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Major: Management on Public Administration
Code: 9 34 04 03
Trang 2HANOI – 2024 The doctoral dissertation was completed at:
Supervisor : Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Van Hau
Dr Nguyen Tien Dao
Reviewer 1: ………
Reviewer 2: ………
Reviewer 3: ………
The doctoral dissertation is defended before the Doctoral Dissertation Assessment
Council at the institutional level
Venue: Room for Doctoral Dissertation Defense……,
National Academy of Public Administration
77, Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dong Da, Ha Noi
Time: At: On: (day) (month), 2024
The doctoral dissertation can be found at:
- National Library of Viet Nam;
Library of the National Academy of Public Administration
Trang 31 The urgency of the thesis
Firstly, it comes from the Party and State's policies and viewpoints on public service culture
Culture is the spiritual foundation of society, both a goal and an internal
strength, an important driving force for national development Recognizing the
meaning and importance of the cause of building and developing the culture andpeople of Vietnam, our Party and State have issued guidelines, policies, anddocuments to lead, direct, and create opportunities for the people of Vietnam.Political and legal departments contribute to implementing public service culture inState agencies and organizations Specifically: Inheriting and developing theResolution of the 5th Central Committee, session VIII, dated July 16, 1998 onbuilding and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture, rich in nationalidentity[106], Central Conference 9 The 11th Party term issued Resolution No 33-NQ/TW dated June 9, 2014 on building and developing Vietnamese culture andpeople to meet the requirements of sustainable development of the country, clearly
stating “ Focus on taking care of building culture within the Party, state agencies
and unions; consider this an important factor to build a clean and strong political system " [113] The 13th Party Congress orienting cultural and human development
for the 2021-2026 term emphasized an important task: " Building and implementing
cultural standards in leadership and management." Focus on building a healthy, democratic, united and humane public service cultural environment; repel bureaucracy, factionalism, disunity, opportunism and pragmatism ” [112; p.155].
Speaking at the National Cultural Conference to implement the Resolution of the13th Party Congress on the field of culture, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong
requested to carry out the task well: " Focus on building building the Party and
political system in terms of culture and ethics; resolutely fight against corruption and negativity, so that our Party and our country's political system are truly moral, civilized, and represent the conscience and dignity of the Vietnamese people."
Based on the Party's policies and viewpoints, in recent times, the State has alsoissued many legal documents, specifically: Decision No 129/2007/QD-TTg, dated
Trang 4office culture at state administrative agencies"[133]; Public Service Culture Projectaccording to Decision No 1847/QD-TTg, dated December 27, 2018 of the PrimeMinister [138]; Decision No 733/QD-TTg, dated June 14, 2019 of the PrimeMinister on promulgating the Plan to implement the Emulation Movement amongofficials and civil servants on building office culture, period 2019 - 2025 [139],requires each agency in the civil service system to implement a public service culture
in their unit in accordance with their own functions, tasks and cultural values
Guidelines, policies, leadership and direction documents have created a politicaland legal basis, affirming the Party and Government's determination to implementgood public service culture and ensure effective management functions Statemanagement, improving the quality of service to the people, repelling negativity andharassment, building a team of cadres, civil servants and public employees in stateadministrative agencies, increasingly perfect in quality, with a professional andmodern style, meeting the requirements and tasks of the new era
Secondly, stemming from the role of public service culture in schools that train and foster cadres and civil servants of ministries
Public service culture plays a very important role in the organization andoperations of state administrative agencies and organizations Implementing publicservice culture contributes to helping officials and civil servants correctly perceivetheir responsibilities and duties towards society and the people; Forming attitudes,love for the profession, pride in the profession, from which there is a sense of goodwork, dedication to work, proper behavior and communication with people andcolleagues Public service culture is also an important factor that contributes toimproving the effectiveness and efficiency of state administrative agencies, helpingthe agency's management activities to be smooth, assigning tasks clearly ,headquarters, civilized and modern working environment landscape
Public service units have the general function and task of providing publicservices, unlike state administrative agencies whose main functions and tasks are tomanage and administer social life fields, and are Use state power to performfunctions and tasks within the scope of authority prescribed by law In the sector ofpublic service units, each school for training and fostering cadres and civil servantshas its own characteristics, which is a public administrative organization with the
Trang 5main function and task of training and fostering cadres ministries, civil servants, withtheir own structures, standards, operating rules, values, strengths and weaknessescreated by specific people of all generations in the process of formation anddevelopment of the school should Therefore, the public service culture at publicservice training schools has common features of public service culture, and at thesame time has its own points, different from the public service culture at stateadministrative agencies Public service culture is considered a basic model, creating astable management environment, helping the school adapt to the externalenvironment, creating harmony with the internal environment A school with a strongculture will train the elite of public sector human resources for society Public serviceculture will help the School of Civil Servants truly become a training and fosteringcenter, a place where the power of public service intelligence and public serviceethics converge, making an important contribution to the quality of training ,fostering.
Thirdly, stemming from the practice of implementing civil service culture at schools that train and foster cadres and civil servants in ministries
In the system of state agencies, the training school for civil servants under theministries has its own functions, tasks, positions, and roles, and is a place to train,foster, and update knowledge and skills in state management and expertise.Professional operations in specialized fields serve the needs of developing andimproving the quality of public servants managed by the Ministry Therefore, schoolsthat train civil servants under ministries are required to ensure high standards inimplementing public service culture This is an open issue in current research on publicservice culture Besides the achieved results, there are still many limitations inimplementing public service culture at training schools for civil servants underministries Reality shows that in many schools, the institutions on public serviceculture still have many shortcomings, and some places have not seriously and fullyimplemented the general regulations on public service culture Awareness of publicservice culture among a part of lecturers and public employees is still incomplete, andthe connection between implementing and perfecting public service culture with thequality of training is not clear The attitude, working style, and communication oflecturers and staff with students have not had many positive changes The construction
of the working environment still has many shortcomings in terms of office layout,facilities and equipment
Trang 6From the above reasons, the author chose the topic : " Civil service culture at
schools training cadres and civil servants of ministries " as a doctoral thesis in the
field of Management on Public Administration
2.1 Research purposes
The purpose of the research is to study the theory and practice of public serviceculture at schools that train and foster cadres and civil servants under ministries Onthat basis, the topic proposes systematic management solutions to improve publicservice culture at current schools that train and foster cadres and civil servants
2.2 Research tasks
To achieve the above research purposes, the project has the following tasks:
- Refer to research works related to the scope and research object of the thesis,analyze the problems the works have solved that the thesis can inherit and identifythe problems that pose the thesis need to continue to research and resolve
- Clarifying the scientific basis of public service culture at TDBD schools
through studying the content and appearance of related concepts, analyzing thecharacteristics, roles, content of public service culture and its elements Factorsaffecting public service culture at TDBD schools
- Survey, analyze and evaluate the current status of implementation of civilservice culture for schools training and fostering cadres and civil servants undercurrent ministries; Point out the results, limitations, and causes of limitations as abasis for proposing solutions to improve public service culture
- Research and synthesize perspectives and orientations on public service culture attraining schools; On that basis, determine requirements, directions and propose solutions
to improve public service culture at training schools for civil servants under ministries
3 Research object and scope of the thesis
3.1 Research object
The research object of the project is the implementation of public service culture
at civil servant training schools under ministries
3.2 Research scope
In terms of content, the thesis focuses on researching and clarifying the
theoretical, legal and practical aspects of implementing civil service culture attraining schools for civil servants under ministries, thereby proposing solutions toperfect the culture Public service at training schools for civil servants underministries
Trang 7Regarding space, the thesis studies the implementation of public service culture in
schools DTBD civil servants belong to ministries , not including the Ministry of NationalDefense and the Ministry of Public Security
Regarding time, research the current status of implementing civil service culture
at training schools for civil servants under ministries since 2018 (when Decision No.1487/QD-TTg dated December 27 , 2018 of the Prime Minister issued the Projectcivil service culture takes effect) until 2023
4 Methodology and research method of thesis
4.1 Methodology
The thesis was researched and carried out on the basis of the Marxist-Leninistmethodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism; The Party's viewsand the State's orientation on public service culture; about the role of public serviceculture in training schools; The Party's viewpoints and State law show how to viewissues related to public service culture in the context of innovating civil servanttraining activities, innovating the civil service, international integration, and in thetrend of development development of the 4.0 scientific and technological revolutionand digital transformation
4.2 Research method of thesis
To achieve the research goals, the thesis applies a combination of the followingspecific research methods:
- Secondary document research methods: The thesis inherits documents on
institutions, legal policies related to the research issue, reports, and statistical datathrough the stages Secondary documents are synthesized, analyzed, and compared tosummarize the theoretical issues of public culture in the Ministries and public culture
at the training schools under the ministries and continue to analyze and evaluate thepractical implementation of public culture in the ministries TDBD schools belong toministries
- Sociological investigation method: Building survey forms, conducting fieldsurveys, using questionnaires Survey subjects: staff, lecturers and students studying
at some training schools for civil servants under ministries, number: 1 surveyquestionnaire (502 questionnaires for lecturers, officials, 548 questionnaires forstudents) Survey form: Send the survey directly, and also send the survey onlinethrough the Google Forms platform Specifically:
+ Number of ballots issued: 1059;
Trang 8+ Number of votes collected: approximately 1050 votes, reaching a rate of 99%;+ Data processing: Appendix No 2, No 3 of the thesis.
- Expert method: During the research process, the author directly consulted withmanagers in the research field, scientists, lecturers, and people with experiencerelated to the topic thesis Interview subjects: Researchers on public service culture;Board of Directors, number: 70 people (Principal, vice principal, dean of specializeddepartments, heads of departments, divisions, subjects)
5 New scientific contributions of the thesis
5.1 Scientific hypothesis
Public service culture at training schools for civil servants under ministries Ifcompleted, effective implementation will be a premise, a condition and a solidfoundation to ensure and contribute to improving the quality of training activities atthe school, thereby improving the quality of the staff and increase effectiveness andefficiency in performing public duties
5.2 Research question
To research the topic, the following research questions must be solved:
- What is the public service culture at CPD schools? What elements constitutethe public service culture at civil servant training schools?
What is the current status of implementing civil service culture at trainingschools for civil servants under ministries? What are the advantages and limitations?What are the reasons for those advantages and limitations?
- What viewpoints should the process of perfecting public service culture attraining schools for civil servants under ministries be based on, and what specificsolutions should be used to improve public service culture?
6 New contributions of the thesis
Starting from the theory of Management on Public Administration, theperspective on public service culture contributes a number of new contents.Theoretically: The thesis introduces the concept of public service culture at publicservice training schools, presents the unique characteristics of public service culture
at public service training schools, and a system of elements constituting publicservice culture at these schools Cadre training schools and factors affecting publicservice culture at CBCC training schools Regarding practice: The thesis evaluatesthe current status of implementation of public service culture at civil service trainingschools under ministries: proposes 04 groups of solutions to perfect public service
Trang 9culture at public service training schools under ministries, including: building andperfecting the public service cultural institution at the training schools for publicofficials under the ministries, perfecting the working environment at the trainingschools for public officials under the ministries, perfecting the cultural values ofpublic service at the training schools for public officials under the ministries;Perfecting the culture of communication and behavior at training schools for civilservants under the ministries.
7 Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis
Regarding theory, The thesis has systematized, supplemented and developed the
scientific basis of public service culture at TDBD schools This includes a conceptual systemsuch as: training and fostering schools, public service culture, public service culture at trainingand fostering schools The thesis deeply analyzes theoretical issues and characteristics ofpublic service culture at DTBD schools, forming a theoretical framework on influencingfactors and constituting elements of public service culture at DTBD schools
Regarding practice, the thesis objectively and comprehensively evaluates the
implementation of public service culture at training schools for civil servants underministries in Vietnam today Evaluate and point out the results, problems and causes inthe implementation of public service culture in training schools since the Public ServiceCulture Project was issued;
Based on the results of theoretical and practical research, the author proposessolutions to improve state management institutions for public service culture, thesystem is framed with public service culture regulations, and develops a code ofconduct for officials and lecturers at the current training schools for civil servantsunder the ministries
8 Structure of the thesis
In addition to the introduction, conclusion, list of references, appendices, thethesis is structured into 4 chapters:
Chapter 1 Overview of research related to the topic
Chapter 2 Scientific basis of public service culture at schools that train and
foster cadres and civil servants
Chapter 3 Current status of civil service culture at training schools for cadres
and civil servants under ministries
Chapter 4 Basic perspectives and solutions to improve public service culture at
schools that train and foster cadres and civil servants of ministries
To serve the process of researching the topic, the author has surveyed all types ofdocuments from books, newspapers, dissertations to scientific conferences, andsummarizes the research situation as follows:
1.1 Research projects related to the topic: public service culture, public service culture at training facilities for cadres and civil servants
1.1.1 Research projects related to public service culture Foreign research projects
Firstly, research works on the components that make up public service culture Second, research projects on the role of public service culture Domestic research projects
Firstly, there are research projects on the components of typical public service culture
Second are research projects on the role of public service culture
1.1.2 Research projects related to public service culture at schools that train and foster cadres and civil servants Foreign research projects Domestic research projects
1.1.2 Domestic research projects Research projects related to public service culture
One is research projects on manifestations in public service culture
Second are research projects on public service values (Standards, Core values, Externally expressed values)
Third are works that address the difference between culture at state administrative agencies and specific units.
Fourth are research projects on the role of public service culture Research projects related to public service culture at schools that train and foster cadres and civil servants
Trang 11Research projects related to public service culture at educational, training and fostering establishments
Research projects related to public service culture at schools that train and foster cadres and civil servants
1.2 Comment on the reviewed studies and future research directions of the topic
1.2.1 Comment on the overview of the research situation related to the thesis topic
Through research, synthesis and generalization of works and data related to thethesis topic, scholars and researchers have been successful in many aspects ofresearch, shown in the following points: :
The first, The review documents have provided an extensive body of knowledge
on topics related to civil service culture and the role of public service culture in thedevelopment trend of the civil service Many projects, topics, works and articlesresearch on the components of public service culture such as value systems,institutions of public service culture, communication culture, behavior to Fromthere, identify the change in public service culture of state agencies under the impact
of the new context
Second, on the topic of public service culture in training schools , many works,
books, and articles research and discuss the concepts and characteristics of publicservice culture in training schools Fostering and researching the constituent elements
of culture in schools The literature review has researched and pointed out thecharacteristics, organizational structure, scale of operations, and the meaning ofcultural forms such as behavioral culture, communication culture, leader culture,etc .schools for training and fostering civil servants
Fourth, works and articles have researched state policies and laws on culture and
public service culture in our country today, thereby pointing out achievements andnecessary issues must continue to improve in the next period In addition, a number
of scholars have also researched and analyzed the policy and legal systems regulating
Trang 12public service culture at public service units providing public services and pointedout a number of values Experienced treatment can be referenced.
Fifth, scientific theses with topics related to state management of public service
culture at different state administrative organizations in the public service systemhave initially clarified the role of state administrative management of public serviceculture public service culture in some specific industries and fields
Sixth, research on public service culture at schools that train and foster civil
servants has also recently received attention from a number of researchers in anumber of articles and scientific topics for master's and doctoral degrees However,the focus is only limited within one unit and has not been studied at a higher, deeperand broader level
Meanwhile, the systematic and comprehensive topic " Civil service culture at
training schools for officials and civil servants of ministries " is still a gap and has not
been mentioned in previous works there
1.2.2 Future research direction of the topic The content is inherited by the topic
1.2.3 Topics that need further research Theoretical issues need further research Practical issues need further research
Current research projects on public service culture in the world and in thecountry has suggested diverse approaches from micro to macro However, there iscurrently not much research on civil service culture at civil servant training schools ,
or it has only mentioned certain aspects of culture such as organizational culture andhome culture school, behavioral culture
The public service culture at the training schools for civil servants under theministries includes many constituent elements, with common points as well as uniquecharacteristics compared to the public service culture at the State administrativeagencies Therefore, it is necessary to study public service culture as a whole and toassociate it with the specific characteristics of public service units in general and attraining schools for officials and civil servants in particular ministries
Researching public service culture at training schools for civil servants underministries is necessary, because it will contribute and supplement the theory andscientific basis of public service culture approached from a new perspective This is anecessity that plays an important role in the current context of innovating trainingactivities for public servants