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research design and implement of equipment to monitor players on the football pitch

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Content of the project: - Design of monitoring device using ESP32 - Design of a device to measure player position, heart rate, and step count - Design of display interface - Design of th

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Ho Chi Minh City, March 2024GRADUATION PROJECT





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Students: QUACH PHU HUNG ID: 19146127

Class: 19146CLA Course: 2019 – 2023

Ho Chi Minh City, March 2024



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Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc _

NHIỆM VỤ ĐỒ ÁN TỐT NGHIỆP Học kỳ I / năm học 2023 – 2024 Giáo viên hướng dẫn: TS Nguyễn Vũ Lân

Sinh viên thực hiện:

1 Quách Phú Hưng MSSV: 19146127 - CLA SĐT: 0976 722 147 2 Bàn Thế Quyền MSSV: 19146115 - CLA SĐT: 0384 438 367 3 Trần Tấn Phát MSSV: 19146103 - CLA SĐT: 0817 556 675

Tìm hiểu thông tin về các hệ thống liên quan trên internet và các nguồn học liệu khác

3 Nội dung chính của đồ án:

Thiết kế thiết bị giám sát sử dụng ESP32

Thiết kế bộ đo vị trí, nhịp tim, đếm số bước chạy cầu thủ Thiết kế giao diện hiển thị

Thiết kế khung áo chứa thiết bị

4 Sản phẩm dự kiến: Thiết bị giám sát và nhắc vị trí, đo nhịp tim, đếm số bước chạy

của cầu thủ

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5 Ngày giao đồ án: 01/10/2023 6 Ngày nộp đồ án: 08/03/2024

7 Ngôn ngữ trình bày:

Bản báo cáo: Tiếng Anh  Tiếng Việt

Trình bày bảo vệ: Tiếng Anh  Tiếng việt


(Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên)

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Independence – Freedom– Happiness

-Ho Chi Minh City, March 08, 2024


Student name: Quach Phu Hung Student ID: 19146127 Student name: Tran Tan Phat Student ID: 19146103 Student name: Ban The Quyen Student ID: 19146115

Advisor: PhD Nguyen Vu Lan Phone number:(+84) 913 522 142 Date of assignment: 05/09/2023 Date of submission: 12/03/2024

1 Project title: Research, design, and implementation of equipment to monitor players

on the football pitch

2 Early figures and documents: Each player will wear a device when entering the field

These devices are capable of wireless interaction with a central control hub to monitor and signal:

(1) Reminder of the distance of movement between players with arranged positions in the formation

(2) Tactical formation reminders

(3) Audible, verbal, vibration-based reminders using encryption

(4) Devices with the function of compiling player activity statistics (e.g., total running steps, steps taken within a specified time frame, heart rate, respiratory rate, etc.) to serve performance analysis and player health assessment

3 Content of the project:

- Design of monitoring device using ESP32

- Design of a device to measure player position, heart rate, and step count - Design of display interface

- Design of the framework garment to contain the device

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4 Final product:

The monitoring device with position reminders, heart rate measurement, and step count for players


(Sign with full name)


(Sign with full name)

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Independence – Freedom– Happiness

-Ho Chi Minh City, March 08, 2024


Student name: Quach Phu Hung Student ID: 19146127Student name: Tran Tan Phat Student ID: 19146103Student name: Ban The Quyen Student ID: 19146115Major: Mechatronics Engineering

Project title: Research, design, and implementation of equipment to monitor players on the football pitch

Advisor: PhD Nguyen Vu Lan


1 Content of the project:

2 Strengths:

3 Weaknesses:

4 Approval for oral defense? (Approved or denied)

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5 Overall evaluation: (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor)

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Independence – Freedom– Happiness

-Ho Chi Minh City, Day Month……., Year… ….

PRE-DEFENSE EVALUATION SHEET Student name: Quach Phu Hung Student ID: 19146127Student name: Tran Tan Phat Student ID: 19146103Student name: Ban The Quyen Student ID: 19146115Major: Mechatronics EngineeringProject title: Research, design, and implementation of equipment to monitor players on the football pitch Name of Reviewer: PhD Pham Bach DuongEVALUATION 1 Content and workload of the project

2 Strengths:

3 Weaknesses:

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4 Approval for oral defense? (Approved or denied)

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Independence – Freedom– Happiness

-Ho Chi Minh City, Day Month……., Year… ….

EVALUATION SHEET OF DEFENSE COMMITTEE MEMBER Student name: Quach Phu Hung Student ID: 19146127Student name: Tran Tan Phat Student ID: 19146103Student name: Ban The Quyen Student ID: 19146115Major: Mechatronics EngineeringProject title: Research, design, and implementation of equipment to monitor players on the football pitch Name of Defense Committee Member:

EVALUATION 1 Content and workload of the project

2 Strengths:

3 Weaknesses:

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Student Name: Quach Phu Hung ID: 19146127 Class: 19146CLA3

Email: 19146127@student.hcmute.edu.vn Phone: (+84) 976 722 147

Student Name: Ban The Quyen ID: 19146115 Class: 19146CLA1

Email: 19146115@student.hcmute.edu.vn Phone: (+84) 384 438 367

Student Name: Tran Tan Phat ID: 19146103 Class: 19146CLA2

Email: 19146103@student.hcmute.edu.vn Phone: (+84) 817 556 675

Graduation thesis submission date: 12 – 03 – 2024

Disclaimer: “We hereby declare that this graduation thesis is the work of our research,

design, and implementation We do not copy from any published article without citing the

source If there is any violation, we take full responsibility”

Ho Chi Minh City, March 07 2024 Student Sign Student Sign Student Sign

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We would like to extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation to our esteemed advisor, Mr Nguyen Vu Lan, whose guidance and counsel have been instrumental in our journey toward the completion of this report Your wisdom, expertise, and invaluable insights have kept us on the right path, ensuring that we remain focused and driven until the culmination of our efforts

To our dear friends, who have accompanied us on this transformative four-year university journey, we are indebted to you Amidst the trials and tribulations of student life, you have been our pillars of strength, lending us a helping hand when we stumbled and sharing in our joys and sorrows In times of pain and adversity, it was the profound bonds of friendship that illuminated our path and reignited our spirits

Our sincere gratitude extends to our beloved parents and cherished loved ones Their unwavering support, continuous encouragement, and unwavering belief in our abilities have been a constant source of motivation for us throughout this arduous journey Their presence has been an invaluable asset, providing us with the necessary strength and conviction to channel our positive energy into completing this project Their love and encouragement have served as the driving force behind our endeavors, and we are forever grateful for their unwavering faith in us

Finally, we would like to express thanks to Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education and the Faculty of High Quality Training creating favorable conditions for us to take our graduation project

In conclusion, we wish to extend our deepest gratitude to our parents, loved ones, friends, advisors, and our university for their unwavering support, guidance, and contribution to our academic journey Without their presence and influence, we would not have been able to achieve the level of success and personal growth that we have experienced Their contributions have been immeasurable, and we will forever cherish the profound impact they have had on our lives

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Project Title: Research, design, and implementation of equipment to monitor players

on the football pitch

This project aims to develop a tracking and support device for football players during training and matches, using the ESP32 module and integrating sensors such as DWB1000 (position tracking), AD8232 (heart rate monitoring), and MPU6250 (acceleration and velocity measurement), along with designing a PCB circuit to optimize device size

The device collects data from sensors and then utilizes algorithms to compute player position, heart rate, and velocity The ESP32 microcontroller serves as the central processing unit, ensuring rapid data processing and collection from sensors Additionally, a Low Pass filter is employed to reduce sensor noise

The player-worn device can communicate via TCP and ESP32 Wi-Fi connection Subsequently, the collected data is pushed to a web server, such as NodeRed, which provides detailed information about player position, heart rate, motion, formation distances, and player reminders through real-time device vibrations during and after training sessions and matches

Ultimately, players and coaches can utilize the statistical website to track player performance and health, facilitating training adjustments for better results The next development goal is to optimize device size and weight to enhance usability for both players and coaches

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Đề Tài: Nghiên cứu, thiết kế, và triển khai thiết bị để theo dõi cầu thủ trên sân bóng

Đề tài này phát triển một thiết bị theo dõi và hỗ trợ cầu thủ trong tập luyện và thi đấu bóng đá, sử dụng module ESP32 và tích hợp các cảm biến như DWB1000 (theo dõi vị trí), AD8232 (đo nhịp tim), và MPU6250 (đo gia tốc và vận tốc) và thiết kế mạch PCB để tối ưu kích thước thiết bị

Thiết bị thu thập dữ liệu từ cảm biến, sau đó sử dụng các phương pháp tính toán vị trí, nhịp tim, và vận tốc Vi điều khiển ESP32 là bộ xử lý trung tâm của thiết bị đảm bảo khả năng xử lý và thu thập dữ liệu nhanh chóng từ các cảm biến Thêm vào đó sử dụng bộ lọc Low Pass nhằm giảm nhiễu từ cảm biến

Thiết bị gắn trên áo cầu thủ có thể giao tiếp qua phương thức TCP và thông qua kết nối wifi của ESP32 Sau đó dữ liệu được thu thập được sẽ được đẩy lên web sever mà ở đây là được sử dụng là NodeRed Trang web này được thiết kế để cung cấp thông tin chi tiết về vị trí cầu thủ, nhịp tim và chuyển động của họ, cự ly đội hình và nhắc được cầu thủ trên sân nhờ việc rung thiết bị cả trong thời gian thực và sau các buổi tập luyện và trận đấu

Trong kết quả cuối cùng, cầu thủ và huấn luyện viên có thể sử dụng website thống kê để theo dõi hiệu suất và sức khỏe của cầu thủ, từ đó tăng cường tập luyện và đưa ra những điều chỉnh cần thiết để đạt hiệu quả cao hơn trong quá trình chơi bóng

Mục tiêu phát triển tiếp theo là tối ưu kích thước và cân nặng để nâng cao trải nghiệm sử dụng cho cả cầu thủ và huấn luyện viên

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1.1 The urgency of the topic 1

1.2 Scientific and practical significance of the topic: 2

1.5.2 Specific research methods: 4

1.6 Graduation project structure: 5


2.1 Device theory: 7

2.2 Theory of location determination : 13

2.2.1 Ultra Wide Band (UWB) 13

2.2.2 Locate a Tag in space: 14

2.3 Theory of player reminder mechanism: 16

2.4 Low pass filter application: 18

2.4.1 Introducing Filter: 18

2.4.2 Method of Low-Pass filter: 18

2.5 Overall Node-Red: 21

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2.5.1 What is Node Red? 21

2.5.2 Connect to Node-Red using MQTT Broker HiveMQ: 22

2.5.3 Reasons for choosing node-red as the display 23

2.6 Designing a GUI with Python Tkinter 24

2.6.1 The benefits of Python 24

2.6.2 Python libraries used in the program 25

2.7 Creating a Data Storage File with CSV 27

3.4 Directions and solutions for implementation: 33

3.5 Option for installation on the player: 54

3.5.1 Device placement 54

3.5.2 Choosing the right jacket: 55

3.6 Design and calculate of device container: 57


4.1 Completed device features: 58

4.2 Data processing diagram : 58

4.3 Calculation of the Low Pass Filter used in the heart rate sensor 60


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Figure 1.1: Electronic Performance & Tracking Systems 1

Figure 1.2: Player wear vest CATAPULT 3

Figure 1.3: Applicable Object 4

Figure 2.1: Heart Rate 8

Figure 2.2: Electrocardiogram (ECG) 9

Figure 2.3: UWB technology 13

Figure 2.4: The operational principles of UWB computing 14

Figure 2.5: Trigonometry 15

Figure 2.6: Remind player was offside 17

Figure 2.7: Overall the Low Pass Filter 18

Figure 2.8: The result for signal 2Hz through Low Pass Filter 19

Figure 2.9: The result for signal 50Hz through Low Pass Filter 19

Figure 2.10: Phase slip in Low Pass Filter 20

Figure 2.11: Interface with Node-Red 21

Figure 2.12: Data transmission platform 22

Figure 2.13: General description of connections in the project 23

Figure 2.14: Transmission Control Protocol 26

Figure 2.15: Data save in file CSV 27

Figure 3.1: Device used in training 31

Figure 3.2: Device design process 32

Figure 3.3: Design Electrical 32

Figure 3.4: PCB circuit 34

Figure 3.5: Lipo Battery 35

Figure 3.6: Configuration of Xl 1509 35

Figure 3.7: Principle diagram of power block with output 3.3V 36

Figure 3.8: Power block on the board 36

Figure 3.9: IC programmer 37

Figure 3.10: Charging block diagram 38

Figure 3.11: Charging block in PCB 38

Figure 3.12: ESP32-Wroom Pinout 39

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Figure 3.13: Microcontroller Block diagram 41

Figure 3.14: Microcontroller Block in PCB 42

Figure 3.15: Module MPU6050 42

Figure 3.16: Connection between ESP32 and MPU6050 43

Figure 3.17: MPU6050 Block diagram 44

Figure 3.18: MPU6050 block in PCB 45

Figure 3.19: Module AD8232 and Pinout 46

Figure 3.20: Connection between ESP32 and AD8232 47

Figure 3.21: AD8232 Block diagram 47

Figure 3.22: AD8232 Block in PCB 48

Figure 3.23: Module DW1000 48

Figure 3.24: DW1000 Block diagram 50

Figure 3.25: Connection between ESP32 and DW1000 50

Figure 3.26: Vibrating motor in PCB 51

Figure 3.27: Schematic 52

Figure 3.28: Top layer 53

Figure 3.29: Bottom layer 53

Figure 3.30: Front side of the PCB 54

Figure 3.31: Back side of the PCB 54

Figure 3.32: Device location in vest 55

Figure 3.33: Vest type 56

Figure 4.1: Data Processing diagram 59

Figure 4.2: The unprocessed raw signal obtained from AD8232 sensor 61

Figure 4.3: Low Pass filter results at 5 Hz cutoff frequency 62

Figure 4.4: Low Pass filter results at 10 Hz cutoff frequency 63

Figure 4.5: Low Pass filter results at 15 Hz cutoff frequency 63

Figure 4.6: Low Pass filter results at 20 Hz cutoff frequency 63

Figure 4.7: Other results 64

Figure 4.8: Comparison of cut-off frequencies of 15Hz and 20Hz: 64

Figure 5.1: Graph on the value of battery life 76

Figure 5.2: Graph on the value of heart rate 77

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Figure 5.3: Graph on the value of velocity 77 Figure 5.4: Graph on the value of location 78 Figure 5.5: Testing indoor and on the pitch 79 Figure 5.6: Display 80 Figure 5.7: Result 80

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Table 2.1: Heart rate with each age 8 Table 2.2: Target heart rate zones for different ages 11 Table 2.3: Target heart rate chart for effective workouts 11 Table 3.1: Capacity Statistics 34 Table 5.1: Metrics 69 Table 5.2: Metrics Correlation 69 Table 5.3: Production Specification 70 Table 5.4: Method Experiment 72 Table 5.5: Static test 73 Table 5.6: Battery life (minute) 73 Table 5.7: Check heart rate value (bmp) 74 Table 5.8: Check velocity value when walking and running (cm/s) 75 Table 5.9: Check vibrant 75 Table 5.10: Check the measuring position (m) 75 Table 5.11: Static test analysis 76 Table 5.12: Test criteria 78

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TCP: Transmission Control Protocol

EPTS: Electronic Performance Tracking Systems IFAB: International Football Association Board HR: Heart Rate

BPM: Beats Per Minute RHR: Resting Heart Rate ECG: Electrocardiogram IoT: Internets of Things

MQTT: International Football Association Board GUI: International Football Association Board CSV: Comma Separated Values

RTOS: Real-Time Operating System MCU: Microcontrollers

PCB: Printed Wiring Boards

UART: Universal Asychrinius Receiver / Transmitter CPU: Central Processing Unit

SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface GPIO: General Purpose Input Output PWM: Pulse Width Modulation IMU: Inertial Measurement Unit DMP: Data Management Platform VOM: Digital Multimeter

ADC: Analog to Digital Converter UWB: Ultra - Wideband

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1.1 The urgency of the topic

Thesis research on a device used for football players to track and evaluate player performance EPTS (Electronic Performance and Tracking System) is one of the tools that FIFA has implemented to measure player distance and track the ball The International Football Association Board (IFAB) decided to allow players to use wearable technology in official football matches in March 2015

In recent years, the popularity of using wearable player tracking devices has been on the rise This is a lucrative market for companies and businesses to invest in and develop such devices to generate revenue Countries that are pioneers in this field include companies from Germany, England, Austria, etc They have successfully developed and promoted their products, the most visible and familiar being the Premier League, where all players from each club wear a vest-mounted device under their main shirt when they take the field In addition to the usual playing accessories such as: shirts, pants, specialized shoes, socks, protective pads, etc., there is now a vest with a device attached Some famous brands like Captapult, Playertex, etc., they not only develop in the king of sports but also spread to other sports such as basketball, rugby, volleyball, etc

Figure 1.1: Electronic Performance & Tracking Systems

Although it is so famous, it is still not well known about this technology in Vietnam Recently, in the 2022 World Cup qualifying campaign of the Vietnam national football team, we began to see the appearance of Catapult monitoring vests on the bodies of players such as Tien Linh, Cong Phuong, Quang Hai, etc This shows how the impact of technology in football is spreading

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Through the specific evidence as above, we see the need for a device to track the basic parameters of the trainer when training or competing to track the basic parameters of the body such as the number of kilometers of movement, training speed, and also the heart rate of the trainer From these parameters, we can adjust the training regimen for better fitness Such a device is essential during the training period to track the distance and speed of movement of the players on the field as well as their heart rate Then, this information is transmitted to another monitoring device outside the field to be recorded This allows for a more accurate grasp of the health status of the players and to develop more appropriate training and competition plans for each position on the field Realizing the need for a device that can fulfill the above tasks, the group has researched the topic: " Research, design, and implementation of equipment to monitor players on the football pitch"

1.2 Scientific and practical significance of the topic:

The urgency of the research, design, and deployment of the player tracking device on the football field lies in the wide range of benefits and applications it brings to the field of sports and training Here are some specific aspects:

- Optimized Training Performance: The device helps to optimize training performance by providing accurate information about the player's position, heart rate, and movement This helps coaches to adjust training plans to meet the specific needs and abilities of each player

- Personal Health Management: Monitoring heart rate and movement measures helps to assess the player's individual health This not only helps to prevent injuries but also creates a suitable training regimen for each individual

- Optimized Formation and Tactics: Data on player position on the field helps coaches determine the best tactics and formation for each game situation This increases the team's chances of winning

- Real-time decision-making: The data is updated continuously, supporting immediate decisions in real-time This is important in situations that require flexibility and quick response from coaches and players

- Enhancing the Personal Experience: By providing detailed information about the player's activity, the topic helps to create a positive and motivating experience for the player Tracking individual progress can increase commitment and passion in training

- Contribution to Technology Research: The research not only addresses challenges in the field of sports but also contributes to the development of sports tracking and evaluation technology This could open the door to new advances in this field

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In conclusion, the urgency of this topic lies not only in the specific improvement of the performance of players and teams, but also in the aspect of contributing to the development and modernization of the field of sports and health tracking technology

- Adding a feature to remind players on the field during training

Figure 1.2: Player wear vest CATAPULT

1.4 Subject and scope of the research 1.4.1 Research Subject

- The research subject in the topic is players participating in training and competition activities on the field

- The research focuses on the design and implementation of a tracking device that provides information about the player's position, heart rate, and movement in real-time

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- The research subjects include both players and coaches, in order to provide accurate and useful data to optimize the training process, assess health, and improve performance on the field

Figure 1.3: Applicable Object

1.4.2 Research Scope

The research focuses on developing a basic model tracking device to measure heart rate, speed, and distance for players It includes hardware design, software development for user interface and statistics, data management, and analysis to optimize player performance and health Further exploration involves miniaturization and integrating new technological advancements Additionally, basic features will be added to remind the team formation during training sessions

1.5 Research method

1.5.1 Methodological basis:

- The research uses a technical research method, focusing on the application of engineering principles and techniques to develop and deploy a player-worn tracking device

- The research method applies a technical and experimental approach to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of using the player tracking device and storing and displaying data on the web system

- The research also uses comparative and data analysis methods to evaluate the performance, features, and scalability of the device compared to other methods and technologies

1.5.2 Specific research methods:

The first step in the product research and development process is to understand the needs and urgency of the topic in practice This includes identifying the importance of tracking and evaluating player performance in the field of football To do this, the research team needs to refer to existing modern products or solutions on the market Products such

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as smart wristbands or smartwatches that can measure heart rate can be an important source of inspiration

Next, collecting materials and research methods for measuring heart rate, speed, and distance is important to build a solid theoretical foundation for the topic The team needs to grasp the most advanced techniques in this field to be able to integrate them into their product

At the same time, researching smart wristbands and smartwatches that can measure heart rate and locate positions will help the team choose the right sensors and technologies to integrate into their product This poses a challenge in the arrangement of sensors and processors in a reasonable way on the player's body without affecting their sporting activities

After having the theoretical basis and the necessary information about the sensors, the team proceeds to collect and process data from the sensors, using Wifi communication to transmit the data to the server This requires a solid knowledge of data processing and communication techniques

In addition, the team also conducts in-depth research on basic formations and tactical diagrams in football to develop a player reminder system that is most appropriate and effective This helps to optimize tracking and improve player performance

Finally, the team builds web software to track and display information from sensors in a clear and easy-to-use way This poses requirements for software engineering and a user-friendly interface

1.6 Graduation project structure:

The graduation project consists of 8 parts, of which the specific contents are as follows:

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION: In this chapter, the team presents the urgency, significance, and objectives of the topic, the research methods to be used to implement the topic, and the available research in Vietnam and abroad

Chapter 2: LITERATURE VIEW: This chapter presents the relevant theories and their applications to the topic

Chapter 3: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT: This chapter presents the methods for designing products and building sensors to collect data

Chapter 4: METHOD ANALYST DATA: This chapter presents the methods for

processing and calculating the data returned from sensors

Chapter 5: EXPERIMENT RESULTS FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS: This chapter presents the results of the actual experiments on the field and evaluates the results achieved

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Chapter 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Summary of the topic and product development directions


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2.1 Device theory:

Currently, many leading football teams in the world are actively using devices to support and track players on the field This is not only a trend but also an important part of the strategy for managing and developing the team of players Famous companies such as Catapult, Playertex,… are the leading providers of modern solutions for this

The tracking device is usually attached neatly to the back of the player's neck, designed in a small bag, and contains many important sensors In particular, the positioning sensor, accelerometer, and heart rate sensor all have the task of tracking and recording important information In particular, the heart rate sensor tracks the player's heart rate while the position sensor and accelerometer provide information about the distance and speed of movement on the football field

After collecting data, the information is transmitted to a tracking device outside the football field for statistical and analytical purposes Coaches use these indicators to assess the health status of the players and from there build appropriate training and competition plans to optimize performance for each individual At the same time, during training, it can be integrated with the adjustment of the formation, and running on the field according to the requirements of the coach, thanks to the vibration sensor, evaluating the accuracy of the player when moving

This proves that integrating technology and tracking the personal information of players is an important part of managing the team effectively in a professional environment

2.2.1 What is Heart Rate?

Heart Rate (HR) is a basic biological signal that reflects the activity of the cardiovascular system and is an important factor in assessing the health of the body HR signals are often measured and recorded using devices such as ECG electrodes, PPG sensors, or smart wearable devices

HR is a measure of the number of beats of the heart in a given period, typically expressed as beats per minute (bpm) It is an important indicator of heart health and function

Resting Heart Rate (RHR), measured most accurately when someone wakes up or in the morning, indicates the level of heart rate when the body is not active RHR measurement is often used to assess cardiovascular health and fitness A low RHR is often considered a sign of a strong cardiovascular system and the body's ability to effectively deliver oxygen The normal RHR for adults typically ranges from 60 to 100 bpm

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 Training performance measurement: In sports, heart rate signals are used to measure the level of exercise and training performance

 Stress reduction and mental improvement: Monitoring heart rate signals can help users identify and reduce stress, as well as improve their mental health

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However, many external factors also affect heart rate For example, environmental factors such as hot weather or high altitudes can increase heart rate Emotions such as anxiety, fear, or stress can also cause fluctuations Stimulants such as tobacco, caffeine, as well as medications and eating/drinking a lot also play an important role in changing heart rate

In particular, vigorous physical activity such as running, swimming, or high-intensity sports can increase maximum heart rate as the body needs to provide more oxygen and nutrients to meet the needs of exercise These factors all simultaneously impact the fluctuation of heart rate, and understanding them is important for a comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular health

2.2.2 Overall Heart Rate:

Amplitude: Measures the difference between the maximum and minimum values of the heart rate signal Amplitude typically reflects the amount of blood being pumped from the heart to the body and may be related to the strength of the heart beat

Frequency: Measures the number of heart beats in a unit of time, typically beats per minute The frequency of the heart rate signal can vary depending on the individual's physical condition, activity level, and emotional state

Time: The heart rate signal is typically measured and recorded over time The heart rate cycles are important for assessing the rhythm and timing of the heart

Figure 2.2: Electrocardiogram (ECG)

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The electrical processes of the heart are the electronic processes that occur within the heart to create and regulate the heart rate Here are the important electrical processes in the heart:

P wave: The P wave represents the stimulation and contraction of the atrial cells in the atrium It is typically a small, wavy shape, representing the process of atrial contraction and pushing blood from the atrium into the ventricles

QRS complex: Represents the stimulation and contraction of the ventricular cells in the heart It consists of the Q, R, and S waves The Q wave represents the first stimulation and contraction of the ventricular cells The R wave represents the main stimulation and contraction of the ventricular cells, while the S wave represents the final stimulation and contraction of the ventricular cells The QRS complex represents the strong contraction of the ventricular cells and pumping blood out of the heart

T wave: Represents the process of electrical repolarization of the heart after it contracts It represents the recovery of the heart cells and preparation for the next heart beat cycle The T wave is typically a small, wavy shape, and it reflects the repolarization of the heart cell membrane

The P, QRS complex, and T waves are the basic and important waveforms in the electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) They provide information about the electrical processes and function of the heart, and allow the identification of electrical abnormalities such as irregular heart rhythms, conduction disorders, and heart disease

The Electronic Form of the Heart Rate Signal:

Generation of the PQRST Signal: In the electrocardiogram (ECG), the heart rate signal is typically represented by the P, Q, R, S, and T waves Each wave represents a part of the cardiac cycle and shows the contraction and relaxation of the heart chambers (ventricles) and atria

PPG Signal: Using a PPG sensor, the heart rate signal can be measured by measuring the change in light reflected from the skin, due to the increase and decrease of blood volume in the blood vessels under the skin

Target Heart Rate (THR) is the index of the heart rate when the body is active, such as working, exercising, or moving the body, at this time the heart rate increases to provide enough blood and oxygen to the working muscles The THR index is to ensure that the practitioner is exercising at the appropriate intensity and safety for health

THR is calculated based on the maximum heart rate and the desired level of exercise to be achieved A common method for calculating THR is to use the relative percentages of the maximum heart rate The commonly used formula is the Karvonen formula:

THR = Target % x (Maximum Heart Rate - RHR) + RHR (2.1)

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RHR: Resting heart rate

Age Target HR Zone 50 – 85% Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%

Advanced 80%-90% Beats/mi

n Beats/10 sec Beats/min Beats/10 sec Beats/min Beats/10 sec To 19 121-141 20-24 141-161 24-27 161-181 27-30 20-24 119-139 20-23 139-158 23-26 158-178 26-30 25-29 116-135 19-23 135-154 23-26 154-174 26-29 30-34 113-132 19-22 132-150 22-25 150-169 25-28 35-39 110-128 18-21 128-146 21-24 146-165 24-28 40-44 107-125 18-21 125-142 21-24 142-160 24-27 45-49 104-121 17-20 121-138 20-23 138-156 23-26 50-54 101-118 17-20 118-134 20-22 134-151 22-25

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For example, a 30-year-old person who wants to exercise at a moderate intensity (65% of maximum heart rate) would have a THR of:

THR = 0.65 x (220 - 30) + 30 THR = 137.5 + 30

Maximum heart rate is the number of beats per minute of the heart when the body is working at its maximum capacity The maximum heart rate of soccer players typically ranges from 180 to 220 beats/minute, higher than that of normal people, about 160 to 200 beats/minute

The ability to achieve a higher maximum heart rate is the result of physical training and regular exercise When exercising, the heart muscle will be stimulated to develop, thereby increasing the ability to pump blood and supply oxygen to the body This helps the player to be able to operate at a higher intensity for longer periods of time without fatigue

 Lower resting heart rate: When the player is not active or during the rest period between attacks, the heart rate can drop below the normal level This is usually the result of good cardiovascular adaptation and the ability of the player's body to adapt effectively when there is no high demand for movement

Resting heart rate is the number of beats per minute of the heart when the body is at rest The resting heart rate of soccer players typically ranges from 40 to 50 beats/minute, lower than that of normal people, about 60 to 80 beats/minute

A lower resting heart rate is a sign of good cardiovascular health This is because the player's cardiovascular system has been trained to function more efficiently, thereby helping the body to save energy and recover faster after exercise

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 Faster recovery ability: Soccer players often have the ability to recover faster after strenuous exercise The specially trained physique, a strong heart helps the player to quickly recover from rapid heart rate after running fast and hard work on the field

The ability to recover quickly is an important factor in helping players maintain high performance throughout the match This is because the player's body can quickly return to normal heart rate and supply enough oxygen to the muscles, thereby helping the player to continue competing at high intensity

Understanding these differences not only helps improve performance but also supports the process of managing and training players to maintain cardiovascular health and enhance the ability to adapt to the competitive environment

2.2 Theory of location determination : 2.2.1 Ultra Wide Band (UWB)

Ultra-wideband (UWB) is an advanced wireless communication technology that enables high-speed data transmission across a wide range of frequencies, typically ranging from tens of MHz to over 10 GHz This technology allows for high-speed data transmission, high precision, and lower energy consumption compared to traditional communication methods

Figure 2.3: UWB technology

In UWB, data is transmitted in the form of short pulses with very narrow pulse widths, typically only within nanoseconds, and can span multiple frequency channels The use of a wide range of frequencies helps UWB to avoid interference from other signals and minimize collisions with other communication systems

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UWB technology has numerous applications in various fields, including data transmission, location positioning, radar, sensors, and wireless connectivity between electronic devices In the automotive industry, UWB is used for tracking the position and detecting objects around vehicles, while in healthcare, it can be utilized to monitor patients' health parameters without direct contact

Figure 2.4: The operational principles of UWB computing

One of the major advantages of UWB is its high noise immunity and excellent material penetration capabilities, making it an attractive choice for applications requiring high reliability and performance However, there are also challenges such as compliance with legal regulations and industry standards, as well as competition from other wireless communication technologies

2.2.2 Locate a Tag in space:

When using a pair of DW1000, it is easy to calculate the distance between the two devices when setting them in Anchor and Tag mode However, to determine the exact coordinate position of a Tag in space, we need at least three DW1000 to be able to apply the Plane Formulary Algorithm In which, two DW100 have the role of Anchor and the remaining DW1000 has the role of Tag

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Let us assume that all three DW1000 are in a plane with the same height In which, there are two DW1000 that play the role of Anchor and the distance between them is a constant that has been determined in advance according to the setup From there, when a Tag returns the distance between it and the remaining two Anchors, we can easily determine its position in space through the Plane Formulary Algorithm method

Figure 2.5: Trigonometry

In the illustration above, A and B are assumed to be two Anchors and have a distance of c that is a constant that has been pre-set Meanwhile, C is a Tag with the magnitude of the distance with A as b and with B as a will be determined through the DW1000 of the Tag So obviously, with three points in a triangle formed by the three DW1000s, we have been able to easily determine all of their edges From there, we can quickly determine the coordinate position of C through the Plane Formulary Algorithm calculated as follows

First, we will apply the Cosine Theorem to calculate the angle alpha created by the magnitude of the distance of the AC and AB edges using the formula:

𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑎 = 𝑏2+𝑐2−𝑎2

2𝑏𝑐 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑎 = √1 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝑎 (2.4)

If we let point A be the quadrant (0, 0), then point C has a coordinate position of: 𝐶 (𝑏 ∗ cos 𝑎 , 𝑏 ∗ sin 𝑎) (2.5)

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2.3 Theory of player reminder mechanism:

In-field player notification using wearable devices is a new technology that is being developed and applied in sports, especially football This technology uses wearable devices, such as smartwatches, smart bracelets, or smart glasses, to provide information and reminders to players during competition

There are many benefits to in-field player notification using wearable devices, including:

- Increased performance: Wearable devices can provide players with information about the positions of teammates, opponents, and the ball, helping players make more accurate decisions and improve performance

- Reduced injuries: Wearable devices can track players' physiological indicators, such as heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature, helping to detect early signs of injury and take timely preventive measures

- Enhanced communication: Wearable devices can allow players to communicate with each other and with the coach quickly and effectively, helping to improve team coordination and tactics

There are many methods for in-field player notification using wearable devices, including:

 Text messages: Text messages are the most common method of player notification Text messages can be sent to players in the form of text messages or push notifications

 Images: Images can also be used to notify players Images can be sent to players in the form of static images or videos

 Sound: Sound can also be used to notify players Sound can be sent to players in the form of voice notifications or chimes

However, to be in line with the scale of the thesis topic, the group used the method of player notification using vibration sensors in an inner vest This method has the following advantages:

 Non-distracting: Vibration sensors do not distract players during competition

 User-friendly: Vibration sensors are easy to use and do not require players to do anything else

 High aesthetics: Inner vests can be designed to match the players' competition attire

Ngày đăng: 07/06/2024, 16:27
