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Luận văn thạc sĩ Lý thuyết và phương pháp giảng dạy tiếng Anh: Teachers’ perceptions of the new English 3 textbook and their suggestions to enhance teaching effectiveness

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However, since it has only been applied for one school year, there has been no research on the perceptions of teachers and students about the content, the language skills and the advanta

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Major: Theory and Methodology of English Language Teaching

Code: 8140111

Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Thu Hien

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Ngành: Lý luận và phương pháp dạy học bộ môn tiếng Anh

Mã số: 8140111

Người hướng dẫn: PGS TS Nguyễn Thị Thu Hiền

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The thesis entitled “Teachers’ perceptions of the new English 3 Textbook and their suggestions to enhance teaching effectiveness” is

conducted under the supervison of Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Thu Hien

I declare that the ìnformation reported in this study is the result of my own work and effort, except where due reference is made This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any university

Quy Nhon, 2023

Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang

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Without the support, encouragement, and contributions from my supervisor, my professors, my school, my colleagues, my friends, and my family, the successful completion of this thesis work would not have been possible I take this chance to express my deepest thanks to them for their support

First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis advisor Associate Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Thu Hien for her continuous support, expert guidance, and patience throughout the study She provided me with assistance at every stage of the process and always expressed her faith in

me I am gratefully indebted to her for her valuable comments on this thesis

A special thank goes to Dao Duy Tu Primary School for giving me the chance to attend a MA course at Quy Nhon University

This study was made achievable by the participation of the enthusiastic teachers and students at Primary Schools in Phu Yen Province, who devoted their time to taking part in this research

I am also thankful to my colleagues for their support during my study time I am also grateful to Quy Nhon University, Department of Graduate Education, Faculty of Foreign Languages, and Faculty of Education for the administrative assistance

Last but not least, I want to express my gratitude to my family for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout the course and the study of this thesis

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This study explored the teachers’ perceptions of the new English 3 Textbook and their suggestions to enhance teaching effectiveness The new English 3 textbook, published by Viet Nam Education Publishing House Limited Company, is compiled to follow the General Education Program in English 2018 of the Ministry of Education and Training The study was conducted with 25 teachers from 10 primary schools in Phu Yen Province during March 2023 This research implemented the quantitative and qualitative approaches in collecting the data, by using questionnaire and semi-structure interview The questionnaire was distributed to 25 teachers of English; and the interview was completed with 7 teachers who returned the questionnaires The findings showed that the teachers had positive perceptions

of the content, skills, and activities designed in the textbook Moreover, the research found that teachers had differrent perceptions of difficulty level and unit organization; the activities; and the skills and sub-skills distributions in the English 3 textbook The results also showed that teachers had different perceptions of the challenges and the advantages when they using the new English 3 textbook Consequently, they offered some suggestions for better teaching situations, such as differentiating instruction, using a variety of teaching methods, providing opportunities for practice, using technology to enhance learning, and partnering with parents and the community

Keywords: Textbook, teachers’ perceptions, challenges and advantages, suggestions

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2.2.1 Definition of textbook 10

2.2.2 The role of textbooks for EFL teachers and students 11

2.2.3 A description of the new English 3 textbook 11


2.3.1 Definition of perception 13

2.3.2 The importance of perception on teaching 14


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2.4.1 The evaluation of the content of ELT textbooks 17

2.4.2 The evaluation of the skills of ELT textbooks 19

2.4.3 The evaluation of the activities of ELT textbooks 19

2.4.4 2.4.4 The evaluation of the language aspects of ELT textbooks20

2.4.5 The evaluation of the culture of ELT textbooks 22





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5.1 Summary of the study 59

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EFL: English as a Foreign Language

ESL: English as a Second Language

MOET: Ministry of Education and Training

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Table 2.1 The 10 English textbooks for Grade 3 8

Table 2.2 The English 3 textbook structure (MOET, 2018) 13

Table 3.1 The background of teacher participants 28

Table 3.2 Process of conducting the Survey 31

Table 3.3 Reliability Statistics of the questionnaire 34

Table 4.1 Teachers’ perceptions on the content of the new English 3 textbooks 37

Table 4.2 Teachers’ perceptions on the activities of the new English 3 textbook 42

Table 4.3 Teachers’ perceptions on the skills of the new English 3 textbook 46

Table 4.4 Teachers’ perceptions on the advantages and the challenges of the new English 3 textbook 50

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Textbooks play a crucial role in English language teaching and learning Teachers are the primary users of textbooks in the classroom, and their perceptions of the textbook can have a significant impact on how they use it and the effectiveness of their teaching Textbooks are the most widely used teaching materials in the world According to a 2020 survey by the International Association of Publishers (2020), 98% of teachers in developing countries and 93% of teachers in developed countries use textbooks in their teaching Teachers' perceptions of textbooks can have a significant impact on how they use them and the effectiveness of their teaching A study by Brown (2000) found that teachers who have a positive perception of a textbook are more likely to use it effectively in their teaching

There are a few studies that have investigated teachers' perceptions of English textbooks in ESL/EFL classrooms, such as, Richards and Mahoney (1996); Nurhayati (2013); Dinh and Le (2020); Nguyen and Nguyen (2007), Septiana et al (2020) These studies found that teachers generally have a positive perception of English textbooks, but they also have some suggestions for improvement

The new English 3 Textbook is a significant change from the previous textbook It has a new curriculum, new teaching approaches, and new materials It

is important to understand how teachers perceive this change and how it is impacting their teaching By understanding teachers' perceptions of the new English 3 Textbook and their suggestions to enhance teaching effectiveness, we can identify areas where the textbook can be improved and develop strategies to help teachers use the textbook more effectively Moreover, we can improve the quality of English language teaching and learning for all students

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The new English 3 Textbook has been recognized as the official English textbook starting from the 2022-2023 school year by the National Assessment Council under Decision No 438/QĐ-BGDĐT signed by the Minister of Education and Training on January 28, 2022 It is applied to all provinces and cities in the country In Phu Yen Province, all primary schools have chosen this textbook series for teaching However, since it has only been applied for one school year, there has been no research on the perceptions of teachers and students about the content, the language skills and the advantages and disadvantages of using this new textbook series

For that reason, I choose this study with the aim at understanding how teachers perceive on the new English 3 textbooks so that there will be some contributions in improving textbook and enhancing effective teaching


1.2.1 Aims

The aim of this research is to find out what teachers think about the content, activities and skills of the new English 3 Global Success textbook published by Viet Nam Education Publishing House Limited Company Besides, the research is to discover teachers’ possible challenges and the advantages of using the new English 3 textbook and their suggestions to enhance teaching effectiveness

1.2.2 Objectives

There are two objectives which are focused on this study:

 Identify the EFL teachers’ perceptions of the content, activities and skills designed in the new English 3 textbook

 Explore the EFL teachers’ possible challenges and advantages of using the new English 3 textbook and their suggestions for better teaching situations

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The main research question that the study aims to investigate and answer are: The following research questions are proposed in order to investigate the perceptions of the teachers of the new English 3 textbook:

1 What are the EFL teachers’ perceptions of the content, activities, and skills designed in the new English 3 textbook?

2 What are EFL teachers’ perceptions of the challenges and advantages

of using the new English 3 textbook and their suggestions to enhance teaching effectiveness?


There are many aspects for evaluation a textbook However, on account

of limited time, ability and research conditions, the researcher would like to study the perceptions of the teachers on the content (appearance, format, and language), activities, and skills (language skills and sub-skills) of the new English 3 textbook; their perceptions of the challenges and advantages of using the new English 3 textbook and their suggestions to enhance effective teaching The researcher was aware that the more participants joined in a study, the more reliable the study was, but because the number of the English teachers at Primary schools is very limited ranging from 1 to 3 teachers in each school, only 25 teachers who are teaching in some primary schools in Phu Yen province became the participants of the study


This study is assumed to find out ways in which teachers perceived the new textbook like appropriate or inappropriate sources for teaching English at some primary schools in Phu Yen Province

This study could be used to develop professional programs helping teachers use the new English 3 textbook more effectively It could also be

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used to improve the textbooks itself and to inform policy-makers and curriculum developers about the needs of teachers Besides, it could help to improve the quality of English language education at primary school overall


The study consists of five chapters

Chapter 1 “Introduction”, presents the rationale, aims and objectives,

research questions, the scope of the study, the significance of the study, and the organization of the study

Chapter 2 “Literature Review”, briefly reviews the literature of

previous studies on teacher’s perceptions on the English textbooks related to this study This chapter also provides the theoretical background textbook evaluation of the content, activities, skills, and the roles of the textbooks

Chapter 3 “Research Methodology”, deals with the research

methods, the description of the data, data analysis and research procedures,

The reliability and validity of the data are also presented in this chapter

Chapter 4 “Findings and Discussions”, focuses on describing,

analysing and discussing the perceptions of the teachers of the new English 3 textbooks and their suggestions to enhance effective teaching

Chapter 5 “Conclusion and Implications”, reveals a summary of the

results of the study It also offers implications for making the effective ways

to implement these books and mentions the limitations of the study and the suggestions for further research

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This chapter presents a review of the relevant literature and research that forms the background of the teacher’s perceptions of the textbooks Firstly, I will describe the current teaching English and the changing of the content of English textbooks in Viet Nam Secondly, the significance of perception in teaching will be stated Then, I will specify the roles of textbooks in an EFL classroom Next, I will give a background evaluation of the textbooks Finally, an overview of previous studies that involved teacher’s perceptions of the English textbooks will be given



Learning English as a foreign language (EFL) is very popular in Vietnam English is seen as a gateway to better education, employment opportunities, and international communication As a result, the Vietnamese government has placed a strong emphasis on English education in recent years English has been adopted as a major foreign language in Vietnam; Nguyen & Nguyen (2007) believed that English helps boost employment chances among Vietnamese youth both locally and internationally This is why the Vietnamese government issued Decision No 1400/QD-TTg in 2008, approving and operating the National Project - Foreign Language 2020, with the general goal of renovating foreign language teaching and learning at all school levels in the Vietnamese national education system during the period

2008 - 2020 The National Project - Foreign Language 2020 has had a significant impact on English education in Vietnam The project has led to the development of new English language curricula and textbooks, as well as the training of new English language teachers

As Nguyen and Nguyen (2007) claimed, before 2013, there was no

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consensus about official English textbooks across the country, and each school used different teaching materials The three main sets of English textbooks that were used up to this point in primary schools were:

1 Books published by the American Book Company (e.g., Teaching

English in Primary School [Books 1, 2, 3] written by Pham Dang Binh and

Nguyen Quoc Tuan, Let’s Learn English [Books 1, 2, 3] written by Nguyen

Quoc Tuan, Phan Ha, Dao Ngoc Loc, and Do Thi Ngoc Hien)

2 Books published by the Centre for Educational Technology (e.g.,

English 1–5 written by Ngo Thi Tuyen)

3 Books published by Oxford University Press (e.g., Let’s Go, Family

and Friends)

The lack of a standardized English language curriculum and textbooks created a number of challenges for both students and teachers Students often had to transfer to new schools, and teachers had to adapt to new teaching materials This made it difficult for students to maintain a consistent level of learning

However, since then, the Vietnamese government has taken steps to address this issue by introducing a national curriculum for English language teaching The curriculum is designed to ensure that students receive a consistent and high-quality education in English, regardless of their location

or socioeconomic background The Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) introduced domestically produced primary English textbooks in 2013 in the hope of providing better English textbooks that are more suitable for Vietnamese children One of the principles of language teaching, according to Tomlinson (2010), is to keep the teaching content and teaching methodology consistent with the objectives of the program This means that the activities and materials that teachers use should be aligned

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with the goals that they are trying to achieve with their students The approach

of keeping the teaching content and teaching methodology consistent with the objectives of the program is consistent with Hymes' (1972) proposal that to develop communicative competence, learners need to learn more than just the grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation of the language They also need to learn about the culture of the language and how to use the language in different social contexts

The new English 3 textbook is based on the pilot English curriculum for primary schools issued by the Ministry of Education and Training in accordance with Decision No 3321/QĐ-BGDĐT dated August 12, 2010 The series was compiled and published by the Vietnam Education Publishing House The book is compiled in a communicative approach, helping students

to initially form and develop English communication skills through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with a focus on the two skills of listening and speaking (MOET, 2010)

According to MOET (2010), the English textbook for Grade 3 is divided into three levels for Vietnamese primary school students learning English as a foreign language (EFL) The book is compiled systematically and

by topic, approved by the Ministry of Education and Training in August 2010, aiming to develop all skills comprehensively, but with a particular focus on listening and speaking in the early stages

Until 2018, the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) issued the latest curriculum for English language education in public schools in accordance with Circular No 32/2018/TT-BGDĐT dated December 26, 2018 Accordingly, 10 English textbooks for Grade 3 from four publishers, including the Vietnam Education Publishing House, the National University of Education Publishing House, the Ho Chi Minh City University

of Education Publishing House, and the Ho Chi Minh City National

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University Publishing House, were approved The 10 English textbooks for Grade 3 are specified in the Table 2.1 below:

Table 2.1 The 10 English textbooks for Grade 3

Title Author Publisher

Global Success

English 3

Hoang Van Van (General Editor), Phan Ha (Editor-in-Chief), Nguyen Thi Hai Ha, Do Thi Ngoc Hien, Dao Ngoc Loc, Tran Huong Quynh, Nguyen Quoc Tuan

Vietnam Education Publishing House

Move 3

Hoang Tang Duc Chief), Nguyen Thi Thu Hoai, Hoang Thuy Huong

(Editor-in-Ho Chi Minh City University of Education Publishing House Explore our world


Dao Xuan Phuong Trang (Editor-in-Chief), Nguyen Thanh Binh, Do Thi Kim Thanh

Ho Chi Minh City University of Education Publishing House i-Learn Smart

World 3

Vo Dai Phuc (General Editor and Editor-in-Chief), Nguyen Thi Ngoc Quyen, Dang Do Thien Thanh, Le Thi Tuyet Minh, Huynh Tuyet Mai, Nguyen Thuy Uyen Sa

Ho Chi Minh City University of Education Publishing House

Phonics- Smart 3 Le Hoang Dung

(Editor-in-Chief), Quan Le Duy

Ho Chi Minh City National University Publishing House

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Title Author Publisher

Extra and Friends


Vo Dai Phuc (General Editor and Editor-in-Chief), Nguyen Thi Ngoc Quyen

Ho Chi Minh City University of Education Publishing House Guess What! 3 Can Thi Trang Duyen (Editor-

in-Chief), Nguyen Thi Dieu Ha, Nguyen Thuy Lan

National University

of Education Publishing House

Wonderful World


Nguyen Thu Le Hang in-Chief), Nguyen Mai Phuong, Pham Thanh Thuy, Tran Hoang Anh, Tran Thi Anh Thu

(Editor-National University

of Education Publishing House

The Global Success English textbooks for Grade 3 are based on the Vietnamese national curriculum for English (issued in conjunction with Circular No 32/2018/TT-BGDĐT dated December 26, 2018 by the Minister

of Education and Training) and the Vietnamese National Foreign Language Level Framework of the Ministry of Education and Training The series was compiled by Professor Dr Hoang Van Van as the general editor and was developed in close cooperation between the Vietnam Education Publishing House and the world-renowned publisher Macmillan Education The new English 3 textbook has been recognized by the National Assessment Council

6-as the official English textbook starting from the 2022-2023 school year under Decision No 438/QĐ-BGDĐT signed by the Minister of Education and Training on January 28, 2022

Based on MOET (2018), English language curriculum for grade 3 is complied with the provisions in the general education curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Training regarding the duration of teaching the subject Specifically, at primary level, there are 4 periods per week for each grade 3, 4, and 5; that means there are 140 periods each grade, making the total of 420 periods

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to study (Tomlimson, 2008) Actually, the existence of textbook is a demand from institutions and schools (Hutchinson & Torres 1994) They consider that the textbook provides an outline and syllabus for students and teachers in the process of teaching and learning Ansary and Babaii (2002) argue that in many situations, a textbook can serve as a syllabus and it is ready-made teaching texts and learning tasks

A textbook is a course book that contains knowledge of a certain lesson and is used as a primary teaching tool in schools and universities (O’Neil

1982, Ur 1996) Textbook plays an essential rule in educational process Textbook is planned to be a source book for the students to seek any important information in order to create competent students Thus, the textbooks used in the school have to be programmed following the appropriate materials based on the structure of education

Graves (2000: 175) defines the textbook as “a standard source of information for the formal study of a subject and an instrument for teaching and learning” The teachers could use the materials from the textbook for the whole semester Textbooks served different purposes for the teachers It works

as a source of supplementary material, an inspiration for classroom activities, and as a curriculum itself Textbooks also assist students’ activities such as in

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giving homework, assignments, and competency tasks For the students, they get the textbook as a guideline and framework, which can help them to learn better, faster and easy

2.2.2 The role of textbooks for EFL teachers and students

For many years, textbook is important for teachers and students in the teaching and learning process Rodriguez (2010) also supports the idea that textbooks seem to be the main teaching resources in EFL classrooms EFL classroom tends to make the textbook itself as one of the major components in teaching As Yuyun (2002) clarifies that English language instruction has many important components, but the essential constituent for many EFL/ESL classroom and program are the textbook and instruction materials that are often used by many language instructors

Brown (2001) states that the most obvious and common form of materials support for language instruction come from textbook In line with Brown (2001), Supriadi (1999) finds that textbook is dominant medium in the classroom Besides, students also consider that the use of textbook can help them to achieve their learning goals In line with Supriyadi (1999), Paul (2003) states that textbook can help students organize ideas and know what they have achieved and where they are going In addition to this, O' Neil (1990) has pointed out that textbook is generally sensitive to the students' need, even if they are not designed specifically for them because they feel efficient in terms of time and money

2.2.3 A description of the new English 3 textbook

The new English 3 textbook, published by Viet Nam Education Publishing House Limited Company, is compiled to follow the General Education Program in English in 2018 of the Ministry of Education and Training; compared with the 6-level foreign language competency framework

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used for Vietnam and based on the psychology of the 3rd graders

The authors have considered English subject in relation to other subjects to compile appropriate teaching content The new set of books ensures the continuity of English 3 in the series of English books compiled according to the General Education Program: English Subject Program (from grades 3 to 12) issued by the Ministry of Education and Training on April 1 December 26, 2018 In addition, the new English 3 textbook also ensures Vietnamese and international character, meeting the needs of integration (MOET, 2018)

The new English 3 textbook equips students with language knowledge and study skills through group activities and project activities Not only that,

it also helps students to master learning and research, helping them become confident, proactive global citizens, responding to the integration trend

In terms of textbook structure, each of the new English 3 textbook is organized around 20 Units and 4 Reviews and Fun time In terms of unit structure, a unit is composed of three two - period lessons Regarding the number of components, each unit contains three simple headings: Lesson 1, Lesson 2, and Lesson 3

As for how a unit is organized, each unit in the new English 3 textbook begins with a dialogue of 2 to 4 exchanges about the topic accompanied by pictures for pupils to look, listen and repeat, and ends with a project for them

to do simple real communicative work in real contexts In each unit, the contents are carefully sequenced from easy to difficult, from controlled practice to semi-controlled practice to free practice

Below is the Table 2.2 about the detailed specifications of the new English 3 textbook

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Table 2.2 The English 3 textbook structure (MOET, 2018)

- Me and the world around


Perception is psychological processes through the experience gained by the five senses, individuals can process responses into positive or negative perceptions Obtaining responses is obtained through the stages of selection,

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interpretation, and reaction (Erin, & Maharani, 2018)

According to Rundell (2007), perception refers to “a particular way of understanding or thinking about something, the ability to notice something by seeing, hearing, smelling, etc and the ability to understand and make good judgments about something” Moreover, perception refers to “an idea, belief,

or an image that you have as a result of how you see or understand something” (Hornby, 2005)

In view of the existing literature, the researcher defines perceptions as the combinations of beliefs, attitudes and opinions, which, in terms of the study, reflect how teachers see, feel about or understand the use of English textbooks

2.3.2 The importance of perception on teaching

Regarding the textbook selection process, teachers' perceptions play an important role in deciding materials for students Educators have underlined a position which teachers’ perceptions hold in education and agreed that teachers’ perceptions influence teachers’ practice, judgment and decision making (Romanov, 2007) Furthermore, Romanov (2007) also states that unlike our physical abilities, our perception is “limitless,” and it is the one thing we can change and develop Therefore, the perception that is well developed by teachers toward the textbook selection process would impact their teaching practice and other decisions making related to students' learning development


Textbooks play a very important role in English Language Teaching (ELT) classrooms They can provide a structured and coherent approach to language learning, and they can help teachers to ensure that their students are covering all of the necessary skills and content (Mukundan 2007, Sheldon

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1988) Cunningsworth (1995) highlighted the importance of careful selection

of ELT materials When choosing materials for the classroom, it is important

to consider the needs of the learners, the aims and methods of the teaching program, and the values that the teacher wants to promote Besides, there are several reasons for textbook evaluation mentioned by Sheldon (1988) He said that the selection of an ELT textbook is often an important administrative, educational, and professional decision

Textbook evaluation plays a crucial role in ELT The leveled approach

to textbook evaluation described by Ur (1996) and Cunningsworth (1995) is a practical and effective way to evaluate ELT textbooks The impressionistic evaluation is a quick and general overview of the textbook It can be done by looking at the cover, the contents page, and the sample pages This type of evaluation can help teachers to get a sense of the overall tone and style of the textbook, as well as the topics that are covered

On the other hand, the in-depth evaluation is a more detailed examination of the textbook It can be done by looking at specific areas such

as the language skills that are covered, the types of exercises that are included, and the overall methodology of the textbook This type of evaluation can help teachers to determine whether the textbook is appropriate for their students and their teaching program

Similar to Ur (1996) and Cunningsworth (1995), the Impressionistic Method, the Checklist Method, and the In-depth Method are claimed as three important methods of textbook evaluation by McGrath (2002) The Impressionistic Method is a quick and general overview of the textbook It involves looking at the cover, the contents page, and the sample pages It can also involve dipping into the book to check the organization, topics, layout, and visuals The Impressionistic Method can help teachers to get a sense of the overall tone and style of the textbook, as well as the topics that are

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covered It can also help teachers to identify any potential problems with the textbook, such as poor organization or outdated content

The Checklist Method is a more detailed evaluation of the textbook It involves checking a list of criteria in a certain order The criteria may include things like the accuracy of the language, the appropriateness of the topics for the target audience, the quality of the exercises, and the overall design of the textbook The Checklist Method can help teachers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a textbook in a systematic way The In-depth Method is the most detailed type of textbook evaluation It involves analyzing specific features of the textbook, such as the design of one specific unit or exercise, or the treatment of particular language elements

The In-depth Method can help teachers to understand how well the textbook is designed to achieve its learning objectives It can also help teachers to identify any potential problems with the textbook, such as errors in the language or exercises that are too difficult for the target audience

According to Cunningsworth (1995), Tomlinson (2003), and Ellis (1997), there are three types of material evaluations: pre-use evaluation, in-use evaluation, and post-use evaluation

Pre-use evaluation is done before the textbook is used in the classroom

It is typically done by the teacher or a team of teachers Pre-use evaluation can help teachers to identify any potential problems with the textbook, such as errors in the language or exercises that are too difficult for the target audience

It can also help teachers to develop a plan for how to use the textbook effectively in the classroom (Tomlinson 2003:23)

In-use evaluation is done while the textbook is being used in the classroom It can be done by the teacher, the students, or both In-use evaluation can help teachers to identify how well the textbook is working in

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practice It can also help teachers to identify any areas where they need to make adjustments to their teaching Post-use evaluation is done after the textbook has been used in the classroom for a period of time It is typically done by the teacher or a team of teachers (Mukundan 2007, Tomlinson 2003:24)

Post-use evaluation can help teachers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the textbook It can also help teachers to make decisions about whether to continue using the textbook in the future (McGrath 2002, Tomlinson 2003)

All three types of material evaluations have their own benefits Pre-use evaluation can help teachers to avoid using a textbook that is not appropriate for their students or their teaching program In-use evaluation can help teachers to make adjustments to their teaching as needed Post-use evaluation can help teachers to improve their teaching practice and to select textbooks that are more likely to be effective in the classroom (Allwright 1981, McGrath 2002, Mukundan 2007)

2.4.1 The evaluation of the content of ELT textbooks

The evaluation of the content of an ELT textbook is an important process for ensuring that the textbook is effective and appropriate for its intended users Hutchingson & Waters (1987) found that there are a number

of factors to consider when evaluating the content of an ELT textbook, including: the accuracy, the appropriateness, the organization, the variety, and the visual appeal

Besides, in ELT textbooks, the linguistic content refers to the grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation that is taught in the textbook The structural aspects of the language refer to the way that the language is organized and used This includes things like grammar rules, sentence structure, and word

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order The thematic content of an ELT textbook refers to the topics and themes that are covered in the textbook The thematic content of an ELT textbook can help to reinforce the language instruction by providing learners with opportunities to practice using the language in a variety of contexts By combining linguistic content with the particular structural aspects of the language and the thematic content, ELT textbooks can help learners to develop their language skills in a way that is effective and engaging The topics in the textbook are the main matter which are discussed in this study It

is important to remember that language occurs under real situations in our lives, and it cannot be taught as a single subject Cunningsworth (1995) makes this point when he talks about the aim of designing language textbooks, which

is to improve language learning He emphasizes the importance of selecting interesting, lively, amusing, and challenging topics for ELT textbooks He also suggests that the topics should reflect different features of real life and be authentic Additionally, he believes that the topics should start interactions among students to acquire communicative skills as expressing opinions, drawing conclusions, and transferring those conclusions into other platforms

It is important to consider the balance between the different types of topics in the textbook For example, there should be a balance between topics that focus on grammar and vocabulary, and topics that focus on communicative skills It is also important to assess whether the topics and time allocation in

an ELT textbook are effective for students Besides, the most necessary areas

to focus on when preparing ELT materials are the areas that are most relevant

to the learners' needs and interests, and that will help them to achieve the learning outcomes Richards (2001) suggests that the following areas should

be considered when preparing ELT materials: The learners' needs and interests; the learning outcomes; and the context in which the materials will

be used

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2.4.2 The evaluation of the skills of ELT textbooks

Cunningsworth (1995) says that in ELT textbooks, there are four main language skills in language learning; they are: reading, writing, listening, and speaking He identifies six criteria for evaluating language skills in a textbook:

1 Coverage: The textbook should cover all four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking

2 Balance: The textbook should give equal emphasis to all four language skills

3 Variety: The textbook should include a variety of activities and exercises to practice each language skill

4 Progression: The textbook should provide a logical progression of skills and knowledge, so that students can build on what they have already learned

5 Authenticity: The textbook should use authentic materials, such as news articles, songs, and videos, to expose students to real-world English

6 Effectiveness: The textbook should be effective in developing students' language skills This can be assessed through formal and informal assessments, such as tests, projects, and teacher observations

The textbook should provide students with the necessary support to understand the listening and reading materials This may include providing background information, asking comprehension questions, and providing opportunities for students to practice their listening and reading skills

By evaluating textbooks using these six criteria, teachers can ensure that they are choosing textbooks that will help their students to develop all four language skills in a comprehensive and effective way

2.4.3 The evaluation of the activities of ELT textbooks

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The evaluation of activities of an ELT textbook is an important part of the overall textbook evaluation process Activities are the heart of the textbook, and they play a vital role in helping students learn and practice the English language When evaluating the activities in an ELT textbook, it is important to consider the following factors:

 Alignment with the learning objectives: The activities should be aligned with the learning objectives of the textbook unit or chapter This means that the activities should help students to achieve the learning goals that have been set for them

 Variety: The textbook should include a variety of activities to engage students and promote learning This could include activities such as drills, games, role-plays, projects, and presentations

 Appropriateness: The activities should be appropriate for the age, level, and interests of the students They should also be relevant to the social and cultural context in which the textbook will be used

 Engagement: The activities should be engaging and motivating for students They should be fun and challenging, and they should keep students interested in their learning

 Effectiveness: The activities should be effective in helping students learn and practice the English language This can be assessed through formal and informal assessments, such as tests, projects, and teacher observations

2.4.4 The evaluation of the language aspects of ELT textbooks

Cunningsworth (1995) points out that the grammatical items in ELT textbooks should be selected by taking into consideration the learner's language needs This means that the textbook should focus on the grammatical structures that the learners are most likely to need in order to communicate effectively

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According to Williams (1983), ESL textbooks should offer meaningful situations and a variety of techniques for teaching structural units He also emphasizes the importance of balancing the presentation of language form and language use (meaning) In addition, grammar is considered as a bridge between form-focused accuracy and fluency Grammar exercises should be designed to help students understand and use grammar structures in context, with the ultimate goal of communicating effectively

However, refering to vocabulary, the vocabulary load in ELT textbooks should be consistent with the intended level of the learners It is also important to define vocabulary items to achieve a systematic gradation Because the selection of vocabulary items should be based on the needs of the learners and the learning objectives of the course, it is important to question

on which criteria the vocabulary items are selected in ELT textbooks Murcia (2001) She suggests a number of criteria that can be used to select vocabulary items for ELT textbooks, including:

Celce-• Frequency: The vocabulary items should be frequently used in the language

• Usefulness: The vocabulary items should be useful for the learners to know

• Teachability: The vocabulary items should be easy for the learners to learn

• Interest: The vocabulary items should be interesting to the learners

• Appropriateness: The vocabulary items should be appropriate for the learners' age, level of proficiency, and cultural background

Furthermore, Ur (1999) proposes a number of recommendations for the selection and teaching of vocabulary in ELT textbooks These recommendations include:

• Definition of words can be provided similar to the explanations in

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dictionaries This is important because it helps learners to understand the meaning of new vocabulary items

• New words can also be performed by the utilization of explanations and pictures Pictures and other visuals can help learners to understand and remember new vocabulary items

• Vocabularies are taught with the use of antonyms, synonyms and collocations or applying in a context such as sentences, paragraphs and texts This helps learners to understand the nuances of meaning of new vocabulary items and how to use them in different contexts

A checklist for vocabulary in order to evaluate the lexical presentation

in ELT materials is suggested by Cunningsworth (1995) His checklist includes the following questions:

1 Is the vocabulary presented in a meaningful context?

2 Is the vocabulary adequately explained?

3 Is the vocabulary practiced in a variety of ways?

4 Is the vocabulary recycled throughout the textbook?

5 Is the vocabulary appropriate for the level of the learners?

6 Is the vocabulary relevant to the learners' needs and interests?

2.4.5 The evaluation of the culture of ELT textbooks

The fact that students may come from cultures that have very different values and beliefs from the target culture This can make it difficult for them

to understand and appreciate the cultural context of the language they are learning Therefore, ELT textbooks can be problematic for students to acquire the unfamiliar input of target language culture EFL students may have difficulties in acquiring cultural aspects because their own cultural norms may cause an obstacle in learning a foreign language

Textbooks can play an important role in helping students to accustom

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with the new values of L2 by presenting familiar issues in the early stages of language learning For example, a textbook might start by introducing learners to the most basic vocabulary and grammar related to everyday topics, such as family, friends, and food Once learners have a basic foundation in the language, the textbook can start to introduce more complex topics and themes, such as culture, history, and current events Alptekin (1993) suggests that intercultural knowledge is the knowledge and understanding of different cultures, including their values, beliefs, and customs By comparing different cultures, learners can gain a better understanding of their own culture and the target culture This can help them to avoid misunderstandings and to communicate more effectively Cunningsworth (1995) suggests that the familiarity of the characters, social and cultural context are also important for effective language learning This is because learners are more likely to be engaged and motivated to learn a language if they can relate to the characters and situations in the learning materials Sheldon (1988)’s criteria for evaluating cultural issues in ELT textbooks under the heading of "cultural bias" are still relevant today


To support this research, there are some relevant studies about teachers’ perceptions of the new English textbook The first research was conducted by Aytuğ (2007) Aytuğ (2007) examined Turkish teachers' perceptions of a new English textbook The study found that the teachers generally had positive perceptions of the textbook, but they also suggested some areas for improvement, such as the need for more speaking and writing activities

The second research was carried out by Srakang (2013) Srakang (2013) examined Thai teachers' perceptions of a new English textbook The study discovered that most of the teachers were pleased with the textbook, but they recommended some areas which were needed to change, such as the

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need for more cultural relevance and more support for differentiated instruction

The third study of Al-Harbi's (2017) examined Saudi Arabian teachers' perceptions of a new English textbook The study found that although the textbook satisfied their needs as well as their expectations, some areas should

be improved, like the activities that focus on specific language skills and the need for more support for teaching English to learners with special needs

In Vietnam, there are also some studies about the teachers’ challenges toward pilot textbook The study "An Evaluation of Primary English Textbooks in Vietnam: A Sociolinguistic Perspective" by Dang, T.C.T (2016) evaluated the current primary English textbooks in Vietnam in relation to the objectives of foreign language teaching and learning proposed by Vietnam's Ministry of Education and Training for the time period 2008–2020 The evaluation focuses on four main sociolinguistic aspects: teaching approach, bilingualism, language variations, and intercultural communication Another study conducted by Nguyen, T.T.M (2007) in which the researcher investigated three English textbooks currently in use in upper-secondary schools in Vietnam The study concluded that the three English textbooks currently in use in upper-secondary schools in Vietnam are generally good quality textbooks However, there are some areas for improvement, such as making the textbooks more relevant to the students' needs and interests, better organizing the textbooks, using more authentic materials, and including more activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills

In conclusion, this chapter has given the general description of teaching English in Vietnam, the roles of textbooks in teaching and learning, the issues

in textbook evaluation, and some relevant studies The next chapter will focus

on the methodology, presenting the participants of the study, the instruments, and data analysis procedures used in the study

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This chapter describes the research design, the population and participant selection, data collection, and data analysis It also mentions the reliability and validity of the data


In order to investigate the teachers’ perceptions of the new English 3 textbook as well as their suggestions to enhance teaching effectiveness, the quantitative method and a qualitative method which provide a better understanding of the research problems (Creswell, 2014) were used through administering questionnaires and interviews to the teachers of English who are experiencing teaching this new textbook for grade 3

More specifically, the research was conducted following this scheme: the quantitative data were presented by measuring teachers’ perceptions with the questionnaires; Moreover, the qualitative method with the semi-structured interviews was applied to support the findings of teachers’ perceptions of the new English 3 textbook resulting from questionnaire, as well as their suggestions to enhance teaching effectiveness


The research was focused on teachers at 10 primary schools in Phu Yen Province, including Dao Duy Tu Primary School, Au Co Primary School, Trung Vuong Primary School, Lac Long Quan Primary School, Duc Binh Dong Primary School, Duc Binh Tay Primary School, Hai Rieng 2 Primary School, Kim Dong Primary School, Xuan Quang 1 Primary School, and Bui Thi Xuan Primary School All the teachers were teaching English with the new English 3 textbook approved by Viet Nam Education Publishing House Limited Company applied in Phu Yen Province in 2022 The new textbook is

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part of a new set of books ensuring the continuity of English 3 in the series of English books compiled according to the General Education Program: English Subject Program (from grades 3 to 12) issued by the Ministry of Education and Training on December 26, 2018

The teachers were chosen via sampling purposively Patton (2014) describes purposive sampling as "a strategy for selecting individuals or groups of individuals for in-depth interviews, focus groups, or other qualitative data collection methods." He goes on to say that purposive sampling is "used to select participants who can provide rich and detailed information about the phenomenon of interest." Silverman (2013) similarly defines purposive sampling as "a method of selecting participants in a research study based on their ability to provide information relevant to the research questions." He adds that purposive sampling is often used in qualitative research to "ensure that the data collected is sufficiently rich and detailed to allow the researcher to develop a deep understanding of the phenomenon of interest."

In this study, 25 teachers teaching the 3rd grade English texbooks at 10 primary schools in Phu Yen Province were selected All of the teachers having taught English for years are certified as English teachers in primary school They have experiences in applying the new English textbook in teaching Consequently, the teachers have more perceptions about the use of English textbook in the classroom The teachers were asked to answer questionnaires and some questions related to the new English 3 textbooks used in teaching English at Primary School The background of the participants was presented

in Table 3.1

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Table 3.1 The background of teacher participants

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say that questionnaires are "used to collect data from a large number of people

in a relatively short period of time."

To construct the questionnaire, the researcher took the following steps:

 A review of basic concepts, information on the content, activites, and skills of textbooks proposed by researchers from Vietnam and abroad as were presented in the Literature Review

 A drafting of the questionnaire was prepared by adapting and developing questionnaires of Seda Aytuğ (2007) and Ladaporn Srakang (2013) The questionnaires of these researchers were designed for textbook evaluation for users The questionnaire let participants share their beliefs, attitudes, and ideas explaining their perceptions toward the new 3rd – grade English textbooks The questionnaire included two main parts: (A) Background Information and (B) Teachers’ perceptions on the new English 3 textbooks (see Appendix 1, page … - Questionnaire for teachers)

Part A: Background Information

This part included 2 items designed to give information on the background teachers consisting of gender and years of teaching the 3rd grade English textbooks

Part B: Teachers’ perceptions on the new English 3 textbooks

This part consisted of 18 items dealing with the content, activities, skills, the difficulties and the advantages of the new textbooks In 18 items, they consisted of criteria for assessing content with 9 statements, 2 statements for the difficulties and the advantages, 3 statements for the activities, and 4 statements for the skills of the new textbooks The five-point Likert’s scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree was used to these items The participants were asked to identify each statement relating to their perceptions

on a five-point scale from, (5) Strongly agree; (4) Agree; (3) Neutral; (2)

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Disagree; and (1) Strongly disagree

As for items representing the content of the new textbook, the questions (1-9) were designed to gain information whether the content is suitable for students’ needs and interests as well as their different levels of English proficiency, cultures, and learning styles Besides, the general organization of the new textbook and the comprehensive and update content were examined

to answer research question 1

In connection with the items about the challenges and advantages, there were 2 questions (10 and 11) The aims were to discover whether the new textbook is easy to conduct in class Besides, the questions wanted to get data about the level of the new textbooks’ challenges

The next items representing the activities of the new English 3 textbook included 3 questions (12 – 14) The questions were about evaluating the effectiveness of the activities in the new English textbook

The last items included 4 questions (15 – 18) which were intended to get information about the skills and sub – skills of the new textbook

A small adaption of Aytug’s questionnaire (2007) and Srakang’s questionnaire was created And I changed the phrase “the new English 3 textbook” into “the new textbook” because it is suitable with the context

The participants have different levels of proficiency in English; therefore, to ensure that all participants understand the questions and can respond accurately and that I can collect reliable data from all participants, I translated the questionnaire into Vietnamese with the support of experienced English teachers

The survey was conducted within two months The following steps were described in Table 3.2

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Table 3.2 Process of conducting the Survey

Contruction of items for the questionnaires January, 2023

Preparation of the first draft of the questionnaire February, 2023

Pilot for the first draft of the questionnaires;


February, 2023

Identifying the items into constructs March, 2023

Preparation of the final version of the questionnaires March, 2023

3.3.2 Semi – Structured Interview

Interviews are a valuable research method because they allow researchers to collect in-depth data from participants about their experiences, perspectives, and beliefs Interviews can be used to explore a wide range of topics According to Gay, Geoffrey, and Peter (2011), an interview is a conversation in which questions and answers between a researcher and participants relate to a research study Also, the main purpose of an interview

is to gain a special kind of information (Meerriam and Tisdell, 2015); hence, interviews are a valuable research tool because they allow researchers to ask follow-up questions and to probe for more information The interview questions were designed to gain data in connect with the new English 3 textbooks

To confirm that the individual semi-structured interviews did not intervene the participants, interviews were carried out with the participants via their personal mobile phones The researcher translated all of the questions into Vietnamese and arose them in the conditions of each interview

Ngày đăng: 04/08/2024, 09:18