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Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp: Problems in translation of English tourism terminology into Vietnamese of Vietnam tourism online magazine intake K61,62

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Tiêu đề Problems in Translation of English Tourism Terminology into Vietnamese of Vietnam Tourism Online Magazine Intake K61,62
Tác giả Lương Thi Hong Nhung
Người hướng dẫn Le Thuy Linh, M.A
Trường học National Economics University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, English for Business Department
Chuyên ngành Business English
Thể loại graduation project
Năm xuất bản 2023
Định dạng
Số trang 42
Dung lượng 10,14 MB

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Le Thuy Linh, M.A

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I would like to extend deeply my sincere thanks to National Economics Universityfor giving me the opportunity to work on this internship report and to Faculty Of ForeignLanguage for the great time for learning and professional development on Englishteaching This report could not be completed successfully without kind help andassistance from my beloved supervisor, manager, co-workers, and peers and I am sograteful for having chances to meet these people

Thirdly, I want to thank my friends for their help with my research and for

responding to my questions

I was fortunate to have access to Vietnam Tourism online magazine, a billingual

magazine that helps me gain more knowledge and understanding of the tourism industry

Finally, my heartfelt thanks would go to my colleagues and family who not onlyextended a great amount of assistance to me to finish this report but also gaverelentlessly emotional support

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Today, as global integration progresses rapidly throughout the world, nations

encourage cooperation to advance economic growth In which case, compared to otherindustries, tourism is gradually taking the lead in the economy Many nations aroundthe world are promoting tourist activities The importance of translation has increased

as aresult of global business However, translating tourism on magazines can be difficultdue to the terminology An accurate terminology translation requires the right translationtechniques and the necessary comprehension of tourism concepts The goal of this studywas to understand the nature and problems of tourism terminology and how it wastranslated into Vietnamese articles As a result, some recommendations were made fortranslators and readers to help them better translate and understand tourism terminology

The study focused on identifying the problems encountered in translating Englishtourism terminology into Vietnamese for Vietnam Tourism Online Magazine Thefindings showed that there were several challenges faced by translators, including the

lack of standardized tourism terminology in Vietnamese, the difficulty in accurately

translating idiomatic expressions, and the need for translators to have a thoroughunderstanding of both English and Vietnamese cultures Additionally, the survey resultsindicated that many students felt that the translations did not effectively convey theintended meaning and tone of the original English text Some respondents also expressed

a preference for English-language publications, even if they lacked translations Overall,the study highlights the need for a more systematic approach to translating tourismterminology in Vietnamese and suggests that efforts to promote English-languageproficiency among Vietnamese tourism professionals may be beneficial

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT QQQQQnnn HS nh hờ 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 0 .cc cece ence cence ne ene e nen e ene ene teeta ea enaeeseieeneeeas 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS QQQQn HH HH nh nh nh kg 11 LIST OF FIGURE - SH TH HE nh ened V

LIST OF ABBREVIATION 0.0 cecc cece eee cene eee ceee eee eneee eens eeeneneeaeneneeaas vi

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 00 0000 e nee e ene eee neneeeenene need 1 1.1 Rationale of the StUỦY G1 TH TH HH ng 1 1.2 Aims Of the Study LH HH HH ng 2 1.3 Scope of the Study 0 ee eeeescccsseecsneceseecsceceeeesaecseecseecsaeeeeecseessaeessaeeeeeseaeeees 2

1.4 Research QU€SLIOTNS 5 5 1T TH HH HH 2

I0 21 2

1.5.1 Research IL€fhHO(ÏS SG TH TH HH HH ke 2 1.5.2 P.0 208.0 06 da 3


2.1 Translation oo cece ố 5

2.1.1 Definition Of translation nan ốốốeố 5

2.1.2 The significance Of fFđHSÌfÏORH SG 111v vn vn rệt 6 2.1.3 Factors affecting the translation DFOC€SS cành hrirrirsrierrere 7 2.2 Terminology and tourism t€rm1nỌOV + + + 3x 39 1 Eskereeerrererrere 10 2.2.1 The definition Of fGTIHIÏHỌOY c3 vn kg rry 10 2.2.2 The significance Of €THHIHỌORY cty 12 2.2.3 Characteristics Of terMinOlOgy cccccccccccssccccsscceeescecessseeeeeseeeesuseessssessssseesessesenees 13 2.2.4 Terminology translation Methods cv tikkkeeeresersrereree 14 2.3 Summary of Chapter 2 «c4 31T TH TH HH 16 CHAPTER III: FINDINGS AND ANALYSTS 17

3.1 The frequency of tourism terminology met by BES on magazines 17

3.1.1 The frequency of tourism terminologies met by students in magazines 17

3.2 Students’ common problems when translating tourism t†erminology - 19

S0) 0 0 6 6 (3535 20 3.2.2 Lexical Problems 76ốốốố.ốốố.ốố.Ắ 21 3.2.3 BES’ solutions to translate new terms cceceeceeseeeeseeseeeceeeseceeeeeeeseeeeeeees 25 3.2.4 Summary of Chapter 3 G111 TH TH ng TH kh 27 CHAPTER IV: RECOMMENDA TIONS HH HH re, 28

4.1 Recommendation for tourism translation sỌufIOTS - - «+ ««++<++se+ssxs 28

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4.1.1 Solutions to lexical (I[ƒICHỈHÏ€(S sgk rưy 28

4.1.2 Solutions to cultural DFỌGHTN SG KT HH Hệ 294.1.3 Summary of Chapter 4 ch 29CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION che 305.1 Summary of the StUỦY 5 c1 1321113111311 9111 101111 TH HH ng rưy 305.2 The limitation of the Study c 112v 1H 1T TH TH HH rry 305.3 Recommendations for further SfU1€S - s5 s1 393 23 191 yến 31REEFERENCES TQ n n eneneeneneeeenenenaeenes 32


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Figure 3.1 The frequency of BES’ encountering tourism terminology on magazines 17Figure 3.2 BES’ satisfaction with their tourism terminology + +-s++<s+sss2 18Figure 3.3 The frequency in problems in describing tourism terms of BE Students 19Figure 3.4 BES’ problems in translating tourism terms - s- «£+<£<se+se+sxxs 20Figure 3.5 BES’ lexical difficulties in tourism transÏafIOn - - «5s << <<s<+sx++ 22Figure 3.6 BES’ resources for learning tourism terminology + s+ss+++ss2 26

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1 SL : Source Language

2 TL : Target Language

3 AAA : American Automobile Association

4 ABA : American Bus Association

5 ACME : Association of Convention Marketing Executives

6 ACTE : Association of Corporate Travel Executives

7 BIC : Business Information Centre

8 BIN : Business Travel Network

9 WTO : World Trade Organization

10 UNESCO : United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization


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1.1 Rationale of the study

Countries are connecting with one another in today's globalized world, where

industrialization and international integration are growing, and people travel to differentparts of the globe for both leisure and business As a result, translation becomes

necessary and significant as a component of society's growth English Vietnamesetranslation is unavoidably required for Vietnamese tour guides to connect, communicate,and aid in the development of Vietnamese tourism Translation, particularly in English,the most widely spoken language in the world, is essential for hotels, restaurants,magazines, and newspapers in the area of tourism

There is a high demand for the creation of a vocabulary that represents terms

equivalently to those in different languages through translation processes because thetranslation industry is expanding quickly As a result, more time and effort is put intocreating and standardizing terminology, which is crucial for expressing and exchangingideas, especially those that are used in specific professional fields

Effective translation requires highly skilled professionals who not only possess athorough understanding of the academic field and its specialized vocabulary but also asocial understanding of the background or culture of the target listeners Last but notleast, essential techniques to practice as translation professionals, meet the needs oftranslation to be more and more pragmatic and help Vietnam's tourism industry hasplayed a significant role in economic growth, job creation, and the reduction of poverty

There will be a greater need for reading and knowledge acquisition about tourism as the

sector develops Students, businesspeople, or travel agents tend to look for tourism

magazines that are accurately and naturally translated as a result of the growing need to

read English-Vietnamese and Vietnamese-English tourism magazines Vietnamesenews about scenic locations must be written and translated into English for travel agencywebsites in Vietnam in order to showcase the country's most stunning features to visitors.This calls for both professional and amateur translators to possess a fundamentalknowledge of tourism terminology in general as well as the capacity to effectivelytranslate a wide range of technical words and expressions

Obviously, when conveying the source language into the target language,translators may encounter obstacles and challenges both in linguistic and non-linguisticaspects Being aware of the essence of avoiding and eliminating these typical problems,

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this study was conducted with the title: “Problems in translation of English tourismterminology into Vietnamese of Vietnam tourism online magazine intake K61,62”.1.2 Aims of the study

The goal of this study is to identify the challenges encountered when translating

the necessary terms on tourism magazines of 3' and 4 BE students at National

Economics University Additionally, some practical and efficient solutions are stronglyadvised in order to help translators avoid and effectively address any potential issues.The glossary, which contains the most accurate translations and explanations of somedifficult-to-translate words and terms, is the study's standout feature and will save

translators time and effort during the translation process This glossary will serve as a

helpful resource for readers who are both Vietnamese and English or who wish toconduct additional related research

1.3 Scope of the study

English articles and their Vietnamese translations were used on the websitehttps://vietnamtourism.gov.vn/ and _ https://www.vietnamtourism.gov.vn/en for theresearch, which focuses on problems of students when translating tourism terminology

From May 2021 to February 2022, these articles are gathered and examined And the

questionnaire was created to address the research question in the third month of the


It is challenging to compile articles within a set time frame because the articles onthe site are not arranged chronologically As a result, the articles are discoveredrandomly on the website, resulting in a collection of articles that is dispersed overmonths Additionally, articles were chosen for analysis because not all of them could

be seen on the website and because of the time constraints

1.4 Research questions

The research is carried out to answer these following questions:

1 What are the most noticeable problems when translating the required English

-Vietnamese and -Vietnamese - English tourism terminology on magazines of

Business English students ?

2 What are solutions to these problems?

1.5 Methodology

1.5.1 Research methods

The researcher initially has a general idea of the study's field Reading relevant

materials, documents, and articles will help you focus your attention and select a


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potential research topic that has enough data and information to support your analysis.Additionally, the research paper is constrained by the researcher's skills and timeconstraints

Second, the researcher drafts a proposal, a theoretical framework, and an outline

for the study

Thirdly, in the third month of the project, a survey was conducted in the form ofpaper sheets with 90 third- and fourth-year business students at NEU campus, inbusiness classes, and on social media sites like Facebook in order to gather informationand data about the challenges of translating English tourism terminology

Finally, the analyzed data are used to make tables and figures, write the thesis, andoffer suggestions

1.5.2 Data collection instrument

To accomplish the research objectives and respond to the research questions, bothquestionnaire and documentary analysis methods are used in the research Data isgathered from articles on tourism that have been translated from Vietnamese and

published in English on the tourism online magazine Data from the tourism articles is

described and analyzed to address the research questions Additionally, this study usedthe writings of earlier authors and researchers in the field of terminology translation ingeneral and tourism terminology in particular to collect data, build a theoreticalframework, examine findings, and write analysis

1.6 Design of research

The study includes 4 chapters:

Chapter 1: The introduction gives background information on the study and explainsthe motivation behind it Additionally presented are research objectives, methodology,and research design

Chapter 2: Theoretical framework shows theoretical framework with description,summary, and evaluation of previous publications within the research field Itdemonstrates basic information, concerns, and concepts to assist in the process of

investigation and analysis

Chapter 3: Data analysis, findings, and discussions gives an analysis of obtained dataand information with the goal of answering the research questions and achieving thestudy objectives

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Chapter 4: Recommendations presents some suggestions for improving the translation

of tourism terminologies Some recommendations are also given for further studies

Chapter 5: Conclusion summarizes and presents limitations of this study andrecommendations for further research

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2.1.1 Definition of translation

Translation has a wide range of definitions due to its long history and development.There are numerous books and articles about this topic The most common translationdefinitions that may be relevant to this chapter are listed below

Interference between languages is occurring all around the world at the same timethat languages are developing As a result, numerous documents are translated into a

wide variety of languages in order to accomplish various goals Since then, depending

on their own research, expertise, and experience, scholars have developed a wide range

of definitions of translation The following are some historical definitions of translation

Regardless of whether the languages are spoken, written, widely used, or whetherone or both are sign-based, such as sign language for the deaf, Brislin (1976) definedtranslation as a general term that refers to the transfer of concepts and ideas from onelanguage to another Translation can also refer to the transfer of concepts and ideasbetween two languages that are not sign-based

Translation, according to Bell, Roger T (1991), is the expression of somethingthat has existed in another language (or target language), while maintaining semanticand stylistic equivalences The replacement of a text's representation in one language byits corresponding text's representation in another is what he continues, saying

In the terms of Christiane Nord's (2005) theory, translation is the creation of auseful target text while maintaining a connection to a predetermined source text that isspecified in accordance with the desired or required function of the target text

Ghazala (2005) indicated that the term "translation" is frequently used to describeall procedures and techniques employed to translate the meaning of the source languageinto the target language

According to Warwal (2015), translation is the process of comprehending themeaning of a document and then creating an equivalent text, sometimes referred to as

"translation," that conveys the same message in a different language The language thatthe text is translated into is known as the target language, while the original text is known

as the source text The product's alternate name is in the target text

These concepts did not seem enough to Dorothy Kelly (2005) who also

emphasized the importance of translation with the statement "Without translation, there

is no history of the world" To him, translation must go hand in hand with language and

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culture It was the skill of understanding, interpreting and transmitting language by using

an appropriate tone and appropriate words for the context, as well as using languageresources for a targeted purpose Therefore, the translator is also seen as a meaningfulnegotiator working between the two languages and the two cultures, between the sourcetext and the target text

People see very different perspectives on translation issues through definitions

One mentions translation as a means of exchanging languages, and another mentions it

as a means of exchanging cultures However, translation is not just a straightforwardreplacement of words in another language; many theories have described it as a work ofart in which ideas are expressed in accordance with their aesthetics Peter Newmark(1988) provides one of the more thorough and precise definitions in his textbook ontranslation He saw translation as an artistic endeavor, and theory is a vast body ofknowledge Messages can be transformed and transferred with their original connotativemeaning through texts and discourse Additionally, he perceived translation as a talent,

an endeavor, and a challenge pertaining to aesthetic appeal Translation is a skill thatdemonstrates the ability to choose an appropriate and acceptable language Finally,translation (especially literary translation) involves translators selecting words orexpressions in accordance with their own aesthetic preferences This is similar to howscience, art, and skill all distinguish good writing from bad writing on the basis ofnovelty, intuition, and inspiration Different translations of the same text exhibit eachtranslator's unique sense of style, talent, and sensibility This highlights the aesthetics oftranslation by painting a clear picture of various languages, each with their own aesthetic


It is clear that translation has many distinct definitions, but they all revolve aroundthe same process of determining the target language's lexical and grammatical structure'sclosest equivalent meaning The next section will demonstrate the precise techniques forprecisely and naturally re-creating the original texts

In conclusion, translation was defined through many statements from differentlinguists who had the notion about translation with the characteristics of being a vehicle

to exchange languages and cultures It is the process of transmitting texts from onelanguage to another, connecting languages, people and cultures around the world, anegotiation between two cultures with equivalents in its semantics, structure andaesthetics

2.1.2 The significance of translation

Translation is essential for a language's dignity and ultimately for its revitalization,claims Maria (2000) It is a crucial tool for advancing the language's boundaries,


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modernizing it, and treating it with the respect it merits In the translation of tales thatare concerned with the development and replication of sensory structural elements,translation is also a significant means of image creation When translation is involved

in the creation of cultural constructs, it serves this role in colonial or new colonialcontexts It bridges the gap created by language change or a multilingual political system

by negotiating perspectives of a people's past or present

Language is regarded as "a crucial component of conceptualization, combiningvalues and ideas, etc Translation cannot simply read off the accumulated and uniquecultural, social, and political meanings that are contained in language (2002) Temple

According to Cartford (1965), translation is an activity of significant value in themodern world and should be of interest to mathematicians, electronic engineers,professional and amateur translators, as well as linguists

Newmark (1988) proposed that culture can be transmitted effectively throughtranslation In order to convey information, counsel, and recommendations for everyfield of science, translation is used for official documents like contracts and treaties, aswell as for reports, articles, papers, textbooks, and correspondence Examples of theseinclude the use of translation in the tourist community, where native speakers frequentlyswitch from native to "foreign," multilingual announcements that gradually appear inmore and more public locations, exporting company policies, and the tourist public.Translation is a dual-purpose tool for language learning: it has the specific goal ofdemonstrating the learner's proficiency in a foreign language, as a form of control or toexercise their intelligence for the improvement of their competence

2.1.3 Factors affecting the translation process

There are plenty of factors that are necessary to translation They are also thecauses of problems that translators have to cope in their translation process This shortpaper can not deeply investigate in all of the elements but only the key distinctive factors

in the three most important areas: language, culture and the translator’s personalconditions, according to Dongfeng Wong (1999) Linguistic factors

Accurate lexical rendering is the hardest and most time-consuming part oftranslation There are significant challenges for translators because of the obviousdifferences between English and Vietnamese in this regard

In his research — factors of translation, lexicon and syntax were named as the two

primary components of language by Dongfeng Wong (1999) A successful transition

necessitates the translators’ familiarity with the target language (SL), which entails


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recognizing grammatical structures and expanding their vocabulary in both the source

and target languages

- Lexical and semantic factors:

Lexical semantics is concerned with the precise consider of the form, meaning and use

of words Helmi B Sonneveld (1993) incorporated lexical- semantic issues as acombination of problems caused by phrasing choices, neologisms, semantic gaps,relevant equivalent words as synonym and antonym , semantic contiguity (a consistencymethod which works by distinguishing semantic highlights common to two or moreterms) and rhetoric (obstacles encountered when expressing and understandingmeanings of thought like comparisons, representation, metonymy)

For example: “I have been looking high and low for my key” means “ Tôi đã tìm chiếc chia khoá ở khắp mọi nơi” The semantic factor that needs considering well here are the

idiom “high and low” which means “everywhere” The sentence may sound unnatural

in Vietnamese if the idiom phrase is translated word by word

- Syntactic problem: Syntax is how words and phrases are put together in a language

to form complete sentences Tenses, word order, sentence structure, sentence forms, andother crucial components of syntax are included That differs from one nation to the next

A person must use the appropriate word order when speaking and writing so that others

can understand For example, The structure of the Vietnamese sentence : Nhà tôi to gap

đôi nhà ông” when translated into English has its structure changed into " My house istwice as big as yours "but not "House my big twice house your" which has no meaning

and explains why it is impossible to translate word for word Positive adjectives should

come before nouns, adverbs should come before adjectives, and possessive pronouns

should be used to avoid using the same word twice

To convey the message in an appropriate and fluid manner, translators must usethe right words with various sentence structures An English word may have numerousdistinct meanings that are unrelated to one another Therefore, in order for interpreters

to become fluent in the language and thereby advance their translation and writing skills,

it is crucial and absolutely necessary that they master all of the possible meanings ofeach word It could be said that vocabulary and grammar serve as the cornerstone and

framework for all other issues Cultural factor

In addition to having a basic understanding of English and Vietnamese and having

experience translating both languages, translators also need to understand the culture ofthe target language and the differences in style between the two languages

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A translation by Larson (Larson 1984: 431) contributed to the definition of culturefactor by referring to it as "a complex of beliefs, attitudes, values, and rules which agroup of people share" Similarly, E.B Tylor (1871) described culture as "that complexwhole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any othercapabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society" It is clear that culture

is the amalgamation of prevalent attitudes, values, and common beliefs found in aparticular area Culture is the most important factor that needs to be carefully taken intoaccount during the translation process because the role of translation is to not onlytransmit words but also to convey ideological and aesthetic values Rubel and Rosman(2003) made the following statement about the value of culture in translation:

"Translation brought two cultures close together, crossing the spiritual and specific

borders between two peoples." Edward Sapir (1956: 69) expressed a similar idea when

he said that "no two languages are ever sufficiently alike to be considered as representingthe same social reality Different societies inhabit distinct worlds; they do not simplyinhabit the same worlds with different labels History has demonstrated that every stageand era has unique characteristics There are always variations in word choice, tone, andparticularly cultural differences between nations People can only comprehend theimplications of cultural implications in writing or speech, moving one step closer tounderstanding the precise meaning of the language that the text needs to convey, whenthey understand the differences in cultural meaning between the two languages and areable to overcome the obstacles to understanding and explaining the language caused bythe cultural differences Without a comparative understanding of cultural stability, it can

be challenging for translators to accurately express or describe the original work

All things considered, culture is generally understood to be a combination of

knowledge and traits of individuals from a particular community, made up of theirethnicity, language, and religion, with traits derived from their morals, beliefs, attitudes,language, tradition, and customs, among other things

Contrasts between social references, such as the names of objects, holidays, and

social implications, give rise to cultural problems in translation To accurately adapt the

interpretation to the target culture, interpreters must use dialect localization Translatorscan only convey the ideological and aesthetic values of the source language (SL) thatthe writer wishes to convey through their texts if they have a thorough understanding ofthe culture of the SL Translator's personal conditions

According to Maria Luisa Carrio-Pastor (2017), the traditional view of translationwas that it was simply the act of conveying meaning from one text written in one

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language to another while using that language It was thought that the translator was

"invisible" because good translations give the impression that the author is speakingdirectly to the reader, is writing the text himself, and is experiencing the same emotions

as the reader The importance of translators is disregarded because of that which is

"invisible" The translation is now regarded as a secondary product as a result However,the quality of the translation is now more reliant on the knowledge and experience ofthe translators, which includes their practical knowledge of the translation industry and

their life experiences Simply put, translators won't be able to understand, much less

translate into another language, when they hear a certain problem for the first time ifthey have no prior experience with it People can handle situations more easily withknowledge, and a person can only sufficiently access knowledge through practice

Both fundamental and in-depth knowledge are included in knowledge Everyonehas strengths that are directly related to their line of work Given that translations areproduced by human minds, the competence and attitudes of the translator play a

significant role in the final product's quality English words have a wide variety of

meanings, so it can be challenging to determine which one is most appropriate Manycontext-specific factors must be taken into account, necessitating that translatorscomprehend the context's various conceptual or thematic meanings and look for

synonyms for the appropriate target words Additionally, each person's psychological,

ethical, and aesthetic attitudes have an impact on this

2.2 Terminology and tourism terminology

2.2.1 The definition of terminology

As languages have developed over time, numerous new terminology haveappeared in a variety of fields Many scholars from throughout the world have studiedthe term to enliven the language, leading to several definitions of the term being offered

Terminology is defined as a group of technical words or idioms used in a certainfield by Oxford Learner's Dictionary

To research terms, which are lexical elements used in specialized fields (subjects

or their branches), either created specifically for those fields or modified versions of

elements found in other disciplines, is the goal of terminology science, according toManuel Vakulenko (2013), who holds the same view, views terminology as a science

and uses statistical and analytical research techniques to investigate the rules andregulations that control the definition, evolution, and usage of terms in a particular field

of human endeavor


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Terminology specifically tied to certain topic areas, according to Cabré (1999) Byonly supplying collations of a list of concepts with their names, terminology cannot betied to terminology work and neither is it an aim in itself The invention andstandardization of particular concepts and terms in each discipline is the result of thecollaboration of subject experts, general linguists, and applied linguists

According to Faber and Rodriguez (2012), terminology or specialized languagecan refer to a variety of methods or particular uses of the language at hand The emphasisplaced on science and technology in today's culture, as well as how specializedknowledge concepts are defined, created, examined, and translated, have madeterminology and the creation of specialized knowledge concepts an essentialunderstanding

According to Valeontis and Mantzari (2006), terminology has two definitions: (1)the process of gathering, analyzing, managing, and presenting terminologicalinformation in one or more languages; and (2) the field of science concerned with thestudy of relationships between concepts and their designations (terms, names, andsymbols) and the establishment of principles and methods regulating these relationships

in any subject area (2) the vocabulary that makes up a certain subject area's uniquelanguage

The definition of terminology according to Bannopova and Shadiyarovna (2020)

is "1) a system of terms in a particular field of knowledge; 2) the entire set of languageterms; and 3) the science of researching terms (terminology)."

Several definitions of terminology are provided by terminology scholars in

Vietnam For instance, terminology is a lexical unit of a specific language that is usedfor specific purposes and that represents a general idea that may be concrete or abstract

and that is a part of a certain specialized field of knowledge or activity (Mai Thi Loan,2011) According to Prof Hoang Van Hanh (2010), terminology is a term used to denote

a specific idea in the system of concepts of a specific science According to Do HuuChau (1981), the lexical units used to express things, phenomena, activities, qualities,etc in the fields of industrial engineering and the natural or social sciences are included


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The Newmark translation techniques are widely regarded as the most efficient andsimple to use when translating terminology Each translator's needs determine thetranslation techniques to be used Regardless of the technique, the main goal oftranslation is to convey ideas in the source language in the most accurate, efficient, andnatural way possible

2.2.2 The significance of terminology

Terminology is a tool that enables experts in different fields of human activity tocommunicate with one another, claim Bannopova and A Shadiyarovna (2020) Thefocus of sociolinguistics naturally shifts to terminology because it is a direct reflection

of the development of science, technology, culture, art, sports, and other social relations

Terminology is a necessity for all professionals involved in the representation,communication, expression, and transmission of specialized information Technicians,scientists, and specialists in any field need words to represent and communicate theirexpertise in order to inform, transfer, buy, and sell their products Every discipline has

a predetermined method for articulating its concepts (Cabré, 2002)

Specialists in document and information science, linguists working in languageengineering, and linguists with thematically specific specialty all need to know

terminology Even general or theoretical linguists must have a solid grasp of

terminology and specialized languages in order to completely account for the globalcompetency (general and specialized) of speakers and languages

All communication intermediaries with a focus on the dissemination andpromotion of science, as well as all supervisors, technical writers, language teachers forspecific purposes, and language planning specialists, must gradually acquireterminology

According to Besharat Fathi (2017), terminology is essential to understandingcontexts and specialist texts Students who comprehend the complex vocabulary used intechnical and scientific contexts are better able to grasp the document's core point, andexperts can present information more effectively

Moreover, terminology aids people in understanding the connection between

sections of specialist texts and entire contexts, which is frequently an unconsciouslyused strategy for learning new things It also encourages a love of coming up with freshwords and phrases

All topic areas are built on a foundation of terminology studies By thedevelopment of languages and terminology, it also helps the improvement of

communication quality on a national and international level, providing solutions to the


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terminology problems and issues faced by many specialists and non-experts Withoutlearning the terminology, technicians and professionals could never understand howimportant language preservation is for communicating and maintaining cultural identity

Furthermore, by raising awareness of the inherent communicative and cognitivechallenges that learning a foreign language may entail, terminology research enhances

the use of national or local languages

2.2.3 Characteristics of terminology

A language's terminology is a specific category of vocabulary There is a

terminology system specific to each major

Accuracy, systematization, and internationality are the three basic features ofterminology, according to Mai Thi Loan (2011)

+ Accuracy: Accuracy is the most crucial quality that terminology should possesssince it enables language to faithfully convey the meaning of a scientific subject

Terminology is a component of a certain theory, and mastery of all the ideasunderlying a particular science is required in order to comprehend and comprehend a

particular terminology The reader will comprehend and have an appropriate concept ofthe scientific item when a phrase correctly labels and characterizes a scientific concept.When implementing a terminology system in a specialized sector, it is desirable toprevent the phenomena of synonyms because, in a scientific discipline, each notionshould only be an expression term in order to ensure a precise level of terminology.Moreover, terminology should be monosyllabic, meaning that each term should only beused to represent one concept, in order to achieve the accuracy of terminology standards

+ Systematicism: For terminology, systematicism is a crucial criteria A term isnever used in isolation; it is always a part of a certain terminological system and has aplace in the conceptual system The lexical field and the conceptual field together defineterminology; the conceptual field is more important than the lexical field, while theconcept field simply specifies terms A term's term content is unavailable if it is deleted

from the database With the usage of the word, it is impossible to isolate each notion to

define; rather, it must be placed in a system of concepts or a specific system of termsdue to the systematic nature of the terminology

+ Internationality: Internationality is an ontological characteristic of terminology

since each language's unique vocabulary reflects the cultural quirks of the speakers, butscience is the shared human intellectual property

The form side and the content side of the terminology both exhibit theterminology's global nature Since one typically only considers a term's exterior


Ngày đăng: 20/05/2024, 01:02

Nguồn tham khảo

Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
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