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Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: Evaluation of joymark vietnam travel and trading company limited’s social media marketing strategy and recommendations

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Nguyen Duy Hoang Son- 11194560- Business English






Hanoi, November, 2022

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Nguyen Duy Hoang Son- 11194560- Business English

To begin with, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to JoymarkVietnam Travel and Trading Co Ltd., in particular Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh Tu (theDirector), Ms Hoang Minh Phuong (the Sales and Marketing Leader), and Mr NguyenKhoa Diem (the Sales and Marketing Leader), for giving me valuable suggestions andinformation on how to conduct this report.

Second, I want to thank M.A Pham Phuong Lan for giving me the opportunity toresearch and write this report so I could better understand the business and identify theissues Joymark Travel has been facing.

Without their help, I would not have been able to finish this report Thank youvery much.

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Nguyen Duy Hoang Son- 11194560- Business English


Social media's emergence from Web 2.0 has fundamentally altered marketing inmany ways Social media has been overlooked by Joymark Travel despite its enormouspotential and opportunities as a potent and affordable means for businesses to expandtheir operations in terms of gaining more recognition, enhancing the relationshipbetween businesses and their customers, offering the audience superior values, etc.

The author has gathered knowledge by examining the data obtained from theinterview sessions The causes behind Joymark Travel's ineffective and inefficient social

media marketing strategy stand out the most among the conclusions the author reachedthrough the thesis Firstly, the development and use of social media marketing strategyreceived little attention and effort because social media was simply seen as acomplimentary element in the marketing activities Secondly, the customers of JoymarkTravel would perceive unprofessionalism and a negative reputation as a result of theinconsistent writing style and substance Finally, low-level marketing staff members’

lack of participation is the final factor contributing to Joymark Travel’s social media

marketing strategy's poor results.

The author provided recommendations for two subjects, including both the

experienced and low-level marketers at Joymark Travel, based on the data It is advisedthat training sessions be arranged to teach all employees in the marketing departmentknowledge relevant to marketing, from the most fundamental level to more complex

themes, for Joymark Travel’s high-level marketing professionals Additionally, it isadvised that Joymark Travel’s experienced marketing personnel build a professionalsocial media marketing strategy for the business to use in the long term The author

advises low-level marketers at Joymark Travel to take the initiative to acquire andimprove their marketing knowledge and abilities through online learning tools.Moreover, armed with this information, Joymark Travel's low-level marketing personnelought to be more proactive and self-assured when offering suggestions and helping toconstruct the company's social media marketing strategy.

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Table 1: Stages of ThemdtiC AHQϧlS cee cà cee cee cee cee «KỲ nh KH tee tae bee tee eee khe HHTable 1.1 Basic information about Joymark TTrdV€Ï cee cee cee cee te cà cà neeTable 2.1 Key Features of Social Media Marketing cee cence cee cence cà se:Table 2.2 How Traditional Marketing Strategies Differ from Social Media MarketingM2420 cee cee cee cee cen cence dae aẢ ate eee eens

Table 2.3 Key Facebook Tools Businesses Should CoHC€FH cuesTable 3.1 General Themes oc ccc ccc ccc ccc ccc cee cee cen cee cee cee ten cee bee sees tec uee see eee cua eee sun kết

Table 3.2 Statistics of Joymark Travel’s Previous Two Campaigns to Increase

ENQAQCMENL oe cece cee 4 Ẽ.Ẽ.Ẽ.Ẽ.ẼẼẽẽẼẽ Eee aaa ae tees

Table 3.3 Statistics of Joymark Travel’s Previous Two Campaigns to Boost Traffic Table 3.4 Joymark Travel’s Social Media Marketing Strategy Development Stages


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Figure 1: The percentage of internet customers who make at least one online purchase[2/7a2/28.12.//,/050000nnn088 em: n c at

Figure 1: Vietnam s most popular social media ChaHH1€ÌS ác ke ksksieksrrssesee

Figure 1.1 Joymark Travel’s organizational SÍTUHCÍUFE sec sekkseke khe setFigure 2.1 Taxonomy of Social Media Marketing SITdf€BÏ€S - ccsxcsksseeeseee cone


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTTT o- <5 <5 II HH HH nh 006090 2

EXECUTIVE SUMMA RYY o- 5-5 5-5 9 0 0005000809886 i

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS csccscssssscssosssssssessnsssecescescescsessssssssssssessssesssssesonsoes iiLIST OF TABLES ssssssssssscscsccscrscsssssesessssscsessecseesessessessessesessesseesessessesseseeses iiiLIST OF FIGUIRES - 55-5 5< 5< HH HH 00090020 ivTABLE OF CONNTIEINTTS o- 55-55 HH HH HH 0000070 1

INTRODUCTION -G(G G3 ng 0040.080987 1T Background doc s5 5s 9 9.99 9 90 00990 1

TH ]afÏOIIAÌC d 5-5 5 <5 5 9 9 0.9 09000000.01900100900949609009604 680 2TIT Research ÁTF€ o- 6G 5c s9 0.1 0.00 0000000000 00.00000996098095609680 4

TV Research Questions 77 4

V Research Method ology sccscssssssscssessscsssssscscsscssscsscsssssscsssssseessssseesessoees 4UP, a0 e 5

ZAXY22 a0 0nnnm 5V.3 0 0) 1,04 .7nn6 n6 ố 5VI Structure of the research 5 5-5 55s 9 0 01 0808050.08090 7

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF JOYMARK VIETNAM TRAVEL ANDTRADING COMPANY LLIMITTET 5 <5 <5 < 5 HH 1 00008650 81.1 Overview of Joymark “TT V€Ì 5< 55 << 5< 9 9.9 90.00000896 08 81.1.1 Joymark Travel’s brief [HÍFO(ÏHCẨÍOIH 5= <5 < 9xx Vv ze 81.1.2 Joymark Travel’s Mission, Vision, and SfAf€IH€HIfS -5=<<<=<<s 9

1.1.3 Joymark Travel’s Services And PFO(ÏHCÉS << 55 s1 1991 s9 10

1.2 Joymark Travel’s Organizational Structure - << «=e< se=<ss=sse 111.2 IDY€CÍOT Gì Họ Họ Họ Hi 0 il

1.2.2 Department of Operating ANd INStructions scsscssscsssscssscssscserscsssessacees 12

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61C 1.2.3 Department of Accounting ANd FindNne <5 si kem 131.2.4 Department of Sales and MqFK©@fÏH 0 GV Y1 1 194 1 9se 13CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL EFRAMEWORK e1 neseesese 142.1 Marketing DefinifÏOIN do- Go G5 5 S5 9 99 9.9 9 0 00 009000096 80 142.2 The Concepts of Social Media Marketing o- s5 scc5 se esS°seesesee 162.2.1 Social Media Marketing ID@ƒÏHH[Ẩ[OHH so <5 << << «sex sex eeeeeseese 162.2.2 Social Media Marketing’s Role for BHSIHGSSÉS -< << <<<<<<=sse 162.3 The Concepts of Social Media Marketing Strategy -ssse<ss< 182.3.1 Social Media Marketing Strategy D€ƒTHÌHiOH << << se 182.3.2 Social Content Strategy Ù@ƒÏHẨÍÏOHH cc- c1 V1 Y9 18511951895 556 192.3.3 Facebook Marketing Strategy D@ƒÏTHÍẨ[OHH co <3 311515 S9sese 202.3.4 Pivotal Facebook Metrics for EUSIH€SS€S co S13 19155855 212.4 The Review of Existing NÑ€searCH o << 5 s9 88666 856.66 252.4.1 The Review of Existing Research in the WWorÌd << «<< << 252.4.2 The Review of Existing Research in VI@ÍHGIH s55 < s55 se ssss+ 262.4.3, NL 7Ï nh ố 27

CHAPTER 3: ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS c2 seseesese 283.1 Joymark Travel’s Current Social Media Marketing Strategy Situation 29

3.1.1 Insignificant Role S5 << << sọ ng 303.1.2, Rare Opportunities 186686 ố.ố.ốỐốỐốỐốỐố Ắ.Ắ 31

3.2 Joymark Travel’s Social Media Marketing Strategy Performance 32

3.2.1, Lack Of ng 0n nổ ố ố ố.e 32

CC Ni 02/2) 06/ 0 , 00 Ầốốốaốa 32

3.3 Reasons for the Underperformance of Joymark Travel’s Social MediaMarketing Strategy ccccscssssssssscsssssssssssscssssssesssescssscssssssessssssssssssessssssssssssesoonss 353.3.1 Insignificant Rolle nan 35


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61C 3.3.3 Lack Of [HVỌV€IHHECHHÍ SG 5 << SH TH TH TH ge 373.4 Actionable Solutions to Resolve Joymark Travel’s Social Media Marketing

Strategy PTOlÏ©ITS d ĩ5 G G59 5 %9 599 989995 999.989949999898004.0909089680940605008096 889 37

3.4.1 Training SeSSIONS 18 ee 38

3.4.2 Professional Social Media Marketing Sfdf€BV «<< -«<<ss< ssssesse 36

CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDA TIONS on mm nem me 414.1 DÏSCUSSÏOHN 5< G6 5< 9 9 9 10 0 0 0 0 00009010 090000080960.046096 00 414.1.1 Joymark Travel’s Current Social Media Marketing Strategy Situation 41

4.1.2 Joymark Travel’s Social Media Marketing Strategy Performance 43

4.1.3 Reasons for The Underperformance of Joymark Travel’s Social Media

Marketing Strategy scccssccsssssssscsssssscssssssscsssscssssesssssssssscssecsesscsssssenesensessssssessonss 43

4.2 Recommendations to Improve Joymark Travel’s Social Media MarketingStrategy cesccssccccsescessssscscsccesscssscsescsesccssscscscessscssscssscesscessccssscesscesscsessessscesscsesosee 45

4.2.1 Recommendations for Joymark Travel’s marketing team leaders 45

4.2.2 Recommendations for Joymark Travel’s low-level marketing employees 47CONCLUSIONN 5-5 cọ HH HH HH 0 0 0 000400804.90 48I Summary of Findings o- << G5 5 S3 9 9 9 9 0 00096 0 48II Limitations of the S{Uy (G5 6 5S 99 99.9999.8995 9985.98958996968598096 1 59 49III Recommendations for Further SfỤ€S 5- 55555555 s=ssesseseeseese 49

REEERENCES o- <5 <5 HH TH TH 000.0090090 00 0n 50APPENDIỀX - << 00000000000 00000004040040000840640000000400004008880 1

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The ability of a company to satisfy the requirements of its customers, which form thesocial and economic basis for all organizations, determines the success of that company.Inspecting the culture, evaluating market opportunities, enhancing product policies, andadjusting distribution and pricing strategies are some of the matters that could affect an

enterprise's future performance Marketing is in charge of these kinds of matters.

However, marketing strategies alter in sync with shifts in how we communicate.Users will quickly see that traditional marketing strategies are out-of-date and ineffectiveif they try to apply them to modern society The cause is straightforward: consumers'purchasing habits have shifted as in the figure below They may go online to purchaseproducts more often and may compare products online even when they are inside the

store Most product categories have seen a rise in online purchases of 6 to 10%.

% of active online shoppers conducting at least one online purchase every 2 months.

Cosmetics & Personal careDigital entertainmentAgro Food and BeveragesFashion and accessoriesPharmaceutical’ HealthMedia & books (both digital and physical)ICT/electronic goodsHome furniture & household productsEducation and online coursesTools, gardening & do4t-yourself FTourismTravel, e.g hotel bookings, flight tickets, etc

0% 25% 50% 75%@ Since the outbreak of COVID-19 =2019

Figure 2: The percentage of internet customers who make at least one online purchaseevery two months (UNCTAD and NetComm Suisse eCommerce Association)

Therefore, the requirement for businesses to engage consumers with content thattakes context into account and pleasure them with memorable and customizedexperiences is what makes proximity marketing successful Nowadays, throughplatforms such as social media websites, marketing activities are boosted as the numberof sophisticated interactions between brands and their clients has significantly increased

during the past ten years It is critical to recognize that social media marketing

encompasses more than the traditional platforms that many marketing experts are

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61C acquainted with - Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter There arenumerous other activities and platforms that marketers can and should investigate to

reach their target audiences, engage them with relevant messages, and build long-termrelationships Because of its low costs (Ajina, 2019) and numerous functionalities,

Facebook has quickly risen to become one of the top social media platforms in Vietnam,

with over 71 million users (Statista Research Department, 2021).



YOUTUBE 92.0%917%

sour are , | Hootsuite

Figure 3: Vietnam’s most popular social media channels (Source: Hootsuite &

This is because it offers its users a welcoming, approachable platform to virtually

communicate with others As a result, companies are using social media as a vitalelement of their marketing campaigns.

II Rationale

Through platforms such as social networking sites, the number of intricateconnections between brands and their clients has significantly increased during the last

ten years Due to its low costs (Ajina, 2019) and numerous functionalities, Facebook has

quickly risen to become one of the top social media platforms in Vietnam This is

because it offers its users a welcoming, approachable platform to practically engage with

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61C others As a result, brands are using social media as a crucial component of theirmarketing campaigns.

To start with, social media's role in fostering consumer relationships and trust is crucialto take into account (Rapp et al., 2013) Companies might accomplish this by creatingconsistent, pertinent material and creating communities where people can voice desiresand requirements that are comparable to their own and where they have commoninterests (Facebook, 2021) Given that 71% of consumers are more inclined to purchase

after seeing a recommendation on social media, firms would benefit greatly from having“a community where customers can voice their thoughts and discuss specific subjects” (Ewing,n.d.).

Secondly, social media marketing strategy (SMMS) is essential to businesses’ effortsto communicate their brands Nisar and Whitehead (2016) claim that, if done properly,"proper planning utilization of social media marketing strategy (SMMS) can assist instrengthening and enhance brand awareness among customers" since social networkingsites, particularly Facebook, can quickly produce eWOM (electronic word of mouth) dueto the rapid rate at which information can spread Businesses are being more aggressivein delivering their content to particular consumers, especially with the help of FacebookAds Additionally, social media may assist organizations to increase customerinvolvement and brand loyalty by creating social content in addition to attractingprospects through the launch of advertisements.

Finally, tourism is one of the industries that is prospering greatly from the socialmedia revolution as a result of this trend Tourism has grown rapidly in recent decades,becoming one of the world's fastest-growing economic sectors, as evidenced by a 59%increase in international tourist arrivals from 2009 to 2019 However, due to COVID-19,this significant expansion will be delayed in 2020 Since the virus's initial spread, thetravel and tourism sectors have been among those that have been hardest hit Physicalquarantines, hotel closures, and travel restrictions have all been put in place Nonetheless,tourism rebound obtains traction as restrictions ease and worldwide covid-19 vaccination

appears to be nearly achieved As a result, there will likely be an increase in the demandfor people to find information about various tour providers online (Marcussen, 2009).People would rather search for details about tours on social media platforms than contacttour agencies directly, which presents a great opportunity for travel agencies, including


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61C Joymark Vietnam Travel And Trading Company Limited to use social media marketingto draw in more visitors worldwide.

Consequently, marketing professionals in Vietnam may need to maximize theadvantages and potentials social media bring in terms of establishing the connectionbetween customers and firms in light of the rapid digitalization and the rising number ofFacebook users As a result, the author thinks that, if used strategically and with care,

social media may be a key component of Joymark Vietnam Travel And TradingCompany Limited Company's marketing plan Joymark Travel, which has had asignificant online presence for many years, will find this study, its examination, and itsrecommendations to be of great use This is so that the business might assess how wellthe current SMMS is working Additionally, the study would offer beneficial and veryacceptable solutions for resolving the company's current issues As a result, the author is

extremely inspired to perform this study named "Evaluation of Joymark Vietnam

Travel And Trading Company Limited's Social Media Marketing Strategy and

IH Research Area

The research would be limited to concentrating on Facebook which is one of the mostpopular media platforms in Vietnam, with over 71 million users (Statista ResearchDepartment, 2021).

IV Research Questions

Four questions are anticipated to be specifically addressed by the research: (1) What

is the company's present condition with regard to the development of its social mediamarketing strategy? (2) How effective is the existing social media marketing strategyconcerning the anticipated performance? (3) What are the elements causing the issues inthe current situation? (4) What are the solutions that the company can put into practiceto make things better?

V Research Methodology

The author uses a combination of primary and secondary data to address the

aforementioned study issues Following data gathering, the data might be subjected to

additional analysis using thematic analysis to provide insightful interpretation and reach

a comprehensive conclusion.

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61C V.1 Primary Data

The first thing to know is that primary data is described as "the original data sourceobtained personally by the researcher for a specific research aim or project" (Salkind, 2010).In order to understand their working process and style and to have a clear picture of theissue, the researcher might particularly observe every member of the company'smarketing team To gain in-depth knowledge of the company's marketing initiatives,there would also be areas for one-on-one interviews with 4 members of the marketingteam and 2 team leaders.

V.2 Secondary Data

As opposed to primary data, secondary data refers to the knowledge andinformation gathered by previous researchers and academics (e.g., books, papers, research)(Caulfield, 2021) This study can substantially benefit from the data and knowledgefound in academic and scientific papers, periodicals, journals, etc.

Firstly, Facebook Insights statistics on the money allotted for paid advertising andthe actual performance of the Facebook fan page (number of reaches, engagement rate,interactions, etc.) might be gathered for assessment in order to acquire secondary data.

Secondly, a reliable source of information and knowledge will also be acquiredvia online books, research papers, academic and scientific publications, and magazineson well-known academic websites.

V.3 Data Analysis Procedure

By analyzing the audio transcripts from the interview sections with 06 JoymarkTravel's Marketing personnel, including 04 low-level and 02 highly experiencedmarketing personnel, the author may be able to better analyze the qualitative primarydata that has been gathered by utilizing the thematic analysis technique created by Braun

and Clarke (2019).

The six basic stages of thematic analysis include familiarization, coding, topicgeneration, theme review, theme definition and naming, and writing up.

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61C Familiarization This step comprises being totally acquainted with the data by

reviewing transcriptions from the individual interview portions

of 6 Joymark Travel's marketing personnel.

This stage entails creating clear labels for the informationproduced from the transcriptions that can be useful in resolving

the research topic Labels such as "uncertainty," "acknowledging

the circumstance," "frequent use of social media marketing," etc.

are some examples.

Generating To identify wider patterns for additional analysis, this phasethemes involves looking over the labels and data Misinformation

includes, among other things, "incorrect facts" and

"misunderstanding of social media marketing strategy."

Reviewing In order to choose which topic best addresses the study questions,

themes the author compares each theme created in the preceding stage.

The following techniques might be used: splitting, combining ordiscarding.

Defining and | The author creates a thorough analysis of each theme in this stage

naming themes in order to discuss it in depth For example, if the theme is

"misinformation," the author will respond to questions such as"What information is being misinterpreted?" and "Why is it beingmisinterpreted?"

and revise the material resulting from the data analysis processinto text.

Table 1: Stages of Thematic Analysis (Braun and Clarke, 2019)

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61C VI Structure of the research

The study is divided into the following headings:

Introduction: This part provides a general overview of the study's background,

rationale, area, research questions, methodology, and structure.

Chapter 1: Introduction of Joymark Vietnam Travel And Trading Company

Limited This part describes its history, essential values, products, and organizational

Chapter 2: Theoretical Framework This part discusses the theoretical foundations

of the thesis, along with the findings of earlier studies on social media marketing strategy.

Chapter 3: Analysis and findings This part provides the context, the research

methodology as well as the data collection, and the analysis method.

Chapter 4: Recommendations This part offers a number of practicable solutions that

the business should utilize to enhance the existing status of its social media marketingplan.

Conclusion This part summarizes the key points of the study, emphasizes its limits,

and makes recommendations for additional research in the area.

The thesis also includes headings for Acknowledgement, which express the author's

appreciation to outside human resources who helped him create this document;

Executive Summary, which condenses the key concerns, findings, and author's

recommendations; References that list the books and articles that have been cited; andAppendix with the participants' and author's interview questions.

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This chapter will go through specifics regarding Joymark Travel firm, includingits history, essential values, products, and organizational structure The chapter mayfocus on the working location where the author does the internship in order to assure theaccuracy of the information.

1.1 Overview of Joymark Travel

1.1.1 Joymark Travel’s brief introduction

Joymark Vietnam Travel And Trading Company Limited has made majoradvancements in the planning of domestic and international package vacationsthroughout the course of its eight-year existence In accordance with Hanoi's Departmentof Planning and Investment's Decision No 0106800373, Joymark Vietnam Travel AndTrading Company Limited were established on September 12, 2014, with a variety ofresponsibilities including consulting, organizing, and designing package trips for thedomestic and international markets.

In essence, Table 1.1 following may provide some background data aboutJoymark Vietnam Travel and Trading Co Ltd (Company Limited), henceforth referredto as Joymark Travel:

Company English | Joymark Vietnam Travel And Trading Company Limited

Company Cong ty TNHH Du lich va Thuong mai Joymark Vietnam

Vietnamese Name

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61C Type of company Company Limited

Chief Officer | Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh Tu

1.1.2 Joymark Travel’s Mission, Vision, and Statements

As regards Missions, Joymark Travel strives to provide a perfect environment in

which employees may maximize their capabilities and make efficient their areas ofcompetence Furthermore, the company consistently puts its customers’ happiness and

pleasure first by offering a choice of excursions that can satisfy even the most demanding

requirements Additionally, Joymark Travel helps the neighborhood by giving peopleemployment opportunities and helping them market their goods to travelers A further

goal is to generate profits for the company's owners, board of directors, and individualswho have contributed significantly to the enterprise.

In respect of Vision, Joymark Travel always works to construct a supplier value

chain and aspires to be among the top travel agencies in Vietnam and around Asia,creating fundamental values that benefit different groups of people The company is

adamant about giving customers the best experience possible across the board JoymarkTravel is devoted to carrying out the terms of the contract between the client and thecompany with a rigorous focus on service quality.

Joymark Travel places a strong emphasis on its Statements, which include

Responsible, Reliable, and Enjoyable The “Responsible” statement mentions the

responsibility of Joymark Travel’s employees In order to provide uniformity in theoperation process, Joymark Travel has designed a standard employee in accordance withthe company's cultural values from hiring through training and employment They are


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61C equipped to meet every client's need since they are flexible, knowledgeable, and dynamic.They firmly think that their expertise and feeling of responsibility will lead to prosperous

business relationships and priceless vacation experiences while using Joymark Travel’sservices Meanwhile, the “Reliable” statement refers to its strong reputation as a highlytrustworthy purveyor of travel arrangements in Asia Joymark Travel’s reputation is builton its committed products and sincere, considerate, and ethical treatment of our

customers The fact that its clients, primarily travel firms, continue to cooperate with itand enthusiastically refer to it speaks volumes about the high standards we uphold intravel arrangements.

1.1.3 Joymark Travel’s Services and Products1.1.3.1 Domestic Tours

Domestic Tours in Joymark Travel currently extend from North to South,

allowing it to satisfy a variety of consumer expectations In order to provide tourists with

unique vacations and activities, Joymark Travel consistently painstakingly explores andinvestigates popular sites in Vietnam The company offers all services for clients whoare enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses, or even individuals under the mottoof "Responsible, Reliable, Enjoyable". International Tours

Joymark Travel offers a range of trip arrangements on all five continents, whichare Asia, Europe, America, and Africa, at affordable costs to meet the demands of those

who want to make the journey to various regions of the world Customers’ requests will

be taken into account while creating each tour to these locations, guaranteeing that theirpleasure may be maximized. Domestic & International Airline agents

Joymark Travel consistently aspires to provide their clients with a fulfillingexperience by suggesting the most budget-friendly ticket classes, offering the most

crucial data and helpful assistance throughout the customer journey, and is one of thetop-notch agents of airlines operating domestic and international routes.


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satisfaction will be at its highest level while on the trip. International Visa Service

Additionally, Joymark Travel helps its clients collect information and paperwork

for visa applications and foreign passport vendors Due to its tight ties to governments,

the company can easily assist clients with the visa application procedure, easing their

fears and allowing them to fully focus on the joy and enjoyment that traveling brings.

1.2 Joymark Travel’s Organizational Structure

As indicated in Figure 1.1 below, Joymark Travel, an organization with 15 to 20employees, splits the company into divisions according to their functions:

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61C 1.2.2 Department of Operating and Instructions

Operation and Instructions are the two divisions that make up this department. Operation division

It acts as a connection between the provider and the customer This is regarded asthe producing division of the business The operation department's main tasks are listedbelow.

The operation division acts as the central hub for carrying out all duties, frommonitoring travel programs to providing services in accordance with plans and customerannouncements released by the marketing division Its duties include organizing travelarrangements, lodging reservations, transportation arrangements, and securing entry andexit visas, among other things It creates and upholds beneficial working relationshipswith pertinent organizations (police, diplomacy, customs, etc.) Contracts should bemade with vendors of goods and services, and vendors offering reputable, high-qualitygoods suitable for business travel initiatives should be selected It oversees the executionof the trip program, plans events, and handles payments to the sending company andsuppliers of travel-related goods It serves as the main point of contact for numerousdepartments and organizations for resolving certain problems that develop whencarrying out tourism-related projects.

and effectively as possible, it works with other company departments Since the tour

guide team is the firm's direct representation when engaging visitors and customers, it isimportant to regularly instill knowledge in and monitor their performance in accordance

with the company's requirements (of the sending company) The guides promote and

collect data for the company at the same time.


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61C 1.2.3 Department of Accounting and Finance

This department is responsible for payroll calculations, trip budget control,financial statement preparation for stakeholders, administration of management costs,and administrative tasks.

1.2.4 Department of Sales and Marketing

The Department of Sales and Marketing undertakes regional and global marketanalysis, advertising campaigns, and corporate client recruitment.

Its function is to produce products, working along with the operation division to

provide travel packages that satisfy tourist needs in terms of both content and cost.

Regularly develop fresh concepts, programs, and products.

To make use of domestic and overseas tourist sources, this department isresponsible for negotiating deals with airlines, foreign travel agencies, and local andforeign individuals Maintain business relationships with partners.

Each of these aspects highlights the vital function that the marketing division(department) plays in the operations of the Joymark Travel Company There is nodenying that the department plays a significant role in creating business strategies forJoymark Travel in general and technical setups for marketing communication andcustomer relationship management in particular.


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61C CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK2.1 Marketing Definition

Since marketing was first regarded as a distinct discipline and subject, it has beena contentious topic that has generated various disagreements among academics Therehave been various ways to define the concept of marketing throughout history sinceacademics have always wanted to grasp such an ethereal subject Due to the rapid growthof technology in the modern era, marketing has seen significant changes in how humanbeings perceive it within the past 50 years These definitions of marketing appear to havebeen improved by the addition of new terms like sales, advertising, customer service,and interactions to better fit the job focus of marketers or salespeople It might beproblematic if they only covered a portion of the marketing process, in which case adefinition detailing the philosophy and various aspects of a much greater scope wouldhave to be proposed.

Due to a lack of field of view and a focus on utility in the early stages, the idea ofmarketing appeared to be still ambiguous Rogers (1963) described marketing as a

sociocultural activity that involves the interaction in trading value between 2 parties:organizations and non-profit organizations such as schools, social clubs, hospitals, or theexternal environment Roger's description may be effective at addressing asocial/environmental issue and highlighting the non-commercial organizationsparticipating in marketing campaigns, but it is likely to fall short in illuminating thenature of the customer and only emphasize one party: The marketer Furthermore, itappears that the definition has a weakness in that it seems to overlook the administrativeparts of marketing, which are crucial to marketing However, when trying to define

marketing as the research efforts associated with customer behavioral patterns likeanalyzing, organizing, planning, and controlling to generate revenue by fulfilling their

desires and requirements, Kotler (1967) tended to place more emphasis on each person'sinvolvement in marketing efforts, which may differ from Roger's definition which relatesto the exchange value among groups and their interactions Nevertheless, according toMandell and Rosenberg's (1981) definition, marketing is “a trade between suppliers and

consumers in which the supplier offers their products and services with numerous advantagesfor consumers such as promotion, distribution, and pricing to satisfy their requirements and

expectations” It may be argued that their definition may effectively broaden the term's


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61C bounds by encompassing two predominant identities (suppliers and consumers) and theirinteraction in marketing Additionally, it seems to make clear what the suppliers wouldprovide in terms of product, service, advertising, distribution, and price to meet the

desires and needs of the consumers, laying the groundwork for additional insights in

subsequent research In 1985, the American Marketing Association (AMA) updated its

description of marketing According to this definition provided by the AMA, marketing

is the process of devising, pricing, marketing, and distributing innovations, commodities,and services in order to stimulate commerce and achieve personal and organizationalobjectives Conceptualization, pricing, promotion, and distribution are still consideredmarketing activities in this view The 4P concepts, which are price, place, product, andpromotion, found in the Principle of Marketing are identical.

The definition of marketing was expanded throughout the 2000s FollowingShultz (2007), marketing was seen as a method of engaging customers positively and as avariety of processes for providing value to clients and controlling client and socialrelationships in ways that are financially beneficial for shareholders and clients on a regional,national, and international scale One of the most important developments in theconceptualization of marketing can be seen in how Shultz's thinking linked marketingwith other business entity benefits (Reynolds, 2007,p.199) The marketing concept,which describes marketing as an ideology, asserts that a company ought to concentrateits operations on customers' desires and requirements in certain target markets, accordingto Grönroos (2008) Kotler and his collaborators (2009), on the other hand, were morelikely to look at the benefits exchanged between individuals and groups than "suppliers"

and "consumers," which was used to generalize the entities involved in the marketingprocess According to this idea, through the creation, provision, and unrestrictedexchange of valuable services and goods with everyone else, marketing is a socialprocedure by which individuals and organizations fulfill their needs and desires.

In the following years, Kolter (2012) noted that marketing may have to evaluatethe size of the discovered market and its potential profitability, in addition to

understanding customers' requirements, wants, and expectations Marketing is the act of

creating, promoting, delivering, and exchanging offerings that are beneficial to clients,customers, partners, and society at large, according to The American MarketingAssociation (2017) It can be argued that these definitions properly encompassed the


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61C marketing's goal, such as the assessment of customers' needs, as well as related its worthto other commercial business concerns, including clients, customers, partners, and

In conclusion, there are multiple definitions of marketing used by differentauthors and in different contexts, each of which emphasizes a different aspect ofmarketing, such as strengthening close bonds with customers, determining and meetingconsumers’ needs and demands, or linking marketing to a business's revenues It can beclaimed that all of the definitions given above have consistently built a basis forconceiving marketing in its whole in the future As Philips Kotler (2012) noted,

“marketing is both a science and an art that takes a lot of time to study ”.2.2 The Concepts of Social Media Marketing

2.2.1 Social Media Marketing Definition

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is becoming more and more popular amongbrands thanks to its many advantages and prospects In addition to the term's notoriety,numerous academics and industry professionals who have studied various facets of ithave developed a substantial number of "social media marketing" ideas.

Pham and Gammoh (2015) described SMM as “the development and delivery of

marketing-related offerings that have value for the business's stakeholders by leveraging them”.

They did this by looking into the "interaction" and "business objectives" elements.

2.2.2 Social Media Marketing’s Role for Businesses

SMM has given businesses and consumers the chance to participate in product orservice debates, offer suggestions for how to make them better, and empower users topromote certain goods to a wider audience by amplifying them and influencing them.However, Yadav and Rahman (2017) have created a more comprehensive definition of

SMM by integrating "interaction," "business objectives," and "eWOM" - a distinctiveaspect of social media - as SMM is:

"A process through which firms create, communicate, and deliver onlinemarketing solutions via social media platforms to build and sustain stakeholderrelationships that enhance stakeholders' value by facilitating interaction, informationsharing, delivering individualized buy recommendations, and other activities."


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61C The following are the primary SMM features:Key features Explanation

User-generated Due to the fact that user-generated content is generated, shared,

Content and consumed, it is typically seen as more credible and

trustworthy than corporate marketing (Zahoor & Qureshi,2017).

Customer The website or other computer-mediated entities that are

Engagement intended to transmit brand value personify the commitment,

both cognitively and emotionally, to an active relationship withthe brand (Mollen & Wilson, 2010).

Firm-generated Material created by a company in the form of text, video, audio,

Content or photographs and distributed to its target audience via social

media (Zahoor & Qureshi, 2017).

eWOM The material produced by and disseminated online by clients or(electronic-Word_ | potential clients.

of Mouth)

Online Brand | Brand communities are specialized consumer groups that differ

Communities from traditional groups due to their commercial character and

members’ enthusiasm for or even adoration of a particular brand(Albert et al., 2008).

Table 2.1 Key Features of Social Media Marketing (Zahoor & Qureshi, 2017; Mollen& Wilson, 2010; Albert et al., 2008)

In comparison to traditional marketing and communication, marketers couldsignificantly reduce expenses by monitoring and managing the aforementioned features


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61C of SMM This would allow them to attract the traffic and attention 61C of various audiencesto their business.

2.3 The Concepts of Social Media Marketing Strategy

2.3.1 Social Media Marketing Strategy Definition

Firms must prioritize social media as a marketing strategy if they want to remaincompetitive in today's difficult business climate A Social Media Marketing Strategy(SMMS) could be strategically developed by business marketers as a source of customerintelligence and expertise given the increasingly crucial function that social media wouldplay in their industry Li et al (2021) proposed an inclusive definition of "social mediamarketing strategy" because it reflects the distinctiveness of social media, considers thebasic features of marketing strategy, and clearly contains the scope of social mediamarketing strategy activities:

"A social media marketing strategy is an organization's integrated pattern ofoperations that, based on a careful assessment of customers’ reasons for brand-relatedsocial media use and the implementation of purposeful engagement initiatives, convertssocial media connectedness (networks) and interactions (influences) into valuablestrategic methods to achieve desired marketing objectives."

Despite their similarities in nature, SMMS and traditional marketing have distinctvariances, as seen in the table below:

Focus Instead of focusing exclusively on one type of driver of consumerengagement, as is the case with traditional marketing strategies, SMSSemphasizes a variety of factors, including intellectual, social, cultural,etc., as drivers of customer engagement (Venkatesan, 2017).

Outcomes | SMMS outcomes are jointly driven by businesses and customers rather

than by the individual acts of users (Singaraju et al., 2016).


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61C Customer | SMMS views customer interaction as either direct or indirect toward the

Value company, as opposed to traditional marketing methods that define

customer value as capturing purchases through customer lifetime value(Venkatesan, 2017).

Table 2.2 How Traditional Marketing Strategies Differ from Social Media MarketingStrategies (Venkatesan, 2017, Singaraju et al., 2016)

2.3.2 Social Content Strategy Definition

Based on the levels of strategic maturity, Li et al (2021) identify four distinct

social media marketing strategies: the social commerce strategy, the social content strategy,the social monitoring strategy, and the social customer relationship management (CRM)strategy, as shown in the Figure 2.4 below.

Strategic Social Media Objectives

_ Social CRM

= Social Strategy= Monitoring

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61C However, because it is where this study is focused, and because the author's interncompany is related to that, only social content strategy is covered.

Social content strategy, according to Pulizzi & Barrett (2009), is "the development

and dissemination of informative and/or captivating material in numerous media to attract

and/or keep customers" This type of social media marketing strategy aims to create andsupply timely and relevant content based on consumer needs rather than pushing goodsand services By doing so, it increases customer engagement more effectively, which inturn increases sales and leads.

A customer-driven strategy, content marketing adds value when it is "helpful,relevant, captivating, and timely" (Holliman & Rowley, 2014) Through social media,businesses proactively provide pertinent information to customers and track theirresponses, enabling two-way engagement The core principles of this strategy are tofoster consumer involvement, generate positive eWOM, and build brand recognition andpopularity through viral content (Holliman & Rowley, 2014) As previously stated,despite being an excellent tool for encouraging consumer connection, businesses mustcarefully evaluate the reasons why their audiences choose to participate One method ofdoing this, for instance, is by creating interesting and valuable material that will persuade

social media users to become active brand advocates The next effective strategy is toallow customers to participate in the growth of the brand and the content it produces Inorder to engage customers more effectively than rivals, the company must excel atmarketing communication.

According to a study by Stelzner (2009), the main benefits of social mediamarketing are as follows: In this study, 81% of the firms polled said that their socialmedia efforts increased market awareness, 61% increased consumer visits, 56% formednew business partnerships, and 45% saved money on marketing.

2.3.3 Facebook Marketing Strategy Definition

The figure is relatively low when looking up the definition of Facebook marketing.Marketing Schools (2012) defined Facebook marketing strategy as "developing and

actively using a Facebook page as a communications medium to keep contact with and attract

clients" as one possible method to understand it It is free to create a Facebook page thatrequires threads or posts to be written, and it has emerged as a promising platform for


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61C marketing for both new and established business owners, authors, celebrities, groups,and many more When using a Facebook marketing plan, firms should pay particularattention to the five Facebook tools listed below, according to Ramsaran-Fowdar andFowdar (2013).

Facebook tools Explanation

Facebook Profile Users may establish favorable initial impressions of a

business's Facebook page if it has a compelling, motivating,

and pertinent profile that includes its mission, vision, andother details.

Facebook Groups Businesses can create Facebook virtual communities where

individuals can connect with one another based on sharedinterests and issues.

Business/Fanpages Businesses could take advantage of this feature by

continuously releasing valuable and beneficial content to

their audience in order to increase audience retention.

Sharing Events Businesses may have a fantastic opportunity to raiseawareness of their future events through this.

Social Ads and Poll To increase exposure and recognition, businesses might

focus their social media postings on demographic targeting(age, gender, city, etc.), while social polls could be used tobetter understand their clients through their comments.

Table 2.3 Key Facebook Tools Businesses Should Concern (Ramsaran-Fowdar, andFowdar, 2013)

2.3.4 Pivotal Facebook Metrics for Businesses

The study is exclusively focusing on Facebook Insights to assess the effectivenessof the company's social media marketing plan because the company only uses Facebook


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61C as its primary platform of operation User Insights and Interactions Insights are twometrics used to assess content on Facebook While User Insights provide aggregate dataon total followers, likes, page visits, user demographics, and application tabs,Interactions Insights examines the material more in-depth by highlighting engagementmetrics like post reach, likes, and comments on a daily basis Dynamic graphs and chartsthat represent the statistics are used (Walters, 2010) Businesses might use FacebookInsights to (a) have a better understanding of how users interact with their page; (b) lookat metrics related to the performance of their page, and (c) find the posts that arereceiving the highest interaction.

Despite the fact that Facebook users are seeing an increase in the number of posts,only the most pertinent, practical, and interesting ones are displayed The "Facebookalgorithm of content ranking" is to blame for this; it ranks each post on Facebook that couldbe seen by a user in their News Feed and improves their tailored user experience (Kite et

al., 2019) The performance of posts (the number of interactions, such as likes, comments,and shares), the post type (such as a video, image, or plain text), or the user's activity logare all thought to play important roles in the algorithm that may determine what appearsin the News Feed on Facebook, despite the fact that this information is not publicly

available (Kite et al., 2019).

Because of the fierce competition and the Facebook algorithm, businesses shouldput up their best efforts to reach their target audience Facebook users can be reached intwo different ways: Organic Post Reach and Paid Post Reach. Facebook Metrics for Organic Reach

The number of people who view a company's content without having to pay isreferred to as Organic Post Reach, according to marketing expert Patel (n.d.), andincludes both prospects and present audience However, there are two reasons why

Facebook’s Organic Reach may be gradually dropping In the user's News Feed, which

has “510.000 comments and 293.000 status updates made per minute”, more content is beingpublished in a constrained space (Goddard, 2019) Second, content is tailored to eachuser's individual interests to increase engagement and enhance their experience so theyreceive the most pertinent information from Facebook (Patel, n.d.).


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Engagement on Facebook refers to “the frequency with which users responded to acompany's posts” (Chen, 2021) A link could be clicked, its article shared, a responsemade, or a comment made The audience's level of engagement with the shared contentis one of the most important Facebook metrics that marketers should monitor Accordingto users' interests, Facebook is believed to utilize an algorithm to decide whether a user'spost will appear in their News Feed (Chen, 2021) Facebook will flag postings as popularif a business has a high engagement rate, which will assist the posts getting seen by thebusiness's followers.

The amount of Facebook users that view your material, either organically or as aresult of sponsored advertising, is known as reach (Chen, 2021) Research from earlierin 2021 found that the average organic reach on Facebook is only 5.2% (Sehl, 2021).As a result, even with a large audience, the company cannot guarantee that everyfollower would see its posts However, thanks to Facebook's organic reach, businessesmay learn which content their customers prefer and why some posts do better than others.Impressions

Another Facebook measure related to social media presence is Impressions.Reach informs a business of the number of individuals who view its posts, whereasimpressions “count all of the times those posts are viewed”, including the scenario when a

single person views a post numerous times (Chen, 2021).

Companies could use impressions as a statistic to determine how "viral" contentis One of its posts might be seen by one user several times Having content seennumerous times is essential to compel consumers to act in the face of the daily deluge ofcontent that customers face, especially on Facebook This lends credence to themarketing rule of sevens, which states that "a potential consumer must view a messageat least seven times before they are prompted to take an action" (Marketing Illumination,n.d.).

Page Likes and Follows

The number of Facebook Page Likes used to represent the number of users whofollow a brand (Chen, 2021) To receive updates from a page in their feed, users musteither like the page or opt in They could be called "fans" or "subscribers," for example.


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61C Because they cannot demonstrate the effectiveness of a company's Facebookmarketing plan in terms of interaction, reach, or other metrics, page likes are occasionally

seen as a vanity number However, they are important because they show how big a

crowd is, and that crowd should grow with time. Facebook Metrics for Paid Reach

The amount of people who viewa business's content as a result of paid marketingis known as Paid Post Reach The ad targeting options (such as demographics) and adbudget affect the Paid Reach (Patel, n.d.).

Click-through rate

“The percentage of viewers who click through from an advertisement to a landing page”is indicated by the click-through rate (CTR) (Optimizely, n.d.) All industries combinedhave a 0.9% average CTR for Facebook ads (Irvine, 2021) A low CTR shows thatviewers are viewing an advertisement but not taking action A company must think aboutchanging the ad text and image to make it more pertinent to its target demographic onFacebook if its click-through rate is low This metric must be tracked carefully becauseit directly affects an advertisement's relevancy score.

Facebook assumes that its audience does not consider an advertisement to berelevant when it observes that a business's advertisements are getting impressions but noclicks (Irvine, 2021) This can result in worse performance all around and greater click

Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) or Cost Per Click (CPC)

Businesses are given a few options regarding how to charge for Facebookmarketing The two most prevalent are CPM and CPC Advertisers who wish to increasebrand recognition but not necessarily convert prospects into leads can use these two

strategies (Graham, 2021).

The most cost-effective strategy for the majority of marketers is to only pay forclicks (as opposed to impressions) due to the fact that advertisers only have to pay whenusers click the advertisement.


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61C Ad Frequency

Despite the importance of this Facebook measurement, advertisers occasionallyignore it Ad Frequency refers to how frequently an advertisement is typically displayed

to a single user (Arora, 2021) You may calculate it by dividing the number of

impressions by the total number of viewers (Arora, 2021) You may determine from thismetric how frequently your advertisement is typically seen by your target market.

A certain amount of Ad Frequency is connected to, if not directly responsible for,increases in CTR and decreases in CPC, claims Parmelee (2016) A bad CTR and highercosts could arise from an ad frequency that is either low or too high, in particular.

A commercial that is aired infrequently will simply be ignored and forgotten,failing to make a lasting impression The opposite is also true: if a user encounters anadvertisement too frequently, the high-frequency rate may backfire by elicitingunfavorable feedback or criticism, lowering the business's Ad's Relevance Score, whichis based on both positive and negative replies The probability of a user clicking on anadvertisement declines as its frequency rises for business Facebook advertisements, andthe opposite is also true (Parmelee, 2016).

2.4 The Review of Existing Research

A lot of research has been done on social media marketing strategy, looking athow organizations may use this technology to grow their operations by increasingawareness, creating customer relationships, and other factors To be more precise, thischapter's section will be broken up into two smaller sections: a review of existingresearch on social media marketing strategy worldwide, and in Vietnam.

2.4.1 The Review of Existing Research in the World

In developed nations like the United States, the United Kingdom, China, andothers as well as in developing ones where social media is maximized for businesses toreap significant benefits and grow further, social media marketing strategy has becomesomewhat of a hot topic The two most recent studies on social media marketing will belooked into in this part.

A useful study on the significance of strategic social media marketing wasundertaken by Vinerean in 2017; it describes the roles that social media marketing plays


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61C in advertis61C ing, customer relationship management, and electronic word-of-mouth whileoffering a complete and in-depth conceptualization and explanation of the term.

In addition to studies looking into various theoretical facets of social mediamarketing strategy, numerous studies focusing on putting SMMS into practice have beencarried out to test and assess business marketing efforts Notably, Karima andTjokrosoekarto (2020) assess the success of the post-pandemic Facebook and Instagrammarketing approach of the famed Indonesian coffee store Kopi Kenceng As a result,while putting a social media marketing plan into practice, it is crucial to recognize thetarget audience, prioritize the marketing objectives, and create and distribute valuablecontent for the target audience.

It is clear that thorough consideration and use of both theoretical and empiricalresearch have been made in order for businesses to implement social media marketingas the cornerstone of their marketing efforts As a result, Vietnam, which isindustrializing, might use similar strategies to make social media an effective tool fordeveloping and implementing marketing strategies.

2.4.2 The Review of Existing Research in Vietnam

Since there are just a few studies that have been undertaken by academics in theVietnamese context, there has not been much interest in studying social media marketingstrategy in Vietnam, particularly Facebook However, Vietnamese business marketershave been steadily embracing the internet marketing trend.

In their 2020 thesis, Nguyen et al used a quantitative research approach toadminister questionnaires to 300 students, workers, stay-at-home moms, and retirees tostudy the connections between social media marketing, consumer involvement, andpurchase intention Through their online presence on social media, businesses can gaina deeper insight into their customers’ interests, preferences, and consumption patterns,according to the report Additionally, businesses might use social media marketing toprovide engaging content for customers to boost brand connection and engagement,increasing the likelihood that these interactions would result in qualified leads and sales.


Ngày đăng: 19/06/2024, 10:42
