Create a Dynamic Community: Develop an online platform orcommunity-based on dynamism and creativity, attracting young people withpassion in the field of personal branding.. Furthermore,
Trang 2First of all, our group would like to send our sincere thanks to Mrs Tran Thi HongLien for giving us great care, help, and guidance in the process of studying andlearning about the subject of Entrepreneurship in Marketing
These are extremely valuable suggestions not only in the process of studying andwriting this essay but also as a stepping stone for us in the future Perhaps knowledge
is limitless, but each person's own knowledge acquisition always has certainlimitations, so in the process of completing the essay, shortcomings are inevitable Ourgroup is looking forward to receiving comments from you to improve our essay Wewish you good health and success in life especially in your teaching career
Sincerely thank you!
1 Main Feature 8
2 Service Pricing 8
1 Driving Factors 12
2 Restraining Factors 13
3 Growth Opportunity 14
4 Recent Development 15
5 Competitive Analysis 16
1 Marketing Strategies 17
2 Go-to-Market Strategy 18
3 Future Plans 19
4 Financial Planning 19
1 Regarding enterprises 23
2 Regarding technical conditions 25
Mackerel Agency where we craft compelling personal brands that leave a lastingimpression Established in 2023, we've been on a mission to transform individuals intostandout brands, helping them navigate the ever-evolving landscape of personalbranding with finesse and creativity We recognize the importance of authenticity andinnovation in a world that values individuality, and our mission is to assist Generation
Z in shaping their personal narratives and making a meaningful impact
Generation Z who is our target audience expresses the passion for the chance to grow.This generation has grown up with instant worldwide connectedness, thanks tosmartphones, tablets, wearable gadgets, social media platforms, and so on As a result,technology, including Internet access, is an even more important element of their life.Besides, individuals of Generation Z are content creators They get materials throughsocial media and quick internet connectivity Generation Z perceives online 'personalbranding' as an essential means for gaining an advantage in employment marketplaces(the study from the University of East Anglia in collaboration with the University ofGreenwich) Generation Z prefers an authentic personal brand characterized by adynamic, interactive, and evolving style This approach embraces the idea thatpersonal brands don't have to project an image of perfection; instead, individuals areopen to sharing their imperfections and vulnerabilities
From there, we developed and formulated the notion of delivering personal brandingservices exclusively for Generation Z, with the goal of assisting young people indifferentiating themselves and seizing additional growth chances
Trang 51 Enhanced Online Presence: Enhance Mackerel Agency's online presence
through creative outreach strategies on key social media platforms Thisincludes building an active online community and sharing valuable contentabout personal branding trends
2 Strategic Partners: Build strategic partnerships with influential businesses,
organizations, and individuals in the field of personal branding The goal is tocreate strategic partnership opportunities to expand impact and bring uniquevalue to customers
3 Expanding Customer List: Strengthen marketing strategy to expand the
customer list, aiming for diversity and representing customers in many differentfields Acquire at least 35 packages in the first quarter, 47 packages in thesecond quarter, 62 packages in the third quarter, and 82 packages in the fourthquarter
4 Effective Customer Care: Aim to build an excellent customer care program to
retain and develop long-term relationships with current customers Thisincludes providing dedicated customer service and implementing effectivecustomer retention strategies
5 Create a Dynamic Community: Develop an online platform or
community-based on dynamism and creativity, attracting young people withpassion in the field of personal branding Create a space for them to shareideas, and comments and seek opportunities for collaboration
6 Support Personal Growth: Aim to create a community that is not only a place
to share knowledge but also a place to support personal growth Provideencouragement, and create opportunities for cooperation and support so thateach member can develop comprehensively both personally and professionally
In today's competitive work world, Mackerel Agency examines trends and seeks tounderstand the demands of Generation Z Furthermore, keeps up to date and offerchances and networking in the community for young people to produce long-termvalue:
- Create a detailed plan for your personal branding journey
- Customize clear roadmaps and plans suitable for each individual
- Building branding images that both meet user needs and ensure professionalism
- Operate and implement plans on a variety of social networking platforms(Facebook, Instagram, TikTok )
- Manage and execute strategies across many social networking sites (Facebook,Instagram, TikTok, etc.)
Support resources, equipment, and quality assurance for each stage of the plan Monitor public reactions and input, then modify and enhance to increaseefficiency
Providing clients with prospects for growth and long term sustainable value
Mackerel Agency is a group of students with entrepreneurial aspirations studying atthe University of Economics and Law (National University, Ho Chi Minh City) Thegroup's members are all majoring in Marketing, so they easily grasp trends,understand the pain points of Generation Z customers, are familiar with socialnetworking platforms, create connections in the community, and wish to help youngpeople develop themselves Therefore, existing resources have contributed to buildingexpertise in operations, saving costs, and promoting our strengths By generatingvalue for each individual who establishes personal branding, Mackerel Agencyintends to gain influence among young people and achieve assured success
We expect to break even in September in the first year Total capital is 500,000,000VND and calls for investment of 20% shares with a value of 100,000,000 VND (The
The business idea came from the group members realizing that the current job market
is very competitive and gradually saturated, especially during the economic crisis inrecent years Among the ways to build a profile to apply for a job, our team recognizesthat building a personal brand is one of the great strengths that help young peopleexpress themselves and stand out in the eyes of employers in the workplace and thecommunity in general Personal branding does not stop there; it also assists people inbeing more confident in communication and social interaction From there, creating asolid stepping stone for development and receiving many opportunities in the future.With the desire to solve the obstacles in finding a job for our group members, wecreated this service to help ourselves and young people out there who are facing thesame situation Our team will build each detailed plan including each stage, eachactivity, and each posted content meticulously and professionally Customers will beable to customize the plan according to their purposes and needs
Our team will advise each customer on brand strategy, identity design and creation,online and offline brand maintenance, and crisis management strategies whendifficulties arise Customers can improve their skills, rectify their deficiencies, anddraw the attention of influential individuals in their profession Customer service will
be primarily concerned with answering queries and fulfilling requests All will presentanswers for Generation Z people to break through their personal barriers and succeed
on their job development route with Mackerel Agency
Personal branding services will assist those in Generation Z in positioning themselves.Customers who leave information or actively contact us will receive assistance andconsultation on their questions, and they can book directly through the website andpick the service package that best fits them
1 Main Feature
Mackerel Agency's personal branding services include:
+ Researching the field and market situation that customers are looking to target(Basic Package)
+ Brand building strategy consulting (Basic Package)
+ Creating detailed plans for each stage, specific activity and KPI (BasicPackage)
+ Soft skills classes are available to practice and improve knowledge (BasicPackage)
+ Support for designing and producing images, materials, and media content(Premium Package)
+ Providing services on multiple social media platforms (Premium Package)+ Join the expanding networking community (Premium Package)
+ Monitor results, interactions and adjust plans/ directions to catch up trends andsuits situations (VIP Package)
+ Introduce Mentors in specific field to directly connect and exchangeinformation with customers (VIP Package)
2 Service Pricing
Consultant 800.000 VND 1.000.000 VND 1.500.000 VND
Trang 93 months 6 months 9 months Basic Package 10.000.000 VND 20.000.000 VND 40.000.000 VND
According to statistics from the Center for Training Support and Manpower Supply(Ministry of Education and Training), every year more than 400,000 bachelorsgraduate However, the unemployment figure is nearly 20% This number is quitehigh, compared to the general unemployment rate of young people aged 20 - 24 in thecountry in 2019, which was 6.1% Many studies have shown that many differentfactors affect student's ability to find jobs after graduation Through a survey of agroup of Van Lang University students conducted on 820 people, the 3 main reasonswhy graduates are unemployed come from a university degree without excellentgrades (25.1%); No experience/ Lack of soft skills (58%); The job application is notimpressive (49%)
In employment matters, those who build a good personal brand will attract theattention of employers, thereby increasing their chances of being hired Career-Builder
- The world's leading company in human resource solutions has shown that 60% ofemployers consider personal profiles on social networks to hire candidates Recruiterstoday tend to find candidate information through different information channels such
as social media sites instead of just viewing information through traditional jobapplications Furthermore, 90% of job seekers in VietnamWorks' survey said theymore or less realized the importance of building a personal brand However, only 20%
Trang 10of them think they have a personal brand and 10% have an effective personal brandingstrategy.
Realizing that potential customers are very interested in building a personal brand, butvery few of them have a clear direction for building their personal brand, weinterviewed several customers (~50 people) to find and understand pain points moredeeply These are the main reasons that makeGen Z hesitate to build a personal brand:
- Social Pressure: Gen Z often faces social pressure and constant comparison
on social media This can make them apprehensive about self-expression,fearing negative judgments
- Privacy Concerns: There might be concerns within Gen Z about oversharing
personal information on social media due to fears of harassment, privacyviolations, or misuse of personal information
- Self-Uncertainty: Some in Gen Z might feel uncertain about themselves,
their desires, and their personal values, making it challenging to define andbuild a clear - personal brand
- Understanding of Personal Branding: Gen Z might not have a clear
understanding of what personal branding means and how to build a strong one.Guidance and support could boost their confidence in shaping their image andbrand
- Changing and Diverse Interests: Gen Z's interests and viewpoints are
diverse and rapidly changing This diversity can make it difficult for them toestablish a consistent and coherent personal brand over time
According to Market Research, Personal Development Market size is expected to beworth around USD 65.4 Bn by 2032 from USD 40.7 Bn in 2022, growing at a CAGR
of 5% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2032
The personal development market, an indispensable component of the path toself-actualization, invigorates individuals by bringing them closer to their latentgreatness Its inherent virtues endow adherents with an enhanced propensity foremotional intelligence, the virtuosity of eloquent communication, a fortified bastion ofself-confidence, the acumen for effective stress management, and the wisdom togenerate more prudent decisions
As the personal development market expands, it has attracted significant investmentsfrom a wide range of industries, including the technological forefront, the educationalestablishment, and the sanctity of holistic well-being Educational institutions,ever-adapting to the zeitgeist, have deftly incorporated personal development coursesinto their meticulously constructed curricula, thereby providing young minds with thetools to engineer their self-actualization
Trang 121 Driving Factors
Increasing Demand for Personal Development Stimulates Market Expansion
As more and more people recognize the importance of self-improvement, the personaldevelopment market has experienced a tremendous influx in recent years Increasingawareness of the importance of personal development and its role in achievingpersonal and professional success is one of the most important factors influencing thisgrowth
Advances in Technology are Fostering a Boom in Accessible Self-Improvement.
The industry's accelerated technological development is a further factor The advent ofdigital technology has made online courses and coaching more accessible andaffordable than ever before This has made it possible for people from all walks of life
to access learning programs that are tailored to their specific requirements andobjectives
Customized Coaching Drives a Surge in Personal Development.
In addition, there is a growing demand for individualized learning and coaching, withpeople seeking out professionals who can provide personalized guidance to help themachieve their objectives As part of their personal development journey, people areactively seeking out self-help and motivational content
Wellness Wave Strengthens the Personal Development Sector
Altering consumer perceptions toward health and well-being has also contributed tothe growth of the personal development market People are beginning to perceive theconnection between personal growth and physical health, which has increased interest
in mindfulness, meditation, and other wellness practices
Trang 132 Restraining Factors
Overcoming Market Challenges
We understand that launching a new business or expanding an existing one can be achallenging endeavor In a congested and competitive marketplace, numerous factorscan hinder our ability to succeed
Carving Unique Niche
In all industries, competition is inevitable However, when the Personal DevelopmentMarket is oversaturated with similar products or services, it can be challenging tostand out from the competition The key to business success in a congested market is
to carve out a unique niche
Success in Targeted Marketing Efforts
Concentrate on what differentiates our product or service from others on the market.Focus on customer service, affordability, and quality Consider offering a level ofcustomization that our competitors do not, to provide our customers with a moreunique experience
Building Brand Recognition
Any business's ability to develop brand awareness and market visibility is crucial to itssuccess Sadly, numerous businesses struggle with this aspect of their operations Thekey to success is developing a targeted marketing strategy that addresses the particularpain points of our target audience
Trang 143 Growth Opportunity
Booming Personal Development Market
The Personal Development Market is a swiftly expanding industry with enormousgrowth potential It consists of individuals who are always seeking to enhance theirlives, both personally and professionally This market is driven by the growing needfor self-improvement and the consistent demand for personal development goods andservices Opportunities in the Personal Development Market are extensive, and themarket has enormous growth potential in the coming years
The Evolution of Online Coaching
Personal development is now more accessible than ever thanks to the internet.Individuals can learn from the convenience of their own residences by taking onlinecoaching courses As more individuals turn to the Internet for their educationalrequirements, the market for online coaching courses continues to expand Onlinecoaching courses are convenient, reasonably priced, and provide valuable insights forpersonal development
Expertise of Collaboration
Collaboration with industry experts is an excellent way to grow our personaldevelopment business They can share with our audience their valuable perspectives,knowledge, and experience Partnering with speakers who have establishedthemselves as industry thought leaders will help your personal development businessgrow by providing credibility, increased reach, and valuable content for our targetmarket
Individualized Training Courses
In the industry of personal development, customized one-on-one training programs are