to a variety of high-quality educationalgames.

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Potential Negative Impacts: Continuous and excessive playing of games canpotentially lead to physical health issues and addiction, particularly amongchildren Negative impacts may arise when games are played for extended periodswithout appropriate balance or supervision.

It is important to note that while these challenges exist, they do not diminishthe potential benefits and effectiveness of game-based instruction Addressingthese challenges requires careful planning, adequate resources, appropriateteacher training, and a balanced approach to using games in the instructionalprocess.

Educators and policymakers should strive to find solutions that promoteresponsible and effective integration of games into instruction while consideringfactors such as budget constraints, time management, curriculum alignment, andmonitoring of student engagement and well-being.

2.3 Practical implications of using online games to teach vocabulary

2.3.1 The implementations of teaching vocabulary using games

There are two steps that must be kept in mind when implementing games toteach vocabulary to young learners by their teacher, grouping the students andgiving explanations and instructions about the game This section will brieflymention those steps. Grouping the Students

Peer interaction and cooperation: Scott & Ytreberg (2004) emphasize thatyoung learners prefer to have their peers around them Sitting students together ingroups encourages cooperation and allows them to interact with and learn fromone another.

Balancing group size: Phillips (1993) suggests that having a group of morethan five students may result in counter-productivity and potential chaos It isimportant for teachers to consider the optimal group size to ensure effective

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collaboration and engagement among the students.

Structured grouping techniques: Teachers can use structured groupingtechniques to organize students into groups For example, students can be asked tocount off and gather with others who have the same number, forming groups Thismethod ensures randomness in group formation.

Group names and recording scores: Assigning a name to each group andrecording their scores on the whiteboard can create a sense of identity andcompetition among the groups This can motivate students and create acooperative and competitive atmosphere within the classroom.

By implementing these grouping techniques, teachers can foster acooperative learning environment where young learners can interact with theirpeers, engage in collaborative activities, and benefit from each other's knowledgeand experiences It is important to strike a balance between group size andclassroom management to ensure a productive and organized learning atmosphere. Giving explanation and instructions about the game

Explaining the game to young learners is essential for achieving the desiredoutcomes and effectively implementing games as a teaching method.

Clear explanations and instructions: Teachers play a crucial role in theclassroom by providing clear explanations and instructions about the game Thisincludes explaining the rules, objectives, and how the game relates to thevocabulary that students are intended to learn Clear instructions help studentsunderstand how to play the game and ensure they engage with the targetedvocabulary.

Maximizing class time: Without proper explanations and instructions,choosing games as a method for teaching vocabulary to young learners can beinefficient and may waste valuable class time Students need a clear understandingof what is expected of them to actively participate and benefit from the game-based learning experience.

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Engagement and motivation: Clear explanations and instructions helpmaintain student engagement and motivation When students understand the gameand its purpose, they are more likely to be actively involved and interested in thelearning process Without proper instructions, students may quickly become boredor frustrated, leading to a loss of interest and decreased learning outcomes.

Learning outcomes: The ultimate goal of implementing games is to facilitatevocabulary learning By providing clear explanations and instructions, teachersensure that students understand how the game connects to the vocabulary beingtaught This clarity enhances the potential for meaningful learning and helpsstudents achieve the desired outcomes.

In summary, teachers should take the time to provide clear explanations andinstructions about the game to young learners This helps maximize class time,maintains student engagement, and ensures that the game effectively serves itspurpose of teaching and reinforcing vocabulary Clear instructions are crucial forcreating a meaningful and enjoyable learning experience through game-basedactivities.

2.3.2.Five games that can be used in teaching vocabulary to young learners

Games, as stated before, are interesting methods to teach young learnersvocabulary They help students in learning their vocabulary effectively withoutboredom and they will acquire the lessons easily For the reason of space, thegames that will be discussed in this section are Inversion, Secret number box,Random Spins Game, and Matching Games.

1 The game "Inversion" is a vocabulary game that can be created using the

website https://wordwall.net In this game, teachers can utilize anagrams tointroduce words to students An anagram is a word or phrase formed byrearranging the letters of another word or phrase.

To create the game, teachers can access the website and navigate to thesection specifically designed for creating interactive activities Once there, theycan choose the option to create an anagram-based game The teacher will input a

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list of words that they want to focus on for the activity These words can be relatedto a specific topic or subject that is being taught.

For each word, the teacher has the option to provide a question or a suggestionto help students identify the word This question or suggestion can be accompaniedby an illustration, depending on the teacher's intention and the availability ofimages on the website The illustrations can be selected from the image libraryprovided by the website, or teachers can upload their own photos if they prefer touse specific visuals.

During gameplay, students will be presented with the anagram of a word, andthey need to rearrange the letters to correctly identify the word being targeted Thegame can be set up to provide hints or clues if the students are having difficultysolving the anagram.

By using the "Inversion" game on Wordwall, teachers can engage students inan interactive and challenging activity that promotes vocabulary acquisition andword recognition skills The game format adds an element of fun and competition,encouraging students to actively participate and learn while enjoying the process.

Overall, "Inversion" on Wordwall is a valuable resource for teachers to createengaging vocabulary activities using anagrams and accompanying questions orsuggestions, fostering an interactive and stimulating learning environment.

2 Secret Number Box

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The game "Secret Number Box" is a vocabulary game that can be createdusing the website https://www.baamboozle.com/ In this game, teachers canutilize a series of words to introduce and reinforce vocabulary to their students.

To create the game, teachers can access the Baamboozle website and navigateto the game creation section Within the game creation interface, teachers canselect the option to create a "Secret Number Box" game They will then input a listof words that they want to focus on for the activity These words can be related to aspecific topic or subject being taught.

For each word, the teacher can provide a question or suggestion that helpsstudents identify the word The question or suggestion can be accompanied by an

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illustration, adding visual support to enhance comprehension The illustrations canbe selected from the website's image library, or teachers can upload their ownillustrations to personalize the game further.

Additionally, the teacher can assign a score for each question based on thedifficulty level of the word or suggested sentence This allows for differentiationand varying levels of challenge within the game.

During gameplay, students will be presented with a series of questions orsuggestions, along with corresponding illustrations They need to guess the correctword associated with each question or suggestion and enter their answer in thegame interface The teacher can award points based on the accuracy and timelinessof the student’s responses.

By using the "Secret Number Box" game on Baamboozle, teachers can createan engaging and interactive vocabulary activity that promotes word recognition,comprehension, and recall The inclusion of illustrations, along with customizedscoring, adds to the game's effectiveness in facilitating learning.

Overall, the "Secret Number Box" on Baamboozle is a valuable tool forteachers to create dynamic vocabulary games where students can activelyparticipate and strengthen their vocabulary skills while enjoying the process.

3.The game "Random Spins Game" is a vocabulary game that can be created

using the website https://wordwall.net In this game, teachers can incorporate arandom wheel to engage students and reinforce vocabulary from their


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To create the game, teachers can visit the Wordwall website and access thesection specifically designed for creating interactive activities Within this section,they can choose the option to create a "Random Wheel" game The teacher willinput the words from the lesson that they want to focus on and include them on thewheel.

For each word, the teacher can select a corresponding illustration to place onthe wheel The website provides an image library that offers a range of visualoptions, or teachers can upload their own photos if they prefer to use specificvisuals related to the vocabulary words.

Once the wheel is set up with the words and corresponding illustrations, thegame is ready to be played During gameplay, students can take turns spinning thewheel, and when it stops on a particular word, they need to identify and provide themeaning of a sentence using that word The teacher can guide the discussion andprovide feedback to reinforce understanding.

The Random Spins Game adds an element of surprise and excitement tovocabulary practice It encourages active participation and engages students in aninteractive manner The visual component of the illustrations enhancescomprehension and aids in connecting words with their meanings.

Using the Random Spins Game on Wordwall, teachers can create anenjoyable and effective vocabulary activity that allows students to practice andreinforce their understanding of the lesson's words It promotes vocabularyretention and comprehension while making the learning experience engaging andinteractive.

Overall, the Random Spins Game on Wordwall provides teachers with aversatile tool to create vocabulary games using a random wheel and correspondingillustrations It enhances vocabulary learning by combining visual elements andinteractive gameplay, resulting in an enjoyable and effective learning experiencefor students.

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4 The "Matching Games" is a versatile game format that teachers can create

using the website https://wordwall.net This game is designed to help studentsreinforce their vocabulary by matching words introduced in the lesson withcorresponding flashcards and illustrated cards.

To create the game, teachers can visit the Wordwall website and navigate tothe game creation section Within this section, they can select the option to create a"Matching Game." The teacher will input the words from the lesson that they wantto focus on, along with their corresponding flashcards.

For each word, the teacher will also choose a card with an illustration toaccompany it The website provides a variety of pre-existing flashcards andillustrated cards to choose from, or teachers can upload their own visuals for amore personalized touch.

Once the game is set up with the word flashcards and matching illustratedcards, it is ready to be played During gameplay, students will be presented with aset of face-down cards that are randomly arranged They need to flip over the cardsto find matching pairs by matching a word flashcard with its correspondingillustrated card.

As students make matches, the cards can either be removed from the game orremain face-up for visual reinforcement The game continues until all matcheshave been made or a predetermined time limit has elapsed The teacher can provideguidance, support, and feedback throughout the game to facilitate vocabularylearning and comprehension.

Matching Games on Wordwall offers an engaging and interactive way forstudents to practice vocabulary The combination of word flashcards andillustrated cards enhances understanding and helps students connect words withtheir visual representations The game format adds an element of challenge,competition, and fun, making the learning experience more enjoyable.

Overall, the Matching Games on Wordwall provides teachers with a valuable

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tool to create interactive and effective vocabulary activities By incorporatingword flashcards and matching illustrated cards, teachers can enhance students'vocabulary retention and comprehension while promoting engagement and activelearning.

2.4 Language Learning Attitude

The term "language learning attitude" refers to more than just an individual'smood or opinion about learning a new language; it is a complicated notion thatincludes a variety of aspects This attitude has a significant impact on the amountof success and effectiveness in the language learning process.

Motivation is an important factor in language learning attitudes Motivationmay be classified into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic Intrinsic motivationcomes from inside the individual and includes curiosity, delight, and interest in thenew language Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, involves external variablessuch as grades, praise, or social or familial pressures.

Confidence is an important aspect of language learning attitude Confidencein one's capacity to learn and utilize a new language allows students to explore,

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participate in learning activities, and overcome obstacles.Additionally, interest and involvement are critical Interest in the language,culture, and community of speakers creates a favorable learning environment.Active participation in language learning activities, such as talks, reading books,or watching movies in the target language, helps to reinforce and strengthenlanguage abilities.

Wenden (1991) stated that attitude included three aspects: cognitive,affective, and behavioral Firstly, a cognitive aspect involves the beliefs and ideasor opinions of language learners about the knowledge and their understanding oftheir learning process The affective one (affective one) was related to the feelingsand emotions of people towards an object They could express whether they likedor disliked the objects or surrounding situations Choy & Troudi (2006) believedthat language learners' inner feelings and emotions influenced their perspectivesand attitudes towards the target language Finally, the behavioral aspect refers tothe way an individual behaves and reacts towards an object in particular situations.

McLeod (2009) affirmed that the three components above were known as theABC model and provided more details for the cognitive component The cognitivecomponent involves a person’s belief or knowledge about an attitude object.Regarding the cognitive component of language attitudes, it was the beliefs of thelanguage learners about the knowledge that they received and their understandingof the process of language learning The cognitive attitude could be classified intofour steps including connecting the previous knowledge and the new one, creatingnew knowledge, checking new knowledge, and applying the new knowledge inmany situations For example, a person may think that English is very useful Theaffective component refers to a part of attitude which was related to generalemotions or feelings of a person, for example, someone might say I am interestedin learning English Feng & Chen (2009) said that the learning process was aneffective process It was affected by different affective factors The teacher and hisstudents engaged in various affective activities and varied fruits of emotions are

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yielded The behavioral component refers to the way the attitude we haveinfluences how we act or behave For example, if a person has a positive attitudetowards English, he or she may learn English.

2.5 Previous studies

There are few studies that examined the effect of games on English students’learning abilities especially in vocabulary Segers and Verhoeven (2003)conducted a study to reveal the effect of computer training programs on students’vocabulary learning The sample of the study consisted of 67 native and immigrantchildren in the Netherlands who were in the first and second years of kindergarten.The experimental group played computer vocabulary games for 15 weeks (twotimes every week) whereas the control group (97 kindergarten students) wastaught using the regular curriculum The results revealed that computer vocabularygames had a positive effect on students’ vocabulary learning in general.

Aghlara and Tamjid (2011) investigated the effect of using a digital computergame on enhancing the English vocabulary of Iranian children The experimentalgroup was taught using the “SHAIEx” digital game whereas the control group wastaught through traditional methods The results showed that children in theexperimental group performed significantly better than those in the control group.The researchers recommended using digital games in teaching English vocabularyto children.

Wang, Shang, and Briody (2011) examined the total effects of using gameson enhancing young children’s English proficiency in terms of motivation,vocabulary acquisition, and anxiety resulting from peer pressure The sample ofthe study consisted of 50 Grade 6 EFL students from one elementary school Theresults showed that students’ motivation and vocabulary acquisition significantlyimproved and that their level of anxiety resulting from peer pressure wasdecreased when learning via games.

Yunus et al (2012) studied the effect of video games on students' writing

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abilities and their attitudes toward using such games in teaching writing, which isquite significant The very main focus of the study literally was on two basicallyspecific skills which essentially are vocabulary acquisition and narrative skills.The instruments of the study mostly were questionnaire surveys essentiallyfollowed by semi-structured interviews with the study sample, which for all intentsand purposes is quite significant One of the main results for the most part was thatmost of the students found that video games enhanced their vocabulary and thatthose words specifically learned generally were used in their English writingactivities The previous study really proved the relationship between vocabularyand other language skills, very such as writing, and how games can affectpositively students’ vocabulary and consequently other language skills.

Aslanabadi and Rasouli (2013) conducted a study to examine the effect ofusing games on the vocabulary knowledge of Iranian EFL students inkindergartens The sample of the study consisted of 60 students who were dividedinto two groups The experimental group consisted of 30 students (15 boys and 15girls) who were taught by using an online language teaching game (taken fromhttp//anglomaniacy.pl) On the other hand, the control group consisted of 30students (15 boys and 15 girls) who were taught using the regular curriculum Thefindings of the study revealed that there are statistically significant differencesbetween the two groups in favor of the experimental group The researchersstrongly recommended using games for teaching vocabulary.

Rohani and Pourgharib (2013) conducted a study to find out the effect ofgames on students’ vocabulary gains The sample of the study consisted of 30female students from first-grade junior high school who were divided into controland experimental groups The control group was vulnerable to textbook teachingwhereas the experimental group was taught by games Although both groups madedramatic progress after the training program, there was no significant differencebetween the two groups.

Vahdat and Behbahani (2013) conducted a study to find out the effect of video

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games on Iranian students’ EFL vocabulary learning The participants of the studywere 40 intermediate EFL learners who were divided into two groups Theexperimental group consisted of 20 students (10 male and 10 female) who studiedvocabulary in a traditional way While the control group which consisted of 20students (10 male and 10 female) studied vocabulary (the same words) by a videogame called “Runaway: A Road Adventure.” The results showed that learningvocabulary by video games is useful and males are more bent toward learning viavideo games than females.

Alshaiji (2015) investigated the effect of video games and their role inenhancing English vocabulary retention in Saudi kids The study aimed to answerif there was a statistically significant difference (α = 0.05) between the Saudichildren’s scores on the English vocabulary test due to using video game activitiesin kindergarten or not The sample consisted of 60 (30 of them comprised theexperimental group whereas the other 30 comprised the control group) femaleSaudi kindergarten students in Riyadh Video games used for teaching vocabularyto the experimental group were taken from the official site of the British Councilfor teaching vocabulary, whereas traditional methods were used for teachingvocabulary to the control group Collected data were analyzed using ANCOVA(analysis of covariance) analysis The results showed that kids in the experimentalgroup performed significantly better than those in the control group Theresearcher recommended that kindergarten teachers should adopt video gameactivities in their classroom practices to improve children’s English vocabularyretention.

In short, many researchers have been studying, practicing, and recognizingthe benefits of online games in teaching vocabulary There are many studies onusing online games to teach vocabulary done abroad, but in Vietnam, there are notmany about this method Therefore, that is the reason that the author chose thistopic for research.

Conclusion and Research Gap

Previous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of games on English

Ngày đăng: 19/08/2024, 06:16