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analyze the context and main customer segments of the startup projec

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- Given the post-pandemic technology era, communication or productPR through social networking sites is extremely necessary.- Build product reputation on social networks and reach potent

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I Project name: 1

II Business plan summary: 1

III Specific contents in the plan: 2

3.1 Analyze the context and main customer segments of the startup project: 2

3.2 Value Propositions that the business idea's services bring to customers: 4

3.3 Regarding profit goals 4

3.4 Distribution and marketing channels: 5

3.5 Establish and build customer relationships: 6

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Most current cosmetics use main ingredients derived from animalsand use animals to conduct product optimization experiments such as: - Protein from animal serum.

- Cholesterol in animal cell membranes - Conduct experiments on animals

Therefore, the cosmetic industry is no exception, the use of vegancosmetics was born and is gradually becoming a new beauty trendglobally in general and Vietnam in particular.

II Business plan summary:

Trading in natural handmade cosmetics is a very potentialproject in the current era.

Plan summary:

• Phase 1: Foundation.

- Professionally: "Learn - absorb - apply" I learned knowledge fromexperts, took courses on ingredients and how to make cosmetics, andoptimize products.

- At the same time learn and "create a brand" I choose formulas todesign brands from facilities to product images Creating productsthat are not only meaningful from name to product quality is anessential requirement.

• Phase 2: Access and development.

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- Given the post-pandemic technology era, communication or productPR through social networking sites is extremely necessary.

- Build product reputation on social networks and reach potentialcustomer segments directly online.

- Develop brands through researching retail markets and trade chainsto expand business and marketability of products.

• Phase 3: Sustainability and innovation.

- When proceeding to phase 3: product operations gradually stabilize,paying attention to customer feedback is extremely important.- After receiving customer opinions, we must research and innovatethe quality of each type of product to attract and build a foundation oftrust for customers and partners.

Project vision: When the factory becomes stable and the brand is

known in many places, the model will continue to expand into a chainof manufacturers with the same brand in high-demand places in thelocality Discuss large provinces and high demand The estimatedminimum required investment capital to put the project into operationin 1 year is: 3,000,000,000 VND (Three billion VND).

III Specific contents in the plan:

3.1 Analyze the context and main customer segments of the startup project:

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+ In the US, the use of vegetarian food increased by 300%.+ In the UK, there is 350% growth in vegetarian food.- According to Net-a-porter (a commercial marketplace):+ Revenue of vegan cosmetics increased by 60%.- According to Statista

+ From 2018-2021 increased from 13.56 to 16.29 billion USD (up20%).

+ It is estimated that by 2025 it will increase to 20.8 billion USD.- According to Fung Retail & Technology Group:

+ About 67% of customers born after 1996 will stop using a brand ifthey see the brand acting unethically.

- This is extremely important as Gen Z is quickly becoming the mostimportant consumer group in the beauty industry.

Customer segment:

In the current era, although cosmetics are products mainly for girlsand women, now it is a products for everyone, not just for beauty andaesthetics But because it is a new products, I chose to segment targetcustomers into groups to serve customers as best as possible:

Individual customers:

Group 1: (Students, aged 16-23) They are young people, who tend tofollow the crowd, in the era of vegan cosmetic products emerging,everyone is curious and wants to find them try experience.

Group 2: (Pregnant mothers and children) This is a group ofcustomers with sensitive skin who are very interested in products thatcare for and pamper their skin Children as well as pregnant mothersare at important stages in life so they all need meticulous care and ourproducts will do that.

Group 3: (women over 40) Although not as potential customers asthe above two groups, in the 4.0 era, the ability to reach this age group

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is not difficult As for our mothers, there are still many people whowant to use cosmetics to protect and improve their beauty, but areafraid of toxic chemicals, so they need to come to experience theproducts Safety comes from very high natural ingredients.

Business customers:

- Group 1: Large, small and medium cosmetic store chains- Group 2: Large, small and medium retailers in the market such asSupermarkets, large grocery stores, pharmacies and otherdistributors (Winmart, Circle K, Family mart, 7eleven, GS25,Pharmacity pharmacy, Long Chau )

For a newly launched product to penetrate the market is a verydifficult task At the product launch stage, I chose a focusedmarketing plan The purpose is for customers to better understand ourproducts, quickly grasp the market and handle risks promptly Createtrust in customers of all ages, from there the quality and reputation ofthe product is quickly communicated because social networks arevery popular.

3.2 Value Propositions that the business idea's services bring to customers:

- Products derived from nature, safe and friendly.

- A team of young, professional marketing staff, always smiling atdiners, along with a professional service style will bring you a feelingof closeness and comfort.

- Maximize customer satisfaction.

- Always pay attention and pay attention to what customers share.Products go hand in hand with quality and trends to satisfy customers.- Reasonable price suitable for many customer segments.

3.3 Regarding profit goals.

I aim to build a brand and strive for: Achieving profits right from thefirst year of operation.

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Short-term goals (first 5 months of business):

Revenue: Regarding revenue because the business was newlyestablished in 05

The first month's target will be to earn 200,000,000 VND to300,000,000 VND Average per month 40,000,000 VND/ 1 type ofproduct => 120 - 150 million

- Sales: The target number of 80 customers/day coming to buy andexperience products at the store on holidays can increase to about200-300 customers The number of customers on e-commerceplatforms ranges from 1000-2500 customers.

- Profit: In the first 5 months, it will earn 300,000,000 VND.- Project goal: To become one of the business companies

Prestigious handmade cosmetics in the Vietnamese cosmetic market.The main products are: lipstick and cosmetics made 100% fromnature.

- Marketing goal: Initially, marketing needs to ensure costs, so wewill distribute as many leaflets as possible and set up websites onGoogle, Facebook, Tiktok to increase more customers.

- Employee target: Initially, the total number of employees will be 20 employees, all of whom must have professional qualifications.Always aiming for the goal of employees is to train employees withexperience in cosmetic production and more professional customercare.

10-Long-term goals (after 02 years of business):

Revenue will grow from 20% - 40% in the next 2 years.

- Sales: Expected number of customers in the first 2 years to increasefrom 15% -30%.

- Profit increased by 30%.

- Build a reputable and quality company image with customers.

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- Expand more branches, possibly in different provinces.

- Marketing goal: Increase the number of new customers: when firstdeclared

The store conducts discounts, gives gifts, distributes leaflets,brochures, and advertisements

television in the surrounding area to attract all customers.- Linking with foreign suppliers.

- Maintain a stable number of customers: focus on customer sales service.

after Project goal: Establish a chain of cosmetic storesPrestigious handmade on the Vietnamese market.- Gained 40% market share in the region.

- Employee goal: Recruit more experienced employees

in the profession further Besides, businesses will also have to providetraining

Improve professional skills for employees, maintain machinery andequipment

well, more high-tech.

3.4 Distribution and marketing channels:

A In the beginning:

When the business model is still small, with little capital, weakresources, not many people know about it, it is not possible toproduce a large number of products, so I will divide it into thefollowing steps:

- Step 1: Optimize available resources, - Step 2: Maximize connection with customers.

- Step 3: Receive customer feedback and improve service andproduct quality.

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B When capital is abundant:

When the capital was sufficient and there was a surplus, thecompany was able to produce a stable amount of products todistribute more widely in all provinces and cities Thanks to that, thecompany has more distribution intermediaries, which will help thecompany's products spread and become known to more customers.

C When the product is gradually deteriorating:

This is the time when the product is gradually getting old, manyother newer products are emerging, the company's products are nolonger as popular as before This is the time when the company needsto cut down distribution intermediaries, leaving only a fewintermediaries with the most stable income to reduce costs At thesame time, focus on finding new ideas about both products andmarketing as well as the quality of each product to upgrade thecompany's products to create a new feeling and new excitement toattract customers.

- For online activities: my company chooses online distributionplatforms such as e-commerce platforms: Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, oreven social networks: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, ,Which are allpotential channels in the market to promote products and maketransactions easier.

3.5 Establish and build customer relationships:

Establishing and building relationships with customers is extremelyimportant for companies that sell goods and services Customerrelationships need to be established before - during - after the processof learning - buying - using - returning to the brand It is something

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that requires a whole process and the combination of all parts of thecompany to create a connection between the store, products andcustomers Here is how my handmade cosmetics company retainscustomers:

- For the first days of bringing the product to market, give customershighly attractive gifts and incentive programs when purchasing theproduct.

- Regularly have incentives and promotions for customers, especiallyon special holidays Offer special offers for future purchases to enticecustomers to return Just choose 1 of 2

- Set up additional gift-wrapping services, increasing customerdemand for the brand.

- Always pay attention and focus on product quality so as not to affectcustomers.

- Pay special attention to customer reviews and comments about theproduct on media sites to help develop the product further.

- Constantly modify and learn new and better formulas to givecustomers the best feeling and help the brand go further.

- Try to always keep the price of the product as stable and reasonableas possible.

B Human resources:

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Human resources: take advantage of available personnel, reducesalary shortages, exceed revenue and expenditure plans when hiringoutsiders.

Labor power: Vegan Beauty is built on the foundation of wanting todedicate the best of nature to people, wanting the cosmetics we useevery day to originate from our own mother nature, not fromchemicals that are harmful to health From that solid foundation, thedesire to work is also formed and firmly exists.

Qualification of workers: the main factors of Vegan Beauty arealways in a state of learning, absorbing the experience of theirpredecessors to pass it on to everyone and eventually join hands tobuild a project that not only brings benefits financial benefits but alsobenefits to society.

Relationships: because it is a "family" project, we will takeadvantage of the relationships of family members, friends, relatives,and colleagues to listen to the opinions of the first customers.

3.7 Main activities of the business project:

a Focus on handmade cosmetics the business:

- Focus on mixing and creating cosmetics that are both good and havebeautiful colors suitable for all customers.

- Actively do marketing in crowded places to attract attention.- Sales in both forms: directly at stores and distribution intermediariesalong with e-commerce platforms.

b Build a website for Vegan Beauty:

- Build website cosmetic.vglst.vn to post promotional videos, articlesintroducing products, articles introducing the uses of naturalcosmetics, especially cosmetics Run ads for articles and short videosabout products and brands.

- Run ads on social networking platforms and book TV stations toadvertise to the public about ads, talk shows, and the above mediastrategy programs.

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- Build a separate TikTok channel for the brand username: VeganBeauty TikTok is the main platform used to organize the "Createwith VeganBeauty" challenge Challenge details: use hashtag#sangtaocungveganBeauty Because the target audience is mainly theGen Z generation, there should be variety and many gifts aimed atafter using cosmetics and challange challenges.

- Service for ordering long-term and short-term items, cancelingitems, and exchanging items quickly and promptly.

c Pay attention to customer care services:

- Sales desk staff as well as the customer service department mustalways pay attention to customers to be able to support customersquickly and promptly to create the most comfortable experience forcustomers when purchasing.

- Accept all customer reviews and be ready to make adjustments assoon as a problem occurs.

- Promotions for loyal customers.

- There must always be staff online 24/7 to be ready to serve andreceive online customer reviews and make timely adjustments.- Deliver items on time and in a friendly manner.

d Analyze customer experience and reviews:

- Improve features, billing processes, and product delivery.- Personalize customer experience.

- Classify services and incentives for customers.

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- Supplier of machinery and equipment - Consulting and marketing team.

3.9 Financial structure of business project:

a Revenue source:

The brand's main source of revenue comes mainly from targetcustomers, which are young customers aged 18-40, especially womenwith an average income or higher Therefore, natural cosmetics canboth beautify and not harm the lips when used for a long time, makingmany women love and care about them.

b Cost structure:

Cost structure table

Thenext 5months

Maintaining fee

5.000.000 VNĐ

80.000.000VNĐ( 1 year)Register

2.000.000 VNĐ

1.000.000 VNĐ (3 year)

Manufacture Rent a house,maintainmachinery

10.000.000 VNĐ

200.000.000VNĐ(phí bảotrì máy

Ngày đăng: 23/07/2024, 17:19