Recommend using Facebook ads, reels, livestreams, and content SEO as marketing tactics.. Advantages, disadvantages and competitors Facebook is the social networking site with the highest
Subject: Social E-commerce
Subject code: EBU1128E
Class Code: A01E
Lecturer: Ms Vo Huong Tram
Members: Nguyen Thanh Phong - 195120324
Nguyen Ha Bao Trang - 195120079
Do Diep Han - 195120170
Tran Huynh Huyen Tran - 195120374
Tran Thien Kim - 195120040
Dang Thi Kim Ngan - 195011899
Trang 21 Select product: ONE MILLION clothing 4
2 Advantages, disadvantages and competitors 4
3 Advising on a proper selling strategy 7
4 Recommend using Facebook ads, reels, livestreams, and content SEO as marketing tactics 10 4.1 Marketing tools: 10
4.2 Marketing Strategies 11
4.2.1 Customer-reach tactics 11
4.2.2 Product marketing strategy 11
4.2.3 Customer service after the sale 12
4.2.4 Posting strategy 12
4.2.5 Key parameters to consider while launching a marketing effort 13
4.2.6 Result of marketing strategy 14
5 Outline the strengths and weaknesses of the marketing strategy: 15
6 Cost 18
7 The paths in which this business idea will develop in the future (Guerrilla marketing, influencer ) 19
7.1 Guerrilla Marketing 19
7.2 Influencer Marketing 1
Table 1: Advantage and Disadvantages 6
Table 2: Canvas model 8
Table 3:Revenue model 9
Table 4: Calendar in general 12
Table 5: A fashion industry calendar 12
Table 6: General calendar 13
Table 7: A fashion industry calendar 14
Table 8: Division table 19
Y Figure 1: Popularity of facebook 4
Figure 2: Icon Denim on facebook 6
Figure 3: Some How on facebook 7
Figure 4: B2C 8
Figure 5:The "Posting date" part shows the moment in real time.: 13
Figure 6: Results of running ads on Facebook 14
Figure 7: Results of running ads on Facebook 14
Trang 3Figure 9: Financial statement table 18 Figure 10:Cost for guarantee marketing strategy only 18
Trang 41 Select product: ONE MILLION clothing
- Fashion has always been a rather vibrant aspect of society, choosing an outfit tostart a productive day is also a way for people to more easily accept busyness.Understanding that, ONE MILLION was established not only to trade in clothesbut also to provide solutions for men's minimalist, popular but still dynamic,diverse colors to help maximize the masculinity of Asian men
Figure 1: Popularity of facebook
2 Advantages, disadvantages and competitors
Facebook is the social networking site with the highest number of users today.With high connectivity, widespread sharing of information and entertainment,along with the development of digital technology, the trend of online business onfacebook is growing This is a green, fertile land that attracts many sellers.Because of that, the competition is also increasing
The group selected Facebook as its official corporate social networking site for thefollowing reasons:
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Trang 5Create a business and business account on Facebook for free
Business on Facebook satisfies the growing trend of online shopping(Marketplace) globally, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic
The ultimate and completely free support tool (Meta Suit)
• Through ads supported from
facebook will reach more
potential customers
• There are target customers
through identifying
customers who see fanpag's
articles and product images
• Well managed by Facebook
from images to products
• Through the analysis and
evaluation from Facebook
dedicated to the page, it will
be easy to manage and
measure the effectiveness
• Analyzing customer
behavior from transactions
• Low trust - online business is not new,appearing in Vietnam for 7 years but has onlybeen popular in the last 4 years
• But the transactions have not been verifiedclearly, and encountered many problems ingoods transactions such as: shipping withoutmoney or by air as seen in the picture Onlinebusiness is not simple but just needs to begrasped needs and try to satisfy customers inpossible conditions, it will not be difficult togain customers' trust
• Expensive advertising costs, must try again andagain You have to spend advertising costs tobring your products to potential customers
• Must try again and again to gain experience inselecting and distributing leads
Trang 6have more experience in
online business later
• Low capital, no cost to rent a
store, high market demand
makes selling clothes on
Facebook have become the
start-up path of many young
people today
• Taking advantage of social
networks, a series of fan
pages "sprung up like
mushrooms" trying to
compete for customers and
win the market
with customers when problems occur All areessential to gain experience in selling online
• Advertising regulations are strict and oftenchange because facebook is constantly updatingnew functions that are more convenient forusers, so it is necessary to pay attention to avoidlosses and achieve high efficiency in onlinebusiness
• Selling goods to strange customers, it isnecessary to check and trade carefully, avoidloss, and meet opponents to break
Table 1: Advantage and Disadvantages.
To come up with the right strategy to boost store sales, OneMillion has researched anumber of brands that also trade this product: somehow, icon denim
Trang 8The Somehow system with 6 stores shows the level of product preference for their stores.
So what do their products have that customers love so much?
The products of the two brands are very diverse front design to material, but the price isvery affordable
We can see it in most of the social networking sites like shopee, tiktok shop, lazada andespecially facebook All of these stores do business on both traditional and online forms.They use Facebook's services to run ads on social networks Same goes for shopee.Most of them use tools like chatbox on facebook to automatically respond to customers' needs anytime, anywhere
3 Advising on a proper selling strategy
a) Business-to-consumer (B2C) sales
Refer to transactions in which a company sells goods and services directly tocustomers who will ultimately use them
With this business strategy, we will speak with customers directly, offer product
recommendations, engage in support conversations, and ask for their feedback.
Trang 9b) Canvas model (B2C)
Table 2: Canvas model
c) B2C revenue model
Trang 10
Table 3:Revenue model
The store has been putting the following regulations into practice in order to obtainconstant revenue:
• Purchase high-quality goods
• Pricing optimization for goods
• Consider yourself the customer
• The user's attention is aroused by the advertising technique
• Well stated product details
• attractive post material for advertisements
• It's simple to use the website's UI
• Make advertisements
• Quality should be required of online sales personnel
Trang 11d) Meta suite management and operation:
By managing your internet presence in one location, Meta Business Suite can help youreach more people and stay current
• Taking a brief glance at your company: You may access your Facebook Page'soverview from the home screen You'll see recent news, articles, and advertisements.From here, you may also write articles or advertise your business
• Observe Activity: You'll get new Facebook Page notifications
• Utilize Inbox: From your Facebook Page and Messenger account, you may read newmessages and comments In order to save time while responding to frequently askedinquiries, you may also construct autoresponders
• Make tales and posts: With your Facebook Page, you can publish or schedule freshstories and posts
• You can access Trade Manager from your Meta Business Suite desktop if your Metacompany account has a trading account If you don't already have one, you can open
a new commercial account for your company
• Create advertisements: You can make brand-new ads, post them to Facebook, andcreate Page ads
• View insights: You may access insights into the success of your company, includingtrends, engagement with the material you post, and other data about your audience
• Creator Access Tools: If you're a creator, you may use tools to handle paidpartnerships, go live, and produce more shareable content
Trang 12• Access more tools: In the Additional Tools section of Meta Business Suite fordesktop, you'll find other Facebook tools and settings you can use to manage yourcompany's presence Other features like Ads Manager, Business Settings, and SiteSettings are included in this From here, you can also access your Facebook Page andmodify the navigation bar to put your preferred creative tools at the top.
• Control the rights to branded content: You may add and control account-level creatorrights for branded and branded content organic advertising
4 Recommend using Facebook ads, reels, livestreams, and content SEO as marketing tactics
Trang 13the team will now regularly publish brief postings in the form of videos andphotographs.
Goal: Produce and add new customer records for the business Facebookadvertisements (CPC, ) seo content, reels, photos, etc…are implementation tools
4.2.2 Product marketing strategy
Market the goods to the buyer after obtaining the lead file At this point, the teamwill publish pieces that convey other fashion-related knowledge and values inaddition to promoting the product
Target:Customers should be informed about the store's items (benefits purchasingprice of things that customers must forego)
Delivering information about "men's daily fashion," a trend in minimalist clothing.Increase the page's value
Implementation tools: Google Trends, press, livestream to improve reach, SEO,SEM, and content to gather trends
4.2.3 Customer service after the sale
Consumers purchase items, and the retailer is then responsible for lookingafter them after they've used the product for a while
Customer satisfaction, client retention, and building consumer trust are thegoals
Implementation resources: a phone, a messenger,…
4.2.4 Posting strategy
Phase 1 (beginning to open a shop): Adhere to Google's list of proposed time
Trang 14Morning 6h30
Immediately after waking up, users use their phones
→calming themes
Afternoon 11h - 12h Lunch period →product delivery, packaging, and evaluation
Evening 15h - 16h People at offices take a break → Sales materials (attractive
Dark 19h - 20h Rest and unwind after dinner because post readability is high
→ Post
Night 22h - 0h Evening owl → livestreaming or posting gently
Table 4: Calendar in general
Table 5: A fashion industry calendar
Stage 2 (after one sale for one week):Use Facebook's tools → Decide on real-timeinteraction
Tools: Meta Suit and insights
The date and time of posting are supported by Meta Suit, enabling the seller tounderstand the interactive activities on the page in the broadest sense We thenhave a more detailed summary of the most productive period
Trang 154.2.5 Key parameters to consider while launching a marketing effort
Morning 6h30
Immediately after waking up, users use their phones
→calming themes
Afternoon 11h - 12h Lunch period →product delivery, packaging, and evaluation
Evening 15h - 16h People at offices take a break → Sales materials (attractive
Dark 19h - 20h Rest and unwind after dinner because post readability is high
→ Post
Night 22h - 0h Evening owl → livestreaming or posting gently
Table 6: General calendar
Trang 16Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
Table 7: A fashion industry calendar
4.2.6 Result of marketing strategy
Figure 6: Results of running ads on Facebook
Trang 175 Outline the strengths and weaknesses of the marketing strategy:
Outline the strengths and weaknesses of the marketing strategy in section 4 The implementation plan is divided into 3 separate parts, corresponding to the 3 mainstages of the customer outreach process: (1) Approach → (2) Product marketing → (3)Customer care through forms such as using FB ads, livestream, …
- Facebook has all theadvertising solutions youneed
- Diversified and attractive
- Advertising costs are quite
Trang 18audience targeting
- Find potential customerssimilar to your existingcustomers easily
- Various advertising displaychannels
- Not sure to bring the desiredeffect without the investment,learn about FB Ads
- When posting ads, the imagedesign must depend on theinterface and contentregulations of FB
- There should be a strictprocess from running ads toconsulting, ordering anddelivering
- There is a risk of beinglocked out of your account ifyou accidentally violate thepolicies of FB Ads
Strategy to reach - Doesn't cost much - The content needs to be short
Trang 19customers and market
and concise, but it must betrendy or have manyhighlights to attract attention
- Need someone to read guestcomments to respond soon
Strategy to reach
customers and market
products via Livestream
- A lot of social media userswatch the livestream
- High interaction, especially
in prime time frames
- Help brands interactdirectly with consumers
- Get direct feedback fromcustomers
- Create trust for customers
- Suitable for a variety offields
- Can be combined withminigames, promotions
- Need someone to do anattractive livestream, knowhow to talk to attractcustomers
- Need someone to filtercomments, confirm the orderwith the customer, then orderand deliver
- Need to invest carefully inthe background, microphone,light, livestream content,
Trang 20- Easily influenceconsumers' purchasingdecisions
- There should be promotions
or incentives when viewersshare the livestream and makepurchases
- Need a reputable site to helpcustomers make buyingdecisions faster
- Can use support Chatbotwhen not online
- Can manage ordersefficiently
- Messages can be missed
- Customers may feeldisturbed when the customerservice staff calls to inquireabout the product
6 Cost
A rough estimate of the expense of hiring social media influencers to boost engagementand sales
Trang 21Figure 9: Financial statement table
Figure 10:Cost for guarantee marketing strategy only
7 The paths in which this business idea will develop in the future (Guerrilla marketing, influencer )
7.1 Guerrilla Marketing
The "marketer" will typically use large, noticeable graphics in crowded settings toadvertise Using that, we use that form on Facebook, swapping out large images
Trang 22in the product Even though Facebook has millions of users, restricting marketing
to groups and groups would draw in more users with comparable interests,lifestyles, and interests
The phases of implementation include:
• Join organizations that are relevant to the industry
• Make up original post ideas (hot trends, news, )
• To draw consumers to your posts and photographs on social media, use colorand sentiment elements
• Further development Promote posts, spend more on high-quality images, andengage additional freelancers to get greater variety in post ideas
7.2 Influencer Marketing
One of the most widely used strategies among marketers is the use of social mediainfluencers to promote items
Steps for implementation:
Make judgments on strategic objectives, KPIs, and target markets
Many objectives include building brand awareness, boosting revenue,luring new consumer markets, etc
Choose a campaign organization strategy
The planned campaign should be in line with the project's budget,experience with influencer marketing, and personnel requirements.Additionally, you might pay a third parties company to handle it