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Tiếng Anh 4 (Wonderful World) sách học tập 2

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Tiêu đề Tiếng Anh 4 (Wonderful World) sách học tập 2
Tác giả Nguyễn Thúy Lê Hằng, Nguyễn Mai Phương, Phạm Thanh Thúy, Trần Hoàng Anh
Trường học Đại Học Sư Phạm
Chuyên ngành English
Thể loại Textbook
Định dạng
Số trang 81
Dung lượng 94,77 MB

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Tiếng Anh 4 (Wonderful World) sách học tập 2, Tiếng Anh 4 (Wonderful World) sách học tập 1, file pdf tieng anh 4 wonderful world, wonderful world 4 student book, sach hoc wonderful world 4.

Trang 1

NGUYEN rHU LC uANc (cho bi6n) NcuvEN MAr pHuoNG - pHAM rHANH inut - rnAr.r HoANG ANH



Trang 2

NGUYEN rHU LE HANc (cho bi€n)


rAp z



rrnR xuAr BAN DAI HoC SU pnAM

Trang 3

firefighter, feed onimols, put

out fires, tqke core of people

- He's o former.

Where does he work?

- He works in o restouront.

- A vet tokes core of onimols.

tdt tft

doctor farmer



moke videos, write emqils

surf the internet, use the toblet,

chonge the possword,

the projector, use the speoker

She sometimes mokes videos on her


Teocher, con we use the toblet?

- Yes, you con.

Who con use the computer lqb?

-Teochers ond students con.

bus stop, post office,


cross the rood, go stroight, turn

left, turn right

ls the fountqin in front of or behind the restourqnt?

- lt's in front of the restouront.


How do we get to the cinemo?

the school.

tentre 'fountain

On Holidoy


boy, hill, islond, notionol pork

eot seofood, mqke q

sondcostle, go sightseeing, row

- I like going to the beoch ond

I like flying to new ploces on holidoy,

yesterdoy, lost week

lqst month, lost yeoi

dinosour, huge, scory, strong

cove, dinosour bones, eorly

I wqs qt the museum lost week.

T rex wos o strong dinosour.

The dinosour wosn't smqll.

Review6 (Units11 -12) p73-p76

Trang 5

chef doctor fqrmer photogropher vet

He is toking photos of o seo lion.

Whot does your fother do?

Trang 6

Whot does he do?

5 Look Ask qnd qnswer.

Trang 7

He works in o restouront

He's a vet He works in o cl rnrc

2 tisten qnd reqd Write ? t 'r'{'i:{: rr.r:,

Trang 8

Where does uncle Tom work?

5 Look Ask qnd qnswer.

2 Where does she work?

- She works in the field.




Vet,'v€t, vet

elidc;'clinie , Clini ',:"' '

A vet works in o clinic.

Chef , chef , chef ,' '

Restsurdnt, restouront, rest(uront

A chef works in o restcu,rsnt.

Trang 9

He's o doctor.




Trang 10

1 Listen ond point.

3 look ond soy.

kes care of onimols

r'{u" .d'2 4

tokes cqre of


cooks good food

feeds qnimqls

tokes core of qnimols

tokes photos


Trang 11

5 t-ook Ask qnd onswer.

Trang 12

7 tisten ond repeqt H * t"t',,,,'.=,u


f ormer

A doctor tqkes core of PeoPle.

A former feeds qnimols.

3 Where does o former work?

- A former works on q form.

2 She wonts to become o doctor.

A doctor works in o hosPitol.

4 Whot does q cl'lef do?

- A chef cooks greot food.



F*rmer, f,srmer, f*rmer!

A fcrmer feads #niryiflls.

1 Whot does o firefighter do?

- A firefighter puts out fires.

Trang 13

1 Gqme: Guess the jobs.

f frolect: My dream job t*ti

I wont to be o chef I con cook good food

I wont to work in o restouront.



Trang 14


Look Et the photo Tick the body port

thqt the robot hqsn't got ?

Trang 15

1 Listen and point smuntphone


make phone culls

mske videos

writE emsils

- She con tqke , moke

- Linh: Whose phone is it2 ft's nice!

Trang 16

write emqils *q:ffi

Trang 17

1 Listen and point.

Look ond soy.


1 sometimes 2 sometimes 3 olwoys 4 sometimes

" {\rR:s.S

guestions 1 to 5.


Trang 18

4 tirten ond repeot.



;t"* '

1 Teocher, con we use the toblet?

- Yes, you con.


2 Teocher, con we surf the internet?

- No, you con't.

Toblet, toblet, tsblat.

Can we use the tablet in closs?

Yes, you con Yes, you con.

Phone, phone, phone.

Can we use the phone in closs?

No, you cdn't No, you con't.

Yes, you con

! Look Ask qnd answer.

Trang 19

7 tisten qnd circl e ? f) r*, u.u


q toblet b smortphone c book


*,i g

Trang 20

1 Listen ond point.

Repeot &-"g"Yl*, ru.s

chonge the possword

1 Teochers ond con use the computer lob.

2 They con use the ond the speoker in the computer lob.

3 look ond soy.

1 Students / use the computer lqb (/)

2 Students / use the speqker (X)

3 Teochers / chonge the pqssword (/)

4 Students / use phones in clqss (X)

5 Teochers / use the projector (/)

Con students use

the computer lab?

Trang 21

Listen ond repeot.


,!i,;i '


' ,'li

1 Who con use the computer lob?

$ ruotclr Ask qnd cnsw er, t2


use the computer lob

use the projector

Trang 22

7 tisten ond repeqt n rR:8.r2



I can use my phone at home.

I can make videos on my phone.


ise, use, Lrse

f csn use rny phone!

f ccn use ri'ry ph*mai

3 Mory olwoys tokes photos

with her smortphone.

2 Lizzie sometimes uses her tqblet ot school.

Listen qnd chont.

4 Teochers qnd students con use the computer lqb.




Trang 23

1 Motr:h.?

You con use the computer lob

't ploy vid eo games

emoils moke

Trang 24



o I



I 3

r a

1 My qunt is o@ doctor She tokes core of qnimols.

2 Leo works in q clinic/ on q form He feeds onimqls.

3 My brother is o chef /firefighter He cqn cook greot food.

4 Joe is o photogropher / fqrmer He tokes photos of onimols.

5 My mother is q doctor / teqcher She works in o hospitol.

3 ruotch qnd say ?

1 Whqt does o vet do? q My uncle works in q clinic

2 Where does doctor John work? b She is o teocher.

3 Whot does o firefighter do? A vet tokes core of onimqls.

4 Whqt does your mother do? d A firefighter puts out fires.

Trang 25

1 Malr:h.?

::: =


t write and say /2

chonge the possword





Trang 26

photogropher firefighter vet doctor former

',' Whot qnimsls cqn you see in the video? Tick ?

]$ neqd Tick T for True or F for False ? T

1 Photogrophers hove comeros.

2 Photogrophers only toke photos in studios.

3 Photogrophers only toke photos of onimols.

4 ln the video, o photogropher is working under the seo.

",1 Whqt do you wqnt to be? Tqlk obout whqt you wunt to do.

Do you like my photo

Trang 27

1 Let's ploy with o dice.

He's got o big fqrm in Nqm Din


Trang 28

Look trt the photo Tick the things you Gqn see ?

buildings boots

ri *l

Trang 29

1 Listen and point.

Repect fl) rm,s.r

2 tirten qnd reqd Tick /2 {trrR:e.2

bookshop fountain restquront street trsin


Tom: Wowl There are so mony

Dqn: ft's in front of the restouront

Tom: OK, let's go.


Trang 30

Listen cnd repeot.

1 ls the fountoin in front of or

behind the restouront?

- lt's in front of the restouront

2 ls the troin stotion on Elizqbeth street

fs the toy shop next to or

opposite the theatre?

1 bookshop / behind (, ) / in front of ( ) / librory

2 fountoin / on Pork street ( ,) / on Green street ( )

3 troin stotion/nextto (' )/opposite ( )/the pork

4 fountoin / opposite ( ) / behind ( ) I restouront

E, I'i.i+=:.::>-+.'1'


fs the bookshop behind or

in front of the library? ft's behind the librory.

fts opposite the theatre.

$ Let'r tqlk Use the mop in 5.

Trang 31

post office shopping supermarket

Thot's fun Con we go there by bus?


Shopping centre

Bus sto

Look ond scy Use the mcp in

fs the post office behind or

in front of the toy shop?

ft's in front of




Trang 32

Where do we buy apples?

t look ond soy.

1 buy opples / supermorket

3 go shopping / shopping centre

2 buy comic books

/ bookshop

4 get bus 22 / bus stop

in front of the post office

Trang 33

/ tisten qnd circl e ? fi rn' u.e



b q


4 3

1 buy food ond drinks



Trang 34

1 Listen ond point.

Repeot fi ,n, r., cross turn left turn right

the rood

I tirten ond writ e ? €'*+ 'r*, u-=.=*


Cinemo Restquront

Trang 35

ffi tisten cnd repeot.

5 look ond soy.

6 Orow qnd write Say ffiffi

We go stroight on King street cnd

opposite the theatre.



Trang 36

7 tisten and repeqt * * n ffi: s.3*



We're in the shopping centre.

We're ploying in the new fountoin

4 The fountoin is in front of

Trang 37

1 Find qhd circle ?

Trang 39

1 Listen ond point.

f 'm on o troin to ftoly f 'd like to visit

because f con enjoy the trip with my fomily.

Which place would you like to visit on holidoyZ

1 The boy is on o

2 He'd like to visit

to ltoly.

3 look ond soy.

Trang 40

Which ploce would you like to visit

on holidoy?

- I'd like to visit Gorgono Notionol Pqrk.

5 look cnd scy.

4 Phong Nho-Ke Bong Notionol Pork

3 Phu Quoc lslond

Which ploce would you

like to visit on holidq v? l'd like to visit

Ho Chi Minh City

Whqt con we do in

o Chi Minh City?

We con visit Ben Thonh m


Trang 41

+ +'r*

3 uok ond scy.

Yeah.I like going sightseeing on holidoy

There are many interesting ploces in


Thot's fontostic.

q likes going to the beoch

b likes going sightseeing.

Listen and point.

Repeot.l l rR: r0.4




Trang 42

ffi tisten ond repeqt ,

Whot do you like doing on holidoy?

- I like going to the beoch ond eoting seofood.

5 loot< ond soy.

f like eoting seofood.

What do you like doing on holidoy?

f like going to the beach.

f like moking q sandcostle.

Whot do you like doing on holidoy?

I like going to the town.

I like going sightseeing.

Whot obout you?

Trang 43

! tisten qnd mqt ch t2 ,


$ Complete the table f

like to visit on holi I'd like to visit Sam Son beoch.



2 J

Trang 44

for my best friend

o writing in her diory.

b buying presents ond sending o postcord



Trang 45

'ri Listen ond repeot.

but I don't like going to the oirport.

t uok ond soy.

Trang 46

7 tisten ond repeot '



I like going sightseeing on holidoy.

I con go to the oirport by bus or by toxi

$ tisten qnd chont = i

Airport, oirport, oirport!

I like flying from o nice oirport

Holidoy, holidoy, hol idoy!

I like hqving o Iong holidoy.

I like flying from o nice oirport ond

hoving o Iong holidoy.

9 Sqy it!

1 We ore crossing the street.

3 l'd Iike to stoy qt home

ond ploy boord gomes.

2 ldon't like going to the oirport.

4 The hotel is opposite the beqch.

Trang 47

<ightszeing T like sending



Trang 48

1 ctucle ?

1 We buy vegetobles ot the

2 To go to the troin stotion, turn / cross right on First street

3 The bookshop is on Bo Trieu street / bus stop.

4 The post office is opposite / next the shopping centre.

2 Point cnd scy.

J Let's plqy.


Post office

6o stroight on Queen street ond then

turn leff It's opposite the librory Museuml

Review 5: Pcrrt I




Trang 49

Review 5: Pqrt 2

) circle ?

2 Which / Who ploce would you like to visit on holidoy?

on holidoy.

but I don't like swimming

I like goin

but I don' hiking.

t like going

Trang 50

moke o sondcostle write in o diory

$ Read TickTfor True otF for False t2

1 The lmperiol Pqloce is o costle.

2 The Sensoji Temple is o new building.

3 You con go to the top of the Tokyo Skytree.

4 You cqn see Mount Fuji from the troin.


tr tr tr tr



Trang 51

1 List qctivities you like qnd do not Iike doing on holiday.;2

you like to visit on

Trang 52

sun street

Trang 53

@ Listen ond point.

Repect {} =u, **.u yesterdoy lost week lqst month lost yeor

2 LiSO WOS Ot the mUSggffi ,:.,:r:.,: t',,,,,, / i,'1 , , ,,:,1,,

I write and say ?

Trang 54

1 I wqs ot the

museum lost week.

5 Loot ond soy.

1 She / ot the museum

I wos ot the post offi

yesterdoy How qbout



I wqs ot the po with my fomily yesterdoy.


Listen ond repeot.

2 He wos qt the shopping centre yesterdoy.

3 They were qt the


Trang 55

rc F.)iffi

1 Listen ond point.

dinoscur huge scory strong

Ann: Yas, it doesl

*;-:a' : -]:effi ry:F:: :,'l

3 mor ond scy.

; 1


T rex wos scory

Trang 56

1 T rex wos o strong dinosour.

5 loot< cnd scy.

1 T rex /big dinosqur

3 T rex / strong dinosour

6 tirten qnd chqnt.6] -n

: "cT.F

2 They were scory dinosours.

2 They / scary dinosqurs

4 They / huge dinosours


T rex wds a big dinosour

4 tisten ond repeot , , ,

T rex wgs

a big dinosqur.

Big, big dinosaur!

fts fovourite

food wfis vneflt.

fu1ect, rneflf,, rneutl

Trang 57

7 t:sten TickTfor True orF for Folse


{'d-rffi: rT"&

3 lts toil wos long.

Trang 58

1 Listen ond point.

1 Eorly people were ::.:'.: f '::::

2 Their homes were in , , ,,: / '.: ,.1

3 The dinosour bones were f , .-.,

3 Look ond soy.

1 mommoths


3 dork cove /big

4 dinosour bones Mommoths were big.


* 1- : '

Trang 59

Listen ond repeot.

1 T rex / not / friendly

wosn't = wos l'lot

6 Otq* ond scy.,i-:ri11


Trang 60

1 My dog wos very

strong ond clever.

2 Eorly people were smoll but they were strong.

It:.- -3 T rex wos o strong dinosour, 4 Mqmmoths were strong.

Trang 61

1 Find qnd circl e ?

Project: Before our time lI*

Its heod wos smoll

Trang 63

-,.',-:Hl "f'l\'i E E-.;frff +'.**4

- -:

1 Listen and point.

Repect fi rn, re,r

bridge cqstle temple tower villoge

We were ot the Golden Bridge.

We were qt the costle, too.

We were in the old villoge.

And how obout this photoZ

Were you of the fower?


Trang 64

1 Were you

- Yes, we were.

5 look ond soy.

1 they / ot the bridge

/ lqst month

- No, she wosn't.

2 my mum / ot the temple / yesterdoy

3 we / ot the tower / lost week 4 my grondfother /

Tolk obout where you were yesterdoy, lost week, lost month qnd lost yeqr,



Were they qt the

bridge last month?

No, they weren't

Were you ot th e tower



No, lwosn't.

lwqs of home

Were you of the temp le?

4 tisten ond repeot.

Trang 65

Egypt Englond Turkey Vietnqm

- -

Kqte: Hi, Tim You look hoPPy.

Where were you lost week?

Tim: f wos in Egypt with my fomily

We were on holidoy.

And how obout you?

'* Tim:


, llm t:,rs,

Were you in Americalast week?

Trang 66

{ tisten ond repeqt r , ,,rr , ,:.,.'.

I look ond scy.

Englond or Americo?

Where we?e you lost week?

f wos in Englond.

Vietnom or Egypt2

Where were they lost month?

They were in Vietnsm.

England ond Americo

Vietnom ond Egypt.

All sre reolly cooll

Trang 67

7 tisten qnd circle ? * [",-m, t:,.,+

3 My grondfother qnd grondmother were in the old city in Turkey / Vietnqm.

$ write and say ?


tt C


G G t G


, , ,


, , , ,

t t t

Where wzre you lost Soturdoy? f wos on the form

Trang 68

1 Listen ond point.

Repeot f) rnr rz.s

2 tisten qnd tick., '


1 Som wos in the

2 His trip to the villoge wcrs

3 look ond soy.

lost week.

nq" : , fiW*s#me



1 lost week

/ Englond

2 lost month / Americo

4 lqst yeor /Turkey

Where were you lost week?

We were in England.


3 lost yeqr /Vietnom

Trang 69

t rcok ond soy.

Where were you last summer?

ft wos exciting.

and f wds in Ho 6iong in July.

{ tisten ond repeot.


Trang 70

7 tirt"n ond repeqt e'-* i'R: trP.tE

Trang 71

) eroiect: My cool trip t&#tr

Lost yeor I wos in

trip to wos

My q

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2024, 09:06