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En42 dịch Đại cương Đề số 1

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EN42_Dịch đại cương_đề số 1 EN42_Dịch đại cương_đề số 2 EN42_Dịch đại cương_đề số 3 tham khảo, luận văn, báo cáo, tiểu luận, bài viết, bài tập lớp, bài tập, chuyên đề, nghiên cứu, kiểm tra, tự luận, bài tập kỹ năng, bài tập nhóm, EN42, dịch, dịch đại cương, EN42_dịch đại cương, EN42_Dịch đại cương_đề số 1, EN42_Dịch đại cương_đề số 2, EN42_Dịch đại cương_đề số 3

Trang 1



Full name: Trần Thị Hường Date of birth: 12/07/1990Group: FHDN319

I Answer the following questions: (40 points)

1 What are the different definitions on translation? The different definitions on translation:

- Translation is basically a change of form: When we speak of the form of alanguage, we are referring to the actual words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc.The forms are referred to as the surface structure of a language It is the structuralpart of language which is actually seen in print or heard in speech In translation theform of the source language is replaced by the form of the receptor/target language.- Translation is the expression in another language of what has been

expressed in one language: In this definition, you should preserve semantic andstylistic equivalencies You should be careful when you express the other people'sideas It is very easy to be erroneous.

- Translation is the replacement of a representation of a text in one

language by a representation of an equivalent text in a second language.

In this case you can understand that there must be an equivalent text in the secondlanguage You should try to find and create as many as equivalents aspossible - Translation is rendering a written text into another language in a way

that the author intended the text You should bear in mind that it is important tounderstand the author's intention If you have no idea about the author's intention,you will be in the middle of the road.

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Translating may be defined as the process of transforming signs or representationsinto other signs or representations If the originals have some significance, wegenerally require that their images also have the same significance, or, morerealistically, as nearly the same significance as we can get Keeping significanceinvariant is the central problem in translating between natural languages.

- Translation may be defined as follows: the replacement of textual material in onelanguage by equivalent material in another language In this definition, translation isexpressed in the most general aspect The

replacement of the textual material is not really easy.

- To translate means “to produce a text in a target setting for a targetpurpose and target addressees in target circumstances".

One of the most important factors determining the purpose of a translation is theaddressee, who is the intended receiver or audience of the target text with theirculture-specific world-knowledge, their expectations and their communicativeneeds Every translation is directed at an intended audience.

- Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest naturalequivalent of the source-language message.

In this aspect the reproduction of a language is put forward The natural equivalentis paid much attention to Of course, the translator has to spend much more time onthe nature of the target language.

- Translation leads from a source-language text to a target-language text, which is asclose an equivalent as possible and presupposes an understanding of the content andstyle of the original In translation the understanding of the content and style of theoriginal is very necessary It is the key factor to render a text The presupposition isa must for the translation process.

- Translation can be conceived as an integral communicative performance, whichwithout any extratextual additions (notes, explanations etc.) When the translation isan end in itself, in the sense of simply seeking to extend an originally monolingual

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insight into the cognitive meaning, linguistic form and communicative function ofthe SL text.

- Translating as a code-switching operation With the more pragmatic reorientation atthe beginning of the 1970s, the focus shifted from the word or phrase to the text as aunit of translation Equivalence as a basic concept or even constituent of translationwas never really questioned The ideal translation would be one in which the aim inthe target language is equivalence as regards the conceptual content, linguistic formand communicative function of a source-language text This means that the source-language content, form, style, function, etc must be preserved, or at least that thetranslation must seek to preserve them as far as.

2 What is the nature of translation? - Reproducing the Message

You should bear in mind that translating must aim primarily at “reproducingthemessage.” To do anything else is essentially false to one’s task as a translator But toreproduce the message one must make a good many grammati cal and lexicaladjustments A meaningful equivalent is "tender compassion,” and it is precise inthis manner that many translations attempt to reproduce the significance of thissource-language expression.

- Equivalence rather than Identity

The translator must strive for equivalence rather than identity In a sense this is justanother way of emphasizing the reproduction of the message rather than theconservation of the form of the utterance, but it reinforces the need for radical

alteration of a phrase such as I think or in my opinion which may be quitemeaningless.

- Dynamic Equivalence over Formal Correspondence

Equivalence in translation is considered mainly in terms of form and

meaning However, over the past years, translation scholars have focused more onthe communicative function than on the notion of equivalence of the target text.

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The translator is seen as a bilingual communicator in an intercultural situation, whocan competently produce utterances which are also appropriate in the givensociocultural circumstances.

- A Natural Equivalent

Natural refers to three areas of the communication process: a natural

rendering should fit the whole receptor language and culture, the context of thespecific message, and the receptor-language audience Therefore the translationshould bear no obvious trace of a foreign origin A natural translation would have todeal with two main areas of adaptation, that is grammar and lexicon.

(The file sent will be named after each student’s name Plagiarism will lead tofailure)

II Translation practice

1 Translate the following text into Vietnamese (30 points)

The two most interesting arguments in The Concept of theCorporation actually had little to do with the decentralization fad They were todominate his work The first had to do with “empowering” workers Druckerbelieved in treating workers as resources rather than just as costs He was a harshcritic of the assembly-line system of production that then dominated themanufacturing sector – partly because assembly lines moved at the speed of theslowest and partly because they failed to engage the creativity of individualworkers The second argument had to do with the rise of knowledge workers.Drucker argued that the world is moving from an “economy of goods” to aneconomy of “knowledge” – and from a society dominated by an industrialproletariat to one dominated by brain workers He insisted that this had profoundimplications for both managers and politicians Managers had to stop treatingworkers like cogs in a huge inhuman machine and start treating them as brainworkers In turn, politicians had to realise that knowledge, and hence education, was

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Hai lập luận thú vị nhất trong khái niệm Tập đoàn thực ra không liên quanmấy đến trào lưu phân quyền Họ đã thống trị công việc của người lao động Việcđầu tiên liên quan đến việc “trao quyền” cho người lao động Drucker tin vào việccoi người lao động như nguồn tài nguyên chứ không chỉ là chi phí Ông là người chỉtrích gay gắt hệ thống sản xuất dây chuyền lắp ráp lúc bấy giờ đang thống trị lĩnhvực sản xuất - một phần vì dây chuyền lắp ráp di chuyển với tốc độ chậm nhất vàmột phần vì chúng không thu hút được sự sáng tạo của từng công nhân Lập luậnthứ hai liên quan đến sự gia tăng của lực lượng lao động tri thức Drucker lập luậnrằng thế giới đang chuyển từ “nền kinh tế hàng hóa” sang nền kinh tế “tri thức” - vàtừ một xã hội do giai cấp vô sản công nghiệp thống trị sang một xã hội do nhữngngười lao động trí óc thống trị Ông nhấn mạnh rằng điều này có ý nghĩa sâu sắc đốivới cả các nhà quản lý và chính trị gia Các nhà quản lý phải ngừng đối xử với côngnhân như những bánh răng trong một cỗ máy khổng lồ vô nhân đạo và bắt đầu coihọ như những người lao động trí óc Ngược lại, các chính trị gia phải nhận ra rằngkiến thức, và do đó, giáo dục, là nguồn lực quan trọng nhất đối với bất kỳ xã hội tiêntiến nào.

2 Translate the following text into English (30 points)

Lúc này phải coi tất cả hàng hóa đều là thiết yếu trừ hàng cấm, tất cả đều quantrọng, theo Bộ trưởng Giao thông Vận tải Nguyễn Văn Thể Ông Nguyễn Văn Thể nêuý kiến trên tại cuộc họp trực tuyến cùng Bộ Công Thương, Bộ Nông nghiệp và Pháttriển Nông thôn, UBND các tỉnh, thành về tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho vận chuyển hànghóa, nông sản, chiều 25/8 Lãnh đạo ngành giao thông nêu rõ, tất cả các tuyến đườngbộ, đường thủy đều là luồng xanh phục vụ vận chuyển hàng hóa."Các phương tiện vậnchuyển hàng hóa đều được lưu thông; cấp mã QR code là để tạo ưu tiên khi qua chốt,chỉ tiền kiểm, hậu kiểm và xử lý nghiêm minh với các vi phạm", ông nói và đề nghịcác chốt khi kiểm soát phải đảm bảo không xảy ra ùn tắc giao thông kéo dài, nghiêmtrọng; nếu xảy ra ùn tắc phải xả chốt ngay.

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At this time, all goods must be considered essential except prohibited goods,all are important, according to Minister of Transport Nguyen Van The Mr NguyenVan The said at an online meeting with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, theMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the People's Committees ofprovinces and cities on creating favorable conditions for transporting goods andagricultural products, in the afternoon of August 25th Transport industry leaders saidthat all roads and waterways are green channels to serve the transportation of goods."Vehicles transporting goods are allowed to circulate; issuing QR codes, which createpriority When going through checkpoints, only pre-inspection, post-inspection andstrict handling of violations," he said and suggested that checkpoints must ensure thatno prolonged or serious traffic jams occur; If a blockage occurs, the latch must bereleased immediately.

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2024, 08:48
