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1 the present tenses

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chuyên đề các thì trong tiếng anh có nhiều file mỗi file ôn riêng biệt một thì sau bài tập riêng lẻ của từng thì có bài tập tổng hợp bài soạn đúng chính tả có lời giải rõ ràng chú thích chi tiết rõ ràng rất cần thiết cho học sinh ôn thi

Trang 1


1 Thìhiện tại

- diễn tả hành độngthường xuyên xảy ra.- diễn tả thói quen.- diễn tả thời gian biểu, lịch trình, thông báo.- diễn tả sự thật, chân lí.- diễn tả nghề nghiệp, sở thích, nguồn gốc, bình phẩm.

S + V +

+ V + + V(bare): I/ số nhiều - seldom/ rarely/ hardly- sometimes/ occasionally- often/ usually/ frequently- always/ constantly- ever

- never- every + V(s/es): số ít

+ be +

+ am: I + is: số ít+ are: số nhiều

Thành lập phủ định và nghi vấn:

* V (do/does):

(-): S + do/does + not + V(bare)(?): Do/does + S + V(bare)?* Be (am/ is/ are):

(-): S + am/is/ are + not + (?): Am/is/are + S + ?

4 Thìhiện tại

- diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói.

- diễn tả hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai (có kế hoạch từ trước).- diễn tả sự thay đổi của thói quen.- diễn tả sự ca thán, phàn nàn.

3 Thìhiện tại

- diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng không rõ thời gian.

- diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại nhiềulần trong quá khứ.

- diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng để lại dấu hiệu hoặc hậu quả ở hiện tại.

- diễn tả những trải nghiệm.- diễn tả những hành động xảy ra trong quá khử nhưng kéo dài tới hiện tại và vẫn còn có khả năng sẽ tiếp diễntrong tương lai.

S + have/ has + V(pp)

(have: I/ số nhiềuHas: số ít)

Thành lập phủ định và nghi vấn:

(-): S + have/ has + not + V(pp) (?): Have/ Has + S + V(pp)

- for- since- ever- never- so far- recently- lately

- before (đứng cuối câu)- up to now/ up to present/until now

-yet- just- already

4 Thìhiện tại

hoànthành tiếp

- nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian của mộthành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ và tiếp tục tới hiện tại (có thể tiếp diễn trong tương lai).

S + have/has + been + Ving

- in the past year

I The present tenses

Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences using the forms of present simple tense of verbs in brackets.

1 The earth _ (go) around the sun

2 Angela usually _ (leave) for work at 8:00 A.M 3 Liz _ (get up) at 6 o’clock every morning

Trang 2

4 In the summer, John often _ (play) tennis once or twice a week 5 What time you usually _ (get) home after work?

6 The swimming pool _ (open) at 9:00 and _ (close) at 6:30 every day 7 Every year I _ (visit) Britain to improve my English

8 In the United State, elementary education is compulsory All children _ (study)

six years of elementary school

9 I _ (not feel like) going to the library to study this afternoon

10 American people usually _ (have) their biggest meal in the evening 11 Can you tell me when the train for HCM city (leave)? - In fifteen minutes At 7.05 12 Of course, you are Lisa, aren’t you? I (recognize) you now

13 I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy! But what you (do)

in the afternoons?

14 Before our director (come back), I _ (want) to remind everyone

that we should not use the internet on personal purposes

15 - Are you writing to him now?

- Yes, I always (write) to him on his birthday You (want) to send any message?

- Certainly

Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences using the forms of the present continuous tense of verbs in brackets.

1 It (rain) heavily now

2 My brother _ (get) married next week

3 He is late again He always (come) to class late 4 She (take) the exam tomorrow

5 Look! It (get) dark Hurry up! It _ (rain) in a few minutes 6 Please don’t make so much noise I (work)

7 I _ (read) an interesting book at the moment I will lend it to you when I’ve finished it.8 Sarah (work) this week? - No, she is on vacation

9 The population of the world (rise) very fast

10 I (work) on the project of reconstructing city at present

11 She is on vacation in France She _ (have) a great time and doesn’t want to come back.12 Tom (look) for Ann Do you know where she is?

13 I (think) of my mother, who has devoted her whole life to our family 14 It is time we turned on the central heating It (get) colder every day 15 I _ (go) out to get an evening paper - But it _ (rain) - Why don’t you

wait till the rain stops?

Exercise 3: Complete the following sentences using the present perfect forms of the verbs in brackets.

1 She (learn) English for three years

2 I’m hungry I (not eat) anything since breakfast 3 He never (drive) a car before

4 We (know) each other since we were at high school

5 Everything is going well We (not have) any problem so far 6 I (drink) four cups of coffee today

7 John (live) in Denver since 2017

Trang 3

8 You ever (climb) Mount Everest? - No, I haven't But I’m sure I will, if I

1 He (wait) all the morning

2 Richard (do) the same job for 20 years 3 I (study) English for six months

4 Mike (work) in Las Vegas for the last few months 5 It (rain) since lunchtime

6 Helen (read) this book for three days

7 Kevin (look) for a job since he finished school 8 I’m tired of waiting I _ (sit) here for one hour

9 He is exhausted because he (work) continuously for more than twelve hours.10 She _ (sleep) for 10 hours! You must wake her

11 He (read) this book for two hours, but he hasn’t finished it yet

12 That boy (wait) for the bus for half an hour Shall I tell him that the last bus

has already gone?

13 They (argue) very excitedly all this time Shall I come and interrupt them? 14 What have you done with my bag? I (look) for it for an hour and I haven’t

found it yet.

15 I (think) over what you said since yesterday

Exercise 5: Choose the best word or phrase to complete in the following questions.

1 We can go out now It anymore

A isn’t raining B rains C has rained D has been raining

2 What in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies?

A have you done B are you doing C do you do D have you been doing

3 Mary usually me on Fridays, but she didn’t call last Friday

A have been calling B calls C is calling D have called

4 I hungry Let’s have something to eat

A am feeling B have felt C feel D have been feeling

5 What is that noise? What ?

A have been happening B is happening C have happened D had happened

6 It’s usually dry here at this time of the year It much

A isn’t raining B hasn’t rained C hasn’t been raining D doesn’t rain

7 Look! That man over there the same sweater as you

A has worn B is wearing C wears D have been wearing

8 I wonder why Jim so nice to me today He isn’t usually like that

Trang 4

9 Mary wasn’t happy with her new job at first, but she to like it now

A begins B have begun C is beginning D have been beginning

10 This is a nice restaurant, isn’t it? Is this the first time you here?

11 I need a new job I the same job for too long

A are doing B have done C have been doing D do

12 “You look tired” “Yes, I basketball”

A plays B is playing C have played D have been playing

13 I would like to see Tina again It’s been a long time

A that I didn’t see her B for I didn’t see her C since I saw her D until I saw her

14 Bod and Alice have been married

A that 20 years B since 20 years C when 20 years D for 20 years

15 - I am looking for Paul You him? - Yes, he was here a minute ago

A Have – seen B Did – see C Do – see D Is – seeing

16 Unless she extra, she will not complete the work

A is paying B have been paying C pays D is paid

17 The house at the end of the street which empty for years has been sold

18 All right, you’ll try to fix the television! But I you know what you’re doing

19 Who at the door?

A knock B is knocking C have been knocking D have knocked

20 How long it you to get to the library?

A does – take B have – taken C is – taking D have – been taking

21 Many girls want to go to the pub while only a minority to watch TV at home now

22 They’ve faxed me I should stay till they a replacement Well, last time it took two weeks

23 Let’s have some tea It chilly

A gets B is getting C have gotten D have been getting

24 Don’t talk to him while he

A have been reading B reads C is reading D have read

25 Ann wants to see you You here for ages!

26 - Your house is very beautiful How long you here? - Nearly ten years

A did – live B have – been living C do – live D is – living

27 I to the movies for ages We used to go a lot

A haven’t gone B didn’t go C isn’t going D hadn’t gone

28 Why are you putting on your coat? You out?

A Do – go B Have – gone C Had – gone D Are – going

29 Look! That plane toward the airport It is going to land

A flies B have flown C is flying D will fly

30 Ann is very tired She tennis for three hours

A is playing B will play C plays D has been playing

31 He works in a bank, but he it very much

A doesn’t enjoy B haven’t enjoyed C didn’t enjoy D hadn’t enjoyed

32 I well lately Maybe I should go to the doctor

Trang 5

A didn’t feel B won’t feel C haven’t been feeling D am not feeling

33 I my homework for two hours, but I yet

A have done – haven’t finished B is doing – isn’t finishing

C will do – will not finish D have been doing – haven’t finished

34 Let’s take our travel chess set in case we bored on the train

35 We get in touch with our customers by post

36 We have been married

A over twenty years B over twenty years ago C for over twenty years D since over twenty years

37 Melanie her hand It’s bleeding heavily

38 “When will Mary be able to leave hospital?” – “Don’t be so impatient We cannot release her before

we the last test.”

A have completed B will have completed C will complete D completed

39 The Amazon River into the Atlantic Ocean

A flows B has flowed C is flowing D will flow

40 My parents live in London They there all their lives

A are living B had lived C have lived D will live

41 Where have you been? I for you for the last half hour

A am looking B have been looking C will be looking D look

42 My brother is an actor He in several movies

A appeared B had appeared C has appeared D appears

43 Please don’t bother him now He

A is working B has been working C had been working D was working

44 I an interesting book at the moment I will lend it to you when I it

A am reading – have finished B read – am finishing C have read – am finishing D read – will finish

45 Ha never fishing in the winter but she always it in the summer

A goes – does B has gone – done C go – do D was gone – done

46 We can win only if we remain united, so we must support them the moment they on strike

47 I am sorry I that fellow’s name already

A forgot B have forgotten C have been forgetting D forget

48 It usually very much in that part of the United States

49 Look! A man after the train He wants to catch it

A runs B have been running C will run D is running

Exercise 6: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

1 Hoang his email four times a week in order not to miss anything important

A checks B will check C is checking D check

2 Nowadays, people social networks with more and more caution

3 At the moment, my sister her homework, my brother games

A is making - is playing B is doing - is playing

4 It’s 7.00 p.m now and we meal together We usually dinner at that time

Trang 6

A have - eat B have - are eating C are having - eat D are having - are eating

5 I a bike to school every day but today I to school by bus because it was stolen yesterday

A rode - went B ride - am going C ride - go D is riding - am going

6 That Hoa in class affects other students around.

A always talk B is always talking C always talks D always talking

7 Hoang and Phong football as they’re having class now

A don’t play B are playing C doesn’t play D aren’t playing

8 Hoa usually charge of doing the washing-up in her family

9 Our friends for the fashion show now

A is preparing B are preparing C prepares D prepare

10 All staff in this restaurant an urgent meeting right now.

A are attending B is attending C attends D attend

11 After the physics lesson, the children know that water at 100 degrees C

A will boil B is boiling C boils D boil

12 My mom to the supermarket every Sunday for shopping

13 Look! Minh on stage She looks so beautiful

A sings B are singing C is singing D sang

14 Bich sometimes chicken noodle soup for breakfast

15 Who the guitar in that room, Hoa?

16 Jenny often jeans and T-shirt at school but she a gorgeous dress today

A wears - is wearing B is wearing - wears C wear - is wearing D wears - wears

17 First thing in the morning, I a cup of milk tea

18 Ms Kim very well when she’s under pressure

A not work B don’t work C isn’t working D doesn’t work

19 I’m sorry Lan is busy now She her document on the second floor

A are checking B check C checks D is checking

20 Hurry up, Linh Other friends for us

21 My clothes are not in the room They them away

22 She for 10 hours! You must wake her up

A sleeps B is sleeping C has been sleeping D slept

23 David the TV set at the moment He at it for one hour or so

A is repairing/ has worked B repairs/ has been working C has repaired/ has been working D repairs/ worked

24 David his hands He just the TV set

A washes/ has just repaired B is washing/ has just been repairing C is washing/ has just repaired D has washed/ has just repaired

25 Why ? you his anecdotes?

A are you laughing/ has Jim told B are you laughing/ has Jim been telling C have you laughed/ has Jim told D have you laughed/ has Jim been telling

Ngày đăng: 20/07/2024, 16:52
