LIST OF FIGURES/ TABLESFigure 2: ISBA students’ most popular e-commerce platforms 10Figure 3: ISBA students’ most popular kinds of product 11Figure 4: The amount of ISBA students spend o
List of figures/ tables………
1 Introduction………
2 Literature review………
3 Method………
4 Results………
5 Discussion of findings………
5.1 The frequency of shopping online ………
5.2 ISBA students’ most popular e-commerce platforms………
5.3 ISBA students’ most popular kinds of product……….………
5.4 The amount of ISBA students spend on online shopping………
6 Recommendation………
7 Conclusion………
vi v 1 8 10 11 15 15 16 17 18 17 17
Figure 2: ISBA students’ most popular e-commerce platforms 10 Figure 3: ISBA students’ most popular kinds of product 11 Figure 4: The amount of ISBA students spend on online shopping 12
Trang 6ABSTRACT The Internet has been gradually asserting its position as a popular means of providing and trading information, goods and services Since then, e-commerce has become a popular trend in the world and in Vietnam Vietnam's e-commerce in recent years has made quite strong changes.The purpose of this paper was to explore the habits of shopping online among International School of Banking Academy (ISBA) including: the frequency of shopping online, e-commerce platforms, kinds of product and spent on shopping online A survey in the form of questionnaire was conducted, which included 100 randomly selected participants questionnaires were handed out to participants with thirteen questions The results demonstrate that ISBA freshmen were familiar with making online shopping but on a quite low level of frequency.In addition, students often use a familiar platform because of its promotions and convenience Furthermore, shipping and customer service, aside from products aspect, can decide whether the purchase will be made It is also indicated that clothing was the most commonly purchased product by students Moreover, the majority of participants spend less than 300,000VND per month on shopping For the significance of the paper, these findings not only develop a sophisticated understanding of the habits of the subjects when conducting a purchase but they also offer useful knowledge to those involved
in the online shopping industry whose targeted consumers are freshmen university
Trang 71 Introduction
In the present time, the needs of shop online are increasing greatly with the huge number of people shopping on e-commercial platforms.Compared with the traditional business model, internet shopping offers greater selectivity and "one-stop" shopping; additionally, there are no time, space, or circulation constraints.In fact, In 2021, the number
of categories of goods that Vietnamese users shop online has increased by 50% The number of online stores increased by 40%, resulting in a 1.5 times increase in total online retail spending across the country compared to 2020 Because of the impacts of the
Covid-19 epidemic, people have been reducing their social interactions in recent years, which has fueled the rapid growth of internet purchasing due to its ease and timesaving For example, 85% of consumers say they are spending more for online purchases since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic According to the 2021 E-Commerce White Paper, the percentage
of internet users engaged in online shopping has increased from 77% in 2019 to 88% in
2020 (Department of Competition and Consumer Protection,2021)
With the expansion in the number of online shoppers, the online shopping market had become more and more familiar by customers and turned into a relatively mature market.In the large number of online purchases from different age groups, university students account for the biggest proportion The reason is that students have a background knowledge in technology and frequently use network access tools.Besides, they just need to click on the online shopping website, choose the product they want to buy and then click the order or purchase button So when buying online, it helps student save maximum time and reduce the trouble of life In particular, students have a wide range of rates to pick from when shopping on e-commerce platforms, as well as a variety of discount programs Thus, the aim of the research to investigate the habits of shopping online among ISBA freshmen This paper, as the results of my research project, is aimed at answering the following four questions: “ How often do ISBA freshmen shop online?” “ Which e-commercial platform do they often shop online on?” “What do they often buy on E-commercial platforms?” and “ How much do they spend on online shopping each month?” Therefore, the findings of the study would help readers to know more about this issue on the certain subjects
Trang 82 Literature review
Ironically, there is a lot of research conducted to investigate the habits of shopping online, but each of them reflects one aspect of this issue instead of giving the overall picture
In details, according to Kovalenko (2021), this research is about the habits adults’ adoption of online shopping Older consumers have been embracing online shopping at an accelerating rate following the COVID-19 outbreak Industry reports from around the world reveal considerable growth in the number of purchases, frequency of shopping and the amounts spent by this consumer segment However, the above research only focuses and shows the usage habits of the elderly, not to mention the young people especially university students
Besides, Adeline and Ali (2017) show that this manuscript investigates the habits and characteristics of online shopping in Malaysia The results indicated a significant mean difference between online shoppers and non-online shoppers in gathering product information and comparing price of goods and services before a purchase decision Results also indicate that this group of non-online shoppers constitutes more than 60% of the total number of online consumers in Malaysia, implying a huge potential of online shopping to online retailers Nonetheless, the weak point of this article is the habits and characteristics
of online shopping in Malaysia, not in Vietnam
In addition, according to Aliamo (2020), this research aims to investigate which characteristics can affect the decision of online shopping during the pandemic emergency in Italy The results of this work highlight that people having familiarity with buying online, that have a higher educational level and appear more satisfied for the online shopping experience However, the weakness of this study is that it has not shown the habit of shopping online , but only focuses on the habit of online food shopping
In conclusion, despite the promising outcomes, the previousstudies have had some certain weaknesses such as: subjects are freshmen, research scope in Vietnam, focus on online shopping habits It is my motivation to conduct my own research on the limitations
3 Method (about 300 words/ two paragraphs)
This research project aimed at investigating the habits of shopping online among university students, so the quantitative research was chosen to conduct to find out the answers for the research questions There are a few reason that this this method was chosen
in this study Bryman (2003, p.12) gave the definition of quantitative research as,
Trang 9“ Quantitative research is a genre which uses a special language which appears to exhibit some similarity to the ways in which scien- tists talk about how they investigate the natural order-variables, con- trol, measurement, experiment.” Besides,this research method attempts to investigate the answers to the questions starting with how many, how much, to what extent (Rasinger, 2013) In other words, the method lays heavy stress on measuring something or variables existed in the social world Thus, the quantitative findings are likely
to be generalized to a whole population or a sub-population because it involves the larger sample which is randomly selected (Carr, 1994) Besides sampling, data analysis is less time-consuming as it uses the statistical software (Connolly, 2007)
The data used in this report is/was acquired from a questionnaire carried out within ISBA of Banking Academy At the beginning, a questionnaire which consisted of 14 questions (including: 8 closed questions and 6 partially-closed questions) was designed according to four research questions In the next step, 100 first-year students from the mentioned-above university were randomly selected, and each of them was required to complete all the questions in it by filling and circling the options which were suitable for them In fact, the survey method could help the researcher obtain information from large samples of the participants Besides, surveys are inclusive in the types and number of variables that can be studied, require minimal investment to develop and administer, and are relatively easy for making generalizations (Bell, 1996, p.68)
4 Results
The participants of this research project were 100 first-year students from ISBA of Banking Academy in Ha Noi who were chosen randomly As my expectations, the obtained results fully investigated the habits of shopping online
Trang 1022%
1-2 times 2-3 times 3-4 times 4-5 times More than 5 times
Firuge 1: The frequency of shopping online
According to Figure 1, ISBA freshmen mainly went shopping online from 1 to 2 times a month, with around 45% of participants
Firuge 2: ISBA students’ most popular e-commerce platforms
Trang 11It is clearly seen from Figure 2, a very large majority of 100 chosen first-year students choose to use Shopee and Tik Tok Shop, accounted for aproximately 89,4% and 53,2% respectively
Clothes Cosmetics Electronics Foods Jewelry Tickets Books 0
Firuge 3: ISBA students’ most popular kinds of product
As can be seen from Figure 2, clothes was the kind of that most ISBA freshmen chosen
to use accounting for 85,5% Besides, cosmetics and foods were two products accounted for aproximately 50% and 47,9% respectively
Trang 1217%
Under 300.00 VND 300.000 - 500.000VND 500.000 - 1.000.000VND 1.000.000 - 3.000.000 VND 3.000.000 - 5.000.000 VND Over 5.000.000 VND
Firuge 4: The amount of ISBA students spend on online shopping
As regards the amount of students spend online shopping each month, Figure 4 reveals that most ISBA freshmen who shop online spent ranging from 500.000 VND to 1.000.000 VND per month 21% out of 100 ISBA students spent under 300.000 VND on monthly online shopping
5 Discussion of findings
The results presented above are by no means capable of covering all the aspects of ISBA freshmen’s the habits of shopping online due to the fact that they came from institute
of the university and in quite a limited scope Nonetheless, ISBA of Banking Academy – is currently hosting a huge number of students coming from different cities or provinces with various family backgrounds, I strongly assert that a certain level of generalization can be implied from the figures obtained from the questionnaire
5.1 The frequency of shopping online
From the results as shown in Figure 1, page 3, it is concluded that the large number of ISBA freshmen usually shop online This result is not beyond my expectation because the convenience of tech-enabled shopping has become an essential mainstay in the age of COVID-19 In detail, online shopping brings a lot of benefits to the body from mental to physical, psychological as well as emotional Evidence shown that "Their main concern is
to purchase products in an efficient and timely manner to achieve their goals with a minimum of irritation of irritation.In contrast the second category sees online shopping as
Trang 13‘enjoyment’ and seeks for the potential entertainment resulting from the fun and play arising from the Internet shopping experience for its own sake apart from any other consequence" Holbrook (1994)
In addition, online shopping has a wide range of products with different prices, suitable for each person.Students can easily evaluate the pricing and quality of products from various sources, allowing them to make the best decision
Therefore, online shopping has become a popular choice among ISBA students because
of its various benefits
5.2 ISBA students’ most popular e-commerce platforms
According to the findings of Figure 2, page , it is noticeable that Shopee is the most chosen platform As expected, most ISBA freshmen use shopee app to shop online it is probably because that is the most popular online shopping platform in Vietnam, and some freshmen who first shop online may be likely to choose this one With an easy-to-use web interface and fast order processing function, smart product filters are also an advantage of Shopee (Hai Yen 2020)
In addition, every month, flash sale events with cheap pricing are staged, generating customer curiosity, creating a need to stock up on familiar products or new needs will be generated to use the incentives.Shopee's delivery quality is well regarded in comparison to other platforms, as is its collaboration with reputable delivery units and a compensation policy when goods are damaged Moreover, shopee's delivery quality is well regarded in comparison to other platforms, as is its collaboration with reputable delivery units and a compensation policy when goods are damagedthe shipping price of this platform is also cheap, ranging from 15,000 VND to 50,000 VND for accounts without a discount code and can be freeship if there is a discount vouchers
To sum up, Shopee is the platform most chosen by ISBA students to use because of its features and discount vouchers
5.3 ISBA students’ most popular kinds of product
Based on the results in Figure 3, page , it is clear that ISBA freshmen often buy clothes online The percentages of university students who frequently buy clothes exceed the percentages of other people The reason is that on the e-commerce platform, thousands of clothing products are sold from affordable to high-end products Depending on your goals and finances, students can choose an item that is most suitable for them There are even items sold only on online shopping sites, which cannot be found in domestic stores such as designer clothes, hand-carried items Like the result of the different study, the finding that
Trang 14university students buy more clothes because young people like students care more about their appearance than other people do (Yunxiao, 2015)
In addition, the diverse search engines help students easily choose the products they want, with specific classifications by color, style, brand, price You just need to sit in one place and access many different online sales sites, if this page is out of stock, you can still quickly find the product in another page Moreover, there are many people who want to shop but are afraid to wander around Crowded places and online shopping is indeed a perfect private world for closed people No one knows what you buy, see what items, consider the price, how many discount codes you use, specialize in buying goods on sale or even hunt on second-hand websites only you know, extremely comfortable and free (Doan Truc,2015)
In conclusion, clothes are chosen the most by ISBA freshmen because of convenience and privacy when choosing
5.4.The amount of ISBA students spend on online shopping
In the response to the research question "How much do you spend on online shopping each month”, it is clear that most students pay ranging from 500.000 VND to 1.000.000 VND for shopping online each month This shows an expected result due to several reasons One reason is that due to tight funding because most of the student's income comes from family allowance and a part-time job income Students do not have too much money
to pay for online shopping For example, students who are studying away from home have
to pay for monthly expensive expenses such as housing, living expenses, meals, and school fees
In addition, for students, most of the monthly spending is spent on shopping Therefore,
in order to improve this situation, one of the solutions to comfortably spend even though the budget is limited is to increase "hunting", finding and buying goods through coupons and vouchers (Ngan Ha, 2013)
Therefore, ISBA students often spend less than 1.000.000 VND each month on online purchasing via platforms and social networks
6 Recommendation
Based on the mentioned-above discussions of the results, it is easily found out that ISBA students spend too much on online shopping.Thus, there are some following solutions which help ISBA first-year students to manage spending in shopping, help save a part of spending for student life Due to the attraction of promotional codes, flash sales has hit the heart, and so shopping cart is full of cheap but unnecessary, less durable or easily