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Tiếng Anh 4 (Wonderful World) sách học tập 1

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Tiếng Anh 4 (Wonderful World) sách học tập 1, Tiếng Anh 4 (Wonderful World) sách học tập 1, file pdf tieng anh 4 wonderful world, wonderful world 4 student book, sach hoc wonderful world 4.

Trang 2





Trang 3

Scope ond Sequence

Unit 1My Fomily

And Friendspo5

fother, mother, doughter,

son, twins

clever, cute, kind, polite

cheerful, friendly,hord-working, pleosont

- He's my fother.

IVly friend is cute ond clever.

Whot is your sister like?

- She's hord-working ondpleosont.

- lt's in front of the sofo.

How messy is his room?- lt's very messy.

chicken, cow, goot, horse,sheep

honds, fur, legs, toil, wings qnimols, field, fruit, plonts

We've got some chickens.

The horses hoven't got wings

Hove you got onimols on thefqrm?

- Yes, we hove.

Unit 4Food And

qn egg, on orqnge,

o sqndwich, spoghetti,vegetobles

q cookie, o cupcoke, pizzo,o piece of pizza

How mony pieces of pizzo

hove you got?

- l've got twenty-one pieces of

Whot's your fovourite food?

- My fovourite food is yoghurt.

Unit 5

cloudy, snowy, stormy, windy jump rope, ploy hide-ond-

seek, ploy on the seesow,

ride o horse

ploy boqrd gomes, ployvideo gomes, reod o comicbook, wqtch o film

Whot's the weother like

todoy? - lt's windy. Whot is she doing?

- She s jumping rope.

Where ore they ploying video

- We con ski on the mountoin.

mountoin, but we con't goswimming.

We con hove o picnic in thepork todoy becquse it's worm.


Trang 4


Trang 5

1 Listen ond point.

Repeat 6] rm, r.,

2 tisten qnd reod .Wfite ?

There qre people in the photo: o mother,

o son ond o doughter.

** 3:tri


Trang 6

5 look Ask qnd qnswer.

7Who is she?

Trang 7

elever eute kind polite

Trang 8

4 tisten ond repeot., ,.:

1 My friend is cute ond clever 2 Her twins ore good ond pretty.

5 look ond soy.

1 His son / good / funny2 Their twins / pretty i kind

3 My friends / cool / clever

$ titten ond sing.:i - : ,

4 Aunt Jone / young / polite

My brother is toll ond nice.Yes, he isl Yes, he isl

He isn't funny He isn't

He's toll ond nice.

My sister is cute and clever.Yes, she isl Yes, she isl

She isn't funny She isn't funny.She's cute and clever.

Trang 9

7 tisten and write the nqmes

4 Histwinbrotherlshort( )/toll ( )/cute1 1.

This is my friend, Alex.

Trang 10

3 My fother ond mother ore

q cheerful ond funnyb pleosont ond kind

c friendly ond hord-working

My foth er is kind ond cool


Trang 11

S tisten ond repeqt ., : .

5 took Ask qnd qnswer.

- He's clever ond friendly.

Trang 12

7 tisten ond repeqt.6) rR: r"xa

$ tisten qnd chqnt

= =

-:i=:: !.i"iFather, f ather, falher

Ae's my fother.Ae's my fother.

Son, son, son

f 'm his son f 'm his son.f 'm his son.


Trang 13

1 Unscrqmble the letters ?

There ore five people in

my fomily This is my fother

He's friendly ond kind.

Trang 14

Look qt the photo Tick whqt

you see I

o house o desko gorden o choir


Trang 15

X Listen cnd point.

ond plotes on the toble

Look! There's d spoon.

2 There ore plotes ond bowls on the toble.

Trang 16

Whose plotes ore they?

-They're our plotes.

Trang 17

Listen and point.Repeot.

2 tisten qnd reqd Tick ? =', ,,,,.=,=

t look ond soy.

This is our new house.

Where is the f ridge?

Over there ft's next tothe sink.

There's o sofo in our living room.

2 kitchen 3 living room 4 kitchen


Trang 18

@ tisten ond repeqt l

1 Where is the rug?

- lt's in front of the sofo.

2 Where is the sofo?

- lt's between two lomps

4 Where ore the books?- They're behind the sofo.

1 The rug / in front of /

t-Where is the rug?

5 tisten qnd chont t? rm* n.u

This is our kitchen,

our lovely kitchen.

There's a f ridqe,o big, big fridge.There's o sink,o smoll, smoli sink.

There ore some rugs,colourful, cslourfuIrugs"

Came and seeour lovely kitchenl

Trang 19

7 tisten qnd tick T for True or F for Fqlse

" {A rR: z.s

1 The fridge is next to the toble.

2 The sofo is in front of the TV.

4 The plotes ore next to the mugs.

8 took ond soy.

1 The boxes / on / the floor

2 The cot / behind / the computer3 The bed / next to / the desk

4 The boxes / in front of / the desk

Where's your room?

Trang 20

mlffiprz rm,

$11 fflH,j,$']ffi

bookshelf floor toy box messy

1 His room is .:-.-,.

2 His toys ore in the , 3.J:=:

3 His books qre on the ' '.,

' l;1-' ''lgg ''

,E-"r ;rldB*a*E!r€

Trang 21

1 How messy is his room?- lt's very messy.

5 look cnd soy.

1 His / bookshelf / tidy

3 Our / dining room / new

2 How tidy is her bookshelf?- lt's very tidy.

2 Our / toy box / big

4 Their / bedroom / messyHow tidy is his bookshelf? ft's very tidy.

This is my room

Thi-< is my room ft'< veny

ticly There's o hook-<helf

next to my desk ft'-< naw

4 tisten qnd repeqt.


Trang 22

7 tisten ond repeqt.6"; TR:2.12

dining roomrug

We've got o big dining room, a new bookshelf qnd o new rug.

$ tisten qnd chont ,

Bookshelf, bookshelf, bookshelf!

We hove goto new bookshelf.

Rug, rug, rug!We hove goto new rug.

Dining, dining, dining room!We hove got

o big dining room.

$ Soy it!

1 Where is the rug?

- lt's next to the bed.

3 They have gota newdining room.

2 The rug is in front ofthe bookshelf.

4 Where is the new bookshelf?- lt's next to the window.

23Itk- .:.,:e -x,*:l

Trang 23

1 Unscrqmble the letters /

{h**" -"'-"

', =l

6 foso

Trang 24

4 Whot is her sister like?

5 Whot ore his friends like?

3 nst qnd qnswer.

1 Whqt is your fother like?

2 Whot is your mother like?3 Are you hord-working?4 Are your friends cheerful?5 Who is your music teqcher?

25 REVIEW o They're clever ond friendly.

b He is my friend.c He is kind qnd nice.

d She is his doughter.

e She's cute ond pleosont.


Trang 25

next to / the sink

1B *.&&Eir*.ffid

.1=' '

2 Where / the sofo?

4 Where / the dining room?next to / kitchen

3 Where / the bookshelf?on / the wqll

5 Where / the gorden?

Where is the fridg*

ft's next to the sink.

Trang 26

Circle the things in your house.,<2 watch the video qnd circle /2

sink rug choir 1 where is the sofo?

q lt's in the dining room.b lt's in the living room.

sofo bookshelf toy box

S rqlk qbout your room.

2 Where is the dining room?

q lt's next to the bothroom.b lt's in front of the bothroom.

3 Where is the bookshelf?

q lt's in the living room.

b lt's in the bedroom.

Trang 27

Linh istv sLster.

She's toll ond orettv.

.She-'< kind too

Linh is my sister She's tollond pretty.

Trang 29

B,*,&1 Listen and point.

e hle [qer:.}.

ook! My fother hos

ey'?e short ond smoll

ve got some cows

Trang 30

've got = hove got

t eoint cnd soy.

1 We / some goots 2 We / o cow

1 We've got somechickens.

We've got some goots.

We've got o horseon the form lt's brown

ond toll.

4 tisten and repeqt ',

Trang 31

1 Listen ond point.

1 The horse hos got o

2 The chickens hove got

:-:,r,,,i fqil.

1 cows / long toils 2 rqbbits / short toils

3 sheep / white fur

Trang 32

4 tisten cnd repeqt , ,, ,: : ,:,

1 The horses hoven't got wings.2 The cows hoven't got honds.

hoven't = hove not

t eoint ond scy.

1 cots / wings (X) 2 chickens / long tqils (X)

3 sheep / long legs (X) 4 goots / wings (X) 5 fish /hqnds (X)$ tist"n ond sing g''"$ rm* n.x

The cqts hoven't

got wings.


Trang 33

8 loot ond soy.

- 4 I hqve got -.5 We hoven't got -.

/ long fur (X )

We've got some horses

lnng tqils and nica lagiThey haven't got wings

3 wings (/)

The sheep hove got white fur They hoven't got long tqils.

We've got sor

me horses

1 My cousin hos got -.

* a"-* g


Trang 34

1 They

2 They I r,,.-. , :::i: : ., , ohifflols on the form j!

3 They've got I : :' in the field.

J Let's ploy! Use the words in 1.

Trang 35

- Yes,

Have you got plontson the farm?

Y es, we have

Hqve you got cowson the form?

Trang 36

7 tisten cnd repeqt + Titr ;i.'i.+

A horse hosn't got honds.

8 t:sten qnd chqnt $-? rm, s.rsH,h,h

Horse, horse, horse!

I've got o horse.Honds, honds, honds!

l've got honds l've got honds.Horses hqven't got honds.

Trang 37


l've got mqny plonts ond

heep on the form.

-:" :.trr

k **.** 3


Trang 38

Look Tick whqt the pondo is doing ;,

Trang 39

' ,.,"r rii r :r i'

Repeot ffin eSS ffiffi erffinge a ssndwich sp*gh*tti vegetmbles

- Annq:

Ms.Kim: Hi! Moy I help you?

Hi, f'd like on orange, some spoghetti

an egg.

some drinks?

Anns: No, thonks.

:&- _


Trang 40

Would you like some spaghetti?

Would you like

No, thanks.

Trang 41

1 Listen ond point.Repeat.

Let's open our

Lindq: Yes,leF's.

Linds: T've got three

1 Anna's got two r:upe****s c**,.kies for her lunch.

2 Linda's got three e.cmkies p,*ierus *t ff:lz:* for her lunch.


Trang 42

How mony sondwiches hos she got?

5 look ond soy.

, f.'r 1"" , *1" , i"tT ,;.it , iii , i.t":{r+t r.cr r;{r fi{" f:jt

$'' , r"'* , #', , i"'"- ,li"lt ;':l,.;r {rie f.4r (.rt +rrr drrr

26 twenty-six

27 twenty-seven

28 twenty-eight29 twenty-nine

h{ow frYnffiv'rg pieces of pizzahove you got?

- l've got twenty-onepieces of pizzo.

B ?€ @ ?B B; 1 ; ; ' :"

- He's got twenty-six.

Pizza, pizza, pizza

Pizza f or everyone.How mdny have we got?Let's count the pieces.?.!, zz, ?3,24,25.

t3 prcces oT ptzza.


Trang 43

7 tisten qnd circle ? fi rR:4.81 l've got 21 / 22 cupcqkes.2 We've got 23 / 24 opples.

4 She's got24 /25 orange trees.

Tolk obout whqt you hove got for your porty.

T've got 22 sandwiches

How mony apples have you got?

,St.,St E**"r lttir f*i* f4F! r.1r,Fl ,*: ,;51

,i;it ,i*t ,ii._ ,*.tt ,Ft

5 Cupca.kat:

,3!+ @r ,4!

Trang 44

TR:4.9 bubble

4iS ,&qs

Sondy's got l' ' ,r:, r,1',,,." l.- ,, , i-.," : t: ,,.:1,:

for her birthdoy porty., Let's ploy.

Would you like some nuts?

No, thonks.

Trang 45

4Listen ond repeot.

Whot's your fovourite drin- My fovourite drink is lem

i-.,.:.:l:.,:, :-:.''-ta

,jt':i',!S 'S


Trang 46

7 tist"n ond repeqt fl* s

l've got o piece of pizza, o sqndwich

qnd lemonqde for my lunch.

$ tisten qnd chqnt tr)Lemonqde, lemonode

It's my fqvourite.

Let's drink some!

Pizza, pizzaIt's my fovourite.

Let's eot some!Sqndwich, sqndwich

2 Would you like o sondwich?

4 My fovourite food is spoghetti.

3 My fovourite drink is lemonode.


Trang 47

I Rroject: Food for q clqss porty tffiffi

pizza hove we got?

Trang 48

Review 2: Pqrt 1

1 Match.?

cr We've got some horses.

b We've got o field.

c We've got two cows.

d We've got some chickens.

e They've got some sheep.

f Uncle Tom hos got o goot.

2 rina qnd circle ?

! write ?

1 Hove cows got toils?

2 Hqve chickens got honds?

3 Hove sheep got long toils?

4 Hqve horses got long legs?

5 Hqve you got wings?


Trang 49

1 Write Circle aor b ?

t neod qnd writ e.f

2 Whot's your fqvourite ?

- My fovourite food is pizza.

- My fovourite drink is lemonode.

o Yes, pleose.

4 Whot's your fovourite



Trang 50

1 People never eot yoghurt for breokfost.

2 Some people eot yoghurt with fruit.

3 Mony children eot yoghurt with nuts.

4 People often hove pizzaot porties.


Trang 51

Review 2: Pqrt 4

1 Reqd qnd mqt ch ?

1 Would you like some lemonode?

on the form?

3 Whot's your fovourite drink?4 Whot's your fovourite food?

5 Hove you got sheep on the form?

2 Oro* ond soy L*&

tl lVly fovourite drink is

c No, we hoven't.d Yes, he hqs.

e Yes, pleose.

This is my mogicol onimol.

gross ond its fovourite drink is milk.

Trang 52

-Look qt the photo Tick the

words for the weqther./


Trang 53

cloudy snowy stormy windy

TR: 5 2

the weather like todoy, Tom?

wy Lookl Mum ond Dod


Trang 54

1 Whot's the weother like todoy?- lt's windy.

5 Look ond soy.

1 sumrner / hot / sunny 2 this week / rainy/ stormy

4 todoy / cold /windy3 outumn / cool / cloudy

$ Let's plqy.

Work in poirs Pick o floshcord Ask ond onswer.Whot's the weatherlike in summer?

It's windy.Whot's the weother like?

-& f

4 titt"n ond repeqt ii i' r":';: r; :.

2 Whot's the weother like in winter?- lt's cold ond snowy.

Trang 55

1 Listen ond point.

ploy onthe seesqw

rideq horse

Jsck: How obout her sisters?

Jqck: No, f don't 6ood luc

1 Suson is

2 Joe is

3 loot ond soy.

1 she I ride o horse

3 they / ploy hide-ond-seek


Trang 56

4 tirten cnd repeot i

1 Whot is she doing?

- She's jumping rope.

I rcok ond scy.

2 Whot ore they doing?

- They're ploying bosketboll

Whot are they doing? )

ey're ploying)

the seesow )

1 they / play on the seesow

3 they / ploy hide-qnd-seek

S tisten qnd chqnt tr) rR:5.7

2 she / jump rope

4 he / ride o horse

57Whst's the weother like in summer?

Trang 57

8 loot ond soy.

/ sing ond donce (/)

/ cook in the kitchen (-l) / swim in the pool (/)

Look oround your clossroom Ask your friends qbout whot people ore doing

the tree?

Trang 58

1 Listen ond point.Repeot fl) rn' s.r

2 titt"n qndtack.?

plqybosrd gsmes

plqyvideo gsmes

q comic book

wstcha film

booidre ployingWhot are they doing?


Trang 59

they plrvrng room.

/ in the kitchen

3 reod comic books

2 ploy video gomes

Where are they playing

Trang 60

7 tirt"n and repeqt e; # tirir:;{i.T;l

She's jumping rope.

She's thinking obout her friends.

Theqtre, theotre, theqtre!

We're thinking obout

going to the theotre.

9 Sqy it!

1 My sister is jumping rope.

3 They're wotching o ployqt the theotre.

2 She's thinking qbout her fomily.

4 They're drinking juice.

Trang 61

1 Unscrqmble the letters ?

@n"t ore you doing?

,.44:t:.'':: ;]i : ,

Trang 64

1 fly q kite / in the field 2 swim / in the pool

3 go fishing / by the river 4 ice-skote / on the loke

S Let's tqlk.

Pick o cord Ask ond onswer obout whot you con do in thot ploce.

'e can wqlk ond ride abike on the mountCIinWhqt cqn we do on the mountqin

on the mountoin in the gorden neqr the seo neor the loke65

4 tisten ond repeot.

ili Y

Trang 65

1 Lon ond John con go comping

2 They con

We can go comping on the mountoin

or nea? the sea.

I like the sea.We can go comping

9o swimming.

We can go swimming ond make a

near the sea.

go comprn9pitch o tent

Work in poirs Look ond motch Ask ond onswer questions.

We can go cdmping on the mountoin

Whqt canwe do on the mountqin?

Trang 66

4 tisten ond repeot.

1 We cqn go comping on the

mountoin, but we cqn't go swimming.

t look ond soy.

2 We con moke o compfire neor the

loke, but we con't go skiing.

2 go fishing ( ) /by theriver /wolk our dog ( )

4 moke o carnpfire (cd*) /ot night / pitch s tent (H)1 go complng (ed) / neor the Nske /

We csn ga csmpingnzsr the lake, buf

go fishing.we tfin't

r "l

Let's go cfimping on the mcun?cin.

Lzt's ga camping near the sea.We can pitch c tent,

we can make * c**zpfire,

buf we ccrlrt moke a cake"Camping is fun f,qr everyc,fte,my family ond me!


Trang 67

7 tirt"n qnd mqt ch ? &


r*e, *.*

1 We're going comping todqq We con hove fish for dinner

2 We're going fishing todoy b We con hove lots of fun.

3 We're skiing todoy c We cqn go to the mountqin.

4 We're wolking the dog todoy We con moke o compfire.

We can go csmping on the mountoin.

Can we ski on the mountoin?

o,we cdn't We cqn go camping

Trang 68

1 Listen ond point.Repeot.

2 tisten qnd mqt ch ?

beoch forestgohiking

a piere!<

1 go hiking2 ride o bike3 swim

4 hove o picnic

q in the gordenb in the forest

c on the mountoind in the seo

qa,!i F

1 sunny/ go to the beqch2 cold / ride o bike in the forest

4 wqrm / hqve o picnic in the pork

Trang 69

fl tisten ond repect ,

1 We con hove o picnic in the pork

todoy becouse it's worm.

t hove o picnic / roiny

3 moke o compfire / dry

We cqn hqve q picnic todoy

todoy becouse it's snowy.

today becouse it's roiny

becouse it's worm


Trang 70

7 tisten ond repeot.9o

2 She con go hiking on the mountqin.

4 We con ice-skqte on the

mountoin, but we con't go fishing.

Ski, ski, ski!

f can ski on the snow.

Let's' go to't-he: rnountsinond ski on the snow!

Trang 71

We con go cqmping neor the seq

but we con't go hiking

f eroject: Your weekend ,,

Trang 72

q weor o coot

b jump rope in the ploygroundploy boord gomes ot homed go to the beqch

e swim in the pool

q prcnrc.

to the beqch.

I write and say.8

1 lt's windy qnd cold I om -<toying ot home.

Trang 73

Revlew 3: Pqrt 2

1 Malrch.?

forest ice-skote mountoin wqlk the dog beoch

mqke o

'l We ore free on Sundoy We con have o prcnrc.

3 lt's roiny this morning I con't

on the mountoin? We can go hiking on the

On the mountqin

At the beochln the pork

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2024, 09:03

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