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TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MỞ HÀ NỘI ĐỀ THI HẾT HỌC PHẦN (BÀI TẬP LỚN) MÔN: Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Du lịch 4 …………………………………………………… ĐỀ THI (Lưu ý: Mỗi sinh viên chỉ lựa chọn một đề cho bài tập lớn của mình) Đề 1. Write a composition of 200 – 250 words to describe a Niche tour that you learn in the course Professional English for Tourism 4 (PET4.) Đề 2. Write a composition of 200 -250 words to compare Niche tourism and Mass tourism. Đề 3. Choose a niche tourism product and write a description of it (200-250 words) for a promotional website. Đề 4. Do some research on cultural tourism in your city or region. Decide what you think are the top three opportunities for developing cultural tourism and write a composition of about 200-250 words about them. Đề 5. Write a guide talk of 200-250 words about a festival in Vietnam. Đề 6. What are some steps to organize an exhibition? Make a plan to organize an exhibition in your city or region. You should write at least 200-250 words. Đề 7. Write a composition of 200 -250 words about 5 types of Cultural tourists. What type of cultural tourist are you? Đề 8. Interview a member of staff in a local hotel (e.g. concierge, housekeeper, receptionist, manager…) and find about their daily routine. Write a report of 200-250 words to describe his/her daily routine. Đề 9. You have inspected the staff and reception area of a local hotel. Write a report of 200-250 words about the quality of these departments. Đề 10. Write a composition of 200-250 words about what a presenter should do and shouldn’t do to make a good presentation. Yêu cầu bài tập lớn: - Hình thức trình bày: Theo yêu cầu của đề bài + A composition: Bài viết được tổ chức thành một hoặc nhiều đoạn văn + A guide talk: Bài giới thiệu về điểm du lịch, trình bày linh hoạt, văn phong nói + A report: bài báo cáo được trình bày trọng tâm, nổi bật ý chính + A plan: một bản kế hoạch gồm các hoạt động, công việc được tổ chức, sắp xếp theo trật tự nhất định để đạt mục tiêu đề ra. - Độ dài: Theo yêu cầu của đề bài - Format: Font chữ Times New Roman, cỡ chữ 13, dãn dòng 1.5 - Sản phẩm nộp dạng: file word (bản mềm) - Thời hạn: Sinh viên hoàn thành bài tập lớn trong 07-10 ngày   Đề 1: Write a composition of 200 – 250 words to describe a Niche tour that you learn in the course Professional English for Tourism 4 (PET4). A Unique Niche Tour: Culinary Adventure in Vietnam Vietnam, with its rich culture and diverse landscapes, offers a myriad of niche tourism opportunities. One standout is the Culinary Adventure Tour, designed specifically for food enthusiasts eager to explore Vietnam''''s culinary heritage.

Trang 1



5 Write a guide talk of 200-250 words about a festival in Vietnam

Đề 6 What are some steps to organize an exhibition? Make a plan to organize anexhibition in your city or region You should write at least 200-250 words

Trang 2

- Hình thức trình bày: Theo yêu cầu của đề bài

+ A composition: Bài viết được tổ chức thành một hoặc nhiều đoạn văn

+ A guide talk: Bài giới thiệu về điểm du lịch, trình bày linh hoạt, văn phong nói+ A report: bài báo cáo được trình bày trọng tâm, nổi bật ý chính

+ A plan: một bản kế hoạch gồm các hoạt động, công việc được tổ chức, sắp xếp theo trật tựnhất định để đạt mục tiêu đề ra.

- Độ dài: Theo yêu cầu của đề bài

- Format: Font chữ Times New Roman, cỡ chữ 13, dãn dòng 1.5- Sản phẩm nộp dạng: file word (bản mềm)

- Thời hạn: Sinh viên hoàn thành bài tập lớn trong 07-10 ngày

Trang 3

Đề 1: Write a composition of 200 – 250 words to describe a Niche tour that you learn in thecourse Professional English for Tourism 4 (PET4).

A Unique Niche Tour: Culinary Adventure in Vietnam

Vietnam, with its rich culture and diverse landscapes, offers a myriad of niche tourismopportunities One standout is the Culinary Adventure Tour, designed specifically for foodenthusiasts eager to explore Vietnam's culinary heritage.

This tour immerses travelers in Vietnam's gastronomic delights, starting in the bustlingstreets of Hanoi Participants have the chance to visit local markets, where they canexperience the vibrant atmosphere and learn about traditional ingredients The tour includescooking classes with renowned chefs, allowing tourists to prepare iconic dishes like pho andspring rolls.

The journey continues to the picturesque city of Hue, known for its imperial cuisine Here,tourists can savor the flavors of royal dishes once reserved for the emperor The tour alsoincludes visits to local homes, providing a unique opportunity to dine with Vietnamesefamilies and understand their culinary traditions.

In the southern region, the tour takes participants to the Mekong Delta, where they canexplore floating markets and taste exotic fruits The adventure culminates in Ho Chi MinhCity with a street food tour, showcasing the city's dynamic food scene.

This Culinary Adventure Tour is a perfect example of niche tourism, offering an immersiveand authentic experience that goes beyond typical sightseeing It caters to food lovers whowish to connect deeply with Vietnam's culture through its cuisine, making it a memorableand enriching journey.


Trang 4

Đề 2: Write a composition of 200-250 words to compare Niche tourism and Mass tourism.Comparison Between Niche Tourism and Mass Tourism

Tourism, a significant global industry, can be broadly categorized into niche tourism andmass tourism Both types serve different purposes and target varied audiences.

Mass tourism refers to large-scale travel where a vast number of tourists visit populardestinations simultaneously Examples include beach resorts, famous cities, and well-knownattractions like the Eiffel Tower or Disney World Mass tourism is often characterized bystandardized packages, affordability, and convenience, making it accessible to a widedemographic However, it can lead to overcrowding, environmental degradation, and adilution of local cultures as destinations cater to global tastes.

In contrast, niche tourism focuses on specialized segments of the market It targets specificinterests such as adventure, eco-tourism, culinary experiences, or cultural heritage Nichetourists seek unique, personalized experiences that align with their passions For example,bird-watching tours in remote forests or wine-tasting tours in specific vineyards offer tailoredexperiences Niche tourism typically involves smaller groups, which can reduceenvironmental impact and promote sustainable practices It also allows for deeper culturalimmersion and interaction with local communities.

While mass tourism contributes significantly to the economy and provides widespread accessto travel, niche tourism fosters sustainability and offers enriching, individualizedexperiences Both forms have their advantages and challenges, but the growing trend towardsniche tourism reflects a shift in travelers seeking meaningful, responsible travel experiences.

Trang 5

Đề 3: Choose a niche tourism product and write a description of it (200-250 words) for apromotional website.

Exploring the Mekong Delta: A Culinary and Cultural Adventure

Discover the hidden gems of Vietnam with our exclusive Mekong Delta Culinary andCultural Tour, a unique niche tourism product designed for adventurous food and cultureenthusiasts This tour offers an immersive experience that combines the rich culinaryheritage and vibrant cultural tapestry of the Mekong Delta.

Our journey begins in Ho Chi Minh City, where you will embark on a scenic drive to theheart of the Mekong Delta Upon arrival, you will be welcomed by the serene landscapes oflush rice paddies, winding rivers, and charming villages The highlight of this tour is theopportunity to explore the local cuisine You will visit bustling markets filled with exoticfruits, vegetables, and spices, and learn the art of Vietnamese cooking from renowned localchefs From preparing traditional dishes like bánh xèo (crispy pancakes) to savoring freshseafood delicacies, your taste buds are in for a treat.

Beyond the culinary delights, this tour delves deep into the cultural aspects of the region.You will have the chance to interact with local artisans, visit traditional workshops, andwitness the unique lifestyles of the river communities A boat trip through the floatingmarkets offers a glimpse into the daily lives of the locals, while visits to ancient pagodas andtemples provide spiritual insights.

Join us for an unforgettable journey that combines the best of culinary and culturalexploration in the enchanting Mekong Delta Book now and experience Vietnam like neverbefore!


Trang 6

Đề 4: Do some research on cultural tourism in your city or region Decide what you think arethe top three opportunities for developing cultural tourism and write a composition of about200-250 words about them.

Top Three Opportunities for Developing Cultural Tourism in Hanoi

Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, is a treasure trove of cultural heritage, offering numerousopportunities for developing cultural tourism Here are the top three opportunities that can beleveraged to enhance Hanoi's cultural tourism:

Historical Sites and Monuments:

Hanoi is home to a plethora of historical sites and monuments that reflect its rich history andheritage The Old Quarter, with its narrow streets and ancient architecture, offers a glimpseinto the city's past The Temple of Literature, Vietnam's first university, and the iconic HoanKiem Lake are must-visit landmarks Promoting guided tours, heritage walks, and interactiveexperiences at these sites can attract history enthusiasts and culture seekers.

Traditional Arts and Crafts:

The traditional arts and crafts of Hanoi, such as water puppetry, lacquerware, and silkweaving, provide a unique cultural experience Establishing craft villages and workshopswhere tourists can learn and participate in these traditional crafts can create a memorable andimmersive experience Additionally, organizing cultural festivals and exhibitions toshowcase these art forms can draw more visitors interested in authentic cultural experiences.Culinary Tourism:

Hanoi's culinary scene is a major attraction for tourists The city's street food culture, with itsarray of delicious dishes like pho, bun cha, and banh mi, offers a rich gastronomicexperience Developing culinary tours that take visitors to local markets, food stalls, andcooking classes can enhance their understanding and appreciation of Vietnamese cuisine.Highlighting the stories behind the dishes and their cultural significance can add depth to theculinary experience.

By focusing on these three opportunities, Hanoi can further establish itself as a premierdestination for cultural tourism, offering visitors a rich and immersive cultural experience.

Trang 7

Đề 5: Write a guide talk of 200-250 words about a festival in Vietnam.Guide Talk: The Tet Festival in Vietnam

Good morning, everyone! Today, I am delighted to share with you about one of the mostimportant and vibrant festivals in Vietnam – Tet, also known as the Lunar New Year.

Tet marks the arrival of spring based on the lunar calendar, usually occurring in late Januaryor early February It is a time when Vietnamese people reunite with their families, payrespect to their ancestors, and celebrate with various traditional customs and activities.

The preparation for Tet begins weeks in advance, with families cleaning their homes tosweep away bad luck and decorating with peach blossoms, kumquat trees, and red lanterns,symbolizing prosperity and happiness One of the most important customs is making BanhChung, a traditional rice cake wrapped in banana leaves, symbolizing the Earth and sky.On New Year's Eve, families gather to enjoy a festive meal and welcome the new year withfireworks and lion dances The first day of Tet is dedicated to immediate family, wherepeople dress in their finest clothes, exchange best wishes, and give "li xi" or lucky money tochildren and elders.

Visiting pagodas and temples to pray for good fortune is also a common practice during Tet.The streets are filled with vibrant markets, offering flowers, fruits, and traditional goods.Cultural performances, such as traditional music, dance, and calligraphy demonstrations, addto the festive atmosphere.

Tet is not just a celebration; it is a reflection of Vietnam's rich cultural heritage and a time forrenewal, hope, and joy Experiencing Tet in Vietnam provides a unique and unforgettableinsight into the country's traditions and communal spirit.

Thank you for listening, and I hope you get to experience the Tet Festival firsthand someday!


Trang 8

Đề 6: What are some steps to organize an exhibition? Make a plan to organize an exhibitionin your city or region You should write at least 200-250 words.

Plan to Organize an Exhibition in Hanoi

Organizing an exhibition requires careful planning and execution Here is a concise plan toorganize a cultural exhibition in Hanoi:

Define the Purpose and Theme:

The exhibition's purpose is to showcase Hanoi's rich cultural heritage The theme will be"The Cultural Heritage of Hanoi," highlighting the city's history, arts, and traditions.

Curate the Exhibits:

Curate exhibits showcasing traditional crafts, historical artifacts, photographs, andmultimedia presentations Collaborate with local artists, historians, and cultural institutions.Promote the Exhibition:

Utilize various marketing channels such as social media, local newspapers, and radiostations Create posters and flyers to distribute in high-traffic areas Host a press conferencefor media coverage.

Organize Opening Ceremony:

Plan an engaging opening ceremony with cultural performances Invite local dignitaries,cultural figures, and the media.

Staff and Volunteers:

Recruit and train staff and volunteers to assist with setting up exhibits, guiding visitors, andmanaging logistics Ensure they are knowledgeable about the exhibits.

Evaluate and Feedback:

Gather feedback from visitors and participants to assess the exhibition's success and identifyareas for improvement Conduct surveys and hold debriefing sessions with the organizingteam.

By following these steps, the exhibition on "The Cultural Heritage of Hanoi" will educateand inspire visitors while celebrating the city's rich cultural legacy.

Trang 9

Đề 7: Write a composition of 200-250 words about 5 types of Cultural tourists What type of cultural tourist are you?

Types of Cultural Tourists

Cultural tourism attracts various types of travelers, each seeking unique experiences Here arefive distinct types of cultural tourists:

Heritage Seekers:

Heritage seekers are fascinated by historical sites and monuments They enjoy visiting ancientruins, castles, and museums to learn about the past Their travels are often motivated by a desire to connect with history and understand cultural heritage.

Arts Enthusiasts:

Arts enthusiasts travel to experience local art scenes, including galleries, theaters, and music festivals They appreciate creative expressions and often engage with artists and performers togain deeper insights into the local culture.

Gastronomic Tourists:

These tourists are drawn to the culinary aspects of a culture They explore local markets, dine at traditional restaurants, and participate in cooking classes Gastronomic tourists seek to understand a culture through its cuisine, savoring authentic flavors and food traditions.Festival Fans:

Festival fans plan their travels around cultural festivals and events They enjoy the vibrant atmosphere, traditional performances, and local customs showcased during these celebrations.Festivals provide them with immersive cultural experiences and a sense of community.

Religious Pilgrims:

Religious pilgrims travel to sacred sites and participate in spiritual rituals Their journeys are often motivated by faith and devotion They seek spiritual fulfillment and a deeper connectionwith their beliefs through their travels.

My Type:

I am an arts enthusiast I am passionate about exploring local art scenes, attending theater performances, and visiting galleries Experiencing different forms of artistic expression allows me to connect with the culture on a deeper level and appreciate its creativity and uniqueness.


Trang 10

Đề 8: Interview a member of staff in a local hotel (e.g concierge, housekeeper, receptionist, manager…) and find about their daily routine Write a report of 200-250 words to describe his/her daily routine.

Daily Routine of a Hotel Concierge

I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr Nguyen, a concierge at the Hilton Hanoi Opera His daily routine is a blend of assisting guests and ensuring their stay is memorable.

Mr Nguyen starts his day at 7:00 AM by reviewing the guest list and preparing for the arrivals He checks any special requests and coordinates with other departments to fulfill them By 8:00 AM, he is at the concierge desk, ready to greet guests with a warm smile.Throughout the morning, Mr Nguyen assists guests with various inquiries, such as booking tours, making restaurant reservations, and providing local recommendations He prides himself on his extensive knowledge of Hanoi and enjoys sharing hidden gems with visitors Around 11:00 AM, he follows up on pending requests and ensures all arrangements are in place for afternoon activities.

After a short lunch break, Mr Nguyen resumes his duties at 1:00 PM The afternoon is usually busier, with guests returning from their morning excursions and seeking advice for evening plans He handles transportation arrangements, including booking taxis and

organizing airport transfers Mr Nguyen also assists with any issues or emergencies that may arise, ensuring guests have a hassle-free experience.

By 5:00 PM, he begins preparing handover notes for the evening concierge, detailing any important information or pending tasks His shift ends at 6:00 PM, but he always leaves with the satisfaction of having made a positive impact on guests' stays.

Mr Nguyen’s dedication and passion for his work are evident in his daily routine His role as a concierge is crucial in creating a welcoming and memorable experience for all hotel guests.

Ngày đăng: 28/07/2024, 09:33
