Living area Out of 500 survey respondents, 78,4% of survey respondents are living in urban areas; 5,8% of people live in the suburbs; 14,2% of people live in rural areas and 0,6% live in
Title: Analyzing fashion clothing brand survey
data by working with SPSS
Lê Ng ọc Đan Nhi
Da Nang, 26/5/2023
Table of contents
1 Research objective 3
1.1 Research problem 3
1.3 Research hypothesis 3
2 Data preparation 3
3 Data Descriptive Statistics 4
3.1 Research sample characteristics 4
3.2 Evaluate each research variable 9
4 Identify analytical techniques 13
5 Hypothesis test results 14
6 Recommendations for managers 16
Appendix 17
1 Research objective
1.1 Research problem
Research issue: Young people's buying habits of fashion brands
1.2 Research variables and measurement methods
No Variation Sign Measurement
= Ordinal scale (4 levels)
05 Channel of buying Channel
- On average, young people only buy a particular type of item from their favorite brand
- On average, young people only buy clothes on a particular channel
- The total number of buying channels that women and men buy from their favorite brands is the same
- There is no difference in the age of customers who buy clothes online and those who do not
- There is no relationship between living areas and online purchase channel selection
- There is no relationship between occupation and online purchase channel selection
- Brand loyalty has a positive effect on the number of items purchased
2 Data preparation
Loyalty variable: Generate the Loy General Loyalty variable according to the formula: Loy = (Loy_1
+ Loy_2 + Loy_3 + Loy_4) / 4
Item variable: Create a Sum_Item variable that represents the number of clothing items purchased
from the brand according to the formula: Sum_Item = Item_1 + Item_2 + Item_3 + Item_4 + Item_5 + Item_6 + Item_7 + Item_8 + Item_9
Channel of buying variable:
- Create a Sum_Channel variable that represents the number of channels used to buy clothes according
to the formula: Sum_Item = Item_1 + Item_2 + Item_3 + Item_4 + Item_5 + Item_6 + Item_7 + Item_8 + Item_9
- Create an Online_Channel variable that represents whether or not a customer uses an online purchase channel with the values 0 (Do not use online purchase channel) and 1 (Use online purchase channel)
3 Data Descriptive Statistics
3.1 Research sample characteristics
The table shows the mean and standard deviation of the demographic variables:
a Sex
Among 500 survey respondents, 40,4% of survey respondents are male; 59,4% of people are female The age distribution of survey participants is uneven with more female survey participants The standard deviation between the male and female is 0.495
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b Age
Of the 500 survey respondents, 9% of the survey respondents are in the 15-17 age group; 45,2% of people are in the 18-22 age group, 27,6% are in the 23-27 age group and 18,2% are in the 28-year-old group or older The age distribution of survey participants is uneven, most of them are between the ages of 18 and 22
The average age of survey participants was 22,81 It can be seen that the subjects participating in the survey are young people, most of them are students The standard deviation between the age groups
is 0,89 The dispersion of the data is low, most of the respondents are concentrated in the average age group of 18-22 years old
c Marital status
According to information collected from 500 respondents between the ages of 15 and 32, the marital status of the respondents is unevenly distributed Most of the respondents are single 403/500 accounts for 80,6% of single people This group of people are mainly students and students who are still studying 15,2% of people are married, this group of people is between the ages of 27 and 32 and are working The rest 4,2%
In the marital status variable, the standard deviation is 0,515
d Monthly income
According to the above analysis, the monthly income of 500 respondents is also unevenly distributed The group under 5 million dong accounted for the most with 45% This group is mainly students, students who do not have a job, so they have unstable income
The income group from 5 to under 10 million ranked second and accounted for 28,4% of the total, followed by the income group from 10 to under 15 million accounted for 16,6%, from 15 to under 20 million accounted for 6,4% and the lowest is the income group over 20 million, accounting for 3,6%
For the monthly income variable, the standard deviation has a value of 1,094 and the mean is 1,95
e Education level
The educational level of the respondents is not evenly distributed Out of a total of 500 people surveyed, most of them were in the group with a university education, 325, 65% It shows that the respondents are mainly students attending universities
The second is the Postgraduate group with 14,8%, followed closely by the High School students with 13,8% and the last is the College and Vocational group with 6,4%
f Occupation
Out of 500 survey respondents, 50,8% are students; 21,0% are employees, managers; 9,4% are employed; 9,0% are self-employed, trading; 6,0% are civil servants and public employees; 2,8% and 2,0% are unskilled workers and housewives, respectively; The remaining 8,0% is different The distribution of survey participants' occupation is unevenly distributed, most are students (50,8%) and then employees and managers (21,0%)
g Living area
Out of 500 survey respondents, 78,4% of survey respondents are living in urban areas; 5,8% of people live in the suburbs; 14,2% of people live in rural areas and 0,6% live in other areas The distribution
of the survey respondents' living area is uneven, most of the respondents are living in urban areas
3.2 Evaluate each research variable
a Item
Out of 500 survey respondents, 26,1% bought T-shirts; 16,7% of people buy shirts; 11,5% of people bought jacket/Vest/Blazer; 10,6% of people bought shorts/badgers; 12,4% of people bought long
c Purpose of buying
Of the 500 respondents who conducted the survey, 52,5% of them shopped for the purpose of daily needs - this shows that people appreciate the essential needs of daily life; 31,1% used for special occasions and 16,3% used as gifts; The remaining 0,1% is used for other purposes
d Frequency of buying
Of the 500 respondents who conducted the survey, 32,4% of the survey respondents bought with a frequency of about 1-2 times; 44,4% of buyers with a frequency of about 3-4 times; 20,2% of buyers with a frequency of about 5-12 times; 3% of people buy more than 12 times
It can be seen that the distribution of buying frequency of survey participants is not uniform Most of them focus on 1-2 purchases and 3-4 purchases, very few people buy more than 12 times The average buying frequency is quite low This proves that most of the respondents do not often or rarely buy clothes from their favorite brands
f Social influence
There are differences among survey respondents in terms of purchasing habits Of the 500 respondents who conducted the survey, there were: 63,8% of those who bought alone; 42,2% of people bought with people of the same sex; 20,8% of people bought with the opposite sex; 15% of people bought with groups of both the same and opposite sex; 0,7% of people have bought with other objects
It can be seen that the majority of survey participants often have the habit of buying independently because the rate of buying alone is very high In addition, the rate of buying with people of the same sex is also quite high The heterosexual and mixed groups account for a relatively low proportion
g Information sources
Of the 500 respondents who conducted the survey, 63,8% of people know about the brand and product through the store; 20,2% through the company website; 68.4% through social networks; 32,8% through referrals from relatives/friends/colleagues; 17,8% through mass media; 0,2% through other sources
Survey participants searched for information about brands, products, and brand's advertising and promotions through different sources, and there were significant differences between groups of information sources In the era of the development of social networks, it is not surprising that the majority of respondents often find and know information about brands and products through social networking sites However, direct sources at the store are still favored and account for a high percentage The remaining sources such as the company website, referrals from acquaintances and mass media account for a lower percentage because of less access to the respondents
4 Identify analytical techniques
Analytical techniques
1 On average, young people only buy a
particular type of item from their favorite
Sum_Item One sample t-test
2 On average, young people only buy
clothes at a particular channel
Sum_Channel One sample t-test
3 The total number of buying channels that
women and men buy from their favorite
brands is the same
Sex Sum_Channel
Independent samples test
t-4 There is no difference in the age of
customers who buy clothes online and
those who do not
Age Online_Channel
Independent sample test
5 There is no relationship between living
areas and online purchase channel
Area Online_Channel
Chi-square test
6 There is no relationship between
occupation and online purchase channel
Job Online_Channel
Chi-square test
7 Brand loyalty has a positive effect on the
number of items purchased
Loy Sum_Item
5 Hypothesis test results
No Hypothesis Condition check Relevant
Statistical Value
1 On the average, young
people only buy a
particular type of item
from their favorite brand
H0: Sum_Item = 1
H1: Sum_Item ≠ 1
Mean = 3,1240
t = 32,989 p-value = 0,000 <
Reject H0, accept H1⇒ Not qualified
to accept the hypothesis
Reject H0, accept H1 Not qualified ⇒
to accept the hypothesis
3 The total number of
buying channels that
women and men buy
from their favorite brands
t = 0,338 p-value = 0,736 >
Accept H0, reject H1 ⇒ Accept hypothesis
4 There is no difference in
the age of customers who
buy clothes online and
those who do not
p-value = 0,031 <
⇒ Equal variances not assumed
t = 1,111 p-value = 0,267 >
Accept H0, reject H1 ⇒ Accept hypothesis
H0: There is no
difference in the age of
customers who buy
clothes online and those
who do not
H1: There is a difference
in the age between
customers who buy
clothes online and those
who do not
5 There is no relationship
between living areas and
online purchase channel
p-value = 0,064 >
0,05 Phi = 0,121
Accept H0, reject H1 ⇒ Accept hypothesis
6 There is no relationship
between occupation and
online purchase channel
0,05 Phi = 0,149
Accept H0, reject H1 ⇒ Accept hypothesis
7 Brand loyalty has a
positive effect on the
number of items
F = 6,481 p-value = 0,011 <
⇒ Equal variances
R square = 0,013 Coefficients:
p-value = 0,000 <
Reject H0, accept H1 ⇒ Accept hypothesis
H0: Brand loyalty has no
positive effect on the
number of items
H1: Brand loyalty has a
positive effect on the
number of items
not assumed Sum_Item = 2,256
+ 0,226*Loy + e
6 Recommendations for managers
Result Decision problem related Suggest ideas to solve the
decision problem
Young people do not just buy
a particular type of item from
their favorite brand
How to keep customers loving the brand?
- Creatively diversifying fashion items
- Create products that match customer preferences and needs Young people do not just buy
channels that women and
men buy from their favorite
brands is the same
How to effectively optimize the sales strategy towards multiple genders?
Use omnichannel sales strategies
to reach male and female customers on many different buying channels at the same time,
to increase advertising effectiveness and optimize advertising costs
There is no difference in the
age of customers who buy
clothes online and those who
do not
Are users of all ages changing their approach to online purchases?
- Personalize the experience, and diversify products on online platforms, so that customers can easily access a variety of products
to suit their needs
- Create engaging online experiences - provide a friendly, easy-to-use interface
There is no relationship
between living areas and
online purchase channel
How to ensure that all living areas can access and purchase products online?
- Expand the scope of delivery by diversifying shipping partners
- Minimize product price differences due to shipping costs between different regions There is no relationship
between occupation and
How to optimize the online sales strategy to target customers with many
Focus on expanding a variety of sales channels on the online platform to reach a wide range of
Brand loyalty has a positive
effect on the number of items
purchased at a weak level
How to build, maintain and enhance brand loyalty with customers?
- Ensure items meet customer expectations in terms of price and quality
- Receive and resolve customer feedback and inquiries
Hypothesis 1: On average, young people only buy a particular type of item from their favorite brand
With a test value of 1 (buy only a certain type of product from a favorite brand), the t-value is 32,989
and the p-value is 0,000 > 0,05, inferring reject H0, accept H1 Specifically, the sample mean value
- Mean equal to 3,1240 indicates that the average youth buys more than 3 types of items from one of their favorite brands From that conclusion, on the whole, young people on average do not buy only one type of product from their favorite brand
Hypothesis 2: On average, young people only buy clothes on a particular channel
With a test value of 1 (number of youth clothing shopping channels is 1), after performing the test,
we can calculate the t-value equal to 16,887 and the p-value equal to 0,000 < 0,05, reject H0, accept
H1 Specifically, the mean sample value - Mean is 1,5740 indicates that young people shop for clothes