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group assignment a job portal management database system

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Introduction to the database application system The database of Ho Chi Minh City Youth Job Center is to create better management of job-matching functions, including managing job posts,

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Instructor: Tran Thi Song Minh, Assoc Prof, Ph D

Tran Thuy Hang Pham Thi Mai Chi Nguyen Tieu Linh Nguyen Khanh Linh Nguyen Thuc Anh Le Hoang Thanh Huong Tran Nguyen Khanh Linh

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Table of Contents

Foreword 1

I Introduction to the database application system 2

II System analysis 2

1 Investigation of the business 2

2 Business Function Diagram (BFD) 3

3 Database modeling (ERD) 4

III System design 4

1 Database design (Data Structure Diagram) 4

2 Forms & Reports design 5

IV System implementation 6

1 How to use the switch board to navigate the database application? 19

2 How to use forms to enter data into tables implemented? 21

3 How to use queries to extract data from the database? 23

4 How to use reports to produce managerial information? 24

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Table of Figures

Figure 1 Business Function Diagram for Job Portal Management 3

Figure 2 Entity Relationship Diagram for Job Portal Management Database System 4

Figure 3 Data Structure Diagram for Job Portal Management Database System 5

Figure 4 Table Company Profile 7

Figure 5 Table Job Post 7

Figure 6 Table Job Post - Job Expertise 8

Figure 7 Table Job Expertise 8

Figure 8 Table Seeker Profile 9

Figure 9 Table Seeker Expertise Offer 9

Figure 10 Company Profile Register form in Design View 10

Figure 11 Register Job Post subform in Design View 11

Figure 12 Form Company Profile Register 12

Figure 13 Seeker Profile Form in Design View 13

Figure 14 Seeker Expertise Offer subform in Design View 13

Figure 15 Seeker Profile Register Form 14

Figure 16 Query Filter All Available Job Posts 15

Figure 17 Query Filter Suitable Job Posts 16

Figure 18 Query Filter Suitable Seekers 17

Figure 19 Report Suitable Job List 18

Figure 20 Report Suitable Seeker List 19

Figure 21 Report Job Posts 19

Figure 22 Form Menu 20

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As information has always been the most powerful component in basically every aspect of life, management information system (MIS) plays an increasingly crucial

as its departments involved in project work In recognition of its importance, our team has developed a database system for the job portal management function in Ho Chi Minh City’s Youth Job Center with an aim to better store infformation and offer tool to improve decision-making process

As a matter of fact, Youth Job Center has to store up to hundred of company profiles, s thousands of job posts and seeker profiles through time It is inevitable that the company incur troubles in storing such huge load of information and processing the matching profession Our am determined to build a d abase system to mte at anage most of the important aspects in job portal function: store and match We hope that the system we offer here will be an easy- -use to management system that helps create a more organized profession as well as save time and money regarding paperwork, thus increasing efficiency and productivity

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I Introduction to the database application system

The database of Ho Chi Minh City Youth Job Center is to create better management of job-matching functions, including managing job posts, company profiles and seeker profiles as well as matching jobs with seekers based on different types and levels of expertises The expanded functionality of the system will help job seekers and HR employees from companies save time and paperwork when applying for jobs or finding suitable candidates

Minimum Requirements for the system: - Specification:

A description of the Youth Job Center using Business Function Diagram (BFD), Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), and Data Structure Diagram (DSD)

- Storage:

The system stores each result in Access for the operation department whose task is to

storage of company profiles, seeker profiles, job posts, job expertise category, seeker expertise offers and job post’s expertise requirements

- Data Entry:

Set up 3 forms in Access that allows users to update one of the following:

- Output:

o Show a report with all suitable job seekers o Show a report with all suitable job posts o Show a report with all job posts - Analysis:

o To delete expired jobs o To filter all job posts available o To display suitable job posts o To display suitable job seekers II System analysis

1 Investigation of the business

Ho Chi Minh City Youth Job Center is the first unit in Vietnam to organize the implementation of job counseling and introduction services Combine with the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, promote its active and volunteer role in accompanying young people and workers on their path to a living as well as programs

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for the development of the city’s youth, with outstanding activities such as consulting - labor supply; counseling, career guidance, vocational training, and skills

2 Business Function Diagram (BFD)

One of the most significant things in developing a business is how to manage it in many different areas and departments Job portal management is also an indispensable factor Knowing how to manage and categorize a huge database of company profiles, candidate profiles, the date and time and update the jobs posted by these firms, and match these job posts with the appropriate candidates is critical for any manager To help candidates and companies easily use this management system, our group evaluates three main types of data including Profiles Management, Job Post Management, and Job Matching Report

Figure 1 Business Function Diagram for Job Portal Management

Business Function Diagram (BFD) is used to perform functional analysis, depicting the division of functions into smaller functions in the system Its purpose is to define precisely and specifically the main functions of an information system

In the illustration, Job Portal Management at Youth Job Center is divided into 3 main aspects, including Profiles Management, Job Post Management, and Job Matching Report Regarding Profiles Management, it manages and provides a variety of company profiles and seeker profiles, which helps users as both companies and seekers register, store and find information quickly About Job Post Management, it monitors time and classifies posts into appropriate categories so that users can simply find them In addition, it also manages the two most crucial business requirements: job post expertise requirement and seeker expertise requirement in order to match jobs

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Report - identifies the information demanded (ie jobs including finance expertise), as well as extracts the information in the form of reports These help the Youth Job Center, companies and job seekers save time to find the right position in the business

Entity Relationship Diargram (ERD) is a diagram that depicts the entities in the database and their relationships By approaching the top-down direction, ERD can assist in visualizing what the system has Below is the ERD of the job portal database system

Figure 2 Entity Relationship Diagram for Job Portal Management Database System

According to the ERD :

one and only one company

- One job post may require more than one job expertise and one job expertise may belong to more than one job post

may belong to more than one seeker profile III System design

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Figure 3 Data Structure Diagram for Job Portal Management Database System Data Structure Diagram refers to data modeled in the logical design phase as a set of relations (tables), which is understandable as a method to define the specific links of all those mentioned relations As a result of this approach, a database application system for management of job portals in Youth Job Center is developed by building a logical database design We would clarify them through the DSD above The relationship is described below:

- Job post and Job post Job expert- ise have the Job post ID constraint - Job expertise and Job post - Job expertise have the Expertise ID constraint - Job expertise and Seeker’s expertise offer have the Expertise ID constraint - Seeker profile and Seeker’s expertise offer have the Seeker ID constraint 2 Forms & Reports design

a) Forms:

It can be concluded that forms in Access are compared as the display cases in stores that are made to easier examine or obtain the items meeting the needs of users The design of your form plays an important key due to its ability to update information Specifically, forms allow you and users to add, update, or display data contained in your Access desktop database Therefore, in the case of multiple people using your Access desktop database, well-designed forms are crucial for productivity and data input accuracy

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Based on the aforementioned analysis, we decided to create two forms and a switchboard Those forms are “Company and Job Posts Register" form and “Seeker Register” form which are to help users register, find, add or delete information In terms of the user interface, there are some issues that users have to deal with: The database system consists of many tables, queries, forms, reports, etc Besides, in the

retrieve information by using reports, with the data source consisting of several query tables To cope with them, building a switchboard is considered as an advantage for users to have an easy- -use interface Switchboard refers to a control panel used to tomanage all objects in the database such as forms, reports, queries, tables, etc on one screen (similar to a menu system) As a result, the switchboard is designed to help users simplify the process of accessing or editing information

b) Report:

Reports are an excellent method to organize and display data from your Access database Firstly, reports allow you to present your data in an attractive and informative layout for printing or viewing on a computer screen Hence, they are frequently used to offer a broad overview of a situation and highlight key data Moreover, it is easy to create visually appealing and easy-to-read reports depending on Access's features that can best meet the needs of your customers For example, you can generate a simple report with a single click using the commands on the Create tab Furthermore, a more complicated report can be constructed by using the Report Wizard, or manually entering all of the data and formatting elements

Due to the reasons above, we would develop three reports to make a contribution to the management optimization of job-matching functions, which are listed below:

• The first one is to show all suitable job posts.

• The second one is to show all suitable job seekers.

• The last one is to show all job posts.

IV System implementation 1 Tables creation

- All tables are created by following these steps: Create → Table Design → Enter field names and data types

names and data types

a) Company profile

This table has five fields which are Company ID, Company Name, Company Profile Description, Company Website and Company Hotline The primary key is Company ID This table is directly linked to the Job Post table

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Figure 4 Table Company Profile b) Job post

The table has seven fields which are Job post ID, Job name, Company ID, Company locator, Job description, Salary and Apply time This table is linked to Company Profile and Job Post -Job Expertise tables

- Job Post ID is the field with the primary key - Company ID is the field with foreign key

Figure 5 Table Job Post c) Job Post - Job Expertise

The table has three fields which are Job post ID, Expertise ID and

Expertise_level_requirement This table is linked to Job Post - Job Expertise and Job Expertise tables

- Job post ID is the field with foreign key - Expertise ID is the field with foreign key

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Figure 7 Table Job Expertise e) Seeker Profile

The table has eleven fields which are Seeker ID, Seeker name, Gender, Birth of Date, Hometown, Phone number, Email, Education Degree, Institution, Experience (year), Workplace This table is linked to the Seeker Expertise Offer table

- Seeker ID is the field with the primary key - No foreign key

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Figure 8 Table Seeker Profile f) Seeker Expertise Offer

The table has three fields which are Seeker ID, Expertise ID, Expertise Level This table is linked to Job Expertise and Seeker Profile tables Both Seeker ID and Expertise ID are the fields with foreign keys

Figure 9 Table Seeker Expertise Offer2 Forms creation

a) Register company and job posts

Companies can register their profiles and add job posts in the form named “Company Profile Register” From the Entity Relationship Diagram, one company can have more than one job post and one job post can require many expertises Below are the steps to build the form “Company Profile Register” to register company and job posts:

- Firstly, create “Register Job Post” form:

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Create → Form Wizard → When the screen shows the table of details, choose the table Job Post and select all available fields except for Company ID → Choose columnar → Finish

- Secondly, create a subform “Expertise Requirement”:

Change to Design View → Choose Subform in the Controls area → Choose using data from tables → From table Job Post - Job Expertise and table Job Expertise, choose fields: Expertise ID, Expertise Name and Expertise_level_requirements → Finish

- Thirdly, add buttons: Add, Save, Delete & Find

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Figure 11 Register Job Post subform in Design View

- Fourthly, create “Company Profile Register” form

- Fifthly, make “Register Job Post” form become the subform of “Company Profile Register”

Change to Design View of the “Company Profile Register” form → Choose Subform in the Controls area → Choose using data from form “Register Job Post” → Finish

- Finally, change the design of the form in Design View

The form produced will allow you to enter company information Each company profile will allow you to enter more than one job post and in each job post you can enter many expertises

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- Firstly, create “ Seeker Profile Register” form:

Create → Form Wizard → When the screen shows the table of details, choose the table Seeker Expertise Offer and select all available fields except for Expertise ID → Choose columnar → Finish

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Figure 13 Seeker Profile Form in Design View

- Secondly, create a subform “Seeker Expertise Offer”:

Change to Design View → Choose Subform in the Controls area → Choose using data from tables → From table Job Expertise and table Seeker Expertise Offer choose fields: Expertise ID, Expertise Name and Expertise_level_requirements → Finish

- Thirdly, add buttons: Add Seeker, Save, Delete, Find & Close - Finally, change the design of the form in Design View

Ngày đăng: 20/06/2024, 18:08