NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ER ey a: a Mea Pe Bringing the world to the classroom and the classroom to life A PART OF CENGAGE 2 Wonderful WORLD In Wonderful World Sec
ER ey a: a Mea Pe
Bringing the world to the classroom
and the classroom to life
2 Wonderful
In Wonderful World Second Edition, explore the world with your young learners and discover its wonders — all while developing the English skills they need to become successful global citizens Through spectacular National Geographic video and inspiring photography, students will travel the globe learning about different countries, cultures, people and their customs
With clearly structured methodology and explicit grammar instruction, this
six-level primary series is packed with fascinating facts that spark curiosity, personalisation activities that get your students talking and new online resources that make it even easier to bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life
- Captivating unit-opener activities engage, focus and inspire your students
- Gradual progression and support builds reading, listening, speaking and writing skills
- Say it! activities relate lesson content to students’ lives and get them talking
- Video lessons featuring authentic National Geographic content introduce your students to the wonders of the world
+ Sounds of English activities support pronunciation and sound recognition : Sing it! activities provide a fun and memorable way to practise language through song
+ Write it! activities encourage and improve students’ writing skills
For Students: For Teachers:
« Student’s Book « Lesson Planner with Class
* Workbook Audio CD, DVD and Teacher's
« Grammar Book Resource CD-ROM
- Alphabet Book - Interactive Whiteboard Software
« Online Resources - Flashcards
« Online Resources
N 978-1-4737-6062-2
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Wonderful World 2 Workbook, Second Edition
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Workbook: Level 2 ISBN: 978-1-4737-6062-2
National Geographic Learning Cheriton House, North Way
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National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company, has a mission to bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life With our English language programs, students learn about their world by experiencing it Through our partnerships with National Geographic and TED Talks, they develop the language and skills they need to be successful global citizens and leaders
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Print Number: 01 Print Year: 2018
Trang 5Alphabet
1 Look and write
Trang 6
Trang 8
2 Read and sing
What's your name? My name's Ana
Where are you from? I'm from
What's your name?
What's your name?
Are you Alex, José or Tim?
What's your name?
What's your name?
Are you Sara, Jane or Kim?
How are you?
How old are you?
How old are you?
Are you nine or ten or two?
How old are you?
How old are you?
Are you twelve or twenty-two?
Trang 9Family
1 Find and circle
mun dad brother sister baby aunt uncle grandma grandpa _ cousin
Onn (Ns Die Gene A: UO Ne T
Trang 10It’s midnight |t’stwe-erclock It’s eight o'clock _It’s midday
It’s four o'clock It’s ten o'clock
Trang 11
spring summer autumn winter
1 Write and colour
Trang 13A, An, The and This, Thai, These Those
1 Circle and colour
1 Thereisa /an)ant in the garden ()
The) A ant is brown | >
2 We went to the zoo We saw
a/an octopus, a/an lion and
cars are fantastic!
This /These apples are red!
Those / That parrots are beautiful! This / That isn’t my football!
Trang 14In the Classroom
1 Write
ingroups yourhomework handup _ue~ down
be quiet theboard your book
Trang 15
The baby duck is yellow
The cow is black and white
The horse is black
The chicken is red and orange
The sheep is white
The goat is brown
33 Write have got or has got
The duck has got_two wings
2 Mycows_ ——— blackand white legs
3 Thotgoat — yellow eyes
4 Thefarm_ —— five horses
5 The sheep _ plenty of food
6 Mymum and dad_ ——— apetchicken
14 UNIT 1
Trang 16
_ —— qsheep on myT-shirtl stots of chickens
5 write and say
Emily Martin Alice Paul
She’s got a parrot It's Emily
He’s got a cool hat
She’s got a horse
He’s got a lizard
She's got flowers
Trang 17tractor
pizza farmer tractor field grow grass
My uncle is a (1) farmer Lots of plants
(2) _——— — onhis farm He got cows
and horses, too The horses have got a big
(3) _———— — torun in They edt
(4)_——————_.Hike riding on the red
(5) ————— ltsfun! My qunt mokes
(6) _———— for dinner with the cheese
and tomatoes from the farm It’s delicious!
3 Circle
1 My aunt haven't got iasn’t goda goat
2 Mymum and dad haven't got / hasn't got a tractor
3 | haven't got / hasn’t got a horse
4 The farm haven't got / hasn't got a river on it
5 My friends haven't got / hasn't got a farm
6 The pizza haven't got / hasn’t got tomatoes on it
16 UNIT 1
Trang 184 Read and write
1 Wendy and I have got a dog We haven't got a duck _ (duck)
2 My uncle's got a nice farm (garden)
3 I've got an aunt (uncle)
4 The farm has got lots of fields (trees)
5 Lucy has got a brother (sister)
6 My mum and dad have got a car (tractor)
5 Write and say
chicken chicken got sheep sheep
4aeo baa cow cow luck
What animal am |?
Moo, _™oo s, moo
What animal am |?
I'm a big, brown
I've sig eyes and a nice, long tail!
| make milk for you to drink!
What animal am |?
Baa, —— ,baa —
What animal am |?
'ma SS I’m a small, black
I’ve got black hair and four short legs!
| make wool for your jumpers!
I've got two wings and two small feet!
| make eggs for you to eat!
Trang 19T Circle and write
digs waters werks picks plants feeds
1 MyDod_ WorkS ona farm
2 He_ — theanimols every doy
3 Inthe spring,Dad_ ——— inthefield
4 He — —— — thetomoto seeds and they grow
5 Dad_ — — — — thetomoto plants every doy
6 When theyre ready,Dad ———— thetomotoes and we cơn edt theml
18 UNIT 1
Trang 203 Match
1 Have you got a tractor?
Have goats got wings? a
Has Tara got a big pizza?
Have you and Ben got a pet horse?
Has the farmer got a field?
Has the duck got yellow feet?
A Circle
1 đaà/ have the farm got a river on it?
No, it has <hasn’
2 Have / Hasn’t your mum and dad got a car?
No, they have / haven’t
3 Have / Has your garden got lots of grass?
Yes, it have / has
4 Have /has Mary and Matthew got pets?
Yes, they have / hasn’t
5 Have / Has you got a red and black chicken?
No, | have / haven't
6 Hasn’t / Has the farmer got a brother?
Yes, she hasn't / has
5 Write and say Draw
Trang 21
twins son
wife husband
son wife daughters twins -husband
My aunt Maria and her (1) husband _ Jim have got four children They've got three(2) _ ——— ,Jane, Liz and Lucy Liz and Lucy are 12 years old Theyre(3) — ————— Moria and Jim have got a (4) _, too His name is Mike and he's 20 His(5) ————— is colled Ana
3 Circle
1 Moriofs)/ are Jim’s wife
2 Liz and Lucy is / are twins
3 Jane is / are Maria's daughter
4 Mike is / are Ana’s husband
5 |am/ are Mike's cousin
6 Jane, Liz and Lucy is / are Mike's sisters
20 UNIT 2
Trang 225) Write is or are Colour
Mike5 hơir (1) —— S —— black
His shoes(2) ———— brown
His trousers (3) — ————— blue and
his T-shirt(4) —— ——— green
Trang 23Spot can be too He digs in the garden and my Mum doesn't like it
Trang 243 Write
1 Your dog is naughty Lt isn't — good
2 She's my sister, _ my cousin
3 We're cousins, _ twins
4 The goat is cute _ ugly
You aren't my dad
She isn’t my aunt
5 Write and sing
tieisnt Theyorent I’mnot Sheisn’t I’mnot
My brother is naughty! Yes, he is!
He isn't good! _He isn t _ kind!
My brother is naughty! Oh, what can | do?
My sister is naughty! Yes, she is!
She isntgoodl —— kindl
My sister is naughty! Oh, what can | do?
My cousins are naughty! Yes, they are!
They arentgood_ —— — kindl
My cousins are naughty! Oh, what can | do?
I'm not naughty! No, _—_!
I'm so good! I'm so kind!
naughty! I’m so good!
Trang 252 Write
thirsty hungry tired happy sad angry
1 Amy plays alot of football She is tired _
2 John wants to drink some water He’s
3 That goat is eating our plants My Dad is very
4 Ím — ——.lWwdntdasandwich
5 My brother has a new toy car He's very
6 The dog can’t ploy in the garden.ltis_—————
3 Circle
1 Is this a pizza? 4 \Is your son in the photo? Yes, lam /(ti Yes, he is / you are
2 Are the twins hungry? 5 Are you sad?
No, it isn’t / they aren't No, m not / you aren't
3 Are those girls your daughters? 6 Is your teacher tired? Yes, she is / they are No, she isn’t / we aren't
24 UNIT 2
Trang 26
1 Are the girls hungry?
2 Are the girls sad?
3 Are the girls twins?
5 Read, circle and say
Yes, they are
Are they sad?
No, they aren't
They're happy / tired
Yes, they are!
Trang 27
1 This is my tractor som John
2 Are they your cows / duck? Yes, they are
3 The farm has got a big field / tomato
4 Your daughter / pizza is very clever
5 My dad feeds / digs the goats every day
6 Your horse is thirsty / cute It wants some water
Trang 28
1 _Have you_ go† atractor?No, ï haven † (X)
2 Kote_— — — — (X) achicken She5 got a horse
3 Ben_ —— ()dnewT-shirt Its black
4 Thefarm_ ———— () field Its big
5 Hay — — dpetgoat?Yes ——— — (W)
6 Asheep — — — (X) wings lts got four legs
5 Read and draw Say
How are you?
Trang 30
3 Write There’s, There isn’t, There are or There aren't
s ’ ‘ ————
fm here isn't adog in { -|| big window in the
apples on the table
a bird
in the tree
any 444] cows in the field
A write
1 _Is there _atableinthediningroom? Yes, there is
2 goats on the farm? No,
3 stairs in the house? Yes,
4 a cinema? No,
5 a book in your schoolbag? No,
6 flowers in the field? Yes,
5 Read, draw and colour
This is our dining
room There are two
small windows and
the stairs are brown
There’s a door It’s
yellow There are
pink flowers on the
table Our cat is on
the table, too! It’s
Trang 311 Circle and write
Trang 323 Write
1 Thisis ™y —sttoy box | put my toys in it (1)
2 Js — rdbbitcute?(you)
3 The elephont is smoll,but_. —— — eors re big (it)
4 Arethetwinsin_—————— bedroom? (they)
5 They hove got_._———— books (we)
6 lsthis_ ————— horse? (you)
4 Look and write
Whose table is this? It's Grandpa's table
Whose tractor is this?
Whose toys are these?
Whose bookshelf is this?
Whose ducks are these?
Whose fish is this?
Trang 33sink fridge far(from) between near sofa rug
3 The books are on the
4 The SSS is on the rug
5 Thecatis _——S—S——s the fridge and the sofa
6 The flowers are in the
7 Thedooris_— ——— — thesink
32 UNIT 3
Trang 34There’s@/ the nice museum near my house
I'm in a/ the toy shop A/ The shop's got beautiful dolls
He’s got a/ the rug in his dining room A / The rug is new
A/ The window isn't very big
It’s a / the nice house, but it’s far from the library
It’s a/ an elephant, it isn’t a / an monkey
1 There’s@/ an cute sheep!
2 An/ The dog is very good!
3 There's a/ an cow
4 That is a/ an new door
5 An / The clock is big!
6 There's a bird in a/ the tree!
Look! A horse! a The tractor is really big
Look! Goats! b The farmer is really kind
Look! A tractor! c The horse is in the field
Look! Apples! d The apples are on the tree
Look! A farmer! e The goats are black
Trang 35pm What Do You Eat?
My Mum makes my lunch | have a red
(1) _lunch box_ Look! Today, there is a
with cheese and
in it There is an apple and an , too | really like (5)
to have my lunch, now!
Trang 363 Circle
1 Have we got some /G@ny)sandwiches?
There are some / any tables, but there aren't some / any chairs!
Is there some / any fruit? No, but there are some / any vegetables
There are some / any oranges in the fridge
4 Are there some / any toys in the toy box?
6 This farm has got some / any beautiful fields!
4 Write some or any
1 Arethere _@Ny oranges on the table?
Yes, there are _ SOME _ oranges on the table
2 Has she got
No, she hasn't got
3 Arethere
No, there aren't
4 Have they got
Yes, they've got
5 Do you want
Yes, | want
6 Is there
No, there isn’t
5 Draw, write and say
This is my lunch box
There is
brothers or sisters?
brothers or sisters
books on the bookshelf?
books on the bookshelf
animals on their farm?
animals on their farm
fruit for breakfast?
fruit for breakfast
water in the fridge?
water in the fridge
Trang 371 How much /€ow many days are there in a week?
2 How many pieces / years of pizza are there?
3 How much / How many juice is there in the fridge?
4 How much / How many weeks are there in a year?
5 There are 52 weeks / days in a year
6 How much / How many sandwiches are in your lunch box?
36 UNIT 4
Trang 384 Write
chicken orange sweet week
How many doors
5 Choose and colour Write and say
ice cream chocolate decor sugar
can | have?
black blue brown green orange pink purple red white yellow
Ninety is
One hundred is
Trang 39
2 Read and draw
present to give Mum
Trang 403 Write
4 Write
1 Can you feed the horses?
Can you feed them ?
2 | want to give Grandma a present
| want to give a present
3 Look at the goat!
Look at |
5 Match and say
1 I'm hungry Can | have some
2 It’s Martha's birthday!
3 | have a new computer!
4 Lisa and Kelly are really nice girls
5 Do you want some lunch?
a Wow! Can | see it?
fruit? b Yes, you can I’ve got some apples
and oranges
c Yes, they are | like them
d Let's give her a nice present!
e Yes, please! Can you make me a snack?