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Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp: Research on linguistic difficulties in translating economic news from english to vietnamese of 3rd and 4th year business english students at neu university

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Business English 61A



Le Thuy Linh, MTESOL

Hanoi, April 2023

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I have gotten a great deal of assistance, advice, direction, and encouragementfrom numerous teachers, friends, and family members in the course of producing thisgraduation paper It is a big pleasure for me.

To begin with, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor,

Ms Le Thuy Linh - M.A - Lecturer of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, NationalEconomics University, for her constant support, various materials, invaluable advice,

and insightful feedback on chapter draughts that enabled me to complete thisresearch Without her assistance, this would have been impossible.

In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to National EconomicsUniversity for providing us with a professional learning environment and facilities,as well as to all the teachers in the Faculty of Foreign Languages for their usefullessons, teaching, guidance, experience sharing with a kind heart and wholeheartedinstruction, as well as for their enthusiasm and sympathies to help us become betterpeople than we are now.

Iam particularly proud of my family and friends They are always by my side,

offering me support and encouragement during my studies I wish to express mydeepest appreciation to everyone who helped me complete this graduation paper.

Lastly, it is an honour for me to convey my appreciation to everyone whoprovided me with helpful advise and support Without these aids, I could not

effectively complete my graduation paper Your assistance and encouragement serveas motivation for me to complete my research.

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With the development of translation resources and services around the globein the last few decades, the importance and necessity of translators' labour has becomevery clear The importance of language translation and research into all of its facetshas been widely recognised, especially in the context of international integration,where languages are formed to coexist with one another The constant growth ofcommercial sectors contributes greatly to this This is represented in part by the

multilingual economic news, which acts as a conduit for societal and economic

exchange across countries Problems communicating economic news from English to

Vietnamese are investigated It also delves into translators' mentalities and the typicaldifficulties they face when working with bilingual news The data was gatheredthrough the author's own observations and analyses, as well as through surveys given

to 100 advanced language students at National Economics University The results ofthis study should prove the value of bilingual news by illuminating the most pressingfundamental challenges, providing useful recommendations to aid bilingualtranslation programmes, and bolstering the efforts of translators engaged in thetranslation of economic news in both languages.


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Table 3.1: Linguistic difficulties made by students in the translation ofECONOMIC NOWS oceeecccccccccscccccccccccsssesssessecesssessssessesessssssecceeeseseseseecceeessssssssssssesssesueceens 27


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Figure 3.1: The confidence level of students’ ability to translate economic

Figure 3.2: The frequency of students making translation errors whentranslating ECONOMIC T€WS - 2G 1S HH TH TH HH HH Hệ 21

Figure 3.3: The difficulties that students face when translating economic news

Figure 3.4: The lexical difficulties that students face when translating

ECONOMIC NOWS Bố 23Figure 3.5: The syntactic difficulties that students face when translatingECONOMIC NOWS SẺ 24Figure 3.6: Students difficulties in economic news translation 26Figure 3.7: Causes of linguistic difficulties 0.0 ee eeeeseeeseeesesseeeseeeseenes 29


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ceccecceesceseeeseceseceeecseeesecececseeeaeceaeeeeseeeaeseneesees ii




CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION nhe 11.1 Introduction of research topic 55 5 5 2+2 +csseereseesses 11.2 Rationale of the research - HH HH key 21.3 Objectives of the research - - c c1 12312 1n 1 1 1g re, 31.4 Scope of the researrclh - HH TH HH 31.5 Research Questions - . - óc 131221 vn vn vn ng rên 31.6 Research method - - - 5 + HH HH ng nh 31.7 Design of the researrchh - - ác ng key 3CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK - c «- 5"by 8n 5

2.1.1 Definition of transÏafIOn - se 52.1.2 Translation methOS - - E2 123119301991 1 11 ng rưn 6

2.1.3 Translation DOC€SS - G2 E3 19111211 HH vn ngư 82.1.4 Classification of translation problems - «+ +s«+++s<++sss+ 92.2 ECONOMIC €WS - HH HH ng HH nh nụ 142.2.1 Definition Of ECONOMIC NEWS Ăn nggiệt 142.2.2 Language 1n ©€COnOTIIC IWS - 2c 11v vn rey 152.2.3 Importance of economics NEWS 1n ECONOMY - - -5 «5+2 172.3 The role of translation in economic nñeWs - c«cccssey 17CHAPTER III: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 20

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3.2.1 Lexical difficulties identified by students when translatingECONOMIC NEWS ooo eee ceeeeseesseesecseceseeeseeseeesecesecsseceeessceseceesseseseseseseseaeseaeeseeeaees 23

3.2.2 Syntactic difficulties identified by students when translatingECONOMIC IICWS oeeeeecccccccccccccccessssescsessessscsseeeeessssssecccesesssstseseceesessssseesesssssseaeeseess 243.2.3 Actual difficulties identified by students when translating economic

¡là SẼ a 25

3.3 Causes of linguistic difficulties << << s5 s=<sssssessese 29

3.3.1 Subjective CAUS€S eee cee eeeceeeeeeeaeceeeceeeseseaeseeeseeeaeeegs 29


“nh an 354.2 RecommmendafÏO'S - (vn HH nh như 354.3 The limitation of the study - - c 2S 5112 x2 seeiseerese 364.4 Recommendations for further studies - -<2<<<5 36REFERENCE 1



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This chapter characterizes the research issue and rationale, the aims of the researchand research questions, the scope and significance of the thesis, and the generaldesign of the study.

1.1 Introduction of research topic

Research on linguistic difficulties in translating economic news from Englishto Vietnamese of 3rd and 4th year students majoring in Business English at NEUUniversity (subjects are students who have studied translation theory 1 and 2)

It is generally acknowledged that translation plays a crucial role in the

globalisation of human knowledge It focuses on worldwide arranging, socio-cultural

awareness, professional educational exercises, implementation of innovations, and

considerably more Tian (2004) describes additional significance of translation Heasserts that translation is gaining importance in global and intercultural activity, as itfacilitates common understanding among diverse and conflicting racial, ethnic,religious, and cultural groups In the world's fastest-growing business, which includesthe travel industry, translation is even more vital The trend of international travel isgrowing stronger than ever Consequently, translation acts as an indispensable linkbetween individuals, nations, and economies.

The function of the press in socioeconomic life and the integration process isgrowing in importance In addition to promptly and effectively delivering information,the press also plays the role of information orientation, directing public opinionagainst insufficient information and propagating advanced instances and concepts ina timely manner Nevertheless, Vietnam's economy is expanding daily According toHarvard University, Vietnam is one of the economies with the most astoundinggrowth over the past decade From 2015 to 2020, Vietnam's economy "rose 12positions in terms of diversification and modernisation of production capacities in theexport goods structure." Additionally according to a Harvard University research,Vietnam's economy has risen from 100th in 2000 to 51st in the released rankings.This is a significant advance This is partially attributable to the diversification ofVietnam's export structure, according to Professor David Dapice, a senior economistat Harvard University's Vietnam and Burma Program The South and Myanmar levelof Harvard University stated this as a result In order to speed up the process ofintegration and development, the domestic populace has a growing desire forinternational economic information and foreign newspaper opinions in order to gaina thorough understanding of economic trends, which are subsequently applied to the


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Vietnamese economy The translation of economic news will satisfy this requirementfor everyone Nonetheless, translation has occasionally been criticised for being pooror even erroneous the majority of the time This appears to result in an irrationaldislike of translators, yet it has its own rationale On the plus side, practically anytranslation that conveys the intended meaning is adequate This is because there arenumerous semantic and social differences between languages Additionally,economics is a vast field that encompasses tens of thousands of concepts andterminology Corporate businesses cannot rely on basic translations for optimalefficiency; they must have the choice to present their documents in a thorough, logical,and cost-effective manner.

1.2 Rationale of the research

Language is the most essential means of human communication Man hasmade great strides in decoding and encoding one another's thoughts andcommunications; nonetheless, it is difficult to communicate ourselves in a secondlanguage There are numerous languages that go extinct or vanish throughout time.In addition, each language's genesis is based on a nation's culture, which makes

language increasingly abundant and diverse.

As is common knowledge, English is currently considered an international

language and is spoken in the majority of countries, including Vietnam Nonetheless,English to Vietnamese translation presents challenges due to structural variations Inaddition, as a result of worldwide contact and integration, more English economicnews is being introduced Obviously, there are some difficulties in translatingbetween a foreign language and a native language, especially in translating Englisheconomic news in particular Consequently, the purpose of this study is to investigatethe challenges translators confront when interpreting economic news.

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1.3 Objectives of the research

This research aims to investigate the common linguistic difficulties and thecause in the translation practice that juniors and seniors studying Business English atNational Economics University may encounter when doing translation work on

economic news Accordingly, the study aims to recommend some methods toovercome these obstacles so that students are better equipped with professional

knowledge and abilities, hence increasing their employment chances, particularly in

this field.

1.4 Scope of the research

The research was conducted within a limit of 100 juniors and seniors studyingBusiness English at National Economics University in the academic years 2022-2023.

1.5 Research questions

e According to students' perceptions, what are the language difficulties when

translating English-Vietnamese economic news?

e Where do these problems come from?

e What can be done to master translating English- Vietnamese economic news?1.6 Research method

This study is carried out with a considerable concentration on quantitative

Quantitative method is applied to measure ‘how much’ and ‘how many’ in thecase study The quantitative method in this study was firstly used in counting thefrequency of occurrences of translation difficulties in economic news made byadvanced Business English students Questionnaires composed by the writer wereused in this method: 100 Business English’s students were given questionnairesconsisting of multiple-choice and writing-requiring questions through Google Form.Questionnaires included 3 main parts:

Part 1: Frequency of difficults in economic news translation (multiple-choice)Part 2: The most common mistakes that respondents claim they make duringtranslation process and causes (multiple-choice)

Part 3: Surveyors translate some English economic news into Vietnamese,then this translated version is compared with the standard version (writing-requiring)Tables and bar charts are used to illustrate the popularity of all mistakes and

1.7 Design of the research

The essay consists of 4 chapters as below:

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Chapter 1: Introduction, which describes the research topic, including the

rationale and purposes of the study, the research questions, and the structure of the

Chapter 2: Literature review, which covers concepts and definitions of

relevant terminologies (translation, economic news) and importance of studiedproblems This chapter provides background knowledge on the problem under study,

to assist in analysis and discussion.

Chapter 3: Findings and discussion, which shows the author's discoveries

about the common errors based on specific data collected from reality The issues arethoroughly analyzed and discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 4: Conclusion and Recommendation, which summarizes the mainideas presented in the article, limitations and offers suggestions and solutions toovercome the common errors for different individuals and organizations.

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differentiates between full and partial translation based on the extent to which the

source language text is provided for translation Complete translation is described as

"the replacement of source language grammar and lexis by equivalent target languagegrammar and lexis with consequential replacement of source languagephonology/graphology by (non-equivalent) target language phonology/graphology"(1965, 22) In contrast, constrained translation refers to " the replacement of sourcelanguage textual material by equivalent target language textual material at only onelevel" (1965, 22).

Nida and Taber define that translation as a product Translation, as describedby Nida, is the process of producing a version in the target language which is meantfor an audience that must closely reflect the message in the source language Nidaand Taber underline the significance of comprehending the source material prior towriting the target language text According to Nida (1964, 14), translation is theinterpretation of verbal signs of one language by means of verbal signs of another.

Hatim and Mason (1990,1) consider that "a communicative process whichtakes place within a social context It is a useful test case for examining the wholeissue of the role of language in social life and creating a new act of communication

of a previously existing one" Translation is likewise a matter of choice, but that

choice is always motivated: omissions, additions, and modifications may be justifiedin connection to the intended meaning.

Translation is defined by Newmark (1981, 7) as "a craft consisting in theattempt to replace a written message and/or a statement in one language by the samemessage and/or statement in another language" He (1988,5) states that" translation isrendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the authorintended the text" Hence, the translation of a text is not only a translation from the

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source language to the target language; it must also convey the author's intentions and

According to several of the definitions provided above, translation refers tothe act of transforming or revising a source-language document into a target-languagedocument In addition, this process must confirm the author's intent, match theintended audience, and keep abreast of the times.

2.1.2 Translation methods

There are numerous translation methods, ranging from literal translation tofree translation, depending on the text's context and genre Therefore, Newmarks hasdeveloped eight distinct methodologies.

* Word-for-word translation

Word-for-word translation occurs when the word order of the originallanguage is maintained and the words are translated by their most common meaningsout of context As a pre-translation step, this method aims to provide a briefunderstanding of the content in its source language.

* Literal translation

A literal translation is a type of translation in which every word in the source

language is given a corresponding word in the target language The primary meaningsof these words, however, may be different in the two languages The grammaticalstructures of the source language are translated into their closest equivalents in thetarget language On the other hand, the lexical words are once again translated singlyand out of context This identifies the issues that need to be resolved prior to the actualtranslation process Reproducing the linguistic characteristics of the source text isbeneficial for some reasons, but not all of them The speakers of the receptor languagewho are interested in the meaning of the material written in the source language willfind that these literal translations, despite the fact that they may be highly helpful forpurposes relating to the study of the source language, are of little help A translation

that is taken at face value makes little sense and adds very little to the overall valueof the communication

Vietnamese: Mời bạn về nhà tôi choi.

Literal translation: Invite friend about house me play.

¢ Faithful translation

Under the limits of the grammatical structures of the target language, faithfultranslation aims to provide the exact contextual meaning of the source text Itpreserves the degree of grammatical and lexical divergence from source language

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standards while transferring cultural terminology It endeavors to be totally accurateto the intentions and textual execution of the person who wrote the source language.

Source text: Early morning, Hung took his axe and set out to cut some wood.No sooner did he start the job then the axe suddenly flew from his hands into the river.

Target text: Sáng sớm tinh mơ Hung mang riu vào rừng đốn củi Vừa mới bắt

đầu vào việc thì chiếc rìu tuột khỏi tay anh và rơi xuống song.

(The Diamon Axe, Education Publishing House, p33)

¢ Semantic translation

Semantic translation differs from "faithful translation" only in that it must takethe artistic worth of the Source text into greater consideration It must be adapted tothe culture of the target language, but this does not alter the author's original intentwhile writing in the source language.

“, Semantic translating where the translator attempts, within the base syntaticand semantic constraints of the TL, to reproduce the precise contextual meaning ofthe author” Newmark(1982:22)

* Adaptation

Adaptation, which is the most flexible kind of translation, is utilized mostlyfor plays (comedies) and poetry; ideas, characters, and plots are typically kept, whilethe source culture is adapted to the target culture and the text is rewritten It allowstranslators to be creative with vocabulary and syntax in a way that matches the targetlanguage country's context “Adaptation has a property of lending the ideals of theoriginal to create a new text used by a new language more than to be faithful to theoriginal The creating in adaptation is completed objective in content as well as form”

Dung Vu (2004)

* Free translation

A translation method in which the translator runs away from the limits of thesource language and uses the target language to interpret the meaning of the sourcetext in a natural manner and in accordance with the context and culture of the targetlanguage This is also the reason why the translation using this method is frequently

longer than the original.

This translation has the benefit of making the text sound more natural In

contrast, because it is free, there is frequently arbitrary and excessive variance,

particularly for spiritual materials like philosophy, religion, and literature.

Each work is intimately connected to a particular cultural relationship; thetranslator must honor this aspect of the original text Due to a lack of discipline,


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translators frequently destroy the aesthetic equivalent and deform the original text; infact, the task being performed is no longer translation but adaptation and translation.

* Idiomatic translation

It reproduces the 'message' of the original, but tends to distort subtleties of

meaning by favoring colloquialisms and idioms where they are absent in the original.Idioms are frequently regional or ethnic (cultural); even if they can be translated, it isdoubtful that foreigners will comprehend the underlying meaning without theannotation.

Example: "Carry coals to Newcastle." -> "Transporting coal to Newcastle"="carrying firewood to the forest" (Newcastle is the UK city with the greatest coalexport port in the world; therefore, do not bring unnecessary items to the city.)

Due to the peculiarities of rice culture, Vietnamese frequently use buffalo(buffalo) in idioms and proverbs, whereas English frequently utilizes bird (bird).

"Ngưu tam nguu, mã tam mã" and "Birds of a feather flock together" are examples.

* Communicative translation

It strives to convey the exact contextual meaning of the original in a mannerthat is readily acceptable and understandable by the target audience It helps readerscomprehend what appears to be extremely hard to figure out in the source language.

“ But even here the translation still has to respect and work on the form ofthe source language text as the only material basic for his work”

_ Peter Newark,(1982:39)

» Other methods

In addition to the aforementioned common modes of translation, the followingmodes of translation are also sometimes utilised throughout the process of translation.Service translation, plum prose translation, information translation, cognitivetranslation, and academic translation are some examples of these types of translations. Transfer of message

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After understanding the meaning and structure of the source language, the

translator will desire to hear the message in that language The subsequent step is to

translate the source language's content, meaning, and message into the targetlanguage At this step, the translator anticipated discovering a word in the targetlanguage that was comparable to the source language word This process oftransferring meanings, contents, and messages is an instance of internal interaction.These processes occur in the translator's brain After the content, meaning, and

message have been established in the translator's head, they are expressed verbally or

written down in the target language To achieve a superior translation according tothe translation purpose, the translation must be rewritten. Restructuring

If the transfer process is a complex structure that coordinates with the targetlanguage, that of the reader or audience, then restructuring is changing So, duringthe restructure phase, a translator must consider the variety of languages in order todetermine the style of language based on the type of material to be translated Atranslator must also consider whose translation it is A translator has given a

translation if the means of investigation, comprehension of the source language into

the target language, and restructuring have been completed.2.1.4 Classification of translation problems

There is a great deal of research on translation issues, but this study combinesDr Miremadi (1991) study, and participants’ personal perspectives to illustrate the

linguistic challenges most individuals confront during the translation process.

According to Dr Miremadi (1991), there are two basic categories of translation

challenges: lexical problems and syntactic problems. Lexical problems.

Miremadi claims in his interpretation of lexical issues that, despite the fact thatwords are entities that relate to objects or concepts, a word from one language cannotbe swapped for a word from another language when referring to the same concepts

or objects.

Technique terms The Langenscheidts Big German Dictionary definestechnique terms as "all the specialized expressions employed in a given professionthat the uninitiated do not understand or find difficult to comprehend." [1, p.18]

According to magnetician Daniel Goudec (1990: XVID), it is impossible todefine a single phrase for a particular concept, object, or circumstance In the modern

period of international relations, however, it is required to define, standardize, or

teach a term for a certain field.

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A number of examples are provided to illustrate: The term “Annual allowances”if translated directly many people will not hesitate to translate the components tomean annual discount, but in fact this term must be translated exactly as annual taxexemption.

Polysemous words are words with multiple meanings, including a root

meaning and one or more transitional meanings (Quiroga-Clare, 2003) Polysemous

are a major translation challenge Occasionally, a word with several meanings in the

original cannot be adequately rendered in the target language.

For example: In English, the word "call" must be translated according to eachcontext, each field of expertise.

Phone call: call by phone (common)

Call goods: goods are not available: you have to call to ordergoods (commercial)

Call loan: demand loan: loan amount to be repaid immediatelyclaim or demand (financial)

Idiom is a set of words that communicate a specific meaning distinct from the

individual words' original meanings (Longman dictionary, 2016) Idioms are tough

to translate for translators The three primary difficulties in translating idioms are (1)misinterpreting the goal of the original text author, (2) failing to recognize the culturaldifference between the two languages, and (3) difficulty finding the equivalent words

(Awwad, 1990).

Proper noun is a noun whose initial letter is capitalized, denoting the name ofa person, place, thing, organization, or other entity Proper noun translation is achallenging area of translation since translators may be unable to discern when toretain, partially translate, or totally translate proper names (Péter, 2002) For instance,"Formel 1" is the name of an international racing competition that is frequentlyrendered as "Công thức 1" in the Vietnamese press If the name already makes sense,the translation should convey to the reader precisely what it meant to the originalreader (Giittinger 1963:79) Instead of translating, therefore, take notes just whennecessary In addition, the transcription of proper names is a factor that requirescareful consideration.

This method is only reasonable and necessary when the script of the originallanguage and the translation language do not have the same character system. Syntactic problems

As Dr Miremadi (1991) cites Nida (1975), there are no two languages with

identical systems of structural organization Syntactic issues are the other major


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category of translation problems (i.e language structure varies from one language toanother).

Syntax difficulties:

Syntax difficulties describes the organization and structure of a sentence,which is readily misunderstood These challenges primarily relate to the differencesin word order between the two languages, as Vietnamese uses a Subject-Verb-Object

(SVO) structure, while English uses a Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) structure.

It is evident that English syntax is significantly more sophisticated thanVietnamese syntax For instance, in the following sentence: " Secretary of State’sname have hereunto caused the seal of the department to be affixed and my namesubscribed by the Assistant Authentication officer", there are two verbs in the passiveform: "to be affixed" (stamped) and "subscribed" (signed) However, when translatedinto Vietnamese, these two verbs are rendered in the active form: "Seal" and "Sign."For this reason, in the SVO structure (S is the subject, V is the verb, and O is theobject), when the subject is not the subject of the action, the structure must be

represented in passive form in English The glass cup was broken In contrast, the

majority of Vietnamese sentence constructions are written in the active voice evenwhen the subject does not cause the action (Example: The broken glass).

Besides, English often uses inversion of subject and object in sentences toemphasize a certain element or to form questions However, in Vietnamese, suchinversion is not used, and the word order remains SVO For example, in the Englishsentence "John likes Mary," the word order is SOV, but if the sentence is inverted to"Mary, John likes," it becomes difficult to translate into Vietnamese without changing

the word order to SVO: "John thich Mary" (John likes Mary).

While, in English, adverbs can be placed in various positions within a sentence.However, in Vietnamese, adverbs usually come after the verb For example, theEnglish sentence "He quickly ran to the store" could be translated into Vietnamese as

"Anh ta nhanh chóng chạy đến cửa hang" (He quickly ran to the store) The adverb

"quickly" is placed before the verb "ran" in English, but after the verb "chay" inVietnamese.

In addition, prepositional phrases in English can be placed either before or

after the object of a sentence, depending on the context However, in Vietnamese,prepositional phrases typically come after the object For example, the English

sentence "She gave the book to him" could be translated into Vietnamese as "Cô ấydua quyén sach cho anh ay" (She gave the book to him) The prepositional phrase "to


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him" follows the object "the book" in English, but comes after the object "quyên sách"

in Vietnamese.

In summary, when translating from English to Vietnamese, syntacticdifficulties often arise due to differences in word order, adverb placement,prepositional phrase placement These challenges require translators to be skilled atrestructuring sentences to fit Vietnamese grammar rules while preserving the

meaning of the original English sentence.Grammatical difficulties:

When translating from English to Vietnamese, there are several grammaticaldifficulties that translators may encounter These challenges primarily relate todifferences in verb tenses, as well as other grammatical structures.

Vietnamese has a simpler tense system than English, with no distinct past tense,present tense, or future tense Instead, Vietnamese uses time indicators to indicate the

time frame of an action or event This can make it difficult to translate English verbtenses into Vietnamese For example, the English sentence "I have been studying

English for two years" uses the present perfect continuous tense, but it would be

translated into Vietnamese using the present tense with a time indicator: "T6i hoc

tiếng Anh được hai năm rồi" (I study English for two years already) The Vietnamese

sentence uses the word "được" to indicate the action has been ongoing for two years,which replaces the English present perfect continuous tense.

Besides, Vietnamese does not use auxiliary verbs like "do," "does," or "did"

in questions or negatives, unlike English This can make translating English questions

and negatives into Vietnamese tricky For example, the English sentence "Did you

see the movie last night?" would be translated into Vietnamese as "Bạn xem phim tối

qua chua?" (You see movie last night yet?) The Vietnamese sentence does not use

the auxiliary verb "did" but instead uses the time indicator "t6i qua" (last night) to

indicate past tense.

In additon, Vietnamese has a different prepositional system than English,which can make it difficult to translate English prepositions into Vietnamese In somecases, Vietnamese prepositions are combined with other words to form compound

words For example, the English sentence "I am good at playing soccer" would be

translated into Vietnamese as "Tôi giỏi da bong" (I am good at play soccer) TheVietnamese sentence does not use the preposition "at," but instead uses the verb "gidi"(good at) to indicate proficiency.

Usage difficulties:


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Normal usage of the target language is correct and informal This coursecovers definite/indefinite articles, the colloquial usage of prepositions.

In English, articles (a, an, the) are used to indicate whether a noun is specificor general However, Vietnamese does not have articles This can make it difficult totranslate English sentences into Vietnamese For example, the English sentence "I

want to buy a book" would be translated into Vietnamese as "Tôi muốn mua sách" (I

want buy book) The Vietnamese sentence does not use an article, as there is no

equivalent in Vietnamese.

Besides, Vietnamese has a different prepositional system than English, whichcan make it difficult to translate English prepositions into Vietnamese In some cases,Vietnamese prepositions are combined with other words to form compound words.For example, the English sentence "I am interested in learning Vietnamese" would

be translated into Vietnamese as "Tôi quan tâm đến việc học tiếng Việt" (I am

interested about learning Vietnamese) The Vietnamese sentence uses the preposition

"đến" (to, about) to indicate interest, which is combined with the word "việc" (thing)

to form the compound word "việc hoc" (learning).

On the other hands, in English, "to" is often used as an infinitive marker toindicate the purpose of an action However, Vietnamese does not use "to" in this way.

Instead, Vietnamese often uses the verb "dé" to indicate purpose For example, the

English sentence "I came here to see you" would be translated into Vietnamese as

"Tôi đến đây dé gặp ban" (I come here for see you) The Vietnamese sentence uses

the verb "đến" (to come) to indicate the action of coming, and the verb "gặp" (to meet)

to indicate the purpose of the action.

Vietnamese as "Cô ấy nói - Tôi yêu anh" (She said: I love you) The Vietnamese

sentence uses a dash to indicate direct speech.

Besies, in English, commas are often used to separate items in a list or to

indicate a pause in a sentence However, Vietnamese does not use commas in thesame way Vietnamese often uses colons or semi-colons instead of commas Forexample, the English sentence "I need to buy apples, oranges, and bananas" would be


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translated into Vietnamese as "Tôi cần mua táo, cam và chuối" (I need buy apples;

oranges; and bananas) The Vietnamese sentence uses semi-colons to separate theitems in the list.

On the other hands, in English, an ellipsis (three dots) is often used to indicatea pause or omission of words However, Vietnamese does not use ellipsis in the sameway Instead, Vietnamese often uses dashes or dots to indicate a pause or omission ofwords For example, the English sentence "I was thinking maybe we should go tothe beach" would be translated into Vietnamese as "Tôi đang nghĩ - có lẽ chúng ta

nén di dén bai bién" (I was thinking: maybe we should go to the beach) The

Vietnamese sentence uses a dash to indicate a pause.

In general, translating English to Vietnamese presents various lexical andgrammar-related challenges These issues will be concretized and exacerbated as aresult of specialising on economic news. Definition of news

According to Danuta Reah, news might be "information about recent eventsthat are of interest to a sufficiently large group, or that may affect the lives of asufficiently large group"

News contains the following components:

Conflict is a recurrent feature in all narratives, whether they are told throughmedia, literature, or play The conflicts between individuals, between nations, andwith nature all captivate readers Life is rife with conflict, and journalists must resistthe urge to oversimplify or dramatize stories.

Novelty is another element common to newspapers and other literary forms.Persons or situations might be captivating and consequently instructive due to theirunique or strange characteristics.


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Reputation - Names generate news coverage The more the prominence of the

author, the greater the significance of the article People are always fascinated by the

actions of the wealthy and famous.

Closeness - Generally, individuals are enthusiastic about events that occurclose to their homes When people read or hear national or international news, theyare frequently interested in how it affects their town.

Urgency necessitates fresh news If news is pertinent and helpful, it must be

current For instance, it is more beneficial to write about a problem facing the

municipal council before a decision is made than afterward People are able toactively participate in public affairs when they have access to timely articles.

2.2.2 Language in economic news Typical characteristics of news language.

News information must be current content The propensity to explore andfind new things is a characteristic of the human species In this view, the journalist -the news broadcaster - must be especially sensitive, quick, timely, and able tocorrectly detect and hit new phenomena, new problems in all aspects of society[Journalism-14 2003, p.16]; readers - the recipients of news - are only truly interested

in what is new and intriguing According to Leonard Rayteel-Ron Tayler, news is

current, trustworthy, and appealing to the general audience From that time, pressinformation must also be factual Information is referenced at a particular locationand for a particular period of time Information possesses symbolic worth The realitydescribed in a journalistic work must be identical to the current state of affairs.

Correct information not only satisfies the cognitive needs of the reader, but also has

the potential to alter their emotions For press information to be effective, it must beinnovative, appealing, and brief The material must always be new and varied,addressing the subjects that the audience cares about The language must be appealing,from the selection of words to the organization of the content so that it is simple tocomprehend.

Before those conditions, journalistic language must be succinct This briefapproach emerged out of need for the author There are only so many pages in anewspaper each day, and readers are more attracted to succinct coverage of currentevents [Jacques Lockin,2003, p.24]

The language of the news is correct and standard The media has transformedinto a forum for public opinion.

To fulfill its effective role and maintain informational competitiveness, the

language of the press must also be contemporary and appealing.


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Luong Phuong Anh — 11190218 — Business English 61A Newsletter model

According to the research of Evans, H [60], news is often composed of anintroductory paragraph ("intro": "Lead" or "introduction": "Introduction") and a body.The purpose of this introduction paragraph is to convey the "news point" or "angle"of the story and to describe the "important news." news components) Someinstructional materials stipulate that the first paragraph must include "5 WHs and 1

H" — "Who", "What", "When", "Where", "Why", and "How."

Journalism training materials are also cautious to highlight that while

explaining events, news does not adhere to a strict chronological order, but ratherfollows a narrative-like approach Therefore, Mac Dougall, C.D [96] confirmed:

"The clear distinction between traditional English texts and other types of writing,such as theses, poetry, plays, novels, and short stories, continues to be: while theauthor of those types of writing is a native English speaker, the author of traditionalEnglish texts is not." This narrative typically begins with inconsequential details orincidents and builds to a climax near or at the conclusion when the news writerreverses the design The conclusion or climax of the narrative appeared first If givena timeline of events to organise into an article, a journalist would position the most

significant event or the story's climax at the beginning The second big event occurs

next, then the third, and so on In this style, a text message is known as an invertedpyramid form."

Consequently, the principle for organizing the body of a message is notchronological order, but rather the significance of the event The sooner a pieceoccurs in the text, regardless of its location in any chronological sequence, the moresignificant it is This principle is frequently represented metaphorically as a "pyramidconstruction.” Friedlander, E.J., and J Lee [66] remarked, "In the traditional invertedpyramid structure of a communication, the information at the top of the pyramid —the introductory paragraph — is the most crucial When the reader progresses deeperinto the narrative, the knowledge becomes less valuable. Language in economic news

A language is a method for communicating with others through the use ofsounds, symbols, and words to express a meaning, concept, or idea Firstly, there is acontrast between one language and another; typically, this distinction is based onnational boundaries, population culture, demographics, and history With the

mingling of cultures, environment, and other elements, each country has developed

its own distinctive linguistic style And the most common language is English, whichis utilized in various disciplines, such as: communicating science and technology,


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marketing, business, etc.; especially in the economic and trade sector, which plays animportant role in Vietnam.

The language used in economic news must be standard, as seen by the use ofvocabulary, sentence structure, text organization, and style that correspond to therecipient's capacity to receive and interpret the information The objectivity of anevent is reflected in the news by means of presentation and organization principles.The use of quote marks (from the guest speaker), the placement of the article structure,and the layout of the page assist the reader discern between the writer's commentaryand the facts that speak for themselves In addition, the terminology employed ineconomic news is not limited to economics but also includes science, marketing, Several terms can be applied to different fields with the same meaning Nonetheless,there are a few technical terms that only make sense within the framework of a certaineconomic sector.

Hence, to translate economic news, we must havea solid linguistic foundationand knowledge of trade (commerce), business, economics, and other pertinent topics.

In addition, we must learn journalism conventions in order to produce the most

effective and accurate translation.

2.2.3 Importance of economics news in economy

Economic news is a vital source of information about domestic andinternational economic issues This information channel assists organizations indeveloping business strategy, gaining market knowledge, and enhancing productquality Currently, both domestic and international enterprises can access all

economic information through economic news This contains a great deal ofinformation, including data on money sources, business partners, economic policies,

business markets, etc The contribution of information efficiency to the growth of theeconomy as a whole.

Moreover, the news safeguards the interests of enterprises, preventing themfrom being slandered or misinformed.

The newspaper is the connection between businesses The press contributesfavorably to the formation of a desirable social and corporate climate.

In addition to delivering economic facts, the news also introduces effectivebusiness models and companies Moreover, the press has timely encouraged genuineinvestors and businesses to increase their potential and contribute more to the

2.3 The role of translation in economic news


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As the world becomes increasingly globalised, the use of foreign languagesplays a crucial role in the economy, facilitating the acquisition of internationaleconomic information, the exploration of major economic cities, and theimprovement of the economic outlook for both the country and the region It may beclaimed that economic newsletters serve as valuable and convenient communicationtools that help domestic and international citizens comprehend the global situation.

To reach this objective, Vietnamese material must be improved so that it is simple

for readers to comprehend.

Several researchers, such as Duff (1981), Newmark (1993), and Snell-Hornby(1999), have assessed the quality of the usage of foreign languages in the economy,as reported by Skibitska (2015) The translation of economic terms into foreignlanguages remains subpar In addition to analysing the limitations and challengestranslators face when translating economic languages, particularly terms into foreignlanguages, scholars such as Luo and Li (2006), Ko (2010), Munoz (2012), andDatjerdi and Abdolmaleki (2013) identify problems with the translation of economiclanguages into foreign languages Several classification schemes have been used instudies to categorise issues arising from the use of foreign languages in economic

guiding signs In general, the findings indicate that the actual use of foreign languages

is plagued by numerous issues, such as improper spelling, grammar, and word choice,as well as a lack of translation, repetition, and improper style.

Despite two years of Covid-19 epidemic, Vietnam's economy continues toshow encouraging indicators and is heavily tied to the global economy's growth.

Since joining the WTO in January 2007, the Vietnamese economy has beencharacterised by strong and expanding trade and investment ties with other economies

throughout the previous decade The level of foreign direct investment and thecountry's ability to export were two of the most important drivers of earlier economicgrowth and development Almost fifty percent of Vietnam's exports are destined forthe United States, China, the European Union, and the United Kingdom After theRegional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) entered into force onJanuary 1, 2022, Vietnam's development prospects have improved The most recent

report from the World Bank indicates that Vietnam would have the fastest income

and trade growth among RCEP members The most recent global research report fromStandard Chartered Bank confirms that entering the RCEP will boost Vietnam's tradeposition and speed its recovery in the post-COVID-19 era.

To address this requirement for development, there has been several researchon the economic field, but fewer analyses of the language of economic news.


Ngày đăng: 20/05/2024, 01:02