Tiếng Anh 4 (Wonderful World) sách bài tập, Tiếng Anh 4 (Wonderful World) sách sbt, file pdf tieng anh 4 wonderful world, wonderful world 4 workbook, sach bt wonderful world 4, wonderful world 4 wb.
Trang 1NGUYEN rHU LE HANG (Ch0 bi6n)
Trang 2NGUYEN rHU LC uixc (cho bien)
sAcu eAl rAp
Trang 4Unit 5: Leisure Time
Trang 5Z Reqd qnd writ e ;2
son mother doughters twins fcther sister
Look, this is my fomily This is my (1) fother His nome is Andy He's
toll And thot is my (2) Her nome is Lily She's pretty Here
is my (3)
Amy She's eight yeqrs old This is my ount, Moriq
She's got three (4) Jone, Liz ond Lucy Liz ond Lucy qre 12
His nome is Mike qnd he's 20.
Trang 65 Are Ly ond My twins?
t wr:te is or are Colo ur ?
This is my ount, Annq Her dress (1)
She's got nice boots.They (2)
Trang 7Spot con be very-.
Trang 83 tist"n qnd writ e ? fi rn, ,.,
1 Your dog is good ond cute
2 He's my He's toll ond nice
3 H is friends qre ond cool
4 Her ore cute qnd clever.
5 lt's their son He's qnd clever.
4 order ond write ?
1 My friends / ond / ore / nice / clever /,
2 is / doughter / His / pretty / nice / and /
3 fqther / is /Their / kind / young I and /
4 sons / polite / qnd /Their / kind / are /
5 twin brothers / cre / Her / cute / funny / qnd /
t write qnd chqn t, ?
My brother is toll ond (1)
Yes, he is!Yes, he is!
He isn't funny He isn't funny
He's tqll ond nice!
Mv (2) is cute ond (3)
Yes, she is!Yes, she is!
She isn't funny She isn't funny
nice cute b+ffi sister clever
She's (4) ond clever
Trang 91 Look qnd writ e ?
The two brothers qre cute qnd
2 Whot ore their twins like?
3 Are her sons noughty?
5 Is Jqne your sister?
IVly cousin is clever ond
o No, they qren't.They're good
b She's hord-working ond friendly
c No, she isn't She's my friend
d They're cheerful ond pleosont
He's kind ond hord-working
My friends ore cheerful
IVly mother is pretty ond
f old
ond nice
Trang 10I tisten ond repeot.
He's my brother He's young ond kind My mother is pretty ond pleosont
His son is hord-working
Whqt is your fother like?
He's polite qnd kind
Trang 12t tisten qnd mqt ch 3 ft rn, r.t
1 Whose bedroom is this?
2 Whose clossroom is this?
3 Whose mum is this?
4 Whose shoes ore they?
5 Whose books ore theY?
This is our dining room.
There's o toble lt's yellow.
There ore four plotes, four bowls
qnd four spoons on the toble.
They qre qll blue.There ore
pink flowers on the toble, too.
o They're his books
i_ ,
Trang 143 look qnd circle ?
1 Where's the sink?
2 Where's the toble?
3 Where ore the books?
4 Where's the cot?
5 Where's the rug?
4 write ?
1 fridge / next to / sink
- It'sQSEJr/ behind the fridge.
- !t's in front of / between two chqirs
- They're behind / in front of the sofq
- lt's behind / next to the window.
- lt's behind / in front of the sofq
4 librory/behind /our school
- ft's naxt to the <ink
2 our school / between / pork / museum 5
There's o fridge next to the sink.
There's o big toble in front of the fridge.
There ore some plotes ond bowls in
Trang 164 writ" ?
1 How tidy is your bedroom?
2 How new is your bookshelf?
3 How big is your clossroom?
4 How cute ore your friends?
J write and say ?
1 books / good / We / got / hove / .
2 new / sofo / in front of / tqble /The / the / is / .
3 fridge / Our / new / nice / ond / is / .
4 dinning room I our I tidy I is / How / ?
5 bowl / is / Whose / this / ?
Trang 17Review 1
2 Reqd qnd mqt ch ?
1 Where is the fridge?
2 Whose spoon is this?
3 Whot ore your twins like?
4 How tidy is your dining room?
5 Who is she?
q lt's my spoon.
b She's my cousin
c lVty dining room is very tidy
d lt's next to the sink
e They're cute ond clever
Trang 183 look qnd writ e ?
1 Who is she?
She's his mother
2 Where's the dog?
3 How cute is the dog?
the fother
{ write, drow and sty ?
Write qbout your room.
Trang 191 Look qnd writ e, ?
"l duc k
t tisten qnd mqt ch ? fi rn, r.r
1 The cows ore
2 The horses ore
3 The goots qre
The cow is blqck qnd white
The horse is blqck
The chicken is red ond oronge
The sheep is white.
The goot is brown
The duck is yellow
b smoll ond block
c big ond brown
20 UNIT 3
Trang 204 look tlnd writ e ?
We've got o block horse They've got o new
We've got four white They've got o big
l've got o on myT-shirt We've got lots of
t write ond soy -' '
1 She's got o porrot
2 She's got o horse
3 He's got some sheep
4 She's got some chickens
5 He's got o goot
I r
s I
;r I i
li il
Trang 211 You con't hove fun on o fqrm.
2 Fqrms hoven't got onimols
3 You con see cows ond horses on o form
4 Forms hove got trees
5 You con't fly o kite on o form
t look ond writ e ?
lIi" :' '
Trang 224 neqd qnd writ e ?
1 Wendy ond I hove got o dog
We hoven't got o horse (horse) (X)
2 My fomily hove got o nice fqrm
1 We hqven't / hosn't got o goot
2 Horses hoven't got wings / legs
3 I hqven't / hqsn't got o sheep
4 Cows hoven't got toils / honds.
5 Fish hoven't got feet / eyes
Trang 23k e i6a)\ k p to n i mol s 9 f plqnt s n u f r u i t r d f
1 Hove you got cows on the form?
cr Yes, we hove b No, we hoven't
2 Hove Jone qnd Jim got o smoll dog?
cr Yes, they hqve b No, they hoven't
3 Hqve you got fruit trees on the form?
q Yes, we hove b No, we hoven't
4 Hove you got robbits on the form?
cr Yes, we hove b No, we hqven't
5 Hove mum ond dod got tomotoes in their gorden?
<r Yes, they hove b No, they hoven't
Trang 243 look qnd writ e ?
Hove you got f ruit
trees on the form?
Hove you got
on the fqrm?
Hqve you got
on the fqrm?
Hove you got horses
Hove you got
1 Uncle Tom hos got o big field / tree in his gorden
2 lVlum ond dod hove got mony tlnimqls /toys on their form
They've got horses, chickens ond cows
3 Hove you got pets / cows on the form?
- Yes, we hove We've got o cot ond o dog
4 Hove you got white / block sheep on the form?
- No, we hqven't We've got block sheep
I tisten, write cnd repe ort ? fi rn, e.e
Trang 25My mum mokes my lunch Look!Todoy, there is q (1)
cheese qnd (2) in it There is on opple ond on
too ld like to hove some (4)
egg /sondwich
Trang 26t tisten qnd circl e ? ffi vra, +.'t
1 Would you Ilt<e som@p juice?
2 Would you like some ice-creqm / chocolqte?
3 Would you like some spoghetti/ breqd?
4 Would you like some fish / chicken?
5 Would you like o sqndwich / qn oronge?
4 writ ?
1 some cheese ond vegetqbles (/)
/ No, thqnks.
- Yes, pleose / No, thqnks.
- Yes, pleose / No, thonks.
- Yes, pleose / No, thqnks.
- Yes, pleose / No, thqnks.
5 nead ornd draw ?
Ms Lqn: Would you like q sqndwich?
Ms Lqn: Would you like some opples?
vegetobles, too
Ms Lon: Would you like some juice?
Nam: No, thqnks
Trang 27It's lunch time l've got two
Trang 283 writ ?
1 oronges / you got?
2 fields / they got?
3 cots / your grondmother got?
2 5
1 How mony cupcokes hos Moi got?
2 How mony pieces of pizza hos Lee got?
3 How mony cookies hos Bob got?
4 How mony pieces of pizza hos Moi got?
5 How mony cupcokes hos Lee got?
How mony orqnges hove you got?
- She's got 22
Trang 29Reqd, write and say ?
Ann ond Lee hqve got some things for their 8th birthdoy porty They've
got o big ond colourful birthdoy coke They hove got five boxes of
nuts ond ten bottles of
Their porents buy them some bottles of
becouse some of their friends like soft drinks
30 UNIT 4
There ore mony glosses of
too They love them
Trang 30t tlsten qnd circle ? f) rn,+.2
1 My fqvourite food is vegetobles
2 His fqvourite food is nuts / yoghurt.
3 Her fovourite drink is lemonqde / bubble teo.
4 Their fqvourite drink is bubble teq / soft drink.
5 My fovourite drink is milk/ soft drink.
I write *'
1 our fqvourite food / spoghetti
2 her fovourite drink / milk
t tisten qnd write Repeot ? fi rn: +.s
1 l'd like some pieces of
2 He's got on
3 She's got o
qnd onqnd some
for lunch
for lunch
Trang 31This is our form.
We've got two cows
They're block ond white
Those ore our chickens
We've got three goots, too
They're cute
q No, we hoven't
b hoven't got honds
c hoven't got wings
Trang 324 order qnd writ e ?
t his /Whot's / fovourite / food / 7
Whot's his fovourite f ood?
2 fovourite / Whot's / her / drink / ?
3 opples / she / hos / How mony / got /?
4 like / some /Would / you / vegetobles / ?
5 got /twenty-six I pizzal pieces / I / of / have /
6 food / My / fovourite / breod I is I,
5 Drq* qnd writ e ?
Drow your fqvourite food qnd drinks
& t'ffi w ? wF w t,nffi w ?= € t w ?w w
Trang 33Look and circle r2
Trang 34t ord"r trnd writ e f
1 cold / lt's /windy / ond / today / .
weother /Whot's / like / Sundoy / the / on / ?
snowy /very / lt's /week /this / .
summer / in /Whot's / like / weother / the / ?
4 neqd ond writ e P
1 lt's hot ond sunny todoy We ore hoving (hove) q cold drink
2 lt's cold qnd windy.The cot (sleep) on the bed
3 lt's cool The twins (ploy) footboll.
5 lt's very snowy Mum
in the living room
$ ruotctr and soy ?
(listen) to music
tr Mortin's doing his homework
b Tom ond Mike ore ploying in the snow
c Jone's hoving o snock
d Jim ond Ano ore feeding the goots
e Afrif's listening to music
.':.' I
:,W" * t'
ffi B
Trang 35todoy The children ore in the gorden
with his friends Moi is (3)
Linh is ploying on the (5)Lesson 2
Trang 363 neod qnd circle.?
r@Dr Where i s Publo doing?
doing on the seesqw
2 Whot are /is your sisters doing?
-They're jumping / ploying rope
3 Whqt / How ore you doing?
- l'm ploying /jumping hide-ond-seek with my brother
4 Whot are lis your friend doing?
- She's riding / playing o horse
4 Oraer qnd write./2
1 your teqcher / is /Whot / doing /?
2 She / rope / jumping /'s / .
3 snowy / lt's ltodoy / very / .
4 They /'re / hide-qnd-seek / ploying / the / ployground / in I .
5 orqw ond so,y./
Whot's the weqther like todoy? Whot ore you doing?
Trang 371
/ ploy boqrd gqmes
/ wqtch q film
/ wqtch q film
4 plqy video gqmes
/ play boqrd gqmes
wcteh-ctrim-reod o comic book
ploy video gqmes
1 I'm going to the cinemo I wqnt to wotch o film
2 lt's cold outside Do you wqnt to
1 Dqd is sleeping on the sofo
3 The children ore studying in their bedroom
4 Grondpo ond grondmq qre reoding books
Trang 384 t-ook qnd writ e ?
1 Where ore they
ploying boord gomes?
- ln the living room
is heploying video gomes?
1 Whot ore you doing?
2 Whot is mum doing?
is he doing?
- He's riding o bike
is she doing?3
3 Where is Joe swimming?
4 Whqt qre you thinking qbout?
5 Where ore your friends going?
Trang 39rl
1 There qre five people skiing
3 These people ore ice-skoting
4 There ore three moutoins
5 Two people ore ploying ice hockey"
40 UNIT 6
Trang 40t neod qnd mqtch ?
1 Whot cqn we do by the lqke
2 Whot con we do on the river?
3 Whot con we do on the mountoin?
4 Whot con we do in the gorden?
4 look ond writ e df
Whot con we do ot the ploYground?
q We con swim.
b We cqn go fishing
c We cqn go skiing
d We con woter the plonts
ffi neod qnd tick ,,;:)o
We con do mony things on Mount Fuji in winter lt's cold ond snowy
We con ski or ice-skote on the mountoin We con ploy with the snow ondmoke o snowmon We con ploy ice hockey with our friends too.
What can we do on Mount Fuiiin winter?
We cqn nloy on the seesow
Trang 411 Look qnd tick /
E pitch o tent l-l moke o compfire L- wqlk the dog
moke o comp:fire
I wqlk the dog I pitch o tent
2 tisten qnd writ e.? f) m, s"r
E go comping [ : mqke o compfire
mountoin o tent wolk the dog go=cs,trrptr-g
It's cool todoy, so we cqn (1) go camping .We con pitch (2)
or mqke o compfire, but we cqn't go fishing on the (3) I hqve o
smoll dog with me, so I cqn (4) We con hove lots of fun!
Trang 424 lt's very hot qnd sunny.We go to the beoch, but we
stoy there very long
4 rilqtch qnd sdy ?
1 We con go compi q we cqn't cotch q lot of fish
2 We con go shopping, we con't moke o compfire todoy
3 We con go fishing, c we con't buy mony things
4 We con swim, d we cqn't stoy long in the pool
I Wr:te qbout yourselt ?
but I con't
Todoy is(hot / cold / sunny I roiny / windy).
Trang 431 Look and writ e ?
beoch go hiking forest }cv€npkffie
1 Let's moke sqndwiches ond@D, ptqy video gqmes
2 lt's hot ond sunny We cqn go to the fqrm / beqch ond swim
3 Let's go hiking / hqve o picnic We con wolk up the mountoin.
4 We see monkeys in this forest / beqch They live in the trees
t tisten End tick y' whqt the people cqn do O rR:6.2?
Trang 44{ write and say ?
ski skote gomes goots sk1
1 The skv is nice todoy We con fly o kite neor the river
2 We con ploy with on the form
3 Let's go to the mountqin ond
4 We con ploy video on the bed, but we cqn't eot
5 We cqn ice - todoy becquse it's snowy
5 look qnd write Then mqtch ond soy a';'*
Trang 45ice-skote ride o horse
snowy ploy hide-ond-seek ploy video gomes
ice hockey ploy on the seqsow pitch q tent
Trang 463 Read and writ e ?
1We ore plqying (plqy) video gomes
2 Whot (she / do)? - She's jumping rope
3He (not / wqtch) o film now
4 Where (you /ploy) boord gomes? - ln the living room
5 lt's snowy todoy We con (ski)
4 nead and circle ?
1 Whqt /Where ore your friends doing?
-They're ploying I play hide-ond-seek in the ployground.
2 Whqt / Where is Tom ploying video gomes?
- ln lOn his bedroom
3 Whot con we do on the mountoin?
- We cqn / cqn't go hiking
4 lt's snowy todoy We con ploy ice hockey, but / qnd we con't go swimming
5 I con't go out this week becquse / but it's hot ond sunny
S Reqd qnd qnsw en /)
The weqther is cool todoy We're going comping in the forest We cqn pitch otent, but we con't mqke o compfire We con wolk the dog everywhere becousethe forest is very big
1 Whot's the weother like todoy?
2 Where ore we going comping?
3 Whqt con we do in the forest?
4 Con we mqke o compfire in the forest?
on the mountoin.
5 ls the forest big or smoll?
Trang 47\
2 ReaA and writ e.3
mqkes reolly good chicken!
likes to tqke photos of forests
? My dog isn't well
vet doctor chef photogropher
-fs+rffei-He works in the field every morning.
Trang 483 tisten qnd writ e ? ilb s*i* r.*
4 Read and mqt ch ?
1 Whot does her mother do
2 Whot does your sister do?
3 Whot does Uncle Phi do?
4 Whot do their brothers do?
Uncle Rob
o They ore vets
Her mother is o chef
Trang 491 Unscromble qnd match ?
2 Ms Jone is o doctor She works
4 Her brothers ore photogrophers They work
5 Their mother is q vet She works
3 Read and mqt ch ?
1 Where does your fother work
2 Where does his brother work?
3 Where does Aunt Mory work?
4 Where do their sisters work?
o They work in o clinic
b He works in o restouront in Honoi
Trang 50& tisten qnd circle ? i t =s, =.:
1 There qre no onimqls on the form
2 His fother isn't o former
3 His mother works on the field every doy
4 His brother works in o clinic
5 He wants to be a photographer
5 look qnd writ e ?
r Vet restourqnt thef,
True / FolseTrue / FqlseTrue / FqlseTrue / Fqlse
in on ltoliqn (1) tnHonoi He con mqke greot pizzos ondspoghetti
Mqrino is my cousin She's young ondnice She is o (2)
She tqkes good cqre of onimqls She
in o clinic in(3)
tuii '-, ''" " Joe is o (0) F&tia.:-:.::' ) 't -
\ &
:-l + -.