The Middle East was another region of international development for the firm, but in the late 1990s, it was the United Kingdom that received the company's other significant push, Starbuc
— Final Project —
OPERATIONS Prepare By Group 2
¢ Cong Chau Anh — 21070081
e Pham Huong Giang — 19071343
¢ Neuyen Da Thao Nhi — 21070900
Question Code: 03
Course ID: INS202301
Lecturer: Prof Nguyen Phu Hung
Hanoi, December 2022
Trang 2Table of Contents
IS cĩ on a = ằ.ằ.ằ.ằ 3 1.1 Backeground of Starbucks - c1 11121121121 11111111111501 10111155111 1111111111111 HH hàn nhện 3 1.1.1 Background 3 1.1.2 ¡5 121 3 1.1.3 VASLOD cece cece c cece eee cence ee cee ee cene et neL ee Ge EE ADEE GEE Ca GeEE CULE CGE GE Ca tee ete Cs aed aeereeteetieeseenieena 4 1.2 Business lines of Starbucks 0c nớ 4 1.2.1 Product Ïines (c1 11 11211221 112112112111112 011121111111 111 0111111111 H1 11 1k5 4 1.2.2 'Target customers and markefs - - + c1 1 112 11211111151 181 11111112111 0110111151111 1 1E ke 5
2 Risk Identiication Managemei c1 11121291191 1111111111 1101101111111 111 11 H1 HH KH ke, 5
3 _ Product Design and Process
3.1 Produet SŠeÏeCHIOH cọ LH HH HH HT TH TH HH HH TH HH KH HH HH hàn 3.2 Product Design L ST 1n ng HH 1 H1 111111111 11111111 1110 5 g1 015 hy 7 3.2.1 |P.>`-›:EtầầđẦầaaiiiiaẦẲ 7 3.2.2 Mz 220i ố.ố.ố cc ccrer 7 3.23 6132215 0 V.V ằằ.ằ.ằ 8 3.3 Production Process .cccccccccecsceceeteeesecs sees cetenteesseeseeesseeeeesseesseesseteseetieeisesssetentestieesseetieeess 8
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42 Historical data 2 1L 11 12112112111 01101111111 011 11x HH kh Hàn HH HH kg 11
43 Demand forecasting " " " vee L2 4.3.1 Mean valtte ccc cc cccccccccecseesceeeeeseessenseereenecnececeeeeeensenseceeseeessensenseeecseeessensenseeseesies 12 4.3.2 Exponential smoothing (c1 1211213211211 1911921 1015111111 01 0111111111111 111k 13 4.3.3 LLIn€af T€8ðT€SSIOT L0 21129011 12115011011015111 111 011011015111 111111111111 HH HH Hy 13 4.3.4 Seasonal linear r€ðT€SSIOH - 1010211221 110112110151112 011 111111015112 01 E11 1111 hiện 13
"4ã 14 5.1 Purchasing and Inventory manaeement pÏan c2 120 1221251 192111111111 11811111511, 14 5.2 Machne 0111 11211211 1111111111 1111111 011015111 11 0111111111 X E1 kg HH HH Ha 14 5.3 Production operations chasing pÏan - 2c 2112 11211211111 151 1121 11111111111 0111111111111 11 8xk, 15 'Azẽ“ a9 na ằắ ố.ốỐốỐốỐốỐố 15 6.1 Management Information SŠysfem - .- L2 c1 11 211221121111 1111181111111 1111011 011111183 1x ca 15 6.2 8ĩ) 007 16 i5 5 nh 16
8 Work Breakdown SITUCfUTe TT SH HH HT TH KH HH HH HH KH Hà HH nh 16
Trang 31 Introduction
1.1 Background of Starbucks
1.1.1 Background
Starbucks Corporation is an American coffeehouse and roasteries chain headquartered in Seattle, Washington It began as a single modest business in
1971 and grew to become a coffee behemoth by the millennium's conclusion Starbucks has sparked a coffee revolution in the US and throughout the world Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker were the three individuals that opened the shop Starbucks opened five locations in the first decade
In 1986, they opened his first coffee shop in the Columbia Seafirst Center, followed by two others in Seattle and one in Vancouver As coffee consultants and staff trainer, they employed Dave Olsen, the proprietor of one of Seattle's earliest bohemian coffee shops
Schultz was prospering a year ago, while Starbucks was experiencing difficulties Schultz then made an enticing offer to his old colleagues: "How about
$4 million for the six-unit Starbucks chain?" Olsen remained as a Starbucks coffee buyer and roaster after they sold He united the companies and changed the name to Starbucks; the firm was then renamed Starbucks Corporation and planned to expand across the country Starbucks Corporation had 11 locations and less than
100 workers in August 1987 It established its first location in Chicago in October
of that year, and by 1989, the city had nine Starbucks Starbucks' market was rapidly increasing, with revenues in the United States jumping from $50 million in 198ffi to $500 million five years later In 1988, Starbucks launched a mail-order catalog, and by 1989, the company had ffiffi locations and serviced customers in every state By that time, the country's business had slowly risen through word
of mouth
Starbucks continued to expand to the The Pacific Rim's in 1998, with facilities opening in Taiwan, Thailand, New Zealand, and Malaysia, as well as China and South Korea in 1999 In Japan, there were 100 Starbucks by the early 2000s By 200ffi, the firm hoped to have 500 outlets across the Pacific Rim The Middle East was another region of international development for the firm, but in the late 1990s, it was the United Kingdom that received the company's other significant push, Starbucks bought Seattle Coffee Company, the top specialty coffee company in the United Kingdom, for $86 million in shares in 1998 By late 1999, there were over 100 branches in the United Kingdom Starbucks aimed to utilize its U.K base to launch an assault on Europe, with 500 outlets planned by 200ffi Starbucks has established itself as the world's leading producer and specialty coffee merchant There are 18,000 shops in 62 countries right now
Trang 41.1.2 Mission
"To inspire and nurture the human spirit — one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time," says their major goal statement
Starbucks' goal, according to its 2011 annual report, is to "keep Starbucks' position as one of the world's most known and appreciated brands." They intend
to gain respect and recognition by utilizing ethnic sourcing and environmental care Customers will be more enticed to buy from Starbucks if the firm employs ethnical sourcing since they know it is dependable and that the people who grow the coffee beans are adequately compensated This also applies to the company's environmental awareness, since it is a very significant problem that has an influence on the globe, and it is another aspect that helps consumers to
be more attracted to Starbucks' goods Their strategy is to promote and publicize their usage of ethically sourced items to their clients, as well as to put the word
"ecologically friendly" on their products (cups, tissues, cup sleeves, and bags) as
a continual reminder that they are environmentally conscious
Instead of each department having its own aim, setting these objectives for their organization offers a shared long-term purpose to strive toward This also encourages fresh ideas for how to enhance the firm in order to keep Starbucks' position as one of the world's most known and respected brands
Growth is the company's principal goal: worldwide expansion, acquisition of smaller firms to grow larger, and creation of a globally renowned brand Starbucks also focuses on delivering a unique experience for its consumers and making them feel good about the purchases they make at Starbucks in order to achieve this aim
1.1.ffi Vision
Starbucks anticipates comparable store sales growth in the range of 7% to 9% annually from fiscal 202ffi to fiscal 2025, up from the prior range of 4% to 5%, both worldwide and in the U.S As the market recovers from the severe effects of COVID-related lockdowns, Starbucks expects outsized comparable store sales performance in China for the fiscal years 202ffi and 2024
From fiscal year 202ffi through 2025, the company's worldwide store portfolio is anticipated to increase by around 7% annually on a net basis, up from the prior projection of about 6% According to projections made during its 2020 Investor Day, Starbucks intends to have close to 45,000 locations worldwide by the end of
2025 and is on track to have around 55,000 locations by 20ffi0
Starbucks now anticipates worldwide revenue growth in the range of 10% to 12% annually With priority investments that boost partner engagement and store efficiency, industry-leading digital programs, an engaged and expanding Starbucks Rewards membership base, ground-breaking product innovation, and a rapidly growing global footprint, this represents an improvement from the company's prior range of 8% to 10%
1.2 Business lines of Starbucks
1.2.1 Product lines
Initially, Starbucks was just a store that provided coffee beans, but now, Starbucks has taken on offering a wide range of food and beverage options
Trang 5Starbucks offers a range of exceptional products that customers enjoy in our stores, at home, and on the go
- Coffee: More than ffi0 blends and single-origin premium coffees
- Handcrafted Beverages: Fresh-brewed coffee, hot and iced espresso beverages, Frappuccino coffee and non-coffee blended beverages, Starbucks Refreshers, smoothies and Tazo teas
- Merchandise: Coffee- and tea-brewing equipment, Verismo System by Starbucks, mugs and accessories, packaged goods, music, books, and gifts
- Fresh Food: Baked pastries, sandwiches, salads, salad and grain bowls, oatmeal, yogurt parfaits and fruit cups
- Consumer Products:
fi Coffee and Tea: Whole bean and ground coffee, Starbucks VIA Ready Brew, Starbucks K-Cup portion packs, Verismo pods, Tazo tea filterbags, and tea latte concentrates
fi Ready-to-Drink (RTD): Starbucks bottled Frappuccino coffee drinks; Starbucks Discoveries chilled cup coffees, Starbucks Discoveries Iced Café Favorites™, Starbucks Iced Coffee, Starbucks Doubleshot espresso drinks, Starbucks Doubleshot EnergyfiCoffee drinks; Starbucks Refreshers beverages, Evolution Fresh bottled juices, Tazo bottled iced and juiced teas
1.2.2 Target customers and markets
Starbucks controls roughly ffiffi% of the coffee market in the United States Even though the majority of its customers live in cities or expensive suburbs, it sells nearly as much coffee as fast food and convenience stores combined Starbucks has been able to obtain such a significant market share by catering to a certain target population
Men and women between the ages of 25 and 40 are the core target demographic for Starbucks They account for nearly half (49%) of the company's total revenue Starbucks appeals to this demographic by using hip, contemporary style in its advertising and interior, as well as attempting to keep its goods current as status symbols Customers are often urbanites with a reasonably high income, professional occupations, and a social welfare concern This target market is growing at a pace of ffi% each year Starbucks' objective is to provide consumers from low-income groups with a sharing customer experience so that they may form long-term relationships with them
2 Risk Identification Management
Starbucks face several risks that can affect the company operation These are listed in the table below
Table 1.2.2-1 Risk identification management
Issa Sources of risk | Impact na Measures to address
Due of Significant - Promote the transition COVID-19 | decreased ly drive High of the service delivery
consumer traffic | sales process to online and
Trang 6
and shop hours,
the pandemic
will continue to e-commerce platforms - Introduce new service
impact on stores customer experience to
financial the pandemic
- Create a vertically Starbucks integrated global
h vulnerable star bucks fas direct Disruption in the | to control of the
supply chain, commodit High movement of its natural factors y prices as ¡9 products, using no affecting the (due to middlemen to move its
Commodi | agricultural company demi coffee from the farm to
ty price | products, spends an Pandem! | the stores The vertical fluctuatio | geopolitical extraordin recession chain brings consistent,
See ee fuctuations for rroney On | Situation) ane increased profits war ẽ - 2 a coffee beans, ese - Also, in case prices sugar, milk ingredient increase significantly,
ensure its derivative contracts as
Issa Sources of risk Impact a Measures to address Market | Other companies | Directly High - Invest in product competiti | in the restaurant | and development and
on and beverage negatively marketing to be ahead industry (low- affect the in creating quality, cost brands, revenue of market trending
store brands, big
M&A of emerging
- Promote and keep partnerships with suppliers like Walmart, Target and online retailers to increase customers’ exposure to Starbucks through new stores, foodservice, and branded products
- Adopt technology to automate the service process and connect with customers
Trang 7
- Can consider introducing price differentiation to its products to cater to different classes
Many products
(physical and - Strengthen protection of intellectual property
Starbucks are les as trademarks, copyrights Products | generic and not there is High and trade secrets imitation | hard to replicate, more 9 - Bring technology
thus they are competitio improvements and
This leads
struggle at work employee employees happy by Employe because they are unhappine raising salaries, and
compensated ith issues for and awards every six
“heir sored vad the months or once a year clr WOrKload business
Affect the Starbucks has company's - Strengthen products recalled alot of | brand quality assessment and Recall of | in-demand image, Low standardization to offer products | products due to | leading to highly produced
a wide range of | a shrink in products ina
issues customer consistent manner
ffi Product Design and Process
ffi.l Product Selection
DR RPE = ro poo ee ee
Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte
In this case, we choose Pumpkin Spice Latte as the main product for analysis Pumpkin Spice Latte is a coffee drink made with a mix of traditional autumn
Trang 8spice flavors (cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove), steamed milk, espresso, and often sugar, topped with whipped cream and pumpkin pie spice Pumpkin spice latte was opened for sale in the US since 200ffi According to CNBC, the Pumpkin Spice Latte is Starbucks' most popular seasonal drink, with worldwide sales of around
600 million Forbes estimated the beverage accounted for $100 million in revenue for Starbucks in 2015
ffi.2 Product Design
ffi.2.1 Design
Pumpkin spice latte has ffi flavors which are hot cold and blended The flavors are different depending on the preferences of each person and bring their own flavor Different designs create inspiration in each person is also different Starbucks succeeds in designing Pumpkin spice latte products in three main styles
ffi.2.2 Sizing and prices
The PSL in Starbucks, like many drinks, comes with ffi size options Depending on the size and the location, the price for a cup of PSL will range from $4.45 to
Short Tall Grande Venti
8 fl oz 12 fl oz 16floz 20floz
Figure 3.2-1 Size options for Pumpkin Spice Latte
Table 3.2.2-2 Comparison of different sizes for the PSL
- 2 pumps - ffi pumps - 4 pumps - 5 pumps
Pumpkin Sauce Pumpkin Sauce Pumpkin Sauce Pumpkin Sauce
- Pumpkin Spice - Pumpkin Spice - Pumpkin Spice - Pumpkin Spice Topping with Topping with Topping with Topping with Whipped Cream Whipped Cream Whipped Cream Whipped Cream
- 2% Milk, - 2% Milk, - 2% Milk, - 2% Milk,
Steamed Hot Steamed Hot Steamed Hot Steamed Hot
- 1 Shot Espresso | -1 Shot Espresso | - 2 Shot Espresso | - 2 Shot Espresso
Trang 9ffi.2.ffi Ingredients
- Pumpkin Spice Sauce: sugar, - Milk
condensed skim milk, pumpkin
puree, contains 2 or less of fruit and - Brewed Espresso
vegetable juice for color, natural - Pumpkin Spice Topping: cinnamon,
- Whipped Cream: cream (cream,
carrageenan), vanilla syrup (sugar,
water, natural flavors, potassium
sorbate, citric acid)
ffi.ffi Production process
The complete process to deliver a cup of Pumpkin Spice Latte to customer will comprise of ffi main steps: production, marketing and logistics, and customer service This report will particularly detail the first and last step, with an addition
of the online customer service process, in light of the online trasition at Starbucks Fist, the manufacturing process is shown as follow:
Ệ â a 8
Harvest / / Drying — /
/ / / / Ÿ_ Ếinnamon siets
Milk Factory / — Sugar Water / j cloves, ginger,
/ Whole milk / /Whiapng cream Grinding
to make Pumpkin umpkin pie spice; Brewing /
Measurement of hot!
espresso Measurement of
syrup Measurement of
heated froth milk
Final production of
Figure 3.3-2 The manufacturing process of the PSL
Top tthe cup with whipped cream Sprinkle for garnish
Next, customer service is the most crucial part of a F&B corporation like Starbucks There can be three ways that Starbucks can deliver this service to customers: walk-in, drive-through, or online pickup For the walk-in process, the steps include:
(1) Conduct market research to make demand, BOM, resources’ and forecast plans for customer's capacity planning
Trang 10(2) Making quantification and (4) When there are customers, procurement strategy receiving orders from customers
(each customer will have different requirements for beverage type, size, and other ingredients like ice, and sugar)
(5) Check if the order can be fulfilled
If yes, staff will transfer the order to the barista to make drinks for customers, after having the mixture mixed, pour it into cups, pack and serve drinks to customers in stores
(ffi) Proceed to make _ inventory
Figure 3.3-3 The walk-in service delivery process of a PSL order at Starbucks
The drive-thru process is common in the U.S, but recently the online pickup process is becoming more popular during the pandemic due to safety reasons
TOUCHPOINTS phone Store's architectxe Printed materiais Pick up wndow, Empbyee pick-up box,
4 instrucion
on the door Offer information Al kind of payment s accepted bit card
ayment ed
= pent will
FRONT Hand over
cia OFFICE Wash ti Thang Vash hands Clean the station lean
Prnting Application
CÔ system systen
Figure 3.3-4 The online pickup process of a PSL order at Starbucks