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Đáp án môn Anh văn chuyên ngành 2 BA19 EHOU Đại học Mở (đầy đủ)

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ANH VĂN CHUYÊN NGÀNH 2 - BA19 Hướng dẫn cách tra đáp án: Những câu hỏi chung chung thì anh chị tra cứu bằng đáp án cho nhanh (phím tắt CTRL + F) Có nhiều đáp án giống nhau, hoặc trùng nhau, nhưng khác câu hỏi, anh chị đọc kỹ câu hỏi. Chúc anh chị thi tốt!   1. A person who informs people in authority or the public that the company they work for is doing something wrong or illegal is a ……………….. gossip informer teller Whistle blower 2. The interview panel will draw up ………………..of only five candidates. A shortlist A vacancy interview resume 3. The police are investigating our CEO for allegedly receiving …………………. bribes bonuses compensation Con artist

Trang 2


Hướng dẫn cách tra đáp án: Những câu hỏi chung chung thì anh chị tra cứu bằng đáp án cho nhanh (phím tắt CTRL + F)

Có nhiều đáp án giống nhau, hoặc trùng nhau, nhưng khác câu hỏi, anh chị đọc kỹ câu hỏi.

Chúc anh chị thi tốt!

Trang 3

1 A person who informs people in authority or the public that thecompany they work for is doing something wrong or illegal is a ………

Whistle blower

2 The interview panel will draw up ……… of only five candidates.

A shortlistA vacancyinterviewresume

3 The police are investigating our CEO for allegedly receiving ……….

compensationCon artist

4 The starting salary for the successful ……… , will be decided on the basis of qualifications and experience.

Financial packagevacancy

5 The telephone by Alexander Graham Bell.

Was inventedBe inventedinventedWas inventing

Trang 4

6 The trains are delayed because of bad weather, so I ………a taxi.

Am gettingAm going to getWill be gettingWill get

7 A tax paid on goods coming into or going out of a country.

8 Anything comments on this? Anything you don’t agree with Or anything you’d like to add?What is the speaker doing?

Asking for reactionsSetting objectives

Speeding up or slowing down?Starting the meeting

9 Applicants will be called for ……… between 10 and 16 August.

A probationary periodapplicant

10 As you know, the purpose of this meeting is to inform you about forthcoming changes in our Human Resources

department.What is the speaking doing?

Asking for reactionsSetting objectives

Speeding up or slowing down?Starting the meeting

Trang 5

11 Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony next weekend

has been performedis going to be performedwill be performing

will have performed

12 Before I move on to the next part of my talk, are there any questions on what I’ve said so far?What is the speaker doing?

Dealing with questionsEnding his talk

Introducing himself

Referring to the audience’s knowledge

13 Bribery, ……… , black handers, greasing of palms, may be in the short term interests of the company and its

shareholders but they can also be anti-competitive or ……… against the value of society.

14 By the end of the year we………our initial investment.

Are going to recoverAre recovering

Will have recoveredWill recover

15 Corruption so often makes the headlines that you could forgetthe majority of people are in fact decent, ……….citizens.

Con artistdisclosureLaw-abidingsecrecy

Trang 6

16 Countries which truly believe in free trade try to liberalise their trade, that is to say, they take away………to trade.

17 Do you need this paintbrush?Ah, yes …… it to me, please.

Are you passingDo you passWill you passYou pass

18 Education _ to be the most important element to develop a country.

Can often be consideredCan often consider

Often be consideredOften considers

19 For high performers, a good ……… is not all that matters They need a challenge as well.

Financial packagemoney

20 Free trade is a situation in which goods come into and out of a country without any ………or………


Trang 7

21 Good leaders are also ……… , they like to involve everyone – and they understand the importance of ……… authority.

Inclusive / delegatingConclusive/ givingDecisive/ obtainingImpulsive/ showing

22 Good leaders have ……… the ability to step to step into someone else’s ……… because they are good listeners.

Empathy / shoesCharisma/ trousersIntegrity/ pantsVision/ boots

23 Government regulation and ……… pressure from other companies have resulted in more ……… in the industry and less secrecy.

High/ cleaningLow/ crystal-clearPeer / transparencySame / clearance

24 Have you made plans for the summer?Yes, …… to Spain.

We goWe goneWe’ll goWe’re going

25 He was rather ……… - not the kind of person who plans what they say or do.


Trang 8

26 His style of leadership was quite……… He was always so competitive and so eager to succeed that many of us often found him ruthless.

27 I admire out chairman He’s a man of his word and is greatly respected for his ………

28 I can’t send an e-mail to the travel agent; my computer’s just crashed.Write down your details and I ………them for you.

Am faxing

Am going to faxWill be faxingWill fax

29 I’ll give Mr Dupuis a ring as soon as I ……… in Brussels.

Have arrivedis arrivingWill arrive

30 I’m going to stay here until I ………a better hotel.

Am findingfindingWill find

31 I’m sorry; I can’t attend the sales meeting tomorrow I ………our most important customer.

Trang 9

Am visitingvisit

Will be visitingWill visit

32 If a company’s main purpose is to maximize the ……… to its shareholders, then it could be seen ……… for a company not to consider the interests and rights or anyone else.

Earnings/immoralReturns/ unethicalReturns/moralTurnover/ethical

33 If my flight ………, I’ll miss the presentation.

Are delayedIs delayed

Is going to delayWill be delayed

34 If payments go to a ……… to finance a political party, this form of corruption may be referred to as

……… especially by journalists.

Slush fund/ sleazeBlack fund/ briberyRed fund / laundrySlush fund / cleanser

35 If someone is able to change the way that other people think or behave…, they are ………


Trang 10

36 If they ………the plant, a lot of people ………lose their jobs.

Shut down/ willShut down/ xWill shut down/willWill shut down/x

37 If you come under pressure from someone, they try to ………

Excuse youImpress youInfluence youTalk to you

38 If you impose/ introduce them, you make trade more difficult If you lift/ remove them, you make it easier.

39 If you want to get to the top, you have to be ……… I mean be prepared to take risks and to try new ways of doing things.

40 In December articles started to appear in the press about our ……… sales methods.


Trang 11

41 In the US, the first stage of compulsory education as elementary education.

Generally knownIs generally knowingIs generally knownTo be generally known

42 It is essential that you comply with government………

43 John is a better player than Martin, isn’t he?Oh, yes …… thematch tomorrow, I expect.

He winsHe wonHe’ll winHe’s winning

44 Let’s hope the new Head of R&D will……… innovation rather then ……….it.

45 Portuguese _ as an official language in this city for three hundred years.

Had always spokenHas always been spokenHas always spokenHas been spoken always

46 yet?

Have the letters been typed

Trang 12

Had the letters typed

Have been the letters typedHave the letters typed

47 ‘The chance to so something’ is ………

48 ……… people do things without thinking about the consequences.

49 A miracle solution………appear magically.

Is unlikely toMustn’tshouldShouldn’t to

50 Limited numbers or amounts that ate officially allowed

51 Lots of houses _ by the earthquake

Were destroyedAre destroyedAre destroyingWere destroying

52 Managers were trying to silence potential ……… by promoting or relocating them

Trang 13

informerInside tradersspies

whistle blowers

53 Managers were trying to silence potential ……….by promoting or relocating them.

compensationCon artistsecrecy

Whistle blower

54 Many companies ask new employees to sign a ……… to avoid future litigation problems.

Confidence contractConfidence game

Confidentiality agreementContractor’s book

55 Many people believe that God created the world.

God is believed to create the world.

God is believed to have created the world.It believes that God created the world.The world is believed God created.

56 Money paid by a government or organization to make a product cheaper to buy or produce.

57 Money that you have to pay to the government.


Trang 14

58 Most weapons –exporting countries have been involved in major………

59 Mr Pike the most famous archaeologist in our city.

Is said to beIs say thatSaid to beSays to be

60 My boss keeps moving the ……… I never have an idea whatI’m supposed to be doing.

Gate postGoalpostslamppostssignposts

61 New forms of energy ………found, but this is not very probable.

62 Open ………ensure the free flow of goods, labour,, etcbetween countries.


Trang 15

63 Oscar says he …… the washing up after dinner

Is doingDiddoWill do

64 Our company does nothing illegal We are very………

65 Our company has ……… for a graduate in economics.

A vacancyapplicant

Financial packageinterview

66 Our company is going to introduce tighter health and safety………

67 Our plane’s been delayed There ………by anyone at the airport to meet us.

May notcanMustShouldn’t

68 Please come and visit our headquarters when you ………in Copenhagen again.

Are being

Trang 16

willWill be

69 Please send ……… together with your CV.

A covering letterA referenceA shortlistheadhunter

70 Senior managers have been criticized for

……… decisions regarding payments to secure contracts.

71 She doesn’t just tell us to do things – she makes us want to do them We’re lucky to have such a ……… team leader.

72 She really can’t wait to do a skydive Whe’s so ………

73 She was a ……… chairwoman, with a very strong belief in the mission of our organization and very intense feelings aboutour achievements.


Trang 17

74 She’s always rushing around doing things with such enthusiasm I’ve never seen someone so ………

75 Solar power is ………to provide more than 20% of our energy needs.

76 Someone who is confident about what to do in different situations is ………

77 Sometimes during testing there is a setback when it becomes clear the design has a fault.

Problem that delays or male worseAbility to solve a problem

Founding an institutionSetting up a quality system

78 That ………be Peter, he’s in New York at the moment.

79 The ball is in your court Match this idiom from sport with its definition.

Trang 18

It is your turn to take the next step

To act or fight with less force than you couldTo be able to succeed alone, or to fail

To be given something difficult to do without any help

80 The company paid bribes to the government officials to win the contract.

The money that you give to somebody to persuade them to help youThe money that you have to pay to the government

The money that you pay a company to buy goods or servicesThe money that you pay a company to buy the right ti sell their products in an area.

81 The company will apply for a patent for the design so that others cannot copy it and steal the idea.

A legal right to be the only person to make use or sell a product or an invention

A person who helps people arrange patents

The copying or moving text into a document from another documentThe right to sell a particular type of products in an area

82 The competition is increasing We ………have to lower our process.

83 The delegation from China ………the chairman the following Monday.

Are seeingsee

Will be seenWill see

Trang 19

84 The director never did anything that could compromise the ……….of the company.

85 The Foreign Office has advised them to turn a blind eye to payments of small……… to speed up services such as customs clearance.

86 The government have changed all the rules for the exporters They have………, so we will have to rethink our internationaloperation.

Been in the driving seatBeen next and neckKept your eye ib the ballMoved the goalposts

87 The idea of alone inventor who makes a discovery or has a sudden clever idea or brainwave is maybe a little out of date today.

A difficult problemA sudden good idea

A sudden inability to think clearlyAn electrical signal in the brain

88 The trees .

were grown in the backyard yesterday by Johnin the backyard were grown yesterday by John

Trang 20

were grown by John yesterday in the backyardwere grown in the backyard by John yesterday

89 The usual American English word for ‘CV’ is‘……… ’

Covering letterreferenceResumeshortlist

90 The weather conditions are good We ………arrive on time for our meeting.

shouldCan’tMay notMustn’t

91 The weather has been terrible, hasn’t it?Yes, I think …… again later.

It rainedIt rains

It’s going to rainIt’s raining

92 The World bank has estimated the annual cost of corruption at more $1500bn.

Distribution chainHousing problem

Immoral behavior of people in authorityMistake in a computer file

93 Their new product has had many technical problems They ………be very disappointed.


Trang 21

94 Their summer collection has items so similar to our own new designs that we think this might be a case of ……….

bribesCon artist

Industrial espionageWhistle blower

95 There are several flights each day to Paris There ………be a problem.

96 They hired ……… to attract some executives from a rivalcompany.

A headhunterA vacancyinterviewresume

97 They operated a multimillion dollar ……….intended to corrupt government officials.

bonusesbribessecrecySlush fund

98 To kick off Match this idiom from sport with its definition.

It is your turn to take next step

To be able to succeed alone, or to failTo go back on a promise

To start

99 To sell products at a very low price in an export market.


Trang 22

100 We always do what she wants us to because she gives us good reasons for doing it She is very ………

101 We ask all our new employees to work ……… of between one and three months.

A probationary periodA vacancy

102 We have exactly the same market share as our nearest rival.We ………in terms of our profits so far this year, too.

Are in the driving seatAre next and neck

Keep your eye on the ballMove the goalposts

103 We really need to concentrate on what our competitors are doing In today’s market you need to ………at all times.

Be in the driving seatBe next and neck

Keep your eye on the ballMove the goalposts

104 We’re moving house tomorrow.Really? …… you with the furniture.

I’ll helpI help

Trang 23

I helpedI’m helping

105 We’ve called this meeting to discuss ways to which we couldimprove our recruitment strategy.What’s the speaker doing?

Setting objectivesAsking for reactions.

Speeding up or slowing down.Starting the meeting

106 What are your strengths?

Could you tell me what are your strengths?Could you tell me what your strengths are?Do you know your strengths?

I’d like to know what are your strengths

107 What do you want to be when you grow up, Stevie?…… a scientist That’s what I want to do, anyway.

I beI wasI’m being

I’m going to be

108 What they need is a ……… person, someone who can choose the right course of action even in a very difficult situation.

109 What would your colleagues say about you?

Could you tell me what would your colleagues say about you?Do you know what would your colleagues say about you?I’d like to know what would your colleagues say about you.I’d like to know what your colleagues would say about you.

Trang 24

110 When it comes to industrial espionage, Japanese companies have long been better known as defendants in high-profile cases.

A disagreement between workers and employers

Action that workers stop work to protest their employers

The activity of finding out secret information about a company

The study and practice of protecting the safety and health of people at work

111 Which expression is not used to change the topic?

Now, I’ll turn to our facilities in the UK.OK, I’ll now look at…

OK, I’m here to tell you about…Right, let’s move on to….

112 Which expression is not used to conclude?

To conclude…To draw up…To sum up…To summarise…

113 Which expression is not used to end your talk?

Thank you for listening.I want to end with a bang.

Thanks very much Any questions?Well, that’s all I have to say

114 Which expression is not used to give background information?

I’ll give you some background.

I’m here to tell you about franchising agreement.Let’s start with the background.

Right, let’s begin with some information about the launch.

115 Which expression is not used to introduce yourself?

Good morning everyone, thanks for coming to my presentation.

Ngày đăng: 22/07/2024, 17:38
