Functional groups of the system- Functional group registers, logs in members.- The functional group views information: view cartinformation, view order information, view productinformati
System Analysis
Activity chart
4.2 Log in to the system
4.9 Get invoices and deliver caves
Sequence chart
- View and edit personal information
- View, edit, delete cart information
- Add, edit, delete employee account information 1.4 Business Department Agents
- Confirm order information 1.5 Warehouse Parts Agent
- Check the goods in the warehouse 1.7 Banking system agents
- Get goods from the warehouse department
2.1 Sign up for membership a Agent: Guest view b Description: allows visitors to view registration as members of the system. c Preconditions: customers visit the system d Main event flow:
- Viewholders select the membership registration item
- Guests view the login of personal information to the registration form
- The system reports the results of the process of entering personal information If the input information is incorrect, the A1 branching is carried out If you enter correctly, take step 6.
- The system updates the guest's information to the list of members
- UC is over. e Forked event flow: f Post-condition: the customer becomes a member of the system
2.2 System login a Agent: member b Description: UC allows members to log into the system c Conditional money: members who have not posted to the system d Main event flow:
- Members who select the sign-in function
- Enter a name or password in a sign-in form
- The system checks the name and password of the member
- If the login is successful If a member enters the wrong name or password, switch to branch thread A1
- UC is over. e Forked event beds: f A1 fork flow: failed login member
- The system that notified the login process failed
- Choose: sign up or log back in.
- The system requires members to re-enter names and passwords
- If the viewer agrees, return to step 2 of the main event stream, if disagrees, uc ends. g Post-condition: The member has successfully logged in and can use the functions that the system provides
2.3 Product search a Agents: Visitors, members b Description: allows to search for products c Event flow:
- User clicks on product search item
- The system displays the search form: search by name, search by provider, search by product code, search by price
- The user enters the necessary information into the search form
2.4 View product information a Agent: manager, customer b Description: allow managers and customers to view information about products in the store c Main event flow:
- The manager, the customer chooses the product to see
- Form view product information appears, system displays information about the selected product
- Managers, customers see product details displayed
2.5 View personal information a Agent: member of the system b Description: UC allows members to change their registration information c Preconditions: members must log into the system d Main event flow:
- Members select the function of editing personal information
- The system displays an information editing form with the old information of the current member
- Press the save information button
- If the update is successful, take step 6 If it's wrong, make the A1 fork
- UC is over. e Forked event flow: f Branch flow A1: invalid input information
- Invalid data entry reporting system
- Go back to step 4 of the main event stream
2.6 Edit personal information a Agent: member of the system b Description: UC allows members to change their registration information c Preconditions: members must log into the system d Main event flow:
- Members select the function of editing personal information
- the system displays the information editing form with the old information of the current member
- Press the save information button
- If the update is successful, take step 6 If it's wrong, make the A1 fork
- UC is over. e Forked event flow:
Branch flow A1: invalid input information
- Invalid data entry reporting system
- Go back to step 4 of the main event stream
2.7 Add to cart a Agent: customer b Description: UC allows customers to put selected products in carts c Preconditions: the product has been selected d Main event flow:
- Select the function of adding to the cart to put the selected product into storage in the cart If you haven't selected a product yet and pressed the add button to the cart, make a branching thread A1
- The system displays product information included in the cart
- UC is over. e A1 fork flow: not selected the product to buy
- Product notification system has not been selected
- Display products for customers to choose from
- Go back to step 1 of the main event stream.
2.8 Abate a Agent: customer b Description: UC allows customers to create orders to conduct product cart payments c Preconditions: the customer selected the product into the cart d Main event flow:
- The customer presses payment to create an order.
- Full bar form appears, order display system and some default information of order
- Customers enter the information: full name, account number, payment method, delivery address, delivery time, e-mail address to pay for orders
- Choose to send an order If the order has entered correctly, take step 5, if wrong, light up the A1 branch flow
- The system checks the customer's account number and payment method, if it is valid, take step 6, if wrong, make the A2 branching
- The heterosexual notification systemch succeeded.
- UC is over. e Forked event flow:
A1 fork flow: wrong import order
- The system notifies the creation of unsuccessful orders
- The system re-displays the information entry form and the wrong input fields
- Customers re-enter information, if they want to stop trading, make the A3 branch event flow
- Go back to step 4 of the main event stream A2 fork flow: invalid account
- The payment method notification system and the customer's account are not valid.
- Customers re-enter information if they want to continue buying, if they want to stop trading, make a branch flow A3
- Go back to step 4 of the main event stream A3 branching thread: customers cancel orders
- Customer presses the cancel order button
- The system displays products for customers to make new transactions
- UC is over. f Postconditions: orders sent
2.9 Check orders a Agent: Sales Department b Description: allow salespeople to check and confirm order information c Event flow:
- The employee confirms the information on the order
2.10 Receiving and delivering a Agent: Delivery Department b Description: UC allows employees to receive orders and make on-demand deliveries. c Event flow:
- The employee receives the order to be fulfilled.
3 Detailed UC chart a UC chart registration, login.
Figure 1. b UC chart looking for products
4.2 Log in to the system
4.9 Get invoices and deliver caves
- NhanVien(MaNV, TenNV, DiaChi, DienThoai, Luong, MaLoaiNV)
- KhachHang(MaKH, TenKH, DiaChi, DienThoai)
- NhaCungCap(MaNCC, TenNCC, DiaChi, DienThoai)
- Figure(MaFG, TenFG, MaNCC, SoLuong)
- DonDatHang(MaDH, MaFG, MaKH, TenKH, SoLuong, DiaChi,
- HoaDon(MaHD, TenHD, Ngay, MaNV, MaKH, MaTB, TenTB,
2.1 LoaiNhanVien: the table name is tblLoaiNhanVien
Attribute Type Null That forced
MaLoaiNV Char HP Employee type code
TenLoaiNV Varchar Employee type name
Attribute Type Null That forced
MaNV Char HP Employee code
DienThoai Varchar Have Employee's phone
MaLoaiNV Char FK Employee type code
Attribute Type Null That forced
MaKH Char HP Customer code
DiaChi Varchar Have Customer's address
DienThoai Varchar Have Customer phone
Attribute Type Null That forced
MaNCC Char HP Supplier code
Attribute Type Null That forced
MaFG Char HP Mã figure
MaNCC Char FK Supplier name
SoLuong Int Number of devices
Attribute Type Null That forced
MadH Char HP HaNg order code
MaFG Char FK Mã figure
MaKH Char FK Customer code
SoLuong Int Number of devices
Email Varchar Have Customer email
Attribute Type Null That forced
MaPhieuNH Char HP Import slip code
MaFG Char FK Mã figure
Char FK Import staff code
Char FK Pick-up staff code
SoLuong Int Number of devices
NgayNhap DateTime Date of import
Attribute Type Null That forced
MaPhieuXH Char HP Export slip code
MaFG Char FK Mã figure
MaNVXuatHang Char FK Export staff code
Char FK Pick-up staff code
MaKH Char FK Customer code
SoLuong Int Number of devices
NgayXuat DateTime Date of export
Attribute Type Null That forced
Mowing Char HP Invoice encryption
Immediately DateTime Invoice printing date
MaNV Char FK Invoice print NV code
MaKH Char FK Customer code
MaNCC Char FK Supplier code
MaTB Char FK Device code
SoLuong Int Number of devices
DonGia Int The price of a device.
ThanhTien money Total amount of all equipmentTable 9.
Detailed description of entities 28 3 Link schema between tables
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