This study aims to develop and analyze a simulation model for the operationof the Metro Line Ben Thanh - Suoi Tien in Ho Chi Minh City''''s Urban Railwaysystem, utilizing the ARENA simulati
Student Name & ID : Nguyễn Trường Hưng - IEIEIU21019
Nguyễn Trần Yến Nhi - IELSIU22238
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Trang 2The research team received significant consideration, assistance, and
contributions from various individuals during the project's development Ourgroup would like to express our sincere thanks to all who have accompanied andsupported the group throughout this journey
Our group expresses heartfelt appreciation to M.Sc Duong Vo Nhi Anh, ourdedicated guide throughout the project implementation His invaluable support,profound understanding, and practical advice helped us overcome obstacles anddifficulties We are truly grateful for the care and guidance provided by our
exceptional advisor
We are also grateful to Dr Nguyen Van Hop, Dean of the Faculty of
Engineering and Industrial Systems, and all the faculty's instructors and teachingassistants for organizing the course and enriching our understanding of the major
We would also like to thank Mr Tan, teaching assistant, for his enthusiastic andprofound support with his expertise and technological solutions to solve thechallenges
Furthermore, we gratefully acknowledge the support of the staff at the
management authority for urban railways HCMC for providing the necessaryinformation and data for our study
Trang 3This study aims to develop and analyze a simulation model for the operation
of the Metro Line Ben Thanh - Suoi Tien in Ho Chi Minh City's Urban Railwaysystem, utilizing the ARENA simulation software The research focuses on
providing insights and recommendations to enhance the overall efficiency andsafety of the metro line The research methodology employed in this study includesvarious simulation techniques, encompassing the scope of the Metro Line BenThanh - Suoi Tien's operation and relevant project-related aspects The safetycriteria of model are the stability and safety of the system when put into operation.The main outcomes of the research highlight the significance of the simulationmodel in evaluating and optimizing the operation of the Metro Line The researchoutcomes contribute to the advancement of the urban railway sector, promotingbetter transportation systems and benefiting the society as a whole
Keywords: Simulation model, Metro Line Ben Thanh - Suoi Tien, Safety,
Performance, Urban Railway
1.1 System requirements 1
1.1.1 Rationale 1
1.1.2 Problem statement 1
1.2 Objectives 2
1.3 Scope and limitations 3
1.3.1 Scope 3
1.3.2 Limitations 3
2.1 Conceptual design 5
2.1.1 Idea 5
2.1.2 Flowchart 6
2.2 Physical model 10
2.2.1 Data collection 10
2.2.3 Input data 11
2.2.4 Arena Simulation 12 2.3 Operation description Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.3.1 Base scenario Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.3.2 Adding scenario Error! Bookmark not defined.
Trang 53.1 Solutions Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.2 Solutions analysis Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER 4 – CONCLUSION Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1 Advantages Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.2 Disadvantages Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3 Applications Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.4 Recommendation Error! Bookmark not defined.
REFERENCES Error! Bookmark not defined.
APPENDIX 1 Error! Bookmark not defined.
Trang 6CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION1.1 System requirements
1.1.1 Rationale
The metro system is an urban rail public transport network operating
underground or overhead, has gained popularity worldwide Modern metro systemshave been successfully implemented and operated in major cities such as London,Tokyo, Paris, and New York, effectively addressing issues of traffic congestion,environmental pollution, and providing efficient and comfortable transportation forthe public The Urban Railway System in Ho Chi Minh City is a large-scale
megaproject aimed at solving many traffic problems, improving the people's quality
of life and the sustainable development of the city Metro line No 1 Ben Thanh Suoi Tien is the first line built in this great project Its successful implementationand operation are crucial steps in advancing the investment and development of themetro system, thereby fostering the overall sustainable development of the nation
-1.1.2 Problem statement
In spite of the Metro's emergence as a noteworthy and favored mode of publictransportation, there continue to be certain challenges in its management and
operational efficiency, thereby causing impact on movement Noteworthy
challenges encompass the refinement of algorithms for timetable management,continuous monitoring of system status, and efficient resolution of technical issues.Metro systems globally often grapple with the complexities of synchronization andadherence to schedules, culminating in congestion and prolonged waiting periodsfor passengers Prudent oversight of unstable states and proficient technical
troubleshooting remain essential to ensure the security and effectiveness of thesystem Insufficient execution of these responsibilities can result in malfunctions
Trang 7and service disruptions, necessitating vigilant monitoring and evaluation of the dualsystem's vehicle status, station conditions, and related components.
Recognizing the challenges and deficiencies prevalent in the operational
procedures of Metro systems worldwide, and drawing particularly from the
practical insights gleaned from the operational history of the Cat Linh - Ha Dongline in Hanoi, the research team embarked on the development of a sophisticated,secure, and highly efficient operational model aimed at maximizing the efficacy ofthe urban railway system within Ho Chi Minh City The ramifications of adopting
an ineffectual operational paradigm are far-reaching, encompassing potential delays,asynchrony, compromised security protocols, technical disruptions, diminishedoperational performance, escalated expenditure, and an undue strain on the city'sinvaluable resources and assets
1.2 Objectives
The primary aim of this study is to develop a comprehensive, adaptable, andprecise simulation model using the Arena simulation software This model seeks toaccurately depict the crucial operational phases of Metro Line 1, which spans fromBen Thanh to Suoi Tien in Ho Chi Minh City To enhance the simulation's
authenticity and relevance to reality, several scenarios have been embraced
Particularly, insights have been drawn from the practical experience of the Cat
Linh-Ha Dong line in Hanoi, shedding light on its strengths and limitations Theseinsights serve as a foundation for proposing enhancements and solutions to elevatethe performance and safety of the urban railway system
Through the utilization of this simulation model, a model is established forfine-tuning, assessing, and managing the operational intricacies of Metro Line 1.The model affords the flexibility to conduct experiments and attain results within asimulated environment, all the while safeguarding the integrity of the actual
Trang 8system's operations Furthermore, the incorporation of visual elements and datawithin the model fosters an enriched and intuitive representation of the system'sactivities, ensuring a vivid and lucid illustration.
1.3 Scope and limitations
1.3.1 Scope
The purview of this simulation model is concentrated on the Ben Thanh - SuoiTien Metro Line, the first line of the Ho Chi Minh City Urban Railway System.This decision is extremely important since it will lay a foundational stone for
forthcoming lines The scope of simulation includes a variety of elements,
including timetable management, control over system state, and engineering
technologies and innovative methodologies, thereby culminating in an optimization
of operational paradigms Furthermore, the project seeks to assess the
environmental and social impacts of metro line operations, catalyzing the
development of overall measures to protect the environment and society The
overarching aspiration is to ensure the unfaltering and sustainable progression ofthe urban railway system both in Vietnam and on an international scale
Trang 9from the unavailability of empirical data due to the non-operational status of theMetro line under study This circumstance posed challenges in the data collectionprocess, necessitating reliance on online sources that, while informative, might lackcomprehensive detail and precision Moreover, logistical challenges, includinggeographical distance and temporal restrictions, impeded the team's ability to
conduct exhaustive on-site evaluations of operational metro models, which couldhave provided a deeper understanding of operational intricacies
Another limitation pertained to the lack of expertise of the team with the
specialized domain of simulation The endeavor to construct an accurate and
effective simulation model demanded extensive literature review, research, and theacquisition of simulation techniques This undertaking consumed considerable timeand effort, compounded by occasional difficulties in seamlessly integrating newlyacquired insights into the model
Furthermore, owing to temporal and resource constraints, the scope of themodel could not encompass every nuanced aspect Many operational aspects andbasic assumptions are made in operations and operational procedures that the teamhave not been able to fully survey and simulate Notwithstanding these constraints,the research team has constantly tried to overcome the difficulties Efforts wasexerted to devise a simulation model that, contributes significantly to the broaderdevelopment of the future Metro system
2.1 Conceptual design
2.1.1 Idea
The Ben Thanh-Suoi Tien Metro Line simulation model has been
meticulously created to replicate the operational processes and offer a thoroughoverview of the crucial phases of the system's operations This project aims to
illuminate the actual operational environment in which metro trains operate,
improving our comprehension of the operational complexities of the metro line andensuring its efficiency and safety during routine operations
The simulation model for the Ben Thanh–Suoi Tien Metro Line consists ofthree main sections, each of which clearly represents an important operational
phase The first section covers the planning stage and includes activities like
staffing, timetable verification, and system status evaluations, all of which togetherensure that the system is ready for takeoff The next section is the operational phase,when trains travel along their predetermined routes, stop at intermediate stations,and perform positional verifications to ensure uninterrupted and secure operations
In the final section, the termination procedure is covered, including passenger
compartment inspections and culminating at the depot
Line 1 of the metro system represents the inaugural network to be
commissioned within the greater Metro system of Ho Chi Minh City
Encompassing a comprehensive route span of 19.7 km, this particular metro linehas the capacity to efficiently accommodate a maximum of 930 passengers withineach train car Revered for its intrinsic convenience, rapidity, and operational
efficiency, this endeavor anticipates a notable surge in ridership for Line 1 in theforthcoming future, thereby potentially mitigating the prevailing constraints of thecity's existing traffic infrastructure This train route consists of a total of 14 stations,
Trang 11comprising 3 subterranean stations (Bến Thành, Nhà hát Thành phố, and Ba Son)and an additional 11 elevated stations (Văn Thánh, Tân Cảng, Thảo Điền, An Phú,Rạch Chiếc, Phước Long, Bình Thái, Thủ Đức, Khu Công nghệ cao, Suối Tiên,Bến xe Miền Đông), and Long Binh deport The inter-station distances oscillatebetween 0.6 to 3.0 km, offering a strategically planned distribution.
2.1.2 Flowchart General flowchart
The operation process of the Ben Thanh-Suoi Tien Metro Line begins with the
"Initiation" phase, encompassing staff assignments, timetable verification, and anoverall system status check to ensure comprehensive readiness for the upcomingjourney at the departure station Subsequently, the train moves to the initial
departure station and enters the "Departure" phase During this phase, the train setsoff from the initial station and follows the predetermined trajectory
The "Travel" phase extends throughout the journey, with the train makingstops at intermediate stations to facilitate passenger embarkation and
disembarkation The system continuously checks the train's position, ensuring thatthe operation proceeds safely and in compliance with regulations Notably, thecondition of the entire system and critical elements at each station is assessed tomaintain control
As the final station approaches, the system conducts an overall safety check ofthe train and ensures passenger safety before concluding the journey Subsequently,the train moves to a stopping point, and the operation process concludes with the
"Stop" phase
The chart below succinctly summarizes the key phases of the operation
process of the Ben Thanh-Suoi Tien Metro Line
Trang 12Figure 1: General flowchart Detail flowchart
Figure 2: Detail flowchart
Trang 13INBOUND: In preparation for the journey commencement, the operations
department undertakes the allocation of metro train personnel Following this, thedesignated operators conduct a thorough review of the trip schedule This phasepresents two potential scenarios Scenario 1 involves discrepancies within theschedule, departure timing, or train identification In such instances, the operatorsliaise with the operations department for requisite assistance Conversely, Scenario
2 encompasses a situation where the schedule aligns accurately with designateddeparture timings and train identification In this case, the operators proceed withsubsequent procedures Subsequent to the boarding of the operators and the
initiation of the train's propulsion system, an evaluation of the metro train system'sstatus is performed In the event of non-compliance with stipulated requirements,the operators establish communication with the operations department, seekingtechnical intervention Once compliance is established, the metro train advances tothe primary station, halting to facilitate scheduled passenger embarkation Duringthis juncture, the train is prepared and awaits the designated departure time,
signaling the initiation of the journey This meticulous process guarantees
operational preparedness, ensuring a secure and efficient journey inauguration
OPERATION: The pivotal operational framework of the metro train involves a
sequence of imperative phases Primarily, the metro train commences its voyagefrom the initial station, navigating the prescribed route Throughout this
progression, the designated operators diligently uphold stipulated velocity andtiming regulations, thereby ensuring passenger well-being and adherence to
schedule In addition, these operators are well-equipped to proficiently address anycontingencies that may arise during the course of operations As the metro trainapproaches intermediate stations, it halts, facilitating regulated passenger
embarkation and disembarkation within predetermined temporal confines During