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Nội dung

Part 1: You will hear an interview in which two young entrepreneurs – Chloe Price, who sells skincare products online, and Martin Moore, who is a distributor of snack foods – are talking about their work. For questions 1 – 5, choose the answer which fits best according to what you hear.Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes (10 pts). 1. Chloe attributes her success as an entrepreneur to her A. Exposure to unconventional business concepts. B. Willingness to take risks. C. Ability to benefit from experience. D. Natural flair for money management. 2. Chloe thinks the greatest benefit new technology has brought her is in A. Being able to promote her products through friends. B. Encouraging interaction with consumers. C. Reducing her ongoing business expenditure. D. Enabling her to manage her time more effectively. 3. What does Martin say about finding work in the food industry? A. It was a long-held ambition. B. It was something he soon regretted. C. It happened by chance. D. It followed naturally from his studies. 4. Martin’s choice of product to distribute was based on his belief that A. It was a quality item. B. It was effectively marketed. C. It was part of a well-established brand. D. It was endorsed by famous people. 5. Both Chloe and Martin have been surprised by the importance in their work of A. Collaborative decision-making. B. Paying attention to detail. C. Securing sound financial backing. D. A total commitment to the enterprise. Your answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Trang 1

1 Đề thi đề xuất

2 Kỳ thi: Chọn học sinh giỏi cấp Tỉnh

3 Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 11; Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút4 Giáo viên: PHẠM THỊ MINH HẰNG

5 Đơn vị: TRƯỜNG THPT A DUY TIÊN6 Nội dung đề thi:

SECTION A LISTENING (30 points) (You will hear twice for each part)

Part 1: You will hear an interview in which two young entrepreneurs – Chloe Price, who sells skincare products online, and Martin Moore, who is a distributor of snack foods – are talking about their work For questions 1 – 5, choose the answer which fits best according to what youhear.Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes (10 pts).

1 Chloe attributes her success as an entrepreneur to herA Exposure to unconventional business concepts.B Willingness to take risks.

C Ability to benefit from experience.D Natural flair for money management.

2 Chloe thinks the greatest benefit new technology has brought her is inA Being able to promote her products through friends.

B Encouraging interaction with consumers.C Reducing her ongoing business expenditure.D Enabling her to manage her time more effectively.

3 What does Martin say about finding work in the food industry?A It was a long-held ambition.

B It was something he soon regretted.C It happened by chance.

D It followed naturally from his studies.

4 Martin’s choice of product to distribute was based on his belief thatA It was a quality item.

B It was effectively marketed.

C It was part of a well-established brand.D It was endorsed by famous people.

5 Both Chloe and Martin have been surprised by the importance in their work ofA Collaborative decision-making.

B Paying attention to detail.

C Securing sound financial backing.D A total commitment to the enterprise.

Your answer

Part 2 You will hear five different students talking about their first year at university Choose from the list (A-F) what each student says about the course they took Use the letters only once There is one extra letter which you do not need to use (10pts)

A I had to face some criticism when I chose a subject to study.1 Speaker 1 B I was able to change an earlier decision about my studies 2 Speaker 2 _ _

Trang 2

C I'm pleased that I'm able to combine studying with a job.3 Speaker 3 D I had to be careful when choosing which college to study at.4 Speaker 4 E I had to give up a good job to concentrate on my studies.5 Speaker 5 F I'm happy to have an active social life while at college.

Your answers

Part 3 Complete the note below Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer (10pts)

History of fireworks in Europe13th-16th centuries

 Fireworks were introduced from China. Their use was mainly to do with:

- War

- 1 ( in plays and festivals)17th century

Various features of 2 were shown in fireworks displays.

 Scientists were interested in using ideas from fireworks displays:

- To make human 3 possible- To show the formation of 4 .


- Scientists were distrustful at first

- Later, they investigated 5 uses of fireworks (e.g for sailors)

Italian fireworks specialists became influential.

Sevandoni’s fireworks display followed the same patterns as an 9 .

The appeal of fireworks extended to the middle classes.

Some displays demonstrated new scientific discoveries such as 10 .Your answers



Part I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest (5 points)

1 A kerosene B tinsel C pessimism D mussel2 A considerate B candidate C associate D adequate3 A A genius B gorilla C global D gases

Trang 3

4 A pollution B poaching C physical D pesticide 5 A intellectual B situation C digestion D Greenwich

Your answers:

Part II Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in the group (5 points)

6 A devastated B environment C diversity D ecology 7 A infamous B inventory C negligence D congenial 8 A impotent B ignorant C admirable D affidavit

10 A monetary B paralysis C protagonist D analogous

Your answers:


Part I Choose the word, phrase or expression that best completes each sentence (20 points)

1 Only after the atomic bomb and development in the air travel _, science fiction really become popular.

A had created/ had taken off/ was B had been created/ had been taken off/ hasC had been created/ had taken off/ did D had been created/ / had taken off/ had

2 We’ve bought some chairs for the garden so that they are easy to store away.

3 I don’t think she can get her message _ to the students She seems too nervous.

4 _, it is obvious that the whole thing was a waste of time and effort.A None of us wanted to go in the first place

B Staff meetings are often boring and have no apparent point to themC Since the results were far more satisfactory than anyone had expectedD Seeing that we couldn’t solve anything in the end

5 There are words in English having more than one meaning Pay close attention to thisfact.

A a large many B quite many C a great many D quite a lot

6 Buying shares in this company is as safe as There’s no way you can lose your money A houses B a bank C gold bars D a vault

7 I’m sorry to have bothered you I was under the that you wanted me to call you A mistake B miscalculation C misconception D misapprehension8 When he examined the gun, the detective’s suspicion turned into

A certainty B confirmation C reality D conclusion9 The management are making to increase the company’s efficiency A measures B steps C moves D deeds10 Tim: “Will you come for a walk with me?” Mary: “ ”

A No, I won’t, thanks B No, I shan’t, thanks

C No, I’d prefer not, thanks D No, I’d prefer not to, thank you 11 Kate: “It seems to me that spring is the most beautiful time of the year.”

Tony: “ ! It’s really lovely!”

A You’re exactly right B You could be right C You are wrong D I couldn’t agree less12 She said that she would be punctual for the opening speech, she were late?

Trang 4

A but what if B how about C and what about D so if

13 In a money-oriented society, the average individual cares little about solving problem

14 Would you please leave us details of your address forwarding any of your mail to come? A for the purpose of B as a consequence of

15 of the Chairman, the Executive Director will be responsible for chairing the meeting

16 , we went swimming

A Being a hot day B It was a hot day C The day being hot D Due to a hot day

17 The web of the common house spider is an ingenious trap that catches small insects.

18 For most male spiders courtship is a perilous procedure, for they may be eaten by females A complicated B peculiar C dangerous D ordinary

19 These two essays are word word the same

20 “What time is it your watch?”

Part II Give the correct form of words in brackets to complete the following sentences (10 points)\

1 In 2021, the of carbon dioxide in Vietnam reached around 106 million metric tonnes (EMIT)

2 Men are less likely to suffer phobia than women, but attempts by either men or women simply to

them can exacerbate the problem (REGARD)

3 The upper layers of Earth’s oceans have cooled over the past two years, even though

the planet as a whole is warming up ( SIGNIFY)

4 I don’t care if you’d had too much to drink Your behavior last night was quite


5 Some of the results are but others have shown an association between mobile phone

use and cancer (CONTRADICT)

6 Charon was name of the boat name in Greek ( MYTH) 7 The doctor gave him some tablets to his pain ( RELIEF) 8 It is even to think of the horrors of nuclear war ( FRIGHT)

9 Grandfather rarely showed the affection he felt for his family He was very _ person


10 diets are the lack of adequate amounts of the nutrients in foods which are

necessary for health (BALANCE) Your answers:

Trang 5

7 Hardly our teacher (enter) the classroom when it started to rain.

8 Bi Rain, together with 58 members of the South Korean National Military Symphony Orchestra

and 17 traditional musicians, (come) _to Vietnam since yesterday.

9 The police are stopping all the cars They (look) _ for the escaped prisoner.10 My uncle would rather that I ( not leave) _ yesterday.

Human memory, formerly believed to be rather inefficien ce , is really more sophisticated than

that of a computer Researchers approaching the problem from a variation of viewpoints have allconcluded that there is a great deal more storing in our minds than has been generally supposed Dr.Wilder Penfield, a Canadian neurosurgery, proved that by stimulating their brains electrically, hecan elicit the total recall of specific events in his subjects’ lives Even dreams and another minorevents supposedly forgotten for many years suddenly emerged in details Although the physicalbasic for memory is not yet understood, one theory is how the fantastic capacity for storage in thebrain is the result of an almost unlimited combination of interconnections between brain cell,stimulated by patterns of activity Repeated references with the same information support recall Inother word, improved performance is the result of strengthening the chemical bonds in the memory.

Your answers

e.g Line 1: inefficience inefficient

Trang 6

Practical is offered through our accommodation service to new students.

1 Everyone wished her the best of _ at university and hoped she would enjoyed it.Jenny won the competition at her first attempt – perhaps it was beginner’s _!

There is no such thing as _, we are capable of creating our own good fortune.

2 Politicians can abuse their position of _

The _ supply to our house was cut because of roadwork.I’m afraid I do not have the _ to authorize this change.

3 Few people could have predicted the huge impact of information _

No matter how advanced _ becomes, machine will never be able to think like humans.It’s a waste of time for humans to do tasks that modern _ can do.

4 She was struck by the sudden _ that he might already have left.He dived in after her without a second _.

It was once _ that the sun traveled around the earth.

5 Governments should give as much foreign _ as possible to poorer countries.In certain circumstances, emergency _ in the form of money should be sent immediately.The most successful long-term _ programmes encourage self-help.

Your answers


Part 1: Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word to complete the following passage (10 points)When rainforests are cleared and (1) _, millions of carbon dioxide are released intothe atmosphere affecting climatic conditions and threatening us all (2) _ severe flooding,drought and drop failure The rainforests (3) _ at least half of the earth’s species At thecurrent rate of devastation an (4) _ 50 species worldwide become extinct every day.

One in four purchases from our chemists is derived from the rainforests Scientists are (5)

_ caught in a race against time to find rainforest treatments for cancer, AIDS and heart

disease before they are (6) _ forever Tribal people in the rainforests have been shot,

poisoned and infected with diseases to which they have no resistance – to make room for logging,

mining and dams If this destruction continues, only nine (7) _ the 33 countries currentlyexporting rainforest timber will have any (8) _ by the end of the decade.

Trang 7

Almost everyone will have part of the rainforests in their home, as do-it-yourself stores still

supply and the construction industry still uses tropical hardwood for doors, window (9) _

and even toilet seats

Please help us (10) _ the tropical rainforests now, before it is too late

Your answers:

Part II Choose the best word A, B, C or D to fill in spaces in the following passage (10 points)

When a work project offered me the opportunity to return to New Zealand, I spent several weeks

(1) _ a country I had left in my early twenties I’d forgotten about the petrol stations wheremen in smart uniforms (2) _ to you They fill your tank, check your oil and still charge you

less than one third of the British price for fuel And the people rush to your assistance if they see

you (3) _over a map Or the blissful (4) _of tips Locals simply cannot understand why

anybody should expect to pay extra for friendly efficient service.

Given that New Zealand has about 3,000 kilometers of coastline, it should come as no

(5) _that social life (6) _around the sea When Auckland office workers leave theirdesks at the end of the working day, they don’t (7) _home Instead, they (8) _ abeeline for the marina and spend the evening (9) _ sail on the Hauraki Gulf There are more

yachts in Auckland than in any other city in the world- no wonder it’s called the City of Sails Eventhose who can’t afford a vessel of their own will always know someone who has one, or at the

(10) _ least, will windsurf the offshore breezes at speeds that make the commuter ferries

appear to stand still.

1 A regaining B recapturingC refamiliarisingD rediscovering

Source: CAE objective advanced

Your answers:

Part III Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (20 points)

The fur fashion industry is in poor health The campaigns that started in the 1980s have had

their effect and in the US alone the number of fur farms fell by over 50% from 1987 to 1997 In a

move that is bound to be a waste of effort, the fur industry has tried to rebuild by using the slogan"fur is back" However, a loss of profits and an uncertain future mean that there are far fewer peopleworking in the fur industry today The number of manufacturers in the US has fallen from 797 in1972 to fewer than 200 This trend will continue We still need to be careful, though Many peoplewho would never consider buying fur are doing so without knowing it.

Clothes designers are aware of the bad image fur has with many people Some of them have

Trang 8

taken the sensible decision not to work with fur Those that still encourage this cruel trade are forcedto find ways to disguise fur Coats are often trimmed to make the fur feel like other materials It'sdyed bright orange or powder blue to hide its origins Perhaps the most common trick is to use asmall amount of fur around the edges of coats, hoping that the customer won't realize that animalshave died to make their clothes.

As the fur farming industry faces problems so does the fur trapping industry Governmentshave been rather slow to introduce effective laws but the situation is not looking good for furtrappers The most popular trap is the leghold trap Around ninety

countries have banned these traps and over twenty countries, mostly in Africa, have banned

trapping altogether The use of these shocking devices is falling but there is more that we can do to

persuade governments to act Letter-writing campaigns can still help Demonstrations still take placearound the world against this evil trade.

These action do produce results In Sweden, for example, the government agreed to pass alaw saying that foxes cannot be kept in cages and that all foxes kept for fur must be allowed to dig.The extra cost will mean that most fur farms in Sweden will go bankrupt In Switzerland, too, thelaw makes this old-fashioned industry impossible There, all animals must be given enough space tobehave naturally If only more countries would follow this lead, a lot of suffering would beprevented.

The number of animals suffering around the world for the fur trade has fallen by abouttwenty-seven million over the last decade The people working against the industry can be proud ofwhat they have achieved Employment in this area of the economy has fallen to only about 600workers Many of them are looking for other jobs.

Most of them realize that their industry has no future Some of them have taken the bravedecision to leave because they recognize the cruelty around them.

The increase in sales of furs in the US does not mean that "fur is back" At a time when therest of the economy is growing quickly, sales of fur grew by a tiny 1.6% last year This figure, evenif it is correct, is a clear sign that people are moving away from fur Thankfully, the industry isdying around the world.

1 The word "alone" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _.

2 The number of manufacturers in the US in 1972 outnumbered the present one by _.

C more or less 600 D more than 6003 The writer thinks the fur industry is .

A never going to recover B trying harder than ever.C becoming more trendy D getting more careless.4 The writer thinks that designers have to _

A make logical choices about their designs.B fool people if they want to sell fur.

C use other materials that look like fur.D use little fur because it's expensive.

5 What is meant by "these shocking devices" in paragraph 3?

A laws against trapping B forms of protest

6 The industry will suffer in Sweden because companies will have to _A have more space B buy more cages

C increase prices D keep more foxes.

7 On average, annually no less than _ animals have been saved in the last decade.

Trang 9

A 2 million B 5 million C 10 million D 27 million8 The writer admires people who leave their job when they _.

A can no longer survive in the industry B see that profits are likely to fallC are offered other employment D realize the suffering they cause

9 What is the writer's attitude to the 1.6% growth in the fur industry?A It is a worrying statistic B It happened too slowly.C It may be a lie D It shows the need for action.10 What would be the most suitable title for this extract?

A Don't Be Fooled by Designers B A Return to Popularity

C The Decline in the Fur Trade D Millions of Animals Are Suffering

F How American schools deal with obesity among teenagers


In the past year, the adult obesity rate rose in 48 of America’s 52 states Despite thecampaigns to make people aware of the dangers of over-eating, about 119 million, or 64% of USadults are either overweight or obese Worryingly, this figure is predicted to rise to 73% by the endof this year What does this mean for America? Already 300,000 deaths each year are caused byobesity (only smoke kills more people), and the annual cost to the country is around $100 billion.


Many people blame for the fast food industry, along with sedentary life styles, for theworrying increase The average American now consumes about three hamburgers and four portionsof French fries every week That’s 90 grams of fat and 2.250 calories (the average person needsabout 2.000 calories a day) A recent survey found that every month 90% of America children eat atleast one meal in fast food restaurant.


Most Americans know that fast food isn’t good for them It is high in calories, fat, salt andsugar Yet fast-food restaurants are part of American life After World War II, higher salaries andproductivity, together with technological developments and increased consumerism, made fast foodrestaurants popular It presented a modern lifestyle, and is still a popular place for teenagers to get

Trang 10

together with friends The food is cheap, and many say they love the taste The advertising is oftenaimed at children, with offers of entertainment and free gifts.


Another in fast food sales – not only in the USA, but all over the world – is our increasinglybusy lifestyles In the past, families ate a home-cooked meal together at dinner time These days,meals can be eaten at any hour of the day, and people rely on easy, instant food – not alwaysnutritious – that is available “24/7” America invented the “TV dinner”, and it is something mostpeople around the world now enjoy.


Finding nutritious food is also difficult in schools, which is often have contracts with fastfood supplies and drinks companies Teenage boys in the US each drink an average of 868 cans offizzy drinks per year Exercise in school has become less important too A recent report showed thathalf of all US teens aged 12 – 21 got only America’s problem – Europe is also getting faster It isestimated that over one million children in the UK are obese and this number has trebled over thepast 20 years

Your answers:

SECTION E: WRITING (50 points)

I Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the ones provided (10 point)

1 She doesn’t know why they are attracted to spending all day on the beach She can’t see ………2 I thought about what has happened all those years before

 I cast ……….3 His efforts to find a solution didn’t deserve such savage criticism.

àHe shouldn’t 4 You may be disqualified if you don’t obey the regulations.

àFailure to _ 5 Nam insisted on being told the complete story.

à Nothing but _

II For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the given words in bold letters The word must not be altered in any way (10 points)

1 I don’t think she likes doing other people’s work for them (OBJECTS)

Ngày đăng: 26/07/2024, 23:32


